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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/calendar/solar.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:08:30 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/calendar/solar.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\301&\210\303\312\313\314\307\315\311\301&\210\303\316\313\317\307\320\311\301&\210\303\321\322\323\307\310\311\301&\210\303\324\325\326\307\327\311\301&\210\303\330\331\332\307\333\311\301&\210\303\334\335\336\307\337\311\301&\207" [require calendar cal-dst custom-declare-variable calendar-time-display-form '(12-hours ":" minutes am-pm (if time-zone " (") time-zone (if time-zone ")")) "The pseudo-pattern that governs the way a time of day is formatted.\n\nA pseudo-pattern is a list of expressions that can involve the keywords\n`12-hours', `24-hours', and `minutes', all numbers in string form,\nand `am-pm' and `time-zone', both alphabetic strings.\n\nFor example, the form\n\n  '(24-hours \":\" minutes\n    (if time-zone \" (\") time-zone (if time-zone \")\"))\n\nwould give military-style times like `21:07 (UTC)'." :type sexp :group calendar-latitude nil "Latitude of `calendar-location-name' in degrees.\nThe value can be either a decimal fraction (one place of accuracy is\nsufficient), + north, - south, such as 40.7 for New York City, or the value\ncan be a vector [degrees minutes north/south] such as [40 50 north] for New\nYork City.\n\nThis variable should be set in `site-start'.el." (choice (const nil) (number :tag "Exact") (vector :value [0 0 north] (integer :tag "Degrees") (integer :tag "Minutes") (choice :tag "Position" (const north) (const south)))) calendar-longitude "Longitude of `calendar-location-name' in degrees.\nThe value can be either a decimal fraction (one place of accuracy is\nsufficient), + east, - west, such as -73.9 for New York City, or the value\ncan be a vector [degrees minutes east/west] such as [73 55 west] for New\nYork City.\n\nThis variable should be set in `site-start'.el." (choice (const nil) (number :tag "Exact") (vector :value [0 0 west] (integer :tag "Degrees") (integer :tag "Minutes") (choice :tag "Position" (const east) (const west)))) calendar-location-name '(let ((float-output-format "%.1f")) (format "%s%s, %s%s" (if (numberp calendar-latitude) (abs calendar-latitude) (+ (aref calendar-latitude 0) (/ (aref calendar-latitude 1) 60.0))) (if (numberp calendar-latitude) (if (> calendar-latitude 0) "N" "S") (if (eq (aref calendar-latitude 2) 'north) "N" "S")) (if (numberp calendar-longitude) (abs calendar-longitude) (+ (aref calendar-longitude 0) (/ (aref calendar-longitude 1) 60.0))) (if (numberp calendar-longitude) (if (> calendar-longitude 0) "E" "W") (if (eq (aref calendar-longitude 2) 'east) "E" "W")))) "Expression evaluating to the name of the calendar location.\nFor example, \"New York City\".  The default value is just the\nvariable `calendar-latitude' paired with the variable `calendar-longitude'.\n\nThis variable should be set in `site-start'.el." solar-error 0.5 "Tolerance (in minutes) for sunrise/sunset calculations.\n\nA larger value makes the calculations for sunrise/sunset faster, but less\naccurate.  The default is half a minute (30 seconds), so that sunrise/sunset\ntimes will be correct to the minute.\n\nIt is useless to set the value smaller than 4*delta, where delta is the\naccuracy in the longitude of the sun (given by the function\n`solar-ecliptic-coordinates') in degrees since (delta/360) x (86400/60) = 4 x\ndelta.  At present, delta = 0.01 degrees, so the value of the variable\n`solar-error' should be at least 0.04 minutes (about 2.5 seconds)." number solar-n-hemi-seasons '("Vernal Equinox" "Summer Solstice" "Autumnal Equinox" "Winter Solstice") "List of season changes for the northern hemisphere." (list (string :tag "Vernal Equinox") (string :tag "Summer Solstice") (string :tag "Autumnal Equinox") (string :tag "Winter Solstice")) solar-s-hemi-seasons '("Autumnal Equinox" "Winter Solstice" "Vernal Equinox" "Summer Solstice") "List of season changes for the southern hemisphere." (list (string :tag "Autumnal Equinox") (string :tag "Winter Solstice") (string :tag "Vernal Equinox") (string :tag "Summer Solstice"))] 8)
#@58 Sidereal time at Greenwich at midnight (universal time).
(defvar solar-sidereal-time-greenwich-midnight nil (#$ . 4571))
#@135 Non-nil if northern spring or summer and nil otherwise.
Needed for polar areas, in order to know whether the day lasts 0 or 24 hours.
(defvar solar-northern-spring-or-summer-season nil (#$ . 4699))
#@71 Ensure the variable `calendar-latitude' is a signed decimal fraction.
(defalias 'calendar-latitude #[nil "\247\203\207\302H\303H\304\245\\\305H\306=\203	\202	[)\207" [calendar-latitude lat 0 1 60.0 2 north] 3 (#$ . 4903)])
(put 'calendar-latitude 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@72 Ensure the variable `calendar-longitude' is a signed decimal fraction.
(defalias 'calendar-longitude #[nil "\247\203\207\302H\303H\304\245\\\305H\306=\203	\202	[)\207" [calendar-longitude long 0 1 60.0 2 east] 3 (#$ . 5213)])
(put 'calendar-longitude 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@97 Return a number from the minibuffer, prompting with PROMPT.
Returns nil if nothing was entered.
(defalias 'solar-get-number #[(prompt) "\302\303\"\211\303\230?\205\304	!)\207" [prompt x read-string "" string-to-number] 4 (#$ . 5527)])
#@77 Prompt for `calendar-longitude', `calendar-latitude', `calendar-time-zone'.
(defalias 'solar-setup #[nil "\303 \210\204\304\305!	\204\304\306!\n\206\304\307!\211\207" [calendar-longitude calendar-latitude calendar-time-zone beep solar-get-number "Enter longitude (decimal fraction; + east, - west): " "Enter latitude (decimal fraction; + north, - south): " "Enter difference from Coordinated Universal Time (in minutes): "] 2 (#$ . 5772)])
#@26 Return sin of X degrees.
(defalias 'solar-sin-degrees #[(x) "\301\302\303\304\"_!\207" [x sin 0.017453292519943295 mod 360.0] 5 (#$ . 6228)])
#@29 Return cosine of X degrees.
(defalias 'solar-cosine-degrees #[(x) "\301\302\303\304\"_!\207" [x cos 0.017453292519943295 mod 360.0] 5 (#$ . 6377)])
#@30 Return tangent of X degrees.
(defalias 'solar-tangent-degrees #[(x) "\301\302\303\304\"_!\207" [x tan 0.017453292519943295 mod 360.0] 5 (#$ . 6532)])
#@43 Determine the quadrant of the point X, Y.
(defalias 'solar-xy-to-quadrant #[(x y) "\302V\203	\302V\203\303\207\304\207	\302V\203\305\207\306\207" [x y 0 1 4 2 3] 2 (#$ . 6689)])
#@42 Determine the quadrant of ANGLE degrees.
(defalias 'solar-degrees-to-quadrant #[(angle) "\301\302\303\"\304\"T\207" [angle floor mod 360 90] 4 (#$ . 6880)])
#@35 Arctangent of X in quadrant QUAD.
(defalias 'solar-arctan #[(x quad) "\303\304!_\n\305U\203	\306\\\202+\n\307U\203	\306\\\202+\n\310U\203*	\311\\\202+	)\207" [x deg quad 57.29577951308232 atan 2 180 3 4 360] 3 (#$ . 7044)])
#@27 Arctangent of point X, Y.
(defalias 'solar-atn2 #[(x y) "\302!\203	\303V\203\304\207\305\207\306	\245\307	\"\"\207" [x y zerop 0 90 270 solar-arctan solar-xy-to-quadrant] 5 (#$ . 7284)])
#@17 Arccosine of X.
(defalias 'solar-arccos #[(x) "\302\303\211_Z!\304	\")\207" [x y sqrt 1 solar-atn2] 4 (#$ . 7484)])
#@14 Arcsin of Y.
(defalias 'solar-arcsin #[(y) "\302\303\211_Z!\304	\")\207" [y x sqrt 1 solar-atn2] 4 (#$ . 7609)])
#@27 Convert DEGREES to hours.
(defalias 'solar-degrees-to-hours #[(degrees) "\301\245\207" [degrees 15.0] 2 (#$ . 7731)])
(put 'solar-degrees-to-hours 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@44 Convert HOUR to decimal fraction of a day.
(defalias 'solar-hours-to-days #[(hour) "\301\245\207" [hour 24.0] 2 (#$ . 7930)])
(put 'solar-hours-to-days 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@101 Right ascension of the sun, in hours, given LONGITUDE and OBLIQUITY.
Both arguments are in degrees.
(defalias 'solar-right-ascension #[(longitude obliquity) "\303\304!\305	!_\306	!\"\211\307\245)\207" [obliquity longitude degrees solar-arctan solar-cosine-degrees solar-tangent-degrees solar-degrees-to-quadrant 15.0] 5 (#$ . 8135)])
#@99 Declination of the sun, in degrees, given LONGITUDE and OBLIQUITY.
Both arguments are in degrees.
(defalias 'solar-declination #[(longitude obliquity) "\302\303!\303	!_!\207" [obliquity longitude solar-arcsin solar-sin-degrees] 4 (#$ . 8477)])
#@346 Return solar longitude, ecliptic inclination, equation of time, nutation.
Values are for TIME in Julian centuries of Ephemeris Time since
January 1st, 2000, at 12 ET.  Longitude and inclination are in
degrees, equation of time in hours, and nutation in seconds of longitude.
If SUNRISE-FLAG is non-nil, only calculate longitude and inclination.
(defalias 'solar-ecliptic-coordinates #[(time sunrise-flag) "\306\307\310_\311\312\211##\313\314_\\\306\315\316_\311\317\211#\311\320\211\211$$\306\321\322_\311\323\211#\311\324\211\211$$\306\211\325\326_\311\327\211##\330!_\331\332_\\\330\333_!_\334\330\335_!_#	
\\1\336\337_\\23?\205\212\306\340\3302!_\341\330	\333_!_\342\330\n\333_!_\343\3302\333_!_$43?\205\235\306\344\345_\311\346\211##5\3061\347\350\3302!_#63?\205\275\351\f\333\245!\351\f\333\245!_73?\205\3067\330	\333_!_\3115\330!\352#\31157\330!\353	\333_!\354%\311\3557\211\330	\354_!$\311\3565\211\330\333_!$%\357_\360\24586\f84F.\f\207" [time l ml m i c + 280.46645 36000.76983 * 0.0003032 218.3165 481267.8813 357.5291 35999.0503 -0.0001559 -4.8e-07 23.43929111 -0.013004167 -1.6389e-07 5.036e-07 1.9146 -0.004817 -1.4e-05 solar-sin-degrees 0.019993 -0.000101 2 0.00029 3 125.04 -1934.136 -17.2 -1.32 -0.23 0.21 0.016708617 -4.2037e-05 -1.236e-07 -0.00569 -0.00478 solar-tangent-degrees -2 solar-cosine-degrees 4 -0.5 -1.25 12 3.1415926535 L omega sunrise-flag nut ecc app y time-eq] 12 (#$ . 8729)])
#@200 Ephemeris time minus Universal Time during Gregorian YEAR.
Result is in days.  For the years 1800-1987, the maximum error is
1.9 seconds.  For the other years, the maximum error is about 30 seconds.
(defalias 'solar-ephemeris-correction #[(year) "\306X\203\307W\203\310\311\312\313#\314\315\316$\207\317X\203D\306W\203D\320\321\322E\211\323	8)\324\325!\203>\326\327!\202\221\330V\203\272S\311	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\246@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\207\335!S\325\333\246!\205\235\325\336\246!?\206\235\325\337\246!)\203\246@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245%\202\221\335T!\341	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\377\335!S\325\333\246!\205\325\336\246!?\206\325\337\246!)\203@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245\342\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\214@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203m\335!S\325\333\246!\205\203\325\336\246!?\206\203\325\337\246!)\203\214@T@@-&+!\320\343\211\323	8)\324\325!\203\253\326\327!\202\376\330V\203'S\311	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\364\335!S\325\333\246!\205\n\325\336\246!?\206\n\325\337\246!)\203@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245%\202\376\335T!\341	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\213@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203l\335!S\325\333\246!\205\202\325\336\246!?\206\202\325\337\246!)\203\213@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245\342\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\371@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\332\335!S\325\333\246!\205\360\325\336\246!?\206\360\325\337\246!)\203\371@T@@-&+!Z\344\245\211A\211_\211BA_CB\211_DCB_E\311\345\346A_\347B_\350C_\351D_\352E_\353\354C\211#\353\355DC#&-\207\356X\203\204\317W\203\204\320\321\322E\211\323	8)\324\325!\203k\326\327!\202\276\330V\203\347S\311	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\323@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\264\335!S\325\333\246!\205\312\325\336\246!?\206\312\325\337\246!)\203\323@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245%\202\276\335T!\341	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203K@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203,\335!S\325\333\246!\205B\325\336\246!?\206B\325\337\246!)\203K@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245\342\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\271@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\232\335!S\325\333\246!\205\260\325\336\246!?\206\260\325\337\246!)\203\271@T@@-&+!\320\357\211\323	8)\324\325!\203\330\326\327!\202+\330V\203TS\311	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203@@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203!\335!S\325\333\246!\2057\325\336\246!?\2067\325\337\246!)\203@@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245%\202+\335T!\341	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\270@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\231\335!S\325\333\246!\205\257\325\336\246!?\206\257\325\337\246!)\203\270@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245\342\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203&@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\335!S\325\333\246!\205\325\336\246!?\206\325\337\246!)\203&@T@@-&+!Z\360\245\211A\211_\211BA_CB\211_DCB_E\311\361\362A_\363B_\364C_\365D_\366E_\353\367C\211#\353\370DC#\353\371D\211#\353\372DE#\353\373E\211#&-\207\374X\203\262\356W\203\262\375Z\376\245\310\311\353\377\f\211#\201H\f_\201I#\201J\201K\201L$)\207\320\322\211E\211\323	8)\324\325!\203\315\326\327!\202 \330V\203IS\311	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\2035@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\335!S\325\333\246!\205,\325\336\246!?\206,\325\337\246!)\2035@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245%\202 \335T!\341	\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203\255@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\216\335!S\325\333\246!\205\244\325\336\246!?\206\244\325\337\246!)\203\255@T@@-\n\340_\n\333\245\n\336\245[\n\337\245\342\211\211@)	\211\211A@*	\323	8)
S\331_\\@\323V\203@\332\333_\\\334\245Z@\211\330W\203\374\335!S\325\333\246!\205\325\336\246!?\206\325\337\246!)\203@T@@-&+!\201MZ\211F\211_\201N\245\201OZG\310G\201P\201Q\201R$*\207" [year date offset-years month x day 1988 2020 / + -2000 67.0 60.0 60.0 24.0 1900 calendar-astro-from-absolute 7 1 2 nil zerop error "There was no year zero" 0 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) (1 1 1900) 36525.0 -2e-05 0.000297 0.025184 -0.181133 0.55304 -0.861938 * 0.677066 -0.212591 1800 (1 1 1900) 36525.0 -9e-06 0.003844 0.083563 0.865736 4.867575 15.845535 31.332267 38.291999 28.316289 11.636204 2.043794 1620 1600 10.0 2.19167 day-of-year theta theta2 theta3 theta4 theta5 tmp second -40.675 196.58333 60.0 60.0 24.0 2382148 41048480.0 15 60.0 60.0 24.0] 16 (#$ . 10202)])
#@441 Ephemeris Time at moment TIME.
TIME is a pair with the first component being the number of Julian centuries
elapsed at 0 Universal Time, and the second component being the universal
time.  For instance, the pair corresponding to November 28, 1995 at 16 UT is
(-0.040945 16), -0.040945 being the number of Julian centuries elapsed between
Jan 1, 2000 at 12 UT and November 28, 1995 at 0 UT.

Result is in Julian centuries of ephemeris time.
(defalias 'solar-ephemeris-time #[(time) "@\211A@)	\306\245\307\245\\\310\f\311_\\\312\313
\314\245\307\245\\-\207" [time t0 x ut t1 y 24.0 36525 2000 100 solar-ephemeris-correction floor 86400 dt] 4 (#$ . 15422)])
#@493 Right ascension (in hours) and declination (in degrees) of the sun at TIME.
TIME is a pair with the first component being the number of
Julian centuries elapsed at 0 Universal Time, and the second
component being the universal time.  For instance, the pair
corresponding to November 28, 1995 at 16 UT is (-0.040945 16),
-0.040945 being the number of Julian centuries elapsed between
Jan 1, 2000 at 12 UT and November 28, 1995 at 0 UT.  SUNRISE-FLAG is passed
to `solar-ecliptic-coordinates'.
(defalias 'solar-equatorial-coordinates #[(time sunrise-flag) "\304\305!	\"\306\n@\n\211A@)\"\307\n@\n\211A@)\")D\207" [time sunrise-flag ec x solar-ecliptic-coordinates solar-ephemeris-time solar-right-ascension solar-declination] 5 (#$ . 16105)])
#@545 Azimuth and height of the sun at TIME, LATITUDE, and LONGITUDE.
TIME is a pair with the first component being the number of
Julian centuries elapsed at 0 Universal Time, and the second
component being the universal time.  For instance, the pair
corresponding to November 28, 1995 at 16 UT is (-0.040945 16),
-0.040945 being the number of Julian centuries elapsed between
Jan 1, 2000 at 12 UT and November 28, 1995 at 0 UT.  SUNRISE-FLAG
is passed to `solar-ecliptic-coordinates'.  Azimuth and
height (between -180 and 180) are both in degrees.
(defalias 'solar-horizontal-coordinates #[(time latitude longitude sunrise-flag) "\211A@)\306\"
\n\307_\\\310\311_\f@\311_[#\f\211A@)\312\313!\314!_\315!\313!_Z\314!\"\316\314!\314!_\317\313!\313!\313!#\\!\211\320V\203m\321Z.D\207" [time x ut sunrise-flag ec solar-sidereal-time-greenwich-midnight solar-equatorial-coordinates 1.00273790935 - 15 solar-atn2 solar-cosine-degrees solar-sin-degrees solar-tangent-degrees solar-arcsin * 180 360 st longitude ah de latitude azimuth height] 8 (#$ . 16857)])
#@713 Sunrise/sunset at location.
Sunrise if DIRECTION =-1 or sunset if =1 at LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, with midday
being TIME.

TIME is a pair with the first component being the number of Julian centuries
elapsed at 0 Universal Time, and the second component being the universal
time.  For instance, the pair corresponding to November 28, 1995 at 16 UT is
(-0.040945 16), -0.040945 being the number of Julian centuries elapsed between
Jan 1, 2000 at 12 UT and November 28, 1995 at 0 UT.

HEIGHT is the angle the center of the sun has over the horizon for the contact
we are trying to find.  For sunrise and sunset, it is usually -0.61 degrees,
accounting for the edge of the sun being on the horizon.

Uses binary search.
(defalias 'solar-moment #[(direction latitude longitude time height) "\211A@)\306\n\f\307_\\\n\310\311\312@\313
\\\316\245\313D\306$\211A@)\211W\203\214V\203T\202T\317\202\242\317\205\250.\n\207" [time x ut possible direction utmin t 12.0 0.0 1.0 0 solar-horizontal-coordinates abs 60 2 nil utmax utmoment-old utmoment hut t0 latitude longitude hmin hmax height solar-error] 6 (#$ . 17961)])
#@833 Sunrise, sunset and length of day.
Parameters are the midday TIME and the LATITUDE, LONGITUDE of the location.

TIME is a pair with the first component being the number of Julian centuries
elapsed at 0 Universal Time, and the second component being the universal
time.  For instance, the pair corresponding to November 28, 1995 at 16 UT is
(-0.040945 16), -0.040945 being the number of Julian centuries elapsed between
Jan 1, 2000 at 12 UT and November 28, 1995 at 0 UT.

HEIGHT is the angle the center of the sun has over the horizon for the contact
we are trying to find.  For sunrise and sunset, it is usually -0.61 degrees,
accounting for the edge of the sun being on the horizon.

Coordinates are included because this function is called with latitude=1
degrees to find out if polar regions have 24 hours of sun or only night.
(defalias 'solar-sunrise-and-sunset #[(time latitude longitude height) "\306\307	\n%\306\310	\n%\311\211\203
\315\245\\\fE+\207" [latitude longitude time height day-length set-time solar-moment -1 1 nil 0 24 60.0 60.0 rise-time solar-northern-spring-or-summer-season calendar-time-zone] 8 (#$ . 19239)])
#@110 Printable form for decimal fraction TIME in TIME-ZONE.
Format used is given by `calendar-time-display-form'.
(defalias 'solar-time-string #[(time time-zone) "\306\307_!\211\307\245\310\311\307\246\"\310\312	\313\\\314\246T\"	\314Y\203%\315\202&\316\310\311	\"\317\320
\321#.\207" [time 24-hours minutes 12-hours am-pm calendar-time-display-form round 60 format "%02d" "%d" 11 12 "pm" "am" mapconcat eval ""] 5 (#$ . 20497)])
#@45 Printable form for TIME expressed in hours.
(defalias 'solar-daylight #[(time) "\301\302\303!\303\303!Z\304_!#\207" [time format "%d:%02d" floor 60] 7 (#$ . 20939)])
#@77 Number of Julian centuries since 1 Jan, 2000 at noon UT for Gregorian DATE.
(defalias 'solar-julian-ut-centuries #[(date) "\211\3068)\307\310\n!\203\311\312!\202j\n\313V\203\223\nS\314\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3068)
S\315_\\\306V\203\316\317_\\\320\245Z\n\211\313W\203`\321\n!S\310\n\317\246!\205v\310\n\322\246!?\206v\310\n\323\246!)\203T-	\324_	\317\245	\322\245[	\323\245%\202j\321\nT!\325\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3068)
S\315_\\\306V\203\367\316\317_\\\320\245Z\n\211\313W\203\330\321\n!S\310\n\317\246!\205\356\310\n\322\246!?\206\356\310\n\323\246!)\203\367T-	\324_	\317\245	\322\245[	\323\245\326\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3068)
S\315_\\\306V\203\352\316\317_\\\320\245Z\n\211\313W\203\313\321\n!S\310\n\317\246!\205\341\310\n\322\246!?\206\341\310\n\323\246!)\203\352T-	\324_	\317\245	\322\245[	\323\245%\202\325\321\nT!\325\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3068)
S\315_\\\306V\203b\316\317_\\\320\245Z\n\211\313W\203C\321\n!S\310\n\317\246!\205Y\310\n\322\246!?\206Y\310\n\323\246!)\203bT-	\324_	\317\245	\322\245[	\323\245\326\211\211@)\211\211A@*\3068)
S\315_\\\306V\203\320\316\317_\\\320\245Z\n\211\313W\203\261\321\n!S\310\n\317\246!\205\307\310\n\322\246!?\206\307\310\n\323\246!)\203\320T-&+Z\330\245\207" [date offset-years year month x day 2 nil zerop error "There was no year zero" 0 + 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) (1 1.5 2000) 36525.0 day-of-year] 12 (#$ . 21114)])
#@116 Ephemeris Time at Gregorian DATE at Universal Time UT (in hours).
Expressed in Julian centuries of Ephemeris Time.
(defalias 'solar-date-to-et #[(date ut) "\302\303!	D!\207" [date ut solar-ephemeris-time solar-julian-ut-centuries] 3 (#$ . 22953)])
#@77 Equation of time expressed in hours at Gregorian DATE at Universal time UT.
(defalias 'solar-time-equation #[(date ut) "\302\303\304	\"\305\"8\207" [date ut 2 solar-ecliptic-coordinates solar-date-to-et nil] 5 (#$ . 23208)])
#@200 Date and Universal Time of local noon at *local date* DATE.
The date may be different from the one asked for, but it will be the right
local date.  The second component of date should be an integer.
(defalias 'solar-exact-local-noon #[(date) "\306\n\247\203\f\n\202%\n\307H\n\310H\311\245\\\n\312H\313=\203\"\202$[)\314\245Z\315\f\"\f
Z\211\316Y\203K@\211A@)T\3128E\f\316Z\f\307W\203d@\211A@)S\3128E\f\316\\\317	\211\3128)\320 !\321!!\203\322\323!\202\f!\307V\203!S \324\211\211@)\"\211\211A@*#\3128)!#\"S\325_\\$\"\312V\203\371$\326\"\327_\\\330\245Z$!\211!\307W\203\327\331!!S!\321!\327\246!\205\360\321!\332\246!?\206\360\321!\333\246!)\203\371$T$$- \334_ \327\245 \332\245[ \333\245%\202\f\331!T! \335\211\211@)\"\211\211A@*#\3128)!#\"S\325_\\$\"\312V\203\206$\326\"\327_\\\330\245Z$!\211!\307W\203d\331!!S!\321!\327\246!\205}\321!\332\246!?\206}\321!\333\246!)\203\206$T$$- \334_ \327\245 \332\245[ \333\245\336\211\211@)\"\211\211A@*#\3128)!#\"S\325_\\$\"\312V\203$\326\"\327_\\\330\245Z$!\211!\307W\203\345\331!!S!\321!\327\246!\205\376\321!\332\246!?\206\376\321!\333\246!)\203$T$$-&+!\211\f+D\207" [date nd calendar-longitude long ut te 12.0 0 1 60.0 2 east 15 solar-time-equation 24 calendar-gregorian-from-absolute nil zerop error "There was no year zero" + 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) x offset-years year month day day-of-year] 12 (#$ . 23441)])
#@97 Sidereal time (in hours) in Greenwich at T0 Julian centuries.
T0 must correspond to 0 hours UT.
(defalias 'solar-sidereal-time #[(t0) "\306\307\310_\311\312\211#\311\313\211\211$$\314\315D!\316\n\317\"\3208\211A@)\321\211	\f\322!_\323\245\324\245\\\325\"\326\\\327\"-\207" [t0 mean-sid-time et nut-i nut x + 6.6973746 2400.051337 * 2.58622e-05 -1.7222e-09 solar-ephemeris-time 0.0 solar-ecliptic-coordinates nil 3 mod solar-cosine-degrees 15 3600 24.0 24.0 24.0 i] 10 (#$ . 24979)])
#@133 List of *local* times of sunrise, sunset, and daylight on Gregorian DATE.
Corresponding value is nil if there is no sunrise/sunset.
(defalias 'solar-sunrise-sunset #[(date) "\306!\307	@!\310\n!\311\n	\211A@)D\312
\316H\317=\2038\202;[)\313$\3168\320V\311\n	\211A@)D\247\203\\\202{\313H\314H\321\245\\\316H\322=\203w\202z[)
\316H\317=\203\234\202\237[)\323$\211@\211\205\261\324\"\211A@)\211\205\305\324\" \3168!\205\336\325@\"\205\336A\205\357\325 @\"\205\357 A\326!!E.	\207" [date exact-local-noon t0 solar-sidereal-time-greenwich-midnight x calendar-longitude solar-exact-local-noon solar-julian-ut-centuries solar-sidereal-time solar-sunrise-and-sunset 1.0 0 1 60.0 2 east 12 60.0 north -0.61 dst-adjust-time calendar-date-equal solar-daylight long equator-rise-set solar-northern-spring-or-summer-season calendar-latitude lat rise-set rise-time adj-rise set-time adj-set length] 7 (#$ . 25484)])
#@138 String of *local* times of sunrise, sunset, and daylight on Gregorian DATE.
Optional NOLOCATION non-nil means do not print the location.
(defalias 'solar-sunrise-sunset-string #[(date &optional nolocation) "\305!\306\307	@\203\310\311\312	@\"P\202\313	\211A@)\203-\314\311\312	\211A@)\"P\202.\315\2036\316\202<\306\317\320\f!\"\321	8%)\207" [date l x nolocation calendar-location-name solar-sunrise-sunset format "%s, %s%s (%s hours daylight)" "Sunrise " apply solar-time-string "No sunrise" "sunset " "no sunset" "" " at %s" eval 2] 9 (#$ . 26565)])
#@47 Data used for calculation of solar longitude.
(defconst solar-data-list '((403406 4.721964 1.621043) (195207 5.937458 62830.348067) (119433 1.115589 62830.821524) (112392 5.781616 62829.634302) (3891 5.5474 125660.5691) (2819 1.512 125660.984) (1721 4.1897 62832.4766) (0 1.163 0.813) (660 5.415 125659.31) (350 4.315 57533.85) (334 4.553 -33.931) (314 5.198 777137.715) (268 5.989 78604.191) (242 2.911 5.412) (234 1.423 39302.098) (158 0.061 -34.861) (132 2.317 115067.698) (129 3.193 15774.337) (114 2.828 5296.67) (99 0.52 58849.27) (93 4.65 5296.11) (86 4.35 -3980.7) (78 2.75 52237.69) (72 4.5 55076.47) (68 3.23 261.08) (64 1.22 15773.85) (46 0.14 188491.03) (38 3.44 -7756.55) (37 4.37 264.89) (32 1.14 117906.27) (29 2.84 55075.75) (28 5.96 -7961.39) (27 5.09 188489.81) (27 1.72 2132.19) (25 2.56 109771.03) (24 1.92 54868.56) (21 0.09 25443.93) (21 5.98 -55731.43) (20 4.03 60697.74) (18 4.47 2132.79) (17 0.79 109771.63) (14 4.24 -7752.82) (13 2.01 188491.91) (13 2.65 207.81) (13 4.98 29424.63) (12 0.93 -7.99) (10 2.21 46941.14) (10 3.59 -68.29) (10 1.5 21463.25) (10 2.55 157208.4)) (#$ . 27135))
#@390 Longitude of sun on astronomical (Julian) day number D.
Accuracy is about 0.0006 degree (about 365.25*24*60*0.0006/360 = 1 minutes).
The values of `calendar-daylight-savings-starts',
`calendar-daylight-savings-starts-time', `calendar-daylight-savings-ends',
`calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time', `calendar-daylight-time-offset', and
`calendar-time-zone' are used to interpret local time.
(defalias 'solar-longitude #[(d) "\306!\307\310	\311	!\203\312\n\313\314#\202\315\312\316\317##!\211\320\321\322\306\f!!!\323\f8)!\\\211\324Z\325\245\326\327\330
_\\_\\3\323_\"5\352\3534!\354_\3535!\355_\\_6\343\356\326126#_\357\".	\207" [d a-d calendar-daylight-time-offset calendar-time-zone date U calendar-astro-to-absolute calendar-astro-from-absolute - dst-in-effect / 24.0 60.0 0 60.0 24.0 solar-ephemeris-correction calendar-gregorian-from-absolute floor 2 2451545 3652500 + 4.9353929 62833.196168 1e-07 apply mapcar #[(x) "@\303\304\211A@)\3058	_\\\n\305_\"!_\207" [x U float-pi sin mod 2] 7] 1e-07 cos 3.1 62830.14 17 973 mod 2.18 -3375.7 0.36 3.51 125666.39 0.1 -1e-07 sin 834 64 57.29577951308232 360.0 solar-data-list longitude aberration float-pi A1 A2 nutation] 10 (#$ . 28254)])
#@545 First time after day D when solar longitude is a multiple of L degrees.
D is a Julian day number.  L must be an integer divisor of 360.
The result is for `calendar-location-name', and is in local time
(including any daylight saving rules) expressed in astronomical (Julian)
day numbers.  The values of `calendar-daylight-savings-starts',
`calendar-daylight-savings-starts-time', `calendar-daylight-savings-ends',
`calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time', `calendar-daylight-time-offset',
and `calendar-time-zone' are used to interpret local time.
(defalias 'solar-date-next-longitude #[(d l) "\306	\307\310!	\245!T_\311\"	\312\245\313_\\\314\315
\\\316\245\310!\317\f!\2048\n\fW\204D\317\f!\203I	\nW\203I\202\202
\\\320\245,\207" [d l long end next start mod floor solar-longitude 360 360.0 400 nil 1e-05 2.0 zerop 2.0] 6 (#$ . 29586)])
#@330 Local time of sunrise and sunset for today.  Accurate to a few seconds.
If called with an optional prefix argument ARG, prompt for date.
If called with an optional double prefix argument, prompt for
longitude, latitude, time zone, and date, and always use standard time.

This function is suitable for execution in an init file.
(defalias 'sunrise-sunset #[(&optional arg) "\204\306\307W\203	\203\n\203\204\310 \210\307W\203%\n\202(\311\312!\307W\2033	\2026\311\313!\307W\203A\202D\311\314!\307W\203O\f\202\275\315\316\317	\247\203^\320	!\202g	\321H	\306H\322\245\\	\247\203z	\321V\203v\323\202\207\324\202\207	\325H\326=\203\206\323\202\207\324\n\247\203\222\320\n!\202\233\n\321H\n\306H\327\245\\\n\247\203\256\n\321V\203\252\330\202\273\331\202\273\n\325H\332=\203\272\330\202\273\331%)\307W\203\3118\202\344\333!\203\323\334\202\344\321W\203\340\316\335\"\202\344\316\336\"8\307W\205\35699\307W\205\370::\337W\203\340 \202\341 ;\342;\343\"<\344;!=\316\345<=#>\346\343!?>G\347 X\2035\350\351>\"\202\212@Ar\352\353!q\210p\354 \210A@\355\211BC\343\211D\343EF\356 \210\357\360!\210+\211GH\361<\362=Q!\210\363G!\210+\350\351\364?\203\207I\203\203\365\202\210\366\202\210\367!\".\f\207" [arg calendar-latitude calendar-longitude calendar-time-zone calendar-location-name float-output-format 1 16 solar-setup solar-get-number "Enter longitude (decimal fraction; + east, - west): " "Enter latitude (decimal fraction; + north, - south): " "Enter difference from Coordinated Universal Time (in minutes): " "%.1f" format "%s%s, %s%s" abs 0 60.0 "N" "S" 2 north 60.0 "E" "W" east zerop "UTC" "UTC%dmin" "UTC+%dmin" 4 calendar-current-date calendar-read-date calendar-date-string t solar-sunrise-sunset-string "%s: %s" one-window-p frame-width message "%s" get-buffer-create "*temp*" kill-all-local-variables nil erase-buffer run-hooks temp-buffer-setup-hook princ "\n" internal-temp-output-buffer-show substitute-command-keys "Type \\[delete-other-windows] to remove temp window." "Type \\[switch-to-buffer] RET to remove temp window." "Type \\[switch-to-buffer-other-window] RET to restore old contents of temp window." calendar-standard-time-zone-name calendar-daylight-savings-starts calendar-daylight-savings-ends date date-string time-string msg one-window default-directory #1=#:old-dir buffer-read-only buffer-file-name buffer-undo-list inhibit-modification-hooks inhibit-read-only #2=#:buf standard-output pop-up-windows] 8 (#$ . 30461) "p"])
#@84 Local time of sunrise and sunset for date under cursor.
Accurate to a few seconds.
(defalias 'calendar-sunrise-sunset #[(&optional event) "\203\f	\203\f\n\204\305 \210\306\307\"\310\311\312\f\307\211#\313\f!#)\207" [calendar-latitude calendar-longitude calendar-time-zone event date solar-setup calendar-cursor-to-date t message "%s: %s" calendar-date-string solar-sunrise-sunset-string] 6 (#$ . 33017) (list last-nonmenu-event)])
#@70 Local time of sunrise and sunset for month under cursor or at EVENT.
(defalias 'calendar-sunrise-sunset-month #[(&optional event) "\203\f	\203\f\n\204\306 \210\307\310\"\211@\311\f8\"
!\"\325$!$%\326&!q\210\327\330!\204~\330 \210\331'\310(\332 \210\333%!\210%\334\261\210#\312)*)*W\203\304
\310\")T#\336\f\310\"\337\261\210)T\211)\202\233*eb\210\340\331!\210\310'\341&!-\207" [calendar-latitude calendar-longitude calendar-time-zone event date month solar-setup calendar-cursor-to-date t 2 0 abs zerop 4 100 400 29 [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31] format "Sunrise/sunset times for %s %d at %s" calendar-month-name eval get-buffer-create derived-mode-p special-mode nil erase-buffer calendar-set-mode-line ":\n\n" "%s %2d: " solar-sunrise-sunset-string "\n" set-buffer-modified-p display-buffer year last calendar-location-name title solar-sunrises-buffer buffer-read-only buffer-undo-list i --dotimes-limit--] 7 (#$ . 33461) (list last-nonmenu-event)])
#@79 Local time of sunrise and sunset as a diary entry.
Accurate to a few seconds.
(defalias 'diary-sunrise-sunset #[nil "\203\f	\203\f\n\204\304 \210\305!\207" [calendar-latitude calendar-longitude calendar-time-zone date solar-setup solar-sunrise-sunset-string] 2 (#$ . 34634)])
#@47 Data for solar equinox/solstice calculations.
(defconst solar-seasons-data '((485 324.96 1934.136) (203 337.23 32964.467) (199 342.08 20.186) (182 27.85 445267.112) (156 73.14 45036.886) (136 171.52 22518.443) (77 222.54 65928.934) (74 296.72 3034.906) (70 243.58 9037.513) (58 119.81 33718.147) (52 297.17 150.678) (50 21.02 2281.226) (45 247.54 29929.562) (44 325.15 31555.956) (29 60.93 4443.417) (18 155.12 67555.328) (17 288.79 4562.452) (16 198.04 62894.029) (14 199.76 31436.921) (12 95.39 14577.848) (12 287.11 31931.756) (12 320.81 34777.259) (9 227.73 1222.114) (8 15.45 16859.074)) (#$ . 34922))
#@208 Date of equinox/solstice K for YEAR.
K=0, spring equinox; K=1, summer solstice; K=2, fall equinox;
K=3, winter solstice.  RESULT is a Gregorian local date.
Accurate to within a minute between 1951 and 2050.
(defalias 'solar-equinoxes/solstices #[(k year) "\306	\"\211\307Z\310\245\311_\312Z\313\314\315\316\f!_\317\316\f\320_!_#\321\313\322\323!\"\"\"\n\324\"_
\245\\#\313\325\326_\327\330\211##$#$\331\245Z%\332\333%\334Z!!&%\335Z\333%\336Z!Z'&@\313&\211(A@)')\337\245\340\245#\320&8E.\n\207" [k year JDE0 T W Delta-lambda solar-mean-equinoxes/solstices 2451545.0 36525 35999.373 2.47 + 1 0.0334 solar-cosine-degrees 0.0007 2 apply mapcar #[(x) "@\302\3038	_\211A@)\\!_\207" [x T solar-cosine-degrees 2] 5] 1e-05 102.3 123.5 * 32.5 86400 calendar-gregorian-from-absolute floor 1721424.5 0.5 0.5 60.0 24.0 solar-seasons-data S JDE correction JD date time x calendar-time-zone] 8 (#$ . 35536)])
#@198 Julian day of mean equinox/solstice K for YEAR.
K=0, spring equinox; K=1, summer solstice; K=2, fall equinox; K=3, winter
solstice.  These formulas are only to be used between 1000 BC and 3000 AD.
(defalias 'solar-mean-equinoxes/solstices #[(k year) "\304\245\305Z\306\245\307W\203\224\310U\2031\311\312\313\n_\314\315\n\211#\314\316\n\211\211$\314\317\n\211\211\211%%\202\320U\203R\311\321\322\n_\314\323\n\211#\314\324\n\211\211$\314\325\n\211\211\211%%\202\326U\203s\311\327\330\n_\314\331\n\211#\314\332\n\211\211$\314\333\n\211\211\211%%\202\334U\205\311\335\336\n_\314\337\n\211#\314\340\n\211\211$\314\341\n\211\211\211%%\202\310U\203\265\311\342\343	_\314\344	\211#\314\345	\211\211$\314\346	\211\211\211%%\202\320U\203\326\311\347\350	_\314\351	\211#\314\352	\211\211$\314\353	\211\211\211%%\202\326U\203\367\311\354\355	_\314\356	\211#\314\357	\211\211$\314\360	\211\211\211%%\202\334U\205\311\361\362	_\314\363	\211#\314\364	\211\211$\314\365	\211\211\211%%*\207" [year z y k 1000.0 2000 1000.0 1000 0 + 1721139.29189 365242.1374 * 0.06134 0.00111 -0.00071 1 1721233.25401 365241.72562 -0.05323 0.00907 0.00025 2 1721325.70455 365242.49558 -0.11677 -0.00297 0.00074 3 1721414.39987 365242.88257 -0.00769 -0.00933 -6e-05 2451623.80984 365242.37404 0.05169 -0.00411 -0.00057 2451716.56767 365241.62603 0.00325 0.00888 -0.0003 2451810.21715 365242.01767 -0.11575 0.00337 0.00078 2451900.05952 365242.74049 -0.06223 -0.00823 0.00032] 11 (#$ . 36468)])
#@102 Local date and time of equinoxes and solstices, if visible in the calendar.
Requires floating point.
(defalias 'solar-equinoxes-solstices #[nil "\n\f\203\f
\306\f\205))\f\205**\f\203&\f\202'\307\310\311+,\307W\2037T\312,_	\313	\314\246\315U\203J\313\202W	\314\246\316U\203V\315\202W\307$+\317+,\"T+,\245+\307W\203x	\315V\203xS\315W\203\201S*	\314\245S-\320-\"\211.@\321.\211/A@)!\316.8E0.\211/A@)\321.\211/A@)!Z\322_1\32301\"\2112\211/@@)2\211/@A)@2\211/A@)\324\245\\2\211/@A)\211/A@)E\2113\21144\31648)\31156\3256!\203\n\326\327!\202\2566\307V\203\2446S5\3124\2114\2114@)74\2114\211/A@*844\31648)687S\330_\\97\316V\203\2149\3317\332_\\\333\245Z96\2116\307W\203j\3346!S6\3256\332\246!\205\203\3256\335\246!?\206\203\3256\336\246!)\203\2149T99-5\337_5\332\2455\335\245[5\336\245%\202\256\3346T!5\3404\2114\2114@)74\2114\211/A@*844\31648)687S\330_\\97\316V\203!9\3317\332_\\\333\245Z96\2116\307W\203\377\3346!S6\3256\332\246!\205\3256\335\246!?\206\3256\336\246!)\203!9T99-5\337_5\332\2455\335\245[5\336\245\341\2114\2114@)74\2114\211/A@*844\31648)687S\330_\\97\316V\203\2519\3317\332_\\\333\245Z96\2116\307W\203\207\3346!S6\3256\332\246!\205\240\3256\335\246!?\206\240\3256\336\246!)\203\2519T99-&+:\342\321:!!\343\344-;\203\364;\247\203\313;\202\352;\307H;\315H\345\245\\<;\316H\346=\203\346<\202\351<[)\307W\203\364=\202\366>8\347:\321:!Z\322_\350:!\203
DC\207" [displayed-month m displayed-year y calendar-time-zone calendar-standard-time-zone-name "UTC" 0 12 nil + -1 3 1 2 mod solar-equinoxes/solstices floor 24 dst-adjust-time 24.0 zerop error "There was no year zero" 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) calendar-gregorian-from-absolute format "%s %s" 60.0 north solar-time-string dst-in-effect calendar-daylight-savings-starts calendar-daylight-savings-ends macro-y nmonths k d0 x d1 h0 adj d date offset-years year month day day-of-year abs-day calendar-latitude lat solar-s-hemi-seasons solar-n-hemi-seasons calendar-daylight-time-zone-name] 11 (#$ . 37972)])
(provide 'solar)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net