? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/help-mode.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:20 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/help-mode.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(require 'button)
#@23 Keymap for help mode.
(defvar help-mode-map (byte-code "\303 \304\305	\n\"\"\210\306\307\310#\210\306\311\312#\210\306\313\314#\210\306\315\312#\210\306\316\314#\210\306\317\320#\210\306\321\322#\210)\207" [map button-buffer-map special-mode-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent make-composed-keymap define-key [mouse-2] help-follow-mouse "" help-go-back "" help-go-forward [XF86Back] [XF86Forward] "" help-follow-symbol "
" help-follow] 5) (#$ . 570))
#@21 Menu for Help Mode.
(defvar help-mode-menu nil (#$ . 1049))
(easy-menu-do-define 'help-mode-menu help-mode-map "Menu for Help Mode." '("Help-Mode" ["Show Help for Symbol" help-follow-symbol :help "Show the docs for the symbol at point"] ["Previous Topic" help-go-back :help "Go back to previous topic in this help buffer"] ["Next Topic" help-go-forward :help "Go back to next topic in this help buffer"] ["Move to Previous Button" backward-button :help "Move to the Next Button in the help buffer"] ["Move to Next Button" forward-button :help "Move to the Next Button in the help buffer"]))
#@239 A stack of ways by which to return to help buffers after following xrefs.
Used by `help-follow' and `help-xref-go-back'.
An element looks like (POSITION FUNCTION ARGS...).
To use the element, do (apply FUNCTION ARGS) then goto the point.
(defvar help-xref-stack nil (#$ . 1647))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301!\207" [put help-xref-stack permanent-local t make-variable-buffer-local] 4)
#@236 A stack used to navigate help forwards after using the back button.
Used by `help-follow' and `help-xref-go-forward'.
An element looks like (POSITION FUNCTION ARGS...).
To use the element, do (apply FUNCTION ARGS) then goto the point.
(defvar help-xref-forward-stack nil (#$ . 2051))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301!\207" [put help-xref-forward-stack permanent-local t make-variable-buffer-local] 4)
#@108 An item for `help-follow' in this buffer to push onto `help-xref-stack'.
The format is (FUNCTION ARGS...).
(defvar help-xref-stack-item nil (#$ . 2468))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301!\207" [put help-xref-stack-item permanent-local t make-variable-buffer-local] 4)
#@102 An item for `help-go-back' to push onto `help-xref-forward-stack'.
The format is (FUNCTION ARGS...).
(defvar help-xref-stack-forward-item nil (#$ . 2751))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301!\210\305\306\307\"\210\305\310\307\"\210\305\311\307\"\210\305\312\307\"\210\313\314\307\315\316\317\320\321&\210\322\323\324\303\325\326%\207" [put help-xref-stack-forward-item permanent-local t make-variable-buffer-local set-default help-xref-stack nil help-xref-stack-item help-xref-forward-stack help-xref-forward-stack-item custom-declare-variable help-mode-hook "Hook run by `help-mode'." :type hook :group help define-button-type help-xref follow-link action help-button-action] 8)
#@30 Call BUTTON's help function.
(defalias 'help-button-action #[(button) "\301\302!\303\304\"\303\305\"#\207" [button help-do-xref button-start button-get help-function help-args] 6 (#$ . 3444)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\301\304\305\306\307!&\210\300\310\302\303\301\311\305\306\312!&\210\300\313\302\303\301\314\305\306\315!&\210\300\316\302\303\301\317\305\306\320!&\210\300\321\302\303\301\322\305\306\323!&\210\300\324\302\303\301\325\305\306\326!&\210\300\327\302\303\301\330\305\306\331!&\210\300\332\302\303\301\333\305\306\334!&\210\300\335\302\303\301\336\305\306\337!&\210\300\340\302\303\301\341\305\306\342!&\210\300\343\302\303\301\344\305\306\342!&\210\300\345\302\303\301\346\305\306\347!&\210\300\350\302\303\301\351\305\306\352!&\210\300\353\302\303\301\354\305\306\355!&\210\300\356\302\303\301\357\305\306\360!&\210\300\361\302\303\301\362\305\306\363!&\210\300\364\302\303\301\365\305\306\366!&\210\300\367\302\303\301\370\305\306\371!&\210\300\372\302\303\301\373\305\306\374!&\210\300\375\302\303\301\376\305\306\377!&\210\300\201@\302\303\301\201A\305\306\201B!&\210\300\201C\302\303\301\201D\305\306\201E!&\210\300\201F\302\303\301\201G\305\306\201H!&\210\201I\201JN\204W\201K\201I\201J\306\201L!#\210\201M\201N!\204o\201K\201N\201O\201P#\210\300\207" [define-button-type help-function :supertype help-xref describe-function help-echo purecopy "mouse-2, RET: describe this function" help-variable describe-variable "mouse-2, RET: describe this variable" help-face describe-face "mouse-2, RET: describe this face" help-coding-system describe-coding-system "mouse-2, RET: describe this coding system" help-input-method describe-input-method "mouse-2, RET: describe this input method" help-character-set describe-character-set "mouse-2, RET: describe this character set" help-symbol help-xref-interned "mouse-2, RET: describe this symbol" help-back help-xref-go-back "mouse-2, RET: go back to previous help buffer" help-forward help-xref-go-forward "mouse-2, RET: move forward to next help buffer" help-info-variable #[(_a v) "\301!\207" [v info] 2] "mouse-2, RET: read this Info node" help-info info help-url browse-url "mouse-2, RET: view this URL in a browser" help-customize-variable #[(v) "\301!\207" [v customize-variable] 2] "mouse-2, RET: customize variable" help-customize-face #[(v) "\301!\207" [v customize-face] 2] "mouse-2, RET: customize face" help-function-def #[(fun file) "\303\304!\210\305=\203\306\307	!\301\"\310	\311#\312\n@!\210\nA\203'\nAb\202*\313\314!)\207" [file fun location require find-func C-source help-C-file-name indirect-function find-function-search-for-symbol nil pop-to-buffer message "Unable to find location in file"] 4] "mouse-2, RET: find function's definition" help-function-cmacro #[(fun file) "\302\303\"\211\203.\304!\203.\305\306!!\210eb\210\307\310\311\312\313	!!\"\314\303#\203*\315y\207\316\317!\207\316\320!\207" [file fun locate-library t file-readable-p pop-to-buffer find-file-noselect re-search-forward format "^[ 	]*(define-compiler-macro[ 	]+%s" regexp-quote symbol-name nil 0 message "Unable to find location in file" "Unable to find file"] 7] "mouse-2, RET: find function's compiler macro" help-variable-def #[(var &optional file) "\303=\203\304	\301\"\305	\"\306\n@!\210\nA\203 \nAb\202#\307\310!)\207" [file var location C-source help-C-file-name find-variable-noselect pop-to-buffer message "Unable to find location in file"] 3] "mouse-2, RET: find variable's definition" help-face-def #[(fun file) "\303\304!\210\305\306	#\307\n@!\210\nA\203\nAb\202\310\311!)\207" [fun file location require find-func find-function-search-for-symbol defface pop-to-buffer message "Unable to find location in file"] 4] "mouse-2, RET: find face's definition" help-package describe-package "mouse-2, RET: Describe package" help-package-def #[(file) "\301!\207" [file dired] 2] "mouse-2, RET: visit package directory" help-theme-def find-file "mouse-2, RET: visit theme file" help-theme-edit customize-create-theme "mouse-2, RET: edit this theme file" help-dir-local-var-def #[(var &optional file) "\301!\207" [file find-file] 2] "mouse-2, RET: open directory-local variables file" help-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run when entering Help mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it.  (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp help-mode-map definition-name help-mode] 9)
(defvar help-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\305\306!\204\302\306\307\310#\210\300\207" [help-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `help-mode'." boundp help-mode-syntax-table definition-name help-mode] 5)
(defvar help-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [help-mode-syntax-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Syntax table for `help-mode'." help-mode-abbrev-table definition-name help-mode] 5)
(defvar help-mode-abbrev-table (progn (define-abbrev-table 'help-mode-abbrev-table nil) help-mode-abbrev-table))
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\302\300\301\303\304!#\210\302\305\306\307#\207" [help-mode-abbrev-table variable-documentation put purecopy "Abbrev table for `help-mode'." help-mode derived-mode-parent special-mode] 5)
#@152 Major mode for viewing help text and navigating references in it.
Entry to this mode runs the normal hook `help-mode-hook'.
(defalias 'help-mode #[nil "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315!\204'\316\317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2036
\321 =\203<\322\f\323 \"\210)\324\325\"\204V =\204V\326\325 C#\210\327!\210\330\f!\210 \306\331!\210\332\306\333!\210\334)\335\336!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name help-mode-map help-mode-syntax-table parent make-local-variable t special-mode help-mode "Help" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table revert-buffer-function help-mode-revert-buffer bookmark-make-record-function help-bookmark-make-record run-mode-hooks help-mode-hook help-mode-abbrev-table local-abbrev-table] 6 (#$ . 8817) nil])
(defalias 'help-mode-setup #[nil "\301 \210\302\211\207" [buffer-read-only help-mode nil] 2])
(defalias 'help-mode-finish #[nil "\303=\205#\304\212eb\210\304\305\306\307\304#\203\310\311\224\311\225\312\313$\210*\314p!\207" [major-mode buffer-read-only inhibit-read-only help-mode t re-search-forward "^This [^[:space:]]+ is advised.$" nil put-text-property 0 face font-lock-warning-face help-make-xrefs] 5])
#@62 Label to use by `help-make-xrefs' for the go-back reference.
(defvar help-back-label (purecopy "[back]") (#$ . 10244))
#@65 Label to use by `help-make-xrefs' for the go-forward reference.
(defvar help-forward-label (purecopy "[forward]") (#$ . 10369))
#@180 Regexp matching doc string references to symbols.

The words preceding the quoted symbol can be used in doc strings to
distinguish references to variables, functions and symbols.
(defconst help-xref-symbol-regexp (purecopy "\\(\\<\\(\\(variable\\|option\\)\\|\\(function\\|command\\)\\|\\(face\\)\\|\\(symbol\\|program\\|property\\)\\|\\(source \\(?:code \\)?\\(?:of\\|for\\)\\)\\)[ 	\n]+\\)?`\\(\\sw\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)'") (#$ . 10504))
#@236 Regexp matching doc string references to MULE-related keywords.

It is usually nil, and is temporarily bound to an appropriate regexp
when help commands related to multilingual environment (e.g.,
`describe-coding-system') are invoked.
(defvar help-xref-mule-regexp nil (#$ . 10950))
#@56 Regexp matching doc string references to an Info node.
(defconst help-xref-info-regexp (purecopy "\\<[Ii]nfo[ 	\n]+\\(node\\|anchor\\)[ 	\n]+`\\([^']+\\)'") (#$ . 11239))
#@49 Regexp matching doc string references to a URL.
(defconst help-xref-url-regexp (purecopy "\\<[Uu][Rr][Ll][ 	\n]+`\\([^']+\\)'") (#$ . 11416))
#@512 Invoked from commands using the "*Help*" buffer to install some xref info.

ITEM is a (FUNCTION . ARGS) pair appropriate for recreating the help
buffer after following a reference.  INTERACTIVE-P is non-nil if the
calling command was invoked interactively.  In this case the stack of
items for help buffer "back" buttons is cleared.

This should be called very early, before the output buffer is cleared,
because we want to record the "previous" position of point so we can
restore it properly when going back.
(defalias 'help-setup-xref #[(item interactive-p) "r\306 q\210\203`B	B\307\203\"\310	\233\211\203!\f\307\241\210)
\211)\207" [help-xref-stack-item help-xref-stack help-xref-forward-stack interactive-p tail item help-buffer nil 10] 3 (#$ . 11565)])
#@48 Non-nil when following a help cross-reference.
(defvar help-xref-following nil (#$ . 12341))
#@282 Return the name of a buffer for inserting help.
If `help-xref-following' is non-nil, this is the name of the
current buffer.  Signal an error if this buffer is not derived
from `help-mode'.
Otherwise, return "*Help*", creating a buffer with that name if
it does not already exist.
(defalias 'help-buffer #[nil "\301\204\302\303!\202\304\305!\204\306\307!\210p!\207" [help-xref-following buffer-name get-buffer-create "*Help*" derived-mode-p help-mode error "Current buffer is not in Help mode"] 3 (#$ . 12441)])
#@948 Parse and hyperlink documentation cross-references in the given BUFFER.

Find cross-reference information in a buffer and activate such cross
references for selection with `help-follow'.  Cross-references have
the canonical form `...'  and the type of reference may be
disambiguated by the preceding word(s) used in
`help-xref-symbol-regexp'.  Faces only get cross-referenced if
preceded or followed by the word `face'.  Variables without
variable documentation do not get cross-referenced, unless
preceded by the word `variable' or `option'.

If the variable `help-xref-mule-regexp' is non-nil, find also
cross-reference information related to multilingual environment
(e.g., coding-systems).  This variable is also used to disambiguate
the type of reference as the same way as `help-xref-symbol-regexp'.

A special reference `back' is made to return back through a stack of
help buffers.  Variable `help-back-label' specifies the text for
(defalias 'help-make-xrefs #[(&optional buffer) "r\206pq\210\212eb\210\306 \210\307 \310 \311\211\312
!\210\313\216\212\314@\315\311#\203X\316\317!A\320 B\321\216\322\323A\"\204B\324APA\325\326\327A\311\211%A*\330\317\331A#\210)\202 )\212\314C\315\311#\203s\316\332!A\330\332\333A#\210)\202Z)D\203&\212\314D\315\311#\203%\316\334!A\335A!E\316\336!\203\252E\203!\337E!\203!\330\340\341E#\210\202!\316\342!\203\303\343AF\"\203!\330\334\344A#\210\202!\316\345!\204\317\316\340!\203\345E\203!\346E!\203!\330\334\347E#\210\202!\343AF\"\203\370\330\334\347A#\210\202!E\203\337E!\203\330\334\341E#\210\202!E\203!\346E!\203!\330\334\347E#\210*\202z)\212\314G\315\311#\203\316\350!A\335A!\211E\203\316\336!\203]\351E!\204SE\352N\203\330\350\353E#\210\202\316\342!\203t\354E!\203\330\350\355E#\210\202\316\345!\203\213\356E!\203\330\350\357E#\210\202\316\340!\204\316\334!\203\241\330\350\360E#\210\202\356E!\203\277\320 B\361\216\362\363!*\203\277\330\350\357E#\210\202\351E!\204\315E\352N\203\336\354E!\203\336\330\350\364E#\210\202\351E!\204\354E\352N\203\365E\352\"\204\376\365\366E!\352\"\203\330\350\353E#\210\202\354E!\203\330\350\355E#\210*\202')\212\314\367\315\311#\203=\335\316\332!!E\354E!\2039\330\332\355E#\210)\202)\212eb\210\314\370\315\311#\203\226\332\225\332\224ZHm\204\222\362\371!\204\222l\203b\315y\210\315\210\372\315x\210iHY\203\214\362\373!\203\214\335\316\374!!E\354E!\203\213\330\374\355E#\210)\315y\210\202Q)\202B*db\210o\204\251n\203\251\375\376!\210\202\232\377c\210I\204\266J\203\271\377c\210I\203\311\201MK\201Np#\210J\203\343I\203\330\201Oc\210\201ML\201Pp#\210I\204\355J\203\360\377c\210+\201Q	!+\207" [buffer old-modified inhibit-read-only case-fold-search stab emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table forward-paragraph buffer-modified-p syntax-table t set-syntax-table ((set-syntax-table stab)) re-search-forward nil match-string 2 match-data ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) string-match "^([^)]+)" "(emacs)" replace-regexp-in-string "[ 	\n]+" " " help-xref-button help-info 1 help-url 7 intern-soft 3 coding-system-p 6 help-coding-system 4 assoc help-input-method 5 charsetp help-character-set 8 boundp variable-documentation help-variable fboundp help-function facep help-face help-function-def ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) looking-at "[ 	\n]+face\\W" help-symbol documentation-property indirect-variable "\\<M-x\\s-+\\(\\sw\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)*\\sw\\)" "^key +binding\n\\(-+ +\\)-+\n\n" "\n\\s-*\n" "^ 	\n" "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+$" 0 delete-char -1 "\n" help-xref-info-regexp data save-match-data-internal help-xref-url-regexp help-xref-mule-regexp sym input-method-alist help-xref-symbol-regexp col help-xref-stack help-xref-forward-stack help-back-label help-forward-label help-insert-xref-button help-back "	" help-forward set-buffer-modified-p] 7 (#$ . 12967) "b"])
#@282 Make a hyperlink for cross-reference text previously matched.
MATCH-NUMBER is the subexpression of interest in the last matched
regexp.  TYPE is the type of button to use.  Any remaining arguments are
passed to the button's help-function when it is invoked.
See `help-make-xrefs'.
(defalias 'help-xref-button #[(match-number type &rest args) "\303\224!?\205\304\224\225\301	\305\n&\207" [match-number type args button-at make-text-button help-args] 7 (#$ . 17003)])
#@213 Insert STRING and make a hyperlink from cross-reference text on it.
TYPE is the type of button to use.  Any remaining arguments are passed
to the button's help-function when it is invoked.
See `help-make-xrefs'.
(defalias 'help-insert-xref-button #[(string type &rest args) "\303`!?\205\304\301	\305\n%\207" [string type args button-at insert-text-button help-args] 6 (#$ . 17482)])
#@60 Add xrefs for symbols in `pp's output between FROM and TO.
(defalias 'help-xref-on-pp #[(from to) "	Z\305V?\205\"\306 p\307\216\310\f!\210\212\214	}\210eb\210\311\312\313\217-\207" [to from #1=#:buffer #2=#:table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table 5000 syntax-table ((byte-code "rq\210\302	!\210)\302\207" [#1# #2# set-syntax-table] 2)) set-syntax-table nil (byte-code "m?\205q\302\303!\203\304\305!\210\202\302\306!\203!\307\310\311\312#\210\202\302\313!\203k\314\315\305!!\316!\2037\317\202X\320>\204C\321!\203G\311\202X\205X\322!\204W\323N\205X\324\211\203c\325\305	#\210*\305\225b\210\202\305u\210\202\207" [sym type looking-at "\"" forward-sexp 1 "#<" search-forward ">" nil move "\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)" intern-soft match-string fboundp help-function (t nil) keywordp boundp variable-documentation help-variable help-xref-button] 5) ((error))] 3 (#$ . 17874)])
#@159 Follow a hyperlink which appeared to be an arbitrary interned SYMBOL.
Both variable, function and face documentation are extracted into a single
help buffer.
(defalias 'help-xref-interned #[(symbol) "r\306 q\210\307\310\211\"\210\311!\205\310\312!\313!\205 \310\314!\315!\204,\316N\2051\310\317!\n\203\203\204@\f\205\251eb\210\320\203`\321\261\210\f\203`\322\323\324\"\321\325!\326\327\321\261\210\f\203i\f\321\261\210\322\323\324\"\321\325!\326\330\321\261\210)\310\307\331D\310\"\202\251\205\251\f\205\251db\210\320\321\322\323\324\"\321\325!\326\327\321\f\261\210)\310\307\331D\310\",\207" [symbol help-xref-stack-item sdoc fdoc facedoc inhibit-read-only help-buffer help-setup-xref nil facep describe-face fboundp describe-function boundp variable-documentation describe-variable t "\n\n" make-string 30 45 symbol-name " is also a " "face." "variable." help-xref-interned] 8 (#$ . 18781)])
#@76 From BUFFER, go back to previous help buffer text using `help-xref-stack'.
(defalias 'help-xref-go-back #[(buffer) "\306\211\211\211r\fq\210`
B\nB\n\2036\211A@\306@\211\fA@)\211\fAA))\307	\"\210r\fq\210\310\f!\203O\311\310\f!\n\"\202Q\nb-\207" [args method position item buffer help-xref-stack-item nil apply get-buffer-window set-window-point help-xref-forward-stack help-xref-stack x] 5 (#$ . 19726)])
#@46 From BUFFER, go forward to next help buffer.
(defalias 'help-xref-go-forward #[(buffer) "\306\211\211\211r\fq\210`
B\nB\n\2036\211A@\306@\211\fA@)\211\fAA))\307	\"\210r\fq\210\310\f!\203O\311\310\f!\n\"\202Q\nb-\207" [args method position item buffer help-xref-stack-item nil apply get-buffer-window set-window-point help-xref-stack help-xref-forward-stack x] 5 (#$ . 20162)])
#@48 Go back to previous topic in this help buffer.
(defalias 'help-go-back #[nil "\203\301p!\207\302\303!\207" [help-xref-stack help-xref-go-back error "No previous help buffer"] 2 (#$ . 20571) nil])
#@44 Go back to next topic in this help buffer.
(defalias 'help-go-forward #[nil "\203\301p!\207\302\303!\207" [help-xref-forward-stack help-xref-go-forward error "No next help buffer"] 2 (#$ . 20776) nil])
#@154 Call the help cross-reference function FUNCTION with args ARGS.
Things are set up properly so that the resulting help-buffer has
a proper [back] button.
(defalias 'help-do-xref #[(_pos function args) "\303\304	\n\")\207" [help-xref-following function args t apply] 3 (#$ . 20988)])
#@47 Follow the cross-reference that you click on.
(defalias 'help-follow-mouse #[nil "\300\301!\207" [error "No cross-reference here"] 2 (#$ . 21277) nil])
#@90 Follow cross-reference at point.

For the cross-reference format, see `help-make-xrefs'.
(defalias 'help-follow #[nil "\300\301!\207" [error "No cross-reference here"] 2 (#$ . 21435) nil])
#@137 In help buffer, show docs for symbol at POS, defaulting to point.
Show all docs for that symbol as either a variable, function or face.
(defalias 'help-follow-symbol #[(&optional pos) "\204`\302\212b\210\303\304!\210`\305\304!\210`{)!\306	!\2041	\307N\2041\310	!\2041\311	!\2057\312\313	C#)\207" [pos sym intern skip-syntax-backward "w_" skip-syntax-forward boundp variable-documentation fboundp facep help-do-xref help-xref-interned] 4 (#$ . 21631) "d"])
(defalias 'help-mode-revert-buffer #[(_ignore-auto noconfirm) "\204\n\305\306!\205`	\307\310\311@A\"\210\fb,\207" [noconfirm help-xref-stack-item help-xref-following item pos yes-or-no-p "Revert help buffer? " nil t apply] 4])
#@303 Insert STRING to the help buffer and install xref info for it.
This function can be used to restore the old contents of the help buffer
when going back to the previous topic in the xref stack.  It is needed
in case when it is impossible to recompute the old contents of the
help buffer by other means.
(defalias 'help-insert-string #[(string) "\306D\nr\307\310 !q\210p\311 \210\312\211\313\211\313\314 \210\315\316!\210+\211c\317!\210+\207" [string help-xref-stack-item default-directory #1=#:old-dir buffer-read-only buffer-file-name help-insert-string get-buffer-create help-buffer kill-all-local-variables nil t erase-buffer run-hooks temp-buffer-setup-hook internal-temp-output-buffer-show buffer-undo-list inhibit-modification-hooks inhibit-read-only #2=#:buf standard-output] 4 (#$ . 22342)])
#@114 Create and return a help-mode bookmark record.
Implements `bookmark-make-record-function' for help-mode buffers.
(defalias 'help-bookmark-make-record #[nil "@\204	\301\302!\210\303\304\305\306\"\307@B\310AB\311`B\312BBB\"\207" [help-xref-stack-item error "Cannot create bookmark - help command not known" append bookmark-make-record-default NO-FILE NO-CONTEXT help-fn help-args position ((handler . help-bookmark-jump))] 6 (#$ . 23168)])
#@157 Jump to help-mode bookmark BOOKMARK.
Handler function for record returned by `help-bookmark-make-record'.
BOOKMARK is a bookmark name or a bookmark record.
(defalias 'help-bookmark-jump #[(bookmark) "\304\303\"\304\302\"\304\301\"\305\n\"\210\306\307!\210	b+\207" [bookmark position help-args help-fn bookmark-prop-get apply pop-to-buffer "*Help*"] 5 (#$ . 23617)])
(provide 'help-mode)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net