? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/mail/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/mail/footnote.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:11:42 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/mail/footnote.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file contains utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so cannot be loaded into Emacs 22 or earlier.
(and (boundp 'emacs-version)
     (< (aref emacs-version (1- (length emacs-version))) ?A)
     (string-lessp emacs-version "23")
     (error "`%s' was compiled for Emacs 23 or later" #$))


(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\311\312\313\306\301%\210\310\314\302\315\316\317\306\301&\210\310\320\302\321\316\322\306\301&\210\310\323\324\325\316\322\306\301&\210\310\326\324\327\316\322\306\301&\210\310\330\324\331\316\322\306\301&\210\310\332\333\334\316\335\306\301&\210\310\336\337\340#\210\310\341\342\343\316\344\306\301&\210\310\345\346\347\316\350\306\301&\210\310\351\352\353\316\344\306\301&\210\310\354\355\356\316\344\306\301&\210\310\357\360\361\316\350\306\301&\207" [custom-declare-group footnote nil "Support for footnotes in mail and news messages." :version "21.1" :group message custom-declare-variable footnote-mode-line-string " FN" "String to display in modes section of the mode-line." footnote-mode-hook "Hook functions run when footnote-mode is activated." :type hook footnote-narrow-to-footnotes-when-editing "If non-nil, narrow to footnote text body while editing a footnote." boolean footnote-prompt-before-deletion t "If non-nil, prompt before deleting a footnote.\nThere is currently no way to undo deletions." footnote-spaced-footnotes "If non-nil, insert an empty line between footnotes.\nCustomizing this variable has no effect on buffers already\ndisplaying footnotes." footnote-use-message-mode "If non-nil, assume Footnoting will be done in `message-mode'." footnote-body-tag-spacing 2 "Number of spaces separating a footnote body tag and its text.\nCustomizing this variable has no effect on buffers already\ndisplaying footnotes." integer footnote-prefix [(control 99) 33] "Prefix key to use for Footnote command in Footnote minor mode.\nThe value of this variable is checked as part of loading Footnote mode.\nAfter that, changing the prefix key requires manipulating keymaps." footnote-section-tag "Footnotes: " "Tag inserted at beginning of footnote section.\nIf you set this to the empty string, no tag is inserted and the\nvalue of `footnote-section-tag-regexp' is ignored.  Customizing\nthis variable has no effect on buffers already displaying\nfootnotes." string footnote-section-tag-regexp "Footnotes\\(\\[.\\]\\)?: " "Regexp which indicates the start of a footnote section.\nThis variable is disregarded when `footnote-section-tag' is the\nempty string.  Customizing this variable has no effect on buffers\nalready displaying footnotes." regexp footnote-start-tag "[" "String used to denote start of numbered footnote.\nShould not be set to the empty string.  Customizing this variable\nhas no effect on buffers already displaying footnotes." footnote-end-tag "]" "String used to denote end of numbered footnote.\nShould not be set to the empty string.  Customizing this variable\nhas no effect on buffers already displaying footnotes." footnote-signature-separator (if (boundp 'message-signature-separator) message-signature-separator "^-- $") "Regexp used by Footnote mode to recognize signatures."] 8)
#@67 Footnote style represented as an index into footnote-style-alist.
(defvar footnote-style-number nil (#$ . 3448))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'footnote-style-number)
#@66 List of markers pointing to text of footnotes in message buffer.
(defvar footnote-text-marker-alist nil (#$ . 3619))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'footnote-text-marker-alist)
#@66 List of markers pointing to footnote pointers in message buffer.
(defvar footnote-pointer-marker-alist nil (#$ . 3799))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'footnote-pointer-marker-alist)
#@52 Text property name to enable mouse over highlight.
(defvar footnote-mouse-highlight 'highlight (#$ . 3985))
#@20 Regexp for digits.
(defconst footnote-numeric-regexp "[0-9]+" (#$ . 4099))
#@61 Numeric footnote style.
Use Arabic numerals for footnoting.
(defalias 'Footnote-numeric #[(n) "\301!\207" [n int-to-string] 2 (#$ . 4180)])
#@30 Upper case English alphabet.
(defconst footnote-english-upper "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" (#$ . 4327))
#@41 Regexp for upper case English alphabet.
(defconst footnote-english-upper-regexp "[A-Z]+" (#$ . 4437))
#@104 Upper case English footnoting.
Wrapping around the alphabet implies successive repetitions of letters.
(defalias 'Footnote-english-upper #[(n) "\306S	G\"S	G\245\307	\nH!\310\311Y\203&
,\207" [n footnote-english-upper ltr rep chr rc mod char-to-string nil 0] 4 (#$ . 4546)])
#@30 Lower case English alphabet.
(defconst footnote-english-lower "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (#$ . 4852))
#@40 Regexp of lower case English alphabet.
(defconst footnote-english-lower-regexp "[a-z]+" (#$ . 4962))
#@104 Lower case English footnoting.
Wrapping around the alphabet implies successive repetitions of letters.
(defalias 'Footnote-english-lower #[(n) "\306S	G\"S	G\245\307	\nH!\310\311Y\203&
,\207" [n footnote-english-lower ltr rep chr rc mod char-to-string nil 0] 4 (#$ . 5070)])
#@43 List of roman numerals with their values.
(defconst footnote-roman-lower-list '((1 . "i") (5 . "v") (10 . "x") (50 . "l") (100 . "c") (500 . "d") (1000 . "m")) (#$ . 5376))
#@27 Regexp of roman numerals.
(defconst footnote-roman-lower-regexp "[ivxlcdm]+" (#$ . 5555))
#@34 Generic Roman number footnoting.
(defalias 'Footnote-roman-lower #[(n) "\302	\"\207" [n footnote-roman-lower-list Footnote-roman-common] 3 (#$ . 5651)])
#@43 List of roman numerals with their values.
(defconst footnote-roman-upper-list '((1 . "I") (5 . "V") (10 . "X") (50 . "L") (100 . "C") (500 . "D") (1000 . "M")) (#$ . 5811))
#@41 Regexp of roman numerals.  Not complete
(defconst footnote-roman-upper-regexp "[IVXLCDM]+" (#$ . 5990))
#@34 Generic Roman number footnoting.
(defalias 'Footnote-roman-upper #[(n) "\302	\"\207" [n footnote-roman-upper-list Footnote-roman-common] 3 (#$ . 6100)])
#@30 Lower case Roman footnoting.
(defalias 'Footnote-roman-common #[(n footnote-roman-list) "\211G\306\211\307\306\211


\307U\203nW\203n	8@	8@\310\245ZV\204c	8@	8@ZU\203fT\2024\f	8	8
\306Y\203\361AA\314@@ZZ\"Q\202\376A\314@Z\"P.\n\207" [footnote-roman-list our-list rom-lngth rom-high rom-low rom-div 0 -1 2 error "Footnote-roman-common called with n < 0" "" Footnote-roman-common count-high count-low n rom-div-pair rom-high-pair rom-low-pair] 7 (#$ . 6260)])
#@42 String of Latin-1 footnoting characters.
(defconst footnote-latin-string "¹²³ºª§¶" (#$ . 7007))
#@43 Regexp for Latin-1 footnoting characters.
(defconst footnote-latin-regexp (concat "[" footnote-latin-string "]") (#$ . 7116))
#@85 Latin-1 footnote style.
Use a range of Latin-1 non-ASCII characters for footnoting.
(defalias 'Footnote-latin #[(n) "\302\303	SG\"H!\207" [footnote-latin-string n string mod] 5 (#$ . 7248)])
#@42 String of Unicode footnoting characters.
(defconst footnote-unicode-string "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹" (#$ . 7447))
#@43 Regexp for Unicode footnoting characters.
(defconst footnote-unicode-regexp (concat "[" footnote-unicode-string "]+") (#$ . 7571))
#@64 Unicode footnote style.
Use Unicode characters for footnoting.
(defalias 'Footnote-unicode #[(n) "\305\211\211\204%\306\307\"\310\307\"\311!\203\312\f\nH	B\202\313\314	\"+\207" [done result modulus n footnote-unicode-string nil mod 10 truncate zerop t apply string] 3 (#$ . 7708)])
#@213 Styles of footnote tags available.
By default only boring Arabic numbers, English letters and Roman Numerals
are available.
See footnote-han.el, footnote-greek.el and footnote-hebrew.el for more
exciting styles.
(defvar footnote-style-alist (byte-code "\306\307E\310\311	E\312\313\nE\314\315E\316\317\fE\320\321
E\322\323E\257\207" [footnote-numeric-regexp footnote-english-lower-regexp footnote-english-upper-regexp footnote-roman-lower-regexp footnote-roman-upper-regexp footnote-latin-regexp numeric Footnote-numeric english-lower Footnote-english-lower english-upper Footnote-english-upper roman-lower Footnote-roman-lower roman-upper Footnote-roman-upper latin Footnote-latin unicode Footnote-unicode footnote-unicode-regexp] 9) (#$ . 8013))
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\"B\311\312&\207" [footnote-style-alist custom-declare-variable footnote-style 'numeric "Default style used for footnoting.\nnumeric == 1, 2, 3, ...\nenglish-lower == a, b, c, ...\nenglish-upper == A, B, C, ...\nroman-lower == i, ii, iii, iv, v, ...\nroman-upper == I, II, III, IV, V, ...\nlatin == ¹ ² ³ º ª § ¶\nunicode == ¹, ², ³, ...\nSee also variables `footnote-start-tag' and `footnote-end-tag'.\n\nNote: some characters in the unicode style may not show up\nproperly if the default font does not contain those characters.\n\nCustomizing this variable has no effect on buffers already\ndisplaying footnotes.  To change the style of footnotes in such a\nbuffer use the command `Footnote-set-style'." :type choice mapcar #[(x) "\301@D\207" [x const] 2] :group footnote] 9)
#@68 Return non-nil if style is a valid style known to `footnote-mode'.
(defalias 'Footnote-style-p #[(style) "	\236\207" [style footnote-style-alist] 2 (#$ . 9606)])
#@122 Convert a binary index into a string to display as a footnote.
Conversion is done based upon the current selected style.
(defalias 'Footnote-index-to-string #[(index) "\304!\203\f	\236\202	@\211A@!)\207" [footnote-style footnote-style-alist alist index Footnote-style-p] 3 (#$ . 9776)])
#@54 Return the regexp of the index of the current style.
(defalias 'Footnote-current-regexp #[nil "\302	\236\206		@8\303P\207" [footnote-style footnote-style-alist 2 "*"] 3 (#$ . 10076)])
#@105 Redraw all footnotes.
You must call this or arrange to have this called after changing footnote
(defalias 'Footnote-refresh-footnotes #[(&optional index-regexp) "\204\306 \212\307\310\211\211\f8\211\203W	A\211\203P\n@b\210\311\312
!\313\314\312!\260\315 \"\203I\316\317
\320T!Q\321T\322%\310\323#\210\nA\211\204T\211\202+\307\310\2118\211\205\223	Ab\210\324\312
\320T!Q\321T#\310\323#\210T\211\202]+\207" [index-regexp alist locn i footnote-pointer-marker-alist footnote-start-tag Footnote-current-regexp 0 nil looking-back regexp-quote "\\(" "+\\)" line-beginning-position replace-match propertize Footnote-index-to-string footnote-number t "\\1" looking-at footnote-end-tag footnote-mouse-highlight footnote-text-marker-alist] 8 (#$ . 10269)])
#@29 Give index of key in alist.
(defalias 'Footnote-assoc-index #[(key alist) "\305G\306	\204\"\nW\203\"\f8@=\203T\202	+\207" [alist rc max i key 0 nil] 3 (#$ . 11112)])
#@37 Select next defined footnote style.
(defalias 'Footnote-cycle-style #[nil "\305	\"	G\306\211T\211Y\203\307\n	8@\310\311\f	88!+\207" [footnote-style footnote-style-alist idx max old Footnote-assoc-index nil 0 Footnote-refresh-footnotes 2] 5 (#$ . 11301) nil])
#@26 Select a specific style.
(defalias 'Footnote-set-style #[(&optional style) "\304	\"\305\306\n	88!)\207" [footnote-style footnote-style-alist old style Footnote-assoc-index Footnote-refresh-footnotes 2] 4 (#$ . 11576) (list (intern (completing-read "Footnote Style: " obarray #'Footnote-style-p 'require-match)))])
#@38 Insert numbered footnote at (point).
(defalias 'Footnote-insert-numbered-footnote #[(arg &optional mousable) "\306	!\nQ\307\f\203\310\311	
\312%\202\310\311	#!)\207" [footnote-start-tag arg footnote-end-tag string mousable footnote-mouse-highlight Footnote-index-to-string insert-before-markers propertize footnote-number t] 7 (#$ . 11900)])
#@29 Renumber a single footnote.
(defalias 'Footnote-renumber #[(from to pointer-alist text-alist) "A\n\240\210\n\240\210	\203:	@b\210\306\307\f!\310 \307
!Q\311 \"\2033\312\313\f\314\n!
Q\315\n\316%!\210	A\211\204Ab\210\317\307\f!\310 \307
Q\315\n#!)\207" [pointer-alist posn-list to text-alist footnote-start-tag footnote-end-tag looking-back regexp-quote Footnote-current-regexp line-beginning-position replace-match propertize Footnote-index-to-string footnote-number t looking-at footnote-mouse-highlight] 8 (#$ . 12256)])
#@57 Restrict text in buffer to show only text of footnotes.
(defalias 'Footnote-narrow-to-footnotes #[nil "db\210\306\307\310#\2050`\n\311\230\204#\306\312P\307\310#\203#`	}\202/\f\205/\f\211@A)	})\207" [footnote-signature-separator end footnote-section-tag footnote-section-tag-regexp footnote-text-marker-alist x re-search-backward nil t "" "^"] 5 (#$ . 12824) nil])
#@56 Move to end of buffer or prior to start of .signature.
(defalias 'Footnote-goto-char-point-max #[nil "db\210\301\302\303#\206\f`\207" [footnote-signature-separator re-search-backward nil t] 4 (#$ . 13204)])
#@68 Insert a marker pointing to footnote ARG, at buffer location LOCN.
(defalias 'Footnote-insert-text-marker #[(arg locn) "\304 	\n\236?\205\305\223\210	B\nB\306\n!\211)\207" [marker arg footnote-text-marker-alist locn make-marker nil Footnote-sort] 3 (#$ . 13419)])
#@68 Insert a marker pointing to footnote ARG, at buffer location LOCN.
(defalias 'Footnote-insert-pointer-marker #[(arg locn) "\305 \306\211\n\306\223\210\f\236\211\203	AB\211\202'	CB\fB\307\f!\211*\207" [alist marker locn arg footnote-pointer-marker-alist make-marker nil Footnote-sort] 4 (#$ . 13697)])
#@45 Insert a footnote numbered ARG, at (point).
(defalias 'Footnote-insert-footnote #[(arg) "\306 \210\307`\"\210\310\311\"\210\312 \210	\313\230\204 \314\315\nP\316\311#\202+\203\210\211@A)b\203\210\214
\2036\317 \210\320S!\210\321=\204\204\322\203K\323\202W\324\325!\326 \325!R\316\311#\203b\327 \203\204\312 \204\204	\313\230\204x\314\315\nP\316\311#\210\202\204\203\204\211@A)b\210)\202\243\330\331!\204\221\324c\210m\203\230\324c\210	\313\230\204\243	\324\261\210`\310\316\"\210\332\")\207" [arg footnote-section-tag footnote-section-tag-regexp footnote-text-marker-alist x footnote-narrow-to-footnotes-when-editing push-mark Footnote-insert-pointer-marker Footnote-insert-numbered-footnote t Footnote-goto-char-point-max "" re-search-backward "^" nil Footnote-narrow-to-footnotes Footnote-goto-footnote 1 re-search-forward "\n\n" "\n" regexp-quote Footnote-current-regexp beginning-of-line looking-at "^$" Footnote-insert-text-marker footnote-spaced-footnotes footnote-start-tag footnote-end-tag old-point] 7 (#$ . 14016)])
(defalias 'Footnote-sort #[(list) "\301\302\"\207" [list sort #[(e1 e2) "@	@W\207" [e1 e2] 2]] 3])
#@124 Return the number of footnote if in footnote text.
Return nil if the cursor is not positioned over the text of
a footnote.
(defalias 'Footnote-text-under-cursor #[nil "`\212\214\306 \210eY\205dX+\205Y	\205Y`	\211@A)Y\205Y\307\310\211\211	8\211\203I\204I`\fAW\203B
S	8@
S	8@+\207" [old-point footnote-text-marker-alist x rc alist-txt i Footnote-narrow-to-footnotes 1 nil] 4 (#$ . 15191)])
#@107 Return the number of the footnote underneath the cursor.
Return nil if the cursor is not over a footnote.
(defalias 'Footnote-under-cursor #[nil "\300`\301\"\206	\302 \207" [get-text-property footnote-number Footnote-text-under-cursor] 3 (#$ . 15634)])
(defalias 'Footnote-make-hole #[nil "\212\306G\307\211\211\211\fW\203P

8`\211A@)\310ZW\203I	\2040@\212\311\312\313@!\313@T!#\210\314@@T\n$\210)
	.\207" [footnote-pointer-marker-alist rc alist-txt alist-ptr notes i 0 nil 3 message "Renumbering from %s to %s" Footnote-index-to-string Footnote-renumber footnote-text-marker-alist x] 6])
#@321 Add a numbered footnote.
The number the footnote receives is dependent upon the relative location
of any other previously existing footnotes.
If the variable `footnote-narrow-to-footnotes-when-editing' is set,
the buffer is narrowed to the footnote body.  The restriction is removed
by using `Footnote-back-to-message'.
(defalias 'Footnote-add-footnote #[(&optional arg) "\203 `\306	!@A@W\203\307 \202!\306!\211@@)T\202!\310\311\312\"\210\313!\210\314\315\f\316\"!\210`\212\314\203?\317\202@\320!\210\203J\321 \210)
b*\207" [footnote-text-marker-alist footnote-pointer-marker-alist x num footnote-body-tag-spacing opoint last Footnote-make-hole 1 message "Adding footnote %d" Footnote-insert-footnote insert-before-markers make-string 32 "\n\n" "\n" Footnote-narrow-to-footnotes footnote-spaced-footnotes footnote-narrow-to-footnotes-when-editing] 5 (#$ . 16269) "*P"])
#@142 Delete a numbered footnote.
With no parameter, delete the footnote under (point).  With ARG specified,
delete the footnote with that number.
(defalias 'Footnote-delete-footnote #[(&optional arg) "\204\306 \205\342	\203\307\310\311\"!\205\342\312\211\211
\236!\236\f\203/\2044\313\314\"\210\fA\211@\203a\212\n@b\210\315\316\"!\317 \316#!Q\320 \"\203Y\321\224\321\225|\210)\nA\211\2028\212Ab\210`$\203t\322\323\312\324#\202\200\214\312\210\325`\326\312\327 $)|\210)\330\f
\"\330!\"!\331 \210!?\205\341
?\205\341\212%\332\230\204\324\327 &\333\334'P\312\324#S(\335y\210\336\337!\203\300\340 \210(&dW\203\316&\202\317d|*\202\340\327 \210\315\323!\205\340\340\335!)+\207" [arg footnote-prompt-before-deletion locn alist-txt alist-ptr footnote-pointer-marker-alist Footnote-under-cursor y-or-n-p format "Really delete footnote %d?" nil error "Can't delete footnote %d" looking-back regexp-quote Footnote-current-regexp line-beginning-position 0 search-forward "\n\n" t next-single-char-property-change footnote-number Footnote-goto-char-point-max delq Footnote-renumber-footnotes "" re-search-backward "^" -1 looking-at "\n" kill-line footnote-text-marker-alist footnote-start-tag footnote-end-tag footnote-spaced-footnotes footnote-section-tag end footnote-section-tag-regexp start] 7 (#$ . 17165) "*P"])
#@38 Renumber footnotes, starting from 1.
(defalias 'Footnote-renumber-footnotes #[(&optional arg) "\212\306G\307\211\211W\2050\f8\f
8\fT\n@U\204)\310\n@\fT\n	$\210\fT\211\202-\207" [footnote-pointer-marker-alist alist-txt alist-ptr notes i footnote-text-marker-alist 0 nil Footnote-renumber] 6 (#$ . 18525) "*P"])
#@156 Jump to the text of a footnote.
With no parameter, jump to the text of the footnote under (point).  With ARG
specified, jump to the text of that footnote.
(defalias 'Footnote-goto-footnote #[(&optional arg) "\204\306 	\236\211\203\nAb\202@\307=\203=db\210\310\230\204/\311\312\fP!\210\313y\202@	\205@	\211@A)b\202@\314\315!)\207" [arg footnote-text-marker-alist footnote footnote-section-tag footnote-section-tag-regexp x Footnote-under-cursor 0 "" re-search-backward "^" 1 error "I don't see a footnote here"] 4 (#$ . 18856) "P"])
#@229 Move cursor back to footnote referent.
If the cursor is not over the text of a footnote, point is not changed.
If the buffer was narrowed due to `footnote-narrow-to-footnotes-when-editing'
being set it is automatically widened.
(defalias 'Footnote-back-to-message #[(&optional arg) "\304 \211\205	\203
~\210\n\236\211A@)b)\207" [note footnote-narrow-to-footnotes-when-editing footnote-pointer-marker-alist x Footnote-text-under-cursor] 3 (#$ . 19412) "P"])
(defvar footnote-mode-map (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\310#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\314#\210\302\315\316#\210\302\317\320#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap define-key "a" Footnote-add-footnote "b" Footnote-back-to-message "c" Footnote-cycle-style "d" Footnote-delete-footnote "g" Footnote-goto-footnote "r" Footnote-renumber-footnotes "s" Footnote-set-style] 4))
#@46 Keymap used for binding footnote minor mode.
(defvar footnote-minor-mode-map (byte-code "\303 \304	\n#\210)\207" [map footnote-prefix footnote-mode-map make-sparse-keymap define-key] 4) (#$ . 20290))
#@95 Non-nil if Footnote mode is enabled.
Use the command `footnote-mode' to change this variable.
(defvar footnote-mode nil (#$ . 20499))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'footnote-mode)
#@370 Toggle Footnote mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Footnote mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise.  If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Footnode mode is a buffer-local minor mode.  If enabled, it
provides footnote support for `message-mode'.  To get started,
play around with the following keys:
(defalias 'footnote-mode #[(&optional arg) "\306 	\307=\203\n?\202\310	!\311V\211\203W\312\313!\210\312\314!\210\312\315!\210\312\316!\210\312\317!\210\312\303!\210\312\304!\210\320\321!\203W\322!\323\322\f!\324R\325
\327DC\")\330\331\n\203a\332\202b\333\"\210\334\335!\203\203\306 \203v\306 \232\203\203\336\337\n\203\200\340\202\201\341\"\210)\342 \210\n\207" [#1=#:last-message arg footnote-mode footnote-start-tag footnote-end-tag bullet-regexp current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 make-local-variable footnote-style footnote-body-tag-spacing footnote-spaced-footnotes footnote-section-tag footnote-section-tag-regexp boundp filladapt-token-table regexp-quote "?[0-9a-zA-Z]+" "[ 	]" assoc append bullet run-hooks footnote-mode-hook footnote-mode-on-hook footnote-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Footnote mode %sabled" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update] 5 (#$ . 20684) (list (or current-prefix-arg 'toggle))])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\211%\210\305\306!\207" [footnote-minor-mode-map add-minor-mode footnote-mode footnote-mode-line-string nil provide footnote] 6)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net