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Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/calendar/lunar.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:08:30 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/calendar/lunar.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\301\313\314&	\207" [require calendar solar cal-dst custom-declare-variable lunar-phase-names '("New Moon" "First Quarter Moon" "Full Moon" "Last Quarter Moon") "List of names for the lunar phases." :type (list (string :tag "New Moon") (string :tag "First Quarter Moon") (string :tag "Full Moon") (string :tag "Last Quarter Moon")) :group :version "23.2"] 10)
#@245 Local date and time of lunar phase INDEX.
Integer below INDEX/4 gives the lunation number, counting from Jan 1, 1900;
remainder mod 4 gives the phase: 0 new moon, 1 first quarter, 2 full moon,
3 last quarter.  Returns a list (DATE TIME PHASE).
(defalias 'lunar-phase #[(index) "\306\307\"\310\245\211\311\245\312\313\211\3148)\315\316
\327\246!)\203\210CTCC-&+\333\334_\335\336\n\211#\335\337\n\211\211$\340\341\312\342\343\n_\335\344\n\211##!_&\306\312\345\346_\335\347\n\211#\335\350\n\211\211$$\351\"D\306\312\352\353_\335\354\n\211#\335\355\n\211\211$$\356\"E\306\312\357\360_\335\361\n\211#\335\362\n\211\211$$\363\"F	\364>\203~\312\365\366\n_Z\341D!_\367\341D\314_!_\370\341E!_\371\341E\314_!_\372\341E\373_!_\374\341F\314_!_\375\341DE\\!_\376\341DEZ!_\377\341F\314_D\\!_\201J\341F\314_DZ!_\201K\341F\314_E\\!_\201L\341F\314_EZ!_\201M\341E\314_D\\!_&
\2020\312\201N\201O\n_Z\341D!_\201P\341D\314_!_\201Q\341E!_\201R\341E\314_!_\201S\341E\373_!_\201T\341F\314_!_\201U\341DE\\!_\201V\341DEZ!_\201W\341F\314_D\\!_\201X\341F\314_DZ!_\201Y\341F\314_E\\!_\201Z\341F\314_EZ!_\201[\341E\314_D\\!_\201\\\341DE\314_Z!_\201]\341D\314_E\\!_&G\312\201^\201_\201`D!_\201a\201`E!_#H	\201bU\203]GH\\\202m	\314U\203kGHZ\202mGGG\\\211\201cI\201d\201e\201f!!\3148)!Z\201g\201h#\\\211\201f!Z\201i_\201e\201f!!\201j\n\"\211H@\201k\201lHA\"	E.\207" [index phase time date offset-years year mod 4 4.0 1236.85 + (1 0.5 1900) 2 nil zerop error "There was no year zero" 0 31 23 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) 0.75933 29.53058868 * 0.0001178 -1.55e-07 0.00033 solar-sin-degrees 166.56 132.87 -0.009173 359.2242 29.105356 -3.33e-05 -3.47e-06 360.0 306.0253 385.81691806 0.0107306 1.236e-05 360.0 21.2964 390.67050646 -0.0016528 -2.39e-06 360.0 (0 2) 0.1734 0.000393 0.0021 -0.4068 0.0161 -0.0004 3 0.0104 -0.0051 -0.0074 0.0004 month x day day-of-year sun-anomaly moon-anomaly moon-lat adjustment adj calendar-time-zone -0.0004 -0.0006 0.001 0.0005 0.1721 0.0004 0.0021 -0.628 0.0089 -0.0004 0.0079 -0.0119 -0.0047 0.0003 -0.0004 -0.0006 0.0021 0.0003 0.0004 -0.0003 0.0028 -0.0004 solar-cosine-degrees 0.0003 1 / solar-ephemeris-correction calendar-gregorian-from-absolute truncate 60.0 24.0 24 dst-adjust-time apply solar-time-string] 20 (#$ . 997)])
#@50 Mean number of lunar cycles per 365.25 day year.
(defconst lunar-cycles-per-year 12.3685 (#$ . 4089))
#@188 Return the lunar index for Gregorian date DATE.
This is 4 times the approximate number of new moons since 1 Jan 1900.
The factor of 4 allows (mod INDEX 4) to represent the four quarters.
(defalias 'lunar-index #[(date) "\306\307	\310	8)	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\310	8)\f\nS\311_\\\n\310V\203g\312\n\313_\\\314\245Z
\321\246!)\203gT-\322\245\323#_!\313_\207" [lunar-cycles-per-year date month x day year truncate + 2 31 23 4 10 0 abs zerop 100 400 366.0 -1900 day-of-year] 9 (#$ . 4198)])
#@76 List of lunar phases for three months starting with Gregorian MONTH, YEAR.
(defalias 'lunar-phase-list #[(month year) "\306\307	E!\310\n!	\311\312\f\313W\203\fT\314\f_
\307\fE*C\311\312	\313W\203h	T\314	_\315\211$\317\"T\245\313W\203\221\307V\203\221	S	\307W\203\232	S*\211	\211\320U\203\321	\211\313W\203\263\321	!S\322	\323\246!\205\311\322	\324\246!?\206\311\322	\325\246!)\203\321\326\202\325\327SH*	EC\312\330\"\203\330\"\203\366\331C\"\nT\310\n!\202\336-\207" [month year index new-moon end-year end-month lunar-index 1 lunar-phase 12 nil 0 + -1 3 mod 2 abs zerop 4 100 400 29 [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31] calendar-date-compare append macro-y nmonths end-date start-date list] 6 (#$ . 4785)])
#@88 Name of lunar PHASE.
0 = new moon, 1 = first quarter, 2 = full moon, 3 = last quarter.
(defalias 'lunar-phase-name #[(phase) "	8\207" [phase lunar-phase-names] 2 (#$ . 5660)])
#@163 Create a buffer with the lunar phases for the current calendar window.
If EVENT is non-nil, it's an event indicating the buffer position to
use instead of point.
(defalias 'calendar-lunar-phases #[(&optional event) "r\203\306\307!\211@)!\202pq\210\310\311!\210\n\n\"#\312\313$%\"\314W\2034\"T\"\315\"%_#\316\211$$\317$%\"T#$%\245\"$\314W\203d#\320V\203d\"S\"\"\320W\203p\"S\"*\312\313$%\f\314W\203\200\fT\315\f%_
\320V\203\251\fS\f\320W\203\262\fS*\321&!q\210\322\323!\204\302\323 \210\313'\324(\325 \210\326\"\fU\203\341\327\330\331#!\331
!\f%!\210\333\334\335#\"\"\336#c\210eb\210\337\313!\210\324'\340&!\210\310\341!-\207" [event position displayed-month displayed-year y2 m2 window-buffer event-start message "Computing phases of the moon..." 12 nil 0 + -1 mod 1 get-buffer-create derived-mode-p special-mode t erase-buffer calendar-set-mode-line format "Phases of the Moon from %s to %s, %d%%-" calendar-month-name "Phases of the Moon from %s, %d to %s, %d%%-" mapconcat #[(x) "\301\302\303@!\304\3058!\211A@)$\207" [x format "%s: %s %s" calendar-date-string lunar-phase-name 2] 7] lunar-phase-list "\n" set-buffer-modified-p display-buffer "Computing phases of the moon...done" y1 m1 macro-y nmonths lunar-phases-buffer buffer-read-only buffer-undo-list] 8 (#$ . 5844) (list last-nonmenu-event)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias calendar-phases-of-moon calendar-lunar-phases nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@211 Display the quarters of the moon for last month, this month, and next month.
If called with an optional prefix argument ARG, prompts for month and year.
This function is suitable for execution in an init file.
(defalias 'lunar-phases #[(&optional arg) "\212\203\304\305!\202
\306 \211\211@)	\307	8)\310 ,\207" [arg date displayed-month displayed-year calendar-read-date t calendar-current-date 2 calendar-lunar-phases] 3 (#$ . 7443) "P"])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias phases-of-moon lunar-phases nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@147 Moon phases diary entry.
An optional parameter MARK specifies a face or single-character string to
use when highlighting the day in the calendar.
(defalias 'diary-lunar-phases #[(&optional mark) "\305!\306	!\307\nC\"\203	T\306	!\202\310\n@\"\2051\311\312\n8!\313\n\211A@)QB*\207" [date index phase mark x lunar-index lunar-phase calendar-date-compare calendar-date-equal lunar-phase-name 2 " "] 5 (#$ . 8021)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias diary-phases-of-moon diary-lunar-phases nil make-obsolete "23.1"] 4)
#@52 Astronomical (Julian) day number of K th new moon.
(defalias 'lunar-new-moon-time #[(k) "\306\245\211\211_\307	\211\211#\n\211_\310\311\312_\313\n_\314_\315\f_%\316\317\320	_\321\n_#@\310\322\323_\324\n_\325_$A\310\326\327_\330\n_\331_\332\f_%B\310\333\334_\335\n_\336_\337\f_%C\310\340\341_\342\n_\343_$D\310\344\345_\346\n_#E\347\350_\\F\351\352_\\G\353\354_\\H\355\356_\\I\357\360_\\J\361\362_\\K\363\364_\\L\365\366_\\M\367\370_\\N\371\372_\\O\373\374_\\P\375\376_\\Q\377\201X_\\R\310\201Y\201ZB!_\307\201[@\201ZA!#\201\\\201ZB\201]_!_\201^\201ZC\201]_!_\307\201_@\201ZBAZ!#\307\201`@\201ZBA\\!#\307\201a@\211\201ZA\201]_!$\201b\201ZBC\201]_Z!_\201c\201ZBC\201]_\\!_\307\201d@\201ZB\201]_A\\!#\201e\201ZB\201f_!_\307\201g@\201ZAC\201]_\\!#\307\201h@\201ZAC\201]_Z!#\307\201i@\201ZB\201]_AZ!#\201j\201ZD!_\201k\201ZBA\201]_\\!_\201l\201ZB\201]_C\201]_Z!_\201m\201ZA\201f_!_\201n\201Z\310BAC\201o_#!_\201p\201ZB\201]_C\201]_\\!_\201q\201Z\310BAC\201]_#!_\201r\201Z\316BAC\201o_#!_\201s\201Z\316BAC\201]_#!_\201t\201ZB\201f_A\\!_\201u\201ZB\201v_!_&S\310\201w\201ZE!_\201x\201ZF!_\201y\201ZG!_\201z\201ZH!_\201{\201ZI!_\201|\201ZJ!_\201}\201ZK!_\201~\201ZL!_\201\201ZM!_\201\200\201ZN!_\201\201\201ZO!_\201\202\201ZP!_\201\203\201ZQ!_\201\204\201ZR!_&T\310
ST#U\310U\201\205\201\206\201\207\201\210U!!!V\201]V8)![\201\211W\201\212\201\213##.\207" [k T T2 T3 T4 JDE 1236.85 * + 2451550.09765 29.530588853 0.0001337 -1.5e-07 7.3e-10 - 1 0.002516 7.4e-06 2.5534 29.10535669 -2.18e-05 -1.1e-07 201.5643 385.81693528 0.0107438 1.239e-05 -5.8e-08 160.7108 390.67050274 -0.0016341 -2.27e-06 1.1e-08 124.7746 -1.5637558 0.0020691 2.15e-06 299.77 0.107408 -0.009173 251.88 0.016321 251.83 26.641886 349.42 36.412478 84.66 18.206239 141.74 53.303771 207.14 2.453732 154.84 7.30686 34.52 27.261239 207.19 0.121824 291.34 1.844379 161.72 24.198154 239.56 25.513099 331.55 E sun-anomaly moon-anomaly moon-argument omega A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 correction additional newJDE date calendar-time-zone 3.592518 -0.4072 solar-sin-degrees 0.17241 0.01608 2 0.01039 0.00739 -0.00514 0.00208 -0.00111 -0.00057 0.00056 -0.00042 3 0.00042 0.00038 -0.00024 -0.00017 -7e-05 4e-05 4e-05 3e-05 -2 3e-05 -3e-05 3e-05 -2e-05 -2e-05 2e-05 4 0.000325 0.000165 0.000164 0.000126 0.00011 6.2e-05 6e-05 5.6e-05 4.7e-05 4.2e-05 4e-05 3.7e-05 3.5e-05 2.3e-05 solar-ephemeris-correction calendar-gregorian-from-absolute floor calendar-astro-to-absolute / 60.0 24.0] 31 (#$ . 8587)])
#@420 Julian day number of first new moon on or after Julian day number D.
The fractional part is the time of day.

The date and time are local time, including any daylight saving rules,
as governed by the values of `calendar-daylight-savings-starts',
`calendar-daylight-savings-starts-time', `calendar-daylight-savings-ends',
`calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time', `calendar-daylight-time-offset', and
(defalias 'lunar-new-moon-on-or-after #[(d) "\306\307\310!!!\211\311	8)	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\311	8)\f\nS\312_\\\"\n\311V\203l\"\313\n\314_\\\315\245Z\"
\324Z#_!$\325$!\211W\203\226$T$\325$!\211\202\203\310	!\211%\326%!Z\327_&\306\326%!!\330	&\"'\331'@\211\311	8)\332(\320
S(\335	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\311	8)\f\nS\312_\\\"\n\311V\2037\"\313\n\314_\\\315\245Z\"
T!(\337	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\311	8)\f\nS\312_\\\"\n\311V\203\264\"\313\n\314_\\\315\245Z\"
\322\246!)\203\264\"T\"\"-(\336_(\314\245(\321\245[(\322\245\340\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\311	8)\f\nS\312_\\\"\n\311V\203&\"\313\n\314_\\\315\245Z\"
\322\246!)\203&\"T\"\"-&+'\211A@)\341\245\\!.\207" [d date month x day year calendar-gregorian-from-absolute floor calendar-astro-to-absolute 2 31 23 4 10 0 abs zerop 100 400 365.25 2000.0 lunar-new-moon-time truncate 24 dst-adjust-time calendar-astro-from-absolute nil error "There was no year zero" + 365 - (12 31 -1) 24.0 day-of-year lunar-cycles-per-year k a-date time adj offset-years] 12 (#$ . 11302)])
(provide 'lunar)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net