? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

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Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/cus-edit.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:13 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/cus-edit.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\217\210\303\306\307\217\210\310\311\312\313#\210\310\311\314\315#\210\316\317\311\320#\210\321\322\303\323\324\325%\210\321\326\303\327\330\322%\210\321\331\303\332\330\322%\210\321\333\303\334\330\322%\210\321\335\303\336\337\340\330\322&\210\321\341\303\342\330\322%\210\321\343\303\344\337\345\330\331&\210\321\346\303\347\330\326%\210\321\350\303\351\324\352\330\326&\210\321\353\303\354\330\326%\210\321\355\303\356\330\335%\210\321\357\303\360\330\322%\210\321\361\303\362\337\363\330\322&\210\321\364\303\365\330\357%\210\321\366\303\367\330\322%\210\321\370\303\371\330\366%\210\321\372\303\373\324\374\330\370\330\375&	\210\321\376\303\377\324\201@\324\201A\330\370&	\210\321\201B\303\201C\330\366%\210\321\201D\303\201E\330\322%\210\321\201F\303\201G\330\201D%\210\321\201H\303\201I\330\201D%\210\321\201J\303\201K\324\201L\330\201D&\210\321\201M\303\201N\330\201D%\210\321\375\303\201O\330\322%\210\321\201P\303\201Q\330\375%\210\321\201R\303\201S\330\375%\210\321\201T\303\201U\330\375%\210\321\201V\303\201W\337\201X\330\375&\210\321\201Y\303\201Z\330\322%\210\321\201[\303\201\\\330\201Y%\210\321\201]\303\201^\330\201Y%\210\321\201_\303\201`\330\201Y%\210\321\201a\303\201b\324\201c\330\201Y\330\326&	\210\321\201d\303\201e\330\201Y%\210\321\201f\303\201g\330\201Y%\210\321\201h\303\201i\324\201j\330\335&\210\321\201k\303\201l\330\322%\210\321\201m\303\201n\330\322%\210\321\201o\303\201p\330\322%\210\321\201q\303\201r\330\322%\210\321\317\201s\201t\201u\201v\330\201m&\210\321\201w\303\201x\330\317\330\201k&\210\321\201y\303\201z\201u\201v\330\317&\210\321\201{\303\201|\201u\201v\330\317&\210\321\201}\303\201~\201u\201v\330\317&\210\321\201\303\201\200\337\201\201\330\201T&\210\321\201\202\303\201\203\324\201\204\330\326&\210\321\201\205\303\201\206\330\201Y%\210\321\201\207\303\201\210\330\326%\210\321\201\211\303\201\212\330\201Y%\210\321\201\213\303\201\214\330\364%\210\321\201\215\303\201\216\330\201Y%\210\321\201\217\303\201\220\330\201Y%\210\321\201\221\303\201\222\330\201T%\210\321\201\223\303\201\224\330\375%\210\321\201\225\303\201\226\330\201Y%\210\321\353\303\201\227\330\201Y%\210\321\201\230\303\201\231\330\201Y%\210\321\201\232\303\201\233\330\201Y%\210\321\201\234\303\201\235\330\333%\210\321\201\236\303\201\237\330\364%\210\321\201\240\303\201\241\330\201a%\210\321\201\242\303\201\243\324\201\244\330\201Y&\207" [require cus-face wid-edit nil (byte-code "\300\301!\207" [require cus-load] 2) ((error)) (byte-code "\300\301!\207" [require cus-start] 2) ((error)) put custom-define-hook custom-type hook standard-value (nil) custom-add-to-group customize custom-variable custom-declare-group emacs "Customization of the One True Editor." :link (custom-manual "(emacs)Top") editing "Basic text editing facilities." :group convenience "Convenience features for faster editing." files "Support for editing files." wp "Support for editing text files." :tag "Text" data "Support for editing binary data files." abbrev "Abbreviation handling, typing shortcuts, macros." "Abbreviations" matching "Various sorts of searching and matching." emulations "Emulations of other editors." (custom-manual "(emacs)Emulation") mouse "Mouse support." outlines "Support for hierarchical outlining." external "Interfacing to external utilities." comm "Communications, networking, and remote access to files." "Communication" processes "Process, subshell, compilation, and job control support." programming "Support for programming in other languages." languages "Modes for editing programming languages." lisp "Lisp support, including Emacs Lisp." (custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces) development c "Support for the C language and related languages." (custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces) (custom-manual "(ccmode)") tools "Programming tools." applications "Applications written in Emacs." calendar "Calendar and time management support." mail "Modes for electronic-mail handling." news "Reading and posting to newsgroups." (custom-manual "(gnus)") games "Games, jokes and amusements." "Support for further development of Emacs." docs "Support for Emacs documentation." extensions "Emacs Lisp language extensions." internal "Code for Emacs internals, build process, defaults." maint "Maintenance aids for the Emacs development group." "Maintenance" environment "Fitting Emacs with its environment." hardware "Support for interfacing with miscellaneous hardware." terminals "Support for terminal types." unix "Interfaces, assistants, and emulators for UNIX features." i18n "Internationalization and alternate character-set support." (custom-manual "(emacs)International") x "The X Window system." frames "Support for Emacs frames and window systems." tex "Code related to the TeX formatter." (custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces) faces "Support for multiple fonts." help "Support for on-line help systems." multimedia "Non-textual support, specifically images and sound." local "Code local to your site." ((widgets custom-group)) "Customization of the Customization support." :prefix "custom-" custom-faces "Faces used by customize." custom-browse "Control customize browser." custom-buffer "Control customize buffers." custom-menu "Control customize menus." alloc "Storage allocation and gc for GNU Emacs Lisp interpreter." "Storage Allocation" undo "Undoing changes in buffers." (custom-manual "(emacs)Undo") mode-line "Contents of the mode line." editing-basics "Most basic editing facilities." display "How characters are displayed in buffers." execute "Executing external commands." installation "The Emacs installation." dired "Directory editing." limits "Internal Emacs limits." debug "Debugging Emacs itself." keyboard "Input from the keyboard." "Input from the mouse." menu "Input from the menus." dnd "Handling data from drag and drop." auto-save "Preventing accidental loss of data." processes-basics "Basic stuff dealing with processes." mule "MULE Emacs internationalization." windows "Windows within a frame." (custom-manual "(emacs)Windows")] 10)
#@27 Keymap for `Custom-mode'.
(defvar custom-mode-map (byte-code "\302 \303	\"\210\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210\304\313\314#\210\304\315\316#\210\304\317\320#\210\304\321\322#\210\304\323\324#\210\304\325\326#\210\304\327\330#\210)\207" [map widget-keymap make-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [remap self-insert-command] Custom-no-edit "
" Custom-newline " " scroll-up-command "" scroll-down-command "" Custom-set "" Custom-save "q" Custom-buffer-done "u" Custom-goto-parent "n" widget-forward "p" widget-backward] 4) (#$ . 6817))
#@42 Local keymap for links in `Custom-mode'.
(defvar custom-mode-link-map (byte-code "\302 \303	\"\210\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210)\207" [map custom-mode-map make-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [down-mouse-2] nil [down-mouse-1] mouse-drag-region [mouse-2] widget-move-and-invoke] 4) (#$ . 7394))
#@62 Keymap used inside editable fields in customization buffers.
(defvar custom-field-keymap (byte-code "\302!\303	\304\305#\210\303	\306\307#\210	)\207" [widget-field-keymap map copy-keymap define-key "" Custom-set "" Custom-save] 4) (#$ . 7726))
(byte-code "\301\302\303N\304#\207" [custom-field-keymap widget-put editable-field widget-type :keymap] 4)
#@189 If REGEXP is a string, split it to a list at `\|'.
You can get the original back from the result with:
  (mapconcat 'identity result "\|")

IF REGEXP is not a string, return it unchanged.
(defalias 'custom-split-regexp-maybe #[(regexp) ";\203\n\301\302\"\207\207" [regexp split-string "\\\\|"] 3 (#$ . 8091)])
#@117 Prompt for a custom variable, defaulting to the variable at point.
Return a list suitable for use in `interactive'.
(defalias 'custom-variable-prompt #[nil "\305 \2119\205\306!\205\307!\310\311\312	\203\"\313\314	\"\202#\315\f\306\310\311\211	&\211\316\232\203;9\205>\202>\317!,C\207" [v default enable-recursive-minibuffers val obarray variable-at-point custom-variable-p symbol-name t nil completing-read format "Customize variable (default %s): " "Customize variable: " "" intern] 9 (#$ . 8412)])
#@173 Convert MENU to the form used by `widget-choose'.
MENU should be in the same format as `custom-variable-menu'.
WIDGET is the widget to apply the filter entries of MENU on.
(defalias 'custom-menu-filter #[(menu widget) "\306\211\211\211\211
A\203*!\2033\n	B\fB\202\n\n\fB\202\n\f\237-\207" [filter action name current result menu nil 2 widget] 6 (#$ . 8939)])
#@64 List of prefixes that should be ignored by `custom-unlispify'.
(defvar custom-prefix-list nil (#$ . 9347))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\305\304\313\306\307&	\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-unlispify-menu-entries t "Display menu entries as words instead of symbols if non-nil." :group custom-menu :type boolean custom-unlispify-remove-prefixes nil "Non-nil means remove group prefixes from option names in buffer.\nDiscarding prefixes often leads to confusing names for options\nand faces in Customize buffers, so do not set this to a non-nil\nvalue unless you are sure you know what it does." custom-buffer] 10)
#@35 Convert SYMBOL into a menu entry.
(defalias 'custom-unlispify-menu-entry #[(symbol &optional no-suffix) "\204\306	!\207	\307N\203\n\203	\307N\207	\307N\310P\207r\311\312!q\210\313 \210\314	p\"\210eb\210\203^\f\315\203]@\316
G\\\317#\203T\315e`|\210\2026A\211\204;*\320ed\321\322\317%\210\323ed\"\210\n\204udb\210\310c\210\324 )\207" [custom-unlispify-menu-entries symbol no-suffix custom-unlispify-remove-prefixes custom-prefix-list prefix symbol-name custom-tag "..." get-buffer-create " *Custom-Work*" erase-buffer princ nil search-forward t subst-char-in-region 45 32 capitalize-region buffer-string prefixes] 7 (#$ . 10013)])
#@59 Display tag names as words instead of symbols if non-nil.
(custom-declare-variable 'custom-unlispify-tag-names t '(#$ . 10679) :group 'custom-buffer :type 'boolean)
#@35 Convert SYMBOL into a menu entry.
(defalias 'custom-unlispify-tag-name #[(symbol) "\303\n\304\")\207" [custom-unlispify-tag-names custom-unlispify-menu-entries symbol custom-unlispify-menu-entry t] 3 (#$ . 10850)])
#@41 Add SYMBOL to list of ignored PREFIXES.
(defalias 'custom-prefix-add #[(symbol prefixes) "\302N\206\303!\304P	B\207" [symbol prefixes custom-prefix symbol-name "-"] 2 (#$ . 11073)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-guess-name-alist '(("-p\\'" boolean) ("-flag\\'" boolean) ("-hook\\'" hook) ("-face\\'" face) ("-file\\'" file) ("-function\\'" function) ("-functions\\'" (repeat function)) ("-list\\'" (repeat sexp)) ("-alist\\'" (alist :key-type sexp :value-type sexp))) "Alist of (MATCH TYPE).\n\nMATCH should be a regexp matching the name of a symbol, and TYPE should\nbe a widget suitable for editing the value of that symbol.  The TYPE\nof the first entry where MATCH matches the name of the symbol will be\nused.\n\nThis is used for guessing the type of variables not declared with\ncustomize." :type (repeat (group (regexp :tag "Match") (sexp :tag "Type"))) :group custom-buffer custom-guess-doc-alist '(("\\`\\*?Non-nil " boolean)) "Alist of (MATCH TYPE).\n\nMATCH should be a regexp matching a documentation string, and TYPE\nshould be a widget suitable for editing the value of a variable with\nthat documentation string.  The TYPE of the first entry where MATCH\nmatches the name of the symbol will be used.\n\nThis is used for guessing the type of variables not declared with\ncustomize." (repeat (group (regexp :tag "Match") (sexp :tag "Type")))] 8)
#@186 Guess a widget suitable for editing the value of SYMBOL.
This is done by matching SYMBOL with `custom-guess-name-alist' and
if that fails, the doc string with `custom-guess-doc-alist'.
(defalias 'custom-guess-type #[(symbol) "\306!	\307\211\f\203&\f@\fA\310@
\"\2038A@\307\211\f\204=*\n,\207" [symbol custom-guess-name-alist found current names name symbol-name nil string-match documentation-property variable-documentation custom-guess-doc-alist docs doc] 5 (#$ . 12535)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\302\311\304\312\306\307&\210\300\313\302\314\304\305\306\307&\210\300\315\316\317\304\305\306\320\321\322&	\210\300\323\324\311\304\325\306\320&\210\300\326\302\327\304\305\306\330&\210\300\331\332\311\304\333\306\330&\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-browse-sort-alphabetically nil "If non-nil, sort customization group alphabetically in `custom-browse'." :type boolean :group custom-browse custom-browse-order-groups "If non-nil, order group members within each customization group.\nIf `first', order groups before non-groups.\nIf `last', order groups after non-groups." (choice (const first) (const last) (const :tag "none" nil)) custom-browse-only-groups "If non-nil, show group members only within each customization group." custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically t "Whether to sort customization groups alphabetically in Custom buffer." custom-buffer :version "24.1" custom-buffer-order-groups 'last (choice (const first) (const last) (const :tag "none" nil)) custom-menu-sort-alphabetically "If non-nil, sort each customization group alphabetically in menus." custom-menu custom-menu-order-groups 'first (choice (const first) (const last) (const :tag "none" nil))] 10)
#@263 Return a sorted copy of ITEMS.
ITEMS should be a `custom-group' property.
If SORT-ALPHABETICALLY non-nil, sort alphabetically.
If ORDER-GROUPS is `first' order groups before non-groups, if `last' order
groups after non-groups, if nil do not order groups at all.
(defalias 'custom-sort-items #[(items sort-alphabetically order-groups) "\301\302!\303\"\207" [items sort copy-sequence #[(a b) "A@	A@@	@	\204\n\205Q\n\231\202Q
\306=\203<\f\306=\2035\n\205Q\n\231\202Q	\307=\202Q\f\306=\203I	\310=\202Q\n\205Q\n\231,\207" [a b nameb namea typeb typea custom-group first last order-groups sort-alphabetically] 4]] 3 (#$ . 14364)])
(defvar custom-commands '((" Apply " Custom-set t "Apply settings (for the current session only)" "index" "Apply") (" Apply and Save " Custom-save (or custom-file user-init-file) "Apply settings and save for future sessions." "save" "Save") (" Undo Edits " Custom-reset-current t "Restore customization buffer to reflect existing settings." "refresh" "Undo") (" Reset Customizations " Custom-reset-saved t "Undo any settings applied only for the current session." "undo" "Reset") (" Erase Customizations " Custom-reset-standard (or custom-file user-init-file) "Un-customize settings in this and future sessions." "delete" "Uncustomize") (" Help for Customize " Custom-help t "Get help for using Customize." "help" "Help") (" Exit " Custom-buffer-done t "Exit Customize." "exit" "Exit")))
#@58 Read the node on Easy Customization in the Emacs manual.
(defalias 'Custom-help #[nil "\300\301!\207" [info "(emacs)Easy Customization"] 2 (#$ . 15811) nil])
#@206 Alist of actions for the `Reset' button.
The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
Lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
when the action is chosen.
(defvar custom-reset-menu '(("Undo Edits in Customization Buffer" . Custom-reset-current) ("Revert This Session's Customizations" . Custom-reset-saved) ("Erase Customizations" . Custom-reset-standard)) (#$ . 15976))
#@46 Customization widgets in the current buffer.
(defvar custom-options nil (#$ . 16403))
#@215 Call function FUN on all widgets in `custom-options'.
If there is more than one widget, ask user for confirmation using
the query string QUERY, using `y-or-n-p' if STRONG-QUERY is nil,
and `yes-or-no-p' otherwise.
(defalias 'custom-command-apply #[(fun query &optional strong-query) "G\305U\203@\211@)\306>\204 \n\203\307\202\310!\203'\311\f\"\210\312\207\313\314!\210\315\207" [custom-options widget strong-query query fun 1 (custom-variable custom-face) yes-or-no-p y-or-n-p mapc t message "Aborted" nil] 4 (#$ . 16496)])
#@61 Set the current value of all edited settings in the buffer.
(defalias 'Custom-set #[(&rest _ignore) "\300\301\302\"\207" [custom-command-apply #[(child) "\301\302\"\303=\205
\304\305\"\207" [child widget-get :custom-state modified widget-apply :custom-set] 3] "Set all values according to this buffer? "] 3 (#$ . 17039) nil])
#@192 Set all edited settings, then save all settings that have been set.
If a setting was edited and set before, this saves it.  If a
setting was merely edited before, this sets it then saves it.
(defalias 'Custom-save #[(&rest _ignore) "\303\304\305\306#\205$\307 \210\310\211\205#\n@\311	\312\"\210\nA\211\204\310*\207" [custom-options child --dolist-tail-- custom-command-apply #[(child) "\301\302\"\303>\205
\304\305\"\207" [child widget-get :custom-state (modified set changed rogue) widget-apply :custom-mark-to-save] 3] "Save all settings in this buffer? " t custom-save-all nil widget-apply :custom-state-set-and-redraw] 5 (#$ . 17375) nil])
#@30 Select item from reset menu.
(defalias 'custom-reset #[(_widget &optional event) "\304\305\306	\n#\211\205 *\207" [completion-ignore-case custom-reset-menu event answer t widget-choose "Reset settings"] 5 (#$ . 18038)])
#@71 Reset all edited settings in the buffer to show their current values.
(defalias 'Custom-reset-current #[(&rest _ignore) "\300\301\302\"\207" [custom-command-apply #[(widget) "\301\302\"\303>\205
\304\305\"\207" [widget widget-get :custom-state (modified changed) widget-apply :custom-reset-current] 3] "Reset all settings' buffer text to show current values? "] 3 (#$ . 18269) nil])
#@118 Reset all edited or set settings in the buffer to their saved value.
This also shows the saved values in the buffer.
(defalias 'Custom-reset-saved #[(&rest _ignore) "\300\301\302\"\207" [custom-command-apply #[(widget) "\301\302\"\303>\205
\304\305\"\207" [widget widget-get :custom-state (modified set changed rogue) widget-apply :custom-reset-saved] 3] "Reset all settings (current values and buffer text) to saved values? "] 3 (#$ . 18662) nil])
(defvar custom-reset-standard-variables-list nil)
(defvar custom-reset-standard-faces-list nil)
#@56 Save settings and redraw after erasing customizations.
(defalias 'custom-reset-standard-save-and-update #[nil "\203\n\306=\203	\205\207	\307=?\205\207\310 \210\311\211\203:@\211\312=\2043\313\n\314\315#\210\316\n!\210A\211\204 *	\311\211\205\206@\211\312=\204~\317\n!\320\n\321\"@\320\n\322\"\323\f\324\311#\210\325
\326\312\327\f\311\"DC!\"\210\325\330\"\210\331\n!\210\332\n!\210+A\211\204C\311*\207" [custom-reset-standard-variables-list custom-reset-standard-faces-list widget --dolist-tail-- symbol child (t) (t) custom-save-all nil t widget-put :custom-state unknown custom-redraw widget-value widget-get :children :comment-widget put face-comment widget-value-set custom-pre-filter-face-spec custom-face-attributes-get "" custom-face-state-set custom-redraw-magic comment-widget] 8 (#$ . 19216)])
#@260 Erase all customizations (either current or saved) in current buffer.
The immediate result is to restore them to their standard values.
This operation eliminates any saved values for the group members,
making them as if they had never been customized at all.
(defalias 'Custom-reset-standard #[(&rest _ignore) "\302\303\304\305\306\307#\210\310 *\207" [custom-reset-standard-faces-list custom-reset-standard-variables-list (t) (t) custom-command-apply #[(widget) "\301\302\"\203\303\302\"\205\301\304\"\305>\205\303\306\"\207" [widget widget-get :custom-standard-value widget-apply :custom-state (modified set changed saved rogue) :custom-mark-to-reset-standard] 3] "The settings will revert to their default values, in this\nand future sessions.  Really erase customizations? " t custom-reset-standard-save-and-update] 4 (#$ . 20059) nil])
#@785 Prompt for a variable and a value and return them as a list.
PROMPT-VAR is the prompt for the variable, and PROMPT-VAL is the
prompt for the value.  The %s escape in PROMPT-VAL is replaced with
the name of the variable.

If the variable has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read the value.

If the variable has a `custom-type' property, it must be a widget and the
`:prompt-value' property of that widget will be used for reading the value.
If the variable also has a `custom-get' property, that is used for finding
the current value of the variable, otherwise `symbol-value' is used.

If optional COMMENT argument is non-nil, also prompt for a comment and return
it as the third element in the list.
(defalias 'custom-prompt-variable #[(prompt-var prompt-val &optional comment) "\306!\307	\310N	\311N\312	\"
\f\321	!\205F	\322N\206D\323	!\321	!?$\202Q\324\f!+\203f	\325\326	\327N\"E\202j	D+\207" [prompt-var var minibuffer-help-form prompt-val prompt type read-variable (describe-variable var) variable-interactive custom-type format call-interactively lambda (arg) interactive (arg) widget-prompt-value boundp custom-get symbol-value eval-minibuffer read-string "Comment: " variable-comment prop val comment] 6 (#$ . 20919)])
#@434 Set VARIABLE to VALUE, and return VALUE.  VALUE is a Lisp object.

If VARIABLE has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read the value.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-type' property, it must be a widget and the
`:prompt-value' property of that widget will be used for reading the value.

If given a prefix (or a COMMENT argument), also prompt for a comment.
(defalias 'customize-set-value #[(variable value &optional comment) "\303\230\203\304	\305\306#\210\202\203\304	\305#\210	\nL\207" [comment variable value "" put variable-comment nil] 4 (#$ . 22321) (custom-prompt-variable "Set variable: " "Set %s to value: " current-prefix-arg)])
#@559 Set the default for VARIABLE to VALUE, and return VALUE.
VALUE is a Lisp object.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-set' property, that is used for setting
VARIABLE, otherwise `set-default' is used.

If VARIABLE has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read the value.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-type' property, it must be a widget and the
`:prompt-value' property of that widget will be used for reading the value.

If given a prefix (or a COMMENT argument), also prompt for a comment.
(defalias 'customize-set-variable #[(variable value &optional comment) "\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310	!%\210\311N\206\312	\"\210\313\314\310	!C#\210\n\315\230\2037\313\316\317#\210\313\320\317#\210\202G\n\203G\313\316\n#\210\313\320\n#\210	\207" [variable value comment custom-load-symbol custom-push-theme theme-value user set custom-quote custom-set set-default put customized-value "" variable-comment nil customized-variable-comment] 7 (#$ . 23052) (custom-prompt-variable "Set variable: " "Set customized value for %s to: " current-prefix-arg)])
#@564 Set the default for VARIABLE to VALUE, and save it for future sessions.
Return VALUE.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-set' property, that is used for setting
VARIABLE, otherwise `set-default' is used.

If VARIABLE has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read the value.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-type' property, it must be a widget and the
`:prompt-value' property of that widget will be used for reading the value.

If given a prefix (or a COMMENT argument), also prompt for a comment.
(defalias 'customize-save-variable #[(variable value &optional comment) "\303N\206\304	\"\210\305\306\307	!C#\210\310\311\312\313\307	!%\210\n\314\230\2033\305\315\316#\210\305\317\316#\210\202C\n\203C\305\315\n#\210\305\317\n#\210\305\320\316#\210\305\321\316#\210\322\323!\203[\324 \210\202d\325\326\"\210	L\210	\207" [variable value comment custom-set set-default put saved-value custom-quote custom-push-theme theme-value user set "" variable-comment nil saved-variable-comment customized-value customized-variable-comment custom-file t custom-save-all message "Setting `%s' temporarily since \"emacs -q\" would overwrite customizations"] 7 (#$ . 24182) (custom-prompt-variable "Set and save variable: " "Set and save value for %s as: " current-prefix-arg)])
#@334 Add ELTS to LIST-VAR and save for future sessions, safely.
ELTS should be a list.  This function adds each entry to the
value of LIST-VAR using `add-to-list'.

If Emacs is initialized, call `customize-save-variable' to save
the resulting list value now.  Otherwise, add an entry to
`after-init-hook' to save it after initialization.
(defalias 'customize-push-and-save #[(list-var elts) "\306\211\203\n@\307	\"\210\nA\211\204*\f\203&\306\310\311!\")\207\312\313\314\306\315\316D\316DEE\"\207" [elts entry --dolist-tail-- list-var after-init-time coding-system-for-read nil add-to-list customize-save-variable eval add-hook after-init-hook lambda customize-push-and-save quote] 9 (#$ . 25534)])
#@244 Select a customization buffer which you can use to set user options.
User options are structured into "groups".
Initially the top-level group `Emacs' and its immediate subgroups
are shown; the contents of those subgroups are initially hidden.
(defalias 'customize #[nil "\300\301!\207" [customize-group emacs] 2 (#$ . 26250) nil])
#@188 Customize options related to the current major mode.
If a prefix \[universal-argument] was given (or if the current major mode has no known group),
then prompt for the MODE to customize.
(defalias 'customize-mode #[(mode) "\301\302!!\207" [mode customize-group custom-group-of-mode] 3 (#$ . 26588) (list (let ((completion-regexp-list '("-mode\\'")) (group (custom-group-of-mode major-mode))) (if (and group (not current-prefix-arg)) major-mode (intern (completing-read (if group (format "Major mode (default %s): " major-mode) "Major mode: ") obarray 'custom-group-of-mode t nil nil (if group (symbol-name major-mode)))))))])
(defalias 'customize-read-group #[nil "\302\303\304	\305\302$)\207" [completion-ignore-case obarray t completing-read "Customize group (default emacs): " #[(symbol) "\301N\203
\302N?\206\303N\207" [symbol custom-loads custom-autoload custom-group] 2]] 5])
#@110 Customize GROUP, which must be a customization group.
If OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, display in another window.
(defalias 'customize-group #[(&optional group other-window) ";\203\303\230\203\304\202\305!\306\307\310!\"\311	!\2048\n\203)\312\202*\313\314DC	\315\310!P#\202E\n\203B\316	!\202E\317	!)\207" [group name other-window "" emacs intern format "*Customize Group: %s*" custom-unlispify-tag-name get-buffer custom-buffer-create-other-window custom-buffer-create custom-group " for group " switch-to-buffer-other-window pop-to-buffer-same-window] 6 (#$ . 27485) (list (customize-read-group))])
#@74 Customize GROUP, which must be a customization group, in another window.
(defalias 'customize-group-other-window #[(&optional group) "\301\302\"\207" [group customize-group t] 3 (#$ . 28107) (list (customize-read-group))])
(defalias 'customize-variable 'customize-option)
#@48 Customize SYMBOL, which must be a user option.
(defalias 'customize-option #[(symbol) "\204\302\303!\210\304!\305	\306DC\307\310\311	!\"\"\210	=?\205%\312\313	#)\207" [symbol basevar error "No variable specified" indirect-variable custom-buffer-create custom-variable format "*Customize Option: %s*" custom-unlispify-tag-name message "`%s' is an alias for `%s'"] 6 (#$ . 28386) (custom-variable-prompt)])
(defalias 'customize-variable-other-window 'customize-option-other-window)
#@104 Customize SYMBOL, which must be a user option.
Show the buffer in another window, but don't select it.
(defalias 'customize-option-other-window #[(symbol) "\204\302\303!\210\304!\305	\306DC\307\310\311	!\"\"\210	=?\205%\312\313	#)\207" [symbol basevar error "No variable specified" indirect-variable custom-buffer-create-other-window custom-variable format "*Customize Option: %s*" custom-unlispify-tag-name message "`%s' is an alias for `%s'"] 6 (#$ . 28881) (custom-variable-prompt)])
#@70 Version for `customize-changed-options' to refer back to by default.
(defvar customize-changed-options-previous-release "24.1" (#$ . 29382))
#@1248 Alist mapping versions of a package to Emacs versions.
We use this for packages that have their own names, but are released
as part of Emacs itself.

Each elements looks like this:


Here PACKAGE is the name of a package, as a symbol.  After
PACKAGE come one or more elements, each associating a
package version PVERSION with the first Emacs version
EVERSION in which it (or a subsequent version of PACKAGE)
was first released.  Both PVERSION and EVERSION are strings.
PVERSION should be a string that this package used in
the :package-version keyword for `defcustom', `defgroup',
and `defface'.

For example, the MH-E package updates this alist as follows:

     (add-to-list 'customize-package-emacs-version-alist
                  '(MH-E ("6.0" . "22.1") ("6.1" . "22.1")
                         ("7.0" . "22.1") ("7.1" . "22.1")
                         ("7.2" . "22.1") ("7.3" . "22.1")
                         ("7.4" . "22.1") ("8.0" . "22.1")))

The value of PACKAGE needs to be unique and it needs to match the
PACKAGE value appearing in the :package-version keyword.  Since
the user might see the value in a error message, a good choice is
the official name of the package, such as MH-E or Gnus.
(defvar customize-package-emacs-version-alist nil (#$ . 29531))
(defalias 'customize-changed 'customize-changed-options)
#@375 Customize all settings whose meanings have changed in Emacs itself.
This includes new user options and faces, and new customization
groups, as well as older options and faces whose meanings or
default values have changed since the previous major Emacs

With argument SINCE-VERSION (a string), customize all settings
that were added or redefined since that version.
(defalias 'customize-changed-options #[(&optional since-version) "\306\232\203\307\202\307\310\311\217\204\312\313\314D\"\210\204	\315\302\316\307#\210\n\307\211\203X\f@\317@\"\203QA\307\211\203P\f@\320\302
\"\210\fA\211\204A*\fA\211\204-*\321\302!\210\315\302\316\307#\210\307\322\323!\210\203{\324\325\326\327#\330\"\202\331\332\")\207" [since-version customize-changed-options-previous-release custom-versions-load-alist elt --dolist-tail-- load "" nil (byte-code "\301!\247\207" [since-version read] 2) ((error)) signal wrong-type-argument numberp put custom-loads customize-version-lessp custom-add-load custom-load-symbol mapatoms #[(symbol) "\305N\211\203\306	\"\206\307N\211\205I\310\n\"\205I\311N\204*\312N\2030\311D\fB\313!\203<\314D\fB\315!\205I\316D\fB\211*\207" [symbol package-version version since-version found custom-package-version customize-package-emacs-version custom-version customize-version-lessp custom-group group-documentation custom-variable-p custom-variable custom-facep custom-face] 4] custom-buffer-create custom-sort-items t first "*Customize Changed Options*" user-error "No user option defaults have been changed since Emacs %s" found] 6 (#$ . 30906) (list (read-from-minibuffer (format "Customize options changed, since version (default %s): " customize-changed-options-previous-release)))])
#@245 Return the Emacs version in which SYMBOL's meaning last changed.
`customize-package-emacs-version-alist' to find the version of
Emacs that is associated with version VERSION of PACKAGE.
(defalias 'customize-package-emacs-version #[(symbol package-version) "\305\211\n<\204\306\307\"\210\2028\n@\f\236\211\2030\310\nA	\"A\211\2048\306\311\nA\312$\210\2028\306\313\n@\nA#\210*\207" [emacs-version package-versions package-version symbol customize-package-emacs-version-alist nil message "Invalid package-version value for %s" assoc "%s version %s not found in %s" "customize-package-emacs-version-alist" "Package %s version %s lists no corresponding Emacs version"] 6 (#$ . 32681)])
(defalias 'customize-version-lessp #[(version1 version2) "\247\203	\306!\307\211\211\211\310\311
\"\206*\315!\310\311\"\210\312\313\314\"\206:\315!\312\313\316\"\206E\315!\fW\206V\fU\205V\n	W,\207" [version2 minor2 minor1 major2 major1 version1 prin1-to-string nil string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\\(\\.\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?" read match-string 1 "0" 3] 4])
#@338 Customize FACE, which should be a face name or nil.
If FACE is nil, customize all faces.  If FACE is actually a
face-alias, customize the face it is aliased to.

If OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, display in another window.

Interactively, when point is on text which has a face specified,
suggest to customize that face, if it's customizable.
(defalias 'customize-face #[(&optional face other-window) "\303\235\203	\304 <\203A\204@	\203\305\202\306<\2033\n\307\310\311\"\312\313#\314\"\202T\315N\203=\315N\316!\204H\317\320\"\210\n\321DC\322\323\324!\"\")\207" [face other-window display-fun (nil "") face-list custom-buffer-create-other-window custom-buffer-create custom-sort-items mapcar #[(s) "\301D\207" [s custom-face] 2] t nil "*Customize Faces*" face-alias facep error "Invalid face %S" custom-face format "*Customize Face: %s*" custom-unlispify-tag-name] 6 (#$ . 33853) (list (read-face-name "Customize face" "all faces" t))])
#@249 Show customization buffer for face FACE in other window.
If FACE is actually a face-alias, customize the face it is aliased to.

Interactively, when point is on text which has a face specified,
suggest to customize that face, if it's customizable.
(defalias 'customize-face-other-window #[(&optional face) "\301\302\"\207" [face customize-face t] 3 (#$ . 34820) (list (read-face-name "Customize face" "all faces" t))])
(defalias 'customize-customized 'customize-unsaved)
#@68 Customize all options and faces set in this session but not saved.
(defalias 'customize-unsaved #[nil "\301\302\303!\210\204\304\305!\202\306\307\310\301#\311\")\207" [found nil mapatoms #[(symbol) "\302N\204\f\303N\203\304!\203\305D	B\306N\204$\307N\2051\310!\2051\311D	B\211\207" [symbol found customized-face customized-face-comment custom-facep custom-face customized-value customized-variable-comment boundp custom-variable] 2] error "No user options are set but unsaved" custom-buffer-create custom-sort-items t "*Customize Unsaved*"] 5 (#$ . 35298) nil])
#@58 Customize all user variables modified outside customize.
(defalias 'customize-rogue #[nil "\301\302\303!\210\204\304\305!\202\306\307\310\301#\311\")\207" [found nil mapatoms #[(symbol) "\303N\206\304N\206\305N\211\205-\306!\205-\307	@!\310!\232?\205-\311D\nB\211)\207" [symbol cval found customized-value saved-value standard-value default-boundp eval default-value custom-variable] 4] user-error "No rogue user options" custom-buffer-create custom-sort-items t "*Customize Rogue*"] 5 (#$ . 35891) nil])
#@40 Customize all saved options and faces.
(defalias 'customize-saved #[nil "\301\302\303!\210\204\304\305!\202\306\307\310\301#\311\")\207" [found nil mapatoms #[(symbol) "\302N\204\f\303N\203\304!\203\305D	B\306N\204$\307N\2051\310!\2051\311D	B\211\207" [symbol found saved-face saved-face-comment custom-facep custom-face saved-value saved-variable-comment boundp custom-variable] 2] user-error "No saved user options" custom-buffer-create custom-sort-items t "*Customize Saved*"] 5 (#$ . 36424) nil])
#@454 Customize loaded options, faces and groups matching PATTERN.
PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters).  If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring.  If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

If TYPE is `options', include only options.
If TYPE is `faces', include only faces.
If TYPE is `groups', include only groups.
(defalias 'customize-apropos #[(pattern &optional type) "\304\305!\210\306>\204\307\310\311!\"\210\312	!\210\313\314\315\316\317\320\321>\205#\322\323>\205*\324\325>\2051\326\257E!\210\n\204B\307\327\311!	#\210\330\331\n\332#\333\")\207" [type pattern found custom-buffer-order-groups require apropos (nil options faces groups) error "Invalid setting type %s" symbol-name apropos-parse-pattern nil mapatoms lambda (symbol) when (string-match apropos-regexp (symbol-name symbol)) (nil groups) (if (get symbol 'custom-group) (push (list symbol 'custom-group) found)) (nil faces) (if (custom-facep symbol) (push (list symbol 'custom-face) found)) (nil options) (if (and (boundp symbol) (eq (indirect-variable symbol) symbol) (or (get symbol 'saved-value) (custom-variable-p symbol))) (push (list symbol 'custom-variable) found)) "No customizable %s matching %s" custom-buffer-create custom-sort-items t "*Customize Apropos*"] 9 (#$ . 36957) (list (apropos-read-pattern "symbol") nil)])
#@60 Customize all loaded customizable options matching REGEXP.
(defalias 'customize-apropos-options #[(regexp &optional ignored) "\301\302\"\207" [regexp customize-apropos options] 3 (#$ . 38414) (list (apropos-read-pattern "options"))])
#@45 Customize all loaded faces matching REGEXP.
(defalias 'customize-apropos-faces #[(regexp) "\301\302\"\207" [regexp customize-apropos faces] 3 (#$ . 38655) (list (apropos-read-pattern "faces"))])
#@46 Customize all loaded groups matching REGEXP.
(defalias 'customize-apropos-groups #[(regexp) "\301\302\"\207" [regexp customize-apropos groups] 3 (#$ . 38857) (list (apropos-read-pattern "groups"))])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\314\315\306\307&	\210\300\316\317\320\304\321\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-buffer-style 'links "Control the presentation style for customization buffers.\nThe value should be a symbol, one of:\n\nbrackets: groups nest within each other with big horizontal brackets.\nlinks: groups have links to subgroups." :type (radio (const brackets) (const links)) :group custom-buffer custom-buffer-done-kill nil "Non-nil means exiting a Custom buffer should kill it." boolean :version "22.1" custom-buffer-indent 3 "Number of spaces to indent nested groups." integer] 10)
#@184 Get a fresh new buffer with name NAME.
If the buffer already exist, clean it up to be like new.
Beware: it's not quite like new.  Good enough for custom, but maybe
not for everybody.
(defalias 'custom-get-fresh-buffer #[(name) "\305!\211\203\306\307	\"\203\310	!\210\311	\204\312!\202Mr	q\210\313 \210\314\315!\210\316 \211@\nA\244\311\211\203G\f@\317!\210\fA\211\2049+\320 \210	))\207" [name buf ols ol --dolist-tail-- get-buffer buffer-local-value buffer-file-name kill-buffer nil get-buffer-create kill-all-local-variables run-hooks kill-buffer-hook overlay-lists delete-overlay erase-buffer] 4 (#$ . 39718)])
#@227 Create a buffer containing OPTIONS.
Optional NAME is the name of the buffer.
OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
that option.
(defalias 'custom-buffer-create #[(options &optional name description) "\303\304\206\305!!\210\306	\n\"\207" [name options description pop-to-buffer-same-window custom-get-fresh-buffer "*Customization*" custom-buffer-create-internal] 3 (#$ . 40357)])
#@304 Create a buffer containing OPTIONS, and display it in another window.
The result includes selecting that window.
Optional NAME is the name of the buffer.
OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
that option.
(defalias 'custom-buffer-create-other-window #[(options &optional name description) "\204\303\304\305!!\210\306	\n\"\207" [name options description "*Customization*" switch-to-buffer-other-window custom-get-fresh-buffer custom-buffer-create-internal] 3 (#$ . 40844)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&	\210\300\312\302\313\304\305\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-reset-button-menu t "If non-nil, only show a single reset button in customize buffers.\nThis button will have a menu with all three reset operations." :type boolean :group custom-buffer :version "24.3" custom-buffer-verbose-help "If non-nil, include explanatory text in the customization buffer."] 10)
#@68 Exit current Custom buffer according to `custom-buffer-done-kill'.
(defalias 'Custom-buffer-done #[(&rest _ignore) "\301!\207" [custom-buffer-done-kill quit-window] 2 (#$ . 41858) nil])
#@49 Face used for buttons in customization buffers.
(defvar custom-button nil (#$ . 42051))
#@55 Mouse face used for buttons in customization buffers.
(defvar custom-button-mouse nil (#$ . 42145))
#@57 Face used for pressed buttons in customization buffers.
(defvar custom-button-pressed nil (#$ . 42251))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&	\210\300\312\313\314\304\305\306\315\310\311\316\317&\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-search-field t "If non-nil, show a search field in Custom buffers." :type boolean :version "24.1" :group custom-buffer custom-raised-buttons (not (equal (face-valid-attribute-values :box) '(("unspecified" . unspecified)))) "If non-nil, indicate active buttons in a `raised-button' style.\nOtherwise use brackets." "21.1" :set #[(variable value) "\305	\"\210	\203
\302\202\306	\203\303\202\307	\203!\304\202\"\310\211\207" [variable value custom-button custom-button-mouse custom-button-pressed custom-set-default custom-button-unraised highlight custom-button-pressed-unraised] 3]] 12)
(defalias 'custom-buffer-create-internal #[(options &optional _description) "\306 \210\206	\2032\n\204\307\310!\210\307\311!\210\312\313\314\315\316$\210\307\317!\210\312\313\314\320\321\322\323&\210\307\324!\210\307\325!\210\f\203b\307\325!\210\326\312\327\330\331\321
\332\340&\210\307\325!\210*\203j\307\341!\210\342?@AB\203\236\312\336\314\343\321\344\345\346\332\347&	\210\350A@\211A@@\"\210\350A@\211A@@\"\210\202\366\350A@\211A@@\"\210\350A@\211A@@\"\210\307\325!\210\350A@\211A@@\"\210\350A@\211A@@\"\210\350A@\211A@@\"\210\307\351!\210@\210@A@\350A@\211A@@\"\210*\307\352!\210)\353\354!\210\355 \210CG\356U\203\357\360C\"\202!\361CGDE\357\362C\"*Fh\363=\204-\307\325!\210\353\364!\210\353\365!\210G\366=\204B\367\370F\"\210\353\371!\210\353\372!\210\373 \210\374 \210eb\210\353\375!\207" [custom-file user-init-file init-file custom-buffer-verbose-help custom-search-field echo Custom-mode widget-insert "Custom settings cannot be saved; maybe you started Emacs with `-q'.\n" "For help using this buffer, see " widget-create custom-manual :tag "Easy Customization" "(emacs)Easy Customization" " in the " "Emacs manual" :help-echo "Read the Emacs manual." "(emacs)Top" "." "\n" "Search for custom items.\nYou can enter one or more words separated by spaces,\nor a regular expression." editable-field :size 40 :action (lambda (widget &optional event) (customize-apropos (split-string (widget-value widget)))) " " widget-create-child-and-convert push-button " Search " #[(widget &optional _event) "\301\302\303\304\305\"!!!\207" [widget customize-apropos split-string widget-value widget-get :parent] 6] "\nOperate on all settings in this buffer:\n" #[(tag action active help _icon _label) "\304\305!\210\306!\205\307\310\311	\312\n\313&\207" [active tag help action widget-insert " " eval widget-create push-button :tag :help-echo :action] 8] " Revert... " "Show a menu with reset operations." :mouse-down-action ignore custom-reset apply "  " "\n\n" message "Creating customization items..." buffer-disable-undo 1 mapcar #[(entry) "\301A@\302\303\304\305\306\307@!\310@&	\207" [entry widget-create :documentation-shown t :custom-state unknown :tag custom-unlispify-tag-name :value] 10] 0 #[(entry) "\303\304\305_	\245\"\210\306\nA@\307\310\n@!\311\n@%Th\312=\204#\313\314!\210\313\314!\210\207" [count length entry message "Creating customization items ...%2d%%" 100.0 widget-create :tag custom-unlispify-tag-name :value 10 widget-insert "\n"] 6] 10 "Creating customization items ...done" "Resetting customization items..." tree mapc custom-magic-reset "Resetting customization items...done" "Creating customization setup..." widget-setup buffer-enable-undo "Creating customization setup...done" search-widget custom-commands commands button custom-reset-button-menu options length count custom-options custom-buffer-style] 10])
#@52 Create a tree browser for the customize hierarchy.
(defalias 'customize-browse #[(&optional group) "\204\305\306\307\310	!!\210)\311 \210\312\313\314\n\203\315\202\316\"!\210\203,\312\317!\210\202]\312\320!\210\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330&\210\312\331!\210\321\322\323\324\325\332\327\333&\210\312\334!\210\321\322\323\324\325\335\327\336&\210\312\337!\210\340\321\341\342\343\344\345\325\346!\347&	\210)\350 \210eb\207" [group name custom-raised-buttons custom-browse-only-groups custom-buffer-style emacs "*Customize Browser*" pop-to-buffer-same-window custom-get-fresh-buffer Custom-mode widget-insert format "%s buttons; type RET or click mouse-1\non a button to invoke its action.\nInvoke [+] to expand a group, and [-] to collapse an expanded group.\n" "`Raised' text indicates" "Square brackets indicate" "Invoke the [Group] button below to edit that item in another window.\n\n" "Invoke the " widget-create item :format "%t" :tag "[Group]" :tag-glyph "folder" ", " "[Face]" "face" ", and " "[Option]" "option" " buttons below to edit that\nitem in another window.\n\n" tree custom-group :custom-last t :custom-state unknown custom-unlispify-tag-name :value widget-setup] 10 (#$ . 46065) nil])
(define-widget 'custom-browse-visibility 'item "Control visibility of items in the customize tree browser." :format "%[[%t]%]" :action 'custom-browse-visibility-action)
(defalias 'custom-browse-visibility-action #[(widget &rest _ignore) "\302\303	!)\207" [custom-buffer-style widget tree custom-toggle-parent] 2])
(define-widget 'custom-browse-group-tag 'custom-group-link "Show parent in other window when activated." :tag "Group" :tag-glyph "folder" :action 'custom-browse-group-tag-action)
(defalias 'custom-browse-group-tag-action #[(widget &rest _ignore) "\302\303\"\304\305	!!)\207" [widget parent widget-get :parent customize-group-other-window widget-value] 3])
(define-widget 'custom-browse-variable-tag 'custom-group-link "Show parent in other window when activated." :tag "Option" :tag-glyph "option" :action 'custom-browse-variable-tag-action)
(defalias 'custom-browse-variable-tag-action #[(widget &rest _ignore) "\302\303\"\304\305	!!)\207" [widget parent widget-get :parent customize-variable-other-window widget-value] 3])
(define-widget 'custom-browse-face-tag 'custom-group-link "Show parent in other window when activated." :tag "Face" :tag-glyph "face" :action 'custom-browse-face-tag-action)
(defalias 'custom-browse-face-tag-action #[(widget &rest _ignore) "\302\303\"\304\305	!!)\207" [widget parent widget-get :parent customize-face-other-window widget-value] 3])
(defconst custom-browse-alist '(("   " "space") (" | " "vertical") ("-\\ " "top") (" |-" "middle") (" `-" "bottom")))
#@56 Insert PREFIX.  On XEmacs convert it to line graphics.
(defalias 'custom-browse-insert-prefix #[(prefix) "c\207" [prefix] 1 (#$ . 48807)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303N\304\305#\210\301\306\303N\304\307#\210\301\310\303N\304\305#\210\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\325\327\330&\210\331\332\333\334\335\336\335\337&\210\340\341\342\343\335\332%\210\340\344\345\346\335\332%\210\340\347\350\351\335\332%\210\340\352\353\354\335\332%\210\340\355\356\357\335\332%\210\340\360\361\362\335\332%\210\340\363\364\365\335\332%\207" [custom-mode-link-map widget-put item widget-type :custom-show t editable-field #[(_widget value) "\302!\303\304	\"\203\305\202	G\306V\203\305\202\307)\207" [value pp pp-to-string string-match "\n" nil 40 t] 3] menu-choice define-widget custom-manual info-link "Link to the manual entry for this customization option." :help-echo "Read the manual entry for this option." :keymap :follow-link mouse-face :button-face custom-link :mouse-face highlight :pressed-face :tag "Manual" custom-declare-group custom-magic-faces nil "Faces used by the magic button." :group custom-faces custom-buffer custom-declare-face custom-invalid ((((class color)) :foreground "yellow1" :background "red1") (t :weight bold :slant italic :underline t)) "Face used when the customize item is invalid." custom-rogue ((((class color)) :foreground "pink" :background "black") (t :underline t)) "Face used when the customize item is not defined for customization." custom-modified ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue1") (((class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue") (t :slant italic)) "Face used when the customize item has been modified." custom-set ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "blue1" :background "white") (((class color)) :foreground "blue" :background "white") (t :slant italic)) "Face used when the customize item has been set." custom-changed ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue1") (((class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue") (t :slant italic)) "Face used when the customize item has been changed." custom-themed ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue1") (((class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue") (t :slant italic)) "Face used when the customize item has been set by a theme." custom-saved ((t :underline t)) "Face used when the customize item has been saved."] 18)
#@1134 Alist of customize option states.
Each entry is of the form (STATE MAGIC FACE ITEM-DESC [ GROUP-DESC ]), where

STATE is one of the following symbols:

   For internal use, should never occur.
   For internal use, should never occur.
   This item is not being displayed.
   This item is modified, but has an invalid form.
   This item is modified, and has a valid form.
   This item has been set but not saved.
   The current value of this item has been changed outside Customize.
   This item is marked for saving.
   This item has no customization information.
   This item is unchanged from the standard setting.

MAGIC is a string used to present that state.

FACE is a face used to present the state.

ITEM-DESC is a string describing the state for options.

GROUP-DESC is a string describing the state for groups.  If this is
left out, ITEM-DESC will be used.

The string %c in either description will be replaced with the
category of the item.  These are `group'. `option', and `face'.

The list should be sorted most significant first.
(defconst custom-magic-alist '((nil "#" underline "UNINITIALIZED, you should not see this.") (unknown "?" italic "UNKNOWN, you should not see this.") (hidden "-" default "HIDDEN, invoke \"Show\" in the previous line to show." "group now hidden, invoke \"Show\", above, to show contents.") (invalid "x" custom-invalid "INVALID, the displayed value cannot be set.") (modified "*" custom-modified "EDITED, shown value does not take effect until you set or save it." "something in this group has been edited but not set.") (set "+" custom-set "SET for current session only." "something in this group has been set but not saved.") (changed ":" custom-changed "CHANGED outside Customize." "something in this group has been changed outside customize.") (saved "!" custom-saved "SAVED and set." "something in this group has been set and saved.") (themed "o" custom-themed "THEMED." "visible group members are all at standard values.") (rogue "@" custom-rogue "NO CUSTOMIZATION DATA; not intended to be customized." "something in this group is not prepared for customization.") (standard " " nil "STANDARD." "visible group members are all at standard values.")) (#$ . 51279))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\315\316\304\317\306\307&\210\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\331\333\334\335\336&\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-magic-show 'long "If non-nil, show textual description of the state.\nIf `long', show a full-line description, not just one word." :type (choice (const :tag "no" nil) (const long) (other :tag "short" short)) :group custom-buffer custom-magic-show-hidden '(option face) "Control whether the State button is shown for hidden items.\nThe value should be a list with the custom categories where the State\nbutton should be visible.  Possible categories are `group', `option',\nand `face'." (set (const group) (const option) (const face)) custom-magic-show-button nil "Show a \"magic\" button indicating the state of each customization option." boolean define-widget custom-magic default "Show and manipulate state for a customization option." :format "%v" :action widget-parent-action :notify ignore :value-get :value-create custom-magic-value-create :value-delete widget-children-value-delete] 16)
(defalias 'widget-magic-mouse-down-action #[(widget &optional _event) "\301\211\211\302\"\302\"\303\"\304=?\207" [widget widget-get :parent :custom-state hidden] 5])
#@42 Create compact status report for WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-magic-value-create #[(widget) "\306\307\"\306	\310\"\211\303=\n\f\236\211A@?\311
80\306	\312\"\211@\313=\203.\314
8A\306	\316\"B\317C\n\303=?\205i\320\321A\"\203_\322\323A\"\324@!\322\311A\"QA\202CD\203\357\203p@E>\203\357\325c\210@\313=\203\225F\326=\203\212\306	\327\"\323V\204\225\330\331G\306	\327\"_\"\210\332\333\334\335\336\203\243\337\202\244\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350&CBC\351c\210`HD\352=\203\307Ac\210\202\314\324\n!c\210B\353=\203\331\354c\210\202\343B\355=\203\343\356c\210\357H`\360\361$\210)\362c\210@\313=\203F\326=\203\306	\327\"\323V\204\330\331G\306	\327\"_\"\210I\203cD\203,\306	\363\"\211J\203+\330\331J\"\210)\332\333\345\346\3640\341\365\343\365\334\366\336\203C\337\202D\340\347B\367>\203T\370?\371Q\202Y\372?\373Q&CBC\374c\210\375\376C#.\n\207" [widget parent state hidden custom-magic-alist entry widget-get :parent :custom-state 2 :custom-category group 4 3 :custom-form nil string-match "\\`\\(.*\\)%c\\(.*\\)\\'" match-string 1 symbol-name "   " links :custom-level insert-char 32 widget-create-child-and-convert choice-item :help-echo "Change the state of this item." :format "%t" "%[%t%]" :button-prefix widget-push-button-prefix :button-suffix widget-push-button-suffix :mouse-down-action widget-magic-mouse-down-action :tag " State " ": " long lisp " (lisp)" mismatch " (mismatch)" put-text-property face custom-state "\n" :indent :button-face "" "Change the state." (lisp mismatch) "(" ")" "[" "]" " " widget-put :children magic category text form children custom-magic-show custom-magic-show-hidden custom-buffer-style custom-buffer-indent start custom-magic-show-button indent] 20 (#$ . 54877)])
#@46 Redraw the :custom-magic property of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-magic-reset #[(widget) "\302\303\"\211\205\304	\305	!\")\207" [widget magic widget-get :custom-magic widget-value-set widget-value] 5 (#$ . 56677)])
(byte-code "\304\301\305\306\307\310\311\312&\210\304\302\313\314\307\315\311\312&\210\304\316\317\320\307\315\311\312&\210\203)\301\202*\316\2033\302\2024\321\304\303\322\323\307\310\311\312&\210\304\324\325\326\307\315\311\312&\210\203S\303\202T\324\304\327\330\331\311\312%\210\304\332\333\334\311\312%\210\304\335\336\337\307\315\311\312&\210\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357\360\361\362\361\363\364\365\366\367\370\371\372&\207" [custom-raised-buttons custom-button custom-button-mouse custom-button-pressed custom-declare-face ((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :background "lightgrey" :foreground "black")) "Face for custom buffer buttons if `custom-raised-buttons' is non-nil." :version "21.1" :group custom-faces ((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :background "grey90" :foreground "black") (t :inverse-video t)) "Mouse face for custom buffer buttons if `custom-raised-buttons' is non-nil." "22.1" custom-button-unraised ((t :inherit underline)) "Face for custom buffer buttons if `custom-raised-buttons' is nil." highlight ((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style pressed-button) :background "lightgrey" :foreground "black") (t :inverse-video t)) "Face for pressed custom buttons if `custom-raised-buttons' is non-nil." custom-button-pressed-unraised ((default :inherit custom-button-unraised) (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "magenta4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "violet")) "Face for pressed custom buttons if `custom-raised-buttons' is nil." custom-documentation ((t nil)) "Face used for documentation strings in customization buffers." custom-state ((((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "lime green") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "dark green")) "Face used for State descriptions in the customize buffer." custom-link ((t :inherit link)) "Face for links in customization buffers." define-widget custom default "Customize a user option." :format "%v" :convert-widget custom-convert-widget :notify custom-notify :custom-prefix "" :custom-level 1 :custom-state hidden :documentation-property widget-subclass-responsibility :value-create :value-delete widget-children-value-delete :value-get widget-value-value-get :validate widget-children-validate :match #[(_widget value) "9\207" [value] 1]] 28)
#@50 Initialize :value and :tag from :args in WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-convert-widget #[(widget) "\302\303\"\211\203#\304\305\306\307	@##\210\304\310\311	@!#\210\304\303\312#\210)\207" [widget args widget-get :args widget-put :value widget-apply :value-to-internal :tag custom-unlispify-tag-name nil] 8 (#$ . 59328)])
#@24 Keep track of changes.
(defalias 'custom-notify #[(widget &rest args) "\303\304\"\211\305=?\205!	\306>\204\307\304\305#\210\310!\210\311\312\n#)\207" [widget state args widget-get :custom-state modified (nil unknown hidden) widget-put custom-magic-reset apply widget-default-notify] 5 (#$ . 59656)])
#@38 Redraw WIDGET with current settings.
(defalias 'custom-redraw #[(widget) "\306e`\"i`\307\310\311\"!\307\310\312\"!\212\313\314!\"\210\315!\210)\nY\2054	X\2054\316\317\320\217-\207" [widget to from pos column line count-lines marker-position widget-get :from :to widget-value-set widget-value custom-redraw-magic nil (byte-code "eb\210\302V\203	S\202	y\210\303!\207" [column line 0 move-to-column] 2) ((error))] 8 (#$ . 59970)])
#@44 Redraw WIDGET state with current settings.
(defalias 'custom-redraw-magic #[(widget) "\203*\302\303\"\211\203$\304	\305	!\"\210\302\306\"\211\203&\307!\210\202&\310)\202\311 \207" [widget magic widget-get :custom-magic widget-value-set widget-value :group custom-group-state-update nil widget-setup] 5 (#$ . 60424)])
#@58 Non-nil if WIDGET should be shown with VALUE by default.
(defalias 'custom-show #[(widget value) "\303\304\"\305	!\203	\n\"\202	)\207" [widget show value widget-get :custom-show functionp] 3 (#$ . 60760)])
(make-obsolete 'custom-show "this widget type is no longer supported." "24.1")
#@35 Load all dependencies for WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-load-widget #[(widget) "\301\302!!\207" [widget custom-load-symbol widget-value] 3 (#$ . 61058)])
#@72 Return non-nil if the dependencies of SYMBOL have not yet been loaded.
(defalias 'custom-unloaded-symbol-p #[(symbol) "\305\306N\305\n\203>\n@\nA	9\203\"\307	!\204\310\202\311	\f\"\204\311\312	!\f\"\2039\313\305!\210\202\310\202+\207" [symbol load loads found load-history nil custom-loads featurep t assoc locate-library message] 3 (#$ . 61215)])
#@72 Return non-nil if the dependencies of WIDGET have not yet been loaded.
(defalias 'custom-unloaded-widget-p #[(widget) "\301\302!!\207" [widget custom-unloaded-symbol-p widget-value] 3 (#$ . 61591)])
#@30 Toggle visibility of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-toggle-hide #[(widget) "\302!\210\303\304\"\211\305>\203\306\307!\210\2021	\310=\203%\311\304\312#\210\2021\311\313\314#\210\311\304\310#\210\315!\210\316 )\207" [widget state custom-load-widget widget-get :custom-state (invalid modified set) error "There are unsaved changes" hidden widget-put unknown :documentation-shown nil custom-redraw widget-setup] 5 (#$ . 61797)])
#@40 Toggle visibility of parent of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-toggle-parent #[(widget &rest _ignore) "\301\302\303\"!\207" [widget custom-toggle-hide widget-get :parent] 4 (#$ . 62235)])
#@86 Add `See also ...' to WIDGET if there are any links.
Insert PREFIX first if non-nil.
(defalias 'custom-add-see-also #[(widget &optional prefix) "\306\307\"\211\310N\211G\311V\306\312\"\306\313\"\n\205q
\"\210\203.c\210\316c\210\n\203l\317\n@\320\321\322\323\324\323&\fB\nA\211\204Q\325c\210\2021\nA\204f\203`\326c\210\2021\327c\210\2021\330c\210\2021\331\312\f#-\207" [widget symbol links many buttons indent widget-get :value custom-links 2 :buttons :indent insert-char 32 "See also " widget-create-child-and-convert :button-face custom-link :mouse-face highlight :pressed-face ".\n" ", and " " and " ", " widget-put prefix] 10 (#$ . 62424)])
#@179 Add "Parent groups: ..." to WIDGET if the group has parents.
The value is non-nil if any parents were found.
If INITIAL-STRING is non-nil, use that rather than "Parent groups:".
(defalias 'custom-add-parent-links #[(widget &optional initial-string _doc-initial-string) "\306!\211@)\307\310\"`\311\206\312c\210\313\314!\210	\203)\315c\210\202-\n`|\210\316\310#\210	-\207" [widget parents start buttons type name widget-value widget-get :buttons nil "Groups:" mapatoms #[(symbol) "	D\n\306N\235\205\307c\210\310\311\312\313\n!\n%\fB\n
B\211\207" [name type symbol widget buttons parents custom-group " " widget-create-child-and-convert custom-group-link :tag custom-unlispify-tag-name] 6] "\n" widget-put initial-string] 6 (#$ . 63118)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\306\307%\210\313\301\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\310\323\301\324\325\326\327&\207" [custom-declare-face custom-comment ((((type tty)) :background "yellow3" :foreground "black") (((class grayscale color) (background light)) :background "gray85") (((class grayscale color) (background dark)) :background "dim gray") (t :slant italic)) "Face used for comments on variables or faces." :version "21.1" :group custom-faces custom-comment-tag ((((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "gray80") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue4") (((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "DimGray" :weight bold :slant italic) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGray" :weight bold :slant italic) (t :weight bold)) "Face used for the comment tag on variables or faces." define-widget string "User comment." :tag "Comment" :help-echo "Edit a comment here." :sample-face :value-face :shown nil :create custom-comment-create] 16)
(defalias 'custom-comment-create #[(widget) "\302!\303\232\304\211\305\"\306\"\204	\204\307!\202'\310\311\312 #\210\310\313\312 #)\207" [widget null-comment widget-value "" widget-get :parent :comment-shown widget-default-create widget-put :from point-marker :to] 4])
(defalias 'custom-comment-hide #[(widget) "\301\302\303\"\304\305#\207" [widget widget-put widget-get :parent :comment-shown nil] 4])
(defalias 'custom-comment-show #[(widget) "\301\302\303#\210\304!\210\305 \207" [widget widget-put :comment-shown t custom-redraw widget-setup] 4])
(defalias 'custom-comment-invisible-p #[(widget) "\302\303\304\"!\211\305\232\205\303\306\"?)\207" [widget val widget-value widget-get :comment-widget "" :comment-shown] 5])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\300\306\307\310\304\305%\210\311\312\313\314\315\316\304\317\320\321&	\207" [custom-declare-face custom-variable-tag ((((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "light blue" :weight bold) (((min-colors 88) (class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue1" :weight bold) (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue" :weight bold) (t :weight bold)) "Face used for unpushable variable tags." :group custom-faces custom-variable-button ((t :underline t :weight bold)) "Face used for pushable variable tags." custom-declare-variable custom-variable-default-form 'edit "Default form of displaying variable values." :type (choice (const edit) (const lisp)) custom-buffer :version "20.3"] 10)
#@191 Return documentation of VARIABLE for use in Custom buffer.
Normally just return the docstring.  But if VARIABLE automatically
becomes buffer local when set, append a message to that effect.
(defalias 'custom-variable-documentation #[(variable) "\302\303\304\305\"\306!\203'\307!\203#\310\311!r	q\210\312\216\306!+\203'\313\202(\314#\207" [variable #1=#:temp-buffer format "%s%s" documentation-property variable-documentation local-variable-if-set-p local-variable-p generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) "\n\nThis variable automatically becomes buffer-local when set outside Custom.\nHowever, setting it through Custom sets the default value." ""] 5 (#$ . 66402)])
(define-widget 'custom-variable 'custom "A widget for displaying a Custom variable.\nThe following properties have special meanings for this widget:\n\n:hidden-states should be a list of widget states for which the\n  widget's initial contents are to be hidden.\n\n:custom-form should be a symbol describing how to display and\n  edit the variable---either `edit' (using edit widgets),\n  `lisp' (as a Lisp sexp), or `mismatch' (should not happen);\n  if nil, use the return value of `custom-variable-default-form'.\n\n:shown-value, if non-nil, should be a list whose `car' is the\n  variable value to display in place of the current value.\n\n:custom-style describes the widget interface style; nil is the\n  default style, while `simple' means a simpler interface that\n  inhibits the magic custom-state widget." :format "%v" :help-echo "Set or reset this variable." :documentation-property 'custom-variable-documentation :custom-category 'option :custom-state nil :custom-menu 'custom-variable-menu-create :custom-form nil :value-create 'custom-variable-value-create :action 'custom-variable-action :hidden-states '(standard) :custom-set 'custom-variable-set :custom-mark-to-save 'custom-variable-mark-to-save :custom-reset-current 'custom-redraw :custom-reset-saved 'custom-variable-reset-saved :custom-reset-standard 'custom-variable-reset-standard :custom-mark-to-reset-standard 'custom-variable-mark-to-reset-standard :custom-standard-value 'custom-variable-standard-value :custom-state-set-and-redraw 'custom-variable-state-set-and-redraw)
#@240 Return a widget suitable for editing the value of SYMBOL.
If SYMBOL has a `custom-type' property, use that.
Otherwise, try matching SYMBOL against `custom-guess-name-alist' and
try matching its doc string against `custom-guess-doc-alist'.
(defalias 'custom-variable-type #[(symbol) "\304N\206\305N\204\306!\206\307\310N	<\203#\311	!\202%	C\n\2030\312\313\n#\210+\207" [symbol type options tmp custom-type standard-value custom-guess-type sexp custom-options copy-sequence widget-put :options] 4 (#$ . 68703)])
#@46 Here is where you edit the variable's value.
(defalias 'custom-variable-value-create #[(widget) "\306!\210\307\310\"\204\311\310	#\210\307\312\"\307\313\"\307\310\"\307\314\"\307\315\"@\316
\207" [widget custom-variable-default-form buttons children form symbol custom-load-widget widget-get :custom-form widget-put :buttons :children :value :tag custom-variable-type widget-convert custom-get default-value :custom-prefix :custom-last :custom-style :shown-value default-boundp :custom-state custom-variable-state :hidden-states hidden custom-show unknown widget-apply :match mismatch tree " `--- " " |--- " widget-create-child-and-convert custom-browse-variable-tag " " "\n" custom-visibility :help-echo "Show the value of this option." :on-glyph "down" :on "Hide" :off-glyph "right" :off "Show Value" :action custom-toggle-hide-variable nil item :format "%{%t%} " :sample-face custom-variable-tag :parent (lisp mismatch) "Hide the value of this option." "Show" t custom-quote tag type conv get prefix last style shown-value value state custom-buffer-style format tag-format value-format magic comment comment-widget symbol-name ": " sexp :button-face custom-variable-button-face "%v" "Hide or show this option." string-match ":" error "Bad format" 0 custom-tag-action "Change value of this option." :mouse-down-action custom-tag-mouse-down-action custom-variable-button 10 widget-insert simple custom-magic :custom-magic :documentation-indent 3 widget-add-documentation-string-button :visibility-widget variable-comment custom-comment "" :comment-widget append custom-variable-state-set :custom-level 1 custom-add-parent-links custom-add-see-also] 17 (#$ . 69237)])
#@249 Toggle the visibility of a `custom-variable' parent widget.
By default, this signals an error if the parent has unsaved
changes.  If the parent has a `simple' :custom-style property,
the present value is saved to its :shown-value property instead.
(defalias 'custom-toggle-hide-variable #[(visibility-widget &rest _ignore) "\303\304\"\211\211@)\305=\204\306\307!\210\310	!\210\303	\311\"\211\312=\203+\313	\311\314#\210\202Z\n\315>\203N\303	\316\"\317=\203J\313	\320\321\303	\322\"\242!C#\210\202N\306\323!\210\313	\324\325#\210\313	\311\312#\210\326	!\210\327 *\207" [visibility-widget widget state widget-get :parent custom-variable error "Invalid widget type" custom-load-widget :custom-state hidden widget-put unknown (invalid modified set) :custom-style simple :shown-value widget-value :children "There are unsaved changes" :documentation-shown nil custom-redraw widget-setup] 8 (#$ . 72426)])
#@49 Pass :action to first child of WIDGET's parent.
(defalias 'custom-tag-action #[(widget &rest args) "\302\303\304\211\305\"\306\"@\307	$\207" [widget args apply widget-apply widget-get :parent :children :action] 6 (#$ . 73343)])
#@60 Pass :mouse-down-action to first child of WIDGET's parent.
(defalias 'custom-tag-mouse-down-action #[(widget &rest args) "\302\303\304\211\305\"\306\"@\307	$\207" [widget args apply widget-apply widget-get :parent :children :mouse-down-action] 6 (#$ . 73578)])
#@203 Return the state of SYMBOL if its value is VAL.
If SYMBOL has a non-nil `custom-get' property, it overrides VAL.
Possible return values are `standard', `saved', `set', `themed',
`changed', and `rogue'.
(defalias 'custom-variable-state #[(symbol val) "\306N\206\307\310!\203	!\202\n\311N\312\211\313N\314N
\211 @@)\325=\203i\326\202\244
\211 @@)\320=\203\204\312\327\330\217\203\200\331\202\244\320\202\244\332\202\244\320\202\244\333N\211\203\243\312\334\335\217\203\237\331\202\244\320\202\244\336-\207" [symbol get val value comment tmp custom-get default-value default-boundp variable-comment nil customized-value customized-variable-comment (byte-code "\304	@!\232\205\f\n\232\207" [value tmp comment temp eval] 3) ((error)) set changed theme-value saved-variable-comment (byte-code "	\232\205\n\304\305!@!\232\207" [comment temp value symbol eval custom-variable-theme-value] 4) ((error)) user saved (byte-code "?\205
	\303\n\304N@!\232\207" [comment value symbol eval standard-value] 4) ((error)) standard themed standard-value (byte-code "\303	@!\232\205\f\n\304\232\207" [value tmp comment eval nil] 3) ((error)) rogue temp x] 4 (#$ . 73847)])
#@102 Set the state of WIDGET to STATE.
If STATE is nil, the value is computed by `custom-variable-state'.
(defalias 'custom-variable-state-set #[(widget &optional state) "\302\303	\206\304\305!\306\307\"\"#\207" [widget state widget-put :custom-state custom-variable-state widget-value widget-get :value] 8 (#$ . 75175)])
(defalias 'custom-variable-standard-value #[(widget) "\301!\302N\207" [widget widget-value standard-value] 2])
#@390 Alist of actions for the `custom-variable' widget.
Each entry has the form (NAME ACTION FILTER) where NAME is the name of
the menu entry, ACTION is the function to call on the widget when the
menu is selected, and FILTER is a predicate which takes a `custom-variable'
widget as an argument, and returns non-nil if ACTION is valid on that
widget.  If FILTER is nil, ACTION is always valid.
(defvar custom-variable-menu (byte-code "\302\303\204\n	\205\304\305\204	\205\306\307$B\207" [custom-file init-file-user ("Set for Current Session" custom-variable-set (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'modified))) append (("Save for Future Sessions" custom-variable-save (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set changed rogue))))) (("Undo Edits" custom-redraw (lambda (widget) (and (default-boundp (widget-value widget)) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified changed))))) ("Revert This Session's Customization" custom-variable-reset-saved (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set changed rogue))))) (("Erase Customization" custom-variable-reset-standard (lambda (widget) (and (get (widget-value widget) 'standard-value) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set changed saved rogue)))))) (("Set to Backup Value" custom-variable-reset-backup (lambda (widget) (get (widget-value widget) 'backup-value))) ("---" ignore ignore) ("Add Comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p) ("---" ignore ignore) ("Show Current Value" custom-variable-edit (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'lisp))) ("Show Saved Lisp Expression" custom-variable-edit-lisp (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'edit))))] 6) (#$ . 75616))
#@90 Show the menu for `custom-variable' WIDGET.
Optional EVENT is the location for the menu.
(defalias 'custom-variable-action #[(widget &optional event) "\305\306\"\307=\203
\310!\207\305\306\"\311=\204\312!\210\313!\210\314\315\316\317\305\320\"!P\321\n\"#\211\2057\f!*\207" [widget completion-ignore-case custom-variable-menu event answer widget-get :custom-state hidden custom-toggle-hide modified custom-variable-state-set custom-redraw-magic t widget-choose "Operation on " custom-unlispify-tag-name :value custom-menu-filter] 7 (#$ . 77383)])
#@23 Edit value of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-variable-edit #[(widget) "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\306!\207" [widget widget-put :custom-state unknown :custom-form edit custom-redraw] 4 (#$ . 77950)])
#@54 Edit the Lisp representation of the value of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-variable-edit-lisp #[(widget) "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\306!\207" [widget widget-put :custom-state unknown :custom-form lisp custom-redraw] 4 (#$ . 78161)])
#@64 Set the current value for the variable being edited by WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-variable-set #[(widget) "\306\307\"\306\310\"\306\311\"@\312!\211\313N\206\314\306\315\"'\312'!(\316)\n\317=\2038\320\321!\210\202\340\322\323\"\211)\203U\306)\324\"b\210\325\326\306)\327\"\"\210\202\340	\330>\203\237(\331\232\203j\316(\332'!\210\333!\210\334\335\f\336\305\337\312!!%\210
\f\312!\211)\"\210\341\f\342\337)!C#\210\341\f\343(#\210\341\f\344(#\210\345!\210\346!.\207" [widget form state child symbol set widget-get :custom-form :custom-state :children widget-value custom-set set-default :comment-widget nil hidden user-error "Cannot set hidden variable" widget-apply :validate :from error "%s" :error (lisp mismatch) "" custom-comment-hide custom-variable-backup-value custom-push-theme theme-value user custom-quote eval put customized-value variable-comment customized-variable-comment custom-variable-state-set custom-redraw-magic comment-widget comment val] 9 (#$ . 78408)])
#@62 Set value and mark for saving the variable edited by WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-variable-mark-to-save #[(widget) "\306\307\"\306\310\"\306\311\"@\312!\211\313N\206\314\306\315\"&\312&!'\316(\n\317=\2038\320\321!\210\202\325\322\323\"\211(\203V\306(\324\"b\210\325\326\f\306(\327\"#\210\202\325	\330>\203\232'\331\232\203k\316'\332&!\210\333\f\334\312!C#\210\335\336\f\337\305\340\312!!%\210
\f\312!\"\210\333\f\342'#\210\333\f\343'#\210\333\f\344\316#\210\333\f\345\316#.\207" [widget form state child symbol set widget-get :custom-form :custom-state :children widget-value custom-set set-default :comment-widget nil hidden user-error "Cannot set hidden variable" widget-apply :validate :from error "Saving %s: %s" :error (lisp mismatch) "" custom-comment-hide put saved-value custom-push-theme theme-value user custom-quote eval variable-comment saved-variable-comment customized-value customized-variable-comment comment-widget comment val] 9 (#$ . 79595)])
#@71 Set state of variable widget WIDGET and redraw with current settings.
(defalias 'custom-variable-state-set-and-redraw #[(widget) "\301!\210\302!\207" [widget custom-variable-state-set custom-redraw-magic] 2 (#$ . 80755)])
(put 'custom-variable-state-set-and-redraw 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@49 Save value of variable edited by widget WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-variable-save #[(widget) "\301!\210\302 \210\303!\210\304!)\207" [widget custom-variable-mark-to-save custom-save-all custom-variable-state-set custom-redraw-magic] 2 (#$ . 81073)])
#@277 Restore the value of the variable being edited by WIDGET.
If there is a saved value, restore it; otherwise reset to the
uncustomized (themed or standard) value.

Update the widget to show that value.  The value that was current
before this operation becomes the backup value.
(defalias 'custom-variable-reset-saved #[(widget) "\304!\211\302N	\305N\306!\210\n\204\"\204\"\307\310	\311\312$\210\2026\313	\314#\210\307\310	\311\315\n\242%\210\316\317\320\217\210\313	\321\316#\210\313	\322\316#\210\323\324\325#\210\326!+\207" [widget symbol saved-value comment widget-value saved-variable-comment custom-variable-backup-value custom-push-theme theme-value user reset put variable-comment set nil (byte-code "\302N\206\303\304	@!\"\207" [symbol saved-value custom-set set-default eval] 4) ((error)) customized-value customized-variable-comment widget-put :custom-state unknown custom-redraw] 7 (#$ . 81333)])
#@173 Mark to restore standard setting for the variable edited by widget WIDGET.
If `custom-reset-standard-variables-list' is nil, save, reset and
redraw the widget immediately.
(defalias 'custom-variable-mark-to-reset-standard #[(widget) "\303!\211\304N\203\305!\210\202\306\307	\"\210\310	\311\312#\210\310	\313\312#\210\310	\314\312#\210\315\316	\317\320$\210\321	!\210\n\203W	\322N\204C	\323N\203W\310	\322\312#\210\310	\323\312#\210\nB\211\202{	\322N\204c	\323N\203r\310	\322\312#\210\310	\323\312#\210\324 \210\325\326\327#\210\330!)\207" [widget symbol custom-reset-standard-variables-list widget-value standard-value custom-variable-backup-value user-error "No standard setting known for %S" put variable-comment nil customized-value customized-variable-comment custom-push-theme theme-value user reset custom-theme-recalc-variable saved-value saved-variable-comment custom-save-all widget-put :custom-state unknown custom-redraw] 6 (#$ . 82262)])
#@295 Restore standard setting for the variable edited by WIDGET.
This operation eliminates any saved setting for the variable,
restoring it to the state of a variable that has never been customized.
The value that was current before this operation
becomes the backup value, so you can get it again.
(defalias 'custom-variable-reset-standard #[(widget) "\302\303	!)\207" [custom-reset-standard-variables-list widget nil custom-variable-mark-to-reset-standard] 2 (#$ . 83236)])
#@118 Back up the current value for WIDGET's variable.
The backup value is kept in the car of the `backup-value' property.
(defalias 'custom-variable-backup-value #[(widget) "\306!\211\307N\206\310\311	!\312!\313	!\203 \n	!\202$\314\f\315\"\316	\317
C#-\207" [widget symbol get type conv value widget-value custom-get default-value custom-variable-type widget-convert default-boundp widget-get :value put backup-value] 5 (#$ . 83715)])
#@213 Restore the backup value for the variable being edited by WIDGET.
The value that was current before this operation
becomes the backup value, so you can use this operation repeatedly
to switch between two values.
(defalias 'custom-variable-reset-backup #[(widget) "\306!\211\307N\206\310	\311N\312\313\"\306\f!\2031\314!\210\315\316	\317\302%\210\320\321\322\217\210\2026\323\324	\"\210\325	\326\327@!C#\210\325	\330
#\210\325	\331
#\210\332!\210\333!-\207" [widget symbol set value comment-widget comment widget-value custom-set set-default backup-value widget-get :comment-widget custom-variable-backup-value custom-push-theme theme-value user nil (byte-code "	\n@\"\207" [set symbol value] 3) ((error)) user-error "No backup value for %s" put customized-value custom-quote variable-comment customized-variable-comment custom-variable-state-set custom-redraw] 7 (#$ . 84163)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\302\306\302\307\310\306\310\311\312\313\312&\210\314\302\315\316\317\320\321\322&\210\301\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\"&\207" [custom-face-attributes define-widget custom-visibility visibility "Show or hide a documentation string." :button-face :pressed-face :mouse-face highlight :on-glyph nil :off-glyph custom-declare-face ((t :height 0.8 :inherit link)) "Face for the `custom-visibility' widget." :version "23.1" :group custom-faces custom-face-edit checklist "Widget for editing face attributes.\nThe following properties have special meanings for this widget:\n\n:value is a plist of face attributes.\n\n:default-face-attributes, if non-nil, is a plist of defaults for\nface attributes (as specified by a `default' defface entry)." :format "%v" :extra-offset 3 :button-args (:help-echo "Control whether this attribute has any effect.") :value-to-internal custom-face-edit-fix-value :match #[(widget value) "\302\303	\"\"\207" [widget value widget-checklist-match custom-face-edit-fix-value] 5] :value-create custom-face-edit-value-create :convert-widget custom-face-edit-convert-widget :args mapcar #[(att) "\301\302\303\304\305A@\304\"\306\307\310\311@\257A@\257\207" [att group :inline t :sibling-args widget-get const :format "" :value] 10]] 22)
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-value-create #[(widget) "\306\307\310\"\"\307\311\"\307\312\"\307\313\"\306\307\314\"\"\315/\316\317!\204+\320c\210\321\322\307\323\"\"\210	\204?
\204?\203w\n\3150\2111\203s1@\2110	\236\206X0
\236\211/\204b\203j\3240/#\2101A\2111\204I*\202\200\325\326\327\330#\320\261\210\307\331\"\2112\203\222\321\322\307\331\"\"\210)\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\337\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\315\350\315\351\352\353\354&\fB\320c\210\355\313\f#\210\355\356\307\356\"\237#.\207" [widget alist args show-all buttons defaults widget-checklist-match-find widget-get :value :args :show-all-attributes :buttons :default-face-attributes nil looking-back "^ *" 10 insert-char 32 :extra-offset widget-checklist-add-item propertize "-- Empty face --" face shadow :indent widget-create-child-and-convert visibility :help-echo "Show or hide all face attributes." :button-face custom-visibility :pressed-face :mouse-face highlight :on "Hide Unused Attributes" :off "Show All Attributes" :on-glyph :off-glyph :always-active t :action custom-face-edit-value-visibility-action widget-put :children entry prop --dolist-tail-- indent] 25])
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-value-visibility-action #[(widget &rest _ignore) "\302\303\"\304	\305\302	\305\"?#\210\306	!)\207" [widget parent widget-get :parent widget-put :show-all-attributes custom-redraw] 6])
#@112 Ignoring WIDGET, convert :bold and :italic in VALUE to new form.
Also change :reverse-video to :inverse-video.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-fix-value #[(_widget value) "\301!\207" [value custom-fix-face-spec] 2 (#$ . 87819)])
#@42 Convert :args as widget types in WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-convert-widget #[(widget) "\301\302\303\304\305\302\"\"#\210\207" [widget widget-put :args mapcar #[(arg) "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\207" [arg widget-convert :deactivate custom-face-edit-deactivate :activate custom-face-edit-activate :delete custom-face-edit-delete] 8] widget-get] 8 (#$ . 88051)])
#@53 Converted version of the `custom-face-edit' widget.
(defconst custom-face-edit (widget-convert 'custom-face-edit) (#$ . 88434))
#@58 Make face widget WIDGET inactive for user modifications.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-deactivate #[(widget) "\306\307\"?\205;\310!\311\306\312\"!\313!\314\211\212\fb\210\315!\210
\316\317\320\321\322#\323\261\210\324\307\f`\fZBB#.\207" [widget inhibit-modification-hooks inhibit-read-only value from tag widget-get :inactive custom-face-edit-attribute-tag copy-marker :from widget-value t widget-default-delete ": " propertize "--" face shadow "\n" widget-put] 7 (#$ . 88568)])
#@56 Make face widget WIDGET active for user modifications.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-activate #[(widget) "\304\305\"\306\211\211:\2050\212A@b\210``AA\\|\210\307\305\310#\210\311\312\"\210\313@\"\210\314 )+\207" [widget inhibit-modification-hooks inhibit-read-only inactive widget-get :inactive t widget-put nil widget-apply :create widget-value-set widget-setup] 5 (#$ . 89066)])
#@32 Remove WIDGET from the buffer.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-delete #[(widget) "\304\305\"\306\211\211\204\307!\202$A@A@AA\\|\210\310\305\311#+\207" [widget inhibit-modification-hooks inhibit-read-only inactive widget-get :inactive t widget-default-delete widget-put nil] 5 (#$ . 89461)])
#@66 Return the first :tag property in WIDGET or one of its children.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-attribute-tag #[(widget) "\303\304\"\211\305\232\204	\206*\303\306\"	\204(\n\203(\307\n\211A@!\211\203	))\207" [widget tag children widget-get :tag "" :children custom-face-edit-attribute-tag] 4 (#$ . 89766)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\210\314\315\316\317\320\321%\210\322\323\324\325\326\327\320\330\331\332&	\210\300\333\334\335\336\315\310\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357\360\361\362\363\364\365\366\367\370\371\372\373&#\210\300\374\375\376\377\201@\201A\201B\201C\201D\201E\201F\312\201G&
\207" [define-widget custom-display menu-choice "Select a display type." :tag "Display" :value t :help-echo "Specify frames where the face attributes should be used." :args ((const :tag "all" t) (const :tag "defaults" default) (checklist :tag "specific display" :offset 0 :extra-offset 9 :args ((group :sibling-args (:help-echo "Only match the specified window systems.") (const :format "Type: " type) (checklist :inline t :offset 0 (const :format "X " :sibling-args (:help-echo "The X11 Window System.") x) (const :format "PM " :sibling-args (:help-echo "OS/2 Presentation Manager.") pm) (const :format "W32 " :sibling-args (:help-echo "Windows NT/9X.") w32) (const :format "NS " :sibling-args (:help-echo "GNUstep or Macintosh OS Cocoa interface.") ns) (const :format "DOS " :sibling-args (:help-echo "Plain MS-DOS.") pc) (const :format "TTY%n" :sibling-args (:help-echo "Plain text terminals.") tty))) (group :sibling-args (:help-echo "Only match the frames with the specified color support.") (const :format "Class: " class) (checklist :inline t :offset 0 (const :format "Color " :sibling-args (:help-echo "Match color frames.") color) (const :format "Grayscale " :sibling-args (:help-echo "Match grayscale frames.") grayscale) (const :format "Monochrome%n" :sibling-args (:help-echo "Match frames with no color support.") mono))) (group :sibling-args (:help-echo "The minimum number of colors the frame should support.") (const :format "" min-colors) (integer :tag "Minimum number of colors")) (group :sibling-args (:help-echo "Only match frames with the specified intensity.") (const :format "Background brightness: " background) (checklist :inline t :offset 0 (const :format "Light " :sibling-args (:help-echo "Match frames with light backgrounds.") light) (const :format "Dark\n" :sibling-args (:help-echo "Match frames with dark backgrounds.") dark))) (group :sibling-args (:help-echo "Only match frames that support the specified face attributes.") (const :format "Supports attributes:" supports) (custom-face-edit :inline t :format "%n%v"))))) custom-declare-face custom-face-tag ((t :inherit custom-variable-tag)) "Face used for face tags." :group custom-faces custom-declare-variable custom-face-default-form 'selected "Default form of displaying face definition." :type (choice (const all) (const selected) (const lisp)) custom-buffer :version "20.3" custom-face custom "Widget for customizing a face.\nThe following properties have special meanings for this widget:\n\n:value is the face name (a symbol).\n\n:custom-form should be a symbol describing how to display and\n  edit the face attributes---either `selected' (attributes for\n  selected display only), `all' (all attributes), `lisp' (as a\n  Lisp sexp), or `mismatch' (should not happen); if nil, use\n  the return value of `custom-face-default-form'.\n\n:custom-style describes the widget interface style; nil is the\n  default style, while `simple' means a simpler interface that\n  inhibits the magic custom-state widget.\n\n:sample-indent, if non-nil, is the number of columns to which to\n  indent the face sample (an integer).\n\n:shown-value, if non-nil, is the face spec to display as the value\n  of the widget, instead of the current face spec." :sample-face "Set or reset this face." :documentation-property face-doc-string :value-create custom-face-value-create :action custom-face-action :custom-category face :custom-form nil :custom-set custom-face-set :custom-mark-to-save custom-face-mark-to-save :custom-reset-current custom-redraw :custom-reset-saved custom-face-reset-saved :custom-reset-standard custom-face-reset-standard :custom-mark-to-reset-standard custom-face-mark-to-reset-standard :custom-standard-value custom-face-standard-value :custom-state-set-and-redraw custom-face-state-set-and-redraw :custom-menu custom-face-menu-create custom-face-all editable-list "An editable list of display specifications and attributes." :entry-format "%i %d %v" :insert-button-args (:help-echo "Insert new display specification here.") :append-button-args (:help-echo "Append new display specification here.") :delete-button-args (:help-echo "Delete this display specification.") ((group :format "%v" custom-display custom-face-edit))] 36)
#@52 Converted version of the `custom-face-all' widget.
(defconst custom-face-all (widget-convert 'custom-face-all) (#$ . 94680))
#@269 Return a canonicalized version of SPEC using.
FILTER-INDEX is the index in the entry for each attribute in
`custom-face-attributes' at which the appropriate filter function can be
found, and DEFAULT-FILTER is the filter to apply for attributes that
don't specify one.
(defalias 'custom-filter-face-spec #[(spec filter-index &optional default-filter) "\301\302\"\207" [spec mapcar #[(entry) "@A@<\203A@\202A\306\n\203M\n\211A@\n\211A@\f\2368\2061	\211\n\203>\n
\211	B\f	B,\202	+D\207" [entry filtered-attrs unfiltered-attrs tests attr pre-filtered-value nil filter-index custom-face-attributes default-filter filter filtered-value] 4]] 3 (#$ . 94812)])
#@111 Return SPEC changed as necessary for editing by the face customization widget.
SPEC must be a full face spec.
(defalias 'custom-pre-filter-face-spec #[(spec) "\301\302\"\207" [spec custom-filter-face-spec 2] 3 (#$ . 95512)])
#@69 Return the customized SPEC in a form suitable for setting the face.
(defalias 'custom-post-filter-face-spec #[(spec) "\301\302\"\207" [spec custom-filter-face-spec 3] 3 (#$ . 95744)])
#@86 Return a face spec corresponding to WIDGET.
WIDGET should be a `custom-face' widget.
(defalias 'custom-face-widget-to-spec #[(widget) "\211@)\302=\204\303\304!\210\305\306\"@\307	\211@)\310=\203(\311\312	!DC\202+\312	!!)\207" [widget child custom-face error "Invalid widget" widget-get :children custom-post-filter-face-spec custom-face-edit t widget-value] 5 (#$ . 95935)])
(defalias 'custom-face-get-current-spec #[(face) "\303N\206\304N\206\305N\206\306\307\310 \"DC	\310 \311\312	\n\"\n#+\2047\306\313\310 \"DC\314	!)\207" [face spec frame customized-face saved-face face-defface-spec t custom-face-attributes-get selected-frame face-attr-match-p face-spec-choose face-attr-construct custom-pre-filter-face-spec] 5])
#@245 Toggle the visibility of a `custom-face' parent widget.
By default, this signals an error if the parent has unsaved
changes.  If the parent has a `simple' :custom-style property,
the present value is saved to its :shown-value property instead.
(defalias 'custom-toggle-hide-face #[(visibility-widget &rest _ignore) "\303\304\"\211\211@)\305=\204\306\307!\210\310	!\210\303	\311\"\211\312=\203+\313	\311\314#\210\202U\n\315>\203I\303	\316\"\317=\203E\313	\320\321	!#\210\202I\306\322!\210\313	\323\324#\210\313	\311\312#\210\325	!\210\326 *\207" [visibility-widget widget state widget-get :parent custom-face error "Invalid widget type" custom-load-widget :custom-state hidden widget-put unknown (invalid modified set) :custom-style simple :shown-value custom-face-widget-to-spec "There are unsaved changes" :documentation-shown nil custom-redraw widget-setup] 6 (#$ . 96691)])
#@57 Create a list of the display specifications for WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-value-create #[(widget) "\306\307\"\306\310\"\306\311\"\206\312\n!\306\313\"\314=\306\315\"\316@A\317=\203S\306\320\"\306\321\"\203:\322\202;\323\261\210\324\325\"	B\326\327\261\210\330\307	#\202x`B\324\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\f?&	B\326\261\210\346B`#\210)A\347=\203\204\326\202\220\350\351\"\203\217\352\202\220\353c\210\306\354\"\316C\211D\203\252iDX\203\252Dj\210*\324\355\356\357\360\306\361\"\211E\203\302\362E!\202\303\n)\311\363&	B\327c\210\306\315\"\364=\204\353\324\365\316#F\330\366F#\210F	B)\330\307	#\210\f\203\373
\364=\204/\330\367\370#\210\371\372\331#\210\f\204/\n\373NG\324\374\375\310G\206\376&H\330\377H#\210H@B@*h\201T=\204:\327c\210\f?\205x\201U!\210\306\201V\"\204W\330\201VI#\210\306\361\"\206c\201W\n!E\306\201V\"J\306\201X\"K\316\211LM\316\211NO\316PE\211L\242\242\201Y=\203\233L\211AL@NL\203\344L<\203\344O\204\344L@\211M<\203\333\201ZM@\201[ \"\203\333\201\\Q\201]M\211RA@)#\203\333MOLA\211L\204\240J\201^=\203$O\204\367N\203$K\203\201_\201`K\"\210\324\201Q\310O\211RA@)\201aN\211RA@)&\202_J\201b=\204G\201\\S\201]E#\203G\324\201S\310E$\202_K\203V\201_\201`K\"\210\324\201c\310E$P\201d!\210P@B@\330\201e@#..\207" [widget buttons symbol tag hiddenp style widget-get :buttons :value :tag prin1-to-string :custom-state hidden :custom-style nil tree :custom-prefix :custom-last " `--- " " |--- " widget-create-child-and-convert custom-browse-face-tag " " "\n" widget-put custom-visibility :help-echo "Hide or show this face." :on "Hide" :off "Show" :on-glyph "down" :off-glyph "right" :action custom-toggle-hide-face widget-specify-sample face string-match "face\\'" ":" " face: " :sample-indent item :format "[%{%t%}]" :sample-face :shown-value face-spec-choose "sample" simple custom-magic :custom-magic :documentation-indent 3 widget-add-documentation-string-button :visibility-widget face-comment custom-comment :parent "" :comment-widget children custom-buffer-style opoint indent-tabs-mode sample-indent spec magic comment comment-widget custom-face-default-form form indent face-alist face-entry spec-default spec-match editor custom-face-edit x custom-face-all 10 custom-load-widget :custom-form custom-face-get-current-spec :indent default face-spec-set-match-display selected-frame widget-apply :match selected insert-char 32 :default-face-attributes lisp sexp custom-face-state-set :children] 17 (#$ . 97585)])
#@382 Alist of actions for the `custom-face' widget.
Each entry has the form (NAME ACTION FILTER) where NAME is the name of
the menu entry, ACTION is the function to call on the widget when the
menu is selected, and FILTER is a predicate which takes a `custom-face'
widget as an argument, and returns non-nil if ACTION is valid on that
widget.  If FILTER is nil, ACTION is always valid.
(defvar custom-face-menu (byte-code "\302\303\204\n	\205\304\305\204	\205\306\307$B\207" [custom-file init-file-user ("Set for Current Session" custom-face-set) append (("Save for Future Sessions" custom-face-save)) (("Undo Edits" custom-redraw (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified changed)))) ("Revert This Session's Customization" custom-face-reset-saved (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set changed))))) (("Erase Customization" custom-face-reset-standard (lambda (widget) (get (widget-value widget) 'face-defface-spec)))) (("---" ignore ignore) ("Add Comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p) ("---" ignore ignore) ("For Current Display" custom-face-edit-selected (lambda (widget) (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'selected)))) ("For All Kinds of Displays" custom-face-edit-all (lambda (widget) (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'all)))) ("Show Lisp Expression" custom-face-edit-lisp (lambda (widget) (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'lisp)))))] 6) (#$ . 100236))
#@50 Edit selected attributes of the value of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-selected #[(widget) "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\306!\207" [widget widget-put :custom-state unknown :custom-form selected custom-redraw] 4 (#$ . 101706)])
#@45 Edit all attributes of the value of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-all #[(widget) "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\306!\207" [widget widget-put :custom-state unknown :custom-form all custom-redraw] 4 (#$ . 101954)])
#@54 Edit the Lisp representation of the value of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-edit-lisp #[(widget) "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\306!\207" [widget widget-put :custom-state unknown :custom-form lisp custom-redraw] 4 (#$ . 102187)])
#@108 Return the current state of the face FACE.
This is one of `set', `saved', `changed', `themed', or `rogue'.
(defalias 'custom-face-state #[(face) "\304N\305N\204\306N\203 \306N	\232\203\307\202{\310\202{\311N\204,\312N\203^\312N	\232\2048\310\202{\313N\211@@)\314=\203I\315\202{\313N\211@@)\310=\203Z\310\202{\316\202{\317N\203z	\203l\310\202{\313N\203v\316\202{\320\202{\321\211\321=\204\214\322N\203\214\310\202\215*\207" [face comment x state face-comment customized-face customized-face-comment set changed saved-face saved-face-comment theme-face user saved themed face-defface-spec standard rogue face-modified] 3 (#$ . 102432)])
#@26 Set the state of WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-state-set #[(widget) "\301\302\303\304!!#\207" [widget widget-put :custom-state custom-face-state widget-value] 6 (#$ . 103115)])
#@86 Show the menu for `custom-face' WIDGET.
Optional EVENT is the location for the menu.
(defalias 'custom-face-action #[(widget &optional event) "\306\307\"\310=\203
!+\207" [widget completion-ignore-case symbol custom-face-menu event answer widget-get :custom-state hidden custom-toggle-hide t :value widget-choose "Operation on " custom-unlispify-tag-name custom-menu-filter] 6 (#$ . 103301)])
#@49 Make the face attributes in WIDGET take effect.
(defalias 'custom-face-set #[(widget) "\305!\306!\307\310\"\305!\211\311\232\203\312\313!\210\314	\315\n#\210\316\317	\320\321\n%\210\322\n!\203:\323	\n\324#\210\202@\323	\325\324#\210\314	\326\f#\210\314	\327\f#\210\330!\210\331!,\207" [widget symbol value comment-widget comment widget-value custom-face-widget-to-spec widget-get :comment-widget "" nil custom-comment-hide put customized-face custom-push-theme theme-face user set face-spec-choose face-spec-set t ((t :foreground unspecified)) customized-face-comment face-comment custom-face-state-set custom-redraw-magic] 7 (#$ . 103769)])
#@44 Mark for saving the face edited by WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-mark-to-save #[(widget) "\305!\306!\307\310\"\305!\211\311\232\203\312\313!\210\314\315	\316\317\n%\210\320\n!\2034\321	\n\322#\210\202:\321	\323\322#\210\307\324\"\325=\204I\326	\327\n#\210\326	\330\312#\210\326	\331\f#\210\326	\332\312#\210\326	\333\f#,\207" [widget symbol value comment-widget comment widget-value custom-face-widget-to-spec widget-get :comment-widget "" nil custom-comment-hide custom-push-theme theme-face user set face-spec-choose face-spec-set t ((t :foreground unspecified)) :custom-state standard put saved-face customized-face face-comment customized-face-comment saved-face-comment] 7 (#$ . 104433)])
#@67 Set state of face widget WIDGET and redraw with current settings.
(defalias 'custom-face-state-set-and-redraw #[(widget) "\301!\210\302!\207" [widget custom-face-state-set custom-redraw-magic] 2 (#$ . 105150)])
(put 'custom-face-state-set-and-redraw 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@33 Save the face edited by WIDGET.
(defalias 'custom-face-save #[(widget) "\301!\210\302 \210\303!\210\304!)\207" [widget custom-face-mark-to-save custom-save-all custom-face-state-set custom-redraw-magic] 2 (#$ . 105453)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias custom-face-save-command custom-face-save nil make-obsolete "22.1"] 4)
#@151 Restore WIDGET to the face's default attributes.
If there is a saved face, restore it; otherwise reset to the
uncustomized (themed or standard) face.
(defalias 'custom-face-reset-saved #[(widget) "\306!\307\310\"@	\303N	\311N\307\312\"\313	\314\315#\210\313	\316\315#\210\317\320	\321\203/\322\2020\323%\210\324	\325#\210\313	\326\f#\210\327\n\"\210\327
\f\206K\330\"\210\331!\210\332!-\207" [widget face child saved-face comment comment-widget widget-value widget-get :children saved-face-comment :comment-widget put customized-face nil customized-face-comment custom-push-theme theme-face user set reset face-spec-set t face-comment widget-value-set "" custom-face-state-set custom-redraw] 6 (#$ . 105823)])
(defalias 'custom-face-standard-value #[(widget) "\301!\302N\207" [widget widget-value face-defface-spec] 2])
#@157 Restore widget WIDGET to the face's standard attribute values.
If `custom-reset-standard-faces-list' is nil, save, reset and
redraw the widget immediately.
(defalias 'custom-face-mark-to-reset-standard #[(widget) "\306!\307\310\"@	\311N\307\312\"\204\313\314!\210\315	\316\317#\210\315	\320\317#\210\321\322	\323\324$\210\325	\326#\210\327	!\210
\203\\	\330N\204H	\331N\203\\\315	\330\317#\210\315	\331\317#\210
B\211\202\226	\330N\204h	\331N\203w\315	\330\317#\210\315	\331\317#\210\332 \210\315	\333\317#\210\334\n\335\326\336	\317\"DC!\"\210\334\f\337\"\210\340!\210\341!,\207" [widget symbol child value comment-widget custom-reset-standard-faces-list widget-value widget-get :children face-defface-spec :comment-widget user-error "No standard setting for this face" put customized-face nil customized-face-comment custom-push-theme theme-face user reset face-spec-set t custom-theme-recalc-face saved-face saved-face-comment custom-save-all face-comment widget-value-set custom-pre-filter-face-spec custom-face-attributes-get "" custom-face-state-set custom-redraw-magic] 7 (#$ . 106668)])
#@186 Restore WIDGET to the face's standard attribute values.
This operation eliminates any saved attributes for the face,
restoring it to the state of a face that has never been customized.
(defalias 'custom-face-reset-standard #[(widget) "\302\303	!)\207" [custom-reset-standard-faces-list widget nil custom-face-mark-to-reset-standard] 2 (#$ . 107791)])
#@49 History of input to `widget-face-prompt-value'.
(defvar widget-face-prompt-value-history nil (#$ . 108149))
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325$\326\324\327\330\331\332&\207" [obarray define-widget face symbol "A Lisp face name (with sample)." :format "%{%t%}: (%{sample%}) %v" :tag "Face" :value default :sample-face-get widget-face-sample-face-get :notify widget-face-notify :match #[(_widget value) "\301!\207" [value facep] 2] :completions apply-partially completion-table-with-predicate facep strict :prompt-match :prompt-history widget-face-prompt-value-history :validate #[(widget) "\301\302!!?\205\303\304\305\306\302!\"#\210\207" [widget facep widget-value widget-put :error format "Invalid face: %S"] 7]] 24)
(defalias 'widget-face-sample-face-get #[(widget) "\302!\303	!\203	\202\304)\207" [widget value widget-value facep default] 2])
#@43 Update the sample, and notify the parent.
(defalias 'widget-face-notify #[(widget child &optional event) "\303\304\305\"\306\307\310\"#\210\311	\n#\207" [widget child event overlay-put widget-get :sample-overlay face widget-apply :sample-face-get widget-default-notify] 6 (#$ . 109078)])
(define-widget 'hook 'list "An Emacs Lisp hook." :value-to-internal #[(_widget value) "\203\f9\203\fC\207\207" [value] 1] :match #[(widget value) "9\206	\302	\"\207" [value widget widget-group-match] 3] :set #[(symbol value) "\304\211\205\n@\305	!\203\306	\"\210\nA\211\204\304*\207" [value elt --dolist-tail-- symbol nil fboundp add-hook] 4] :convert-widget 'custom-hook-convert-widget :tag "Hook")
(defalias 'custom-hook-convert-widget #[(widget) "\304\305\"\306	\203\307\310\311\312\313	\"BBB\nD\202\nC\314\315#\210+\207" [widget options other args widget-get :options (editable-list :inline t :entry-format "%i %d%v" (function :format " %v")) checklist :inline t mapcar #[(entry) "\301D\207" [entry function-item] 2] widget-put :args] 6])
(define-widget 'custom-group-link 'link "Show parent in other window when activated." :button-face 'custom-link :mouse-face 'highlight :pressed-face 'highlight :help-echo "Create customization buffer for this group." :keymap custom-mode-link-map :follow-link 'mouse-face :action 'custom-group-link-action)
(defalias 'custom-group-link-action #[(widget &rest _ignore) "\301\302!!\207" [widget customize-group widget-value] 3])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\311\312\313\306\307%\210\310\314\315\316\306\307%\210\310\317\320\321\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable custom-group-tag-faces nil "Face used for group tags.\nThe first member is used for level 1 groups, the second for level 2,\nand so forth.  The remaining group tags are shown with `custom-group-tag'." :type (repeat face) :group custom-faces custom-declare-face custom-group-tag-1 ((default :weight bold :height 1.2 :inherit variable-pitch) (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "pink") (((min-colors 88) (class color) (background light)) :foreground "red1") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "red")) "Face for group tags." custom-group-tag ((default :weight bold :height 1.2 :inherit variable-pitch) (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "light blue") (((min-colors 88) (class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue1") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue") (t :weight bold)) "Face for low level group tags." custom-group-subtitle ((t :weight bold)) "Face for the \"Subgroups:\" subtitle in Custom buffers."] 8)
(defvar custom-group-doc-align-col 20)
(define-widget 'custom-group 'custom "Customize group." :format "%v" :sample-face-get 'custom-group-sample-face-get :documentation-property 'group-documentation :help-echo "Set or reset all members of this group." :value-create 'custom-group-value-create :action 'custom-group-action :custom-category 'group :custom-set 'custom-group-set :custom-mark-to-save 'custom-group-mark-to-save :custom-reset-current 'custom-group-reset-current :custom-reset-saved 'custom-group-reset-saved :custom-reset-standard 'custom-group-reset-standard :custom-mark-to-reset-standard 'custom-group-mark-to-reset-standard :custom-state-set-and-redraw 'custom-group-state-set-and-redraw :custom-menu 'custom-group-menu-create)
(defalias 'custom-group-sample-face-get #[(widget) "\302\303\"S	8\206\304\207" [widget custom-group-tag-faces widget-get :custom-level custom-group-tag] 3])
(define-widget 'custom-group-visibility 'visibility "An indicator and manipulator for hidden group contents." :create 'custom-group-visibility-create)
(defalias 'custom-group-visibility-create #[(widget) "\302!\211\203\303c\210)\304!\207" [widget visible widget-value "--------" widget-default-create] 3])
#@106 Return SYMBOL's custom group members.
If GROUPS-ONLY non-nil, return only those members that are groups.
(defalias 'custom-group-members #[(symbol groups-only) "\204	\305N\207\306	\305N\306\211\203*\f@\211A@\305=\203#\nB\fA\211\204*\n\237)\207" [groups-only symbol members entry --dolist-tail-- custom-group nil] 3 (#$ . 112926)])
#@60 Insert a customize group for WIDGET in the current buffer.
(defalias 'custom-group-value-create #[(widget) "\306\307\"\310=\204
\311!\210\306\307\"\306\312\"\306\313\"\306\314\"\306\315\"\316!@\317@A\320=\2057B\"C\321!DA\320=\203|	\310=\203|C\204W\322!\203|\323!\210\324\325\315\326$\fB\327c\210\324\330\"\fB\331
\332\261\210\333\314\f#\210\340\341!\210\342C@\343=?\205EF#C\306\344\"G\345@G\"H\306\346\"\203$\347\202%\350IIP\351\211JKC\203iC@KCAC\324KA@\352\315\353K@!\344H\312\nT\346C?\354K@\313&JBJ\2022\333\355\356J!#\210.\340\357!\202<	\310=\203\363A\360=\203\225\324\361\315
@%\fB\202\261\362\363L\nS_\"\210\327c\210\324\364\365\366\367\370	\310=?&\fBiMY\203\273\371c\210\324\372\351#N\333\373N#\210N\fB)\333\314\f#\210A\360=\203\351\n\374V\203\351\333\375M#\210\376\377\201\\#\202<`O\332c\210\201]O\211T\201^\201_$\210\201`\201aO\211T\"\201b\201c\332\201^\201d\201e\201f%#\210)\n\374=\203>\201g\201h\"\203>\332c\210\362\363L\nS_\"\210`P
\201i\261\210\201jP`#\210)D\204h\201kc\210\202vDG\201lW\203vDc\210A\360=\204\231\201mc\210\324\201n\365\201o\367\370	\310=?&\fB\331c\210\332c\210\324\372\201p\201q\351%N\333\373N#\210N\fB)\333\314\f#\210D\203\323DG\201lY\203\323\376\377\201\\#\210\201r\201sL\n_\363\"\"\210\340\341!\210\342C@\343=?\205\363QR#C\306\344\"G\345@G\"HCGS\201qT\201t\201u\201qS#U@\343=?\205,R\201v=V\351\211WJC\351K\211X\203\335X@KW\201w=\204S\201x\332!\210UTT\211TYUY\247\203nYU@Y\205v\201yUY\"*\210K@KA@Z[V\203\246Z\201w=\203\246\351V\201x\201c\201z\201^\201{#!\210ZW\324Z\352\315\353[!\344H\312\nT\354[&\fJBJh\201|=\204\323\201x\332!\210*XA\211X\204?*J\237J\201}\201~J\"\210\333\355J#\210\201!\210\201\200U!\210.	`TO\201\201c\210\201]O\211T\201^\201\202$\210\201`\201aO\211T\"\201b\201c\332\201^\201\203\201e\201\204%#).\207" [widget state level prefix buttons tag widget-get :custom-state hidden custom-load-widget :custom-level :custom-prefix :buttons :tag widget-value custom-group-members tree widget-docstring custom-unloaded-widget-p custom-browse-insert-prefix widget-create-child-and-convert custom-browse-visibility "+" "-- " custom-browse-group-tag " " "\n" widget-put zerop "[ ]-- " "-" "-\\ " message "Creating group..." custom-sort-items emacs :custom-prefixes custom-prefix-add :custom-last "   " " | " nil :group custom-unlispify-tag-name :value :children reverse "Creating group...done" links custom-group-link insert-char 32 custom-group-visibility :help-echo "Show members of this group." :action custom-toggle-parent "  " custom-magic :custom-magic 1 :documentation-indent widget-add-documentation-string-button :visibility-widget symbol custom-buffer-style custom-browse-only-groups members doc custom-browse-sort-alphabetically custom-browse-order-groups prefixes custom-prefix-list extra-prefix children entry custom-buffer-indent custom-group-doc-align-col magic p start custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically custom-buffer-order-groups len count reporter have-subtitle prev-type --dolist-tail-- value type sym custom-visibility put-text-property face (:underline t) overlay-put make-overlay before-string propertize (:underline t) display (space :align-to 999) custom-add-parent-links "Parent groups:" " group: " widget-specify-sample " Group definition missing. " 50 "--------" visibility "Hide members of this group." :indent 0 custom-add-see-also make-string make-progress-reporter "Creating group entries..." last custom-group widget-insert progress-reporter-do-update "Subgroups:\n" custom-group-subtitle 10 mapc custom-magic-reset custom-group-state-update progress-reporter-done "\n\n" (:underline t) (:underline t) (space :align-to 999)] 18 (#$ . 113277)])
#@384 Alist of actions for the `custom-group' widget.
Each entry has the form (NAME ACTION FILTER) where NAME is the name of
the menu entry, ACTION is the function to call on the widget when the
menu is selected, and FILTER is a predicate which takes a `custom-group'
widget as an argument, and returns non-nil if ACTION is valid on that
widget.  If FILTER is nil, ACTION is always valid.
(defvar custom-group-menu (byte-code "\302\303\204\n	\205\304\305\204	\205\306#B\207" [custom-file init-file-user ("Set for Current Session" custom-group-set (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'modified))) append (("Save for Future Sessions" custom-group-save (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set))))) (("Undo Edits" custom-group-reset-current (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified)))) ("Revert This Session's Customizations" custom-group-reset-saved (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set))))) (("Erase Customization" custom-group-reset-standard (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set saved)))))] 5) (#$ . 117465))
#@87 Show the menu for `custom-group' WIDGET.
Optional EVENT is the location for the menu.
(defalias 'custom-group-action #[(widget &optional event) "\305\306\"\307=\203
\310!\207\311\312\313\314\305\315\"!P\316\n\"#\211\205&\f!*\207" [widget completion-ignore-case custom-group-menu event answer widget-get :custom-state hidden custom-toggle-hide t widget-choose "Operation on " custom-unlispify-tag-name :value custom-menu-filter] 7 (#$ . 118630)])
#@44 Set changes in all modified group members.
(defalias 'custom-group-set #[(widget) "\303\304\"\305\211\205$\n@\303	\306\"\307=\203\310	\311\"\210\nA\211\204\305*\207" [widget child --dolist-tail-- widget-get :children nil :custom-state modified widget-apply :custom-set] 4 (#$ . 119092)])
#@45 Mark all modified group members for saving.
(defalias 'custom-group-mark-to-save #[(widget) "\303\304\"\305\211\205$\n@\303	\306\"\307>\203\310	\311\"\210\nA\211\204\305*\207" [widget child --dolist-tail-- widget-get :children nil :custom-state (modified set) widget-apply :custom-mark-to-save] 4 (#$ . 119396)])
#@68 Set state of group widget WIDGET and redraw with current settings.
(defalias 'custom-group-state-set-and-redraw #[(widget) "\303\304\"\305\211\205$\n@\303	\306\"\307>\203\310	\311\"\210\nA\211\204\305*\207" [widget child --dolist-tail-- widget-get :children nil :custom-state (modified set) widget-apply :custom-state-set-and-redraw] 4 (#$ . 119725)])
(put 'custom-group-state-set-and-redraw 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@34 Save all modified group members.
(defalias 'custom-group-save #[(widget) "\303!\210\304 \210\305\306\"\307\211\205-\n@\305	\310\"\311>\203%\312	\313\"\210\nA\211\204\307+\207" [widget child --dolist-tail-- custom-group-mark-to-save custom-save-all widget-get :children nil :custom-state (modified set) widget-apply :custom-state-set-and-redraw] 3 (#$ . 120178)])
#@35 Reset all modified group members.
(defalias 'custom-group-reset-current #[(widget) "\303\304\"\305\211\205$\n@\303	\306\"\307=\203\310	\311\"\210\nA\211\204\305*\207" [widget child --dolist-tail-- widget-get :children nil :custom-state modified widget-apply :custom-reset-current] 4 (#$ . 120559)])
#@42 Reset all modified or set group members.
(defalias 'custom-group-reset-saved #[(widget) "\303\304\"\305\211\205$\n@\303	\306\"\307>\203\310	\311\"\210\nA\211\204\305*\207" [widget child --dolist-tail-- widget-get :children nil :custom-state (modified set) widget-apply :custom-reset-saved] 4 (#$ . 120874)])
#@50 Reset all modified, set, or saved group members.
(defalias 'custom-group-reset-standard #[(widget) "\303\304\305\n!\210\306 *\207" [custom-reset-standard-faces-list custom-reset-standard-variables-list widget (t) (t) custom-group-mark-to-reset-standard custom-reset-standard-save-and-update] 2 (#$ . 121198)])
#@58 Mark to reset all modified, set, or saved group members.
(defalias 'custom-group-mark-to-reset-standard #[(widget) "\303\304\"\305\211\205$\n@\303	\306\"\307>\203\310	\311\"\210\nA\211\204\305*\207" [widget child --dolist-tail-- widget-get :children nil :custom-state (modified set saved) widget-apply :custom-mark-to-reset-standard] 4 (#$ . 121516)])
#@15 Update magic.
(defalias 'custom-group-state-update #[(widget) "\306\307\"\310=\204C\306\311\"\312\313	\"\314\f\203<\f@@\211\310=\2045\n>\2035\315\2028\fA)\202\316\307
#\210,\317!\207" [widget children states custom-magic-alist magics found widget-get :custom-state hidden :children mapcar #[(child) "\301\302\"\207" [child widget-get :custom-state] 3] standard nil widget-put custom-magic-reset magic] 5 (#$ . 121884)])
#@1488 File used for storing customization information.
The default is nil, which means to use your init file
as specified by `user-init-file'.  If the value is not nil,
it should be an absolute file name.

You can set this option through Custom, if you carefully read the
last paragraph below.  However, usually it is simpler to write
something like the following in your init file:

(setq custom-file "~/.emacs-custom.el")
(load custom-file)

Note that both lines are necessary: the first line tells Custom to
save all customizations in this file, but does not load it.

When you change this variable outside Custom, look in the
previous custom file (usually your init file) for the
forms `(custom-set-variables ...)'  and `(custom-set-faces ...)',
and copy them (whichever ones you find) to the new custom file.
This will preserve your existing customizations.

If you save this option using Custom, Custom will write all
currently saved customizations, including the new one for this
option itself, into the file you specify, overwriting any
`custom-set-variables' and `custom-set-faces' forms already
present in that file.  It will not delete any customizations from
the old custom file.  You should do that manually if that is what you
want.  You also have to put something like `(load "CUSTOM-FILE")
in your init file, where CUSTOM-FILE is the actual name of the
file.  Otherwise, Emacs will not load the file when it starts up,
and hence will not set `custom-file' to that file either.
(custom-declare-variable 'custom-file nil '(#$ . 122338) :type '(choice (const :tag "Your Emacs init file" nil) (file :format "%t:%v%d" :doc "Please read entire docstring below before setting this through Custom.\nClick on \"More\" (or position point there and press RETURN)\nif only the first line of the docstring is shown.")) :group 'customize)
#@49 Return the file name for saving customizations.
(defalias 'custom-file #[(&optional no-error) "\204
	?\205\303\304!\207\305\n\206!\207" [user-init-file no-error custom-file user-error "Saving settings from \"emacs -q\" would overwrite existing customizations" file-chase-links] 2 (#$ . 124179)])
#@43 Save all customizations in `custom-file'.
(defalias 'custom-save-all #[nil "\204\f	\203\f\306\307!\210\300 \205\310\311\312\300 !!\313Q\fB\314\n!\315r\316
\203B\320 \321\322\n!!\210\323=\204L\323 \210\316\315\211\324 \210\325 \210+\316\326 \210)
\203r\321!\210\327\315!\202u\330p!-\207" [custom-file init-file-had-error filename recentf-mode recentf-exclude old-buffer error "Cannot save customizations; init file was not fully loaded" "\\`" regexp-quote recentf-expand-file-name "\\'" find-buffer-visiting nil t find-file-noselect buffer-file-name set-visited-file-name file-chase-links emacs-lisp-mode custom-save-variables custom-save-faces save-buffer set-buffer-modified-p kill-buffer old-buffer-name find-file-visit-truename major-mode print-level print-length inhibit-read-only file-precious-flag] 4 (#$ . 124488)])
#@60 Save all user options which have been set in this session.
(defalias 'customize-save-customized #[nil "\300\301!\210\302 \207" [mapatoms #[(symbol) "\305N\306N\307N\310N\211\203(\311\312\f#\210\313\314\315\316%\210\311\305\317#\210\203@\311\320#\210\313\321\315\316%\210\311\306\317#\210	\203P\311\322	#\210\311\310\317#\210\n\205_\311\323\n#\210\311\307\317#,\207" [symbol variable-comment face-comment value face customized-face customized-value customized-face-comment customized-variable-comment put saved-face custom-push-theme theme-face user set nil saved-value theme-value saved-variable-comment saved-face-comment] 7] custom-save-all] 2 (#$ . 125368) nil])
#@216 Delete all calls to SYMBOL from the contents of the current buffer.
Leave point at the old location of the first such call,
or (if there were none) at the end of the buffer.

This function does not save the buffer.
(defalias 'custom-save-delete #[(symbol) "eb\210\303\304!\204m\204\212\305\306 !\210)\307\310\311\215\210\203#b\202Dd\312\212db\210\313\314d\315Ze]\316#\210\317\320\307\312#\203@\321 )\nb*)\207" [first case-fold-search pos forward-comment 1 forward-sexp buffer-size nil found (byte-code "\304\305!\204`\306\307\310\217<\203#@\n=\203#	`|\210\204#`*\202" [sexp start symbol first forward-comment 1 nil (byte-code "\300p!\207" [read] 2) ((end-of-file (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\207" [throw found nil] 3)))] 4) t search-backward "\n\f" 3000 move search-forward "Local Variables:" line-beginning-position] 4 (#$ . 126067)])
#@49 Save all customized variables in `custom-file'.
(defalias 'custom-save-variables #[nil "\212\306\307!\210p\310\311\312\"\313\314\315!\210\316	A\317\"n\204 \320\321!\210\320\322!\210	\313\211\203\376\f@\211\323N\242\324N\325N\326!?\205K\327!\206K\330N\331=\332N%&'(&\313)\211\203\206\f@\211)9\203\333)!\204\334\335)\"\210\336)&\"&\fA\211\204a*(\203\224(@\337=\204\243
!\210\320\343!\210-\fA\211\204,*n\203\320\342!\210\320\343!\210\344\321!?\205\320\321!,\207" [sort-fold-case saved-list standard-output symbol --dolist-tail-- comment custom-save-delete custom-set-variables make-list 1 0 nil mapatoms #[(symbol) "\303N\205\304N\203\304N\211@@)\305=\205\nC\244\207" [symbol x saved-list saved-value theme-value user] 3] sort string< princ "\n" "(custom-set-variables\n ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.\n ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.\n ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.\n ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.\n" theme-value saved-value custom-requests custom-variable-p boundp force-value rogue saved-variable-comment featurep message "Unknown requested feature: %s" delq user " '(" prin1 " " ")" looking-at now requests value spec request] 7 (#$ . 126933)])
#@45 Save all customized faces in `custom-file'.
(defalias 'custom-save-faces #[nil "\212\306\307!\210\306\310!\210p\311\312\313\"\314\315\316!\210\317	A\320\"\321	>\203)\321\322\321	\"Bn\2041\323\324!\210\323\325!\210	\314\211\203\301\f@\211\326N\242\327N\330N\206X\331!?\205X\332N??\333N\"#\211$\203o$@\334=\204~
!\210\323\340!\210,\fA\211\204=*n\203\312\323\337!\210\323\340!\210\341\324!?\205\330\323\324!,\207" [sort-fold-case saved-list standard-output symbol --dolist-tail-- comment custom-save-delete custom-reset-faces custom-set-faces make-list 1 0 nil mapatoms #[(symbol) "\302N\205\303N\242@\304=\205	C\244\207" [symbol saved-list saved-face theme-face user] 2] sort string< default delq princ "\n" "(custom-set-faces\n ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.\n ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.\n ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.\n ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.\n" theme-face saved-face face-defface-spec custom-facep force-face saved-face-comment user " '(" prin1 " " ")" looking-at now value spec] 6 (#$ . 128476)])
#@34 Maximum nesting in custom menus.
(custom-declare-variable 'custom-menu-nesting 2 '(#$ . 129799) :type 'integer :group 'custom-menu)
#@69 Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization face SYMBOL.
(defalias 'custom-face-menu-create #[(_widget symbol) "\301\302!\303\304DD\305#\207" [symbol vector custom-unlispify-menu-entry customize-face quote t] 5 (#$ . 129937)])
#@73 Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization variable SYMBOL.
(defalias 'custom-variable-menu-create #[(_widget symbol) "\302N\211<\204\f	C	\203\303	\304\"\203\305	\304#\202*\306\307!\310\311DD\312#)\207" [symbol type custom-type widget-get :custom-menu widget-apply vector custom-unlispify-menu-entry customize-variable quote t] 6 (#$ . 130183)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302N\303\304#\207" [widget-put boolean widget-type :custom-menu #[(_widget symbol) "\301\302!\303\304DD\305\306\307&\207" [symbol vector custom-unlispify-menu-entry customize-variable quote :style toggle :selected] 7]] 4)
#@70 Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization group SYMBOL.
(defalias 'custom-group-menu-create #[(_widget symbol) "\301\302\"\303\304\305\306\307\310\311DDDC\312BBEE\207" [symbol custom-unlispify-menu-entry t :filter lambda (&rest junk) let* menu custom-menu-create quote ((if (consp menu) (cdr menu) menu))] 9 (#$ . 130806)])
#@103 Create menu for customization group SYMBOL.
The menu is in a format applicable to `easy-menu-define'.
(defalias 'custom-menu-create #[(symbol) "\306\307\310	!\311\312	DD\313#\314\303!\203\315Y\203I\316	!\210	\317NG\fW\203I\320	
\"\321	\317N#\310	\313\"\n\322\323\324\"*BBB\202J\n*\207" [deactivate-mark symbol item custom-menu-nesting widget-menu-max-size custom-prefix-list nil vector custom-unlispify-menu-entry customize-group quote t boundp 0 custom-load-symbol custom-group custom-prefix-add custom-sort-items "--" mapcar #[(entry) "\301A@<\203A@\202A@C\302@#\207" [entry widget-apply :custom-menu] 4] custom-menu-sort-alphabetically custom-menu-order-groups members] 6 (#$ . 131152)])
#@220 Return a customize menu for customization group SYMBOL.
If optional NAME is given, use that as the name of the menu.
Otherwise the menu will be named `Customize'.
The format is suitable for use with `easy-menu-define'.
(defalias 'customize-menu-create #[(symbol &optional name) "\204\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311	DDDC\312BBEE\207" [name symbol "Customize" :filter lambda (&rest junk) let menu custom-menu-create quote ((if (consp menu) (cdr menu) menu))] 9 (#$ . 131875)])
#@37 Menu used in customization buffers.
(defvar Custom-mode-menu nil (#$ . 132362))
(byte-code "\303\304	D\305\306\307\310!D\311\312\n\"\244$\207" [custom-mode-map custom-field-keymap custom-commands easy-menu-do-define Custom-mode-menu "Menu used in customization buffers." "Custom" customize-menu-create customize mapcar #[(arg) "@A@\3058\3068\307\f\310\311\n!\312	&,\207" [arg help active command tag 2 3 vector :active eval :help] 7]] 8)
#@36 Keymap for toolbar in Custom mode.
(defvar custom-tool-bar-map nil (#$ . 132817))
#@68 Invoke button at POS, or refuse to allow editing of Custom buffer.
(defalias 'Custom-no-edit #[(_pos &optional _event) "\300\301!\207" [error "You can't edit this part of the Custom buffer"] 2 (#$ . 132905) "@d"])
#@68 Invoke button at POS, or refuse to allow editing of Custom buffer.
(defalias 'Custom-newline #[(pos &optional event) "\304\301\"\211\204\304\305 \301\"\211\203	\211@)\306=\204\307	\203*\310	\"\202-\311\312!)\207" [pos button widget event get-char-property line-beginning-position custom-group-link nil widget-apply-action error "You can't edit this part of the Custom buffer"] 4 (#$ . 133125) "@d"])
#@114 Go to the parent group listed at the top of this buffer.
If several parents are listed, go to the first of them.
(defalias 'Custom-goto-parent #[nil "\212eb\210\302\303\304\305#\205\306`\300\"\307\310\"\227\311	!*)\207" [button parent search-forward "\nParent groups: " nil t get-char-property widget-get :tag customize-group] 4 (#$ . 133546) nil])
#@40 Hook called when entering Custom mode.
(custom-declare-variable 'Custom-mode-hook nil '(#$ . 133906) :type 'hook :group 'custom-buffer)
(defalias 'custom-state-buffer-message #[(widget) "\301\211\302\"\303\"\304=\205\305\306!\207" [widget widget-get :parent :custom-state modified message "To install your edits, invoke [State] and choose the Set operation"] 4])
(defalias 'custom--initialize-widget-variables #[nil "\306\300!\210\307\306\302!\210	\306\304!\210\306\310!\210
\306\311!\210\312	\203A\306\313!\210\314\306\315!\210\314
\306\316!\210\314\306\317!\210\314\320\211\207" [widget-documentation-face custom-button widget-button-face custom-button-pressed widget-button-pressed-face custom-button-mouse make-local-variable custom-documentation widget-mouse-face widget-button-click-moves-point t widget-push-button-prefix "" widget-push-button-suffix widget-link-prefix widget-link-suffix nil custom-raised-buttons show-trailing-whitespace] 2])
(byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203,	@\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210	A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\210\304\312N\204A\307\304\312\313\314!#\210\315\316!\204M\307\316\317\320#\210\305\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias custom-mode-hook Custom-mode-hook nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "23.1" variable-documentation purecopy "Hook run when entering Custom mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it.  (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp Custom-mode-map definition-name Custom-mode] 6)
(defvar Custom-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\305\306!\204\302\306\307\310#\210\300\207" [Custom-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `Custom-mode'." boundp Custom-mode-syntax-table definition-name Custom-mode] 5)
(defvar Custom-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [Custom-mode-syntax-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Syntax table for `Custom-mode'." Custom-mode-abbrev-table definition-name Custom-mode] 5)
(defvar Custom-mode-abbrev-table (progn (define-abbrev-table 'Custom-mode-abbrev-table nil) Custom-mode-abbrev-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [Custom-mode-abbrev-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Abbrev table for `Custom-mode'." Custom-mode derived-mode-parent nil] 5)
#@905 Major mode for editing customization buffers.

The following commands are available:

\<widget-keymap>Move to next button, link or editable field.     \[widget-forward]
Move to previous button, link or editable field. \[widget-backward]
\<custom-field-keymap>Complete content of editable text field.   \[widget-complete]
\<custom-mode-map>Invoke button under the mouse pointer.     \[widget-button-click]
Invoke button under point.                 \[widget-button-press]
Set all options from current text.         \[Custom-set]
Make values in current text permanent.     \[Custom-save]
Make text match actual option values.      \[Custom-reset-current]
Reset options to permanent settings.       \[Custom-reset-saved]
Erase customizations; set options
  and buffer text to the standard values.  \[Custom-reset-standard]

Entry to this mode calls the value of `Custom-mode-hook'
if that value is non-nil.
(defalias 'Custom-mode #[nil "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\313!\210\314\f!\210
\313!\210\315!\210\306\316!\210\206;\317 \320\321 \"\210\211)\306\322!\210\306\323!\210\324 \210\325\326\327\330\307$\210)\331\332!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name Custom-mode-map Custom-mode-syntax-table Custom-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t kill-all-local-variables Custom-mode "Custom" use-local-map set-syntax-table easy-menu-add tool-bar-map make-sparse-keymap mapc #[(arg) "\303A@\3048	\n\305\3068&\207" [arg map custom-mode-map tool-bar-local-item-from-menu 4 :label 5] 8] custom-options custom-local-buffer custom--initialize-widget-variables add-hook widget-edit-functions custom-state-buffer-message nil run-mode-hooks Custom-mode-hook local-abbrev-table custom-mode-map Custom-mode-menu custom-tool-bar-map map custom-commands] 5 (#$ . 136408) nil])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\301\306#\210\307\305\301\310#\210\311\312\313\"\210\314\315!\207" [put Custom-mode mode-class special defalias custom-mode nil make-obsolete "23.1" add-to-list debug-ignored-errors "^Invalid face:? " provide cus-edit] 4)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net