? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/follow.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:18 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/follow.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\306\310&\210\311\312\304\313\314\315\306\303&\210\311\316\317\320\314\321\306\303&\207" [require easymenu custom-declare-group follow nil "Synchronize windows showing the same buffer." :group windows convenience custom-declare-variable follow-mode-hook "Normal hook run by `follow-mode'." :type hook follow-mode-prefix "." "Prefix key to use for follow commands in Follow mode.\nThe value of this variable is checked as part of loading Follow mode.\nAfter that, changing the prefix key requires manipulating keymaps." string] 8)
#@36 Minor mode keymap for Follow mode.
(defvar follow-mode-map (byte-code "\303 \303 \304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\310#\210\304\312\313#\210\304\314\315#\210\304\316\317#\210\304\320\321#\210\304\322\323#\210\304\324\325#\210\304\326\327#\210\304\330\331#\210\304	\n#\210\304	\332\333#\210\304	\334\335#\210\304	\336\337#\210\304	\340\341#\210\304	\342\343#\210\304	\344\345#\210	*\207" [map mainmap follow-mode-prefix make-sparse-keymap define-key "" follow-scroll-up "\366" follow-scroll-down "v" "1" follow-delete-other-windows-and-split "b" follow-switch-to-buffer "" follow-switch-to-buffer-all "\f" follow-recenter "<" follow-first-window ">" follow-last-window "n" follow-next-window "p" follow-previous-window [remap end-of-buffer] follow-end-of-buffer [remap scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll] follow-scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll [remap scroll-bar-drag] follow-scroll-bar-drag [remap scroll-bar-scroll-up] follow-scroll-bar-scroll-up [remap scroll-bar-scroll-down] follow-scroll-bar-scroll-down [remap mwheel-scroll] follow-mwheel-scroll] 4) (#$ . 1132))
(defalias 'follow-menu-filter #[(menu) "\302\300!\203\f\203\f	\207\303\207" [follow-mode menu boundp (["Follow mode" follow-mode :style toggle :selected follow-mode])] 2])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\210\304\314\301\315\310\316\312\313\317\320&	\207" [easy-menu-add-item nil ("Tools") ("Follow" :filter follow-menu-filter ["Scroll Up" follow-scroll-up follow-mode] ["Scroll Down" follow-scroll-down follow-mode] "--" ["Delete Other Windows and Split" follow-delete-other-windows-and-split follow-mode] "--" ["Switch To Buffer" follow-switch-to-buffer follow-mode] ["Switch To Buffer (all windows)" follow-switch-to-buffer-all follow-mode] "--" ["First Window" follow-first-window follow-mode] ["Last Window" follow-last-window follow-mode] ["Next Window" follow-next-window follow-mode] ["Previous Window" follow-previous-window follow-mode] "--" ["Recenter" follow-recenter follow-mode] "--" ["Follow mode" follow-mode :style toggle :selected follow-mode]) custom-declare-variable follow-mode-line-text " Follow" "Text shown in the mode line when Follow mode is active.\nDefaults to \" Follow\".  Examples of other values\nare \" Fw\", or simply \"\"." :type string :group follow follow-auto "Non-nil activates Follow mode whenever a file is loaded." boolean :set #[(symbol value) "\203
\302\303\304\305#\210\202\306\303\304\"\210\307	\"\207" [value symbol add-hook find-file-hook follow-find-file-hook t remove-hook set-default] 4]] 10)
#@365 List of commands that don't require recalculation.

In order to be able to use the cache, a command should not change the
contents of the buffer, nor should it change selected window or current

The commands in this list are checked at load time.

To mark other commands as suitable for caching, set the symbol
property `follow-mode-use-cache' to non-nil.
(defvar follow-cache-command-list '(next-line previous-line forward-char backward-char) (#$ . 3704))
#@50 If non-nil, emit Follow mode debugging messages.
(custom-declare-variable 'follow-debug nil '(#$ . 4175) :type 'boolean :group 'follow)
#@53 True when Follow mode should redisplay the windows.
(defvar follow-internal-force-redisplay nil (#$ . 4317))
#@46 The menu visible when Follow mode is active.
(defvar follow-active-menu nil (#$ . 4432))
#@48 The menu visible when Follow mode is inactive.
(defvar follow-inactive-menu nil (#$ . 4527))
#@92 Non-nil when inside Follow modes `post-command-hook'.
Used by `follow-window-size-change'.
(defvar follow-inside-post-command-hook nil (#$ . 4626))
#@42 Cache used by `follow-window-start-end'.
(defvar follow-windows-start-end-cache nil (#$ . 4780))
#@65 Like `message', but only active when `follow-debug' is non-nil.
(defalias 'follow-debug-message #[(&rest args) "\302\300!\205\205\303\304	\"\207" [follow-debug args boundp apply message] 3 (#$ . 4883)])
(byte-code "\303\304\305\306#\210\307\211\203\n@\303	\310\311#\210\nA\211\204*\307\207" [follow-cache-command-list cmd --dolist-tail-- put follow-debug-message byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand nil follow-mode-use-cache t] 5)
#@62 Turn on Follow mode.  Please see the function `follow-mode'.
(defalias 'turn-on-follow-mode #[nil "\300\301!\207" [follow-mode 1] 2 (#$ . 5340)])
#@63 Turn off Follow mode.  Please see the function `follow-mode'.
(defalias 'turn-off-follow-mode #[nil "\300\301!\207" [follow-mode -1] 2 (#$ . 5492)])
(put 'follow-mode 'permanent-local t)
#@91 Non-nil if Follow mode is enabled.
Use the command `follow-mode' to change this variable.
(defvar follow-mode nil (#$ . 5685))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'follow-mode)
#@1366 Toggle Follow mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Follow mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise.  If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Follow mode is a minor mode that combines windows into one tall
virtual window.  This is accomplished by two main techniques:

* The windows always displays adjacent sections of the buffer.
  This means that whenever one window is moved, all the
  others will follow.  (Hence the name Follow mode.)

* Should the point (cursor) end up outside a window, another
  window displaying that point is selected, if possible.  This
  makes it possible to walk between windows using normal cursor
  movement commands.

Follow mode comes to its prime when used on a large screen and two
side-by-side windows are used.  The user can, with the help of Follow
mode, use two full-height windows as though they would have been
one.  Imagine yourself editing a large function, or section of text,
and being able to use 144 lines instead of the normal 72... (your
mileage may vary).

To split one large window into two side-by-side windows, the commands
`\[split-window-right]' or `M-x follow-delete-other-windows-and-split' can be used.

Only windows displayed in the same frame follow each other.

This command runs the normal hook `follow-mode-hook'.

Keys specific to Follow mode:
(defalias 'follow-mode #[(&optional arg) "\305 	\306=\203\n?\202\307	!\310V\211\203.\311\312\313\314\211$\210\311\315\316\314#\210\311\317\320\314#\210\202\\\321 \322\204G\f\203G\323\302\f@\"\fA\2023\204U\324\315\316\"\210\324\317\320\"\210*\324\312\313\314#\210\325\326\n\203f\327\202g\330\"\210\331\332!\203\210\305 \203{\305 \232\203\210\333\334\n\203\205\335\202\206\336\"\210)\337 \210\n\207" [#1=#:last-message arg follow-mode following buffers current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 add-hook compilation-filter-hook follow-align-compilation-windows t post-command-hook follow-post-command-hook window-size-change-functions follow-window-size-change buffer-list nil buffer-local-value remove-hook run-hooks follow-mode-hook follow-mode-on-hook follow-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Follow mode %sabled" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update] 6 (#$ . 5862) (list (or current-prefix-arg 'toggle))])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\303\211%\207" [follow-mode-map add-minor-mode follow-mode nil] 6)
#@66 Find-file hook for Follow mode.  See the variable `follow-auto'.
(defalias 'follow-find-file-hook #[nil "\205\301\302!\207" [follow-auto follow-mode 1] 2 (#$ . 8276)])
#@318 Scroll text in a Follow mode window chain up.

If called with no ARG, the `next-screen-context-lines' last lines of
the bottom window in the chain will be visible in the top window.

If called with an argument, scroll ARG lines up.
Negative ARG means scroll downward.

Works like `scroll-up' when not in Follow mode.
(defalias 'follow-scroll-up #[(&optional arg) "\204\306	!\207	\203\212\306	!\210)\307\211\207\310 \311\312!@!\211d=\203-\313\314\315\"\202C\316@!\210\f\2039\fb\210\317
[!\210\320@`\"*\207" [follow-mode arg follow-internal-force-redisplay windows end next-screen-context-lines scroll-up t follow-all-followers window-end reverse signal end-of-buffer nil select-window vertical-motion set-window-start] 4 (#$ . 8454) "P"])
#@319 Scroll text in a Follow mode window chain down.

If called with no ARG, the `next-screen-context-lines' top lines of
the top window in the chain will be visible in the bottom window.

If called with an argument, scroll ARG lines down.
Negative ARG means scroll upward.

Works like `scroll-up' when not in Follow mode.
(defalias 'follow-scroll-down #[(&optional arg) "\204\306	!\207	\203\212\307	!)\207\310 \311\n!@\312\n@!\211e=\203,\313\314\315\"\202Y\316!\210\fb\210\317\320\321!
\203@\322\202A\323#[!\210\324`\"\210\fb\210\317S!\210\325\211+\207" [follow-mode arg windows win start header-line-format scroll-up scroll-down follow-all-followers reverse window-start signal beginning-of-buffer nil select-window vertical-motion - window-height 2 1 set-window-start t next-screen-context-lines follow-internal-force-redisplay] 6 (#$ . 9213) "P"])
#@122 Scroll the bottom-most window in the current Follow chain.
This is to be called by `comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom'.
(defalias 'follow-comint-scroll-to-bottom #[(&optional window) "p\306 \307 =\310\n\204\311 \211\205G\312\310!\210`\n\203%	\202+\313\314!!@\315
\f\"\210\n?\205F\315	!\210q*,\207" [buffer selected is-selected some-window pos win selected-window window-buffer nil get-buffer-window comint-adjust-point last follow-all-followers select-window follow-adjust-window follow-windows-start-end-cache] 3 (#$ . 10088)])
#@107 Align the windows of the current Follow mode buffer.
This is to be called from `compilation-filter-hook'.
(defalias 'follow-align-compilation-windows #[nil "p\306 \307 \205>\310 \205>	\205>\311	!\312!\n=\204(\f@\313	!\210\314\f	\315#\210\316	=?\205=\313!\210\nq)+\207" [selected win buffer follow-mode windows follow-windows-start-end-cache get-buffer-window selected-window waiting-for-user-input-p follow-all-followers window-buffer select-window follow-redisplay t nil] 4 (#$ . 10664)])
#@602 Create two side by side windows and enter Follow mode.

Execute this command to display as much as possible of the text
in the selected window.  All other windows, in the current
frame, are deleted and the selected window is split in two
side-by-side windows.  Follow mode is activated, hence the
two windows always will display two successive pages.
(If one window is moved, the other one will follow.)

If ARG is positive, the leftmost window is selected.  If negative,
the rightmost is selected.  If ARG is nil, the leftmost window is
selected if the original window is the first one in the frame.
(defalias 'follow-delete-other-windows-and-split #[(&optional arg) "\204\304 \305\306 !=?\206\205\307!\310W\311 \312 \210\313 \210\n\2032\314\315!\210\316\304 	\"\210\317\320\315!*\207" [arg start other follow-internal-force-redisplay selected-window frame-first-window selected-frame prefix-numeric-value 0 window-start delete-other-windows split-window-right other-window 1 set-window-start t follow-mode] 3 (#$ . 11176) "P"])
#@69 Show BUFFER in all windows in the current Follow mode window chain.
(defalias 'follow-switch-to-buffer #[(buffer) "\303 \304 \203\305@!\210\306\n!\210A\211\204\n\305	!*\207" [windows orig-window buffer selected-window follow-all-followers select-window switch-to-buffer] 3 (#$ . 12225) "BSwitch to Buffer: "])
#@71 Show BUFFER in all windows on this frame.
Defaults to current buffer.
(defalias 'follow-switch-to-buffer-all #[(&optional buffer) "\204p\302 \303\304\305\"\210\306	!\210\307 )\207" [buffer orig-window selected-window walk-windows #[(win) "\302!\210\303	!\207" [win buffer select-window switch-to-buffer] 2] no-minibuf select-window follow-redisplay] 3 (#$ . 12550) (list (read-buffer "Switch to Buffer: " (current-buffer)))])
#@74 Show current buffer in all windows on this frame, and enter Follow mode.
(defalias 'follow-switch-to-current-buffer-all #[nil "\204\300\301!\210\302 \207" [follow-mode 1 follow-switch-to-buffer-all] 2 (#$ . 12988) nil])
#@49 Select the next window showing the same buffer.
(defalias 'follow-next-window #[nil "\301\302 !A\211\203\303@!\202\304\305\306\")\207" [succ follow-split-followers follow-all-followers select-window error "%s" "No more windows"] 4 (#$ . 13217) nil])
#@53 Select the previous window showing the same buffer.
(defalias 'follow-previous-window #[nil "\301\302 !@\211\203\303@!\202\304\305\306\")\207" [pred follow-split-followers follow-all-followers select-window error "%s" "No more windows"] 4 (#$ . 13479) nil])
#@63 Select the first window in the frame showing the same buffer.
(defalias 'follow-first-window #[nil "\300\301 @!\207" [select-window follow-all-followers] 2 (#$ . 13749) nil])
#@62 Select the last window in the frame showing the same buffer.
(defalias 'follow-last-window #[nil "\300\301\302 !@!\207" [select-window reverse follow-all-followers] 3 (#$ . 13930) nil])
#@234 Recenter the middle window around point.
Rearrange all other windows around the middle window.

With a positive argument, place the current line ARG lines
from the top.  With a negative argument, place it -ARG lines
from the bottom.
(defalias 'follow-recenter #[(&optional arg) "\203+`\306!\307Y\203\310 \210	b\210\311!\202)\312 \210	b\210\311!\210\313\211*\207`\314 \211GS\315\245\f8\316
!\210b\210\311 +\207" [arg p follow-internal-force-redisplay dest windows win prefix-numeric-value 0 follow-first-window recenter follow-last-window t follow-all-followers 2 select-window] 4 (#$ . 14123) "P"])
#@258 Arrange windows displaying the same buffer in successor order.
This function can be called even if the buffer is not in Follow mode.

Hopefully, there should be no reason to call this function when in
Follow mode since the windows should always be aligned.
(defalias 'follow-redraw #[nil "\300\301!\210\302 \207" [sit-for 0 follow-redisplay] 2 (#$ . 14745) nil])
#@269 Move point to the end of the buffer, Follow mode style.

If the end is not visible, it will be displayed in the last possible
window in the Follow mode window chain.

The mark is left at the previous position.  With arg N, put point N/10
of the way from the true end.
(defalias 'follow-end-of-buffer #[(&optional arg) "\303 `\n\203\304\305	!@!\210\202\"\306\307	!!\204\"\304\305	!@!\210b\210\310\n!*\207" [pos followers arg follow-all-followers select-window reverse follow-select-if-end-visible follow-windows-start-end end-of-buffer] 3 (#$ . 15115) "P"])
#@180 Sorting function for W1 and W2 based on their positions.
Return non-nil if W1 is above W2; if their top-lines
are at the same position, return non-nil if W1 is to the
left of W2.
(defalias 'follow--window-sorter #[(w1 w2) "\306!\306\n!	A@A@\f
U\203	@@W\202!\f
W,\207" [w1 edge-1 w2 edge-2 y1 y2 window-pixel-edges] 2 (#$ . 15686)])
#@223 Return all windows displaying the same buffer as the WIN.
The list is sorted with topmost and leftmost windows first, and
contains only windows in the same frame as WIN.  If WIN is nil,
it defaults to the selected window.
(defalias 'follow-all-followers #[(&optional win) "\305!\204	\306 \307!\310\311\312!\313#\310\211\2033\f@\307!\n=\203,	B\fA\211\204*\314	\315\"*\207" [win windows buffer w --dolist-tail-- window-live-p selected-window window-buffer nil window-list window-frame no-minibuf sort follow--window-sorter] 5 (#$ . 16035)])
#@153 Split WINDOWS into two sets: predecessors and successors.
Return `(PRED . SUCC)' where `PRED' and `SUCC' are ordered starting
from the selected window.
(defalias 'follow-split-followers #[(windows &optional win) "\204\303 \304\n@=\204\n@	B\nA\211\202\n	\nA)B\207" [win pred windows selected-window nil] 3 (#$ . 16600)])
#@221 Calculate the end position for window WIN.

Actually, the position returned is the start of the line after
the last fully-visible line in WIN.  If WIN is nil, the selected
window is used.
(defalias 'follow-calc-win-end #[(&optional win) "\206\306 \307!\310	8	A@Z\311\312\nS#\3138\2061A@:\203.A@@\2021A@)\314\f\"\203H\315\316\"\211\211dU)D\202K\f\317D,\207" [win edges ht position last-line-pos end selected-window window-inside-pixel-edges 3 posn-at-x-y 0 5 pos-visible-in-window-p window-end t nil] 5 (#$ . 16938)])
#@223 Determine the start of window WIN in a Follow mode window chain.
WINDOWS is a list of chained windows, and POS is the starting
position for the first window in the list.  If WIN is nil, return
the point below all windows.
(defalias 'follow-calc-win-start #[(windows pos win) "\203+@	=\204+\304@!\305@\306#\210\307@!@\305@\n\306#\210A)\202\207" [windows win old-start pos window-start set-window-start noforce follow-calc-win-end] 4 (#$ . 17516)])
#@137 Test if the cached value of `follow-windows-start-end' can be used.
Note that this handles the case when the cache has been set to nil.
(defalias 'follow-cache-valid-p #[(windows) "\304\n\203,\203,	\203,@	@@=\205\"\305@!	@A@=A	A\202\n\2057?\2057	?*\207" [follow-windows-start-end-cache cache res windows t window-start] 2 (#$ . 17986)])
(put 'follow-cache-valid-p 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@72 Return a list of (WIN START END BUFFER-END-P) for window list WINDOWS.
(defalias 'follow-windows-start-end #[(windows) "\306	\203.\203.\n\203.@\n@@=\205$\307@!\n@A@=A\nA\202\2059?\2059\n?+\203?	\207\310 \311\311\f\211
@\f\312\f!\210\f\307 \313 BB\fB
!\210\f\237\211*\207" [windows follow-windows-start-end-cache cache res win-start-end orig-win t window-start selected-window nil select-window follow-calc-win-end w --dolist-tail--] 4 (#$ . 18420)])
#@37 Non-nil when POS is visible in WIN.
(defalias 'follow-pos-visible #[(pos win win-start-end) "	\236A\n@Y\205\n\211A@)W\206\305\n8)\207" [win win-start-end wstart-wend-bend pos x 2] 3 (#$ . 18937)])
(put 'follow-pos-visible 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@144 Non-nil if the follower windows are aligned.
The argument, WIN-START-END, should be a list of the form
returned by `follow-windows-start-end'.
(defalias 'follow-windows-aligned-p #[(win-start-end) "\303	\203$\203$	A\203\304	@8	\211A@)A@=	A\211\204)\207" [result win-start-end x t 2] 3 (#$ . 19220)])
(put 'follow-windows-aligned-p 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@60 Non-nil when the `window-point' is visible in all windows.
(defalias 'follow-point-visible-all-windows-p #[(win-start-end) "\306\2038	\2038\307	@@!	@@	\n	\236A\f@Y\2050\f\211A@)W\2060\310\f8,	A\202)\207" [res win-start-end win pos wstart-wend-bend x t window-point 2] 3 (#$ . 19614)])
#@63 Make sure that the start of WIN starts at a full screen line.
(defalias 'follow-update-window-start #[(win) "\212\301!b\210n?\205#\302\303\"\210`\301!=?\205#\302\304\"\210\305`\306#)\207" [win window-start vertical-motion 0 1 set-window-start noforce] 4 (#$ . 19923)])
#@83 Select and return a window, if DEST is visible in it.
Return the selected window.
(defalias 'follow-select-if-visible #[(dest win-start-end) "\306\211\211\n\204L\203L@\f@\n\236A	
	\211\nA@)W\2067\307	8,\203F@\3078\310\n!\210A\202\n+\207" [wse win-end win win-start-end dest pos nil 2 select-window wstart-wend-bend x] 3 (#$ . 20205)])
#@54 Select and return a window, if end is visible in it.
(defalias 'follow-select-if-end-visible #[(win-start-end) "\303\204;	\203;d\304	@8=\2035\305	@8\2035\306	@@!\211\205)dd\n^=)\2035	@@\307!\210	A\202)\207" [win win-start-end end nil 2 3 window-end select-window] 4 (#$ . 20585)])
#@223 Try to select one of WINDOWS without repositioning the topmost window.
If one of the windows in WINDOWS contains DEST, select it, call
`follow-redisplay', move point to DEST, and return that window.
Otherwise, return nil.
(defalias 'follow-select-if-visible-from-first #[(dest windows) "\305\211\212\306\n@!b\210\307\310\n@\"\210`Y\203P\311 \312\216\n	\204O\n\203O\313\n@`\314#\210\315\n@!\211@b\210A@\204B`W\203I\n@\211\202\nA\202+)	\203b\316	!\210\317\n\211@\"\210b\210	*\207" [end-pos-end-p win windows dest #1=#:wconfig nil window-start vertical-motion 0 current-window-configuration ((set-window-configuration #1#)) set-window-start noforce follow-calc-win-end select-window follow-redisplay] 5 (#$ . 20888)])
#@463 Reposition the WINDOWS around WIN.
Should the point be too close to the roof we redisplay everything
from the top.  WINDOWS should contain a list of windows to
redisplay; it is assumed that WIN is a member of the list.
Should WINDOWS be nil, the windows displaying the
same buffer as WIN, in the current frame, are used.
Should WIN be nil, the selected window is used.
If PRESERVE-WIN is non-nil, keep WIN itself unchanged while
repositioning the other windows.
(defalias 'follow-redisplay #[(&optional windows win preserve-win) "\204\306 	\204\307!\310!\311	\n#\312	#\211\nU\203=\313C\314\315!\2057
\")\210\321	\n$\202z\322C\314\315!\205r
\")\210\323	\n$	\324\211\205\257@\203\227=\204\236\325\"\210\326!@A\211\204\206\324.\207" [win windows old-win-start try-first-start try-win-start args selected-window follow-all-followers window-start follow-estimate-first-window-start follow-calc-win-start "exact" boundp follow-debug apply message "above" follow-calculate-first-window-start-from-above "below" follow-calculate-first-window-start-from-below nil set-window-start follow-calc-win-end start w --dolist-tail-- preserve-win] 6 (#$ . 21631)])
#@165 Estimate the position of the first window.
The estimate is computed by assuming that the window WIN, which
should be a member of WINDOWS, starts at position START.
(defalias 'follow-estimate-first-window-start #[(windows win start) "\306	\"@\212b\210\307\310	\"\210\n\311\211\203*
A\211\204*`*\207" [windows win windows-before start w --dolist-tail-- follow-split-followers vertical-motion 0 nil 1 window-text-height] 5 (#$ . 22937)])
(defalias 'follow-calculate-first-window-start-from-above #[(windows guess win start) "\212\306\211\211b\210\n\2043\307\310\f@\"\310U\204\311d\202\n\312\f`
#\211Y\203\n\311`\202\n,\207" [res win-start done guess windows win nil vertical-motion 1 t follow-calc-win-start start] 5])
(defalias 'follow-calculate-first-window-start-from-below #[(windows guess &optional win start) "\206\306 	\206\307!\212\310\211\211\211b\210\311\312@\"\210`
\204o`\311\313@\"\313U\204=\314e\202%\315`#`\nY\203Q\314`\202%\f	U\203^\314`\202%\f	W\203j\314\211\202&`\202%-\207" [win start opoint res win-start done selected-window window-start nil vertical-motion 0 -1 t follow-calc-win-start guess windows] 5])
#@163 Make sure windows displaying the end of a buffer aren't recentered.
This is done by reading and rewriting the start position of
non-first windows in Follow mode.
(defalias 'follow-avoid-tail-recenter #[(&rest _rest) "p\306\307 !\211\310\311	!?\205O\312\n!\313\n!\314\n!B\313\n!q\210\f\235\2040\fB\202@\203@d
\"\210\316\n\317\320#\211	*=\203q,\207" [orig-buffer top win who pair start frame-first-window selected-frame nil window-minibuffer-p window-start window-buffer window-frame set-window-start next-window not t follow-mode] 5 (#$ . 24165)])
#@73 Ensure that the windows in Follow mode are adjacent after each command.
(defalias 'follow-post-command-hook #[nil "\304 ?\205$\305\306 r\307!q\210\n9\203\n\310N\204\311)\312`\"*\207" [win follow-inside-post-command-hook this-command follow-windows-start-end-cache input-pending-p t selected-window window-buffer follow-mode-use-cache nil follow-adjust-window] 3 (#$ . 24751)])
(defalias 'follow-adjust-window #[(win dest) "r\306!q\210	\205\301\307!?\205\301\310!\311\n@!\210\312\n!\211\313\203D\f\203DA\203=\314@8\211A@)A@=A\211\204&\f*,-.\236A/./@Y\205p./\211A@)W\206p\314/8,0\3151,\203\2000\204\203\31523\204-d=\203\f0\203\271,\203\2714\316>\204\271\317C5\320\321!\205\264\205\264\322\3235\")\210\202\352\324!\203\342\325C5\320\321!\205\323\205\323\322\3235\")\210\3130\315,-b\210\202\352\326C5\320\321!\205\366\205\366\322\3235\")\210\327\330\n!@!\210-b\210\315\2110,\202\3520\203/,\203/\331C5\320\321!\205*\205*\322\3235\")\210\202\352\332-\"\203W\333C5\320\321!\205K\205K\322\3235\")\210-b\210\3150\202\3520\203u\334C5\320\321!\205p\205p\322\3235\")\210\202\352-@A@W\203\247\335C5\320\321!\205\223\205\223\322\3235\")\210\327\n@!\210-b\210\315\2110,\202\352\336-\n\"\203\316\337C5\320\321!\205\303\205\303\322\3235\")\210\313\2110,\202\352\340C5\320\321!\205\342\205\342\322\3235\")\210\315\2110,\341 =\204\342!6\343\344!\315#\210\3456\"\210)0\204/`7\346 \210`7U\2047b\210\346 \210)\3131\347 \210\312\n!\315\2112,3\204j,\204d\313\203_\f\203_A\203X\314@8\211A@)A@=A\211\204A\f*\203j\350!\204\262\3153\351\n\341 1#\210\312\n!\3152-.\236A/./@Y\205\244./\211A@)W\206\244\314/8,\204\262\332-\"\210-b\210\352 \203\276\353\341 \n#\210-\347 )\207" [win follow-mode windows win-start-end result x window-buffer window-minibuffer-p follow-all-followers follow-update-window-start follow-windows-start-end t 2 nil (backward-delete-char delete-backward-char backward-delete-char-untabify kill-region) "Max: same" boundp follow-debug apply message follow-select-if-end-visible "Max: end visible" "Max: default" select-window last "same" follow-select-if-visible "visible" "visible in selected." "before first" follow-select-if-visible-from-first "Below first" "None" selected-window window-point set-window-start window-start set-window-point redisplay follow-avoid-tail-recenter follow-point-visible-all-windows-p follow-redisplay region-active-p follow-maximize-region aligned dest pos wstart-wend-bend visible selected-window-up-to-date follow-windows-start-end-cache follow-internal-force-redisplay this-command args p opoint] 5])
#@66 Make a highlighted region stretching multiple windows look good.
(defalias 'follow-maximize-region #[(win windows win-start-end) "\306	\"\211@\nA\307\203+@\n\236\310@
8S]\"\210A\211\204\f\205C\310\f@\f@\n\236A@\"\210\fA\211\204/\307,\207" [windows win all pred succ data follow-split-followers nil set-window-point 2 win-start-end] 6 (#$ . 27513)])
(defalias 'follow-scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll #[(event) "\301!\210\302!\207" [event scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll follow-redraw-after-event] 2 nil "e"])
(defalias 'follow-scroll-bar-drag #[(event) "\301!\210\302!\207" [event scroll-bar-drag follow-redraw-after-event] 2 nil "e"])
(defalias 'follow-scroll-bar-scroll-up #[(event) "\301!\210\302!\207" [event scroll-bar-scroll-up follow-redraw-after-event] 2 nil "e"])
(defalias 'follow-scroll-bar-scroll-down #[(event) "\301!\210\302!\207" [event scroll-bar-scroll-down follow-redraw-after-event] 2 nil "e"])
(defalias 'follow-mwheel-scroll #[(event) "\301!\210\302!\207" [event mwheel-scroll follow-redraw-after-event] 2 nil "e"])
#@53 Re-align the Follow mode windows affected by EVENT.
(defalias 'follow-redraw-after-event #[(event) "\304!@\305	!\306 \307\310\n\"\205.	\306 =?\205.\311	!\210\312 \210\305!\n=?\205.\311!+\207" [event window buffer orig-win event-end window-buffer selected-window buffer-local-value follow-mode select-window follow-redisplay] 3 (#$ . 28579)])
#@51 Redraw all windows in FRAME, when in Follow mode.
(defalias 'follow-window-size-change #[(frame) "?\205!\306\307 p\310 \306\211\311!\210\312\216\313\314\315\".\207" [follow-inside-post-command-hook buf windows orig-frame orig-buffer orig-window nil selected-window selected-frame select-frame ((byte-code "\303!\210	q\210\304\n!\207" [orig-frame orig-buffer orig-window select-frame select-window] 2)) walk-windows #[(win) "\306!\211\n>?\2053	q\210\2053\307!
!\210\312 \210\313 	\nB\211\207" [win buf buffers follow-mode windows orig-window window-buffer follow-all-followers follow-redisplay select-window follow-post-command-hook selected-window] 4] no-minibuf buffers frame] 6 (#$ . 28936)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305!\207" [add-hook window-scroll-functions follow-avoid-tail-recenter t provide follow] 4)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net