? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/calendar/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/calendar/cal-html.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:08:28 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/calendar/cal-html.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\301&\210\311\312\313\314\315\316\310\303&\210\311\317\304\320\315\321\310\303&\210\311\322\323\324\315\325\310\303&\210\311\326\327\330\331\332\315\333\310\303&	\210\311\334\335\336\337\340\315\321\310\303&	\210\311\341\342\343\315\316\337\340\310\303&	\207" [require calendar custom-declare-group calendar-html nil "Options for HTML calendars." :prefix "cal-html-" :group custom-declare-variable cal-html-directory "~/public_html" "Directory for HTML pages generated by cal-html." :type string cal-html-print-day-number-flag "Non-nil means print the day-of-the-year number in the monthly cal-html page." boolean cal-html-year-index-cols 3 "Number of columns in the cal-html yearly index page." integer cal-html-day-abbrev-array calendar-day-abbrev-array "Array of seven strings for abbreviated day names (starting with Sunday)." :set-after (calendar-day-abbrev-array) (vector (string :tag "Sun") (string :tag "Mon") (string :tag "Tue") (string :tag "Wed") (string :tag "Thu") (string :tag "Fri") (string :tag "Sat")) cal-html-holidays t "If non-nil, include holidays as well as diary entries." :version "24.3" cal-html-css-default (concat "<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">\n" "  BODY { background: #bde; }\n" "  H1   { text-align: center; }\n" "  TABLE  { padding: 2pt; }\n" "  TH { background: #dee; }\n" "  TABLE.year   { width: 100%; }\n" "  TABLE.agenda { width: 100%; }\n" "  TABLE.header { width: 100%; text-align: center; }\n" "  TABLE.minical TD { background: white; text-align: center; }\n" "  TABLE.agenda TD  { background: white; text-align: left; }\n" "  TABLE.agenda TH  { text-align: left; width: 20%; }\n" "  SPAN.NO-YEAR  { color: #0b3; font-weight: bold; }\n" "  SPAN.ANN      { color: #0bb; font-weight: bold; }\n" "  SPAN.BLOCK    { color: #048; font-style: italic; }\n" "  SPAN.HOLIDAY  { color: #f00; font-weight: bold; }\n" "</STYLE>\n\n") "Default cal-html css style.  You can override this with a \"cal.css\" file."] 10)
#@28 HTML code for end of page.
(defconst cal-html-e-document-string "<BR><BR>\n</BODY>\n</HTML>" (#$ . 2557))
#@39 HTML code for beginning of table row.
(defconst cal-html-b-tablerow-string "<TR>\n" (#$ . 2669))
#@33 HTML code for end of table row.
(defconst cal-html-e-tablerow-string "</TR>\n" (#$ . 2772))
#@40 HTML code for beginning of table data.
(defconst cal-html-b-tabledata-string "  <TD>" (#$ . 2870))
#@34 HTML code for end of table data.
(defconst cal-html-e-tabledata-string "  </TD>\n" (#$ . 2975))
#@42 HTML code for beginning of table header.
(defconst cal-html-b-tableheader-string "  <TH>" (#$ . 3077))
#@36 HTML code for end of table header.
(defconst cal-html-e-tableheader-string "  </TH>\n" (#$ . 3186))
#@29 HTML code for end of table.
(defconst cal-html-e-table-string "</TABLE>\n<!-- ================================================== -->\n" (#$ . 3292))
#@67 HTML code for a day in the minical - links NUM to month-page#NUM.
(defconst cal-html-minical-day-format "  <TD><a href=%s#%d>%d</TD>\n" (#$ . 3447))
#@30 Initial block for html page.
(defconst cal-html-b-document-string (concat "<HTML>\n" "<HEAD>\n" "<TITLE>Calendar</TITLE>\n" "<!--This buffer was produced by cal-html.el-->\n\n" cal-html-css-default "<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"cal.css\">\n" "</HEAD>\n\n" "<BODY>\n\n") (#$ . 3602))
#@47 Alist of symbols and their HTML replacements.
(defconst cal-html-html-subst-list '(("&" . "&amp;") ("\n" . "<BR>\n")) (#$ . 3912))
#@32 Return STRING as html comment.
(defalias 'cal-html-comment #[(string) "\301\302\303\304\305#\"\207" [string format "<!--  ======  %s  ======  -->\n" replace-regexp-in-string "--" "++"] 6 (#$ . 4049)])
#@50 Return a hyperlink to url LINK with text STRING.
(defalias 'cal-html-href #[(link string) "\302\303	#\207" [link string format "<A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>"] 4 (#$ . 4257)])
#@34 Return STRING as html header h3.
(defalias 'cal-html-h3 #[(string) "\301\302\"\207" [string format "\n        <H3>%s</H3>\n"] 3 (#$ . 4432)])
#@34 Return STRING as html header h1.
(defalias 'cal-html-h1 #[(string) "\301\302\"\207" [string format "\n        <H1>%s</H1>\n"] 3 (#$ . 4581)])
#@37 Return STRING as html table header.
(defalias 'cal-html-th #[(string) "\303\304	\n$\207" [cal-html-b-tableheader-string string cal-html-e-tableheader-string format "%s%s%s"] 5 (#$ . 4730)])
#@38 Return table tag with attribute ARG.
(defalias 'cal-html-b-table #[(arg) "\301\302\"\207" [arg format "\n<TABLE %s>\n"] 3 (#$ . 4927)])
#@105 Return name of html page for numeric MONTH and four-digit YEAR.
For example, "2006-08.html" for 8 2006.
(defalias 'cal-html-monthpage-name #[(month year) "\302\303	#\207" [year month format "%d-%.2d.html"] 4 (#$ . 5071)])
#@200 Insert a link to the html page for numeric MONTH and four-digit YEAR.
If optional argument CHANGE-DIR is non-nil and MONTH is 1 or 2,
the link points to a different year and so has a directory part.
(defalias 'cal-html-insert-link-monthpage #[(month year &optional change-dir) "\303\304\205	\305\235\205\306\307\n\"\310	\n\"P\311	!\"!c\207" [change-dir month year cal-html-h3 cal-html-href (1 12) format "../%d/" cal-html-monthpage-name calendar-month-name] 6 (#$ . 5301)])
#@74 Insert a link tagged with MONTH name, to index page for four-digit YEAR.
(defalias 'cal-html-insert-link-yearpage #[(month year) "\302\303\304\305!\306\307\310	!\"#!c\207" [month year cal-html-h1 format "%s %s" calendar-month-name cal-html-href "index.html" number-to-string] 8 (#$ . 5786)])
#@155 Prompt for the html calendar output directory for four-digit YEAR.
Return the expanded directory name, which is based on
`cal-html-directory' by default.
(defalias 'cal-html-year-dir-ask-user #[(year) "\302\303\304\302\305\306\"	\"\"!\207" [year cal-html-directory expand-file-name read-directory-name "Enter HTML calendar directory name: " format "%d"] 7 (#$ . 6086)])
#@140 Insert the header for the numeric MONTH page for four-digit YEAR.
Contains links to previous and next month and year, and current minical.
(defalias 'cal-html-insert-month-header #[(month year) "\306\307!c\210c\210	c\210\310\311\f\312W\203\fT\313\f_
\f\320#\210c\210	c\210\310\311\f\312W\203\333\fT\313\f_
\f\"\210c\210c\210c\207" [cal-html-b-tablerow-string cal-html-b-tabledata-string macro-y nmonths year month cal-html-b-table "class=header" 12 nil 0 + -1 mod 1 cal-html-insert-link-monthpage t cal-html-insert-link-yearpage cal-html-insert-minical cal-html-e-tabledata-string cal-html-e-tablerow-string cal-html-e-table-string] 5 (#$ . 6464)])
(autoload 'holiday-in-range "holidays")
#@45 Insert a minical for numeric MONTH of YEAR.
(defalias 'cal-html-insert-minical #[(month year) "\306\307\310	E!\nZ\311\"	\211\312U\203A	\211\313W\203#\314	!S\315	\316\246!\2059\315	\317\246!?\2069\315	\320\246!)\203A\321\202E\322SH*\306\323\307\f	E!\nZZ\311\"\324	\"\325\326\327!\330\331!\261\210 c\210\311\313!\"!\"W\203\220\332#\306!\n\\\311\"H!c\210!T\211!\202s*$c\210 c\210\313%\"%\"W\203\267&'\261\210%T\211%\202\241*\f\313!\"!\"W\203\370\333(!\211T$c\210\315\306\334!\310#\311\"!\203\357!T\fU\204\357$ \261\210!T\211!\202\300*
\313!\"!\"W\203&'\261\210!T\211!\202.$)\326\335!\261\207" [month year calendar-week-start-day blank-days last end-blank-days mod calendar-day-of-week 1 7 2 0 abs zerop 4 100 400 29 [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31] 6 cal-html-monthpage-name nil cal-html-comment "MINICAL" cal-html-b-table "class=minical border=1 align=center" cal-html-th format + "MINICAL end" monthpage-name date cal-html-b-tablerow-string i --dotimes-limit-- cal-html-day-abbrev-array cal-html-e-tablerow-string _i cal-html-b-tabledata-string cal-html-e-tabledata-string cal-html-minical-day-format cal-html-e-table-string] 7 (#$ . 7615)])
#@103 Make a one page yearly mini-calendar for four-digit YEAR.
There are 12/cols rows of COLS months each.
(defalias 'cal-html-insert-year-minicals #[(year cols) "c\210\306\307	!!c\210\310\311!\n\261\210\312\313\fW\203F
c\210\314T	\"\210\315T	\"\210c\210\316\317T\"!\203?\n\261\210T\211\202*\261\207" [cal-html-b-document-string year cal-html-b-tablerow-string i --dotimes-limit-- cal-html-b-tabledata-string cal-html-h1 number-to-string cal-html-b-table "class=year" 12 0 cal-html-insert-link-monthpage cal-html-insert-minical zerop mod cal-html-e-tabledata-string cols cal-html-e-tablerow-string cal-html-e-table-string cal-html-e-document-string] 5 (#$ . 8853)])
#@114 Protect special characters in STRING from HTML.
Characters are replaced according to `cal-html-html-subst-list'.
(defalias 'cal-html-htmlify-string #[(string) ";\203\302\303\304\305	\"!\306#\207\307\207" [string cal-html-html-subst-list replace-regexp-in-string regexp-opt mapcar car #[(x) "\302	\"A\207" [x cal-html-html-subst-list assoc] 3] ""] 5 (#$ . 9549)])
#@130 Convert a diary entry ENTRY to html with the appropriate class specifier.
Optional argument CLASS is the class specifier to use.
(defalias 'cal-html-htmlify-entry #[(entry &optional class) "\2061\304\305\306	8\"\203\307\2021\304\310\306	8\"\203\311\2021\304\312\306	@8!\306	8\"\2040\313\2021\314\315\316\n\317	\211A@)!#)\207" [class entry start x string-match "block" 2 "BLOCK" "anniversary" "ANN" number-to-string "NO-YEAR" "NORMAL" format "<span class=%s>%s</span>" cal-html-htmlify-string] 6 (#$ . 9924)])
#@242 Return a string of concatenated, HTML-ified diary entries.
DATE-LIST is a list of diary entries.  Return only those matching DATE.
Optional argument HOLIDAYS non-nil means the input is actually a list
of holidays, rather than diary entries.
(defalias 'cal-html-htmlify-list #[(date-list date &optional holidays) "\305\306\307	\307\211\203'@\211@\203 \310\f\n@\"\203 \nBA\211\204\f\307\311!+\312#\207" [result date-list p --dolist-tail-- date mapconcat #[(x) "\302	\205\303\"\207" [x holidays cal-html-htmlify-entry "HOLIDAY"] 3] nil calendar-date-equal reverse "<BR>\n     "] 6 (#$ . 10452)])
(autoload 'diary-list-entries "diary-lib")
#@67 Generate a list of all diary-entries from absolute date D1 to D2.
(defalias 'cal-html-list-diary-entries #[(d1 d2) "\302\303!	ZT\304#\207" [d1 d2 diary-list-entries calendar-gregorian-from-absolute t] 4 (#$ . 11112)])
#@214 Insert HTML commands for a range of days in monthly calendars.
HTML commands are inserted for the days of the numeric MONTH in
four-digit YEAR.  Includes diary entries in DIARY-LIST, and
holidays in HOLIDAY-LIST.
(defalias 'cal-html-insert-agenda-days #[(month year diary-list holiday-list) "\306\307\310	E!\nZ\311\"	\211\312U\203@	\211\313W\203\"\314	!S\315	\316\246!\2058\315	\317\246!?\2068\315	\320\246!)\203@\321\202D\322SH*\323\324c\210\325\326!c\210\f\313#$#$W\2038#T	E\327\330#T\"%&'\203\337\327\331\211\211@)\211\211(A@*)\3128))S\332_\\*\312V\203\330*\333\316_\\\334\245Z*	\211\313W\203\271\314	!S\315	\316\246!\205\317\315	\317\246!?\206\317\315	\320\246!)\203\330*T**-\"\202\340\335\327\336#T+\307!H#,-\337.\340#.\203/\203\341\202\335\337/\"01\261\f\210\315\306\342#\310
#\311\"!\203/#T\fU\204/2\325\326!\261\210#T\211#\202Y-2c\207" [month year calendar-week-start-day date last blank-days mod calendar-day-of-week 1 7 2 0 abs zerop 4 100 400 29 [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31] nil "<a name=0>\n" cal-html-b-table "class=agenda border=1" format "<a name=%d></a>\n" "<em>%d</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;" 31 23 10 "" "%d&nbsp;%s" cal-html-htmlify-list t "<BR>\n" + i --dotimes-limit-- cal-html-b-tablerow-string cal-html-b-tableheader-string cal-html-print-day-number-flag x day day-of-year calendar-day-name-array cal-html-e-tableheader-string cal-html-b-tabledata-string holiday-list diary-list cal-html-e-tabledata-string cal-html-e-tablerow-string cal-html-e-table-string] 13 (#$ . 11339)])
#@73 Write an HTML calendar file for numeric MONTH of YEAR in directory DIR.
(defalias 'cal-html-one-month #[(month year dir) "\306	E\211\307\n8)\310\311	!\203\312\313!\202m	\314V\203\226	S\315\n\211\211@)\n\211\211A@*\n\307\n8)
S\316_\\$\307V\203\202$\317\320_\\\321\245Z$	\211\314W\203c\322	!S\311	\320\246!\205y\311	\323\246!?\206y\311	\324\246!)\203\202$T$$-\325_\320\245\323\245[\324\245%\202m\322	T!\326\n\211\211@)\n\211\211A@*\n\307\n8)
S\316_\\$\307V\203\372$\317\320_\\\321\245Z$	\211\314W\203\333\322	!S\311	\320\246!\205\361\311	\323\246!?\206\361\311	\324\246!)\203\372$T$$-\325_\320\245\323\245[\324\245\327\211\327@)\n\211\211A@*\n\307\n8)
S\316_\\$\307V\203h$\317\320_\\\321\245Z$	\211\314W\203I\322	!S\311	\320\246!\205_\311	\323\246!?\206_\311	\324\246!)\203h$T$$-&+%\211	\211\307U\203\246	\211\314W\203\210\322	!S\311	\320\246!\205\236\311	\323\246!?\206\236\311	\324\246!)\203\246\330\202\252\331SH*	E\211\307\n8)\310\311	!\203\303\312\313!\202	\314V\203?	S\315\n\211\211@)\n\211\211A@*\n\307\n8)
S\316_\\$\307V\203+$\317\320_\\\321\245Z$	\211\314W\203\f\322	!S\311	\320\246!\205\"\311	\323\246!?\206\"\311	\324\246!)\203+$T$$-\325_\320\245\323\245[\324\245%\202\322	T!\326\n\211\211@)\n\211\211A@*\n\307\n8)
S\316_\\$\307V\203\243$\317\320_\\\321\245Z$	\211\314W\203\204\322	!S\311	\320\246!\205\232\311	\323\246!?\206\232\311	\324\246!)\203\243$T$$-\325_\320\245\323\245[\324\245\327\211\327@)\n\211\211A@*\n\307\n8)
S\316_\\$\307V\203$\317\320_\\\321\245Z$	\211\314W\203\362\322	!S\311	\320\246!\205\311	\323\246!?\206\311	\324\246!)\203$T$$-&+&\332%&\"'(\205,\333%&\")\334\335!*r*q\210\336\216+c\210\337	\"\210\340	')$\210,c\210\341\342\343	\"-\"!.\207" [month year date offset-years x day 1 2 nil zerop error "There was no year zero" 0 + 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) 29 [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31] cal-html-list-diary-entries holiday-in-range generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [#1=#:temp-buffer buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) cal-html-insert-month-header cal-html-insert-agenda-days write-file expand-file-name cal-html-monthpage-name day-of-year d1 d2 diary-list cal-html-holidays holiday-list #1# cal-html-b-document-string cal-html-e-document-string dir] 11 (#$ . 12931)])
#@288 Write an HTML calendar file for numeric MONTH of four-digit YEAR.
The output directory DIR is created if necessary.  Interactively,
MONTH and YEAR are taken from the calendar cursor position, or from
the position specified by EVENT.  Note that any existing output files
are overwritten.
(defalias 'cal-html-cursor-month #[(month year dir &optional event) "\303\304\"\210\305	\n#\207" [dir month year make-directory t cal-html-one-month] 4 (#$ . 15418) (let* ((event last-nonmenu-event) (date (calendar-cursor-to-date t event)) (month (calendar-extract-month date)) (year (calendar-extract-year date))) (list month year (cal-html-year-dir-ask-user year) event))])
#@284 Write HTML calendar files (index and monthly pages) for four-digit YEAR.
The output directory DIR is created if necessary.  Interactively,
YEAR is taken from the calendar cursor position, or from the position
specified by EVENT.  Note that any existing output files are overwritten.
(defalias 'cal-html-cursor-year #[(year dir &optional event) "\306\307\"\210\310\311!r	q\210\312\216\313\n\"\210\314\315\316\"!\210+\317\320\f
W\2054\321\fT\n#\210\fT\211\202!*\207" [dir #1=#:temp-buffer year cal-html-year-index-cols i --dotimes-limit-- make-directory t generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) cal-html-insert-year-minicals write-file expand-file-name "index.html" 12 0 cal-html-one-month] 5 (#$ . 16090) (let* ((event last-nonmenu-event) (year (calendar-extract-year (calendar-cursor-to-date t event)))) (list year (cal-html-year-dir-ask-user year) event))])
(provide 'cal-html)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net