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Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/calendar/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/calendar/cal-iso.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:08:28 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/calendar/cal-iso.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(require 'calendar)
#@503 The number of days elapsed between the Gregorian date 12/31/1 BC and DATE.
The `ISO year' corresponds approximately to the Gregorian year, but
weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday.  The first week of the ISO year is
the first such week in which at least 4 days are in a year.  The ISO
commercial DATE has the form (week day year) in which week is in the range
1..52 and day is in the range 0..6 (1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, ..., 0 =
Sunday).  The Gregorian date Sunday, December 31, 1 BC is imaginary.
(defalias 'calendar-iso-to-absolute #[(date) "\211\211A@*\306\307\310\311\310\211\3128)E\211\3128)\313\314\f!\203,\315\316!\202\f\317V\203\250\fS\306\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3128)\n
\322_\\\323\245Z\f\211\317W\203[\324\f!S\314\f\322\246!\205q\314\f\325\246!?\206q\314\f\326\246!)\203zT-&+\\\"\211@)S\332_\314\n!\203\224\333\202\226\nS#)\207" [date x day offset-years year month + calendar-dayname-on-or-before 1 3 2 nil zerop error "There was no year zero" 0 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) 7 6 day-of-year] 15 (#$ . 580)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias calendar-absolute-from-iso calendar-iso-to-absolute nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@549 Compute the `ISO commercial date' corresponding to the absolute DATE.
The ISO year corresponds approximately to the Gregorian year, but weeks
start on Monday and end on Sunday.  The first week of the ISO year is the
first such week in which at least 4 days are in a year.  The ISO commercial
date has the form (week day year) in which week is in the range 1..52 and
day is in the range 0..6 (1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, ..., 0 = Sunday).  The
absolute date is the number of days elapsed since the (imaginary) Gregorian
date Sunday, December 31, 1 BC.
(defalias 'calendar-iso-from-absolute #[(date) "\305\306Z!\3078)\211\211\310\311\312\211TE!Y\203%\nTT\202\n*\\\311\312\211\fE!Z\313\245T\313\246\fE*\207" [date approx sum y year calendar-gregorian-from-absolute 3 2 0 calendar-iso-to-absolute 1 7] 7 (#$ . 2328)])
#@54 String of ISO date of Gregorian DATE, default today.
(defalias 'calendar-iso-date-string #[(&optional date) "\206\306 \211\3078)\310\311\n!\203\312\313!\202o\n\314V\203\230\nS\315\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3078)
S\316_\\\307V\203\204\317\320_\\\321\245Z\n\211\314W\203e\322\n!S\311\n\320\246!\205{\311\n\323\246!?\206{\311\n\324\246!)\203\204T-	\325_	\320\245	\323\245[	\324\245%\202o\322\nT!\326\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3078)
S\316_\\\307V\203\374\317\320_\\\321\245Z\n\211\314W\203\335\322\n!S\311\n\320\246!\205\363\311\n\323\246!?\206\363\311\n\324\246!)\203\374T-	\325_	\320\245	\323\245[	\324\245\327\211\327@)\211\211A@*\3078)
\211@)\3078)$+\207" [date offset-years year month x day calendar-current-date 2 nil zerop error "There was no year zero" 0 + 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) 7 calendar-iso-from-absolute format "Day %s of week %d of %d" day-of-year d iso-date] 11 (#$ . 3162)])
#@57 Show equivalent ISO date for the date under the cursor.
(defalias 'calendar-iso-print-date #[nil "\300\301\302\303\304!!\"\207" [message "ISO date: %s" calendar-iso-date-string calendar-cursor-to-date t] 5 (#$ . 4375) nil])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias calendar-print-iso-date calendar-iso-print-date nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@141 Interactively read the arguments for an ISO date command.
Reads a year and week, and if DAYFLAG is non-nil a day (otherwise
taken to be 1).
(defalias 'calendar-iso-read-date #[(&optional dayflag) "\306\307\310\311\312 \3138)!#\314\315\316\211\317	TE\211\3138)\320\321	!\203,\322\323!\202	\324V\203\250	S\325\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3138)
S\326_\\$\313V\203\224$\327\317_\\\330\245Z$	\211\324W\203u\331	!S\321	\317\246!\205\213\321	\332\246!?\206\213\321	\333\246!)\203\224$T$$-\n\334_\n\317\245\n\332\245[\n\333\245%\202\331	T!\335\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3138)
S\326_\\$\313V\203\f$\327\317_\\\330\245Z$	\211\324W\203\355\331	!S\321	\317\246!\205\321	\332\246!?\206\321	\333\246!)\203\f$T$$-\n\334_\n\317\245\n\332\245[\n\333\245\336\211\336@)\211\211A@*\3138)
S\326_\\$\313V\203z$\327\317_\\\330\245Z$	\211\324W\203[\331	!S\321	\317\246!\205q\321	\332\246!?\206q\321	\333\246!)\203z$T$$-&+\"S!\211@)%\306\337\340%\"\341\"&'\203\237\306\342\343\"\202\240\316&
	E,C\207" [date year offset-years month x day calendar-read "ISO calendar year (>0): " #[(x) "\301V\207" [x 0] 2] number-to-string calendar-current-date 2 calendar-iso-from-absolute calendar-dayname-on-or-before 1 4 nil zerop error "There was no year zero" 0 + 31 23 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) format "ISO calendar week (1-%d): " #[(x) "\302V\205		X\207" [x no-weeks 0] 2] "ISO day (1-7): " #[(x) "\301X\205	\302X\207" [x 1 7] 2] day-of-year no-weeks week dayflag] 14 (#$ . 4749)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias calendar-iso-read-args calendar-iso-read-date nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@66 Move cursor to ISO DATE; echo ISO date unless NOECHO is non-nil.
(defalias 'calendar-iso-goto-date #[(date &optional noecho) "\302\303\304!!!\210	\206\305 \207" [date noecho calendar-goto-date calendar-gregorian-from-absolute calendar-iso-to-absolute calendar-iso-print-date] 4 (#$ . 6456) (calendar-iso-read-date t)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias calendar-goto-iso-date calendar-iso-goto-date nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@126 Move cursor to ISO DATE; echo ISO date unless NOECHO is non-nil.
Interactively, goes to the first day of the specified week.
(defalias 'calendar-iso-goto-week #[(date &optional noecho) "\302\303\304!!!\210	\206\305 \207" [date noecho calendar-goto-date calendar-gregorian-from-absolute calendar-iso-to-absolute calendar-iso-print-date] 4 (#$ . 6926) (calendar-iso-read-date)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias calendar-goto-iso-week calendar-iso-goto-week nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@46 ISO calendar equivalent of date diary entry.
(defalias 'diary-iso-date #[nil "\301\302\303!\"\207" [date format "ISO date: %s" calendar-iso-date-string] 4 (#$ . 7453)])
(provide 'cal-iso)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net