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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/ansi-color.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:11 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/ansi-color.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\306\301&\210\310\322\323\324\314\325\316\317\320\321\306\301&\207" [custom-declare-group ansi-colors nil "Translating SGR control sequences to faces.\nThis translation effectively colorizes strings and regions based upon\nSGR control sequences embedded in the text.  SGR (Select Graphic\nRendition) control sequences are defined in section 8.3.117 of the\nECMA-48 standard (identical to ISO/IEC 6429), which is freely available\nas a PDF file <URL:http://www.ecma.ch/ecma1/STAND/ECMA-048.HTM>." :version "21.1" :group processes custom-declare-variable ansi-color-faces-vector [default bold default italic underline success warning error] "Faces used for SGR control sequences determining a face.\nThis vector holds the faces used for SGR control sequence parameters 0\nto 7.\n\nParameter  Description        Face used by default\n  0        default            default\n  1        bold               bold\n  2        faint              default\n  3        italic             italic\n  4        underlined         underline\n  5        slowly blinking    success\n  6        rapidly blinking   warning\n  7        negative image     error\n\nNote that the symbol `default' is special: It will not be combined\nwith the current face.\n\nThis vector is used by `ansi-color-make-color-map' to create a color\nmap.  This color map is stored in the variable `ansi-color-map'." :type (vector face face face face face face face face) :set ansi-color-map-update :initialize custom-initialize-default ansi-color-names-vector ["black" "red" "green" "yellow" "blue" "magenta" "cyan" "white"] "Colors used for SGR control sequences determining a color.\nThis vector holds the colors used for SGR control sequences parameters\n30 to 37 (foreground colors) and 40 to 47 (background colors).\n\nParameter  Color\n  30  40   black\n  31  41   red\n  32  42   green\n  33  43   yellow\n  34  44   blue\n  35  45   magenta\n  36  46   cyan\n  37  47   white\n\nThis vector is used by `ansi-color-make-color-map' to create a color\nmap.  This color map is stored in the variable `ansi-color-map'.\n\nEach element may also be a cons cell where the car and cdr specify the\nforeground and background colors, respectively." (vector (choice color (cons color color)) (choice color (cons color color)) (choice color (cons color color)) (choice color (cons color color)) (choice color (cons color color)) (choice color (cons color color)) (choice color (cons color color)) (choice color (cons color color)))] 12)
#@44 Regexp that matches SGR control sequences.
(defconst ansi-color-regexp "\\[\\([0-9;]*m\\)" (#$ . 3132))
#@62 Regexp that matches ANSI control sequences to silently drop.
(defconst ansi-color-drop-regexp "\\[\\([ABCDsuK]\\|2J\\|=[0-9]+[hI]\\|[0-9;]*[Hf]\\)" (#$ . 3243))
#@54 Regexp that matches SGR control sequence parameters.
(defconst ansi-color-parameter-regexp "\\([0-9]*\\)[m;]" (#$ . 3411))
#@551 Determines what to do with comint output.
If nil, do nothing.
If the symbol `filter', then filter all SGR control sequences.
If anything else (such as t), then translate SGR control sequences
into text properties.

In order for this to have any effect, `ansi-color-process-output' must
be in `comint-output-filter-functions'.

This can be used to enable colorized ls --color=yes output
in shell buffers.  You set this variable by calling one of:
(custom-declare-variable 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode t '(#$ . 3541) :type '(choice (const :tag "Do nothing" nil) (const :tag "Filter" filter) (const :tag "Translate" t)) :group 'ansi-colors :version "23.2")
#@191 Function for applying an Ansi Color face to text in a buffer.
This function should accept three arguments: BEG, END, and FACE,
and it should apply face FACE to the text between BEG and END.
(defvar ansi-color-apply-face-function 'ansi-color-apply-overlay-face (#$ . 4305))
#@40 Set `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' to t.
(defalias 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on #[nil "\301\211\207" [ansi-color-for-comint-mode t] 2 (#$ . 4584) nil])
#@42 Set `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' to nil.
(defalias 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-off #[nil "\301\211\207" [ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil] 2 (#$ . 4743) nil])
#@54 Set `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' to symbol `filter'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-filter #[nil "\301\211\207" [ansi-color-for-comint-mode filter] 2 (#$ . 4907) nil])
#@513 Maybe translate SGR control sequences of comint output into text properties.

Depending on variable `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' the comint output is
either not processed, SGR control sequences are filtered using
`ansi-color-filter-region', or SGR control sequences are translated into
text properties using `ansi-color-apply-on-region'.

The comint output is assumed to lie between the marker
`comint-last-output-start' and the process-mark.

This is a good function to put in `comint-output-filter-functions'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-process-output #[(ignored) "\304!\203\305!p=\203\306!\203\202\307 \310\311p!!\312=\2068\313=\2034\314\n	\"\2028\315\n	\"*\207" [comint-last-output-start end-marker start-marker ansi-color-for-comint-mode markerp marker-buffer marker-position point-min-marker process-mark get-buffer-process nil filter ansi-color-filter-region ansi-color-apply-on-region] 4 (#$ . 5090)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias ansi-color-unfontify-region font-lock-default-unfontify-region nil make-obsolete "24.1"] 4)
#@320 Context saved between two calls to `ansi-color-apply'.
This is a list of the form (CODES FRAGMENT) or nil.  CODES
represents the state the last call to `ansi-color-apply' ended
with, currently a list of ansi codes, and FRAGMENT is a string
starting with an escape sequence, possibly the start of a new
escape sequence.
(defvar ansi-color-context nil (#$ . 6179))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ansi-color-context)
#@376 Filter out all ANSI control sequences from STRING.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local variable
`ansi-color-context' to save partial escape sequences.  This information
will be used for the next call to `ansi-color-apply'.  Set
`ansi-color-context' to nil if you don't want this.

This function can be added to `comint-preoutput-filter-functions'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-filter-apply #[(string) "\306\307\211\211A@)\203\211A@)
\n	OP\306\225\202\307\310\311
\n\307OP\205d\307D)+\207" [result end start ansi-color-context x string 0 nil string-match "" ansi-color-regexp fragment pos] 5 (#$ . 6598)])
#@41 Return the face corresponding to CODES.
(defalias 'ansi-color--find-face #[(codes) "\303	\203\304	\211A@!\211\305=\204\nB)\202A\203&\237\202(@)\207" [faces codes face nil ansi-color-get-face-1 default] 4 (#$ . 7334)])
#@730 Translates SGR control sequences into text properties.
Delete all other control sequences without processing them.

Applies SGR control sequences setting foreground and background colors
to STRING using text properties and returns the result.  The colors used
are given in `ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'.
See function `ansi-color-apply-sequence' for details.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local variable
`ansi-color-context' to save partial escape sequences and current ansi codes.
This information will be used for the next call to `ansi-color-apply'.
Set `ansi-color-context' to nil if you don't want this.

This function can be added to `comint-preoutput-filter-functions'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-apply #[(string) "@\306\307\211\211\211\211A@)\203&\211A@)P\307\310
\fO\306\225\310	\"\203d\316\317\307\211	$\202R	\nB\320\"\202&\203\205\313
\307O\nB\204\274\205\301D)\322\323\n\237\".\207" [ansi-color-context colorized-substring result escape-sequence end start 0 nil string-match match-string 1 put-text-property font-lock-face ansi-color--find-face replace-match "" ansi-color-apply-sequence "" apply concat codes x string ansi-color-regexp ansi-color-drop-regexp fragment pos] 7 (#$ . 7575)])
#@324 Context saved between two calls to `ansi-color-apply-on-region'.
This is a list of the form (CODES MARKER) or nil.  CODES
represents the state the last call to `ansi-color-apply-on-region'
ended with, currently a list of ansi codes, and MARKER is a
buffer position within an escape sequence or the last position
(defvar ansi-color-context-region nil (#$ . 9039))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ansi-color-context-region)
#@393 Filter out all ANSI control sequences from region BEGIN to END.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local variable
`ansi-color-context-region' to save position.  This information will be
used for the next call to `ansi-color-apply-on-region'.  Specifically,
it will override BEGIN, the start of the region.  Set
`ansi-color-context-region' to nil if you don't want this.
(defalias 'ansi-color-filter-region #[(begin end) "\306!	\211A@)\206
\310#\203G\314\315\224D\211\202J\314\211+\207" [end ansi-color-context-region x begin start end-marker copy-marker re-search-forward t replace-match "" "" nil 0 ansi-color-drop-regexp ansi-color-regexp] 5 (#$ . 9476)])
#@858 Translates SGR control sequences into overlays or extents.
Delete all other control sequences without processing them.

SGR control sequences are applied by calling the function
specified by `ansi-color-apply-face-function'.  The default
function sets foreground and background colors to the text
between BEGIN and END, using overlays.  The colors used are given
in `ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'.  See
`ansi-color-apply-sequence' for details.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local
variable `ansi-color-context-region' to save position and current
ansi codes.  This information will be used for the next call to
`ansi-color-apply-on-region'.  Specifically, it will override
BEGIN, the start of the region and set the face with which to
start.  Set `ansi-color-context-region' to nil if you don't want
(defalias 'ansi-color-apply-on-region #[(begin end) "@\211A@)\206\306\n!\306!\307\212b\210\310
\315!#\210\205\222C\211-\207" [ansi-color-context-region x begin end escape-sequence end-marker copy-marker nil re-search-forward t replace-match "" 0 ansi-color--find-face match-string 1 ansi-color-apply-sequence "" start-marker codes ansi-color-drop-regexp ansi-color-regexp ansi-color-apply-face-function] 6 (#$ . 10275)])
#@83 Make an overlay from BEG to END, and apply face FACE.
If FACE is nil, do nothing.
(defalias 'ansi-color-apply-overlay-face #[(beg end face) "\205\303\304	\n\"\"\207" [face beg end ansi-color-set-extent-face ansi-color-make-extent] 4 (#$ . 11796)])
#@225 Return a face with PROPERTY set to COLOR.
PROPERTY can be either symbol `foreground' or symbol `background'.

For Emacs, we just return the cons cell (PROPERTY . COLOR).
For XEmacs, we create a temporary face and return it.
(defalias 'ansi-color-make-face #[(property color) "\302=\203\n\303	B\207\304=\203\305	B\207	B\207" [property color foreground foreground-color background background-color] 2 (#$ . 12055)])
#@234 Make an extent for the range [FROM, TO) in OBJECT.

OBJECT defaults to the current buffer.  XEmacs uses `make-extent', Emacs
uses `make-overlay'.  XEmacs can use a buffer or a string for OBJECT,
Emacs requires OBJECT to be a buffer.
(defalias 'ansi-color-make-extent #[(from to &optional object) "\304\305!\203\f\305	\n#\207\306	\n#\307\310\311#\210)\207" [from to object overlay fboundp make-extent make-overlay overlay-put modification-hooks (ansi-color-freeze-overlay)] 4 (#$ . 12482)])
#@111 Prevent OVERLAY from being extended.
This function can be used for the `modification-hooks' overlay
(defalias 'ansi-color-freeze-overlay #[(overlay is-after begin end &optional len) "\205	\305U\205\n\306!U\205\307\310!\f#\207" [is-after len end overlay begin 0 overlay-end move-overlay overlay-start] 4 (#$ . 12985)])
#@102 Set the `face' property of EXTENT to FACE.
XEmacs uses `set-extent-face', Emacs  uses `overlay-put'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-set-extent-face #[(extent face) "\302\301	#\207" [extent face overlay-put] 4 (#$ . 13330)])
#@266 Return the list of all the parameters in ESCAPE-SEQ.

ESCAPE-SEQ is a SGR control sequences such as \033[34m.  The parameter
34 is used by `ansi-color-get-face-1' to return a face definition.

Returns nil only if there's no match for `ansi-color-parameter-regexp'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-parse-sequence #[(escape-seq) "\305\306\211\307\f\n#\203 \305\225\310\311\312\f\"\313\"\211	B\202	\237+\207" [val codes i ansi-color-parameter-regexp escape-seq 0 nil string-match string-to-number match-string 1 10] 5 (#$ . 13553)])
(put 'ansi-color-parse-sequence 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@578 Apply ESCAPE-SEQ to CODES and return the new list of codes.

ESCAPE-SEQ is an escape sequence parsed by `ansi-color-parse-sequence'.

For each new code, the following happens: if it is 1-7, add it to
the list of codes; if it is 21-25 or 27, delete appropriate
parameters from the list of codes; if it is 30-37 resp. 39, the
foreground color code is replaced or added resp. deleted; if it
is 40-47 resp. 49, the background color code is replaced or added
resp. deleted; any other code is discarded together with the old
codes.	Finally, the so changed list of codes is returned.
(defalias 'ansi-color-apply-sequence #[(escape-sequence codes) "\306\307\211\310
	\f#\203\"\306\225\311\312\313	\"\314\"\211B\202\237,\203\255\211A@\211\314\245\315\306=\203W\316>?\205\247\317\"B\202\247\320=\203\214\321>?\205\247\317\322Z\323=\203y\317\313\"\202\210\324=\203\207\317\325\"\202\210\"\202\247\326=\203\231 \202\247\327=\203\246 \202\247\307)*\202')\207" [escape-sequence escape-seq val codes i ansi-color-parameter-regexp 0 nil string-match string-to-number match-string 1 10 #[nil "\305\306\"\211\307U?\205:\310\203&\f@\306\245U\204&\211A@\nB\202\n\237A\244	\311U\2036\2029B))\207" [new r beg codes q mod 10 8 nil 9] 4] (0 8 9) remq 2 (20 26 28 29) 20 22 25 6 3 4 new-codes new q #1=#:pcase-0] 6 (#$ . 14167)])
#@265 Creates a vector of face definitions and returns it.

The index into the vector is an ANSI code.  See the documentation of
`ansi-color-map' for an example.

The face definitions are based upon the variables
`ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-make-color-map #[nil "\304\305\306\"\307\310\311\n\"\210\312\310\313\"\210\314\310\315\"\210	*\207" [index ansi-color-map ansi-color-faces-vector ansi-color-names-vector make-vector 50 nil 0 mapc #[(e) "	\nI\210	T\211\207" [ansi-color-map index e] 3] 30 #[(e) "	\303\304\n:\203\n@\202\n\"I\210	T\211\207" [ansi-color-map index e ansi-color-make-face foreground] 5] 40 #[(e) "	\303\304\n:\203\nA\202\n\"I\210	T\211\207" [ansi-color-map index e ansi-color-make-face background] 5]] 3 (#$ . 15574)])
#@425 A brand new color map suitable for `ansi-color-get-face'.

The value of this variable is usually constructed by
`ansi-color-make-color-map'.  The values in the array are such that the
numbers included in an SGR control sequences point to the correct
foreground or background colors.

Example: The sequence  specifies a blue foreground.  Therefore:
     (aref ansi-color-map 34)
          => (foreground-color . "blue")
(defvar ansi-color-map (ansi-color-make-color-map) (#$ . 16384))
#@237 Update `ansi-color-map'.

Whenever the vectors used to construct `ansi-color-map' are changed,
this function is called.  Therefore this function is listed as the :set
property of `ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'.
(defalias 'ansi-color-map-update #[(symbol value) "\303	\"\210\304 \211\207" [symbol value ansi-color-map set-default ansi-color-make-color-map] 3 (#$ . 16880)])
#@91 Get face definition from `ansi-color-map'.
ANSI-CODE is used as an index into the vector.
(defalias 'ansi-color-get-face-1 #[(ansi-code) "\300\301\302\217\207" [nil (aref ansi-color-map ansi-code) ((args-out-of-range))] 3 (#$ . 17286)])
(provide 'ansi-color)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net