? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/files-x.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:18 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/files-x.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


#@216 Read file-local variable using PROMPT and completion.
Intended to be used in the `interactive' spec of
`add-file-local-variable', `delete-file-local-variable',
`add-dir-local-variable', `delete-dir-local-variable'.
(defalias 'read-file-local-variable #[(prompt) "\304\211\305 \2119\205\306	!\205\307	!\310	\203#\311\312\n	#\202'\311\313\n\"\314\304\211\211	\304&\211;\2059\315!*\207" [variable default prompt obarray nil variable-at-point boundp symbol-name completing-read format "%s (default %s): " "%s: " #[(sym) "\301!\206\302N\206\303>\207" [sym custom-variable-p safe-local-variable (mode eval coding unibyte)] 2] intern] 10 (#$ . 551)])
#@158 Read value of file-local VARIABLE using completion.
Intended to be used in the `interactive' spec of
`add-file-local-variable' and `add-dir-local-variable'.
(defalias 'read-file-local-variable-value #[(variable) "\306\211\n\307=\203=9\205\310!\311	\203 \312\313\n	#\202$\312\314\n\"\f\315\306\211\211	\306&\211;\205\232\316\317\320\321#!\202\232\n\322=\203T\323\324\312\325\n\"\306\323\326%)\202\232\n\327=\203{ 9\205d\310 !\330	\203r\312\313\n	#\202v\312\314\n\"	\"\202\232\331\332\312\314\n\"\306\333\312\334\n\335=\203\217\323\202\227\336\n!\205\227\nJ\"$!*\207" [value default variable major-mode obarray minibuffer-completing-symbol nil mode symbol-name completing-read format "Add %s with value (default %s): " "Add %s with value: " #[(sym) "\305\306!\307\310\311\n	#,\207" [sym start string regexp inhibit-changing-match-data "-mode\\'" symbol-name nil t string-match] 4] intern replace-regexp-in-string "-mode\\'" "" eval t read-from-minibuffer "Add %s with expression: " read-expression-history coding read-coding-system read read-string set-variable-value-history "%S" unibyte boundp read-expression-map buffer-file-coding-system] 10 (#$ . 1224)])
#@169 Read per-directory file-local variable's mode using completion.
Intended to be used in the `interactive' spec of
`add-dir-local-variable', `delete-dir-local-variable'.
(defalias 'read-file-local-variable-mode #[nil "9\205\304!\305	\203\306\307	\"\202\306\310!\n\311\312\211\211	\312&\211\313\232\203,\312\202@;\203?\314\315!!\203?\315!\202@*\207" [major-mode default obarray mode symbol-name completing-read format "Mode or subdirectory (default %s): " "Mode or subdirectory: " #[(sym) "\305\306!\307\310\311\n	#,\205$\312\306!\307\310\311\n	#,?\207" [sym start string regexp inhibit-changing-match-data "-mode\\'" symbol-name nil t string-match "-minor-mode\\'"] 4] nil "nil" fboundp intern] 10 (#$ . 2426)])
#@593 Modify file-local VARIABLE in Local Variables depending on operation OP.

If OP is `add-or-replace' then delete all existing settings of
VARIABLE (except `mode' and `eval') and add a new file-local VARIABLE
with VALUE to the Local Variables list.

If there is no Local Variables list in the current file buffer and OP
is not `delete' then this function adds the first line containing the
string `Local Variables:' and the last line containing the string `End:'.

If OP is `delete' then delete all existing settings of VARIABLE
from the Local Variables list ignoring the input argument VALUE.
(defalias 'modify-file-local-variable #[(variable value op) "\300\301\215\207" [exit (byte-code "`\306\211\204\307\310\311\312!\"\210~\210db\210\313\314d\315Ze]\316#\210\317\320\321\306\317#)\204i
\322=\203;\307\310\nb\210\311\323!\"\210db\210\324,\206E\325,-\326`\211\327c\210`\"\210*\317\nb\210\320\321\306\317#)\204i\307\310\311\330!\"\210\331 \332\224{.`\333 {/\334\335.!P0\335/!\336P1\337y\210`\212\317\3400\3411Q\306\317#)\204\247\212\342\343./#c\210)\344 \210\345 )
\347=\203\3072\350>\203\307	b\210\202\346\nb\210\340\342\351021$	\317#\203\346\332\224\332\225T|\210`\202\312
\347=\2052\352=\203\371\nb\210\202\n\204	b\210\202\n\203\nb\210\342\353.23/%c.\207" [replaced-pos end beg enable-local-variables case-fold-search op nil throw exit message "File-local variables are disabled" search-backward "\n\f" 3000 move t search-forward "Local Variables:" delete "Local Variables not found" plain ";; " comment-region "\nLocal Variables:\nEnd:\n" "Can't add file-local variables" line-beginning-position 0 line-end-position "^" regexp-quote "$" 1 re-search-forward "[ 	]*End:[ 	]*" format "%sEnd:%s\n" beginning-of-line point-marker (add-or-replace delete) add-or-replace (mode eval) "%s%S:.*%s" mode "%s%S: %S%s\n" comment-start comment-style prefix suffix prefix-re suffix-re variable value] 6)] 2 (#$ . 3176)])
#@419 Add file-local VARIABLE with its VALUE to the Local Variables list.

This command deletes all existing settings of VARIABLE (except `mode'
and `eval') and adds a new file-local VARIABLE with VALUE to the
Local Variables list.

If there is no Local Variables list in the current file buffer
then this function adds the first line containing the string
`Local Variables:' and the last line containing the string `End:'.
(defalias 'add-file-local-variable #[(variable value) "\302	\303#\207" [variable value modify-file-local-variable add-or-replace] 4 (#$ . 5168) (let ((variable (read-file-local-variable "Add file-local variable"))) (list variable (read-file-local-variable-value variable)))])
#@75 Delete all settings of file-local VARIABLE from the Local Variables list.
(defalias 'delete-file-local-variable #[(variable) "\301\302\303#\207" [variable modify-file-local-variable nil delete] 4 (#$ . 5869) (list (read-file-local-variable "Delete file-local variable"))])
#@481 Modify file-local VARIABLE in the -*- line depending on operation OP.

If OP is `add-or-replace' then delete all existing settings of
VARIABLE (except `mode' and `eval') and add a new file-local VARIABLE
with VALUE to the -*- line.

If there is no -*- line at the beginning of the current file buffer
and OP is not `delete' then this function adds the -*- line.

If OP is `delete' then delete all existing settings of VARIABLE
from the -*- line ignoring the input argument VALUE.
(defalias 'modify-file-local-variable-prop-line #[(variable value op) "\300\301\215\207" [exit (byte-code "`\306\211\204\307\310\311\312!\"\210~\210eb\210\313 \211\203'\314 \315	!\202^\f\316=\2037\307\310\nb\210\311\317!\"\210eb\210\320\321!\203C\322y\210\323
\206I\3240\325`\326c\210\314 \314 \327c\210`\"\210*\320\330!\203\2401\331=\203\212\f\332\235\203w\322\224\322\225|\210\f\333=\205S\322\224b\210\334\3352\"c\202S\336\224b\210\334\33712#c\210\322\224b\210\340c\202S\f\341\235\203\376\f\333=\203\2711\342>\203\271	b\210\202\376\nb\210`	W\203\376\320\343!\204\317\307\310\311\344!\"\210\345\225b\210\346\347\322!!3\214`	}\210\3064\350p!\210*\351\306w\21031=\203\372\345\224`|\210`)\202\274\f\333=\205S1\331=\203\nb\210\202\"\204	b\210\202\"\203\"b\210`Sf\352=\2045`\353\n!\232\2045\354c\210`Sf\355=\204@\356c\210\334\35712#c\210\306f\355=?\205S\356c+\207" [replaced-pos end beg enable-local-variables op comment-start nil throw exit message "File-local variables are disabled" set-auto-mode-1 point-marker copy-marker delete "The -*- line not found" looking-at "^\\(#!\\|'\\\\\"\\)" 1 plain ";;; " comment-region "-*-" "-*-\n" "[ 	]*\\([^ 	\n
:;]+\\)\\([ 	]*-\\*-\\)" mode (add-or-replace delete) add-or-replace format "%S" 2 "; %S: %S; " " mode: " (add-or-replace delete) (mode eval) "[ 	]*\\([^ 	\n:]+\\)[ 	]*:[ 	]*" "Malformed -*- line" 0 intern match-string read " 	;" 59 marker-position ";" 32 " " "%S: %S;" comment-style variable value key read-circle] 5)] 2 (#$ . 6150)])
#@300 Add file-local VARIABLE with its VALUE to the -*- line.

This command deletes all existing settings of VARIABLE (except `mode'
and `eval') and adds a new file-local VARIABLE with VALUE to
the -*- line.

If there is no -*- line at the beginning of the current file buffer
then this function adds it.
(defalias 'add-file-local-variable-prop-line #[(variable value) "\302	\303#\207" [variable value modify-file-local-variable-prop-line add-or-replace] 4 (#$ . 8181) (let ((variable (read-file-local-variable "Add -*- file-local variable"))) (list variable (read-file-local-variable-value variable)))])
#@63 Delete all settings of file-local VARIABLE from the -*- line.
(defalias 'delete-file-local-variable-prop-line #[(variable) "\301\302\303#\207" [variable modify-file-local-variable-prop-line nil delete] 4 (#$ . 8787) (list (read-file-local-variable "Delete -*- file-local variable"))])
#@531 Modify directory-local VARIABLE in .dir-locals.el depending on operation OP.

If OP is `add-or-replace' then delete all existing settings of
VARIABLE (except `mode' and `eval') and add a new directory-local VARIABLE
with VALUE to the MODE alist where MODE can be a mode name symbol or
a subdirectory name.

If .dir-locals.el was not found and OP is not `delete' then create
this file in the current directory.

If OP is `delete' then delete all existing settings of VARIABLE
from the MODE alist ignoring the input argument VALUE.
(defalias 'modify-dir-local-variable #[(mode variable value op) "\300\301\215\207" [exit (byte-code "\204\306\307\310\311!\"\210\312 \203\313\312 !\204\314\312 !\206	\315\211:\203<\3168\2035\317	@\"\202;\211A@)\203L;\204L\306\307\310\320!\"\210
\321=\203c\203\\\322!\204c\306\307\310\323!\"\210\315\324!\210)~\210eb\210\315\325\326\217\210\327 \n\"\211!\203\267 
\321=\203\222\330\"!A\"\202\254\"#B\"\331>\203\244!A\202\253\330\"!A\"BB\330 \n\"B\202\302 \"#BD\nB)\332c\210\333c\210\334\335\n\336\"p\"*\207" [enable-local-variables dir-locals-file variables variables-file x op throw exit message "Directory-local variables are disabled" buffer-file-name file-remote-p dir-locals-find-file nil 2 expand-file-name "Directory locals were not set from a file" delete file-exists-p "No .dir-locals.el file was found" find-file (byte-code "`\302\303p!)`|\207" [read-circle variables nil read] 3) ((error)) assoc assq-delete-all (mode eval) ";;; Directory Local Variables\n" ";;; See Info node `(emacs) Directory Variables' for more information.\n\n" pp sort #[(a b) "@\204\302\207	@\204\303\207@9\203	@;\203\302\207	@9\203*@;\203*\303\207@	@\231\207" [a b t nil] 2] auto-insert mode mode-assoc variable value] 6)] 2 (#$ . 9080)])
#@73 Add directory-local VARIABLE with its VALUE and MODE to .dir-locals.el.
(defalias 'add-dir-local-variable #[(mode variable value) "\303	\n\304$\207" [mode variable value modify-dir-local-variable add-or-replace] 5 (#$ . 10910) (let (variable) (list (read-file-local-variable-mode) (setq variable (read-file-local-variable "Add directory-local variable")) (read-file-local-variable-value variable)))])
#@70 Delete all MODE settings of file-local VARIABLE from .dir-locals.el.
(defalias 'delete-dir-local-variable #[(mode variable) "\302	\303\304$\207" [mode variable modify-dir-local-variable nil delete] 5 (#$ . 11318) (list (read-file-local-variable-mode) (read-file-local-variable "Delete directory-local variable"))])
#@46 Copy file-local variables to .dir-locals.el.
(defalias 'copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals #[nil "\305\211\205\"\n@\211@\236\204\306\f	@	A#\210\nA\211\204\305*\207" [file-local-variables-alist elt --dolist-tail-- dir-local-variables-alist major-mode nil add-dir-local-variable] 5 (#$ . 11640) nil])
#@61 Copy directory-local variables to the Local Variables list.
(defalias 'copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals #[nil "\303\211\205\n@\304	@	A\"\210\nA\211\204\303*\207" [dir-local-variables-alist elt --dolist-tail-- nil add-file-local-variable] 4 (#$ . 11952) nil])
#@49 Copy directory-local variables to the -*- line.
(defalias 'copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals-prop-line #[nil "\303\211\205\n@\304	@	A\"\210\nA\211\204\303*\207" [dir-local-variables-alist elt --dolist-tail-- nil add-file-local-variable-prop-line] 4 (#$ . 12224) nil])
(provide 'files-x)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net