? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/bs.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:12 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/bs.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\306\310\311\312&\210\300\313\302\314\311\301%\210\315\316\317\320\321DD\322\311\313\323\324&\207" [custom-declare-group bs nil "Buffer Selection: Maintaining buffers by buffer menu." :version "21.1" :link (emacs-commentary-link "bs") (url-link "http://www.geekware.de/software/emacs") :group convenience bs-appearance "Buffer Selection appearance: Appearance of bs buffer menu." custom-declare-variable bs-attributes-list funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [((#1="" 1 1 left bs--get-marked-string) ("M" 1 1 left bs--get-modified-string) ("R" 2 2 left bs--get-readonly-string) ("Buffer" bs--get-name-length 10 left bs--get-name) (#1# 1 1 left " ") ("Size" 8 8 right bs--get-size-string) (#1# 1 1 left " ") ("Mode" 12 12 right bs--get-mode-name) (#1# 2 2 left "  ") ("File" 12 12 left bs--get-file-name) (#1# 2 2 left "  "))] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "List specifying the layout of a Buffer Selection Menu buffer.\nEach entry specifies a column and is a list of the form of:\n(HEADER MINIMUM-LENGTH MAXIMUM-LENGTH ALIGNMENT FUN-OR-STRING)\n\nHEADER         : String for header for first line or a function\n                 which calculates column title.\nMINIMUM-LENGTH : Minimum width of column (number or name of function).\n                 The function must return a positive integer.\nMAXIMUM-LENGTH : Maximum width of column (number or name of function)\n                 (currently ignored).\nALIGNMENT      : Alignment of column (`left', `right', `middle').\nFUN-OR-STRING  : Name of a function for calculating the value or a\n                 string for a constant value.\n\nThe function gets as parameter the buffer where we have started\nbuffer selection and the list of all buffers to show.  The function must\nreturn a string representing the column's value." :type (repeat sexp)] 12)
#@82 Return a regexp matching the first line of a Buffer Selection Menu buffer.

(defalias 'bs--make-header-match-string #[0 "\301\302\303\304#\305Q\207" [bs-attributes-list "^\\(" mapconcat car " *" " *$\\)"] 5 (#$ . 2375)])
#@58 Default font lock expressions for Buffer Selection Menu.
(defvar bs-mode-font-lock-keywords (byte-code "\300 \301\302E\303\304\305\306!\203\306\202\307E\310\311F\207" [bs--make-header-match-string (1 font-lock-type-face append) (1 'bold append) "^\\(.*\\*.*\\*.*\\)$" 1 facep font-lock-constant-face font-lock-comment-face ("^..\\(.*Dired .*\\)$" 1 font-lock-function-name-face) ("^.\\(\\*\\) +[^\\*]" 1 font-lock-comment-face)] 5) (#$ . 2608))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable bs-max-window-height funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [20] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "Maximal window height of Buffer Selection Menu." :group bs-appearance :type integer] 8)
#@151 Regular expression specifying which buffers not to show.
A buffer whose name matches this regular expression will not be
included in the buffer list.
(defvar bs-dont-show-regexp nil (#$ . 3312))
#@355 Regular expression for specifying buffers which must be shown.
A buffer whose name matches this regular expression will be
included in the buffer list.
Note that this variable is temporary: if the configuration is changed
it is reset to nil.  Use `bs-must-always-show-regexp' to specify buffers
that must always be shown regardless of the configuration.
(defvar bs-must-show-regexp nil (#$ . 3514))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable bs-must-always-show-regexp funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "Regular expression for specifying buffers to show always.\nA buffer whose name matches this regular expression will\nbe shown regardless of current configuration of Buffer Selection Menu." :group bs :type (choice (const :tag "Nothing at all" nil) regexp)] 8)
#@199 Function for specifying buffers not to show.
The function gets one argument - the buffer to test.  The function must
return a value different from nil to ignore the buffer in
Buffer Selection Menu.
(defvar bs-dont-show-function nil (#$ . 4346))
#@107 Function for specifying buffers which must be shown.
The function gets one argument - the buffer to test.
(defvar bs-must-show-function nil (#$ . 4598))
#@205 Sort function to sort the buffers that appear in Buffer Selection Menu.
The function gets two arguments - the buffers to compare.
It must return non-nil if the first buffer should sort before the second.
(defvar bs-buffer-sort-function nil (#$ . 4758))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable bs-maximal-buffer-name-column funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [45] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "Maximum column width for buffer names.\nThe column for buffer names has dynamic width.  The width depends on\nmaximal and minimal length of names of buffers to show.  The maximal\nwidth is bounded by `bs-maximal-buffer-name-column'.\nSee also `bs-minimal-buffer-name-column'." :group bs-appearance :type integer bs-minimal-buffer-name-column #[0 "\300\207" [15] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "Minimum column width for buffer names.\nThe column for buffer names has dynamic width.  The width depends on\nmaximal and minimal length of names of buffers to show.  The minimal\nwidth is bounded by `bs-minimal-buffer-name-column'.\nSee also `bs-maximal-buffer-name-column'."] 8)
#@55 Number of lines for headers in Buffer Selection Menu.
(defconst bs-header-lines-length 2 (#$ . 5892))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\315\310\316&\210\300\317\302\303\320DD\321\306\315\310\316&\207" [custom-declare-variable bs-configurations funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(("all" nil nil nil nil nil) ("files" nil nil nil bs-visits-non-file bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last) ("files-and-scratch" "^\\*scratch\\*$" nil nil bs-visits-non-file bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last) ("all-intern-last" nil nil nil nil bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last))] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "List of all configurations you can use in the Buffer Selection Menu.\nA configuration describes which buffers appear in Buffer Selection Menu\nand also the order of buffers.  A configuration is a list with\nsix elements.  The first element is a string and describes the configuration.\nThe following five elements represent the values for Buffer Selection Menu\nconfiguration variables `bs-must-show-regexp', `bs-must-show-function',\n`bs-dont-show-regexp', `bs-dont-show-function' and `bs-buffer-sort-function'.\nBy setting these variables you define a configuration." :group bs-appearance :type (repeat sexp) bs-default-configuration #[0 "\300\207" ["files"] 1 "files\n\n(fn)"] "Name of default configuration used by the Buffer Selection Menu.\n\\<bs-mode-map>\nWill be changed using key \\[bs-select-next-configuration].\nMust be a string used in `bs-configurations' for naming a configuration." bs string bs-alternative-configuration #[0 "\300\207" ["all"] 1 "all\n\n(fn)"] "Name of configuration used when calling `bs-show' with \\[universal-argument] as prefix key.\nMust be a string used in `bs-configurations' for naming a configuration."] 8)
#@105 Name of current configuration.
Must be a string used in `bs-configurations' for naming a configuration.
(defvar bs-current-configuration bs-default-configuration (#$ . 7672))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\315\310\316&\210\300\317\302\303\320DD\321\306\315\310\316&\210\300\322\302\303\323DD\324\306\315\310\316&\210\300\325\302\303\326DD\327\306\315\310\316&\210\300\330\302\303\331DD\332\306\315\310\316&\210\300\333\302\303\334DD\335\306\315\310\316&\207" [custom-declare-variable bs-cycle-configuration-name funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "Name of configuration used when cycling through the buffer list.\nA value of nil means to use current configuration `bs-default-configuration'.\nMust be a string used in `bs-configurations' for naming a configuration." :group bs :type (choice (const :tag "like current configuration" nil) string) bs-string-show-always #[0 "\300\207" ["+"] 1 "+\n\n(fn)"] "String added in column 1 indicating a buffer will always be shown." bs-appearance string bs-string-show-never #[0 "\300\207" ["-"] 1 "-\n\n(fn)"] "String added in column 1 indicating a buffer will never be shown." bs-string-current #[0 "\300\207" ["."] 1 ".\n\n(fn)"] "String added in column 1 indicating the current buffer." bs-string-current-marked #[0 "\300\207" ["#"] 1 "#\n\n(fn)"] "String added in column 1 indicating the current buffer when it is marked." bs-string-marked #[0 "\300\207" [">"] 1 ">\n\n(fn)"] "String added in column 1 indicating a marked buffer." bs-string-show-normally #[0 "\300\207" [" "] 1 " \n\n(fn)"] "String added in column 1 indicating an unmarked buffer."] 8)
#@70 Maximum length of all displayed buffer names.
Used internally, only.
(defvar bs--name-entry-length 20 (#$ . 9358))
#@259 Flag for the current mode for showing this buffer.
A value of nil means buffer will be shown depending on the current
A value of `never' means to never show the buffer.
A value of `always' means to show buffer regardless of the configuration.
(defvar bs-buffer-show-mark nil (#$ . 9480))
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303!\204\304\303!\210\305\303\306\"\210\300\207" [make-variable-buffer-local bs-buffer-show-mark facep region make-face set-face-background "gray75"] 3)
#@55 Compare buffers B1 and B2 by buffer name.

(fn B1 B2)
(defalias 'bs--sort-by-name #[514 "\300!\300!\231\207" [buffer-name] 5 (#$ . 9974)])
#@53 Compare buffers B1 and B2 by file name.

(fn B1 B2)
(defalias 'bs--sort-by-filename #[514 "\300!\206\301\300!\206\301\231\207" [buffer-file-name ""] 5 (#$ . 10121)])
#@53 Compare buffers B1 and B2 by mode name.

(fn B1 B2)
(defalias 'bs--sort-by-mode #[514 "rq\210\301\302\211$q\210\301\302\211$\231)\207" [mode-name format-mode-line nil] 8 (#$ . 10299)])
#@55 Compare buffers B1 and B2 by buffer size.

(fn B1 B2)
(defalias 'bs--sort-by-size #[514 "\300!\300!W\207" [buffer-size] 5 (#$ . 10496)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable bs-sort-functions funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(("by name" bs--sort-by-name "Buffer" region) ("by size" bs--sort-by-size "Size" region) ("by mode" bs--sort-by-mode "Mode" region) ("by filename" bs--sort-by-filename "File" region) ("by nothing" nil nil nil))] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] "List of all possible sorting aspects for Buffer Selection Menu.\nYou can add a new entry with a call to `bs-define-sort-function'.\nEach element is a list of four elements (NAME FUNCTION REGEXP-FOR-SORTING FACE).\nNAME specifies the sort order defined by function FUNCTION.\nFUNCTION nil means don't sort the buffer list.  Otherwise the function\nmust have two parameters - the buffers to compare.\nREGEXP-FOR-SORTING is a regular expression which describes the\ncolumn title to highlight.\nFACE is a face used to fontify the sorted column title.  A value of nil means\ndon't highlight." :group bs :type (repeat sexp)] 8)
#@558 Define a new function for buffer sorting in Buffer Selection Menu.
NAME specifies the sort order defined by function FUN.
A value of nil for FUN means don't sort the buffer list.  Otherwise the
functions must have two parameters - the buffers to compare.
REGEXP-FOR-SORTING is a regular expression which describes the
column title to highlight.
FACE is a face used to fontify the sorted column title.  A value of nil means
don't highlight.
The new sort aspect will be inserted into list `bs-sort-functions'.

(defalias 'bs-define-sort-function #[1026 "\301\"\211\203\211E\241\202FB\211\207" [bs-sort-functions assoc] 9 (#$ . 11629)])
#@109 Description of the current function for sorting the buffer list.
This is an element of `bs-sort-functions'.
(defvar bs--current-sort-function nil (#$ . 12333))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&	\207" [custom-declare-variable bs-default-sort-name funcall function #[0 "\300\207" ["by nothing"] 1 "by nothing\n\n(fn)"] "Name of default sort behavior.\nMust be \"by nothing\" or a string used in `bs-sort-functions' for\nnaming a sort behavior.  Default is \"by nothing\" which means no sorting." :group bs :type string :set #[514 "L\210\302\"\211\207" [bs-sort-functions bs--current-sort-function assoc] 5 "\n\n(fn VAR-NAME VALUE)"]] 10)
#@73 The buffer in which the user started the current Buffer Selection Menu.
(defvar bs--buffer-coming-from nil (#$ . 13010))
#@191 Flag whether showing all buffers regardless of current configuration.
Non-nil means to show all buffers.  Otherwise show buffers
defined by current configuration `bs-current-configuration'.
(defvar bs--show-all nil (#$ . 13138))
#@61 Window configuration before starting Buffer Selection Menu.
(defvar bs--window-config-coming-from nil (#$ . 13373))
#@155 Regular expression specifying which buffers never to show.
A buffer whose name matches this regular expression will never be
included in the buffer list.
(defvar bs--intern-show-never "^ \\|\\*buffer-selection\\*" (#$ . 13496))
#@72 List of buffers shown in Buffer Selection Menu.
Used internally, only.
(defvar bs-current-list nil (#$ . 13730))
#@52 Currently marked buffers in Buffer Selection Menu.
(defvar bs--marked-buffers nil (#$ . 13849))
#@22 Keymap of `bs-mode'.
(defvar bs-mode-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\301\304\303#\210\301\305\306#\210\301\307\310#\210\301\311\312#\210\301\313\312#\210\301\314\315#\210\316\211\317X\203B\301\320!\321#\210\211T\262\202-\210\301\322\323#\210\301\324\323#\210\301\325\326#\210\301\327\330#\210\301\331\332#\210\301\333\332#\210\301\334\335#\210\301\336\337#\210\301\340\335#\210\301\341\337#\210\301\342\303#\210\301\343\344#\210\301\345\346#\210\301\347\350#\210\301\351\352#\210\301\353\354#\210\301\355\356#\210\301\357\354#\210\301\360\361#\210\301\362\363#\210\301\364\365#\210\301\366\367#\210\301\370\367#\210\301\371\372#\210\301\373\372#\210\301\374\375#\210\301\376\377#\210\301\201@\201A#\210\301\201B\201C#\210\301\201D\201E#\210\301\201F\201G#\210\301\201H\201I#\210\301\201J\201K#\210\301\201L\201M#\210\301\201N\201O#\210\211\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key " " bs-select "f" "v" bs-view "!" bs-select-in-one-window [mouse-2] bs-mouse-select [button2] "F" bs-select-other-frame 49 57 char-to-string digit-argument "-" negative-argument "-" "o" bs-select-other-window "" bs-tmp-select-other-window [mouse-3] bs-mouse-select-other-frame [button3] [up] bs-up "n" bs-down "p" [down] "
" "b" bs-bury-buffer "s" bs-save "S" bs-show-sorted "a" bs-toggle-show-all "d" bs-delete "" bs-delete-backward "k" "g" bs-refresh "C" bs-set-configuration-and-refresh "c" bs-select-next-configuration "q" bs-kill "" "" bs-abort "" "%" bs-toggle-readonly "~" bs-clear-modified "M" bs-toggle-current-to-show "+" bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-always "t" bs-visit-tags-table "m" bs-mark-current "u" bs-unmark-current ">" scroll-right "<" scroll-left "?" bs-help] 6) (#$ . 13951))
#@459 Return a list of buffers to be shown.
LIST is a list of buffers to test for appearance in Buffer Selection Menu.
The result list depends on the global variables `bs-dont-show-regexp',
`bs-must-show-regexp', `bs-dont-show-function', `bs-must-show-function'
and `bs-buffer-sort-function'.
If SORT-DESCRIPTION isn't nil the list will be sorted by
a special function.  SORT-DESCRIPTION is an element of `bs-sort-functions'.

(defalias 'bs-buffer-list #[512 "\211\206\262\206
\306 \262\307\211\203\271\211@\310!	\307\311\312\f\n#,\205<\307\311\312\f\n#,\203S\307\311\312\f\n#,\206g\205g\307\311\312\f\n#,\205p!\205z!\313\314\"\211\315=\204\251\204\220\211\316=\204\260\204\260\204\251\204\251\204\251\204\260\204\260\nB\262\n\266A\266\202\202\210\317!\262\203\330\320!\203\330>\204\330B\262\203\356A@\203\356\321A@\"\211\262\202\361\322!\207" [bs--current-sort-function bs--intern-show-never start string regexp inhibit-changing-match-data buffer-list nil buffer-name t string-match buffer-local-value bs-buffer-show-mark always never reverse buffer-live-p sort bs-buffer-sort bs-dont-show-regexp bs-must-always-show-regexp bs-must-show-regexp bs-dont-show-function bs-must-show-function bs--show-all bs--buffer-coming-from] 14 (#$ . 15709)])
#@87 Sort buffers in BUFFER-LIST according to `bs-buffer-sort-function'.

(defalias 'bs-buffer-sort #[257 "\203	\301\"\207\207" [bs-buffer-sort-function sort] 4 (#$ . 17105)])
#@203 Redisplay whole Buffer Selection Menu.
If KEEP-LINE-P is non-nil the point will stay on current line.
SORT-DESCRIPTION is an element of `bs-sort-functions'.

(defalias 'bs--redisplay #[512 "\300\301`\"\302\303\304\"!\210\203eb\210\211y\210\305 \207" [count-lines 1 bs-show-in-buffer bs-buffer-list nil beginning-of-line] 7 (#$ . 17304)])
#@154 Goto line which represents the current buffer;
actually the line which begins with character in `bs-string-current' or

(defalias 'bs--goto-current-buffer #[0 "\302\303!\304\303	!R\305\212eb\210\306\305\307#\203`S\262)\211\205!\211b\207" [bs-string-current bs-string-current-marked "^" regexp-quote "\\|^" nil search-forward-regexp t] 6 (#$ . 17697)])
#@71 Return a string describing the current `bs-mode' configuration.

(defalias 'bs--current-config-message #[0 "\203\302\207\303\304	\"\207" [bs--show-all bs-current-configuration "Show all buffers." format "Show buffer by configuration %S"] 3 (#$ . 18094)])
#@104 Track window changes to refresh the buffer list.
Used from `window-size-change-functions'.

(fn FRAME)
(defalias 'bs--track-window-changes #[257 "\300\301\"\211\205(\302!r\303\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312\313%DC\216\314@\315\"\210\316 *\262\207" [get-buffer-window "*buffer-selection*" internal--before-with-selected-window funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 "\n\n(fn)" select-window norecord bs--set-window-height] 10 (#$ . 18364)])
#@62 Remove `bs--track-window-changes' and auxiliary hooks.

(defalias 'bs--remove-hooks #[0 "\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\304\305#\210\300\306\304\305#\207" [remove-hook window-size-change-functions bs--track-window-changes kill-buffer-hook bs--remove-hooks t change-major-mode-hook] 4 (#$ . 18875)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305N\204\300\304\305\306\307!#\210\310\311!\204 \300\311\312\301#\210\300\207" [put bs-mode mode-class special bs-mode-hook variable-documentation purecopy "Hook run when entering Buffer-Selection-Menu mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it.  (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp bs-mode-map definition-name] 5)
(defvar bs-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\305\306!\204\302\306\307\310#\210\300\207" [bs-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `bs-mode'." boundp bs-mode-syntax-table definition-name bs-mode] 5)
(defvar bs-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [bs-mode-syntax-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Syntax table for `bs-mode'." bs-mode-abbrev-table definition-name bs-mode] 5)
(defvar bs-mode-abbrev-table (progn (define-abbrev-table 'bs-mode-abbrev-table nil) bs-mode-abbrev-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [bs-mode-abbrev-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Abbrev table for `bs-mode'." bs-mode derived-mode-parent nil] 5)
#@1914 Major mode for editing a subset of Emacs's buffers.
Aside from two header lines each line describes one buffer.
Move to a line representing the buffer you want to edit and select
buffer by \[bs-select] or SPC.  Abort buffer list with \[bs-kill].
There are many key commands similar to `Buffer-menu-mode' for
manipulating the buffer list and buffers.
For faster navigation each digit key is a digit argument.

\[bs-select] or SPACE -- select current line's buffer and other marked buffers.
\[bs-toggle-show-all]  -- toggle between all buffers and a special subset.
\[bs-select-other-window] -- select current line's buffer in other window.
\[bs-tmp-select-other-window] -- make another window display that buffer and
    remain in Buffer Selection Menu.
\[bs-mouse-select] -- select current line's buffer and other marked buffers.
\[bs-save] -- save current line's buffer immediately.
\[bs-delete] -- kill current line's buffer immediately.
\[bs-toggle-readonly] -- toggle read-only status of current line's buffer.
\[bs-clear-modified] -- clear modified-flag on that buffer.
\[bs-mark-current] -- mark current line's buffer to be displayed.
\[bs-unmark-current] -- unmark current line's buffer to be displayed.
\[bs-show-sorted] -- display buffer list sorted by next sort aspect.
\[bs-set-configuration-and-refresh] -- ask user for a configuration and apply selected configuration.
\[bs-select-next-configuration] -- select and apply next available Buffer Selection Menu configuration.
\[bs-kill] -- leave Buffer Selection Menu without a selection.
\[bs-toggle-current-to-show] -- toggle status of appearance.
\[bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-always] -- mark current line's buffer to show always.
\[bs-visit-tags-table] -- call `visit-tags-table' on current line's buffer.
\[bs-help] -- display this help text.

This mode runs the hook `bs-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

(defalias 'bs-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\313!\210\314\f!\210
\306\315!\210\306\316!\210\306\317!\210\320 \210\307\211 \321!\322\323
\321\306\324!\210\325\326\327\330\"\210\326\331\332\321\307$\210\326\333\332\321\307$\210)\334\335!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name bs-mode-map bs-mode-syntax-table bs-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t kill-all-local-variables bs-mode "Buffer-Selection-Menu" use-local-map set-syntax-table font-lock-defaults font-lock-verbose font-lock-global-modes buffer-disable-undo nil (not bs-mode) (bs-mode-font-lock-keywords t) revert-buffer-function bs-refresh add-hook window-size-change-functions bs--track-window-changes kill-buffer-hook bs--remove-hooks change-major-mode-hook run-mode-hooks bs-mode-hook local-abbrev-table buffer-read-only truncate-lines show-trailing-whitespace] 6 (#$ . 20439) nil])
#@58 Restore window configuration on the current frame.

(defalias 'bs--restore-window-config #[0 "\205 \301 \302\303\304\305\306\307!\310\"\311\312%DC\216\313!\210)\210\314\211\207" [bs--window-config-coming-from selected-frame funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [select-frame] 2 "\n\n(fn)" set-window-configuration nil] 8 (#$ . 23242)])
#@60 Let buffer disappear and reset window configuration.

(defalias 'bs-kill #[0 "\300p!\210\301 \207" [bury-buffer bs--restore-window-config] 2 (#$ . 23614) nil])
#@65 Ding and leave Buffer Selection Menu without a selection.

(defalias 'bs-abort #[0 "\300 \210\301 \207" [ding bs-kill] 1 (#$ . 23785) nil])
#@107 Ask user for a configuration and apply selected configuration.
Refresh whole Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs-set-configuration-and-refresh #[0 "\300\301!\210\302\303!\207" [call-interactively bs-set-configuration bs--redisplay t] 2 (#$ . 23937) nil])
#@103 Refresh whole Buffer Selection Menu.
Arguments are IGNORED (for `revert-buffer').

(fn &rest IGNORED)
(defalias 'bs-refresh #[128 "\300\301!\207" [bs--redisplay t] 3 (#$ . 24206) nil])
#@81 Change the height of the selected window to suit the current buffer list.

(defalias 'bs--set-window-height #[0 "\301\302!?\205\f\303\304 \"\207" [bs-max-window-height one-window-p t fit-window-to-buffer selected-window] 3 (#$ . 24397)])
#@78 Return buffer on current line.
Raise an error if not on a buffer line.

(defalias 'bs--current-buffer #[0 "\302 \210[\303\304`\"\\\211\305W\203\306\307!\210\211	8\207" [bs-header-lines-length bs-current-list beginning-of-line count-lines 1 0 error "You are on a header row"] 4 (#$ . 24648)])
#@67 Update the entry on current line for Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs--update-current-line #[0 "\301 \302\303 \210`\304 |\210\305!\210\303 )\207" [inhibit-read-only bs--current-buffer t beginning-of-line line-end-position bs--insert-one-entry] 3 (#$ . 24954)])
#@77 View current line's buffer in View mode.
Leave Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs-view #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [view-buffer bs--current-buffer] 2 (#$ . 25233) nil])
#@310 Select current line's buffer and other marked buffers.
If there are no marked buffers the window configuration before starting
Buffer Selection Menu will be restored.
If there are marked buffers each marked buffer and the current line's buffer
will be selected in a window.
Leave Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs-select #[0 "\301 \302p!\210\303 \210\304!\210\205D\305\"\306 SGT\245\307 \210\304!\210\211\203>\211@\310\311\"\210\312\313!\210\304!\210A\266\202\202$\210\312\313!\266\202\207" [bs--marked-buffers bs--current-buffer bury-buffer bs--restore-window-config switch-to-buffer delq frame-height delete-other-windows split-window nil other-window 1] 8 (#$ . 25410) nil])
#@258 Select current line's buffer by `switch-to-buffer-other-window'.
The window configuration before starting Buffer Selection Menu will be restored
unless there is no other window.  In this case a new window will be created.
Leave Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs-select-other-window #[0 "\300 \301p!\210\302 \210\303!\207" [bs--current-buffer bury-buffer bs--restore-window-config switch-to-buffer-other-window] 3 (#$ . 26117) nil])
#@93 Make the other window select this line's buffer.
The current window remains selected.

(defalias 'bs-tmp-select-other-window #[0 "\300 \301\302\"\207" [bs--current-buffer display-buffer t] 4 (#$ . 26565) nil])
#@87 Select current line's buffer in new created frame.
Leave Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs-select-other-frame #[0 "\300 \301p!\210\302 \210\303!\207" [bs--current-buffer bury-buffer bs--restore-window-config switch-to-buffer-other-frame] 3 (#$ . 26787) nil])
#@122 Select selected line's buffer in new created frame.
Leave Buffer Selection Menu.
EVENT: a mouse click event.

(fn EVENT)
(defalias 'bs-mouse-select-other-frame #[257 "\300!\210\301 \207" [mouse-set-point bs-select-other-frame] 3 (#$ . 27063) "e"])
#@79 Select buffer on mouse click EVENT.
Select buffer by `bs-select'.

(fn EVENT)
(defalias 'bs-mouse-select #[257 "\300!\210\301 \207" [mouse-set-point bs-select] 3 (#$ . 27318) "e"])
#@105 Select current line's buffer in one window and delete other windows.
Leave Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs-select-in-one-window #[0 "\300 \210\301 \207" [bs-select delete-other-windows] 1 (#$ . 27507) nil])
#@36 Bury buffer on current line.

(defalias 'bs-bury-buffer #[0 "\300\301 !\210\302\303!\207" [bury-buffer bs--current-buffer bs--redisplay t] 2 (#$ . 27731) nil])
#@36 Save buffer on current line.

(defalias 'bs-save #[0 "r\300 q\210\301 \210)\302 \207" [bs--current-buffer save-buffer bs--update-current-line] 1 (#$ . 27902) nil])
#@80 Visit the tags table in the buffer on this line.
See `visit-tags-table'.

(defalias 'bs-visit-tags-table #[0 "\300\301 !\211\203\302!\202\303\304!\207" [buffer-file-name bs--current-buffer visit-tags-table error "Specified buffer has no file"] 3 (#$ . 28077) nil])
#@65 Toggle status of showing flag for buffer in current line.

(defalias 'bs-toggle-current-to-show #[0 "r\301 q\210\204
\302\202\302=\203\303\202\304\211)\305 \210\306 \210\307!\207" [bs-buffer-show-mark bs--current-buffer never always nil bs--update-current-line bs--set-window-height bs--show-config-message] 3 (#$ . 28358) nil])
#@230 Toggle status of buffer on line to `always shown'.
NOT-TO-SHOW-P: prefix argument.
With no prefix argument the buffer on current line is marked to show
always.  Otherwise it is marked to show never.

(fn &optional NOT-TO-SHOW-P)
(defalias 'bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-always #[256 "\211\203\300 \207\301\302 \303\"\207" [bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-never bs--set-toggle-to-show bs--current-buffer always] 4 (#$ . 28710) "P"])
#@57 Toggle status of buffer on line to `never shown'.

(defalias 'bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-never #[0 "\300\301 \302\"\207" [bs--set-toggle-to-show bs--current-buffer never] 3 (#$ . 29148) nil])
#@171 Set value `bs-buffer-show-mark' of buffer BUFFER to WHAT.
Redisplay current line and display a message describing
the status of buffer on current line.

(defalias 'bs--set-toggle-to-show #[514 "rq\210\211)\301 \210\302 \210\303!\207" [bs-buffer-show-mark bs--update-current-line bs--set-window-height bs--show-config-message] 4 (#$ . 29355)])
#@78 Call FUN on COUNT consecutive buffers of *buffer-selection*.

(defalias 'bs--mark-unmark #[514 "\300V\203\n\301\202\302\303!\300\211W\205/\211\304 \211\203 !\210\305 \210\306!\266\211T\262\202\266\202\207" [0 1 -1 abs bs--current-buffer bs--update-current-line bs-down] 9 (#$ . 29724)])
#@108 Mark buffers.
COUNT is the number of buffers to mark.
Move cursor vertically down COUNT lines.

(fn COUNT)
(defalias 'bs-mark-current #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [bs--mark-unmark #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [add-to-list bs--marked-buffers] 4 "\n\n(fn BUF)"]] 4 (#$ . 30048) "p"])
#@112 Unmark buffers.
COUNT is the number of buffers to unmark.
Move cursor vertically down COUNT lines.

(fn COUNT)
(defalias 'bs-unmark-current #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [bs--mark-unmark #[257 "\301\"\211\207" [bs--marked-buffers delq] 4 "\n\n(fn BUF)"]] 4 (#$ . 30327) "p"])
#@111 Show message indicating the new showing status WHAT.
WHAT is a value of nil, `never', or `always'.

(fn WHAT)
(defalias 'bs--show-config-message #[257 "\300\204	\301\202\302=\203\303\202\304!\207" [bs-message-without-log "Buffer will be shown normally." never "Mark buffer to never be shown." "Mark buffer to show always."] 4 (#$ . 30607)])
#@36 Kill buffer on current line.

(defalias 'bs-delete #[0 "\302 \303\304!\204\305\306!\210\307	\"\310 \210`\212\311\210m\203#`\202%`T)|\210m\2037\312\313!\210\310 \210\314\315!\210\316 )\207" [inhibit-read-only bs-current-list bs--current-buffer t kill-buffer error "Buffer was not deleted" delq beginning-of-line nil backward-delete-char 1 recenter -1 bs--set-window-height] 4 (#$ . 30963) nil])
#@62 Like `bs-delete' but go to buffer in front of current.

(defalias 'bs-delete-backward #[0 "\212\300\210m)\301 \210\211?\205\302\303!\207" [nil bs-delete bs-up 1] 3 (#$ . 31378) nil])
#@52 Show buffer list sorted by next sort aspect.

(defalias 'bs-show-sorted #[0 "\302@	\"\303 \210\304 \210\305\306@\"\207" [bs--current-sort-function bs-sort-functions bs-next-config-aux bs--redisplay bs--goto-current-buffer bs-message-without-log "Sorted %s"] 3 (#$ . 31575) nil])
#@193 Set text properties for the sort described by SORT-DESCRIPTION.
SORT-DESCRIPTION is an element of `bs-sort-functions'.
Default is `bs--current-sort-function'.

(fn &optional SORT-DESCRIPTION)
(defalias 'bs-apply-sort-faces #[256 "\211\206\212eb\210\3028\205*\303\3028\304\305#\205*\305\306\307\224\307\225\310\3118\206(\312$))\207" [bs--current-sort-function inhibit-read-only 2 search-forward-regexp nil t put-text-property 0 face 3 region] 8 (#$ . 31869)])
#@74 Toggle show all buffers / show buffers with current configuration.

(defalias 'bs-toggle-show-all #[0 "?\301 \210\302 \210\303\304\305 \"\207" [bs--show-all bs--redisplay bs--goto-current-buffer bs-message-without-log "%s" bs--current-config-message] 3 (#$ . 32344) nil])
#@93 Toggle read-only status for buffer on current line.
Uses function `toggle-read-only'.

(defalias 'bs-toggle-readonly #[0 "r\300 q\210\301\302!\210)\303 \207" [bs--current-buffer read-only-mode toggle bs--update-current-line] 2 (#$ . 32629) nil])
#@60 Set modified flag for buffer on current line to nil.

(defalias 'bs-clear-modified #[0 "r\300 q\210\301\302!\210)\303 \207" [bs--current-buffer set-buffer-modified-p nil bs--update-current-line] 2 (#$ . 32886) nil])
#@79 Call COUNT times function FUN with arguments ARGS.

(fn COUNT FUN &rest ARGS)
(defalias 'bs--nth-wrapper #[642 "\206\300\301\211W\205\211\302\"\266\211T\262\202\207" [1 0 apply] 9 (#$ . 33113)])
#@73 Move cursor vertically up ARG lines in Buffer Selection Menu.

(fn ARG)
(defalias 'bs-up #[257 "\211\203\211\247\203\211\300W\203\301[\302\"\207\301\303\"\207" [0 bs--nth-wrapper bs--down bs--up] 4 (#$ . 33326) "p"])
#@85 Move cursor vertically up one line.
If on top of buffer list go to last line.

(defalias 'bs--up #[0 "\301\302`\"V\203\f\303y\207db\210\304 \210\305\303!\207" [bs-header-lines-length count-lines 1 -1 beginning-of-line recenter] 3 (#$ . 33557)])
#@75 Move cursor vertically down ARG lines in Buffer Selection Menu.

(fn ARG)
(defalias 'bs-down #[257 "\211\203\211\247\203\211\300W\203\301[\302\"\207\301\303\"\207" [0 bs--nth-wrapper bs--up bs--down] 4 (#$ . 33815) "p"])
#@88 Move cursor vertically down one line.
If at end of buffer list go to first line.

(defalias 'bs--down #[0 "\301 d=\203
eb\210y\207\302y\207" [bs-header-lines-length line-end-position 1] 2 (#$ . 34050)])
#@145 Return whether BUFFER visits no file.
A value of t means BUFFER belongs to no file.
A value of nil means BUFFER belongs to a file.

(defalias 'bs-visits-non-file #[257 "\300!?\207" [buffer-file-name] 3 (#$ . 34267)])
#@78 Function for sorting internal buffers at the end of all buffers.

(fn B1 B2)
(defalias 'bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last #[514 "\304\305!\306\307\310\n	#,\207" [start string regexp inhibit-changing-match-data "^\\*" buffer-name nil t string-match] 6 (#$ . 34503)])
#@204 Reset all variables which specify a configuration.
These variables are `bs-dont-show-regexp', `bs-must-show-regexp',
`bs-dont-show-function', `bs-must-show-function' and

(defalias 'bs-config-clear #[0 "\305\211\305\211\305\211\207" [bs-dont-show-regexp bs-must-show-regexp bs-dont-show-function bs-must-show-function bs-buffer-sort-function nil] 3 (#$ . 34780)])
#@72 Define a configuration for showing only buffers visiting a file.

(defalias 'bs-config--only-files #[0 "\302 \210\303\304\211\207" [bs-buffer-sort-function bs-dont-show-function bs-config-clear bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last bs-visits-non-file] 2 (#$ . 35187)])
#@77 Define a configuration for showing buffer *scratch* and file buffers.

(defalias 'bs-config--files-and-scratch #[0 "\303 \210\304\305\306\211\207" [bs-buffer-sort-function bs-dont-show-function bs-must-show-regexp bs-config-clear bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last bs-visits-non-file "^\\*scratch\\*$"] 2 (#$ . 35463)])
#@107 Define a configuration for showing all buffers.
Reset all according variables by `bs-config-clear'.

(defalias 'bs-config--all #[0 "\300 \207" [bs-config-clear] 1 (#$ . 35795)])
#@102 Define a configuration for showing all buffers.
Internal buffers appear at end of all buffers.

(defalias 'bs-config--all-intern-last #[0 "\301 \210\302\211\207" [bs-buffer-sort-function bs-config-clear bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last] 2 (#$ . 35985)])
#@178 Set configuration to the one saved under string NAME in `bs-configurations'.
When called interactively ask user for a configuration and apply selected

(fn NAME)
(defalias 'bs-set-configuration #[257 "\306\"\211\203.\211<\203(\211A@\3078\3108\3118\3128\211\2025\211A \2025\313 \210\314\315\"\207" [bs-configurations bs-current-configuration bs-must-show-regexp bs-must-show-function bs-dont-show-regexp bs-dont-show-function assoc 2 3 4 5 ding bs-message-without-log "No bs-configuration named %S." bs-buffer-sort-function] 5 (#$ . 36251) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304$C\207" [bs-configurations completing-read "Use configuration: " nil t] 5)])
#@27 Help for `bs-show'.

(defalias 'bs-help #[0 "\300\301!\207" [describe-function bs-mode] 2 (#$ . 36936) nil])
#@120 Get the next assoc after START-NAME in list LIST.
Will return the first if START-NAME is at end.

(defalias 'bs-next-config-aux #[514 "\211G\300\203!\211\204!@@\230\203GZ\262A\262\202\211T\262\211=\2030@\2023\2118\207" [nil] 7 (#$ . 37057)])
#@84 Return next configuration with respect to configuration with name NAME.

(fn NAME)
(defalias 'bs-next-config #[257 "\301\"\207" [bs-configurations bs-next-config-aux] 4 (#$ . 37347)])
#@177 Apply next configuration START-NAME and refresh buffer list.
If START-NAME is nil the current configuration `bs-current-configuration'
will be used.

(fn &optional START-NAME)
(defalias 'bs-select-next-configuration #[256 "\302\206!\303@!\210\304\305!\210\306 \210\307\310@\"\207" [bs-current-configuration bs-default-configuration bs-next-config bs-set-configuration bs--redisplay t bs--set-window-height bs-message-without-log "Selected configuration: %s"] 5 (#$ . 37540) nil])
#@252 Display buffer list LIST in buffer *buffer-selection*.
Select buffer *buffer-selection* and display buffers according to current
configuration `bs-current-configuration'.  Set window height, fontify buffer
and move point to current buffer.

(fn LIST)
(defalias 'bs-show-in-buffer #[257 "\211\305\306\307!!\210\310 \210\311\312\313\314\315\316\"B\"\n]^\317 \210\211\320 \210\211\203:\211@\321!\210\322c\210A\266\202\202&\210\323\324!\210\325 \210\326 \210\327 \210\330 \210\331\332!)\207" [bs-current-list inhibit-read-only bs-maximal-buffer-name-column bs-minimal-buffer-name-column bs--name-entry-length switch-to-buffer get-buffer-create "*buffer-selection*" bs-mode t #[257 "\300!G\207" [buffer-name] 3 "\n\n(fn ENTRY)"] apply max 0 mapcar erase-buffer bs--show-header bs--insert-one-entry "\n" delete-char -1 bs--set-window-height bs--goto-current-buffer font-lock-fontify-buffer bs-apply-sort-faces set-buffer-modified-p nil] 8 (#$ . 38035)])
#@342 Return next buffer and buffer list for buffer cycling in BUFFER-LIST.
Ignore sorting when SORTING-P is nil.
If BUFFER-LIST is nil the result of `bs-buffer-list' will be used as
buffer list.  The result is a cons of normally the second element of
BUFFER-LIST and the buffer list used for buffer cycling.

(fn &optional BUFFER-LIST SORTING-P)
(defalias 'bs-next-buffer #[512 "\211\205\206\f\301 \211A@\206\211@\206p)B\207" [bs--current-sort-function bs-buffer-list] 5 (#$ . 39004)])
#@331 Return previous buffer and buffer list for buffer cycling in BUFFER-LIST.
Ignore sorting when SORTING-P is nil.
If BUFFER-LIST is nil the result of `bs-buffer-list' will be used as
buffer list.  The result is a cons of last element of BUFFER-LIST and the
buffer list used for buffer cycling.

(fn &optional BUFFER-LIST SORTING-P)
(defalias 'bs-previous-buffer #[512 "\211\205\206\f\301 \302!@\206p)B\207" [bs--current-sort-function bs-buffer-list last] 5 (#$ . 39503)])
#@128 Like `message' but don't log it on the message log.
All arguments ARGS are transferred to function `message'.

(fn &rest ARGS)
(defalias 'bs-message-without-log #[128 "\301\302\303\")\207" [message-log-max nil apply message] 4 (#$ . 39990)])
#@39 Current buffer list used for cycling.
(defvar bs--cycle-list nil (#$ . 40240))
#@162 Select next buffer defined by buffer cycling.
The buffers taking part in buffer cycling are defined
by buffer configuration `bs-cycle-configuration-name'.

(defalias 'bs-cycle-next #[0 "p	\n\306\307\206!\210\306\211\310\311=\204+\312=\205-!\211@A\313p!\210\314\306\315#\210\316A@C\"\317\320A\206N\321\"\266\203.\207" [bs-dont-show-regexp bs-must-show-regexp bs-dont-show-function bs-must-show-function bs--show-all bs--buffer-coming-from nil bs-set-configuration bs-next-buffer bs-cycle-next bs-cycle-previous bury-buffer switch-to-buffer t append bs-message-without-log "Next buffers: %s" "this buffer" bs-cycle-configuration-name bs-default-configuration bs--current-sort-function bs-buffer-sort-function last-command bs--cycle-list] 7 (#$ . 40326) nil])
#@166 Select previous buffer defined by buffer cycling.
The buffers taking part in buffer cycling are defined
by buffer configuration `bs-cycle-configuration-name'.

(defalias 'bs-cycle-previous #[0 "p	\n\306\307\206!\210\306\211\310\311=\204+\312=\205-!\211@A\313\306\314#\210\315\316!\317\211!A!\"\320\321\317A!\206P\322\"\266\203.\207" [bs-dont-show-regexp bs-must-show-regexp bs-dont-show-function bs-must-show-function bs--show-all bs--buffer-coming-from nil bs-set-configuration bs-previous-buffer bs-cycle-next bs-cycle-previous switch-to-buffer t append last reverse bs-message-without-log "Previous buffers: %s" "this buffer" bs-cycle-configuration-name bs-default-configuration bs--current-sort-function bs-buffer-sort-function last-command bs--cycle-list] 8 (#$ . 41131) nil])
#@144 Apply function FUN with arguments ARGS.
Return result of evaluation.  Will return FUN if FUN is a number
or a string.

(fn FUN &optional ARGS)
(defalias 'bs--get-value #[513 "\247\203\207;\203\207\300\"\207" [apply] 5 (#$ . 41961)])
#@407 Return a string which describes whether current buffer is marked.
START-BUFFER is the buffer where we started buffer selection.
ALL-BUFFERS is the list of buffers appearing in Buffer Selection Menu.
The result string is one of `bs-string-current', `bs-string-current-marked',
`bs-string-marked', `bs-string-show-normally', `bs-string-show-never', or

(defalias 'bs--get-marked-string #[514 "p=\203p>\203	\207\n\207p>\203\207\f\204
\207\f\306=\203'\207\207" [bs--marked-buffers bs-string-current-marked bs-string-current bs-string-marked bs-buffer-show-mark bs-string-show-normally never bs-string-show-never bs-string-show-always] 4 (#$ . 42211)])
#@233 Return a string which describes whether current buffer is modified.
START-BUFFER is the buffer where we started buffer selection.
ALL-BUFFERS is the list of buffers appearing in Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs--get-modified-string #[514 "\300 \203\301\207\302\207" [buffer-modified-p "*" " "] 3 (#$ . 42938)])
#@234 Return a string which describes whether current buffer is read only.
START-BUFFER is the buffer where we started buffer selection.
ALL-BUFFERS is the list of buffers appearing in Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs--get-readonly-string #[514 "\203\301\207\302\207" [buffer-read-only "%" " "] 3 (#$ . 43293)])
#@225 Return a string which describes the size of current buffer.
START-BUFFER is the buffer where we started buffer selection.
ALL-BUFFERS is the list of buffers appearing in Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs--get-size-string #[514 "\300\301 !\207" [int-to-string buffer-size] 4 (#$ . 43644)])
#@305 Return name of current buffer for Buffer Selection Menu.
The name of current buffer gets additional text properties
for mouse highlighting.
START-BUFFER is the buffer where we started buffer selection.
ALL-BUFFERS is the list of buffers appearing in Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs--get-name #[514 "\300\301 \302\303\304\305%\207" [propertize buffer-name help-echo "mouse-2: select this buffer, mouse-3: select in other frame" mouse-face highlight] 8 (#$ . 43974)])
#@234 Return the name of mode of current buffer for Buffer Selection Menu.
START-BUFFER is the buffer where we started buffer selection.
ALL-BUFFERS is the list of buffers appearing in Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs--get-mode-name #[514 "\301\302\211$\207" [mode-name format-mode-line nil] 7 (#$ . 44483)])
#@352 Return string for column 'File' in Buffer Selection Menu.
This is the variable `buffer-file-name' of current buffer.
If not visiting a file, `list-buffers-directory' is returned instead.
START-BUFFER is the buffer where we started buffer selection.
ALL-BUFFERS is the list of buffers appearing in Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs--get-file-name #[514 "\302\206\303\301!\203	\206\304\305\306\307\310%\207" [buffer-file-name list-buffers-directory propertize boundp "" mouse-face highlight help-echo "mouse-2: select this buffer, mouse-3: select in other frame"] 8 (#$ . 44830)])
#@236 Generate one entry for buffer BUFFER in Buffer Selection Menu.
It goes over all columns described in `bs-attributes-list'
and evaluates corresponding string.  Inserts string in current buffer;
normally *buffer-selection*.

(defalias 'bs--insert-one-entry #[257 "\303\304\305	D!rq\210\n\211\203C\211@\306A@!\307\306\3108\"\3118Z#\211GP\262\211V\203:\211Z\262\266A\266\202\202\f\210)c\207" [bs--buffer-coming-from bs-current-list bs-attributes-list "" 0 append bs--get-value bs--format-aux 4 3] 12 (#$ . 45457)])
#@129 Pad STRING to length LEN with alignment ALIGN.
ALIGN is one of the symbols `left', `middle', or `right'.

(defalias 'bs--format-aux #[771 "G]\300\211\301\302=\203\303\202\304#\305=\203*\306Z\307\245\310\"P\202,\"\207" [format "%%%s%ds" right "" "-" middle make-string 2 32] 10 (#$ . 46010)])
#@66 Insert header for Buffer Selection Menu in current buffer.

(defalias 'bs--show-header #[0 "\300\301!\302\300\303!\302\261\207" [bs--create-header-line identity "\n" #[257 "\300G\301\"\207" [make-string 45] 4 "\n\n(fn TITLE)"]] 4 (#$ . 46349)])
#@48 Return value of `bs--name-entry-length'.

(defalias 'bs--get-name-length #[0 "\207" [bs--name-entry-length] 1 (#$ . 46607)])
#@163 Generate a line for the header.
COL is called for each column in `bs-attributes-list' as a
function of one argument, the string heading for the column.

(fn COL)
(defalias 'bs--create-header-line #[257 "\301\302\303\304\305\306!\307\"\310\311%\312#\207" [bs-attributes-list mapconcat make-byte-code 257 "\301\300\302@!!\3038\302A@!#\207" vconcat vector [bs--format-aux bs--get-value 3] 6 "\n\n(fn COLUMN)" ""] 8 (#$ . 46745)])
#@591 Display buffer list of configuration with name NAME.
Set configuration NAME and determine window for Buffer Selection Menu.
Unless current buffer is buffer *buffer-selection* we have to save
the buffer we started Buffer Selection Menu and the current window
configuration to restore buffer and window configuration after a
selection.  If there is already a window displaying *buffer-selection*
select this window for Buffer Selection Menu.  Otherwise open a new
The optional argument ARG is the prefix argument when calling a function
for buffer selection.

(fn NAME &optional ARG)
(defalias 'bs--show-with-configuration #[513 "\303!\210\206	\211\304 \305\230\204p\306 \307\310\311\312 #\211\203&\313!\210\202B\314 \210\315 \316\317 !\320V\203B\321\322\323D\324\322\325\321EDC\217\210\326!\210\327\330\331 \"\266\202)\207" [bs--show-all bs--buffer-coming-from bs--window-config-coming-from bs-set-configuration buffer-name "*buffer-selection*" bs-buffer-list get-window-with-predicate #[257 "\300\301!!\302\230\207" [buffer-name window-buffer "*buffer-selection*"] 4 "\n\n(fn W)"] nil selected-frame select-window bs--restore-window-config current-window-configuration window-height selected-window 7 #1=#:err funcall #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [select-window split-window-below] 2 "\n\n(fn)"] error #[257 "\300\207" [nil] 2 "\n\n(fn IGNORED)"] bs-show-in-buffer bs-message-without-log "%s" bs--current-config-message] 10 (#$ . 47185)])
#@253 Convert prefix argument PREFIX to a name of a buffer configuration.
If PREFIX is nil return `bs-default-configuration'.
If PREFIX is an integer return PREFIX element of `bs-configurations'.
Otherwise return `bs-alternative-configuration'.

(defalias 'bs--configuration-name-for-prefix-arg #[257 "\211\204\207\211\250\203 \303W\203\211	GX\203\211S	8@\207\207\n\207" [bs-default-configuration bs-configurations bs-alternative-configuration 0] 3 (#$ . 48645)])
#@60 Customization of group bs for Buffer Selection Menu.

(defalias 'bs-customize #[0 "\300\301!\207" [customize-group "bs"] 2 (#$ . 49131) nil])
#@588 Make a menu of buffers so you can manipulate buffers or the buffer list.
There are many key commands similar to `Buffer-menu-mode' for
manipulating the buffer list and the buffers themselves.
User can move with [up] or [down], select a buffer
by \[bs-select] or [SPC]

Type \[bs-kill] to leave Buffer Selection Menu without a selection.
Type \[bs-help] after invocation to get help on commands available.
With prefix argument ARG show a different buffer list.  Function
`bs--configuration-name-for-prefix-arg' determine accordingly
name of buffer configuration.

(fn ARG)
(defalias 'bs-show #[257 "\301\302\303!!\207" [bs--marked-buffers nil bs--show-with-configuration bs--configuration-name-for-prefix-arg] 4 (#$ . 49285) "P"])
#@44 Unload the Buffer Selection library.

(defalias 'bs-unload-function #[0 "\301\302!\211\203r\211q\210\303=\203\304 \210\305!\210)\210\306\207" [major-mode get-buffer "*buffer-selection*" bs-mode bs-kill kill-buffer nil] 3 (#$ . 50038)])
(provide 'bs)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net