? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

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Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:08:34 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(require 'erc-compat)
#@60 Hashtable mapping server responses to their handler hooks.
(defvar erc-server-responses (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 580))
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\305\301\302\306\307\310!!#\210)\301\207" [file put erc-response\.unparsed compiler-macro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block erc-response\.unparsed (or (and (memq (aref cl-x 0) cl-struct-erc-response-tags)) (error "%s accessing a non-%s" 'erc-response\.unparsed 'erc-response)) (aref cl-x 1)) nil] 7] "/builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el" compiler-macro-file purecopy file-name-nondirectory] 6)
(defalias 'erc-response\.unparsed #[(cl-x) "\302H	>\204\303\304\305\306#\210\307H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-erc-response-tags 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.unparsed erc-response 1] 4])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\305\301\302\306\307\310!!#\210)\301\207" [file put erc-response\.sender compiler-macro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block erc-response\.sender (or (and (memq (aref cl-x 0) cl-struct-erc-response-tags)) (error "%s accessing a non-%s" 'erc-response\.sender 'erc-response)) (aref cl-x 2)) nil] 7] "/builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el" compiler-macro-file purecopy file-name-nondirectory] 6)
(defalias 'erc-response\.sender #[(cl-x) "\302H	>\204\303\304\305\306#\210\307H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-erc-response-tags 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.sender erc-response 2] 4])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\305\301\302\306\307\310!!#\210)\301\207" [file put erc-response\.command compiler-macro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block erc-response\.command (or (and (memq (aref cl-x 0) cl-struct-erc-response-tags)) (error "%s accessing a non-%s" 'erc-response\.command 'erc-response)) (aref cl-x 3)) nil] 7] "/builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el" compiler-macro-file purecopy file-name-nondirectory] 6)
(defalias 'erc-response\.command #[(cl-x) "\302H	>\204\303\304\305\306#\210\307H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-erc-response-tags 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command erc-response 3] 4])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\305\301\302\306\307\310!!#\210)\301\207" [file put erc-response\.command-args compiler-macro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block erc-response\.command-args (or (and (memq (aref cl-x 0) cl-struct-erc-response-tags)) (error "%s accessing a non-%s" 'erc-response\.command-args 'erc-response)) (aref cl-x 4)) nil] 7] "/builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el" compiler-macro-file purecopy file-name-nondirectory] 6)
(defalias 'erc-response\.command-args #[(cl-x) "\302H	>\204\303\304\305\306#\210\307H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-erc-response-tags 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 4])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\305\301\302\306\307\310!!#\210)\301\207" [file put erc-response\.contents compiler-macro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block erc-response\.contents (or (and (memq (aref cl-x 0) cl-struct-erc-response-tags)) (error "%s accessing a non-%s" 'erc-response\.contents 'erc-response)) (aref cl-x 5)) nil] 7] "/builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el" compiler-macro-file purecopy file-name-nondirectory] 6)
(defalias 'erc-response\.contents #[(cl-x) "\302H	>\204\303\304\305\306#\210\307H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-erc-response-tags 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5] 4])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\305\301\302\306\307\310!!#\210)\301\207" [file put erc-response-p compiler-macro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block erc-response-p (and (vectorp cl-x) (>= (length cl-x) 6) (memq (aref cl-x 0) cl-struct-erc-response-tags) t)) nil] 7] "/builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el" compiler-macro-file purecopy file-name-nondirectory] 6)
(defalias 'erc-response-p #[(cl-x) "\302!\205G\303Y\205\304H	>\205\305\207" [cl-x cl-struct-erc-response-tags vectorp 6 0 t] 2])
(defalias 'copy-erc-response #[(x) "\301!\207" [x copy-sequence] 2])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\305\301\302\306\307\310!!#\210)\301\207" [file put make-erc-response compiler-macro #[(cl-whole &rest #1=#:--cl-rest--) "\306>\206\307A@\310>\206\311A@\312>\206\313A@\314>\206%\315A@\316>\206/\317A@\203e@\320>\203LAA\211\2027\321>A@\203[\322\211\2027\323\324@\"\210\2025)\325\326\327\322\322	\n\f
&\n-\207" [#1# unparsed sender command command-args contents :unparsed (nil #2="") :sender (nil #2#) :command (nil #2#) :command-args (nil 'nil) :contents (nil #2#) (:unparsed :sender :command :command-args :contents :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:unparsed :sender :command :command-args :contents)" cl--defsubst-expand (unparsed sender command command-args contents) (cl-block make-erc-response (vector 'cl-struct-erc-response unparsed sender command command-args contents)) #:--cl-keys-- cl-whole] 12 "\n\n(fn CL-WHOLE &cl-quote &key UNPARSED SENDER COMMAND COMMAND-ARGS CONTENTS)"] "/builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/erc/erc-backend.el" compiler-macro-file purecopy file-name-nondirectory] 6)

(defalias 'make-erc-response #[(&rest #1=#:--cl-rest--) "\306>\206\307A@\310>\206\311A@\312>\206\313A@\314>\206%\315A@\316>\206/\317A@\203e@\320>\203LAA\211\2027\321>A@\203[\322\211\2027\323\324@\"\210\2025)\325\326	\n\f
&-\207" [#1# unparsed sender command command-args contents :unparsed (nil #2="") :sender (nil #2#) :command (nil #2#) :command-args (nil nil) :contents (nil #2#) (:unparsed :sender :command :command-args :contents :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:unparsed :sender :command :command-args :contents)" vector cl-struct-erc-response #3=#:--cl-keys--] 8 (#$ . 6085)])
(byte-code "\301C\302\303\304\305#\210\302\303\306\307#\210\302\303\310\311#\210\302\303\312\313#\210\302\314\315\313#\210\302\316\315\313#\210\302\317\315\320#\210\302\321\315\313#\210\302\322\315\313#\210\302\323\315\313#\210\302\324\315\313#\210\302\325\315\313#\207" [cl-struct-erc-response-tags cl-struct-erc-response put erc-response cl-struct-slots ((cl-tag-slot) (unparsed #1="" :type string) (sender #1# :type string) (command #1# :type string) (command-args 'nil :type list) (contents #1# :type string)) cl-struct-type (vector nil) cl-struct-include nil cl-struct-print t make-erc-response side-effect-free copy-erc-response erc-response-p error-free erc-response\.contents erc-response\.command-args erc-response\.command erc-response\.sender erc-response\.unparsed] 4)
#@72 Nickname on the current server.
Use `erc-current-nick' to access this.
(defvar erc-server-current-nick nil (#$ . 7605))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-current-nick)
#@60 The process object of the corresponding server connection.
(defvar erc-server-process nil (#$ . 7785))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-process)
#@54 The server name used to connect to for this session.
(defvar erc-session-server nil (#$ . 7943))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-session-server)
#@69 The function used to connect to this session (nil for the default).
(defvar erc-session-connector nil (#$ . 8095))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-session-connector)
#@30 The port used to connect to.
(defvar erc-session-port nil (#$ . 8268))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-session-port)
#@39 The name the server announced to use.
(defvar erc-server-announced-name nil (#$ . 8392))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-announced-name)
#@44 The name and version of the server's ircd.
(defvar erc-server-version nil (#$ . 8543))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-version)
#@1060 Alist listing the supported server parameters.

This is only set if the server sends 005 messages saying what is
supported on the server.

Entries are of the form:
  (PARAMETER) if no value is provided.

Some examples of possible parameters sent by servers:
CHANMODES=b,k,l,imnpst - list of supported channel modes
CHANNELLEN=50 - maximum length of channel names
CHANTYPES=#&!+ - supported channel prefixes
CHARMAPPING=rfc1459 - character mapping used for nickname and channels
KICKLEN=160 - maximum allowed kick message length
MAXBANS=30 - maximum number of bans per channel
MAXCHANNELS=10 - maximum number of channels allowed to join
NETWORK=EFnet -  the network identifier
NICKLEN=9 - maximum allowed length of nicknames
PREFIX=(ov)@+ - list of channel modes and the user prefixes if user has mode
RFC2812 - server supports RFC 2812 features
SILENCE=10 - supports the SILENCE command, maximum allowed number of entries
TOPICLEN=160 - maximum allowed topic length
WALLCHOPS - supports sending messages to all operators in a channel
(defvar erc-server-parameters nil (#$ . 8687))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-parameters)
#@57 Mapping of server buffers to their specific ping timer.
(defvar erc-server-ping-timer-alist nil (#$ . 9851))
#@210 Non-nil if the current buffer has been used by ERC to establish
an IRC connection.

If you wish to determine whether an IRC connection is currently
active, use the `erc-server-process-alive' function instead.
(defvar erc-server-connected nil (#$ . 9967))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-connected)
#@68 Number of times we have failed to reconnect to the current server.
(defvar erc-server-reconnect-count 0 (#$ . 10279))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-reconnect-count)
#@38 Non-nil if the user requests a quit.
(defvar erc-server-quitting nil (#$ . 10460))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-quitting)
#@97 Non-nil if the user requests an explicit reconnect, and the
current IRC process is still alive.
(defvar erc-server-reconnecting nil (#$ . 10599))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-reconnecting)
#@56 Non-nil if the IRC server failed to respond to a ping.
(defvar erc-server-timed-out nil (#$ . 10805))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-timed-out)
#@63 Non-nil if the user is denied access because of a server ban.
(defvar erc-server-banned nil (#$ . 10964))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-banned)
#@49 Non-nil if the user triggers some server error.
(defvar erc-server-error-occurred nil (#$ . 11124))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-error-occurred)
#@15 Line counter.
(defvar erc-server-lines-sent nil (#$ . 11286))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-lines-sent)
#@91 Last peers used, both sender and receiver.
Those are used for /MSG destination shortcuts.
(defvar erc-server-last-peers '(nil) (#$ . 11406))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-last-peers)
#@65 Time the message was sent.
This is useful for flood protection.
(defvar erc-server-last-sent-time nil (#$ . 11605))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-last-sent-time)
#@67 Time the last ping was sent.
This is useful for flood protection.
(defvar erc-server-last-ping-time nil (#$ . 11783))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-last-ping-time)
#@100 Time the last message was received from the server.
This is useful for detecting hung connections.
(defvar erc-server-last-received-time nil (#$ . 11964))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-last-received-time)
#@86 Calculated server lag time in seconds.
This variable is only set in a server buffer.
(defvar erc-server-lag nil (#$ . 12185))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-lag)
#@71 The data that arrived from the server
but has not been processed yet.
(defvar erc-server-filter-data nil (#$ . 12362))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-filter-data)
#@53 Internal variable used to track duplicate messages.
(defvar erc-server-duplicates (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 12540))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-duplicates)
#@497 Non-nil when we're currently processing a message.

When ERC receives a private message, it sets up a new buffer for
this query.  These in turn, though, do start flyspell. This
involves starting an external process, in which case Emacs will
wait - and when it waits, it does accept other stuff from, say,
network exceptions.  So, if someone sends you two messages
quickly after each other, ispell is started for the first, but
might take long enough for the second message to be processed
(defvar erc-server-processing-p nil (#$ . 12726))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-processing-p)
#@116 When we sent the last message.
See `erc-server-flood-margin' for an explanation of the flood
protection algorithm.
(defvar erc-server-flood-last-message 0 (#$ . 13333))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-flood-last-message)
#@141 The queue of messages waiting to be sent to the server.
See `erc-server-flood-margin' for an explanation of the flood
protection algorithm.
(defvar erc-server-flood-queue nil (#$ . 13569))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-flood-queue)
#@30 The timer to resume sending.
(defvar erc-server-flood-timer nil (#$ . 13817))
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307%\210\310\311\312\313\306\303\314\315&\210\310\316\317\320\306\303\314\321&\210\310\322\323\324\306\303\314\325&\210\310\326\327\330\314\331\306\303&\210\310\332\333\334\306\303\335\336\314\337&	\210\310\340\341\342\306\303\314\343&\210\310\344\304\345\306\303\314\346&\210\310\347\350\351\306\303\314\352&\210\310\353\354\355\314\356\306\303&\210\310\357\360\361\314\331\306\303&\210\310\362\363\364\335\365\314\366\306\303&	\210\310\367\370\371\314\331\306\303&\210\310\372\373\374\314\331\306\303&\210\310\375\376\377\306\303\314\201@&\210\310\201A\201B\201C\306\303\314\201D&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local erc-server-flood-timer custom-declare-group erc-server nil "Parameters for dealing with IRC servers." :group erc custom-declare-variable erc-server-auto-reconnect t "Non-nil means that ERC will attempt to reestablish broken connections.\n\nReconnection will happen automatically for any unexpected disconnection." :type boolean erc-server-reconnect-attempts 2 "The number of times that ERC will attempt to reestablish a\nbroken connection, or t to always attempt to reconnect.\n\nThis only has an effect if `erc-server-auto-reconnect' is non-nil." (choice (const :tag "Always reconnect" t) integer) erc-server-reconnect-timeout 1 "The amount of time, in seconds, that ERC will wait between\nsuccessive reconnect attempts.\n\nIf a key is pressed while ERC is waiting, it will stop waiting." number erc-split-line-length 440 "The maximum length of a single message.\nIf a message exceeds this size, it is broken into multiple ones.\n\nIRC allows for lines up to 512 bytes. Two of them are CR LF.\nAnd a typical message looks like this:\n\n  :nicky!uhuser@host212223.dialin.fnordisp.net PRIVMSG #lazybastards :Hello!\n\nYou can limit here the maximum length of the \"Hello!\" part.\nGood luck." integer erc-coding-system-precedence '(utf-8 undecided) "List of coding systems to be preferred when receiving a string from the server.\nThis will only be consulted if the coding system in\n`erc-server-coding-system' is `undecided'." :version "24.1" (repeat coding-system) erc-server-coding-system (if (and (fboundp 'coding-system-p) (coding-system-p 'undecided) (coding-system-p 'utf-8)) '(utf-8 . undecided) nil) "The default coding system for incoming and outgoing text.\nThis is either a coding system, a cons, a function, or nil.\n\nIf a cons, the encoding system for outgoing text is in the car\nand the decoding system for incoming text is in the cdr. The most\ninteresting use for this is to put `undecided' in the cdr. This\nmeans that `erc-coding-system-precedence' will be consulted, and the\nfirst match there will be used.\n\nIf a function, it is called with the argument `target' and should\nreturn a coding system or a cons as described above.\n\nIf you need to send non-ASCII text to people not using a client that\ndoes decoding on its own, you must tell ERC what encoding to use.\nEmacs cannot guess it, since it does not know what the people on the\nother end of the line are using." (choice (const :tag "None" nil) coding-system (cons (coding-system :tag "encoding" :value utf-8) (coding-system :tag "decoding" :value undecided)) function) erc-encoding-coding-alist "Alist of target regexp and coding-system pairs to use.\nThis overrides `erc-server-coding-system' depending on the\ncurrent target as returned by `erc-default-target'.\n\nExample: If you know that the channel #linux-ru uses the coding-system\n`cyrillic-koi8', then add '(\"#linux-ru\" . cyrillic-koi8) to the\nalist." (repeat (cons (string :tag "Target") coding-system)) erc-server-connect-function 'open-network-stream "Function used to initiate a connection.\nIt should take same arguments as `open-network-stream' does." function erc-server-prevent-duplicates '("301") "Either nil or a list of strings.\nEach string is a IRC message type, like PRIVMSG or NOTICE.\nAll Message types in that list of subjected to duplicate prevention." (choice (const nil) (list string)) erc-server-duplicate-timeout 60 "The time allowed in seconds between duplicate messages.\n\nIf two identical messages arrive within this value of one another, the second\nisn't displayed." erc-server-timestamp-format "%Y-%m-%d %T" "Timestamp format used with server response messages.\nThis string is processed using `format-time-string'." "24.3" string erc-server-flood-margin 10 "A margin on how much excess data we send.\nThe flood protection algorithm of ERC works like the one\ndetailed in RFC 2813, section 5.8 \"Flood control of clients\".\n\n  * If `erc-server-flood-last-message' is less than the current\n    time, set it equal.\n  * While `erc-server-flood-last-message' is less than\n    `erc-server-flood-margin' seconds ahead of the current\n    time, send a message, and increase\n    `erc-server-flood-last-message' by\n    `erc-server-flood-penalty' for each message." erc-server-flood-penalty 3 "How much we penalize a message.\nSee `erc-server-flood-margin' for an explanation of the flood\nprotection algorithm." erc-server-send-ping-interval 30 "Interval of sending pings to the server, in seconds.\nIf this is set to nil, pinging the server is disabled." (choice (const :tag "Disabled" nil) (integer :tag "Seconds")) erc-server-send-ping-timeout 120 "If the time between ping and response is greater than this, reconnect.\nThe time is in seconds.\n\nThis must be greater than or equal to the value for\n`erc-server-send-ping-interval'.\n\nIf this is set to nil, never try to reconnect." (choice (const :tag "Disabled" nil) (integer :tag "Seconds"))] 10)
#@46 This variable holds the periodic ping timer.
(defvar erc-server-ping-handler nil (#$ . 19509))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'erc-server-ping-handler)
#@155 Return a list of lines which are not too long for IRC.
The length is specified in `erc-split-line-length'.

Currently this is called by `erc-send-input'.
(defalias 'erc-split-line #[(longline) "G	W\203\nC\207\304\305!r\nq\210\306\216c\210	\307ed\310\311$\210)\312\313 \314\"+\207" [longline erc-split-line-length #1=#:temp-buffer fill-column generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) fill-region nil t split-string buffer-string "\n"] 5 (#$ . 19665)])
#@31 Upcase the first word in STR.
(defalias 'erc-upcase-first-word #[(str) "\302\303!rq\210\304\216	c\210eb\210\305\306!\210\307 +\207" [#1=#:temp-buffer str generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) upcase-word 1 buffer-string] 2 (#$ . 20197)])
#@96 Set up a timer to periodically ping the current server.
The current buffer is given by BUFFER.
(defalias 'erc-server-setup-periodical-ping #[(buffer) "rq\210	\203\f\304	!\210\n\205\305\306\n\307$	BB\211)\207" [buffer erc-server-ping-handler erc-server-send-ping-interval erc-server-ping-timer-alist erc-cancel-timer run-with-timer 4 erc-server-send-ping] 5 (#$ . 20515)])
#@62 Return non-nil when `erc-server-process' is open or running.
(defalias 'erc-server-process-alive #[nil "\205\301!\205\302!\303>\207" [erc-server-process processp process-status (run open)] 2 (#$ . 20902)])
#@133 Perform the connection and login using the specified SERVER and PORT.
We will store server variables in the buffer given by BUFFER.
(defalias 'erc-server-connect #[(server port buffer) "\306\307\310\311	%\312\313\n\"\210\314\315	#\316	$\317\f!\204\"\320\321!\210\312\322\n\"\210r
q\210\f'\316\211()\316\211*+\316,\323 \211-.-/-0)\3241\3252)\326\327!\203_\327\f\330\"\210\331\f\332\"\210\333\f\334\"\210\335\f
q\210\342 )#\"\210\343=\203\231\344\316\211
\345$\207\346 \207" [server port msg erc-server-connect-function process buffer erc-format-message connect 83 112 message "%s" format "erc-%s-%s" nil processp error "Connection attempt failed" "%s...done" erc-current-time 0 (nil) fboundp set-process-coding-system raw-text set-process-sentinel erc-process-sentinel set-process-filter erc-server-filter-function set-process-buffer "\n\n\n********************************************\n" erc-log-aux login 110 erc-current-nick open-network-stream-nowait erc-display-message "Opening connection..\n" erc-login erc-server-process erc-server-quitting erc-server-reconnecting erc-server-timed-out erc-server-banned erc-server-error-occurred time erc-server-last-sent-time erc-server-last-ping-time erc-server-last-received-time erc-server-lines-sent erc-server-last-peers string erc-log-p] 7 (#$ . 21122)])
#@95 Reestablish the current IRC connection.
Make sure you are in an ERC buffer when running this.
(defalias 'erc-server-reconnect #[nil "\306 \307!\204	\310=\203p\202\311\312!\210rq\210\313 \210\314p!\210\315\211\f\206,\316\317\320&+\207" [buffer major-mode erc-server-last-sent-time erc-server-lines-sent erc-session-connector erc-server-connect-function erc-server-buffer buffer-live-p erc-mode error "Reconnect must be run from an ERC buffer" erc-update-mode-line erc-set-active-buffer 0 open-network-stream erc-open t erc-session-server erc-session-port erc-server-current-nick erc-session-user-full-name erc-session-password] 8 (#$ . 22510)])
#@40 The process filter for the ERC server.
(defalias 'erc-server-filter-function #[(process string) "r\306!q\210\307 \n\203\203\fP\202\f\211\202Z\310\203)\fP\202*\f\205Y\311\312\"\205Y\313\211\224O\313\225GU?\205J\313\225\314O\315
\"\210)\202+))\207" [process erc-server-last-received-time erc-server-processing-p erc-server-filter-data string line process-buffer erc-current-time t string-match "[\n
]+" 0 nil erc-log-irc-protocol erc-parse-server-response] 3 (#$ . 23185)])
#@132 Return non-nil if ERC should attempt to reconnect automatically.
EVENT is the message received from the closed connection process.
(defalias 'erc-server-reconnect-p #[(event) "\2067	\2057\n?\2057?\2057\f\306=\204#\f\250\2057
\fW\2057\n\2041\307\310\"?\2057\307\311\"?\207" [erc-server-reconnecting erc-server-auto-reconnect erc-server-banned erc-server-error-occurred erc-server-reconnect-attempts erc-server-reconnect-count t string-match "^deleted" "^failed with code 111" erc-server-timed-out event] 3 (#$ . 23709)])
(put 'erc-server-reconnect-p 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@77 Called when `erc-process-sentinel-1' has detected an unexpected disconnect.
(defalias 'erc-process-sentinel-2 #[(event buffer) "\306!\204	\307 \207rq\210	\n\206H\205H\f?\205H
?\205H\310=\2046\250\205HW\205H\204C\311\312	\"?\205H\311\313	\"?)\314\315\316p\203X\317\202Y\320$\210\204s\314\315\316p\321\322	&\210\307 \210\323\315!\202w\324\325\326\217*\207" [buffer event erc-server-reconnecting erc-server-auto-reconnect erc-server-banned erc-server-error-occurred buffer-live-p erc-update-mode-line t string-match "^deleted" "^failed with code 111" erc-display-message nil error disconnected disconnected-noreconnect terminated 101 set-buffer-modified-p err (byte-code "\302\303 \210\304\211\207" [erc-server-reconnecting erc-server-reconnect-count nil erc-server-reconnect 0] 2) ((error (byte-code "\305!\205*q\210	\250\203\nT\202\306\307\310\311#\210\247\203'\312\313\314\f%\207\315\316!\207" [buffer erc-server-reconnect-attempts erc-server-reconnect-count erc-server-reconnect-timeout event buffer-live-p message "%s ... %s" "Reconnecting until we succeed" "kill the ERC server buffer to stop" run-at-time nil erc-process-sentinel-2 error "`erc-server-reconnect-timeout` must be a number"] 6))) erc-server-reconnect-attempts erc-server-reconnect-count erc-server-timed-out reconnect-p] 7 (#$ . 24325)])
#@202 Called when `erc-process-sentinel' has decided that we're disconnecting.
Determine whether user has quit or whether erc has been terminated.
Conditionally try to reconnect and take appropriate action.
(defalias 'erc-process-sentinel-1 #[(event buffer) "rq\210	\203 \304\305\306p\307$\210\310 \210\311\305!\210\n\205$\312p!\202$\313\")\207" [buffer erc-server-quitting erc-kill-server-buffer-on-quit event erc-display-message nil error finished erc-update-mode-line set-buffer-modified-p kill-buffer erc-process-sentinel-2] 5 (#$ . 25687)])
#@36 Sentinel function for ERC process.
(defalias 'erc-process-sentinel #[(cproc event) "\306!\307	!\205or	q\210\310\311\312!\n%
\203 \313\f!\210)\314\315\n\"\203-\316 \202n\317\320\321\322\"\"\210*\203K\323!\210\317\324\325\326 \327 \330$\210\331 !\206\\db\210\332y\210\333`d\"\210`d|\210\334\n	\"))\207" [cproc buf event erc-server-quitting string erc-log-p process-buffer buffer-live-p format "SENTINEL: proc: %S	 status: %S  event: %S (quitting: %S)" process-status erc-log-aux string-match "^open" erc-login nil mapcar #[(buffer) "rq\210\302\211)\207" [buffer erc-server-connected nil] 2] erc-buffer-list erc-cancel-timer run-hook-with-args erc-disconnected-hook erc-current-nick system-name "" marker-position 0 erc-remove-text-properties-region erc-process-sentinel-1 #1=#:pro #2=#:pre erc-server-ping-handler erc-input-marker] 7 (#$ . 26239)])
#@145 Return the coding system or cons cell appropriate for TARGET.
This is determined via `erc-encoding-coding-alist' or
(defalias 'erc-coding-system-for-target #[(target) "\204\303 \203\304\305\306\215)\206!\307\n!\203 \n!\206!\n\207" [target case-fold-search erc-server-coding-system erc-default-target t match (byte-code "\304\211\205!\n@\305	@\"\203\306\307	A\"\210\nA\211\204\304*\207" [erc-encoding-coding-alist pat --dolist-tail-- target nil string-match throw match] 4) functionp] 2 (#$ . 27123)])
#@144 Decode STR as appropriate for TARGET.
This is indicated by `erc-encoding-coding-alist', defaulting to the value of
(defalias 'erc-decode-string-from-target #[(str target) ";\204\306\307	!\211:\203\nA\n\310=\203;\311!\f\2033\f@
>\2043\f\211A@\210\202\f\203:\f@*\312\n\")\207" [str target coding erc-coding-system-precedence precedence codings "" erc-coding-system-for-target undecided detect-coding-string erc-decode-coding-string] 4 (#$ . 27682)])
#@105 Send TEXT to the current server.  Wrapping and flood control apply.
Use DISPLAY-FN to show the results.
(defalias 'erc-send-line #[(text display-fn) "\301\302\303!\"\207" [text mapc #[(line) "\302!\210	 \207" [line display-fn erc-server-send] 2] erc-split-line] 4 (#$ . 28186)])
#@393 Send STRING to the current server.
If FORCEP is non-nil, no flood protection is done - the string is
sent directly. This might cause the messages to arrive in a wrong

If TARGET is specified, look up encoding information for that
channel in `erc-encoding-coding-alist' or

See `erc-server-flood-margin' for an explanation of the flood
protection algorithm.
(defalias 'erc-server-send #[(string &optional forcep target) "\306\307\310 \311\260	\203\312!\210)\313 \314!\211:\203!\f@\315 \203g\316 \317
q\210\320P\203R\\\321\322\"\210\323\324\325\217\210\202a\326 \fBC\" \327p!\210*\330)\202l\331\332!\210\333)\207" [string erc-log-p erc-server-last-sent-time target encoding #1=#:buffer "erc-server-send: " "(" buffer-name ")" erc-log-aux erc-current-time erc-coding-system-for-target erc-server-process-alive erc-server-buffer buffer-live-p "
\n" erc-log-irc-protocol outbound err (byte-code "\303\304!\203\f\304\305	#\210\306\n\"\207" [erc-server-process encoding str fboundp set-process-coding-system raw-text process-send-string] 4) ((error)) append erc-server-send-queue t message "ERC: No process running" nil str forcep erc-server-flood-penalty erc-server-flood-last-message erc-server-flood-queue] 6 (#$ . 28474)])
#@101 Send a ping to the IRC server buffer in BUF.
Additionally, detect whether the IRC process has hung.
(defalias 'erc-server-send-ping #[(buf) "\306!\203)rq\210	\203 \307\310 \n\"	V\203 \311\312\f!\202'\313\314\315\310 \"!)\207
\236\211\205<\316A!\210\317\241)\207" [buf erc-server-send-ping-timeout erc-server-last-received-time erc-server-timed-out erc-server-process erc-server-ping-timer-alist buffer-live-p erc-time-diff erc-current-time t delete-process erc-server-send format "PING %.0f" erc-cancel-timer nil timer] 5 (#$ . 29781)])
#@128 Send messages in `erc-server-flood-queue'.
See `erc-server-flood-margin' for an explanation of the flood
protection algorithm.
(defalias 'erc-server-send-queue #[(buffer) "rq\210\306 \n\203\307\n!\210\310	W\203	\f\203j	
\\W\203j\f\211@@)\f\211@A)\fA\\\311\312\"\210\313\314\315!\316\260\203[\317!\210)\320 \203f\321\322\323\217\210*\202\f\205y\324\325\\\310\326$\211*\207" [buffer now erc-server-flood-timer erc-server-flood-last-message erc-server-flood-queue erc-server-flood-margin erc-current-time erc-cancel-timer nil erc-log-irc-protocol outbound "erc-server-send-queue: " "(" buffer-name ")" erc-log-aux erc-server-process-alive err (byte-code "\303\304!\203\f\304\305	#\210\306\n\"\207" [erc-server-process encoding msg fboundp set-process-coding-system raw-text process-send-string] 4) ((error)) run-at-time 0.2 erc-server-send-queue x encoding msg erc-server-flood-penalty string erc-log-p] 6 (#$ . 30340)])
#@262 Send LINE to the server as a privmsg or a notice.
MESSAGE-COMMAND should be either "PRIVMSG" or "NOTICE".
If the target is ",", the last person you've got a message from will
be used. If the target is ".", the last person you've sent a message
to will be used.
(defalias 'erc-message #[(message-command line &optional force) "\306\307\"\203o\310\311\"\310\312\"\313\314\n	$
\203 \315\f!\210)\n\316\230\2039@\2034@\202N\317\202N\n\320\230\203NA\203LA\202N\317\n\203e\n\241\210\321\313\322\n	$\"\210\202l\323\317\324p\325$\210*\326\207\317\207" [line s tgt message-command string erc-log-p string-match "^\\s-*\\(\\S-+\\) ?\\(.*\\)" match-string 1 2 format "cmd: MSG(%s): [%s] %s" erc-log-aux "," nil "." erc-server-send "%s %s :%s" erc-display-message error no-target t erc-server-last-peers force] 6 (#$ . 31314)])
#@161 Send CTCP message L to TGT.

If TGT is nil the message is not sent.
The command must contain neither a prefix nor a trailing `\n'.

See also `erc-server-send'.
(defalias 'erc-send-ctcp-message #[(tgt l &optional force) "\305!	\205\306\307	#\203\310\n!\210)\311\306\312	#\f\")\207" [l tgt string erc-log-p force erc-upcase-first-word format "erc-send-CTCP-message: [%s] %s" erc-log-aux erc-server-send "PRIVMSG %s :%s"] 5 (#$ . 32171)])
#@160 Send CTCP notice L to TGT.

If TGT is nil the message is not sent.
The command must contain neither a prefix nor a trailing `\n'.

See also `erc-server-send'.
(defalias 'erc-send-ctcp-notice #[(tgt l &optional force) "\305!	\205\306\307	#\203\310\n!\210)\311\306\312	#\f\")\207" [l tgt string erc-log-p force erc-upcase-first-word format "erc-send-CTCP-notice: [%s] %s" erc-log-aux erc-server-send "NOTICE %s :%s"] 5 (#$ . 32626)])
#@194 Parse and act upon a complete line from an IRC server.
PROC is the process (connection) from which STRING was received.
PROCs `process-buffer' is `current-buffer' when this function is called.
(defalias 'erc-parse-server-response #[(proc string) "\306\230?\205O\307 \310\216\311H\312=\203\313\314\"\202\311\315\316\306\211\317\306&\n\311H\f>\2045\320\321\322\323#\210\n\211\324\311=\203D\202H\325OI\210)\n\311H\f>\204Y\320\321\326\323#\210\n\211 \327\313\330#!\313\314!#\211\"\205w\313\330\"#!\"O*I\210)\203\315H\312=\204\315!\313\314!#\211\"\205\243\313\330\"#!\"O*#\n\311H\f>\204\273\320\321\331\323#\210\n\211$\332#$\332HBI\210*\202\202\203\365T\317O%\n\311H\f>\204\346\320\321\331\323#\210\n\211&\332%&\332HBI\210*\n\311H\f>\204\320\321\333\323#\210\n\211'\334\n\311H\f>\204\320\321\331\323#\210\n\332H@I\210)\n\311H\f>\204+\320\321\331\323#\210\n\211(\332\n\311H\f>\204>\320\321\331\323#\210\n\332H\237I\210)\335\n!\210\336)\n\",\207" [string save-match-data-internal msg posn cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:v "" match-data ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) 0 58 string-match " " vector cl-struct-erc-response nil error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.sender erc-response 2 1 erc-response\.command 3 "[^ \n]" erc-response\.command-args 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-decode-parsed-server-response erc-handle-parsed-server-response erc-session-server #2=#:v bposn eposn #3=#:v #4=#:v str #5=#:v #6=#:v #7=#:v proc] 9 (#$ . 33077)])
#@257 Decode a pre-parsed PARSED-RESPONSE before it can be handled.

If there is a channel name in `erc-response.command-args', decode
`erc-response' according to this channel name and
`erc-encoding-coding-alist', or use `erc-server-coding-system'
for decoding.
(defalias 'erc-decode-parsed-server-response #[(parsed-response) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\314\211\211\314\211\2035@\315\316
A\211\204\314*;\203B\317\314\"\306H	>\204P\307\310\320\312#\210\211\321\317\306H	>\204d\307\310\320\312#\210\321H\"I\210)\306H	>\204z\307\310\322\312#\210\211\323\317\306H	>\204\216\307\310\322\312#\210\323H\"I\210)\306H	>\204\244\307\310\324\312#\210\211\325\317\306H	>\204\270\307\310\324\312#\210\325H\"I\210)\f\237\314\211\203\336@\317
\"\nBA\211\204\312\314*\306H	>\204\357\307\310\311\312#\210\211\313\nI\210)\306H	>\204\307\310\326\312#\210\211\327\317\306H	>\204\307\310\326\312#\210\327H\"I,\207" [parsed-response cl-struct-erc-response-tags decoded-args decode-target args arg 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 nil string-match "^[#&].*" erc-decode-string-from-target erc-response\.unparsed 1 erc-response\.sender 2 erc-response\.command 3 erc-response\.contents 5 --dolist-tail-- #1=#:v #2=#:v #3=#:v #4=#:v #5=#:v] 8 (#$ . 34658)])
#@104 Handle a pre-parsed PARSED-RESPONSE from PROCESS.

Hands off to helper functions via `erc-call-hooks'.
(defalias 'erc-handle-parsed-server-response #[(process parsed-response) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\n\235\203F\306H	>\204$\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\f\"\2060\306\317 
ZW\203>\320\"\210\321\317 \f#)\207\320\"\207" [parsed-response cl-struct-erc-response-tags erc-server-prevent-duplicates m erc-server-duplicates erc-server-duplicate-timeout 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command erc-response 3 erc-response\.unparsed 1 gethash erc-current-time erc-call-hooks puthash process] 4 (#$ . 36036)])
#@85 Return the hook variable associated with COMMAND.

See also `erc-server-responses'.
(defalias 'erc-get-hook #[(command) "\302\303\247\203\304\202\f\305\"	\"\207" [command erc-server-responses gethash format "%03i" "%s"] 4 (#$ . 36689)])
#@113 Call hooks associated with MESSAGE in PROCESS.

Finds hooks by looking in the `erc-server-responses' hashtable.
(defalias 'erc-call-hooks #[(process message) "\305\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H!\206\314\315\n#\210\316 \317\f!\2051r\fq\210\320\321\322 \")*\207" [message cl-struct-erc-response-tags hook process #1=#:buffer erc-get-hook 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command erc-response 3 erc-default-server-functions run-hook-with-args-until-success erc-server-buffer buffer-live-p run-hook-with-args erc-timer-hook erc-current-time] 5 (#$ . 36938)])
(add-hook 'erc-default-server-functions 'erc-handle-unknown-server-response)
#@44 Display unknown server response's message.
(defalias 'erc-handle-unknown-server-response #[(proc parsed) "\304H	>\204\305\306\307\310#\210\311H\312\304H	>\204 \305\306\313\310#\210\314H\312\315\316\304H	>\2044\305\306\317\310#\210\320H\312#\260\321\322\n$)\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags line proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.sender erc-response 2 " " erc-response\.command 3 mapconcat identity erc-response\.command-args 4 erc-display-message notice] 10 (#$ . 37607)])
(put 'define-erc-response-handler 'edebug-form-spec '(&define :name erc-response-handler (name &rest name) &optional sexp sexp def-body))
#@2886 Define an ERC handler hook/function pair.
NAME is the response name as sent by the server (see the IRC RFC for

This creates:
 - a hook variable `erc-server-NAME-functions' initialized to `erc-server-NAME'.
 - a function `erc-server-NAME' with body FN-BODY.

If ALIASES is non-nil, each alias in ALIASES is `defalias'ed to
Alias hook variables are created as `erc-server-ALIAS-functions' and
initialized to the same default value as `erc-server-NAME-functions'.

FN-BODY is the body of `erc-server-NAME' it may refer to the two
function arguments PROC and PARSED.

If EXTRA-FN-DOC is non-nil, it is inserted at the beginning of the
defined function's docstring.

If EXTRA-VAR-DOC is non-nil, it is inserted at the beginning of the
defined variable's docstring.

As an example:

  (define-erc-response-handler (311 WHOIS WI)
    "Some non-generic function documentation."
    "Some non-generic variable documentation."
    (do-stuff-with-whois proc parsed))

Would expand to:

      (defvar erc-server-311-functions 'erc-server-311
        "Some non-generic variable documentation.

  Hook called upon receiving a 311 server response.
  Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
  with the response and the parsed response.
  See also `erc-server-311'.")

      (defun erc-server-311 (proc parsed)
        "Some non-generic function documentation.

  Handler for a 311 server response.
  PROC is the server process which returned the response.
  PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
  If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
  add things to `erc-server-311-functions' instead."
        (do-stuff-with-whois proc parsed))

    (puthash "311" 'erc-server-311-functions erc-server-responses)
    (puthash "WHOIS" 'erc-server-WHOIS-functions erc-server-responses)
    (puthash "WI" 'erc-server-WI-functions erc-server-responses)

    (defalias 'erc-server-WHOIS 'erc-server-311)
    (defvar erc-server-WHOIS-functions 'erc-server-311
      "Some non-generic variable documentation.

  Hook called upon receiving a WHOIS server response.

  Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
  with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
  non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

  See also `erc-server-311'.")

    (defalias 'erc-server-WI 'erc-server-311)
    (defvar erc-server-WI-functions 'erc-server-311
      "Some non-generic variable documentation.

  Hook called upon receiving a WI server response.
  Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
  with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
  non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

  See also `erc-server-311'."))

(fn (NAME &rest ALIASES) &optional EXTRA-FN-DOC EXTRA-VAR-DOC &rest FN-BODY)
(defalias 'define-erc-response-handler '(macro . #[(&rest fn-body) "\203\f\211A@\202\306\307\310GD\"\211\203 	\211A@\202'\306\307\310	GD\"\211A@\211A@\n\247\203@\311\312\313\n\"!\314\315	\"\311\312\316\n\"!\311\312\317\n\"!#\312\320\f\203`\f\321P\202a\322##$\312\323\203r\321P\202s\322\n
$%	&\324\211'(&:\203\241&@'\311\312\317'\"!(B(&A\211&\202\203(\237+)	*\324\211'+*:\203\320*@'\311\312\316'\"!+B+*A\211*\202\262+\237+,\325\326
D\334\327\nDF\335\n	B-\324.
,B/\324\21101-:\203L-@./:\203L/@0\336\312\337.\"\3270D\340BBB1B1-A-/A/\2021\237-)2\3243,4\3240	5\324\211672:\203\3032@34:\203\3034@05:\203\3035@6\341\3273D\327#DE\3260\327#D\312$6\"F\332\3270D\342\327
DFE\2377\24472A24A45A5\202g7\237.\".\nBBBBB\207" [fn-body aliases name extra-fn-doc extra-var-doc hook-name signal wrong-number-of-arguments define-erc-response-handler intern format "%03i" mapcar #[(a) "\247\203\n\301\302\"\207\207" [a format "%03i"] 3] "erc-server-%s-functions" "erc-server-%s" "%sHook called upon receiving a %%s server response.\nEach function is called with two arguments, the process associated\nwith the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns\nnon-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.\n\nSee also `%s'." "\n\n" "" "%sHandler for a %s server response.\nPROC is the server process which returned the response.\nPARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.\nIf you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather\nadd things to `%s' instead." nil prog2 defvar quote defun (proc parsed) put 'definition-name 'definition-name append puthash "%s" (erc-server-responses) defalias 'definition-name fn-name hook-doc fn-doc #1=#:--cl-var-- alias #2=#:--cl-var-- fn-alternates #3=#:--cl-var-- #4=#:--cl-var-- var-alternates #5=#:--cl-var-- response #6=#:--cl-var-- var #7=#:--cl-var-- #8=#:--cl-var-- fn #9=#:--cl-var-- #10=#:--cl-var-- a #11=#:--cl-var--] 15 (#$ . 38265)]))
#@275 Hook called upon receiving a ERROR server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-ERROR'.
(defvar erc-server-ERROR-functions 'erc-server-ERROR (#$ . 43266))
#@315 Handle an ERROR command from the server.

Handler for a ERROR server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-ERROR-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-ERROR #[(proc parsed) "\303\304	\305\306\307\310	\311H\n>\204\305\312\313\314#\210	\315H\316	\311H\n>\204(\305\312\317\314#\210	\320H&\207" [erc-server-error-occurred parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags t erc-display-message error nil ERROR 115 0 "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.sender erc-response 2 99 erc-response\.contents 5] 12 (#$ . 43614)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-ERROR definition-name ERROR erc-server-ERROR-functions puthash "ERROR"] 4)
#@277 Hook called upon receiving a INVITE server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-INVITE'.
(defvar erc-server-INVITE-functions 'erc-server-INVITE (#$ . 44501))
#@304 Handle invitation messages.

Handler for a INVITE server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-INVITE-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-INVITE #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H@\306H	>\204 \307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\306H	>\2044\307\310\317\312#\210\320H!\211@\fA@\320\f8\n\321 \230\205a\322\323\324\325\326
\327\330\331\n&\f.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags chnl target #1=#:--cl-var-- nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 erc-current-nick erc-display-message notice active INVITE 110 117 104 99 login host erc-invitation] 14 (#$ . 44853)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-INVITE definition-name INVITE erc-server-INVITE-functions puthash "INVITE"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a JOIN server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-JOIN'.
(defvar erc-server-JOIN-functions 'erc-server-JOIN (#$ . 45947))
#@294 Handle join messages.

Handler for a JOIN server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-JOIN-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-JOIN #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\314\315\306H	>\204#\307\310\316\312#\210\317H!\211@\fA@-\317\f8.\320\321\"\203A\322\323\"\212\324
1\314\211C2&	\211\203l\nq\210\326!\210\327\330\331\"!\210345\3323!\2033\202\2405\206\215\3332!\205\215263\205\2376\205\237\33436\")7\3357!\203\262r7q\210\336 \210)+\337 \210\340\341!\210\342\343\344\345#!\202\332\3344\"\342\343\346\347
\350-\351.\345&	!8\n\203\343\nq\210\352
\211\353\314\211.-&\210\354\314\n8$.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags buffer chnl #1=#:--cl-var-- nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 nil erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 string-match "^\\(.*\\)?.*$" match-string 1 erc-current-nick-p erc-open erc-add-default-channel erc-server-send format "MODE %s" bufferp processp erc-get-buffer buffer-live-p erc-channel-begin-receiving-names erc-update-mode-line run-hooks erc-join-hook erc-make-notice erc-format-message JOIN-you 99 JOIN 110 117 104 erc-update-channel-member t erc-display-message login host erc-session-server erc-session-port erc-session-user-full-name erc-server-process #2=#:target proc #3=#:process #4=#:proc #5=#:buf str] 12 (#$ . 46291)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-JOIN definition-name JOIN erc-server-JOIN-functions puthash "JOIN"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a KICK server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-KICK'.
(defvar erc-server-KICK-functions 'erc-server-KICK (#$ . 48070))
#@319 Handle kick messages received from the server.

Handler for a KICK server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-KICK-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-KICK #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H@\306H	>\204!\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\314\306H	>\2049\307\310\315\312#\210\316H!\317\n)\"*\320\306H	>\204T\307\310\321\312#\210\322H!\211+@,+A@-\322+8.\323*\f\"\210\f\324 \230\203\347\325\326*\327\330,\331-\332.\333\n\334
&\210\335\336*\"\210*/\3370\340/!\203\246/\202\3070\206\264\3411!\205\26412/\205\3062\205\306\317/2\")3\3423!\203\331r3q\210\343 \210)+\344\n*\"\210\345*!\202,\324 \230\203\325\326*\346\347\f\333\n\334
&.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags ch x tgt reason 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-trim-string erc-response\.contents 5 erc-get-buffer erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 erc-remove-channel-member erc-current-nick erc-display-message notice KICK-you 110 117 104 99 114 run-hook-with-args erc-kick-hook nil bufferp processp buffer-live-p erc-remove-channel-users erc-delete-default-channel erc-update-mode-line KICK-by-you 107 KICK proc buffer #1=#:--cl-var-- nick login host #2=#:target #3=#:process erc-server-process #4=#:proc #5=#:buf] 18 (#$ . 48414)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-KICK definition-name KICK erc-server-KICK-functions puthash "KICK"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a MODE server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MODE'.
(defvar erc-server-MODE-functions 'erc-server-MODE (#$ . 50176))
#@300 Handle server mode changes.

Handler for a MODE server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-MODE-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-MODE #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H@\314\315\306H	>\204\"\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\316#\317\306H	>\2049\307\310\320\312#\210\321H!\211@\fA@&\321\f8'\322\323
\n$()\203]\324(!\210)\325!\203l\326*\"\202\204\327 \230\203w\330\202\204\331 \203\201\331 \202\204\326!+r+\206\215pq\210\332\n
\343&\344'\340\341\n&\210)\345*\".\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags mode tgt #1=#:--cl-var-- nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 mapconcat identity " " erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 format "MODE: %s -> %s: %s" erc-log-aux erc-channel-p erc-get-buffer erc-current-nick nil erc-active-buffer erc-update-modes "" erc-display-message notice MODE-nick 110 116 109 MODE 117 104 erc-banlist-update login host string erc-log-p proc buf] 16 (#$ . 50520)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-MODE definition-name MODE erc-server-MODE-functions puthash "MODE"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a NICK server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-NICK'.
(defvar erc-server-NICK-functions 'erc-server-NICK (#$ . 52004))
#@301 Handle nick change messages.

Handler for a NICK server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-NICK-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-NICK #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\314\315\306H	>\204#\307\310\316\312#\210\317H!\211@\fA@'\317\f8(\320
\327 \230\203\230\330\302\331 \"\210\332!\210\333 \210\306,-:\203-\202\202-C.\334\335\n\336\337
\345'\346(\340&\f.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags bufs nn #1=#:--cl-var-- nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 nil erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 erc-buffer-list-with-nick format "NICK: %s -> %s" erc-log-aux erc-buffer-filter #[nil "\303 \232\205	\nAB\304	\305\"\210\306 \210\307\310p\"\207" [nick nn erc-default-recipients erc-default-target rename-buffer t erc-update-mode-line add-to-list bufs] 3] erc-update-user-nick erc-current-nick add-to-list erc-server-buffer erc-set-current-nick erc-update-mode-line erc-display-message notice NICK-you 110 78 run-hook-with-args erc-nick-changed-functions erc-handle-user-status-change NICK 117 104 login host proc string erc-log-p erc-nick-change-attempt-count erc-nick erc-default-nicks] 14 (#$ . 52348)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-NICK definition-name NICK erc-server-NICK-functions puthash "NICK"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a PART server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-PART'.
(defvar erc-server-PART-functions 'erc-server-PART (#$ . 54071))
#@294 Handle part messages.

Handler for a PART server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-PART-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-PART #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H@\314\306H	>\204\"\307\310\315\312#\210\316H!\317\n\f\"\320\306H	>\204;\307\310\321\312#\210\322H!\211(@)(A@*\322(8+\323
\326\327)\330*\331+\332\n\333\206m\334&\210)\335 \230\205\324\336\337
,\340-\341,!\203\217,\202\260-\206\235\342.!\205\235./,\205\257/\205\257\317,/\")0\3430!\203\302r0q\210\344 \210)+\345\n
!.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags chnl reason proc buffer 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-trim-string erc-response\.contents 5 erc-get-buffer erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 erc-remove-channel-member erc-display-message notice PART 110 117 104 99 114 "" erc-current-nick run-hook-with-args erc-part-hook nil bufferp processp buffer-live-p erc-remove-channel-users erc-delete-default-channel erc-update-mode-line kill-buffer #1=#:--cl-var-- nick login host #2=#:target #3=#:process erc-server-process #4=#:proc #5=#:buf erc-kill-buffer-on-part] 16 (#$ . 54415)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-PART definition-name PART erc-server-PART-functions puthash "PART"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a PING server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-PING'.
(defvar erc-server-PING-functions 'erc-server-PING (#$ . 56021))
#@294 Handle ping messages.

Handler for a PING server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-PING-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-PING #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H@\314\315\n\"\f\203 \316!\210)\317\314\320\n\"\321\"\210
\203=\322\307\323\324\325\326 \"&\210\326 \211)\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags pinger string erc-log-p erc-verbose-server-ping 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 format "PING: %s" erc-log-aux erc-server-send "PONG :%s" t erc-display-message PING 115 erc-time-diff erc-current-time proc erc-server-last-ping-time] 9 (#$ . 56365)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-PING definition-name PING erc-server-PING-functions puthash "PING"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a PONG server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-PONG'.
(defvar erc-server-PONG-functions 'erc-server-PONG (#$ . 57381))
#@294 Handle pong messages.

Handler for a PONG server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-PONG-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-PONG #[(proc parsed) "\306\307H	>\204\310\311\312\313#\210\314H!\211\307V\205O\315\n\316 \"\f\203M\317\320
\321\322\307H	>\2048\310\311\323\313#\210\324H@\325\326\327U\204I\330\202J\331&\n\210\332 )\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags time erc-server-lag erc-verbose-server-ping proc string-to-number 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 erc-time-diff erc-current-time erc-display-message notice PONG 104 erc-response\.command-args 4 105 115 1 "s" "" erc-update-mode-line] 13 (#$ . 57725)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-PONG definition-name PONG erc-server-PONG-functions puthash "PONG"] 4)
#@279 Hook called upon receiving a PRIVMSG server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-PRIVMSG'.
(defvar erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions 'erc-server-PRIVMSG (#$ . 58774))
#@335 Handle private messages, including messages in channels.

Handler for a PRIVMSG server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-PRIVMSG #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\306H	>\204\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\306H	>\2040\307\310\316\312#\210\317H@\306H	>\204B\307\310\320\312#\210\321H\322
!\211/@0/A@1\313/82\f\327\2303\f\330\2304\331!5\332\21167\3328\306H	>\204\241\307\310\320\312#\210\2119\321\nI\210)\3335\203\2650\202\266-\"\2117\203\374r7q\210\3345\203\3170\202\3200\2115\332\21121\332\211\335&\21000\336\3370!:\");<;@;A\"8*\340\n!\203*3\203\341-012%\202%\342-012\343\344\n\"&6\202R=0\240\210\3458\20680\n7\205G\3467!\205G>?\205M53$66\203\2034\203z5\203z\347\350670%\210\351\352670%\210\202\203\353\33276$\210\f\327\230\205\216\354-\".\n,\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags msg tgt cmd sender-spec 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.sender erc-response 2 erc-response\.command 3 erc-response\.command-args 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-ignored-user-p erc-ignored-reply-p message "Ignored %s from %s to %s" erc-parse-user "PRIVMSG" "NOTICE" erc-current-nick-p nil erc-get-buffer erc-update-channel-member t gethash erc-downcase erc-is-message-ctcp-p erc-process-ctcp-query erc-process-ctcp-reply match-string 1 erc-format-privmessage erc-query-buffer-p run-hook-with-args erc-echo-notice-always-hook run-hook-with-args-until-success erc-echo-notice-hook erc-display-message erc-auto-query proc erc-minibuffer-ignored sndr nick login host msgp noticep privp s buffer fnick #1=#:v erc-channel-users cdata erc-format-nick-function erc-server-last-peers erc-format-query-as-channel-p] 13 (#$ . 59130)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\210\306\310\311#\210\312\313\302\"\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-PRIVMSG definition-name PRIVMSG erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions puthash "PRIVMSG" "NOTICE" erc-server-NOTICE-functions defalias erc-server-NOTICE] 4)
#@278 Hook called upon receiving a NOTICE server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-PRIVMSG'.
(defvar erc-server-NOTICE-functions 'erc-server-PRIVMSG (#$ . 61478))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\303\305\"\207" [put erc-server-NOTICE-functions definition-name erc-server-PRIVMSG-functions add-hook erc-auto-query] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a QUIT server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-QUIT'.
(defvar erc-server-QUIT-functions 'erc-server-QUIT (#$ . 61991))
#@299 Another user has quit IRC.

Handler for a QUIT server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-QUIT-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-QUIT #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\314\315\306H	>\204#\307\310\316\312#\210\317H!\211@\fA@\317\f8\320
\327\330\331&\f.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags bufs reason #1=#:--cl-var-- nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 nil erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 erc-buffer-list-with-nick erc-remove-user erc-wash-quit-reason erc-display-message notice QUIT 110 117 104 114 login host proc] 14 (#$ . 62335)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-QUIT definition-name QUIT erc-server-QUIT-functions puthash "QUIT"] 4)
#@275 Hook called upon receiving a TOPIC server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-TOPIC'.
(defvar erc-server-TOPIC-functions 'erc-server-TOPIC (#$ . 63388))
#@305 The channel topic has changed.

Handler for a TOPIC server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-TOPIC-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-TOPIC #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H@\314\306H	>\204\"\307\310\315\312#\210\316H!\317\f\320 \"\321\306H	>\204<\307\310\322\312#\210\323H!\211\"@#\"A@$\323\"8%\324\n#\211\325\211\211%$&\210\326\n\327\330#
$\"\210\331\332\333\n&\"\334\335#\336$\337%\340\n\341&.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags ch topic erc-server-timestamp-format time 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-trim-string erc-response\.contents 5 format-time-string current-time erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 erc-update-channel-member nil erc-update-channel-topic format "%s (%s, %s)" erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer TOPIC 110 117 104 99 84 #1=#:--cl-var-- nick login host proc] 16 (#$ . 63736)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-TOPIC definition-name TOPIC erc-server-TOPIC-functions puthash "TOPIC"] 4)
#@279 Hook called upon receiving a WALLOPS server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-WALLOPS'.
(defvar erc-server-WALLOPS-functions 'erc-server-WALLOPS (#$ . 65039))
#@305 Display a WALLOPS message.

Handler for a WALLOPS server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-WALLOPS-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-WALLOPS #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\314\306H	>\204!\307\310\315\312#\210\316H!\211@A@\3168\317\320\321\322\323\f\324\n&-\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags message #1=#:--cl-var-- nick login 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 erc-parse-user erc-response\.sender 2 erc-display-message notice nil WALLOPS 110 109 host] 10 (#$ . 65395)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-WALLOPS definition-name WALLOPS erc-server-WALLOPS-functions puthash "WALLOPS"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 001 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-001'.
(defvar erc-server-001-functions 'erc-server-001 (#$ . 66342))
#@360 Set `erc-server-current-nick' to reflect server settings and display the welcome message.

Handler for a 001 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-001-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-001 #[(proc parsed) "\305\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H@!\210\314 \210\306:\203#\202%C\315\316\317\306H	>\2048\307\310\320\312#\210\321H$\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags erc-nick-change-attempt-count erc-nick erc-default-nicks erc-set-current-nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-update-mode-line erc-display-message notice active erc-response\.contents 5] 8 (#$ . 66682)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-001 definition-name \001 erc-server-001-functions puthash "001"] 4)
#@273 Hook called upon receiving a MOTD server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MOTD'.
(defvar erc-server-MOTD-functions 'erc-server-MOTD (#$ . 67700))
#@313 Display the server's message of the day.

Handler for a MOTD server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-MOTD-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-MOTD #[(proc parsed) "\304 \210\305\306	\203\307\202\n\310H>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H$\207" [parsed erc-server-connected proc cl-struct-erc-response-tags erc-handle-login erc-display-message notice active 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5] 8 (#$ . 68044)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\210\306\310\311#\210\306\312\313#\210\306\314\315#\210\306\316\317#\210\306\320\321#\210\306\322\323#\210\324\325\302\"\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-MOTD definition-name MOTD erc-server-MOTD-functions puthash "MOTD" "002" erc-server-002-functions "003" erc-server-003-functions "371" erc-server-371-functions "372" erc-server-372-functions "374" erc-server-374-functions "375" erc-server-375-functions defalias erc-server-002] 4)
#@272 Hook called upon receiving a 002 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MOTD'.
(defvar erc-server-002-functions 'erc-server-MOTD (#$ . 69211))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-002-functions definition-name erc-server-MOTD-functions defalias erc-server-003 erc-server-MOTD] 4)
#@272 Hook called upon receiving a 003 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MOTD'.
(defvar erc-server-003-functions 'erc-server-MOTD (#$ . 69722))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-003-functions definition-name erc-server-MOTD-functions defalias erc-server-371 erc-server-MOTD] 4)
#@272 Hook called upon receiving a 371 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MOTD'.
(defvar erc-server-371-functions 'erc-server-MOTD (#$ . 70233))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-371-functions definition-name erc-server-MOTD-functions defalias erc-server-372 erc-server-MOTD] 4)
#@272 Hook called upon receiving a 372 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MOTD'.
(defvar erc-server-372-functions 'erc-server-MOTD (#$ . 70744))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-372-functions definition-name erc-server-MOTD-functions defalias erc-server-374 erc-server-MOTD] 4)
#@272 Hook called upon receiving a 374 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MOTD'.
(defvar erc-server-374-functions 'erc-server-MOTD (#$ . 71255))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-374-functions definition-name erc-server-MOTD-functions defalias erc-server-375 erc-server-MOTD] 4)
#@272 Hook called upon receiving a 375 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-MOTD'.
(defvar erc-server-375-functions 'erc-server-MOTD (#$ . 71766))
(put 'erc-server-375-functions 'definition-name 'erc-server-MOTD-functions)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 376 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-376'.
(defvar erc-server-376-functions 'erc-server-376 (#$ . 72184))
#@299 End of MOTD/MOTD is missing.

Handler for a 376 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-376-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-376 #[(proc parsed) "\302	\"\210\303	\"\207" [proc parsed erc-server-MOTD erc-connection-established] 3 (#$ . 72524)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\210\306\310\311#\210\312\313\302\"\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-376 definition-name \376 erc-server-376-functions puthash "376" "422" erc-server-422-functions defalias erc-server-422] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 422 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-376'.
(defvar erc-server-422-functions 'erc-server-376 (#$ . 73242))
(put 'erc-server-422-functions 'definition-name 'erc-server-376-functions)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 004 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-004'.
(defvar erc-server-004-functions 'erc-server-004 (#$ . 73657))
#@307 Display the server's identification.

Handler for a 004 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-004-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-004 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\211\314\315!!\210\316\317\320\321\322\f\323\306H	>\204?\307\310\311\312#\210\313HAAA@\324\306H	>\204U\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\3138)&\f+\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- server-name server-version erc-server-version 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-update-mode-line-buffer process-buffer erc-display-message notice s004 115 118 85 67 erc-server-announced-name proc x] 17 (#$ . 73997)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-004 definition-name \004 erc-server-004-functions puthash "004"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 005 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-005'.
(defvar erc-server-005-functions 'erc-server-005 (#$ . 75063))
#@742 Set the variable `erc-server-parameters' and display the received message.

According to RFC 2812, suggests alternate servers on the network.
Many servers, however, use this code to show which parameters they have set,
for example, the network identifier, maximum allowed topic length, whether
certain commands are accepted and more.  See documentation for
`erc-server-parameters' for more information on the parameters sent.

A server may send more than one 005 message.

Handler for a 005 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-005-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-005 #[(proc parsed) "\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\211\315\310H	>\204\"\311\312\313\314#\210\315HAI)\316#\310H	>\2049\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\203|\310H	>\204M\311\312\313\314#\210\211\315H\f\315\f\315HAI\210)@\317\320
\"B\"\210)\202+\327\330$)\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:v line #2=#:v section mapconcat identity 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 " " string-match "^\\([A-Z]+\\)=\\(.*\\)$\\|^\\([A-Z]+\\)$" add-to-list erc-server-parameters match-string 1 3 2 erc-display-message notice proc] 9 (#$ . 75403)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-005 definition-name \005 erc-server-005-functions puthash "005"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 221 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-221'.
(defvar erc-server-221-functions 'erc-server-221 (#$ . 77009))
#@302 Display the current user modes.

Handler for a 221 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-221-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-221 #[(proc parsed) "\304H	>\204\305\306\307\310#\210\311H@\312\313\304H	>\204#\305\306\307\310#\210\311HA\314#\315\n\"\210\316\317\320\321\322\n\323&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags nick modes 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 mapconcat identity " " erc-set-modes erc-display-message notice active s221 110 109] 9 (#$ . 77349)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-221 definition-name \221 erc-server-221-functions puthash "221"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 252 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-252'.
(defvar erc-server-252-functions 'erc-server-252 (#$ . 78251))
#@314 Display the number of IRC operators online.

Handler for a 252 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-252-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-252 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s252 105 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 78591)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-252 definition-name \252 erc-server-252-functions puthash "252"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 253 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-253'.
(defvar erc-server-253-functions 'erc-server-253 (#$ . 79385))
#@313 Display the number of unknown connections.

Handler for a 253 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-253-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-253 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s253 105 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 79725)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-253 definition-name \253 erc-server-253-functions puthash "253"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 254 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-254'.
(defvar erc-server-254-functions 'erc-server-254 (#$ . 80518))
#@309 Display the number of channels formed.

Handler for a 254 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-254-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-254 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s254 105 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 80858)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-254 definition-name \254 erc-server-254-functions puthash "254"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 250 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-250-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 81647))
#@352 Generic display of server messages as notices.

See `erc-display-server-message'.

Handler for a 250 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-250-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-250 #[(proc parsed) "\302	\"\207" [proc parsed erc-display-server-message] 3 (#$ . 81987)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\210\306\310\311#\210\306\312\313#\210\306\314\315#\210\306\316\317#\210\306\320\321#\210\306\322\323#\210\306\324\325#\210\306\326\327#\210\306\330\331#\210\306\332\333#\210\334\335\302\"\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-250 definition-name \250 erc-server-250-functions puthash "250" "251" erc-server-251-functions "255" erc-server-255-functions "256" erc-server-256-functions "257" erc-server-257-functions "258" erc-server-258-functions "259" erc-server-259-functions "265" erc-server-265-functions "266" erc-server-266-functions "377" erc-server-377-functions "378" erc-server-378-functions defalias erc-server-251] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 251 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-251-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 83171))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-251-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-255 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 255 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-255-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 83678))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-255-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-256 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 256 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-256-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 84185))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-256-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-257 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 257 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-257-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 84692))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-257-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-258 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 258 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-258-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 85199))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-258-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-259 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 259 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-259-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 85706))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-259-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-265 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 265 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-265-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 86213))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-265-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-266 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 266 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-266-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 86720))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-266-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-377 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 377 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-377-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 87227))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-377-functions definition-name erc-server-250-functions defalias erc-server-378 erc-server-250] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 378 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-250'.
(defvar erc-server-378-functions 'erc-server-250 (#$ . 87734))
(put 'erc-server-378-functions 'definition-name 'erc-server-250-functions)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 275 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-275'.
(defvar erc-server-275-functions 'erc-server-275 (#$ . 88149))
#@305 Display secure connection message.

Handler for a 275 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-275-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-275 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\314\n8\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\306H	>\2046\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211AA)\325#&,\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- nick user message 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 2 erc-display-message notice active s275 110 109 mapconcat identity " " x] 15 (#$ . 88489)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-275 definition-name \275 erc-server-275-functions puthash "275"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 290 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-290'.
(defvar erc-server-290-functions 'erc-server-290 (#$ . 89419))
#@305 Handle dancer-ircd CAPAB messages.

Handler for a 290 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-290-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-290 #[(proc parsed) "\300\207" [nil] 1 (#$ . 89759)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-290 definition-name \290 erc-server-290-functions puthash "290"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 301 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-301'.
(defvar erc-server-301-functions 'erc-server-301 (#$ . 90325))
#@283 AWAY notice.

Handler for a 301 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-301-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-301 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)\316\310H	>\204+\311\312\317\314#\210\320H&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s301 110 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 114 erc-response\.contents 5] 13 (#$ . 90665)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-301 definition-name \301 erc-server-301-functions puthash "301"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 303 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-303'.
(defvar erc-server-303-functions 'erc-server-303 (#$ . 91502))
#@281 ISON reply

Handler for a 303 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-303-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-303 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s303 110 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 91842)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-303 definition-name \303 erc-server-303-functions puthash "303"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 305 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-305'.
(defvar erc-server-305-functions 'erc-server-305 (#$ . 92603))
#@292 Return from AWAYness.

Handler for a 305 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-305-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-305 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\"\210\305	\306\307\310\311	\312H\n>\204\313\314\315\316#\210	\317H&\207" [proc parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags erc-process-away nil erc-display-message notice active s305 109 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5] 10 (#$ . 92943)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-305 definition-name \305 erc-server-305-functions puthash "305"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 306 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-306'.
(defvar erc-server-306-functions 'erc-server-306 (#$ . 93743))
#@284 Set AWAYness.

Handler for a 306 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-306-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-306 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\"\210\305	\306\307\310\311	\312H\n>\204\313\314\315\316#\210	\317H&\207" [proc parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags erc-process-away t erc-display-message notice active s306 109 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5] 10 (#$ . 94083)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-306 definition-name \306 erc-server-306-functions puthash "306"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 307 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-307'.
(defvar erc-server-307-functions 'erc-server-307 (#$ . 94873))
#@303 Display nick-identified message.

Handler for a 307 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-307-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-307 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\314\n8\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\306H	>\2046\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211AA)\325#&,\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- nick user message 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 2 erc-display-message notice active s307 110 109 mapconcat identity " " x] 15 (#$ . 95213)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-307 definition-name \307 erc-server-307-functions puthash "307"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 311 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-311'.
(defvar erc-server-311-functions 'erc-server-311 (#$ . 96141))
#@292 WHOIS/WHOWAS notices.

Handler for a 311 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-311-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-311 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\314\315\316\306H	>\204\"\307\310\317\312#\210\320H\"!\306H	>\2047\307\310\321\312#\210\322HA\211@\fA@\323\f8\324
\332\333\334&\f.\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags catalog-entry fname #1=#:--cl-var-- nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 intern format "s%s" erc-response\.command 3 erc-response\.command-args 4 2 erc-update-user-nick nil erc-display-message notice active 110 102 117 104 user host] 14 (#$ . 96481)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\210\306\310\311#\210\312\313\302\"\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-311 definition-name \311 erc-server-311-functions puthash "311" "314" erc-server-314-functions defalias erc-server-314] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 314 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-311'.
(defvar erc-server-314-functions 'erc-server-311 (#$ . 97654))
(put 'erc-server-314-functions 'definition-name 'erc-server-311-functions)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 312 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-312'.
(defvar erc-server-312-functions 'erc-server-312 (#$ . 98069))
#@301 Server name response in WHOIS.

Handler for a 312 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-312-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-312 #[(proc parsed) "\305H	>\204\306\307\310\311#\210\312HA\211@\nA@\313\314\315\316\317\320\f\321\305H	>\2042\306\307\322\311#\210\323H&\n+\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- nick server-host 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-display-message notice active s312 110 115 99 erc-response\.contents 5] 15 (#$ . 98409)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-312 definition-name \312 erc-server-312-functions puthash "312"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 313 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-313'.
(defvar erc-server-313-functions 'erc-server-313 (#$ . 99312))
#@302 IRC Operator response in WHOIS.

Handler for a 313 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-313-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-313 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s313 110 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 99652)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-313 definition-name \313 erc-server-313-functions puthash "313"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 315 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-315'.
(defvar erc-server-315-functions 'erc-server-315 (#$ . 100434))
#@308 End of WHO/WHOIS/LIST/WHOWAS notices.

Handler for a 315 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-315-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-315 #[(proc parsed) "\302\210	\210\207" [proc parsed nil] 2 (#$ . 100775)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\210\306\310\311#\210\306\312\313#\210\306\314\315#\210\316\317\302\"\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-315 definition-name \315 erc-server-315-functions puthash "315" "318" erc-server-318-functions "323" erc-server-323-functions "369" erc-server-369-functions defalias erc-server-318] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 318 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-315'.
(defvar erc-server-318-functions 'erc-server-315 (#$ . 101556))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-318-functions definition-name erc-server-315-functions defalias erc-server-323 erc-server-315] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 323 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-315'.
(defvar erc-server-323-functions 'erc-server-315 (#$ . 102064))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-323-functions definition-name erc-server-315-functions defalias erc-server-369 erc-server-315] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 369 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-315'.
(defvar erc-server-369-functions 'erc-server-315 (#$ . 102572))
(put 'erc-server-369-functions 'definition-name 'erc-server-315-functions)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 317 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-317'.
(defvar erc-server-317-functions 'erc-server-317 (#$ . 102988))
#@283 IDLE notice.

Handler for a 317 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-317-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-317 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\314\n8\315\n8
!\"\320\211\321\211\211\205@\322\323\"&\210\203]\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\f!!\334&\n\202l\324\325\326\335\330\331\332\333\f!!&-\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- nick seconds-idle on-since 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 2 3 format-time-string erc-string-to-emacs-time erc-update-user-nick nil format "on since %s" erc-display-message notice active s317-on-since 110 105 erc-sec-to-time string-to-number 116 s317 time erc-server-timestamp-format] 12 (#$ . 103329)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-317 definition-name \317 erc-server-317-functions puthash "317"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 319 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-319'.
(defvar erc-server-319-functions 'erc-server-319 (#$ . 104487))
#@303 Channel names in WHOIS response.

Handler for a 319 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-319-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-319 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)\316\310H	>\204+\311\312\317\314#\210\320H&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s319 110 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 99 erc-response\.contents 5] 13 (#$ . 104828)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-319 definition-name \319 erc-server-319-functions puthash "319"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 320 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-320'.
(defvar erc-server-320-functions 'erc-server-320 (#$ . 105685))
#@296 Identified user in WHOIS.

Handler for a 320 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-320-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-320 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s320 110 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 106026)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-320 definition-name \320 erc-server-320-functions puthash "320"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 321 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-321'.
(defvar erc-server-321-functions 'erc-server-321 (#$ . 106803))
#@283 LIST header.

Handler for a 321 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-321-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-321 #[(proc parsed) "\301\211\207" [erc-channel-list nil] 2 (#$ . 107144)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-321 definition-name \321 erc-server-321-functions puthash "321"] 4)
#@38 Display a message for the 321 event.
(defalias 'erc-server-321-message #[(proc parsed) "\302\303	\304$\210\305\207" [parsed proc erc-display-message notice s321 nil] 5 (#$ . 107710)])
(add-hook 'erc-server-321-functions 'erc-server-321-message t)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 322 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-322'.
(defvar erc-server-322-functions 'erc-server-322 (#$ . 107965))
#@283 LIST notice.

Handler for a 322 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-322-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-322 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\306H	>\204 \307\310\314\312#\210\315HA\211@A@\316\317\fC\"\210\320\f\n\",\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags topic #1=#:--cl-var-- channel num-users 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 erc-response\.command-args 4 add-to-list erc-channel-list erc-update-channel-topic] 5 (#$ . 108306)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-322 definition-name \322 erc-server-322-functions puthash "322"] 4)
#@38 Display a message for the 322 event.
(defalias 'erc-server-322-message #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\306H	>\204 \307\310\314\312#\210\315HA\211@A@\316\317\320\321\f\322
\323\n\206<\324&\n,\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags topic #1=#:--cl-var-- channel num-users 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5 erc-response\.command-args 4 erc-display-message notice s322 99 117 116 "" proc] 12 (#$ . 109193)])
(add-hook 'erc-server-322-functions 'erc-server-322-message t)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 324 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-324'.
(defvar erc-server-324-functions 'erc-server-324 (#$ . 109744))
#@293 Channel or nick modes.

Handler for a 324 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-324-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-324 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\314\315\306H	>\204&\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211AA)\316#\317\f\"\210\320\321\322\f
\"\323\324\f\325&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x modes channel proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 mapconcat identity " " erc-set-modes erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer s324 99 109] 10 (#$ . 110085)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-324 definition-name \324 erc-server-324-functions puthash "324"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 328 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-328'.
(defvar erc-server-328-functions 'erc-server-328 (#$ . 111016))
#@305 Channel URL (on freenode network).

Handler for a 328 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-328-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-328 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\306H	>\204$\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\317\320\f
\"\321\322\f\323&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x url channel proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer s328 99 117] 10 (#$ . 111357)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-328 definition-name \328 erc-server-328-functions puthash "328"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 329 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-329'.
(defvar erc-server-329-functions 'erc-server-329 (#$ . 112252))
#@293 Channel creation date.

Handler for a 329 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-329-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-329 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\314\306H	>\204%\307\310\311\312#\210\313HAA@!\315\316\317\f
\"\320\321\f\322\323\"&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x time channel proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-string-to-emacs-time erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer s329 99 116 format-time-string erc-server-timestamp-format] 12 (#$ . 112593)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-329 definition-name \329 erc-server-329-functions puthash "329"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 330 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-330'.
(defvar erc-server-330-functions 'erc-server-330 (#$ . 113540))
#@311 Nick is authed as (on Quakenet network).

Handler for a 330 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-330-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-330 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\306H	>\204$\307\310\311\312#\210\313HAA@\306H	>\2048\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\317\320\321\322
\323\324\f&\n+\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x authmsg authaccount nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-display-message notice active s330 110 97 105] 12 (#$ . 113881)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-330 definition-name \330 erc-server-330-functions puthash "330"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 331 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-331'.
(defvar erc-server-331-functions 'erc-server-331 (#$ . 114832))
#@296 No topic set for channel.

Handler for a 331 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-331-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-331 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\306H	>\204$\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\317\320\f
\"\321\322\f&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x topic channel proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer s331 99] 8 (#$ . 115173)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-331 definition-name \331 erc-server-331-functions puthash "331"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 332 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-332'.
(defvar erc-server-332-functions 'erc-server-332 (#$ . 116051))
#@284 TOPIC notice.

Handler for a 332 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-332-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-332 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\306H	>\204$\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\f\"\210\317\320\321\f
\"\322\323\f\324&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x topic channel proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-update-channel-topic erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer s332 99 84] 10 (#$ . 116392)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-332 definition-name \332 erc-server-332-functions puthash "332"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 333 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-333'.
(defvar erc-server-333-functions 'erc-server-333 (#$ . 117305))
#@299 Who set the topic, and when.

Handler for a 333 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-333-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-333 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\314\n8\315\316
&\n,\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- channel nick time 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 2 format-time-string erc-string-to-emacs-time erc-update-channel-topic format " (%s, %s)" append erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer s333 99 110 116 erc-server-timestamp-format proc] 12 (#$ . 117646)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-333 definition-name \333 erc-server-333-functions puthash "333"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 341 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-341'.
(defvar erc-server-341-functions 'erc-server-341 (#$ . 118677))
#@335 Let user know when an INVITE attempt has been sent successfully.

Handler for a 341 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-341-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-341 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\314\315\316\f
\"\317\320\321\f&+\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- nick channel proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer s341 110 99] 10 (#$ . 119018)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-341 definition-name \341 erc-server-341-functions puthash "341"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 352 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-352'.
(defvar erc-server-352-functions 'erc-server-352 (#$ . 119895))
#@282 WHO notice.

Handler for a 352 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-352-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-352 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\314\n8\315\n8 \313\n8!\316\n8\"\306H	>\204;\307\310\317\312#\210\316H\320#$\321\322$\"\203Y\323\324$\"#\323\314$\"$\325!\211\320\211\211
\f$&	\210\326\327\330\331\332\333!\334\"\335\f\336
\337$&.	\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- channel user host 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 2 3 5 erc-response\.contents nil string-match "\\(^[0-9]+ \\)\\(.*\\)$" match-string 1 erc-update-channel-member erc-display-message notice active s352 99 110 97 117 104 102 server nick away-flag hopcount full-name] 18 (#$ . 120236)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-352 definition-name \352 erc-server-352-functions puthash "352"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 353 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-353'.
(defvar erc-server-353-functions 'erc-server-353 (#$ . 121406))
#@284 NAMES notice.

Handler for a 353 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-353-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-353 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HAA@\306H	>\204\"\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\317\320\f\"\2062\321\322\323\324\n&\210\f\325
\")\327!\205zrq\210\330\n!)-\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags users channel proc #1=#:target 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer active s353 99 117 bufferp processp buffer-live-p erc-channel-receive-names #2=#:process erc-server-process #3=#:proc #4=#:buf] 9 (#$ . 121747)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-353 definition-name \353 erc-server-353-functions puthash "353"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 366 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-366'.
(defvar erc-server-366-functions 'erc-server-366 (#$ . 122863))
#@284 End of NAMES.

Handler for a 366 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-366-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-366 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\f\314!\203#\202A
\2060\315!\2050\205@\205@\316\")\317!\205Rrq\210\320 )+\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x #1=#:target proc #2=#:process 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 bufferp processp erc-get-buffer buffer-live-p erc-channel-end-receiving-names erc-server-process #3=#:proc #4=#:buf] 5 (#$ . 123204)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-366 definition-name \366 erc-server-366-functions puthash "366"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 367 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-367'.
(defvar erc-server-367-functions 'erc-server-367 (#$ . 124150))
#@296 Channel ban list entries.

Handler for a 367 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-367-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-367 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313HA\211@\nA@\314\n8\315\n8
\325\2069\326&\f\202I\316\317\320\327\322\323\f&-\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- channel banmask setter 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 2 3 erc-display-message notice active s367-set-by 99 98 115 116 "" s367 time] 14 (#$ . 124491)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-367 definition-name \367 erc-server-367-functions puthash "367"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 368 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-368'.
(defvar erc-server-368-functions 'erc-server-368 (#$ . 125434))
#@295 End of channel ban list.

Handler for a 368 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-368-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-368 #[(proc parsed) "\304H	>\204\305\306\307\310#\210\311H\211A@)\312\313\314\315\316&)\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x channel 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-display-message notice active s368 99] 8 (#$ . 125775)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-368 definition-name \368 erc-server-368-functions puthash "368"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 379 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-379'.
(defvar erc-server-379-functions 'erc-server-379 (#$ . 126560))
#@301 Forwarding to another channel.

Handler for a 379 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-379-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-379 #[(proc parsed) "\305H	>\204\306\307\310\311#\210\312HA\211@\nA@\313\314\315\316\317\320\f&+\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- from to 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-display-message notice active s379 99 102] 10 (#$ . 126901)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-379 definition-name \379 erc-server-379-functions puthash "379"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 391 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-391'.
(defvar erc-server-391-functions 'erc-server-391 (#$ . 127721))
#@292 Server's time string.

Handler for a 391 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-391-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-391 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)\316\310H	>\204+\311\312\313\314#\210\315HAA@&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message notice active s391 115 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 116] 13 (#$ . 128062)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-391 definition-name \391 erc-server-391-functions puthash "391"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 401 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-401'.
(defvar erc-server-401-functions 'erc-server-401 (#$ . 128887))
#@292 No such nick/channel.

Handler for a 401 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-401-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-401 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\f\2031\314\315\"\203)\316
!\210)\317\314\320\"!\210\321\322\323\324\325&)\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x nick/channel erc-whowas-on-nosuchnick string 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 format "cmd: WHOWAS: %s" erc-log-aux erc-server-send "WHOWAS %s 1" erc-display-message (notice error) active s401 110 erc-log-p] 8 (#$ . 129228)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-401 definition-name \401 erc-server-401-functions puthash "401"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 403 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-403'.
(defvar erc-server-403-functions 'erc-server-403 (#$ . 130192))
#@287 No such channel.

Handler for a 403 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-403-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-403 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s403 99 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 130533)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-403 definition-name \403 erc-server-403-functions puthash "403"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 404 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-404'.
(defvar erc-server-404-functions 'erc-server-404 (#$ . 131308))
#@294 Cannot send to channel.

Handler for a 404 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-404-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-404 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s404 99 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 131649)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-404 definition-name \404 erc-server-404-functions puthash "404"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 405 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-405'.
(defvar erc-server-405-functions 'erc-server-405 (#$ . 132431))
#@301 Can't join that many channels.

Handler for a 405 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-405-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-405 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s405 99 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 132772)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-405 definition-name \405 erc-server-405-functions puthash "405"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 406 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-406'.
(defvar erc-server-406-functions 'erc-server-406 (#$ . 133561))
#@284 No such nick.

Handler for a 406 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-406-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-406 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s406 110 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 133902)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-406 definition-name \406 erc-server-406-functions puthash "406"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 412 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-412'.
(defvar erc-server-412-functions 'erc-server-412 (#$ . 134675))
#@287 No text to send.

Handler for a 412 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-412-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-412 #[(proc parsed) "\301\302\303\304$\207" [parsed erc-display-message (notice error) active s412] 5 (#$ . 135016)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-412 definition-name \412 erc-server-412-functions puthash "412"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 421 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-421'.
(defvar erc-server-421-functions 'erc-server-421 (#$ . 135629))
#@287 Unknown command.

Handler for a 421 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-421-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-421 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s421 99 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 135970)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-421 definition-name \421 erc-server-421-functions puthash "421"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 432 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-432'.
(defvar erc-server-432-functions 'erc-server-432 (#$ . 136745))
#@280 Bad nick.

Handler for a 432 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-432-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-432 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s432 110 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 137086)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-432 definition-name \432 erc-server-432-functions puthash "432"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 433 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-433'.
(defvar erc-server-433-functions 'erc-server-433 (#$ . 137855))
#@296 Login-time "nick in use".

Handler for a 433 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-433-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-433 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304H	>\204\305\306\307\310#\210\311H\211A@)\312\"\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-nickname-in-use 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 "already in use"] 6 (#$ . 138196)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-433 definition-name \433 erc-server-433-functions puthash "433"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 437 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-437'.
(defvar erc-server-437-functions 'erc-server-437 (#$ . 138953))
#@312 Nick temporarily unavailable (on IRCnet).

Handler for a 437 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-437-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-437 #[(proc parsed) "\304H	>\204\305\306\307\310#\210\311H\211A@)\312!?\205\"\313\314\")\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x nick/channel 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-channel-p erc-nickname-in-use "temporarily unavailable"] 5 (#$ . 139294)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-437 definition-name \437 erc-server-437-functions puthash "437"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 442 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-442'.
(defvar erc-server-442-functions 'erc-server-442 (#$ . 140120))
#@286 Not on channel.

Handler for a 442 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-442-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-442 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s442 99 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4] 11 (#$ . 140461)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-442 definition-name \442 erc-server-442-functions puthash "442"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 461 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-461'.
(defvar erc-server-461-functions 'erc-server-461 (#$ . 141235))
#@305 Not enough parameters for command.

Handler for a 461 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-461-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-461 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310H	>\204\311\312\313\314#\210\315H\211A@)\316\310H	>\204+\311\312\317\314#\210\320H&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) active s461 99 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 109 erc-response\.contents 5] 13 (#$ . 141576)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-461 definition-name \461 erc-server-461-functions puthash "461"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 465 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-465'.
(defvar erc-server-465-functions 'erc-server-465 (#$ . 142443))
#@303 You are banned from this server.

Handler for a 465 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-465-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-465 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304	\211\305H\n>\204\306\307\310\311#\210	\312H\"\207" [erc-server-banned parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags t erc-display-error-notice 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.contents erc-response 5] 6 (#$ . 142784)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-465 definition-name \465 erc-server-465-functions puthash "465"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 474 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-474'.
(defvar erc-server-474-functions 'erc-server-474 (#$ . 143548))
#@298 Banned from channel errors.

Handler for a 474 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-474-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-474 #[(proc parsed) "\303\304\305\306\307\310\311H	>\204\312\313\314\315#\210\316H\"!\317\311H	>\204)\312\313\320\315#\210\321H\211A@)&\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-display-message (notice error) nil intern format "s%s" 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command erc-response 3 99 erc-response\.command-args 4] 12 (#$ . 143889)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-474 definition-name \474 erc-server-474-functions puthash "474"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 475 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-475'.
(defvar erc-server-475-functions 'erc-server-475 (#$ . 144763))
#@290 Channel key needed.

Handler for a 475 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-475-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-475 #[(proc parsed) "\306\307\310\311\312\313H	>\204\314\315\316\317#\210\320H\211A@)&\210\205f\313H	>\2041\314\315\316\317#\210\320H\211A@)\321\322\323\313H	>\204J\314\315\316\317#\210\320H\211A@)\"!\f\205e\fG\313V\205e\324
\f\"*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x erc-prompt-for-channel-key key channel erc-display-message (notice error) nil s475 99 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 read-from-minibuffer format "Channel %s is mode +k.  Enter key (RET to cancel): " erc-cmd-JOIN] 11 (#$ . 145104)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-475 definition-name \475 erc-server-475-functions puthash "475"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 477 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-477'.
(defvar erc-server-477-functions 'erc-server-477 (#$ . 146171))
#@301 Channel doesn't support modes.

Handler for a 477 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-477-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-477 #[(proc parsed) "\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\211A@)\306H	>\204$\307\310\314\312#\210\315H\316\317\320\f
\"\321\322\f#$*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x message channel proc 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-display-message notice erc-get-buffer format "%s: %s"] 9 (#$ . 146512)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-477 definition-name \477 erc-server-477-functions puthash "477"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 482 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-482'.
(defvar erc-server-482-functions 'erc-server-482 (#$ . 147406))
#@316 You need to be a channel operator to do that.

Handler for a 482 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-482-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-482 #[(proc parsed) "\305H	>\204\306\307\310\311#\210\312H\211A@)\305H	>\204$\306\307\313\311#\210\314H\315\316\317\320\321\f\322&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x message channel 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-display-message (error notice) active s482 99 109] 10 (#$ . 147747)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-482 definition-name \482 erc-server-482-functions puthash "482"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 671 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-671'.
(defvar erc-server-671-functions 'erc-server-671 (#$ . 148647))
#@307 Secure connection response in WHOIS.

Handler for a 671 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-671-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-671 #[(proc parsed) "\305H	>\204\306\307\310\311#\210\312H\211A@)\305H	>\204$\306\307\313\311#\210\314H\315\316\317\320\321\f\322&*\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags x securemsg nick 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command-args erc-response 4 erc-response\.contents 5 erc-display-message notice active s671 110 97] 10 (#$ . 148988)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-671 definition-name \671 erc-server-671-functions puthash "671"] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 431 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-431-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 149870))
#@345 Generic display of server error messages.

See `erc-display-error-notice'.

Handler for a 431 server response.
PROC is the server process which returned the response.
PARSED is the actual response as an `erc-response' struct.
If you want to add responses don't modify this function, but rather
add things to `erc-server-431-functions' instead.
(defalias 'erc-server-431 #[(proc parsed) "\302\303\304\305\306H	>\204\307\310\311\312#\210\313H\"!\"\207" [parsed cl-struct-erc-response-tags erc-display-error-notice intern format "s%s" 0 error "%s accessing a non-%s" erc-response\.command erc-response 3] 9 (#$ . 150211)])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\210\301\305\303\304#\210\306\307\305#\210\306\310\311#\210\306\312\313#\210\306\314\315#\210\306\316\317#\210\306\320\321#\210\306\322\323#\210\306\324\325#\210\306\326\327#\210\306\330\331#\210\306\332\333#\210\306\334\335#\210\306\336\337#\210\306\340\341#\210\342\343\302\"\207" [erc-server-responses put erc-server-431 definition-name \431 erc-server-431-functions puthash "431" "445" erc-server-445-functions "446" erc-server-446-functions "451" erc-server-451-functions "462" erc-server-462-functions "463" erc-server-463-functions "464" erc-server-464-functions "481" erc-server-481-functions "483" erc-server-483-functions "484" erc-server-484-functions "485" erc-server-485-functions "491" erc-server-491-functions "501" erc-server-501-functions "502" erc-server-502-functions defalias erc-server-445] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 445 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-445-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 151701))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-445-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-446 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 446 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-446-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 152209))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-446-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-451 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 451 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-451-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 152717))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-451-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-462 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 462 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-462-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 153225))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-462-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-463 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 463 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-463-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 153733))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-463-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-464 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 464 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-464-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 154241))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-464-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-481 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 481 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-481-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 154749))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-481-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-483 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 483 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-483-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 155257))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-483-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-484 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 484 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-484-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 155765))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-484-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-485 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 485 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-485-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 156273))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-485-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-491 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 491 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-491-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 156781))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-491-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-501 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 501 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-501-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 157289))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put erc-server-501-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions defalias erc-server-502 erc-server-431] 4)
#@271 Hook called upon receiving a 502 server response.
Each function is called with two arguments, the process associated
with the response and the parsed response.  If the function returns
non-nil, stop processing the hook.  Otherwise, continue.

See also `erc-server-431'.
(defvar erc-server-502-functions 'erc-server-431 (#$ . 157797))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305!\207" [put erc-server-502-functions definition-name erc-server-431-functions provide erc-backend] 4)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net