Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/md4.elc |
;ELC ;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:25 2024 ;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/md4.el ;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #@38 Work buffer of four 32-bit integers. (defvar md4-buffer (make-vector 4 '(0 . 0)) (#$ . 546)) #@153 Return the MD4 hash for a string IN of length N bytes. The returned hash is 16 bytes long. N is required to handle strings containing the character 0. (defalias 'md4 #[(in n) "\306\307\310_B\307\311\312\307\"\306\307\313I\210\314\315I\210\316\317I\210\320\321I\210\322V\203J \323 \307\322O!\324 !\210 \322\306O \322Z\211\202* \307\211W\203a \n HI\210T\211\202M \n\312I\210\325X\203\227 \326\f!\n\327 \307HI\210\n\330 \314HI\210\n\331 \316HI\210\n\332 \320HI\210\323\n!\324 !\210\202\312 \326\f!\n\333 \307HI\210\n\334 \314HI\210\n\335 \316HI\210\n\336 \320HI\210\323\n!\324 !\210\323\n\322\306O!\324 !\210-\326\307H!\326\314H!\326\316H!\326\320H!R\207" [n c4 buf i b m nil 0 8 make-string 128 (26437 . 8961) 1 (61389 . 43913) 2 (39098 . 56574) 3 (4146 . 21622) 64 md4-copy64 md4-64 55 md4-pack-int32 56 57 58 59 120 121 122 123 md4-buffer in] 7 (#$ . 646)]) (defalias 'md4-F #[(x y z) "\303\304 \"\304\305!\n\"\"\207" [x y z logior logand lognot] 5]) (put 'md4-F 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand) (defalias 'md4-G #[(x y z) "\303\304 \"\304\n\"\304 \n\"#\207" [x y z logior logand] 6]) (put 'md4-G 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand) (defalias 'md4-H #[(x y z) "\303 \n#\207" [x y z logxor] 4]) (put 'md4-H 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand) (defalias 'md4-make-step '(macro . #[(name func) "\302\303\304\305\306\307 \310B\311BBBD\312\306\313 \314B\315BBBD\316BB\317BBF\207" [name func defun (a b c d xk s ac) let* h1 + (car a) ((car b) (car c) (car d)) ((car xk) (car ac)) l1 (cdr a) ((cdr b) (cdr c) (cdr d)) ((cdr xk) (cdr ac)) ((h2 (logand 65535 (+ h1 (lsh l1 -16)))) (l2 (logand 65535 l1)) (h3 (logand 65535 (if (> s 15) (+ (lsh h2 (- s 32)) (lsh l2 (- s 16))) (+ (lsh h2 s) (lsh l2 (- s 16)))))) (l3 (logand 65535 (if (> s 15) (+ (lsh l2 (- s 32)) (lsh h2 (- s 16))) (+ (lsh l2 s) (lsh h2 (- s 16))))))) ((cons h3 l3))] 10])) (defalias 'md4-round1 #[(a b c d xk s ac) "\306@ @\n@@\307\310 \"\310\311!\f\"\"+@@$\306A A\nAA\307\310 \"\310\311!\f\"\"+AA$\310\312\313\"\\\314\"\310\314\"\310\315V\203z \312\316Z\"\312\317Z\"\\\202\211 \312\"\312\317Z\"\\\314\"\310\315V\203\251 \312\316Z\"\312\317Z\"\\\202\270 \312\"\312\317Z\"\\\314\".B\207" [a b c d z y + logior logand lognot lsh -16 65535 15 32 16 x xk ac h1 l1 h2 l2 s h3 l3] 7]) (defalias 'md4-round2 #[(a b c d xk s ac) "\306@ @\n@@\307\310 \"\310\f\"\310 \f\"#+@@$\306A A\nAA\307\310 \"\310\f\"\310 \f\"#+AA$\310\311\312\"\\\313\"\310\313\"\310\314V\203~ \311\315Z\"\311\316Z\"\\\202\215 \311\"\311\316Z\"\\\313\"\310\314V\203\255 \311\315Z\"\311\316Z\"\\\202\274 \311\"\311\316Z\"\\\313\".B\207" [a b c d z y + logior logand lsh -16 65535 15 32 16 x xk ac h1 l1 h2 l2 s h3 l3] 8]) (defalias 'md4-round3 #[(a b c d xk s ac) "\306@ @\n@@\307 \f#+@@$\306A A\nAA\307 \f#+AA$\310\311\312\"\\\313\"\310\313\"\310\314V\203j \311\315Z\"\311\316Z\"\\\202y \311\"\311\316Z\"\\\313\"\310\314V\203\231 \311\315Z\"\311\316Z\"\\\202\250 \311\"\311\316Z\"\\\313\".B\207" [a b c d z y + logxor logand lsh -16 65535 15 32 16 x xk ac h1 l1 h2 l2 s h3 l3] 6]) #@47 Return 32-bit sum of 32-bit integers X and Y. (defalias 'md4-add #[(x y) "@ @\\A A\\\304\305\n\306\"\\\307\"\304\n\307\"*B\207" [x y l h logand lsh -16 65535] 5 (#$ . 3992)]) (put 'md4-add 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand) (defalias 'md4-and #[(x y) "\302@ @\"\302A A\"B\207" [x y logand] 4]) (put 'md4-and 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand) #@144 Calculate MD4 hash of M. M is a 64-bytes chunk, represented as 16 pairs of 32-bit integers. The resulting MD4 value is placed in `md4-buffer'. (defalias 'md4-64 #[(m) "\306H\307H\310H\311H\312\f\n \306H\311\313&\312 \f\n \307H\314\315&\312\n \f \310H\316\317&\312\n \f \311H\320\321&\312\f\n \322H\311\323&\312 \f\n \324H\314\325&\312\n \f \326H\316\327&\312\n \f \314H\320\330&\312\f\n \331H\311\332&\312 \f\n \333H\314\334&\312\n \f \335H\316\336&\312\n \f \316H\320\337&\312\f\n \340H\311\341&\312 \f\n \342H\314\343&\312\n \f \344H\316\345&\312\n \f \346H\320\347&\350\f\n \306H\311\351&\350 \f\n \322H\324\352&\350\n \f \331H\333\353&\350\n \f \340H\342\354&\350\f\n \307H\311\355&\350 \f\n \324H\324\356&\350\n \f \333H\333\357&\350\n \f \342H\342\360&\350\f\n \310H\311\361&\350 \f\n \326H\324\362&\350\n \f \335H\333\363&\350\n \f \344H\342\364&\350\f\n \311H\311\365&\350 \f\n \314H\324\366&\350\n \f \316H\333\367&\350\n \f \346H\342\370&\371\f\n \306H\311\372&\371 \f\n \331H\333\373&\371\n \f \322H\316\374&\371\n \f \340H\346\375&\371\f\n \310H\311\376&\371 \f\n \335H\333\377&\371\n \f \326H\316\201D &\371\n \f \344H\346\201E &\371\f\n \307H\311\201F &\371 \f\n \333H\333\201G &\371\n \f \324H\316\201H &\371\n \f \342H\346\201I &\371\f\n \311H\311\201J &\371 \f\n \316H\333\201K &\371\n \f \314H\316\201L &\371\n \f \346H\346\201M &\306\f\306H@\211A@@@\\AA@A\\BC\201N C\201O B\201P \"\\\201Q \"\201N B\201Q \",BI\210\307\307H@\211A@@@\\AA@A\\BC\201N C\201O B\201P \"\\\201Q \"\201N B\201Q \",BI\210\310\n\310H@\211A@@@\\AA@A\\BC\201N C\201O B\201P \"\\\201Q \"\201N B\201Q \",BI\210\311 \311H@\211A@@@\\AA@A\\BC\201N C\201O B\201P \"\\\201Q \"\201N B\201Q \",BI,\207" [md4-buffer d c b a m 0 1 2 3 md4-round1 (0 . 0) 7 (0 . 0) 11 (0 . 0) 19 (0 . 0) 4 (0 . 0) 5 (0 . 0) 6 (0 . 0) (0 . 0) 8 (0 . 0) 9 (0 . 0) 10 (0 . 0) (0 . 0) 12 (0 . 0) 13 (0 . 0) 14 (0 . 0) 15 (0 . 0) md4-round2 (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) (23170 . 31129) md4-round3 (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) y x l h (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) (28377 . 60321) logand lsh -16 65535] 9 (#$ . 4369)]) #@61 Unpack a 64 bytes string into 16 pairs of 32 bits integers. (defalias 'md4-copy64 #[(seq) "\304\305\306\"\306\307 \305W\2038 \310_\n \311\\H\312\313\\H\314\"\\H\312TH\314\"\\BI\210 T\211\202\n \n+\207" [j i int32s seq make-vector 16 0 nil 4 2 lsh 3 8] 8 (#$ . 7054)]) #@58 Pack 16 bits integer in 2 bytes string as little endian. (defalias 'md4-pack-int16 #[(int16) "\302\303\304\"\211\304\305 \306\"I\210\307\310 \311\"I\210)\207" [str int16 make-string 2 0 logand 255 1 lsh -8] 6 (#$ . 7342)]) #@144 Pack 32 bits integer in a 4 bytes string as little endian. A 32 bits integer is represented as a pair of two 16 bits integers (cons high low). (defalias 'md4-pack-int32 #[(int32) "\304\305\306\"@A\211\306\307 \310\"I\210\311\312 \313\"I\210\314\307\n\310\"I\210\315\312\n\313\"I\210+\207" [int32 l h str make-string 4 0 logand 255 1 lsh -8 2 3] 6 (#$ . 7575)]) (defalias 'md4-unpack-int16 #[(str) "G\301=\203 \302\303H\304\"\305H\\\207\306\307\"\207" [str 2 lsh 1 8 0 error "%s is not 2 bytes long"] 3]) (defalias 'md4-unpack-int32 #[(str) "G\301=\203 \302\303H\304\"\305H\\\302\306H\304\"\307H\\B\207\310\311\"\207" [str 4 lsh 3 8 2 1 0 error "%s is not 4 bytes long"] 4]) (provide 'md4)