? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/loadhist.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:24 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/loadhist.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


#@159 Return the file and list of definitions associated with FEATURE.
The value is actually the element of `load-history'
for the file that did (provide FEATURE).
(defalias 'feature-symbols #[(feature) "\300\301\215\207" [foundit (byte-code "\305B\n\306\211\203\"\f@	A\235\203\307\310\"\210\fA\211\204\f\306+\306\207" [feature element load-history x --dolist-tail-- provide nil throw foundit] 4)] 2 (#$ . 552)])
#@282 Return the file name from which a given FEATURE was loaded.
Actually, return the load argument, if any; this is sometimes the name of a
Lisp file without an extension.  If the feature came from an `eval-buffer' on
a buffer with no associated file, or an `eval-region', return nil.
(defalias 'feature-file #[(feature) "\301!\204\302\303\"\207\304!@\207" [feature featurep error "%S is not a currently loaded feature" feature-symbols] 3 (#$ . 979)])
#@167 Return the `load-history' element for FILE.
FILE can be a file name, or a library name.
A library name is equivalent to the file name that `load-library' would load.
(defalias 'file-loadhist-lookup #[(file) "\305	\"\211\204!\306\307 #\211\203 \f\232\204 \305\f	\"A)\n)\207" [file load-history symbols load-path absname assoc locate-file get-load-suffixes] 5 (#$ . 1439)])
#@186 Return the list of features provided by FILE as it was loaded.
FILE can be a file name, or a library name.
A library name is equivalent to the file name that `load-library' would load.
(defalias 'file-provides #[(file) "\304\305	!\304\211\203\"@\211\242\306=\203\nABA\211\204\f\304+\207" [provides file x --dolist-tail-- nil file-loadhist-lookup provide] 3 (#$ . 1828)])
#@186 Return the list of features required by FILE as it was loaded.
FILE can be a file name, or a library name.
A library name is equivalent to the file name that `load-library' would load.
(defalias 'file-requires #[(file) "\304\305	!\304\211\203\"@\211\242\306=\203\nABA\211\204\f\304+\207" [requires file x --dolist-tail-- nil file-loadhist-lookup require] 3 (#$ . 2221)])
#@43 Return the set intersection of two lists.
(defalias 'file-set-intersect #[(p q) "\305	\305\211\203@\211\f>\203\nBA\211\204\n\305+\207" [ret p x --dolist-tail-- q nil] 3 (#$ . 2613)])
(put 'file-set-intersect 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@210 Return the list of loaded libraries that depend on FILE.
This can include FILE itself.
FILE can be a file name, or a library name.
A library name is equivalent to the file name that `load-library' would load.
(defalias 'file-dependents #[(file) "\306!\307\307\211\203Q
@\n\310\f@!	\n\307\n\307\211\203=
@\211	>\2036\fB
A\211\204&\307-\203J\f@	B
A\211\204\307	,\207" [file dependents provides load-history x --dolist-tail-- file-provides nil file-requires q p ret] 4 (#$ . 2889)])
#@154 Read feature name from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
If optional second arg LOADED-P is non-nil, the feature must be loaded
from a file.
(defalias 'read-feature #[(prompt &optional loaded-p) "\303\304\305	B\n\205\306\n$!\207" [prompt features loaded-p intern completing-read nil #[(f) "\205\301!\207" [f feature-file] 2]] 6 (#$ . 3410)])
(defvaralias 'loadhist-hook-functions 'unload-feature-special-hooks)
#@219 A list of special hooks from Info node `(elisp)Standard Hooks'.

These are symbols with hooklike values whose names don't end in
`-hook' or `-hooks', from which `unload-feature' should try to remove
pertinent symbols.
(defvar unload-feature-special-hooks '(after-change-functions after-insert-file-functions after-make-frame-functions auto-coding-functions auto-fill-function before-change-functions blink-paren-function buffer-access-fontify-functions choose-completion-string-functions comint-output-filter-functions command-line-functions comment-indent-function compilation-finish-functions delete-frame-functions disabled-command-function fill-nobreak-predicate find-directory-functions find-file-not-found-functions font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function font-lock-fontify-buffer-function font-lock-fontify-region-function font-lock-mark-block-function font-lock-syntactic-face-function font-lock-unfontify-buffer-function font-lock-unfontify-region-function kill-buffer-query-functions kill-emacs-query-functions lisp-indent-function mouse-position-function redisplay-end-trigger-functions suspend-tty-functions temp-buffer-show-function window-scroll-functions window-size-change-functions write-contents-functions write-file-functions write-region-annotate-functions) (#$ . 3847))
(byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203,	@\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210	A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias unload-hook-features-list unload-function-defs-list nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "22.2"] 6)
#@168 List of definitions in the Lisp library being unloaded.

This is meant to be used by `FEATURE-unload-function'; see the
documentation of `unload-feature' for details.
(defvar unload-function-defs-list nil (#$ . 5446))
(defalias 'unload--set-major-mode #[nil "r\305 \306\211\205;	@\211q\210\n\211\203%\307\f\"\203%\310N\211\204\n=\2042\2060\311 \210)	A\211\204\n\306+\207" [buffer --dolist-tail-- major-mode proposed unload-function-defs-list buffer-list nil rassq derived-mode-parent fundamental-mode] 4])
#@1097 Unload the library that provided FEATURE.
If the feature is required by any other loaded code, and prefix arg FORCE
is nil, raise an error.

Standard unloading activities include restoring old autoloads for
functions defined by the library, undoing any additions that the
library has made to hook variables or to `auto-mode-alist', undoing
ELP profiling of functions in that library, unproviding any features
provided by the library, and canceling timers held in variables
defined by the library.

If a function `FEATURE-unload-function' is defined, this function
calls it with no arguments, before doing anything else.  That function
can do whatever is appropriate to undo the loading of the library.  If
`FEATURE-unload-function' returns non-nil, that suppresses the
standard unloading of the library.  Otherwise the standard unloading

`FEATURE-unload-function' has access to the package's list of
definitions in the variable `unload-function-defs-list' and could
remove symbols from it in the event that the package has done
something strange, such as redefining an Emacs function.
(defalias 'unload-feature #[(feature &optional force) "\306!\204
\307\310\311!\"\210	\204+\312!\313\n\314\315\n!!\"\211\203*\307\316\317!\n#\210*\320!\211\211A@\321\311!/\322/\323P!0\322/\324P!1\3251!\203Y1 \204\3050\203f\3260!\210\202\233\327\330!\210\f\3212\2113\203\2323@\2112\242\331=\203\2212A\332N\204\221\3332A4\"43A\2113\204t*\334 \210\325\335!\203\307\f\3215\2113\203\3063@\21159\203\275\3355!\2103A\2113\204\256*\f\3216\2113\203\2713@\2116:\203U6@\2117\336=\203\362\3376A8\"8\202Q7\340>\20366A9\3259!\2032\325\341!\203\3419!\2109\332N\211:\203,9
=\203,9\332:BM\210\2021\3429!\210))\202Q7\343=\203D6A\202Q7\344>\204Q\345\3466\"\210)\202\260\347 \321;\2113\203\2163@;r;q\210\3506!\203\3516J!\203\3526J!\210\3536!\210)3A\2113\204`*\3506!\203\244\3516J!\203\244\3526J!\210\3546!\204\260\3556!\2103A\2113\204\321*\337\356\n<\"<\"<.\321\207" [feature force file dependents unload-function-defs-list restore-autoload featurep error "%s is not a currently loaded feature" symbol-name feature-file delete copy-sequence file-dependents "Loaded libraries %s depend on %s" prin1-to-string feature-symbols nil intern-soft "-unload-hook" "-unload-function" fboundp run-hooks mapatoms #[(x) "\305!\205CJ:\203\306\307\310!\"\204	>\205C\n\311\211\205B\f@\211\242\312=\203:A\313N\204:\314A\"\210\fA\211\204#\311*\207" [x unload-feature-special-hooks unload-function-defs-list y --dolist-tail-- boundp string-match "-hooks?\\'" symbol-name nil defun autoload remove-hook] 5] defun autoload rassq-delete-all unload--set-major-mode elp-restore-function provide delq (defun autoload) ad-unadvise fmakunbound t (require defface) message "Unexpected element %s in load-history" buffer-list boundp timerp cancel-timer kill-local-variable local-variable-if-set-p makunbound assoc name unload-hook unload-func y --dolist-tail-- auto-mode-alist elt x #1=#:val features fun aload buf load-history] 6 (#$ . 5978) (list (read-feature "Unload feature: " t) current-prefix-arg)])
(provide 'loadhist)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net