Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/etc/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/etc/spook.lines |
[spook.lines] This is the same format as zippy's yow.lines file. Every entry ends in a ascii 0 (control-atsign) Everything before the first ascii 0 is a comment. Add your favorite spook phrases here! $400 million in gold bullion [Hello to all my friends and fans in domestic surveillance] 22nd SAS 2600 2600 Magazine 64 Vauxhall Cross 9705 Samford Road 9/11 Abbas Abu Ghraib Abu Sayyaf Adriatic advisors Afghanistan afsatcom AFSPC Agent Agfa Agriculture Agro Agro Terror AGT. AMME Aid AIEWS AIMSX Air borne airframe Air Marshal Airplane Airport AK-47 Al Jazeera Al-Qaeda Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb al-Qaida al-Qa'ida Al Qaida Al Qa'ida Al-Shabaab Aladdin Albania Albanian Albright Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Aldergrove AMEMB Ammonium nitrate ammunition AMTRAK AMW analyzer anarchy ANC ANDVT Ansar al-Islam anthrax Antiviral ANZUS AQAP AQIM Area 51 Arellano-Felix argus Armani Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia Arnett ARPA arrangements Artistic Assassins ASDIC ASIO ASLET ASO ASPIC assassinate assassination asset ATF Attack Attorney General Audiotel Authorities AUTODIN Avalanche Avian AVIP AVN Axis of Evil Bacteria bank Baranyi Barrio Azteca BART basement Basque Separatists BATF BCCI bce beanpole Becker Belknap Bellcore Beltran-Leyva bemd benelux Bin Laden Biological Biological event Biological infection Biological weapon blackjack Blackout Black out Bletchley Park Blister agent Blizzard Blowfish Blowpipe BLU-114/B BLU-97 A/B bluebird Body scanner bomb Bomb squad Bomb threat bootleg Border Border Patrol Bosnia Botnet Breach Bridge brigand BRLO broadside BROMURE Brownout Brown out Brush fire Brute forcing Bruxelles bullion Burn Burst Bush Wired Bust Cain and Abel Calderon Cancelled Capricorn Car bomb Cartel Cartel de Golfo CBNRC CBP CDC CDMA Center for Disease Control Central Intelligence Agency Centro Ceridian CESID chameleon man Chemical Chemical agent Chemical burn Chemical fire Chemical spill Chemical weapon China Chobetsu CIA CID CIDA CIKR CipherTAC-2000 CIS CISU Ciudad Juarez clandestine class struggle Clinton clones Closure Cloud CNCIS Coast Guard Cocaine codes Cohiba Collapse Colombia colonel Comirex Commecen Communications infrastructure Compsec Computer infrastructure computer terrorism condor Conficker constitution Consul Consular Contamination Conventional weapon Cops corporate security COSCO counter intelligence counter terrorism covert video cracking Craig Livingstone Crash credit card Crest Critical infrastructure Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources Croatian Crowell cryptanalysis Crypto AG crypto anarchy cryptographic csim csystems Customs and Border Protection Cyber attack cybercash Cyber Command Cyber security Cyber terror cypherpunk data haven Dateline David John Oates DDOS DEA Deaths Decapitated dedicated denial of service Defcon defense information warfare Delays Delta Force Denial of service Department of Homeland Security DES DHS Dick Cheney dictionary digicash Dirty bomb Disaster Disaster assistance Disaster management Disaster medical assistance team distributed denial of service diwn DMAT DNDO Dock doctrine domestic disruption Domestic nuclear detection Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Domestic security Downing Street Drill DRM Drug Drug Administration Drug cartel Drug Enforcement Agency Drug trade Drug war e-bomb e-cash eavesdropping Earthquake Ebola EBS Echelon E. Coli Eco terrorism Electric electronic surveillance El Paso Elvis embassy emc Emergency Emergency Broadcast System Emergency Landing Emergency management Emergency response encryption enemy of the state enforcers enigma Enriched Environmental terrorist Epidemic Ermes Erosion espionage ETA Etacs eternity server EuroFed Europol Euskadi ta Askatasuna Evacuation event security Exon Shell Execution Exercise explosion explosive Exposure Extreme weather Extremism Exxon FAA Facility Failure FAMS FARC FBI FDA Fedayeen Federal Air Marshal Service Federal Aviation Administration Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA FIPS140 Firefly Firewalls First responder fissionable Flood Flu FMD Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth Forest fire Forte Fortezza Fort Hancock fraud freedom Freeh FSF Ft. Bragg Ft. Knox Ft. Meade FTS2000 Fundamentalism fundamentalist Fusion Center gamma Gang Gangs Gas Gazprom genetic George W. Bush Geraldton global Glock government Grid Guantanamo Gulf Cartel Gunfight Guzman H1N1 H5N1 Hacker hackers Hail halcon Hamas HAMASMOIS Hazardous Hazardous material incident Hazmat Help Heroin Hezbollah high security Hugo Chavez Home grown Homeland Defense Homeland security Honduras Hostage Human to Animal Human to Human Hurricane ICE IDEA IED Illegal immigrants illuminati IMF Immigration Customs Enforcement import Improvised explosive device Incident Indigo industrial espionage industrial intelligence Industrial spill Infection Influenza InfoSec infowar Infrastructure security initiative INS INSCOM insurgency interception Interstate investigation IRA Iraq Irish Republican Army ISEC Islam Abduganievich Karimov Iran Islamist Israel Janet Reno Jet JFK Jiang Zemin jihad John Kerry JPL JSOFC3IP Juarez Juiliett Class Submarine JUWTF Jyllandsposten Kennedy keyhole Keylogger KGB Kh-11 Khaddafi kibo Kidnap kilderkin kilo class Kosovo LABLINK La Familia Law enforcement Leak Legion of Doom Leitrim Leuken-Baden Lexis-Nexis Lightening Lightning Listeria LLNL Lockdown lock picking Lon Horiuchi Looting Los Zetas lynch M-14 Mafia Magnitude Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mailbomb Majic Malware Manfurov mania Mantis Maple Mara salvatrucha Marijuana Maritime domain awarenes MARTA Marxist Matamoros MD2 MD4 MD5 MDA Medco Mena Merlin Methamphetamine Meth Lab Metro Mexican army Mexicles Mexico Michoacna military militia MILSATCOM mindwar Mitigation MIT-LL Mole monarchist Montenegro morse Mossad MP5K-SD MS13 MS-13 Mudslide Mud slide munitions Mutation Mysql injection Narco banners Narcos Narcotics NASA National Biosurveillance Integration Center National Guard national information infrastructure National infrastructure Nationalist National laboratory National Operations Center National preparedness National security NATO Nazi NBIC Nerve agent New Federation New World Order Nigeria nitrate NOC Nogales NORAD Noriega North Korea Norvo Virus NSA nuclear Nuclear facility Nuclear threat Nuevo Leon number key NWO offensive information warfare oil Operation Iraqi Freedom Organized crime Ortega Osama outage Outbreak Pakistan Palestine Liberation Front Palestine Liberation Organization Panama Pandemic passwd password Peking Perl-RSA PET PGP pipeline Phishing Phreaking Pine Gap pink noise Pipe bomb Pirates Plague Plame Plane PLF PLO Plot Plume plutonium Police Pork Port Port Authority Power Power lines Power outage pre-emptive president Prevention Project Monarch propaganda Public Health Putin Qaddafi Quarnantine quarter quiche radar Radiation Radicals Radioactive rail gun Rand Corporation Recall Recovery Recruitment Red Cross red noise Relief Reno Resistant Response Reynosa Reyosa Ricin Riot Ron Brown Rootkit Roswell rs9512c RSA Rubin Ruby Ridge Rule Psix Rumsfeld S Box S Key Saddam Hussein SAFE Salmonella San Diego SAPO Sarin satellite imagery Saudi Arabia SBI Scammers Screening SCUD missile SDI SEAL Team 6 Sears Tower Secret Service secure Secure Border Initiative security Security Council Semtex Serbian Service disruption SHA Shell Shelter-in-place Shooting Shootout Shots fired Sick Sinaloa Skipjack Sleet Smallpox Small Pox Smart smuggle smugglers Smuggling sniper Snow Social media Somolia Sonora South Africa Southwest Soviet SP4 Spammer spies Spillover spy SRI SSL Standoff STARLAN State of emergency Steve Case Storm Strain Stranded strategic Stuck subversive Subway Suicide attack Suicide bomber Sundevil supercomputer Suspicious device Suspicious package Suspicious substance SWAT sweep Swine Symptoms Syria Taiwan Taliban Tamaulipas Tamiflu Tamil Tigers target Task Force TB Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan Telecommunications Telex TELINT Temblor tempest Terror terrorism terrorist threat Tijuana Tony Blair top secret Tornado Torreon Toxic Trafficking Transportation security Transportation Security Administration Treasury Tremor Trojan TSA Tsunami Tsunami Warning Center TTP Tuberculosis Tucson TWA Twister Typhoon UFO UMTS UN unclassified undercover underground United Nations UNSCOM UOP USCG U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services USCODE USCOI U.S. Consulate USDOJ USSS Uzbekistan Uzi Vaccine Venezuela Verisign Vickie Weaver Vince Foster Violence Virual Hemorrhagic Fever virus Waco, Texas War on Terrorism warfare Warning Watch Water borne Watergate Wave Weapons cache Weapons grade weapons of mass destruction White House White Powder White Water Whitehouse WHO Wildfire wire transfer WMATA world domination World Health Organization World Trade Center Worm Yemen Yukon Yuma Zachawi