Current Path : /usr/local/apache/conf/includes/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : //usr/local/apache/conf/includes/errordocument.conf |
# 400 - Bad Request ErrorDocument 400 /400.shtml # 401 - Unauthorized ErrorDocument 401 /401.shtml # 402 - Payment Required ErrorDocument 402 /402.shtml # 403 - Forbidden ErrorDocument 403 /cgi-sys/403.html # 404 - Not Found ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-sys/404.html # 405 - Method Not Allowed ErrorDocument 405 /cgi-sys/404.html # 406 - Not Acceptable ErrorDocument 406 "<head><title>Not Acceptable!</title></head><body><h1>Not Acceptable!</h1><p>An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.</p></body></html>" # 407 - Proxy Authentication Required ErrorDocument 407 /407.shtml # 408 - Request Timeout ErrorDocument 408 /408.shtml # 409 - Conflict ErrorDocument 409 "<script>document.cookie = \"humans_21909=1\"; document.location.reload(true)</script>" # 410 - Gone ErrorDocument 410 /410.shtml # 411 - Length Required ErrorDocument 411 /411.shtml # 412 - Precondition Failed ErrorDocument 412 /412.shtml # 413 - Request Entity Too Large ErrorDocument 413 /413.shtml # 414 - Request-URI Too Large ErrorDocument 414 /414.shtml # 415 - Unsupported Media Type ErrorDocument 415 /415.shtml # 416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable ErrorDocument 416 /416.shtml # 417 - Expectation Failed ErrorDocument 417 /417.shtml # 422 - Unprocessable Entity ErrorDocument 422 /422.shtml # 423 - Locked ErrorDocument 423 /423.shtml # 424 - Failed Dependency ErrorDocument 424 /424.shtml # 500 - Internal Server Error ErrorDocument 500 /cgi-sys/500.html # 501 - Not Implemented ErrorDocument 501 /501.shtml # 502 - Bad Gateway ErrorDocument 502 /502.shtml # 503 - Service Unavailable ErrorDocument 503 /cgi-sys/503.html # 504 - Gateway Timeout ErrorDocument 504 /504.shtml # 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported ErrorDocument 505 /505.shtml # 506 - Variant Also Negotiates ErrorDocument 506 /506.shtml # 507 - Insufficient Storage ErrorDocument 507 /507.shtml # 510 - Not Extended ErrorDocument 510 /510.shtml