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Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/bookmark.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:11 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/bookmark.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307%\210\310\311\304\312\313\314\306\303&\210\310\315\316\317\313\320\306\303&\207" [require pp custom-declare-group bookmark nil "Setting, annotation and jumping to bookmarks." :group matching custom-declare-variable bookmark-use-annotations "If non-nil, saving a bookmark queries for an annotation in a buffer." :type boolean bookmark-save-flag t "Controls when Emacs saves bookmarks to a file.\n--> nil means never save bookmarks, except when `bookmark-save' is\n    explicitly called (\\[bookmark-save]).\n--> t means save bookmarks when Emacs is killed.\n--> Otherwise, it should be a number that is the frequency with which\n    the bookmark list is saved (i.e.: the number of times which\n    Emacs's bookmark list may be modified before it is automatically\n    saved.).  If it is a number, Emacs will also automatically save\n    bookmarks when it is killed.\n\nTherefore, the way to get it to save every time you make or delete a\nbookmark is to set this variable to 1 (or 0, which produces the same\nbehavior.)\n\nTo specify the file in which to save them, modify the variable\n`bookmark-default-file', which is `~/.emacs.bmk' by default." (choice (const nil) integer (other t))] 8)
#@52 The `.emacs.bmk' file used to be called this name.
(defconst bookmark-old-default-file "~/.emacs-bkmrks" (#$ . 1793))
#@39 Old name for `bookmark-default-file'.
(defvar bookmark-file nil (#$ . 1917))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\315\316\304\317\306\307&\210\300\320\315\321\304\317\306\307&\210\300\322\315\323\304\317\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable bookmark-default-file (if bookmark-file bookmark-file (locate-user-emacs-file "bookmarks" ".emacs.bmk")) "File in which to save bookmarks by default." :type file :group bookmark bookmark-version-control 'nospecial "Whether or not to make numbered backups of the bookmark file.\nIt can have four values: t, nil, `never', or `nospecial'.\nThe first three have the same meaning that they do for the\nvariable `version-control'; the value `nospecial' (the default) means\njust use the value of `version-control'." (choice (const :tag "If existing" nil) (const :tag "Never" never) (const :tag "Use value of option `version-control'" nospecial) (other :tag "Always" t)) bookmark-completion-ignore-case t "Non-nil means bookmark functions ignore case in completion." boolean bookmark-sort-flag "Non-nil means that bookmarks will be displayed sorted by bookmark name.\nOtherwise they will be displayed in LIFO order (that is, most\nrecently set ones come first, oldest ones come last)." bookmark-automatically-show-annotations "Non-nil means show annotations when jumping to a bookmark."] 8)
#@54 Number of lines used for the *Bookmark List* header.
(defconst bookmark-bmenu-header-height 2 (#$ . 3313))
#@104 Number of columns (chars) used for the *Bookmark List* marks column,
including the annotations column.
(defconst bookmark-bmenu-marks-width 2 (#$ . 3427))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\315\316\304\305\306\307&\210\300\317\320\321\306\307\304\305&\210\322\323\324\325\306\307\326\327&\210\330\331!\204A\331\332M\210\330\333!\204L\331\333\334\"\210\300\207" [custom-declare-variable bookmark-bmenu-file-column 30 "Column at which to display filenames in a buffer listing bookmarks.\nYou can toggle whether files are shown with \\<bookmark-bmenu-mode-map>\\[bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames]." :type integer :group bookmark bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames t "Non-nil means show filenames when listing bookmarks.\nA non-nil value may result in truncated bookmark names." boolean bookmark-menu-length 70 "Maximum length of a bookmark name displayed on a popup menu." bookmark-search-delay 0.2 "Time before `bookmark-bmenu-search' updates the display." custom-declare-face bookmark-menu-heading ((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))) "Face used to highlight the heading in bookmark menu buffers." :version "22.1" fboundp defalias fset frame-height screen-height] 8)
#@279 Keymap containing bindings to bookmark functions.
It is not bound to any key by default: to bind it
so that you have a bookmark prefix, just use `global-set-key' and bind a
key of your choice to `bookmark-map'.  All interactive bookmark
functions have a binding in this keymap.
(defvar bookmark-map (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\304#\210\302\306\307#\210\302\310\307#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\314#\210\302\315\316#\210\302\317\320#\210\302\321\322#\210\302\323\324#\210\302\325\326#\210\302\327\330#\210\302\331\332#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap define-key "x" bookmark-set "m" "j" bookmark-jump "g" "o" bookmark-jump-other-window "i" bookmark-insert "e" edit-bookmarks "f" bookmark-insert-location "r" bookmark-rename "d" bookmark-delete "l" bookmark-load "w" bookmark-write "s" bookmark-save] 4) (#$ . 4663))
#@1322 Association list of bookmarks and their records.
Bookmark functions update the value automatically.
You probably do NOT want to change the value yourself.

The value is an alist with entries of the form


or the deprecated form (BOOKMARK-NAME PARAM-ALIST).

 BOOKMARK-NAME is the name you gave to the bookmark when creating it.

 PARAM-ALIST is an alist of bookmark information.  The order of the
 entries in PARAM-ALIST is not important.  The possible entries are
 described below.  An entry with a key but null value means the entry
 is not used.

  (filename . FILENAME)
  (position . POS)
  (front-context-string . STR-AFTER-POS)
  (rear-context-string  . STR-BEFORE-POS)
  (handler . HANDLER)
  (annotation . ANNOTATION)

 FILENAME names the bookmarked file.
 POS is the bookmarked buffer position (position in the file).
 STR-AFTER-POS is buffer text that immediately follows POS.
 STR-BEFORE-POS is buffer text that immediately precedes POS.
 ANNOTATION is a string that describes the bookmark.
   See options `bookmark-use-annotations' and
 HANDLER is a function that provides the bookmark-jump behavior for a
 specific kind of bookmark.  This is the case for Info bookmarks,
 for instance.  HANDLER must accept a bookmark as argument.
(defvar bookmark-alist nil (#$ . 5519))
#@81 Non-nil if and only if bookmarks have been loaded from `bookmark-default-file'.
(defvar bookmarks-already-loaded nil (#$ . 6886))
#@140 Name of bookmark most recently used in the current file.
It is buffer local, used to make moving a bookmark forward
through a file easier.
(defvar bookmark-current-bookmark nil (#$ . 7023))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'bookmark-current-bookmark)
#@67 Number of modifications to bookmark list since it was last saved.
(defvar bookmark-alist-modification-count 0 (#$ . 7275))
#@70 Length of the context strings recorded on either side of a bookmark.
(defvar bookmark-search-size 16 (#$ . 7404))
#@212 The buffer in which a bookmark is currently being set or renamed.
Functions that insert strings into the minibuffer use this to know
the source buffer for that information; see `bookmark-yank-word'
for example.
(defvar bookmark-current-buffer nil (#$ . 7525))
#@117 The next point from which to pull source text for `bookmark-yank-word'.
This point is in `bookmark-current-buffer'.
(defvar bookmark-yank-point 0 (#$ . 7792))
#@56 Non nil make `bookmark-bmenu-search' quit immediately.
(defvar bookmark-quit-flag nil (#$ . 7957))
#@67 Run BODY while preserving the buffer's `buffer-modified-p' state.
(defalias 'with-buffer-modified-unmodified '(macro . #[(&rest body) "\302\303!\304\305BC\306\307	B\310DEE)\207" [was-modified body make-symbol "was-modified" let ((buffer-modified-p)) unwind-protect progn set-buffer-modified-p] 6 (#$ . 8062)]))
#@99 Return the name of BOOKMARK-RECORD.  BOOKMARK-RECORD is, e.g.,
one element from `bookmark-alist'.
(defalias 'bookmark-name-from-full-record #[(bookmark-record) "@\207" [bookmark-record] 1 (#$ . 8382)])
#@46 Return a list of all current bookmark names.
(defalias 'bookmark-all-names #[nil "\301 \210\302\303\"\207" [bookmark-alist bookmark-maybe-load-default-file mapcar bookmark-name-from-full-record] 3 (#$ . 8591)])
#@290 Return the bookmark record corresponding to BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD.
If BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD is a string, look for the corresponding
bookmark record in `bookmark-alist'; return it if found, otherwise
error.  Else if BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD is already a bookmark record,
just return it.
(defalias 'bookmark-get-bookmark #[(bookmark-name-or-record &optional noerror) ":\203\207;\205\304	\n#\206?\205\305\306\"\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-alist bookmark-completion-ignore-case noerror assoc-string error "Invalid bookmark %s"] 4 (#$ . 8810)])
#@129 Return the record portion of the entry for BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD in
`bookmark-alist' (that is, all information but the name).
(defalias 'bookmark-get-bookmark-record #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\303!A\211A\204	\211@@):\203	@\202	)\207" [bookmark-name-or-record alist x bookmark-get-bookmark] 3 (#$ . 9385)])
(defalias 'bookmark-set-name #[(bookmark-name-or-record newname) "\302!	\240\207" [bookmark-name-or-record newname bookmark-get-bookmark] 2 (#$ . 9711)])
#@70 Return the property PROP of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, or nil if none.
(defalias 'bookmark-prop-get #[(bookmark-name-or-record prop) "\302	!\236A\207" [prop bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-get-bookmark-record] 3 (#$ . 9919)])
#@58 Set the property PROP of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD to VAL.
(defalias 'bookmark-prop-set #[(bookmark-name-or-record prop val) "\304	!\236\211\203\n\241\202\304	!BC\244)\207" [prop bookmark-name-or-record cell val bookmark-get-bookmark-record] 4 (#$ . 10151)])
#@67 Return the annotation of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, or nil if none.
(defalias 'bookmark-get-annotation #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301\302\"\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-prop-get annotation] 3 (#$ . 10423)])
#@55 Set the annotation of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD to ANN.
(defalias 'bookmark-set-annotation #[(bookmark-name-or-record ann) "\302\303	#\207" [bookmark-name-or-record ann bookmark-prop-set annotation] 4 (#$ . 10648)])
#@70 Return the full filename of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, or nil if none.
(defalias 'bookmark-get-filename #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301\302\"\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-prop-get filename] 3 (#$ . 10869)])
#@63 Set the full filename of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD to FILENAME.
(defalias 'bookmark-set-filename #[(bookmark-name-or-record filename) "\302\301	#\207" [bookmark-name-or-record filename bookmark-prop-set] 4 (#$ . 11093)])
#@79 Return the position (i.e.: point) of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, or nil if none.
(defalias 'bookmark-get-position #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301\302\"\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-prop-get position] 3 (#$ . 11319)])
#@72 Set the position (i.e.: point) of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD to POSITION.
(defalias 'bookmark-set-position #[(bookmark-name-or-record position) "\302\301	#\207" [bookmark-name-or-record position bookmark-prop-set] 4 (#$ . 11552)])
#@77 Return the front-context-string of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, or nil if none.
(defalias 'bookmark-get-front-context-string #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301\302\"\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-prop-get front-context-string] 3 (#$ . 11787)])
#@68 Set the front-context-string of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD to STRING.
(defalias 'bookmark-set-front-context-string #[(bookmark-name-or-record string) "\302\303	#\207" [bookmark-name-or-record string bookmark-prop-set front-context-string] 4 (#$ . 12042)])
#@76 Return the rear-context-string of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, or nil if none.
(defalias 'bookmark-get-rear-context-string #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301\302\"\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-prop-get rear-context-string] 3 (#$ . 12302)])
#@67 Set the rear-context-string of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD to STRING.
(defalias 'bookmark-set-rear-context-string #[(bookmark-name-or-record string) "\302\303	#\207" [bookmark-name-or-record string bookmark-prop-set rear-context-string] 4 (#$ . 12554)])
#@74 Return the handler function for BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, or nil if none.
(defalias 'bookmark-get-handler #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301\302\"\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-prop-get handler] 3 (#$ . 12811)])
#@42 The history list for bookmark functions.
(defvar bookmark-history nil (#$ . 13037))
#@255 Prompting with PROMPT, read a bookmark name in completion.
PROMPT will get a ": " stuck on the end no matter what, so you
probably don't want to include one yourself.
Optional second arg DEFAULT is a string to return if the user enters
the empty string.
(defalias 'bookmark-completing-read #[(prompt &optional default) "\306 \210<\203\307\310	\n\203\311\312 \313\"\202\312 #\207
\"\202,\316P\317	\320\321\322\321\323&\211\324\230\203C
\202E,\207" [last-nonmenu-event prompt bookmark-sort-flag bookmark-completion-ignore-case completion-ignore-case default bookmark-maybe-load-default-file bookmark-menu-popup-paned-menu t sort bookmark-all-names string-lessp format " (%s): " ": " completing-read #[(string pred action) "\304=\203\305\207\306	\n$\207" [action bookmark-alist string pred metadata (metadata (category . bookmark)) complete-with-action] 5] nil 0 bookmark-history "" str] 8 (#$ . 13128)])
#@215 Put STRING into the bookmark prompt history, if caller non-interactive.
We need this because sometimes bookmark functions are invoked from
menus, so `completing-read' never gets a chance to set `bookmark-history'.
(defalias 'bookmark-maybe-historicize-string '(macro . #[(string) "\301\302\303\304\305\306BBEE\207" [string or (called-interactively-p 'interactive) setq bookmark-history cons (bookmark-history)] 7 (#$ . 14078)]))
#@920 A function that should be called to create a bookmark record.
Modes may set this variable buffer-locally to enable bookmarking of
locations that should be treated specially, such as Info nodes,
news posts, images, pdf documents, etc.

The function will be called with no arguments.
It should signal a user error if it is unable to construct a record for
the current location.

The returned record should be a cons cell of the form (NAME . ALIST)
where ALIST is as described in `bookmark-alist' and may typically contain
a special cons (handler . HANDLER-FUNC) which specifies the handler function
that should be used instead of `bookmark-default-handler' to open this
bookmark.  See the documentation for `bookmark-alist' for more.

NAME is a suggested name for the constructed bookmark.  It can be nil
in which case a default heuristic will be used.  The function can also
equivalently just return ALIST without NAME.
(defvar bookmark-make-record-function 'bookmark-make-record-default (#$ . 14515))
#@71 Return a new bookmark record (NAME . ALIST) for the current location.
(defalias 'bookmark-make-record #[nil " \303	\304\305\306\307\310\311	\304\"\n\312 D\"!\"#\210	@;\203!	\2024	@\203*\306	B	\n\2061\312 \240\210	)\207" [bookmark-make-record-function record bookmark-current-bookmark bookmark-prop-set defaults delq nil delete-dups append bookmark-prop-get bookmark-buffer-name] 10 (#$ . 15522)])
#@202 Store the bookmark NAME with data ALIST.
If NO-OVERWRITE is non-nil and another bookmark of the same name already
exists in `bookmark-alist', record the new bookmark without throwing away the
old one.
(defalias 'bookmark-store #[(name alist no-overwrite) "\306 \210\307!\310\311	G\312	$\210\n\204#\313	\314\"\203#\313	!\241\210\202)	B\fB	T\315 \2038\316 \210	\317 )\207" [name stripped-name no-overwrite alist bookmark-alist bookmark-current-bookmark bookmark-maybe-load-default-file copy-sequence set-text-properties 0 nil bookmark-get-bookmark noerror bookmark-time-to-save-p bookmark-save bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list bookmark-alist-modification-count] 5 (#$ . 15933)])
#@604 Return the record describing the location of a new bookmark.
Point should be at the buffer in which the bookmark is being set,
and normally should be at the position where the bookmark is desired,
but see the optional arguments for other possibilities.

If NO-FILE is non-nil, then only return the subset of the
record that pertains to the location within the buffer, leaving off
the part that records the filename.

If NO-CONTEXT is non-nil, do not include the front- and rear-context
strings in the record -- the position is enough.

If POSN is non-nil, record POSN as the point instead of `(point)'.
(defalias 'bookmark-make-record-default #[(&optional no-file no-context posn) "\304?\205\305\306 BC	?\205!\307d`Z\nY\205\310``\n\\\"BC	?\2057\311`eZ\nY\2055\310``\nZ\"BC\312\206=`BC$\207" [no-file no-context bookmark-search-size posn append filename bookmark-buffer-file-name front-context-string buffer-substring-no-properties rear-context-string position] 8 (#$ . 16643)])
#@97 The current version of the format used by bookmark files.
You should never need to change this.
(defconst bookmark-file-format-version 1 (#$ . 17637))
#@68 This string marks the end of the version stamp in a bookmark file.
(defconst bookmark-end-of-version-stamp-marker "-*- End Of Bookmark File Format Version Stamp -*-\n" (#$ . 17794))
#@211 Return a `bookmark-alist' (in any format) from the current buffer.
The buffer must of course contain bookmark format information.
Does not care from where in the buffer it is called, and does not
affect point.
(defalias 'bookmark-alist-from-buffer #[nil "\212eb\210\301\302\303#\203\304p!\202&\301\305\302\303#\203#\306u\210\304p!\202&\307\310!)\207" [bookmark-end-of-version-stamp-marker search-forward nil t read "(" -1 error "Not bookmark format"] 4 (#$ . 17983)])
#@60 Upgrade a version 0 alist OLD-LIST to the current version.
(defalias 'bookmark-upgrade-version-0-alist #[(old-list) "\301\302\"\207" [old-list mapcar #[(bookmark) "@A@\211@\nA@\306\n8\307\n8\f\310\n8	\303B\311\f\206&\312B\313
\206-\312B\314\fB\315B\257.D\207" [bookmark name record filename front-str rear-str 2 3 4 front-context-string "" rear-context-string position annotation ann] 8]] 3 (#$ . 18463)])
#@135 Upgrade a bookmark file of format 0 (the original format) to format 1.
This expects to be called from `point-min' in a bookmark file.
(defalias 'bookmark-upgrade-file-format-from-0 #[nil "\303\304\"\210\305 \306	!ed|\210\307 \210\310\np\"\210\311 \210*eb\210\303\312\"\207" [bookmark-file-format-version old-list new-list message "Upgrading bookmark format from 0 to %d..." bookmark-alist-from-buffer bookmark-upgrade-version-0-alist bookmark-insert-file-format-version-stamp pp save-buffer "Upgrading bookmark format from 0 to %d...done"] 3 (#$ . 18895)])
#@138 Return an integer which is the file-format version of this bookmark file.
This expects to be called from `point-min' in a bookmark file.
(defalias 'bookmark-grok-file-format-version #[nil "\301\302!\203\212\303 \304\216\305\306!\210\307u\210\310p!+\207\311\207" [save-match-data-internal looking-at "^;;;;" match-data ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) re-search-forward "[0-9]" -1 read 0] 2 (#$ . 19463)])
#@177 Check the file-format version of this bookmark file.
If the version is not up-to-date, upgrade it automatically.
This expects to be called from `point-min' in a bookmark file.
(defalias 'bookmark-maybe-upgrade-file-format #[nil "\302 \211	U\206\303U\203\304 \202\305\306!)\207" [version bookmark-file-format-version bookmark-grok-file-format-version 0 bookmark-upgrade-file-format-from-0 error "Bookmark file format version strangeness"] 3 (#$ . 19931)])
#@65 Insert text indicating current version of bookmark file format.
(defalias 'bookmark-insert-file-format-version-stamp #[nil "\302\303\"c\210\304\305\306	\261\207" [bookmark-file-format-version bookmark-end-of-version-stamp-marker format ";;;; Emacs Bookmark Format Version %d ;;;;\n" ";;; This format is meant to be slightly human-readable;\n" ";;; nevertheless, you probably don't want to edit it.\n" ";;; "] 4 (#$ . 20400)])
#@74 Apply `message' to FMT and ARGS, but only if the display is fast enough.
(defalias 'bookmark-maybe-message #[(fmt &rest args) "\303Y\205\304\305	\n#\207" [baud-rate fmt args 9600 apply message] 4 (#$ . 20834)])
(defvar bookmark-minibuffer-read-name-map (byte-code "\302 \303	\"\210\304\305\306#\210)\207" [map minibuffer-local-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key "" bookmark-yank-word] 4))
#@1104 Set a bookmark named NAME at the current location.
If name is nil, then prompt the user.

With a prefix arg (non-nil NO-OVERWRITE), do not overwrite any
existing bookmark that has the same name as NAME, but instead push the
new bookmark onto the bookmark alist.  The most recently set bookmark
with name NAME is thus the one in effect at any given time, but the
others are still there, should the user decide to delete the most
recent one.

To yank words from the text of the buffer and use them as part of the
bookmark name, type C-w while setting a bookmark.  Successive C-w's
yank successive words.

Typing C-u inserts (at the bookmark name prompt) the name of the last
bookmark used in the document where the new bookmark is being set;
this helps you use a single bookmark name to track progress through a
large document.  If there is no prior bookmark for this document, then
C-u inserts an appropriate name based on the buffer or file.

Use \[bookmark-delete] to remove bookmarks (you give it a name and
it removes only the first instance of a bookmark with that name from
the list of bookmarks.)
(defalias 'bookmark-set #[(&optional name no-overwrite) "\306\216\307 \310\301\"\211:\203	@\202		\203\"\311\301\"\202'@\211\312 \210\2032\f\2046`p
\206G\313\314\315\n\"\316\316\211	&\211\317\230\203R\n\320A#\210\205d\321!-\207" [record defaults default bookmark-yank-point bookmark-current-buffer name ((byte-code "\302\211\302\207" [bookmark-yank-point bookmark-current-buffer nil] 2)) bookmark-make-record bookmark-prop-get assq-delete-all bookmark-maybe-load-default-file read-from-minibuffer format "Set bookmark (%s): " nil "" bookmark-store bookmark-edit-annotation bookmark-minibuffer-read-name-map str no-overwrite bookmark-use-annotations] 8 (#$ . 21256) (list nil current-prefix-arg)])
#@128 Kill from point to end of line.
If optional arg NEWLINE-TOO is non-nil, delete the newline too.
Does not affect the kill ring.
(defalias 'bookmark-kill-line #[(&optional newline-too) "\302 `|\210	\205\303\304!\205\305\306!)\207" [eol newline-too line-end-position looking-at "\n" delete-char 1] 2 (#$ . 23103)])
#@144 Variable holding the name of the bookmark.
This is used in `bookmark-edit-annotation' to record the bookmark
whose annotation is being edited.
(defvar bookmark-annotation-name nil (#$ . 23428))
#@134 Return default annotation text for BOOKMARK-NAME.
The default annotation text is simply some text explaining how to use
(defalias 'bookmark-default-annotation-text #[(bookmark-name) "\301\302\303\304\305\306 \307\310 \311\312 \313\314\315 \316\260\207" [bookmark-name "#  Type the annotation for bookmark '" "' here.\n" "#  All lines which start with a '#' will be deleted.\n" "#  Type C-c C-c when done.\n#\n" "#  Author: " user-full-name " <" user-login-name "@" system-name ">\n" "#  Date:    " current-time-string "\n"] 15 (#$ . 23629)])
(byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203,	@\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210	A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias bookmark-read-annotation-text-func bookmark-edit-annotation-text-func nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "23.1"] 6)
#@129 Function to return default text to use for a bookmark annotation.
It takes one argument, the name of the bookmark, as a string.
(defvar bookmark-edit-annotation-text-func 'bookmark-default-annotation-text (#$ . 24513))
#@49 Keymap for editing an annotation of a bookmark.
(defvar bookmark-edit-annotation-mode-map (byte-code "\302 \303	\"\210\304\305\306#\210)\207" [map text-mode-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key "" bookmark-send-edited-annotation] 4) (#$ . 24738))
#@176 Mode for editing the annotation of bookmark BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD.
When you have finished composing, type \[bookmark-send-annotation].

(defalias 'bookmark-edit-annotation-mode #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\306 \210\307\301!\210\310\n!\210\311\312
!c\210\313!\211\203*\314\230\204*c\210)\315\316!\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-annotation-name bookmark-edit-annotation-mode-map major-mode mode-name bookmark-edit-annotation-text-func kill-all-local-variables make-local-variable use-local-map bookmark-edit-annotation-mode "Edit Bookmark Annotation" bookmark-get-annotation "" run-mode-hooks text-mode-hook annotation] 3 (#$ . 25013) nil])
#@89 Use buffer contents as annotation for a bookmark.
Lines beginning with `#' are ignored.
(defalias 'bookmark-send-edited-annotation #[nil "\305=\204\n\306\307!\210eb\210`dW\203&\310\311!\203 \312\313!\210\202
\315ed\"	\316\n\"\210\fT\317 \210*\320p!\207" [major-mode bookmark-annotation-name bookmark-name annotation bookmark-alist-modification-count bookmark-edit-annotation-mode error "Not in bookmark-edit-annotation-mode" looking-at "^#" bookmark-kill-line t 1 buffer-substring-no-properties bookmark-set-annotation bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list kill-buffer] 3 (#$ . 25720) nil])
#@76 Pop up a buffer for editing bookmark BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD's annotation.
(defalias 'bookmark-edit-annotation #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301\302\303!!\210\304!\207" [bookmark-name-or-record pop-to-buffer generate-new-buffer-name "*Bookmark Annotation Compose*" bookmark-edit-annotation-mode] 3 (#$ . 26347)])
#@145 Return the name of the current buffer in a form usable as a bookmark name.
If the buffer is associated with a file or directory, use that name.
(defalias 'bookmark-buffer-name #[nil "\203\304!\207\305\301!\2038	\2038	;\203	\202	@\211GS\nH\306U\2033\304\n\307O!\2026\310p!*\207\310p!\207" [buffer-file-name dired-directory dirname idx file-name-nondirectory boundp 47 0 buffer-name] 5 (#$ . 26668)])
#@165 Get the next word from buffer `bookmark-current-buffer' and append
it to the name of the bookmark currently being set, advancing
`bookmark-yank-point' by one word.
(defalias 'bookmark-yank-word #[nil "rq\210	b\210\303`\304v\210`\211\")\211c)\207" [bookmark-current-buffer bookmark-yank-point string buffer-substring-no-properties 1] 5 (#$ . 27090) nil])
#@65 Return the current buffer's file in a way useful for bookmarks.
(defalias 'bookmark-buffer-file-name #[nil "\302\203	\202$\303\301!\203!	\203!	;\203	\202$	@\202$\304\305!!\207" [buffer-file-name dired-directory abbreviate-file-name boundp error "Buffer not visiting a file or directory"] 3 (#$ . 27453)])
#@70 If bookmarks have not been loaded from the default place, load them.
(defalias 'bookmark-maybe-load-default-file #[nil "?\205,	?\205,\304\n!\203\304!\204\305\n\"\210\306!\205,\307\310\211#\205,\310\211\207" [bookmarks-already-loaded bookmark-alist bookmark-old-default-file bookmark-default-file file-exists-p rename-file file-readable-p bookmark-load t] 4 (#$ . 27774)])
#@114 Return `bookmark-alist' for display.
If `bookmark-sort-flag' is non-nil, then return a sorted copy of the alist.
(defalias 'bookmark-maybe-sort-alist #[nil "\203\302\303	!\304\"\207	\207" [bookmark-sort-flag bookmark-alist sort copy-alist #[(x y) "@	@\231\207" [x y] 2]] 3 (#$ . 28167)])
#@106 Hook run after `bookmark-jump' jumps to a bookmark.
Useful for example to unhide text in `outline-mode'.
(defvar bookmark-after-jump-hook nil (#$ . 28466))
current buffer as argument.

After calling DISPLAY-FUNCTION, set window point to the point specified
by BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD, if necessary, run `bookmark-after-jump-hook',
and then show any annotations for this bookmark.
(defalias 'bookmark--jump-via #[(bookmark-name-or-record display-function) "\304!\210r	p!\210)\305p\306\"\211\203\307\n`\"\210)\310\311!\210\205$\312!\207" [bookmark-name-or-record display-function win bookmark-automatically-show-annotations bookmark-handle-bookmark get-buffer-window 0 set-window-point run-hooks bookmark-after-jump-hook bookmark-show-annotation] 4 (#$ . 28629)])
#@848 Jump to bookmark BOOKMARK (a point in some file).
You may have a problem using this function if the value of variable
`bookmark-alist' is nil.  If that happens, you need to load in some
bookmarks.  See help on function `bookmark-load' for more about

If the file pointed to by BOOKMARK no longer exists, you will be asked
if you wish to give the bookmark a new location, and `bookmark-jump'
will then jump to the new location, as well as recording it in place
of the old one in the permanent bookmark record.

BOOKMARK is usually a bookmark name (a string).  It can also be a
bookmark record, but this is usually only done by programmatic callers.

If DISPLAY-FUNC is non-nil, it is a function to invoke to display the
bookmark.  It defaults to `switch-to-buffer'.  A typical value for
DISPLAY-FUNC would be `switch-to-buffer-other-window'.
(defalias 'bookmark-jump #[(bookmark &optional display-func) "\204\303\304!\210\305\306!\204	B\307\n\206\310\"\207" [bookmark bookmark-history display-func error "No bookmark specified" called-interactively-p interactive bookmark--jump-via switch-to-buffer] 3 (#$ . 29313) (list (bookmark-completing-read "Jump to bookmark" bookmark-current-bookmark))])
#@68 Jump to BOOKMARK in another window.  See `bookmark-jump' for more.
(defalias 'bookmark-jump-other-window #[(bookmark) "\301\302\"\207" [bookmark bookmark-jump switch-to-buffer-other-window] 3 (#$ . 30530) (list (bookmark-completing-read "Jump to bookmark (in another window)" bookmark-current-bookmark))])
#@198 Return the location pointed to by BOOKMARK (see `bookmark-jump').
The return value has the form (BUFFER . POINT).

Note: this function is deprecated and is present for Emacs 22
compatibility only.
(defalias 'bookmark-jump-noselect #[(bookmark) "\212\301!\210p`)B\207" [bookmark bookmark-handle-bookmark] 2 (#$ . 30844)])
(make-obsolete 'bookmark-jump-noselect 'bookmark-handle-bookmark "23.1")
#@361 Call BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD's handler or `bookmark-default-handler'
if it has none.  This changes current buffer and point and returns nil,
or signals a `file-error'.

If BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD has no file, this is a no-op.  If
BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD has a file, but that file no longer exists,
then offer interactively to relocate BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD.
(defalias 'bookmark-handle-bookmark #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\302\303\304\217\210;\203\f\305\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-current-bookmark err (byte-code "\301!\206\302\303!!\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-get-handler bookmark-default-handler bookmark-get-bookmark] 3) ((bookmark-error-no-filename (byte-code ";\203C\306!\211\203B\307	!\310 \210\311\211\312\n\313\314R!\2035\315!\210\316!\206-\317\320!!\210\202A\321\322\"\210\323
A\"\210+)\311\207" [bookmark-name-or-record file display-name use-file-dialog use-dialog-box err bookmark-get-filename directory-file-name ding nil y-or-n-p " nonexistent.  Relocate \"" "\"? " bookmark-relocate bookmark-get-handler bookmark-default-handler bookmark-get-bookmark message "Bookmark not relocated; consider removing it (%s)." signal] 6))) nil] 3 (#$ . 31246)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\207" [put bookmark-error-no-filename error-conditions (error bookmark-errors bookmark-error-no-filename) error-message "Bookmark has no associated file (or directory)"] 4)
#@212 Default handler to jump to a particular bookmark location.
BMK-RECORD is a bookmark record, not a bookmark name (i.e., not a string).
Changes current buffer and point and returns nil, or signals a `file-error'.
(defalias 'bookmark-default-handler #[(bmk-record) "\306!\307\310\"\311!\312!\313!\211\203+\314
D\"q\210	\203D	b\210\203T\323d\324#\203T\325\224b\210\n\203d\326\ne\324#\203d\325\225b\210-\327\207" [bmk-record place behind-str forward-str buf file bookmark-get-filename bookmark-prop-get buffer bookmark-get-front-context-string bookmark-get-rear-context-string bookmark-get-position file-readable-p buffer-live-p find-file-noselect get-buffer signal bookmark-error-no-filename stringp search-forward t 0 search-backward nil] 7 (#$ . 32690)])
#@246 Relocate BOOKMARK-NAME to another file, reading file name with minibuffer.

This makes an already existing bookmark point to that file, instead of
the one it used to point at.  Useful when a file has been renamed
after a bookmark was set in it.
(defalias 'bookmark-relocate #[(bookmark-name) "\305\306!\204\n	B\307 \210\310!\311\312\313\314\315\"\316\n!\"!!\317\"\210\fT\320 \203/\321 \210\322 *\207" [bookmark-name bookmark-history bmrk-filename newloc bookmark-alist-modification-count called-interactively-p interactive bookmark-maybe-load-default-file bookmark-get-filename abbreviate-file-name expand-file-name read-file-name format "Relocate %s to: " file-name-directory bookmark-set-filename bookmark-time-to-save-p bookmark-save bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list] 6 (#$ . 33534) (list (bookmark-completing-read "Bookmark to relocate"))])
#@167 Insert the name of the file associated with BOOKMARK-NAME.

Optional second arg NO-HISTORY means don't record this in the
minibuffer history list `bookmark-history'.
(defalias 'bookmark-insert-location #[(bookmark-name &optional no-history) "\204\304\305!\204	\nB`\306	!c\307 \203&\310\212\311\312!\210`T)\313#\210)\207" [no-history bookmark-name bookmark-history start called-interactively-p interactive bookmark-location display-mouse-p add-text-properties re-search-backward "[^ 	]" (mouse-face highlight follow-link t help-echo "mouse-2: go to this bookmark in other window")] 5 (#$ . 34408) (list (bookmark-completing-read "Insert bookmark location"))])
(defalias 'bookmark-locate 'bookmark-insert-location)
#@66 Return a description of the location of BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD.
(defalias 'bookmark-location #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\301 \210\302\303\"\206\304!\206\305\207" [bookmark-name-or-record bookmark-maybe-load-default-file bookmark-prop-get location bookmark-get-filename "-- Unknown location --"] 3 (#$ . 35136)])
#@527 Change the name of OLD-NAME bookmark to NEW-NAME name.
If called from keyboard, prompt for OLD-NAME and NEW-NAME.
If called from menubar, select OLD-NAME from a menu and prompt for NEW-NAME.

If called from Lisp, prompt for NEW-NAME if only OLD-NAME was passed
as an argument.  If called with two strings, then no prompting is done.
You must pass at least OLD-NAME when calling from Lisp.

While you are entering the new name, consecutive C-w's insert
consecutive words from the text of the buffer into the new bookmark
(defalias 'bookmark-rename #[(old-name &optional new-name) "\306\307!\204\n	B\310 \210`p\f\206*\311\312\313\314
!\315\316\317#\210)\313\301%\320\"\210\321 \210T\322 \205E\323 )\207" [old-name bookmark-history bookmark-yank-point bookmark-current-buffer new-name minibuffer-local-map called-interactively-p interactive bookmark-maybe-load-default-file read-from-minibuffer "New name: " nil copy-keymap define-key "" bookmark-yank-word bookmark-set-name bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list bookmark-time-to-save-p bookmark-save now-map final-new-name bookmark-current-bookmark bookmark-alist-modification-count] 7 (#$ . 35464) (list (bookmark-completing-read "Old bookmark name"))])
#@342 Insert the text of the file pointed to by bookmark BOOKMARK-NAME.
BOOKMARK-NAME is a bookmark name (a string), not a bookmark record.

You may have a problem using this function if the value of variable
`bookmark-alist' is nil.  If that happens, you need to load in some
bookmarks.  See help on function `bookmark-load' for more about
(defalias 'bookmark-insert #[(bookmark-name) "\304\305!\204\n	B\306 \210`r\307!\210\310 )\nc\210\311 \210b*\207" [bookmark-name bookmark-history str-to-insert orig-point called-interactively-p interactive bookmark-maybe-load-default-file bookmark-handle-bookmark buffer-string push-mark] 3 (#$ . 36713) (list (bookmark-completing-read "Insert bookmark contents"))])
#@408 Delete BOOKMARK-NAME from the bookmark list.

Removes only the first instance of a bookmark with that name.  If
there are one or more other bookmarks with the same name, they will
not be deleted.  Defaults to the "current" bookmark (that is, the
one most recently used in this file, if any).
Optional second arg BATCH means don't update the bookmark list buffer,
probably because we were called from there.
(defalias 'bookmark-delete #[(bookmark-name &optional batch) "\306\307!\204\n	B\310 \210\311\312\"\313\n\"\311\f\312\"\204 \314)
\204(\315 \210T\316 \2054\317 \207" [bookmark-name bookmark-history will-go bookmark-alist bookmark-current-bookmark batch called-interactively-p interactive bookmark-maybe-load-default-file bookmark-get-bookmark noerror delq nil bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list bookmark-time-to-save-p bookmark-save bookmark-alist-modification-count] 3 (#$ . 37434) (list (bookmark-completing-read "Delete bookmark" bookmark-current-bookmark))])
#@256 Return t if it is time to save bookmarks to disk, nil otherwise.
Optional argument FINAL-TIME means this is being called when Emacs
is being killed, so save even if `bookmark-save-flag' is a number and
is greater than `bookmark-alist-modification-count'.
(defalias 'bookmark-time-to-save-p #[(&optional final-time) "\203\f	\303V\205\n\207\n\247\203	\nY\207\304\207" [final-time bookmark-alist-modification-count bookmark-save-flag 0 nil] 2 (#$ . 38434)])
#@134 Write bookmarks to a file (reading the file name with the minibuffer).
Don't use this in Lisp programs; use `bookmark-save' instead.
(defalias 'bookmark-write #[nil "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [bookmark-maybe-load-default-file bookmark-save t] 2 (#$ . 38902) nil])
#@703 Save currently defined bookmarks.
Saves by default in the file defined by the variable
`bookmark-default-file'.  With a prefix arg, save it in file FILE
(second argument).

If you are calling this from Lisp, the two arguments are PARG and
FILE, and if you just want it to write to the default file, then
pass no arguments.  Or pass in nil and FILE, and it will save in FILE
instead.  If you pass in one argument, and it is non-nil, then the
user will be interactively queried for a file to save in.

When you want to load in the bookmarks from a file, use
`bookmark-load', \[bookmark-load].  That function will prompt you
for a file, defaulting to the file defined by variable
(defalias 'bookmark-save #[(&optional parg file) "\304 \210\204	\204\305\n!\210\2029\204!	\203!\305	!\210\2029\2035	\2045\306\307!\305	!\210)\2029\305	!\210\310\211\207" [parg file bookmark-default-file bookmark-alist-modification-count bookmark-maybe-load-default-file bookmark-write-file read-file-name "File to save bookmarks in: " 0] 2 (#$ . 39171) "P"])
#@33 Write `bookmark-alist' to FILE.
(defalias 'bookmark-write-file #[(file) "\306\307\"\210r\310\311!q\210eb\210ed|\210\312\211\313\314 \210\315c\210\f\312\211\2039@\316
p\"\210A\211\204'*\317c\210\204F\312\202^\320=\203Q\320\202^\321=\203]\202^\313\312\322\323\217\210\324p!\210\306\325\"-\207" [file print-circle print-level print-length bookmark-alist i bookmark-maybe-message "Saving bookmarks to file %s..." get-buffer-create " *Bookmarks*" nil t bookmark-insert-file-format-version-stamp "(" pp ")" never nospecial (byte-code "\301ed#\207" [file write-region] 4) ((file-error (message "Can't write %s" file))) kill-buffer "Saving bookmarks to file %s...done" --dolist-tail-- bookmark-version-control version-control] 4 (#$ . 40254)])
#@161 Add NEW-LIST of bookmarks to `bookmark-alist'.
Rename new bookmarks as needed using suffix "<N>" (N=1,2,3...), when
they conflict with existing bookmark names.
(defalias 'bookmark-import-new-list #[(new-list) "\305 	\306\211\205&@\307\n\"\210\f\nC\244\310\n!BA\211\204\306+\207" [names new-list full-record --dolist-tail-- bookmark-alist bookmark-all-names nil bookmark-maybe-rename bookmark-name-from-full-record] 4 (#$ . 41031)])
#@115 Rename bookmark FULL-RECORD if its current name is already used.
This is a helper for `bookmark-import-new-list'.
(defalias 'bookmark-maybe-rename #[(full-record names) "\305!\211\n\235\205&\306	\n\235\203!	\307\310\f\"P\fT\202\311\"*)\207" [full-record found-name names new-name count bookmark-name-from-full-record 2 format "<%d>" bookmark-set-name] 5 (#$ . 41484)])
#@870 Load bookmarks from FILE (which must be in bookmark format).
Appends loaded bookmarks to the front of the list of bookmarks.  If
optional second argument OVERWRITE is non-nil, existing bookmarks are
destroyed.  Optional third arg NO-MSG means don't display any messages
while loading.

If you load a file that doesn't contain a proper bookmark alist, you
will corrupt Emacs's bookmark list.  Generally, you should only load
in files that were created with the bookmark functions in the first
place.  Your own personal bookmark file, `~/.emacs.bmk', is
maintained automatically by Emacs; you shouldn't need to load it

If you load a file containing bookmarks with the same names as
bookmarks already present in your Emacs, the new bookmarks will get
unique numeric suffixes "<2>", "<3>", ... following the same
method buffers use to resolve name collisions.
(defalias 'bookmark-load #[(file &optional overwrite no-msg) "\306\307!!\310!\204\311\312\"\207	\204\313\314\"\210r\315\316!)q\210eb\210\317 \210\320 \211<\203Z\f\203=\321\202F\322!\210T\306\307!!\230\203T\323\324 \210\202_\311\325\"\210)\326p!\210)	?\205n\313\327\"\207" [file no-msg enable-local-variables blist overwrite bookmark-alist abbreviate-file-name expand-file-name file-readable-p error "Cannot read bookmark file %s" bookmark-maybe-message "Loading bookmarks from %s..." nil find-file-noselect bookmark-maybe-upgrade-file-format bookmark-alist-from-buffer 0 bookmark-import-new-list t bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list "Invalid bookmark list in %s" kill-buffer "Loading bookmarks from %s...done" bookmark-alist-modification-count bookmark-default-file bookmarks-already-loaded] 4 (#$ . 41873) (list (read-file-name (format "Load bookmarks from: (%s) " bookmark-default-file) "~/" bookmark-default-file 'confirm))])
(defvar bookmark-bmenu-hidden-bookmarks nil)
(defvar bookmark-bmenu-mode-map (byte-code "\302 \303	\"\210\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210\304\313\314#\210\304\315\316#\210\304\317\316#\210\304\320\316#\210\304\321\316#\210\304\322\323#\210\304\324\325#\210\304\326\327#\210\304\330\331#\210\304\332\333#\210\304\334\335#\210\304\336\331#\210\304\337\340#\210\304\341\340#\210\304\342\343#\210\304\344\345#\210\304\346\347#\210\304\350\351#\210\304\352\353#\210\304\354\355#\210\304\356\357#\210\304\360\361#\210\304\362\363#\210\304\364\365#\210\304\366\367#\210\304\370\371#\210\304\372\373#\210)\207" [map special-mode-map make-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key "v" bookmark-bmenu-select "w" bookmark-bmenu-locate "2" bookmark-bmenu-2-window "1" bookmark-bmenu-1-window "j" bookmark-bmenu-this-window "" "f" "
" "o" bookmark-bmenu-other-window "" bookmark-bmenu-switch-other-window "s" bookmark-bmenu-save "k" bookmark-bmenu-delete "" bookmark-bmenu-delete-backwards "x" bookmark-bmenu-execute-deletions "d" " " next-line "n" "p" previous-line "" bookmark-bmenu-backup-unmark "u" bookmark-bmenu-unmark "m" bookmark-bmenu-mark "l" bookmark-bmenu-load "r" bookmark-bmenu-rename "R" bookmark-bmenu-relocate "t" bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames "a" bookmark-bmenu-show-annotation "A" bookmark-bmenu-show-all-annotations "e" bookmark-bmenu-edit-annotation "/" bookmark-bmenu-search [mouse-2] bookmark-bmenu-other-window-with-mouse] 4))
(put 'bookmark-bmenu-mode 'mode-class 'special)
#@77 Rebuild the Bookmark List if it exists.
Don't affect the buffer ring order.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list #[nil "\301\302!\205\212\303 \304\216\305 +\207" [#1=#:wconfig get-buffer "*Bookmark List*" current-window-configuration ((set-window-configuration #1#)) bookmark-bmenu-list] 2 (#$ . 45259)])
#@210 Display a list of existing bookmarks.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Bookmark List*'.
The leftmost column displays a D if the bookmark is flagged for
deletion, or > if it is flagged for displaying.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-list #[nil "\306 \210\307\310!\311\312!\203\313!\210\202q\210)\314\315 \210\316c\210\317e`\320#\210\321 \322\211\203|@\323\n!\324\n!`\322\"#\"\203P\"\325\230\204P\326\202Q\327#\261\210`\330$
\\\f\331#$\210\332 \203q\317$
\\\f\333#\210\334c\210,A\211\204/*\335%\336U?!\210eb\210\337y\210\340 \210!\205\226\341\314!)\207" [buf inhibit-read-only full-record --dolist-tail-- end start bookmark-maybe-load-default-file get-buffer-create "*Bookmark List*" called-interactively-p interactive switch-to-buffer t erase-buffer "% Bookmark\n- --------\n" add-text-properties (font-lock-face bookmark-menu-heading) bookmark-maybe-sort-alist nil bookmark-name-from-full-record bookmark-get-annotation "" " *" "  " put-text-property bookmark-name-prop display-mouse-p (mouse-face highlight follow-link t help-echo "mouse-2: go to this bookmark in other window") "\n" set-buffer-modified-p 0 2 bookmark-bmenu-mode bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames annotation name bookmark-bmenu-marks-width bookmark-alist-modification-count] 6 (#$ . 45592) nil])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\302\"\210\304\305N\204\306\304\305\307\310!#\210\311\312!\204$\306\312\313\314#\210\300\207" [defalias list-bookmarks bookmark-bmenu-list edit-bookmarks bookmark-bmenu-mode-hook variable-documentation put purecopy "Hook run when entering Bookmark Menu mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it.  (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp bookmark-bmenu-mode-map definition-name bookmark-bmenu-mode] 5)
(defvar bookmark-bmenu-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\305\306!\204\302\306\307\310#\210\300\207" [bookmark-bmenu-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `bookmark-bmenu-mode'." boundp bookmark-bmenu-mode-syntax-table definition-name bookmark-bmenu-mode] 5)
(defvar bookmark-bmenu-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [bookmark-bmenu-mode-syntax-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Syntax table for `bookmark-bmenu-mode'." bookmark-bmenu-mode-abbrev-table definition-name bookmark-bmenu-mode] 5)
(defvar bookmark-bmenu-mode-abbrev-table (progn (define-abbrev-table 'bookmark-bmenu-mode-abbrev-table nil) bookmark-bmenu-mode-abbrev-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [bookmark-bmenu-mode-abbrev-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Abbrev table for `bookmark-bmenu-mode'." bookmark-bmenu-mode derived-mode-parent special-mode] 5)
#@2394 Major mode for editing a list of bookmarks.
Each line describes one of the bookmarks in Emacs.
Letters do not insert themselves; instead, they are commands.
Bookmark names preceded by a "*" have annotations.
\[bookmark-bmenu-mark] -- mark bookmark to be displayed.
\[bookmark-bmenu-select] -- select bookmark of line point is on.
  Also show bookmarks marked using m in other windows.
\[bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames] -- toggle displaying of filenames (they may obscure long bookmark names).
\[bookmark-bmenu-locate] -- display (in minibuffer) location of this bookmark.
\[bookmark-bmenu-1-window] -- select this bookmark in full-frame window.
\[bookmark-bmenu-2-window] -- select this bookmark in one window,
  together with bookmark selected before this one in another window.
\[bookmark-bmenu-this-window] -- select this bookmark in place of the bookmark menu buffer.
\[bookmark-bmenu-other-window] -- select this bookmark in another window,
  so the bookmark menu bookmark remains visible in its window.
\[bookmark-bmenu-switch-other-window] -- switch the other window to this bookmark.
\[bookmark-bmenu-rename] -- rename this bookmark (prompts for new name).
\[bookmark-bmenu-relocate] -- relocate this bookmark's file (prompts for new file).
\[bookmark-bmenu-delete] -- mark this bookmark to be deleted, and move down.
\[bookmark-bmenu-delete-backwards] -- mark this bookmark to be deleted, and move up.
\[bookmark-bmenu-execute-deletions] -- delete bookmarks marked with `\[bookmark-bmenu-delete]'.
\[bookmark-bmenu-save] -- save the current bookmark list in the default file.
  With a prefix arg, prompts for a file to save in.
\[bookmark-bmenu-load] -- load in a file of bookmarks (prompts for file.)
\[bookmark-bmenu-unmark] -- remove all kinds of marks from current line.
  With prefix argument, also move up one line.
\[bookmark-bmenu-backup-unmark] -- back up a line and remove marks.
\[bookmark-bmenu-show-annotation] -- show the annotation, if it exists, for the current bookmark
  in another buffer.
\[bookmark-bmenu-show-all-annotations] -- show the annotations of all bookmarks in another buffer.
\[bookmark-bmenu-edit-annotation] -- edit the annotation for the current bookmark.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `special-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `bookmark-bmenu-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-mode #[nil "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315!\204'\316\317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2036
\321 =\203<\322\f\323 \"\210)\324\325\"\204V=\204V\326\325C#\210\327!\210\330\f!\210\307\211)\331\332!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name bookmark-bmenu-mode-map bookmark-bmenu-mode-syntax-table parent make-local-variable t special-mode bookmark-bmenu-mode "Bookmark Menu" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table run-mode-hooks bookmark-bmenu-mode-hook bookmark-bmenu-mode-abbrev-table local-abbrev-table truncate-lines buffer-read-only] 6 (#$ . 48440) nil])
#@114 Toggle whether filenames are shown in the bookmark list.
Optional argument SHOW means show them unconditionally.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames #[(&optional show) "\203
\302\303 \210\304\211\207	\203\305 \210\302\211\207\303 \210\304\211\207" [show bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames nil bookmark-bmenu-show-filenames t bookmark-bmenu-hide-filenames] 2 (#$ . 51667) nil])
#@207 In an interactive bookmark list, show filenames along with bookmarks.
Non-nil FORCE forces a redisplay showing the filenames.  FORCE is used
mainly for debugging, and should not be necessary in normal use.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-show-filenames #[(&optional force) "?\205	?\205]\306 \307\216\212\310 \311\216eb\210\312y\210\313\314`dW\205[\315 \211\fB\316 \317\314\"\210\320 \203C\321`\322#\210)`\313\210`|\210\323c\210\324\314\"\210\325y\210)\202.\207" [force bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames #1=#:was-modified #2=#:wconfig bookmark-bmenu-hidden-bookmarks inhibit-read-only buffer-modified-p ((set-buffer-modified-p #1#)) current-window-configuration ((set-window-configuration #2#)) 2 nil t bookmark-bmenu-bookmark line-end-position move-to-column display-mouse-p remove-text-properties (mouse-face nil help-echo nil) "  " bookmark-insert-location 1 bmrk start bookmark-bmenu-file-column] 5 (#$ . 52063)])
#@207 In an interactive bookmark list, hide the filenames of the bookmarks.
Non-nil FORCE forces a redisplay showing the filenames.  FORCE is used
mainly for debugging, and should not be necessary in normal use.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-hide-filenames #[(&optional force) "?\205P	\205P\306 \307\216\212eb\210\310y\210\237\311\205O\312
\311\"\210\313 \210\211A@`\211c\210\314`\315$\210\316 \203H\317`\320#\210*\321y\210\202,\207" [force bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames #1=#:was-modified bookmark-bmenu-hidden-bookmarks inhibit-read-only bookmark-bmenu-marks-width buffer-modified-p ((set-buffer-modified-p #1#)) 2 t move-to-column bookmark-kill-line put-text-property bookmark-name-prop display-mouse-p add-text-properties (mouse-face highlight follow-link t help-echo "mouse-2: go to this bookmark in other window") 1 start name] 6 (#$ . 53004)])
#@196 If point is not on a bookmark line, move it to one.
If before the first bookmark line, move to the first; if after the
last full line, move to the last full line.  The return value is undefined.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position #[nil "\301e`\"W\203eb\210y\207n\205m\205\302\303!\207" [bookmark-bmenu-header-height count-lines beginning-of-line 0] 3 (#$ . 53877)])
#@75 Return the bookmark for this line in an interactive bookmark list buffer.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-bookmark #[nil "\301 \210\212\302 \210u\210\303`\304\")\207" [bookmark-bmenu-marks-width bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position beginning-of-line get-text-property bookmark-name-prop] 3 (#$ . 54264)])
#@90 Display the annotation for BOOKMARK-NAME-OR-RECORD in a buffer,
if an annotation exists.
(defalias 'bookmark-show-annotation #[(bookmark-name-or-record) "\303!\211\205'	\304\230?\205'\212p\305\306\307!\310\"\210ed|\210	c\210eb\210\311\n!*)\207" [bookmark-name-or-record annotation old-buf bookmark-get-annotation "" pop-to-buffer get-buffer-create "*Bookmark Annotation*" t switch-to-buffer-other-window] 4 (#$ . 54564)])
#@56 Display the annotations for all bookmarks in a buffer.
(defalias 'bookmark-show-all-annotations #[nil "\306 r\307\216\310\311\312!\313\"\210ed|\210	\314\211\203\\@\315\n!\316\n!\f\317Pc\210
c\210n\204>\321c\210)`dW\203T\322 \210\323c\210\314y\210\314\210\202?*A\211\204*eb+\207" [save-selected-window--state bookmark-alist full-record --dolist-tail-- name ann internal--before-save-selected-window ((internal--after-save-selected-window save-selected-window--state)) pop-to-buffer get-buffer-create "*Bookmark Annotation*" t nil bookmark-name-from-full-record bookmark-get-annotation ":\n" "" "\n" beginning-of-line "    "] 4 (#$ . 54997)])
#@99 Mark bookmark on this line to be displayed by \<bookmark-bmenu-mode-map>\[bookmark-bmenu-select].
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-mark #[nil "\302 \210\303 \210\304 \305\216\306\307\310!\210\311c\210\310y\210\303 +\207" [#1=#:was-modified inhibit-read-only beginning-of-line bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position buffer-modified-p ((set-buffer-modified-p #1#)) t delete-char 1 62] 2 (#$ . 55686) nil])
#@160 Select this line's bookmark; also display bookmarks marked with `>'.
You can mark bookmarks with the \<bookmark-bmenu-mode-map>\[bookmark-bmenu-mark] command.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-select #[nil "\305 p\306\211eb\210\307\310\306\311#\2034\305 \311\312\313!\210\314c\210)\230\204\f	\235\204\f	B\202\f	\237\315 S	GT\245\316 \210\317!\210\320\n!\210	\203g	\205j\321\306\"\210\322\323!\210\317	@!\210	A\211\202O\322\323!,\207" [tem others menu bmrk inhibit-read-only bookmark-bmenu-bookmark nil re-search-forward "^>" t delete-char -1 32 frame-height delete-other-windows bookmark-jump bury-buffer split-window other-window 1] 5 (#$ . 56084) nil])
#@65 Return non-nil if any bookmarks are marked in the marks column.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-any-marks #[nil "\212eb\210\300 \210\301\302\215)\207" [bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position found-mark (byte-code "m\204\300 \210\301\302!\203\303\304\305\"\210\202\306y\210\202\307\207" [beginning-of-line looking-at "^\\S-" throw found-mark t 1 nil] 3)] 2 (#$ . 56760)])
#@100 Save the current list into a bookmark file.
With a prefix arg, prompts for a file to save them in.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-save #[(parg) "\212\302 \303\216\304	!\210\305\306!+\207" [#1=#:wconfig parg current-window-configuration ((set-window-configuration #1#)) bookmark-save set-buffer-modified-p nil] 2 (#$ . 57132) "P"])
#@62 Load the bookmark file and rebuild the bookmark menu-buffer.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-load #[nil "\301 \210\212\302 \303\216\304\305!+\207" [#1=#:wconfig bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position current-window-configuration ((set-window-configuration #1#)) call-interactively bookmark-load] 2 (#$ . 57465) nil])
#@52 Select this line's bookmark, alone, in full frame.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-1-window #[nil "\300\301 !\210\302\303 !\210\304 \207" [bookmark-jump bookmark-bmenu-bookmark bury-buffer other-buffer delete-other-windows] 2 (#$ . 57775) nil])
#@69 Select this line's bookmark, with previous buffer in second window.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-2-window #[nil "\303 p\304\305 \210\306\307 \310\304#\210\311\n\312\"\210\313	!+\207" [pop-up-windows menu bmrk bookmark-bmenu-bookmark t delete-other-windows switch-to-buffer other-buffer nil bookmark--jump-via pop-to-buffer bury-buffer] 4 (#$ . 58020) nil])
#@45 Select this line's bookmark in this window.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-this-window #[nil "\300\301 !\207" [bookmark-jump bookmark-bmenu-bookmark] 2 (#$ . 58383) nil])
#@77 Select this line's bookmark in other window, leaving bookmark menu visible.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-other-window #[nil "\301 \302\303\")\207" [bookmark bookmark-bmenu-bookmark bookmark--jump-via switch-to-buffer-other-window] 3 (#$ . 58555) nil])
#@89 Make the other window select this line's bookmark.
The current window remains selected.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-switch-other-window #[nil "\304 \305\306\211\307\310\",\207" [same-window-regexps same-window-buffer-names pop-up-windows bookmark bookmark-bmenu-bookmark t nil bookmark--jump-via display-buffer] 4 (#$ . 58812) nil])
#@86 Select bookmark at the mouse pointer in other window, leaving bookmark menu visible.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-other-window-with-mouse #[(event) "r\302\303!\211@)!q\210\212\303!\304	8\206(	A@:\203%	A@@\202(	A@)b\210\305 *\207" [event position window-buffer event-end 5 bookmark-bmenu-other-window] 4 (#$ . 59154) "e"])
#@65 Show the annotation for the current bookmark in another window.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-show-annotation #[nil "\301 \302!)\207" [bookmark bookmark-bmenu-bookmark bookmark-show-annotation] 2 (#$ . 59486) nil])
#@58 Show the annotation for all bookmarks in another window.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-show-all-annotations #[nil "\300 \207" [bookmark-show-all-annotations] 1 (#$ . 59705) nil])
#@65 Edit the annotation for the current bookmark in another window.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-edit-annotation #[nil "\301 \302!)\207" [bookmark bookmark-bmenu-bookmark bookmark-edit-annotation] 2 (#$ . 59886) nil])
#@104 Cancel all requested operations on bookmark on this line and move down.
Optional BACKUP means move up.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-unmark #[(&optional backup) "\303 \210\304 \210\305 \306\216\307\310\311!\210\312c\210)\n\203\313\202\311y\210\304 *\207" [#1=#:was-modified inhibit-read-only backup beginning-of-line bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position buffer-modified-p ((set-buffer-modified-p #1#)) t delete-char 1 " " -1] 2 (#$ . 60106) "P"])
#@72 Move up and cancel all requested operations on bookmark on line above.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-backup-unmark #[nil "\300y\210\301 \210\302 \210\300y\210\301 \207" [-1 bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position bookmark-bmenu-unmark] 1 (#$ . 60555) nil])
#@157 Mark bookmark on this line to be deleted.
To carry out the deletions that you've marked, use \<bookmark-bmenu-mode-map>\[bookmark-bmenu-execute-deletions].
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-delete #[nil "\302 \210\303 \210\304 \305\216\306\307\310!\210\311c\210\310y\210\303 +\207" [#1=#:was-modified inhibit-read-only beginning-of-line bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position buffer-modified-p ((set-buffer-modified-p #1#)) t delete-char 1 68] 2 (#$ . 60806) nil])
#@180 Mark bookmark on this line to be deleted, then move up one line.
To carry out the deletions that you've marked, use \<bookmark-bmenu-mode-map>\[bookmark-bmenu-execute-deletions].
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-delete-backwards #[nil "\300 \210\301y\210\302 \210\303y\210\302 \207" [bookmark-bmenu-delete -2 bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position 1] 1 (#$ . 61264) nil])
#@31 Delete bookmarks flagged `D'.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-execute-deletions #[nil "\303\304!\210`\212\305 \210\306\307!?\205`\310\210`{)ieb\210\311y\210\312\307d\313#\2032\314\315 \313\"\210\202!\316 \210	\203Ieb\210\317	!\210\305 \210u\210\202L\nb\210\305 \210\303\320!+\207" [o-col o-str o-point message "Deleting bookmarks..." beginning-of-line looking-at "^D" nil 1 re-search-forward t bookmark-delete bookmark-bmenu-bookmark bookmark-bmenu-list search-forward "Deleting bookmarks...done"] 4 (#$ . 61627) nil])
#@59 Rename bookmark on current line.  Prompts for a new name.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-rename #[nil "\302 `\303	!\210b*\207" [thispoint bmrk bookmark-bmenu-bookmark bookmark-rename] 2 (#$ . 62157) nil])
#@65 Display location of this bookmark.  Displays in the minibuffer.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-locate #[nil "\301 \302\303\304!\")\207" [bmrk bookmark-bmenu-bookmark message "%s" bookmark-location] 4 (#$ . 62366) nil])
#@105 Change the file path of the bookmark on the current line,
  prompting with completion for the new path.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-relocate #[nil "\302 `\303	!\210b*\207" [thispoint bmrk bookmark-bmenu-bookmark bookmark-relocate] 2 (#$ . 62589) nil])
#@74 Filter `bookmark-alist' with bookmarks matching REGEXP and rebuild list.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-filter-alist-by-regexp #[(regexp) "\305\211	:\203\"	@\306\f\n@\"\203\nC\244	A\211\202+\307 )\207" [bookmark-alist #1=#:--cl-var-- i new regexp nil string-match bookmark-bmenu-list] 4 (#$ . 62848)])
#@67 Incremental search of bookmarks, hiding the non-matches as we go.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-search #[nil "\303 \304\305\216\304\306\307\216\310\311\n\"\210\312\313!\210\205!\314!\210\304\211-\207" [timer bmk #1=#:setup-hook bookmark-bmenu-bookmark nil ((byte-code "\203\302!\210\303 \210\304	!\210\302\207" [timer bmk cancel-timer bookmark-bmenu-list bookmark-bmenu-goto-bookmark] 2)) #[nil "\303\304\"\210\305	\306\307p$\211\207" [#1# bookmark-search-delay timer remove-hook minibuffer-setup-hook run-with-idle-timer repeat #[(buf) "rq\210\301\302 !)\207" [buf bookmark-bmenu-filter-alist-by-regexp minibuffer-contents] 2]] 5] ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [#1# remove-hook minibuffer-setup-hook] 3)) add-hook minibuffer-setup-hook read-string "Pattern: " cancel-timer] 3 (#$ . 63166) nil])
#@40 Move point to bookmark with name NAME.
(defalias 'bookmark-bmenu-goto-bookmark #[(name) "eb\210\301 \232\204\302y\210\202\303y\207" [name bookmark-bmenu-bookmark 1 0] 2 (#$ . 63979)])
#@298 Pop up multi-paned menu at EVENT, return string chosen from ENTRIES.
That is, ENTRIES is a list of strings which appear as the choices
in the menu.
The number of panes depends on the number of entries.
The visible entries are truncated to `bookmark-menu-length', but the
strings returned are not.
(defalias 'bookmark-menu-popup-paned-menu #[(event name entries) "\306 \307\245\310\311\203U\310\311\f\nW\203B\203B@\211GV\2030\311O\2022B
\237B	B*\202	\314\315\316Q	\237B\"+\207" [iter pane-list f-height entries count lst frame-height 2 nil 0 format "-*- %s (%d) -*-" x-popup-menu "-*- " " -*-" str bookmark-menu-length name event] 6 (#$ . 64175)])
(defvar menu-bar-bookmark-map (byte-code "\301\302!\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\311#\210\303\312\313#\210\303\314\315#\210\303\316\317#\210\303\320\321#\210\303\322\323#\210\303\324\325#\210\303\326\327#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap "Bookmark functions" bindings--define-key [load] (menu-item "Load a Bookmark File..." bookmark-load :help "Load bookmarks from a bookmark file)") [write] (menu-item "Save Bookmarks As..." bookmark-write :help "Write bookmarks to a file (reading the file name with the minibuffer)") [save] (menu-item "Save Bookmarks" bookmark-save :help "Save currently defined bookmarks") [edit] (menu-item "Edit Bookmark List" bookmark-bmenu-list :help "Display a list of existing bookmarks") [delete] (menu-item "Delete Bookmark..." bookmark-delete :help "Delete a bookmark from the bookmark list") [rename] (menu-item "Rename Bookmark..." bookmark-rename :help "Change the name of a bookmark") [locate] (menu-item "Insert Location..." bookmark-locate :help "Insert the name of the file associated with a bookmark") [insert] (menu-item "Insert Contents..." bookmark-insert :help "Insert the text of the file pointed to by a bookmark") [set] (menu-item "Set Bookmark..." bookmark-set :help "Set a bookmark named inside a file.") [jump] (menu-item "Jump to Bookmark..." bookmark-jump :help "Jump to a bookmark (a point in some file)")] 4))
(byte-code "\302\300\"\210\303\301!\203	\203\304	B\202\305\302\207" [menu-bar-bookmark-map menu-bar-final-items defalias boundp bookmark (bookmark)] 3)
#@55 Hook run at the end of loading library `bookmark.el'.
(defvar bookmark-load-hook nil (#$ . 66440))
(byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203,	@\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210	A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias bookmark-exit-hooks bookmark-exit-hook nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "22.1"] 6)
#@28 Hook run when Emacs exits.
(defvar bookmark-exit-hook nil (#$ . 66834))
#@93 Save bookmark state, if necessary, at Emacs exit time.
This also runs `bookmark-exit-hook'.
(defalias 'bookmark-exit-hook-internal #[nil "\301\302!\210\205\303\304!\205\305 \207" [bookmark-alist run-hooks bookmark-exit-hook bookmark-time-to-save-p t bookmark-save] 2 (#$ . 66912)])
(byte-code "\204	\301\302\303\"\210\301\207" [noninteractive add-hook kill-emacs-hook bookmark-exit-hook-internal] 3)
#@30 Unload the Bookmark library.
(defalias 'bookmark-unload-function #[nil "\203\301 \210\302\207" [bookmark-save-flag bookmark-save nil] 1 (#$ . 67325)])
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303!\207" [run-hooks bookmark-load-hook provide bookmark] 2)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net