Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/cus-edit.elc |
;ELC ;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:13 2024 ;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/cus-edit.el ;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\217\210\303\306\307\217\210\310\311\312\313#\210\310\311\314\315#\210\316\317\311\320#\210\321\322\303\323\324\325%\210\321\326\303\327\330\322%\210\321\331\303\332\330\322%\210\321\333\303\334\330\322%\210\321\335\303\336\337\340\330\322&\210\321\341\303\342\330\322%\210\321\343\303\344\337\345\330\331&\210\321\346\303\347\330\326%\210\321\350\303\351\324\352\330\326&\210\321\353\303\354\330\326%\210\321\355\303\356\330\335%\210\321\357\303\360\330\322%\210\321\361\303\362\337\363\330\322&\210\321\364\303\365\330\357%\210\321\366\303\367\330\322%\210\321\370\303\371\330\366%\210\321\372\303\373\324\374\330\370\330\375& \210\321\376\303\377\324\201@ \324\201A \330\370& \210\321\201B \303\201C \330\366%\210\321\201D \303\201E \330\322%\210\321\201F \303\201G \330\201D %\210\321\201H \303\201I \330\201D %\210\321\201J \303\201K \324\201L \330\201D &\210\321\201M \303\201N \330\201D %\210\321\375\303\201O \330\322%\210\321\201P \303\201Q \330\375%\210\321\201R \303\201S \330\375%\210\321\201T \303\201U \330\375%\210\321\201V \303\201W \337\201X \330\375&\210\321\201Y \303\201Z \330\322%\210\321\201[ \303\201\\ \330\201Y %\210\321\201] \303\201^ \330\201Y %\210\321\201_ \303\201` \330\201Y %\210\321\201a \303\201b \324\201c \330\201Y \330\326& \210\321\201d \303\201e \330\201Y %\210\321\201f \303\201g \330\201Y %\210\321\201h \303\201i \324\201j \330\335&\210\321\201k \303\201l \330\322%\210\321\201m \303\201n \330\322%\210\321\201o \303\201p \330\322%\210\321\201q \303\201r \330\322%\210\321\317\201s \201t \201u \201v \330\201m &\210\321\201w \303\201x \330\317\330\201k &\210\321\201y \303\201z \201u \201v \330\317&\210\321\201{ \303\201| \201u \201v \330\317&\210\321\201} \303\201~ \201u \201v \330\317&\210\321\201 \303\201\200 \337\201\201 \330\201T &\210\321\201\202 \303\201\203 \324\201\204 \330\326&\210\321\201\205 \303\201\206 \330\201Y %\210\321\201\207 \303\201\210 \330\326%\210\321\201\211 \303\201\212 \330\201Y %\210\321\201\213 \303\201\214 \330\364%\210\321\201\215 \303\201\216 \330\201Y %\210\321\201\217 \303\201\220 \330\201Y %\210\321\201\221 \303\201\222 \330\201T %\210\321\201\223 \303\201\224 \330\375%\210\321\201\225 \303\201\226 \330\201Y %\210\321\353\303\201\227 \330\201Y %\210\321\201\230 \303\201\231 \330\201Y %\210\321\201\232 \303\201\233 \330\201Y %\210\321\201\234 \303\201\235 \330\333%\210\321\201\236 \303\201\237 \330\364%\210\321\201\240 \303\201\241 \330\201a %\210\321\201\242 \303\201\243 \324\201\244 \330\201Y &\207" [require cus-face wid-edit nil (byte-code "\300\301!\207" [require cus-load] 2) ((error)) (byte-code "\300\301!\207" [require cus-start] 2) ((error)) put custom-define-hook custom-type hook standard-value (nil) custom-add-to-group customize custom-variable custom-declare-group emacs "Customization of the One True Editor." :link (custom-manual "(emacs)Top") editing "Basic text editing facilities." :group convenience "Convenience features for faster editing." files "Support for editing files." wp "Support for editing text files." :tag "Text" data "Support for editing binary data files." abbrev "Abbreviation handling, typing shortcuts, macros." "Abbreviations" matching "Various sorts of searching and matching." emulations "Emulations of other editors." (custom-manual "(emacs)Emulation") mouse "Mouse support." outlines "Support for hierarchical outlining." external "Interfacing to external utilities." comm "Communications, networking, and remote access to files." "Communication" processes "Process, subshell, compilation, and job control support." programming "Support for programming in other languages." languages "Modes for editing programming languages." lisp "Lisp support, including Emacs Lisp." (custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces) development c "Support for the C language and related languages." (custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces) (custom-manual "(ccmode)") tools "Programming tools." applications "Applications written in Emacs." calendar "Calendar and time management support." mail "Modes for electronic-mail handling." news "Reading and posting to newsgroups." (custom-manual "(gnus)") games "Games, jokes and amusements." "Support for further development of Emacs." docs "Support for Emacs documentation." extensions "Emacs Lisp language extensions." internal "Code for Emacs internals, build process, defaults." maint "Maintenance aids for the Emacs development group." "Maintenance" environment "Fitting Emacs with its environment." hardware "Support for interfacing with miscellaneous hardware." terminals "Support for terminal types." unix "Interfaces, assistants, and emulators for UNIX features." i18n "Internationalization and alternate character-set support." (custom-manual "(emacs)International") x "The X Window system." frames "Support for Emacs frames and window systems." tex "Code related to the TeX formatter." (custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces) faces "Support for multiple fonts." help "Support for on-line help systems." multimedia "Non-textual support, specifically images and sound." local "Code local to your site." ((widgets custom-group)) "Customization of the Customization support." :prefix "custom-" custom-faces "Faces used by customize." custom-browse "Control customize browser." custom-buffer "Control customize buffers." custom-menu "Control customize menus." alloc "Storage allocation and gc for GNU Emacs Lisp interpreter." "Storage Allocation" undo "Undoing changes in buffers." (custom-manual "(emacs)Undo") mode-line "Contents of the mode line." editing-basics "Most basic editing facilities." display "How characters are displayed in buffers." execute "Executing external commands." installation "The Emacs installation." dired "Directory editing." limits "Internal Emacs limits." debug "Debugging Emacs itself." keyboard "Input from the keyboard." "Input from the mouse." menu "Input from the menus." dnd "Handling data from drag and drop." auto-save "Preventing accidental loss of data." processes-basics "Basic stuff dealing with processes." mule "MULE Emacs internationalization." windows "Windows within a frame." (custom-manual "(emacs)Windows")] 10) #@27 Keymap for `Custom-mode'. (defvar custom-mode-map (byte-code "\302 \303 \"\210\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210\304\313\314#\210\304\315\316#\210\304\317\320#\210\304\321\322#\210\304\323\324#\210\304\325\326#\210\304\327\330#\210)\207" [map widget-keymap make-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [remap self-insert-command] Custom-no-edit " " Custom-newline " " scroll-up-command "" scroll-down-command "" Custom-set "" Custom-save "q" Custom-buffer-done "u" Custom-goto-parent "n" widget-forward "p" widget-backward] 4) (#$ . 6817)) #@42 Local keymap for links in `Custom-mode'. (defvar custom-mode-link-map (byte-code "\302 \303 \"\210\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210)\207" [map custom-mode-map make-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [down-mouse-2] nil [down-mouse-1] mouse-drag-region [mouse-2] widget-move-and-invoke] 4) (#$ . 7394)) #@62 Keymap used inside editable fields in customization buffers. (defvar custom-field-keymap (byte-code "\302!\303 \304\305#\210\303 \306\307#\210 )\207" [widget-field-keymap map copy-keymap define-key "" Custom-set "" Custom-save] 4) (#$ . 7726)) (byte-code "\301\302\303N\304#\207" [custom-field-keymap widget-put editable-field widget-type :keymap] 4) #@189 If REGEXP is a string, split it to a list at `\|'. You can get the original back from the result with: (mapconcat 'identity result "\|") IF REGEXP is not a string, return it unchanged. (defalias 'custom-split-regexp-maybe #[(regexp) ";\203\n \301\302\"\207\207" [regexp split-string "\\\\|"] 3 (#$ . 8091)]) #@117 Prompt for a custom variable, defaulting to the variable at point. Return a list suitable for use in `interactive'. (defalias 'custom-variable-prompt #[nil "\305 \2119\205 \306!\205 \307!\310\311\312 \203\"