? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/gnus/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/gnus/pop3.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:10:26 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/gnus/pop3.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\204\n\302\303!\210\302\304!\210\305\306\307\310\311\312\311\313&\210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\311\306&	\210\314\324\325\326\320\321\322\323\311\306&	\210\314\327\330\331\320\321\322\332\311\306&	\210\314\333\334\335\320\321\322\336\311\306&	\207" [fboundp open-protocol-stream require proto-stream mail-utils custom-declare-group pop3 nil "Post Office Protocol." :group mail mail-source custom-declare-variable pop3-maildrop (or (user-login-name) (getenv "LOGNAME") (getenv "USER")) "*POP3 maildrop." :version "22.1" :type string pop3-mailhost (or (getenv "MAILHOST") "pop3") "*POP3 mailhost." pop3-port 110 "*POP3 port." number pop3-password-required t "*Non-nil if a password is required when connecting to POP server." boolean] 10)
#@49 *Password to use when connecting to POP server.
(defvar pop3-password nil (#$ . -1318))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&	\210\300\312\313\314\304\315\306\316\310\311&	\210\300\317\320\321\306\307\304\322\310\311&	\207" [custom-declare-variable pop3-authentication-scheme 'pass "*POP3 authentication scheme.\nDefaults to `pass', for the standard USER/PASS authentication.  The other\nvalid value is 'apop'." :type (choice (const :tag "Normal user/password" pass) (const :tag "APOP" apop)) :version "22.1" :group pop3 pop3-stream-length 100 "How many messages should be requested at one time.\nThe lower the number, the more latency-sensitive the fetching\nwill be.  If your pop3 server doesn't support streaming at all,\nset this to 1." number "24.1" pop3-leave-mail-on-server nil "*Non-nil if the mail is to be left on the POP server after fetching.\n\nIf `pop3-leave-mail-on-server' is non-nil the mail is to be left\non the POP server after fetching.  Note that POP servers maintain\nno state information between sessions, so what the client\nbelieves is there and what is actually there may not match up.\nIf they do not, then you may get duplicate mails or the whole\nthing can fall apart and leave you with a corrupt mailbox." boolean] 10)
#@94 Timestamp returned when initially connected to the POP server.
Used for APOP authentication.
(defvar pop3-timestamp nil (#$ . 2590))
(defvar pop3-read-point nil)
(defvar pop3-debug nil)
(byte-code "\301\302!\203\303\304!\203\305\306\302\"\210\202*\307\310\311\312!\"\203\"\313\202#\314!\210\305\306\315\"\210\301\207" [system-type fboundp nnheader-accept-process-output boundp nnheader-read-timeout defalias pop3-accept-process-output (lambda (#1=#:def-tmp-var) (defvar pop3-read-timeout #1# "How long pop3 should wait between checking for the end of output.\nShorter values mean quicker response, but are more CPU intensive.")) string-match "windows-nt\\|os/2\\|cygwin" symbol-name 1.0 0.01 #[(process) "\302\303	!\303	\303	!Z\304_!#\207" [process pop3-read-timeout accept-process-output truncate 1000] 7]] 5)
#@80 Transfer contents of a maildrop to the specified FILE.
Use streaming commands.
(defalias 'pop3-movemail #[(file) "\306	\"\307\211\310\n!\210r\311\n!q\210\312\n!\211@
\211A@))\313V\203A\314\n\315\f$\210\316!\210\204A\314\n\317\307$\210)\320\n!\210+\321\207" [pop3-mailhost pop3-port process message-count message-total-size size pop3-open-server nil pop3-logon process-buffer pop3-stat 0 pop3-send-streaming-command "RETR" pop3-write-to-file "DELE" pop3-quit t x file pop3-leave-mail-on-server] 6 (#$ . 3416)])
(defalias 'pop3-send-streaming-command #[(process command count total-size) "\306 \210\307e\310\nY\2035\311\f\312\313
\n#\"\210\314\n\246!\203/\315\f	$\\\nT\202	\315\fZ	$+\207" [waited-for start-point i count process command erase-buffer 1 0 process-send-string format "%s %d
\n" zerop pop3-wait-for-messages pop3-stream-length total-size] 6])
(defalias 'pop3-wait-for-messages #[(process count total-size start-point) "\305V\203{	b\210\306\307\310\311#\203\n\203%\306\312\310\311#\204%\306\313\310\311#\203-S`\202	\314!\315>\2049\316\317!\210\n\203t\305eb\210\306\320\310\311#\203a\321\f`[\306\312\310\322#\203[\305\224\202\\`#\202B\323\324\325\f\326\245!\325\f\327_\n\245\330_!#\210)\331!\210\202	\207" [count start-point total-size process size 0 re-search-forward "^\\+OK" nil t "^\\.
?\n" "^-ERR " process-status (open run) error "pop3 process died" "^\\+OK.*\n" + move message "pop3 retrieved %dKB (%d%%)" truncate 1000 1.0 100 pop3-accept-process-output] 7])
(defalias 'pop3-write-to-file #[(file) "pe\306\211\211\307\310!r
q\210\311\216pr\fq\210eb\210\312\313\306\314#\203_\315y\210`\312\316\306\314#\2039`\317y\210`rq\210db\210`\320\f\n	#\210\321`\"\210db\210\322`\"\210db\210*\202)\323eb\210l\203n\324\315!\210\325ed\306\326%.	\207" [temp-buffer end beg start pop-buffer #1=#:temp-buffer nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) re-search-forward "^\\+OK" t 1 "^\\.
?\n" -1 insert-buffer-substring pop3-clean-region pop3-munge-message-separator binary delete-char write-region nomesg hstart coding-system-for-write file] 6])
(defalias 'pop3-logon #[(process) "	\203\f\306\307\n!!\210\203\204\310\311\312\f\"!
\315\232\2039\316\n\f\"\210\317\n!\202<\320\321!)\207" [pop3-password pop3-debug process pop3-password-required pop3-maildrop pop3-authentication-scheme switch-to-buffer process-buffer read-passwd format "Password for %s: " apop pop3-apop pass pop3-user pop3-pass error "Invalid POP3 authentication scheme"] 4])
#@48 Return the number of messages in the maildrop.
(defalias 'pop3-get-message-count #[nil "\306	\"\307\f
\203\310\311\n!!\210\203$\f\204$\312\313\314\"!\315\232\2034\316\n\"\210\202L\317\232\203H\320\n\"\210\321\n!\210\202L\322\323!\210\324\n!@\325\n!\210+\207" [pop3-mailhost pop3-port process message-count pop3-password pop3-debug pop3-open-server nil switch-to-buffer process-buffer read-passwd format "Password for %s: " apop pop3-apop pass pop3-user pop3-pass error "Invalid POP3 authentication scheme" pop3-stat pop3-quit pop3-password-required pop3-maildrop pop3-authentication-scheme] 4 (#$ . 6069)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&	\210\312\313!\203\314\315\313\"\210\202 \314\315\316\"\210\302\207" [custom-declare-variable pop3-stream-type nil "*Transport security type for POP3 connections.\nThis may be either nil (plain connection), `ssl' (use an\nSSL/TSL-secured stream) or `starttls' (use the starttls mechanism\nto turn on TLS security after opening the stream).  However, if\nthis is nil, `ssl' is assumed for connections to port\n995 (pop3s)." :version "23.1" :group pop3 :type (choice (const :tag "Plain" nil) (const :tag "SSL/TLS" ssl) (const starttls)) fboundp set-process-query-on-exit-flag defalias pop3-set-process-query-on-exit-flag process-kill-without-query] 10)
#@94 Open TCP connection to MAILHOST on PORT.
Returns the process associated with the connection.
(defalias 'pop3-open-server #[(mailhost port) "\306\211\307r\310\311P!q\210\312 \210e\313\314p
\317\235\203/\320\2025&\2065\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335&\211\205r\336A\337\"\211'\340\341'\"\206Y\342\340\343'\"\206b\344TO()\345@\307\"\210\312 \210@,\207" [result coding-system-for-write coding-system-for-read mailhost pop3-read-point port binary nil get-buffer-create " trace of POP session to " erase-buffer open-protocol-stream "POP" :type ssl (995 "pop3s") tls network :capability-command "CAPA
\n" :end-of-command "^\\(-ERR\\|+OK\\).*\n" :end-of-capability "^\\.
?\n\\|^-ERR" :success "^\\+OK.*\n" :return-list t :starttls-function #[(capabilities) "\301\302\"\205\303\207" [capabilities string-match "\\bSTLS\\b" "STLS
\n"] 3] plist-get :greeting string-match "<" 0 ">" -1 pop3-set-process-query-on-exit-flag pop3-stream-type response pop3-timestamp] 20 (#$ . 7416)])
(defalias 'pop3-send-command #[(process command) "\303!q\210db\210`db\210\304\n\305P\"\207" [process pop3-read-point command process-buffer process-send-string "
\n"] 4])
#@103 Read the response from the server.
Return the response string if optional second argument is non-nil.
(defalias 'pop3-read-response #[(process &optional return) "\305\211r\306\n!q\210b\210\307\n!\310>\203'\311\312\305\313#\204'\314\n!\210b\210\202
`b\210\315\316!\203=\317\320`\321Z{\"\202V\315\322!\204I\305\202V\f\203U`{\202V\313+\207" [match-end case-fold-search process pop3-read-point return nil process-buffer process-status (open run) search-forward "
\n" t pop3-accept-process-output looking-at "-ERR" error "%s" 2 "+OK"] 5 (#$ . 8637)])
(defalias 'pop3-clean-region #[(start end) "\302 \303\223\212	b\210`W\203!\304\305\306#\203!\307\310\306\211#\210\202\n	b\210`W\203>\311\312\306#\203>\307\313\306\211#\210\303u\210\202$)\303\211\223\207" [end start make-marker nil search-forward "
\n" t replace-match "\n" re-search-forward "^\\." ""] 4])
#@58 Make a valid date header.
If NOW, use that time instead.
(defalias 'pop3-make-date #[(&optional now) "\304\305!\210\206\n\306 \307\310!8\311	\312W\203\313	[\314\315\"\316\317\320\321\322\310!8\"@!\"\314\323\"\316\324\n	\325\245	\325\246\326\245$R+\207" [now zone sign parse-time-months require parse-time current-time 8 decode-time "+" 0 "-" format-time-string "%d" format " %s " capitalize rassoc 4 "%Y %H:%M:%S " "%s%02d%02d" 3600 60] 9 (#$ . 9529)])
#@68 Check to see if a message separator exists.  If not, generate one.
(defalias 'pop3-munge-message-separator #[(start end) "\212\214	}\210eb\210\306\307!\206\306\310!\206\306\311!?\205\257\312\313\314!!\313\315!\316\2035\317\230\2045\2067\320 \321\"\322\f\204D\323\202o\324\325\f@\"\203a\326\327\f@\330\f8\fA@\331\f8\332\f8&\202o\326\333\fA@\f@\332\f8\330\f8%\326\334\n\f#\324\335
c\210\337\340\322\341#\204\240db\210\342c\210d`Z%\343y\210\326\344%\"c-*\207" [start end from tdate date From_ looking-at "From .?" "\n" "BABYL OPTIONS:" mail-strip-quoted-names mail-fetch-field "From" "Date" split-string "" pop3-make-date " " nil "Tue Jan 1 00:00:0 1900" string-match "[A-Z]" format "%s %s %s %s %s" 2 4 3 "Sun %s %s %s %s" "\nFrom %s  %s\n" "," 0 search-forward "\n\n" t "\n" -1 "Content-Length: %s\n" size] 8 (#$ . 10002)])
#@39 Send USER information to POP3 server.
(defalias 'pop3-user #[(process user) "\303\304\305	\"\"\210\306\307\"\211\205\310\311\n\"?\205\312\313	\")\207" [process user response pop3-send-command format "USER %s" pop3-read-response t string-match "+OK" error "USER %s not valid"] 6 (#$ . 10915)])
#@48 Send authentication information to the server.
(defalias 'pop3-pass #[(process) "\303\304\305	\"\"\210\306\307\"\211\205\310\311\n\"?\205\312!)\207" [process pop3-password response pop3-send-command format "PASS %s" pop3-read-response t string-match "+OK" pop3-quit] 6 (#$ . 11221)])
#@58 Send alternate authentication information to the server.
(defalias 'pop3-apop #[(process user) "\n\203	\204\306\307\310\"!	\205B\311\f	P\312\211\313$\314\307\315
#\"\210\316\317\"\211\2059\320\321\"?\205A\322!*)\207" [pop3-password pass pop3-password-required pop3-maildrop pop3-timestamp hash read-passwd format "Password for %s: " md5 nil binary pop3-send-command "APOP %s %s" pop3-read-response t string-match "+OK" pop3-quit process user response] 7 (#$ . 11519)])
#@72 Return the number of messages in the maildrop and the maildrop's size.
(defalias 'pop3-stat #[(process) "\302\303\"\210\304\305\"\306\307	\310\"A@!\306\311\307	\310\"8!)D\207" [process response pop3-send-command "STAT" pop3-read-response t string-to-number split-string " " 2] 6 (#$ . 12018)])
#@111 If MSG is nil, return an alist of (MESSAGE-ID . SIZE) pairs.
Otherwise, return the size of the message-id MSG
(defalias 'pop3-list #[(process &optional msg) "\306	\203
\307\310	\"\202\311\"\210\312\313\"	\203$\314\315\316\n\317\"8!\202U\320r\321!q\210\322\323\320\313#\204@\324!\210
b\210\202.\325 \326\224b\210\325 \327\330\316
\f{\331\313#\"+)\207" [process msg response pop3-read-point end start pop3-send-command format "LIST %d" "LIST" pop3-read-response t string-to-number 2 split-string " " nil process-buffer re-search-forward "^\\.
\n" pop3-accept-process-output point-marker 0 mapcar #[(s) "\302\303\"\304	@!\304	A@!)B\207" [s split split-string " " string-to-number] 3] "
\n"] 6 (#$ . 12322)])
#@45 Retrieve message-id MSG to buffer CRASHBUF.
(defalias 'pop3-retr #[(process msg crashbuf) "\306\307\310	\"\"\210\311!\210\n\312r\313!q\210\314\315\312\316#\2044\317!\320>\204*\321\322!\210\323!\210\fb\210\202\324 \325\224b\210\324 \326\f\"\210\327\f\"\210r
q\210\330 \210)\331
\f#\210\f|+\207" [process msg pop3-read-point end start crashbuf pop3-send-command format "RETR %s" pop3-read-response nil process-buffer re-search-forward "^\\.
\n" t process-status (open run) error "pop3 server closed the connection" pop3-accept-process-output point-marker 0 pop3-clean-region pop3-munge-message-separator erase-buffer copy-to-buffer] 5 (#$ . 13052)])
#@33 Mark message-id MSG as deleted.
(defalias 'pop3-dele #[(process msg) "\302\303\304	\"\"\210\305!\207" [process msg pop3-send-command format "DELE %s" pop3-read-response] 5 (#$ . 13723)])
#@15 No-operation.
(defalias 'pop3-noop #[(process msg) "\301\302\"\210\303!\207" [process pop3-send-command "NOOP" pop3-read-response] 3 (#$ . 13918)])
#@60 Return highest accessed message-id number for the session.
(defalias 'pop3-last #[(process) "\302\303\"\210\304\305\"\306\307	\310\"A@!)\207" [process response pop3-send-command "LAST" pop3-read-response t string-to-number split-string " "] 4 (#$ . 14074)])
#@48 Remove all delete marks from current maildrop.
(defalias 'pop3-rset #[(process) "\301\302\"\210\303!\207" [process pop3-send-command "RSET" pop3-read-response] 3 (#$ . 14341)])
#@135 Close connection to POP3 server.
Tell server to remove all messages marked as deleted, unlock the maildrop,
and close the connection.
(defalias 'pop3-quit #[(process) "\301\302\"\210\303\304\"\210\205r\305!q\210db\210\306!)\207" [process pop3-send-command "QUIT" pop3-read-response t process-buffer delete-process] 3 (#$ . 14527)])
(provide 'pop3)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net