? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/hippie-exp.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:21 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/hippie-exp.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\306\310\311\312\311\313&\207" [require comint custom-declare-group hippie-expand nil "Expand text trying various ways to find its expansion." :link (custom-manual "(autotype)Hippie Expand") (emacs-commentary-link "hippie-exp") :group abbrev convenience] 12)
(defvar he-num -1)
(defvar he-string-beg (make-marker))
(defvar he-string-end (make-marker))
(defvar he-search-string nil)
(defvar he-expand-list nil)
(defvar he-tried-table nil)
(defvar he-search-loc (make-marker))
(defvar he-search-loc2 nil)
(defvar he-search-bw nil)
(defvar he-search-bufs nil)
(defvar he-searched-n-bufs nil)
(defvar he-search-window nil)
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\315\316\306\307\304\313&\210\300\317\311\320\306\307\304\313&\210\300\321\311\322\306\307\304\313&\210\300\323\315\324\304\325\306\307&\210\300\326\327\330\304\331\306\307&\210\300\332\315\333\304\334\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable hippie-expand-try-functions-list '(try-complete-file-name-partially try-complete-file-name try-expand-all-abbrevs try-expand-list try-expand-line try-expand-dabbrev try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially try-complete-lisp-symbol) "The list of expansion functions tried in order by `hippie-expand'.\nTo change the behavior of `hippie-expand', remove, change the order of,\nor insert functions in this list." :type (repeat function) :group hippie-expand hippie-expand-verbose t "Non-nil makes `hippie-expand' output which function it is trying." boolean hippie-expand-dabbrev-skip-space nil "Non-nil means tolerate trailing spaces in the abbreviation to expand." hippie-expand-dabbrev-as-symbol "Non-nil means expand as symbols, i.e. syntax `_' is considered a letter." hippie-expand-no-restriction "Non-nil means that narrowed buffers are widened during search." hippie-expand-max-buffers "The maximum number of buffers (apart from the current) searched.\nIf nil, all buffers are searched." (choice (const :tag "All" nil) integer) hippie-expand-ignore-buffers '("^ \\*.*\\*$" dired-mode) "A list specifying which buffers not to search (if not current).\nCan contain both regexps matching buffer names (as strings) and major modes\n(as atoms)" (repeat (choice regexp (symbol :tag "Major Mode"))) hippie-expand-only-buffers "A list specifying the only buffers to search (in addition to current).\nCan contain both regexps matching buffer names (as strings) and major modes\n(as atoms).  If non-nil, this variable overrides the variable\n`hippie-expand-ignore-buffers'." (repeat (choice regexp (symbol :tag "Major Mode")))] 8)
#@427 Try to expand text before point, using multiple methods.
The expansion functions in `hippie-expand-try-functions-list' are
tried in order, until a possible expansion is found.  Repeated
application of `hippie-expand' inserts successively possible
With a positive numeric argument, jumps directly to the ARG next
function in this list.  With a negative argument or just \[universal-argument],
undoes the expansion.
(defalias 'hippie-expand #[(arg) "\203\250\203\221\306V\203\221	\307U\206\n\232?\211\203\"\307\310\2030\f\2042\311 \210\2022\306	\\\306]\211GY\204Y\3128	UC\"\204YT\211\202:)	GY\203{\307\f\203r\313\314!\210\202v\313\315!\210\316 \202\217\205\217\317\320 !?\205\217\313\321	8\")\207	\306Y\205\265\322!p=\205\265\307\311 \210\205\265\317\320 !?\205\265\313\323!\207" [arg he-num this-command last-command first he-tried-table 0 -1 nil he-reset-string apply message "No expansion found" "No further expansions found" ding window-minibuffer-p selected-window "Using %s" marker-buffer "Undoing expansions" i hippie-expand-try-functions-list hippie-expand-verbose he-string-beg] 5 (#$ . 3245) "P"])
(defalias 'he-init-string #[(beg end) "	\305\223\210\n\305\223\210\306	\"\211\207" [he-string-beg beg he-string-end end he-search-string nil buffer-substring-no-properties] 3])
(defalias 'he-reset-string #[nil "\304 	b\210\nc\210`|\210b)\207" [newpos he-string-beg he-search-string he-string-end point-marker] 2])
(defalias 'he-substitute-string #[(str &optional trans-case) "\205		\205	\n\306 \307
b\210\203\310	\n\"\202!\n\211Bc\210`\f|\210\fb+\207" [trans-case case-replace case-fold-search subst newpos he-string-beg point-marker nil he-transfer-case he-search-string str he-tried-table he-string-end] 4])
(defalias 'he-capitalize-first #[(str) "\304 \305\216\306\307	\"\203	\227\310\224\211\n	\nH\226I\210*\202 	*\207" [save-match-data-internal str no res match-data ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) string-match "\\Sw*\\(\\sw\\).*" 1] 5])
(defalias 'he-ordinary-case-p #[(str) "\211\227\230\206\211\226\230\206\301!\230\206\302!\230\207" [str capitalize he-capitalize-first] 3])
(defalias 'he-transfer-case #[(from-str to-str) "	\302G	G^O\230\203	\207\303	!\204	\207\211\227\230\203!	\227\207\211\226\230\203+	\226\207\304!\230\2037\304	!\207\305!\230\203C\305	!\207	\207" [from-str to-str 0 he-ordinary-case-p he-capitalize-first capitalize] 5])
(defalias 'he-string-member #[(str lst &optional trans-case) "\205	\203\n\203\203\306\f\"\202
\235\207" [str trans-case case-replace case-fold-search he-search-string lst he-transfer-case] 3])
(defalias 'he-buffer-member #[(lst) "	>\206!	\203 	@;\203\302	@\303 \"\204 	A\211\204\n	\207" [major-mode lst string-match buffer-name] 4])
#@172 Construct a function similar to `hippie-expand'.
Make it use the expansion functions in TRY-LIST.  An optional second
argument VERBOSE non-nil makes the function verbose.
(defalias 'make-hippie-expand-function '(macro . #[(try-list &optional verbose) "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310!\311#P\312\313\314D\315	DD\316BB\257D\207" [try-list verbose function lambda (arg) "Try to expand text before point, using the following functions: \n" mapconcat prin1-to-string eval ", " (interactive "P") let hippie-expand-try-functions-list hippie-expand-verbose ((hippie-expand arg))] 9 (#$ . 6155)]))
#@243 Try to complete text as a file name.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-complete-file-name #[(old) "\204=\306\307 `\"\210\310	!\311\312	!\206\313!\314\f\"\204#\fB	\313\232\204:\315\n!\203:\316\317\n\"\320\"\202<\321*
\204]\203[\322 \210\321\207\323\312	!
A)\325\207" [old he-search-string dir-part name-part he-tried-table he-expand-list he-init-string he-file-name-beg file-name-nondirectory expand-file-name file-name-directory "" he-string-member file-directory-p sort file-name-all-completions string-lessp nil he-reset-string he-concat-directory-file-name he-substitute-string t filename] 5 (#$ . 6751)])
#@213 Try to complete text as a file name, as many characters as unique.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function.  It
returns t if a unique, possibly partial, completion is found, nil
(defalias 'try-complete-file-name-partially #[(old) "\306	\204A\307\310 `\"\210\311\n!\312\313\n!\206\314!\n\314\232\204+\315!\203+\316\f\"\317=\204>\f\230\204>\320
\"\203@\306*\204P	\203L\321 \210\306\202d\322\313\n!\"\323!\210
AB)\317)\207" [expansion old he-search-string dir-part name-part he-tried-table nil he-init-string he-file-name-beg file-name-nondirectory expand-file-name file-name-directory "" file-directory-p file-name-completion t he-string-member he-reset-string he-concat-directory-file-name he-substitute-string filename] 4 (#$ . 7633)])
#@65 Characters that are considered part of the file name to expand.
(defvar he-file-name-chars (byte-code "\301>\203\302\207\303\207" [system-type (ms-dos windows-nt cygwin) "-a-zA-Z0-9_/.,~^#$+=:\\\\" "-a-zA-Z0-9_/.,~^#$+="] 2) (#$ . 8438))
(defalias 'he-file-name-beg #[nil "`\212	\302x\210\303\304!\305V\203\202`*\207" [op he-file-name-chars nil skip-syntax-backward "w" 0] 2])
#@77 Try to slam together two parts of a file specification, system dependently.
(defalias 'he-concat-directory-file-name #[(dir-part name-part) "\204	\207\n\303=\203/\304\305\"\203+\304\306\"\204+	\211GSH\307U\203+	\211GS\310I\210	P\207	P\207" [dir-part name-part system-type ms-dos string-match "\\\\" "/" 47 92] 3 (#$ . 8830)])
#@252 Try to complete word as an Emacs Lisp symbol.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-complete-lisp-symbol #[(old) "\204%\305\306 `\"\210\307	\n\"\204	\nB	\310\232?\205$\311\312	\313#\314\"\f\2038\307\f@\n\"\2038\fA\211\204)\f\204E\203C\315 \210\316\207\317\f@!\210\fA\320\207" [old he-search-string he-tried-table obarray he-expand-list he-init-string he-lisp-symbol-beg he-string-member "" sort all-completions #[(sym) "\301!\206\302!\206\303!\207" [sym boundp fboundp symbol-plist] 2] string-lessp he-reset-string nil he-substitute-string t] 6 (#$ . 9174)])
#@217 Try to complete as an Emacs Lisp symbol, as many characters as unique.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function.  It
returns t if a unique, possibly partial, completion is found, nil
(defalias 'try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially #[(old) "\305	\204-\306\307 `\"\210\n\310\230\204\311\n\312#\313=\204+\n\230\204+\314\f\"\203-\305\204<	\2038\315 \210\305\202A\316!\210\313)\207" [expansion old he-search-string obarray he-tried-table nil he-init-string he-lisp-symbol-beg "" try-completion #[(sym) "\301!\206\302!\206\303!\207" [sym boundp fboundp symbol-plist] 2] t he-string-member he-reset-string he-substitute-string] 4 (#$ . 9945)])
(defalias 'he-lisp-symbol-beg #[nil "\212\300\301!\210`)\207" [skip-syntax-backward "w_"] 2])
#@272 Try to complete the current line to an entire line in the buffer.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-line #[(old) "\306\307p!\205\f\205\f	\f\204\"\310\311\n!`\"\210
`\306\223\210*\204v\f\203r\315 \210\306\202|\316\312\"\210\312*\207" [comint-use-prompt-regexp comint-prompt-regexp strip-prompt expansion old he-search-loc nil get-buffer-process he-init-string he-line-beg t "" he-line-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string he-string-beg he-search-bw he-search-string hippie-expand-no-restriction he-string-end] 4 (#$ . 10739)])
#@269 Try to complete the current line, searching all other buffers.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-line-all-buffers #[(old) "\306\307p!\205\f\205\f	p\n\204.\310\311
!`\"\210\312 \313\314@\223\210\315\232\204\300\203\300\204\300\203LW\203\300@q\210p\f=\204\260\203c\316!\202h\316!?\203\260\212\214\203t~\210b\210\307p!\205\203\205\203	\317
\306#)`\306\223\210\204\254AT\314@\223\210*\2025A\314@\223\210\2025\fq\210\204\324\203\320\320 \210\306\202\333\321\322\"\210\322,\207" [comint-use-prompt-regexp comint-prompt-regexp case-fold-search orig-case-fold-search buf strip-prompt nil get-buffer-process he-init-string he-line-beg buffer-list 0 1 "" he-buffer-member he-line-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string t expansion old he-search-bufs he-searched-n-bufs he-search-loc he-search-string hippie-expand-max-buffers hippie-expand-only-buffers hippie-expand-ignore-buffers hippie-expand-no-restriction] 4 (#$ . 11638)])
(defalias 'he-line-search #[(str strip-prompt reverse) "\305\2045	\203\306\307\n\"\305\310#\202\311\307\n\"\305\310#\2035\312\313\225\314\225\"\315\f\310#\203\305\211\203)\207" [result reverse str strip-prompt he-tried-table nil re-search-backward he-line-search-regexp t re-search-forward buffer-substring-no-properties 1 0 he-string-member] 5])
(defalias 'he-line-beg #[(strip-prompt) "\212\301\302\303\"\304 \305#\203\306\224\202`)\207" [strip-prompt re-search-backward he-line-search-regexp "" line-beginning-position t 2] 4])
(defalias 'he-line-search-regexp #[(pat strip-prompt) "\203\303	\304\305\n!\306\260\207\307\305\n!\306Q\207" [strip-prompt comint-prompt-regexp pat "\\(" "\\|^\\s-*\\)\\(" regexp-quote "[^\n]*[^ 	\n]\\)" "^\\(\\s-*\\)\\("] 5])
#@255 Try to complete the current beginning of a list.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-list #[(old) "\306	\204\307\310 `\"\210\n\306\223\210\311
\306\"\n`\306\223\210*\204`	\203\\\314 \210\306\202f\315\311\"\210\311)\207" [expansion old he-search-loc he-string-beg he-search-bw he-search-string nil he-init-string he-list-beg t "" he-list-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string hippie-expand-no-restriction he-string-end] 3 (#$ . 13646)])
#@269 Try to complete the current list, searching all other buffers.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-list-all-buffers #[(old) "\306p\f\204\307\310 `\"\210\311 \312\313
@q\210p\n=\204\212\203O\315!\202T\315!?\203\212\212\214\203`~\210b\210	\316\306\")`\306\223\210\204\206
@\223\210\202$\nq\210\204\251\f\203\245\317 \210\306\202\257\320\321\"\210\321+\207" [case-fold-search orig-case-fold-search buf expansion old he-search-bufs nil he-init-string he-list-beg buffer-list 0 1 "" he-buffer-member he-list-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string t he-searched-n-bufs he-search-loc he-search-string hippie-expand-max-buffers hippie-expand-only-buffers hippie-expand-ignore-buffers hippie-expand-no-restriction] 3 (#$ . 14422)])
(defalias 'he-list-search #[(str reverse) "\306\211\211\211\204V\f\203\307
\306\310#\203V`\312\224\211b\210\306\211\313\314\217\210\f\203<`V\203<\310\204P\315\n`\"\316\310#\203P\306	b\210\202,\207" [err pos beg result reverse str nil search-backward t search-forward 0 (forward-list 1) ((error (byte-code "\301\211\207" [err t] 2))) buffer-substring-no-properties he-string-member he-string-beg he-tried-table] 5])
(defalias 'he-list-beg #[nil "\212\300\301\302\217\210`)\207" [nil (backward-up-list 1) ((error))] 3])
#@268 Try to expand word before point according to all abbrev tables.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible expansions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new expansion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-all-abbrevs #[(old) "\204\305\306 `\"\210	\307\232?\205\310\311\312\313\n\"\"\2032@\203+\314@\f\315#\2032A\211\204\204?\203=\316 \210\317\207\320@\315\"\210A\315\207" [old he-search-string abbrev-table-name-list he-expand-list he-tried-table he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg "" mapcar #[(sym) "\302!\205\303\304!!\205\305	\227\304!\"\207" [sym he-search-string boundp vectorp eval abbrev-expansion] 4] append (local-abbrev-table global-abbrev-table) he-string-member t he-reset-string nil he-substitute-string] 6 (#$ . 16066)])
#@268 Try to expand word "dynamically", searching the current buffer.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible expansions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new expansion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-dabbrev #[(old) "\306	\204\307\310 `\"\210\n\306\223\210\311
\306\"\n`\306\223\210*\204`	\203\\\314 \210\306\202f\315\311\"\210\311)\207" [expansion old he-search-loc he-string-beg he-search-bw he-search-string nil he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg t "" he-dabbrev-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string hippie-expand-no-restriction he-string-end] 3 (#$ . 16917)])
#@267 Try to expand word "dynamically", searching all other buffers.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible expansions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new expansion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers #[(old) "\306p\f\204\307\310 `\"\210\311 \312\313
@q\210p\n=\204\212\203O\315!\202T\315!?\203\212\212\214\203`~\210b\210	\316\306\")`\306\223\210\204\206
@\223\210\202$\nq\210\204\251\f\203\245\317 \210\306\202\257\320\321\"\210\321+\207" [case-fold-search orig-case-fold-search buf expansion old he-search-bufs nil he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg buffer-list 0 1 "" he-buffer-member he-dabbrev-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string t he-searched-n-bufs he-search-loc he-search-string hippie-expand-max-buffers hippie-expand-only-buffers hippie-expand-ignore-buffers hippie-expand-no-restriction] 3 (#$ . 17715)])
#@270 Try to expand word "dynamically", searching visible window parts.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible expansions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new expansion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-dabbrev-visible #[(old) "\306\307\310\311 !!\203\312\202\313\n\204'\314\315 `\"\210\311 \f\316!\317!\223\210
\320\232\204\223\321\f!\203\223	\204\223r\322\f!q\210\212\fb\210\323
\306\324!#\f`p\223\210*	\204'\326\306#\211\311 =\203\207\f\306\211\223\210\202'\f\316!\317!\223\210\202'	\204\242\n\203\236\327 \210\306\202\250\330	\313\"\210\313*\207" [flag expansion old he-search-window he-search-loc he-search-string nil frame-visible-p window-frame selected-window visible t he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg window-start window-buffer "" marker-position marker-buffer he-dabbrev-search window-end 0 next-window he-reset-string he-substitute-string he-string-beg] 6 (#$ . 18799)])
(defalias 'he-dabbrev-search #[(pattern &optional reverse limit) "\306\204\307\310	!\311Q\202%	\312Hz\313=\203\310	!\314P\202%\307\310	!\314Q\204j\f\2037\315\n
\316#\203j\320\312\224\312\225\"\203[\312\224eV\203[\312\224Sfz\321>\204d\322\316#\203'\306\211\203+*\207" [hippie-expand-dabbrev-as-symbol pattern regpat result reverse limit nil "\\<" regexp-quote "\\sw+" 0 95 "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+" re-search-backward t re-search-forward buffer-substring-no-properties (95 119) he-string-member he-tried-table] 5])
(defalias 'he-dabbrev-beg #[nil "`\212	\203\303\304!\210\303\n\203\305\202\306!\307U\203\202 `*\207" [op hippie-expand-dabbrev-skip-space hippie-expand-dabbrev-as-symbol skip-syntax-backward ". " "w_" "w" 0] 2])
#@265 Try to expand word "dynamically", searching the kill ring.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill #[(old) "\306	\204\307\310 `\"\210\n\311\232?\205\312\n\311\232\204!\313\n!\2040	\203,\314 \210\306\2026\315\316\"\210\316)\207" [expansion old he-search-string kill-ring he-expand-list he-search-loc2 nil he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg "" 0 he-dabbrev-kill-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string t] 3 (#$ . 20640)])
(defalias 'he-dabbrev-kill-search #[(pattern) "\306\204\307\310	!\311Q\202%	\312Hz\313=\203\310	!\314P\202%\307\310	!\314Q\n@
+\207" [hippie-expand-dabbrev-as-symbol pattern he-expand-list killstr regpat result nil "\\<" regexp-quote "\\sw+" 0 95 "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+" string-match set-text-properties (95 119) he-string-member t he-search-loc2 he-tried-table] 6])
#@262 Try to complete text with something from the kill ring.
The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t
for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same
string).  It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'try-expand-whole-kill #[(old) "\306	\204#\307\310 `\"\210\311\n\"\204\nB\n\312\232?\205\f\306\n\312\232\204-\313\n!\204<	\2038\314 \210\306\202A\315!\210\316)\207" [expansion old he-search-string he-tried-table kill-ring he-expand-list nil he-init-string he-kill-beg he-string-member "" he-whole-kill-search he-reset-string he-substitute-string t he-search-loc2] 3 (#$ . 21873)])
(defalias 'he-whole-kill-search #[(str) "\306\211\307!	@\310\f\204\230	\203\230\204.\311\nT#\211\203.\nB\202\f\204\205\203\205@A\212b\210`\nZeY\203r`\nZf\312H=\203r\313\312\nO`\nZ\314#\203r\n\306O\315\312\fG\306\f$\210)\f\203.\316\f\"\203.\306\211\2032\f\204
\f-\207" [str he-expand-list pos killstr result case-fold-search nil regexp-quote -1 string-match 0 search-backward t set-text-properties he-string-member he-search-loc2 he-string-beg he-tried-table] 6])
(defalias 'he-kill-beg #[nil "`\212\301\302!\210\301\303!\304U\203\202`*\207" [op skip-syntax-backward "^w_" "w_" 0] 2])
(provide 'hippie-exp)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net