? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/double.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:16 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/double.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\306\307\310\311\304\301\312\313&\210\306\314\315\316\304\301\312\317&\207" [custom-declare-group double nil "Remap keyboard, but get original by typing the same key twice." :group i18n custom-declare-variable double-map '((59 "\346" ";") (39 "\370" "'") (91 "\345" "[") (58 "\306" ":") (34 "\330" "\"") (123 "\305" "{")) "Alist of key translations activated by double mode.\n\nEach entry is a list with three elements:\n1. The key activating the translation.\n2. The string to be inserted when the key is pressed once.\n3. The string to be inserted when the key is pressed twice." :type (repeat (list (character :tag "Key") (string :tag "Once") (string :tag "Twice"))) double-prefix-only t "Non-nil means that Double mode mapping only works for prefix keys.\nThat is, for any key `X' in `double-map', `X' alone will be mapped\nbut not `C-u X' or `ESC X' since the X is not the prefix key." boolean] 8)
(defvar double-last-event nil)
(defalias 'double-read-event #[(prompt) "\203\303 \210	\203\304\305	\n#\210\306 \304\307!\210\207\306 \207" [isearch-mode prompt double-last-event isearch-update message "%s%c" read-event ""] 4])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\"\210\304\300!\204\305\306!\210\307\310\311#\207" [isearch-mode-map global-set-key [ignore] ignore boundp load-library "isearch" define-key [ignore] #[nil "\300 \207" [isearch-update] 1 nil nil]] 4)
(defalias 'double-translate-key #[(prompt) "\n\203\f\306	!\202\201\203\307 G\310V\203\306	!\202\201	\311=\203\\\312\f!\313
\"\314\315 !\210
=\203S\316\317A@GS\320\"\3218\322#\306\320!\202XC\323*\202\201	\324=\203f\325\202\201\313	\"A@	\316\310\326O\327\"\306\330H!))\207" [last-input-event key unread-command-events double-prefix-only prompt double-last-event vector this-command-keys 1 magic-start double-read-event assoc force-window-update selected-window append make-list 127 2 (magic-end) [ignore] magic-end [ignore] nil (magic-start) 0 double-map entry new exp] 4])
#@91 Non-nil if Double mode is enabled.
Use the command `double-mode' to change this variable.
(defvar double-mode nil (#$ . 2568))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'double-mode)
#@340 Toggle special insertion on double keypresses (Double mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Double mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise.  If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Double mode is enabled, some keys will insert different
strings when pressed twice.  See `double-map' for details.
(defalias 'double-mode #[(&optional arg) "\306 	\307=\203\n?\202\310	!\311V\312\304!\210\n\203P\313\304!\210\314 \315\f\"\210\316
\317\"\320\211 \203O @\321\322@!\323#\210 A\211 \2047+\324\325\n\203Z\326\202[\327\"\210\330\331!\203|\306 \203o\306 \232\203|\332\333\n\203y\334\202z\335\"\210)\336 \210\n\207" [#1=#:last-message arg double-mode map key-translation-map double-map current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 kill-local-variable make-local-variable make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent append ((magic-start) (magic-end)) nil define-key vector double-translate-key run-hooks double-mode-hook double-mode-on-hook double-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Double mode %sabled" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update entry --dolist-tail--] 5 (#$ . 2744) (list (or current-prefix-arg 'toggle))])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\300!\205\n\305\211%\210\306\307!\207" [double-mode-map add-minor-mode double-mode " Double" boundp nil provide double] 6)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net