? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/foldout.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:18 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/foldout.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303!\204\304\305!\210\300\207" [require outline boundp outline-minor-mode error "Can't find outline-minor-mode"] 2)
#@124 List of start and end markers for the folds currently entered.
An end marker of nil means the fold ends after (point-max).
(defvar foldout-fold-list nil (#$ . 699))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'foldout-fold-list)
#@61 Mode line string announcing that we are in an outline fold.
(defvar foldout-mode-line-string nil (#$ . 918))
(byte-code "\303\304!\210\304\236\204\"\305\236>\306\211\204\307\310!\210\n	\nA\244\241\210*\303\207" [minor-mode-alist foldout-entry outl-entry make-variable-buffer-local foldout-mode-line-string outline-minor-mode ((foldout-mode-line-string foldout-mode-line-string)) error "Can't find outline-minor-mode in minor-mode-alist"] 4)
(defconst foldout-hide-flag (byte-code "\300\301!\203\302\207\303\207" [featurep noutline t 13] 2))
(defconst foldout-show-flag (byte-code "\300\301!?\205\302\207" [featurep noutline 10] 2))
#@342 Open the subtree under the current heading and narrow to it.

Normally the body and the immediate subheadings are exposed, but
optional arg EXPOSURE (interactively with prefix arg) changes this:-

	EXPOSURE > 0	exposes n levels of subheadings (c.f. show-children)
	EXPOSURE < 0	exposes only the body
	EXPOSURE = 0	exposes the entire subtree
(defalias 'foldout-zoom-subtree #[(&optional exposure) "\212~\210\306 \210\307!`\310 \311 \210\312\313w\210`m?\205#\314 \fT\313\223\n\f}\210\nb\210\2048\315 \210\316 \210\202_	\317W\203D\315 \210\202_:\203O\316 \210\202_	\317V\203\\\316	!\210\202_\320 \210
BB\321 .\207" [exposure exposure-value start start-marker end end-marker outline-back-to-heading prefix-numeric-value point-marker outline-end-of-subtree "\n
" nil make-marker show-entry show-children 0 show-subtree foldout-update-mode-line foldout-fold-list] 3 (#$ . 1569) "P"])
#@183 Return to the ARG'th enclosing fold view.  With ARG = 0 exit all folds.

Normally causes exited folds to be hidden, but with ARG < 0, -ARG folds are
exited and text is left visible.
(defalias 'foldout-exit-fold #[(&optional num-folds) "\306\307\211\211\211
AS\n\203a\nb\210\314u\210h\315>\204a\316c\210\312!\203\221\n\203|`\314u\210h\317>\203z\314u\210`\f\203\206b\210\320 \210\n\203\221\321	#\210\307\211\223\210\n\2037\n\307\211\223\210\2027
@A\n\203\272\322\n!S\202\273d}\210\323 \210\324 -\207" [end-of-subtree beginning-of-heading end-marker start-marker hide-fold foldout-fold-list t nil error "Not in a fold!" zerop 0 -1 (10 13) 10 (10 13) hide-subtree outline-flag-region marker-position recenter foldout-update-mode-line num-folds foldout-show-flag] 5 (#$ . 2477) "p"])
#@47 Set the mode line to indicate our fold depth.
(defalias 'foldout-update-mode-line #[nil "G\304	!\203
\305\202&\n\203\306\307	\"\202&	\310U\203\"\311\202&\306\312	\"\211)\207" [foldout-fold-list depth outline-minor-mode foldout-mode-line-string zerop nil format ":%d" 1 " Inside 1 fold" " Inside %d folds"] 3 (#$ . 3410)])
#@203 Zoom in on the heading clicked on.

How much is exposed by the zoom depends on the number of mouse clicks:-

	1	expose body
	2	expose subheadings
	3	expose body and subheadings
	4	expose entire subtree
(defalias 'foldout-mouse-zoom #[(event) "\302!\303!\210\304\211:\203\3058\250\203\3058\202\306)\211\306U\203*\307\202?	\305U\2034\310\202?	\311U\203>\312\202?\313)!\207" [event nclicks foldout-mouse-swallow-events foldout-mouse-goto-heading foldout-zoom-subtree 2 1 -1 (1) 3 nil 0] 4 (#$ . 3749) "@e"])
#@204 Show what is hidden under the heading clicked on.

What gets exposed depends on the number of mouse clicks:-

	1	expose body
	2	expose subheadings
	3	expose body and subheadings
	4	expose entire subtree
(defalias 'foldout-mouse-show #[(event) "\302!\303!\210\211:\203\3048\250\203\3048\202\305)\211\305U\203*\306 \202E	\304U\2035\307 \202E	\310U\203C\306 \210\307 \202E\311 )\207" [event nclicks foldout-mouse-swallow-events foldout-mouse-goto-heading 2 1 show-entry show-children 3 show-subtree] 3 (#$ . 4281) "@e"])
#@227 Hide the subtree under the heading clicked on, or exit a fold.

What happens depends on the number of mouse clicks:-

	1	hide subtree
	2	exit fold and hide text
	3	exit fold without hiding text
	4	exit all folds and hide text
(defalias 'foldout-mouse-hide-or-exit #[(event) "\302!\211\211:\203\3038\250\203\3038\202\304)\211\304U\203*\305!\210\306 \202A\307	\303U\2035\304\202@	\310U\203?\311\202@\312!)\207" [event nclicks foldout-mouse-swallow-events 2 1 foldout-mouse-goto-heading hide-subtree foldout-exit-fold 3 -1 0] 4 (#$ . 4826) "@e"])
#@145 Swallow intervening mouse events so we only get the final click-count.
Signal an error if the final event isn't the same type as the first one.
(defalias 'foldout-mouse-swallow-events #[(event) "\303!\304\n\305\245\306\"\204\307 \202	\303!=\204\310\311!\210)\207" [event initial-event-type double-click-time event-basic-type sit-for 1000.0 nodisplay read-event error ""] 3 (#$ . 5396)])
#@107 Go to the heading where the mouse event started.  Signal an error
if the event didn't occur on a heading.
(defalias 'foldout-mouse-goto-heading #[(event) "\302!\303	8\206	A@:\203	A@@\202	A@)b\210\304 \206/\212\305 \210o)\206/\306\307!\207" [event position event-start 5 outline-on-heading-p beginning-of-line error "Not a heading line"] 2 (#$ . 5801)])
#@61 Set non-nil before loading foldout to inhibit key bindings.
(defvar foldout-inhibit-key-bindings nil (#$ . 6170))
#@212 List of modifier keys to apply to foldout's mouse events.

The default (meta control) makes foldout bind its functions to

Valid modifiers are shift, control, meta, alt, hyper and super.
(defvar foldout-mouse-modifiers '(meta control) (#$ . 6291))
(byte-code "\204\201\306	\307\310#\210\306	\311\312#\210\313\n\"\211\204\"\314 \306\n\f#\210\306\f\315\310#\210\306\f\316\312#\210)\317\320\321\322
\"\"\323\324\325P!!\323\324\326P!!\323\324\327P!! \306	\330#\210\306	\331#\210\306	 \332#\210\306\n\330#\210\306\n\331#\210\306\n \332#\210,\333\334!\207" [foldout-inhibit-key-bindings outline-mode-map outline-minor-mode-map outline-minor-mode-prefix map foldout-mouse-modifiers define-key "" foldout-zoom-subtree "" foldout-exit-fold lookup-key make-sparse-keymap "" "" apply concat mapcar #[(modifier) "\301\302=\203\303\202A\304=\203\305\202A\306=\203\307\202A\310=\203)\311\202A\312=\2033\313\202A\314=\203=\315\202A\316\317\"\320\"\207" [modifier vector shift 83 control 67 meta 77 alt 65 hyper 72 super 115 error "invalid mouse modifier %s" 45] 4] vector intern "down-mouse-1" "down-mouse-2" "down-mouse-3" foldout-mouse-zoom foldout-mouse-show foldout-mouse-hide-or-exit provide foldout modifiers mouse-1 mouse-2 mouse-3] 6)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net