? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/menu-bar.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:12:50 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/menu-bar.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\303\304\"\204\305\306\307\310!#\210\311\312!\204\313\202=\n\314=\203%\315\2023\316\317\320\321#\210\317\322\323#\210\317\324\325\307\325!B#\210\303\207" [global-map menu-bar-final-items system-type lookup-key [menu-bar] define-key [menu-bar] make-sparse-keymap "menu-bar" featurep ns (help-menu) darwin (buffer services help-menu) (buffer services hide-app quit) bindings--define-key [menu-bar quit] (menu-item "Quit" save-buffers-kill-emacs :help "Save unsaved buffers, then exit") [menu-bar hide-app] (menu-item "Hide" ns-do-hide-emacs :help "Hide Emacs") [menu-bar services] "Services"] 6)
(defvar global-buffers-menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "Buffers"))
(byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203,	@\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210	A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias menu-bar-files-menu menu-bar-file-menu nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "22.1"] 6)
(defvar menu-bar-file-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306#\210\304\307	#\210\304\310\311#\210\304\312\313#\210\304\314\315#\210\304\316	#\210\304\317\320#\210\304\321\322#\210\304\323\324#\210\304\325	#\210\304\326\327#\210\304\330\331#\210\304\332\333#\210\304\334\335#\210\304\336\337#\210\304\340\341#\210\304\342	#\210\304\343\344#\210\304\345\346#\210\304\347\350#\210\304\351\352#\210\304\353	#\210\304\354\355#\210\304\356\357#\210\304\360\361#\210\304\362\363#\210\304\364\365#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "File" bindings--define-key [exit-emacs] (menu-item "Quit" save-buffers-kill-terminal :help "Save unsaved buffers, then exit") [separator-exit] [delete-this-frame] (menu-item "Delete Frame" delete-frame :visible (fboundp 'delete-frame) :enable (delete-frame-enabled-p) :help "Delete currently selected frame") [make-frame-on-display] (menu-item "New Frame on Display..." make-frame-on-display :visible (fboundp 'make-frame-on-display) :help "Open a new frame on another display") [make-frame] (menu-item "New Frame" make-frame-command :visible (fboundp 'make-frame-command) :help "Open a new frame") [separator-frame] [one-window] (menu-item "Remove Other Windows" delete-other-windows :enable (not (one-window-p t nil)) :help "Make selected window fill whole frame") [new-window-on-right] (menu-item "New Window on Right" split-window-right :enable (and (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p)) :help "Make new window on right of selected one") [new-window-below] (menu-item "New Window Below" split-window-below :enable (and (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p)) :help "Make new window below selected one") [separator-window] [ps-print-region] (menu-item "PostScript Print Region (B+W)" ps-print-region :enable mark-active :help "Pretty-print marked region in black and white to PostScript printer") [ps-print-buffer] (menu-item "PostScript Print Buffer (B+W)" ps-print-buffer :enable (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) :help "Pretty-print current buffer in black and white to PostScript printer") [ps-print-region-faces] (menu-item "PostScript Print Region" ps-print-region-with-faces :enable mark-active :help "Pretty-print marked region to PostScript printer") [ps-print-buffer-faces] (menu-item "PostScript Print Buffer" ps-print-buffer-with-faces :enable (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) :help "Pretty-print current buffer to PostScript printer") [print-region] (menu-item "Print Region" print-region :enable mark-active :help "Print region between mark and current position") [print-buffer] (menu-item "Print Buffer" print-buffer :enable (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) :help "Print current buffer with page headings") [separator-print] [recover-session] (menu-item "Recover Crashed Session" recover-session :enable (and auto-save-list-file-prefix (file-directory-p (file-name-directory auto-save-list-file-prefix)) (directory-files (file-name-directory auto-save-list-file-prefix) nil (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote (file-name-nondirectory auto-save-list-file-prefix))) t)) :help "Recover edits from a crashed session") [revert-buffer] (menu-item "Revert Buffer" revert-buffer :enable (or revert-buffer-function revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function (and buffer-file-number (or (buffer-modified-p) (not (verify-visited-file-modtime (current-buffer)))))) :help "Re-read current buffer from its file") [write-file] (menu-item "Save As..." write-file :enable (and (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p)) :help "Write current buffer to another file") [save-buffer] (menu-item "Save" save-buffer :enable (and (buffer-modified-p) (buffer-file-name) (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p)) :help "Save current buffer to its file") [separator-save] [kill-buffer] (menu-item "Close" kill-this-buffer :enable (kill-this-buffer-enabled-p) :help "Discard (kill) current buffer") [insert-file] (menu-item "Insert File..." insert-file :enable (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p) :help "Insert another file into current buffer") [dired] (menu-item "Open Directory..." dired :enable (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p) :help "Read a directory, to operate on its files") [open-file] (menu-item "Open File..." menu-find-file-existing :enable (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p) :help "Read an existing file into an Emacs buffer") [new-file] (menu-item "Visit New File..." find-file :enable (menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p) :help "Specify a new file's name, to edit the file")] 4))
#@34 Edit the existing file FILENAME.
(defalias 'menu-find-file-existing #[nil "\302\303!\205\303 ?\304\305\"@\203\306	!\202\307	!*\207" [mustmatch filename fboundp x-uses-old-gtk-dialog find-file-read-args "Find file: " find-file-existing find-file] 3 (#$ . 6100) nil])
#@67 Type of last non-incremental search command called from the menu.
(defvar menu-bar-last-search-type nil (#$ . 6382))
#@58 Search forward for the previous search string or regexp.
(defalias 'nonincremental-repeat-search-forward #[nil "\303=\203	\203\304	@!\207\305=\203\n\203\306\n@!\207\307\310!\207" [menu-bar-last-search-type search-ring regexp-search-ring string search-forward regexp re-search-forward error "No previous search"] 2 (#$ . 6505) nil])
#@59 Search backward for the previous search string or regexp.
(defalias 'nonincremental-repeat-search-backward #[nil "\303=\203	\203\304	@!\207\305=\203\n\203\306\n@!\207\307\310!\207" [menu-bar-last-search-type search-ring regexp-search-ring string search-backward regexp re-search-backward error "No previous search"] 2 (#$ . 6853) nil])
#@51 Read a string and search for it nonincrementally.
(defalias 'nonincremental-search-forward #[(string) "\301	\303\232\203
\304\n@!\207\305	\306\"\210\304	!\207" [menu-bar-last-search-type string search-ring "" search-forward isearch-update-ring nil] 3 (#$ . 7205) "sSearch for string: "])
#@60 Read a string and search backward for it nonincrementally.
(defalias 'nonincremental-search-backward #[(string) "\301	\303\232\203
\304\n@!\207\305	\306\"\210\304	!\207" [menu-bar-last-search-type string search-ring "" search-backward isearch-update-ring nil] 3 (#$ . 7501) "sSearch for string: "])
#@63 Read a regular expression and search for it nonincrementally.
(defalias 'nonincremental-re-search-forward #[(string) "\303	\304\232\203
\305\n@!\207\306	\307\"\210\305	!\207" [menu-bar-last-search-type string regexp-search-ring regexp "" re-search-forward isearch-update-ring t] 3 (#$ . 7808) "sSearch for regexp: "])
#@72 Read a regular expression and search backward for it nonincrementally.
(defalias 'nonincremental-re-search-backward #[(string) "\303	\304\232\203
\305\n@!\207\306	\307\"\210\305	!\207" [menu-bar-last-search-type string regexp-search-ring regexp "" re-search-backward isearch-update-ring t] 3 (#$ . 8134) "sSearch for regexp: "])
(defvar menu-bar-i-search-menu (byte-code "\301\302!\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\311#\210\303\312\313#\210)\207" [menu make-sparse-keymap "Incremental Search" bindings--define-key [isearch-backward-regexp] (menu-item "Backward Regexp..." isearch-backward-regexp :help "Search backwards for a regular expression as you type it") [isearch-forward-regexp] (menu-item "Forward Regexp..." isearch-forward-regexp :help "Search forward for a regular expression as you type it") [isearch-backward] (menu-item "Backward String..." isearch-backward :help "Search backwards for a string as you type it") [isearch-forward] (menu-item "Forward String..." isearch-forward :help "Search forward for a string as you type it")] 4))
(defvar menu-bar-search-menu (byte-code "\303\304!\305\306\307\310	E#\210\305\311\n#\210\305\312\313#\210\305\314\315#\210\305\316\n#\210\305\317\320#\210\305\321\322#\210\305\323\n#\210\305\324\325#\210\305\326\327#\210\305\330\331#\210\305\332\333#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-i-search-menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "Search" bindings--define-key [i-search] menu-item "Incremental Search" [separator-tag-isearch] [tags-continue] (menu-item "Continue Tags Search" tags-loop-continue :help "Continue last tags search operation") [tags-srch] (menu-item "Search Tagged Files..." tags-search :help "Search for a regexp in all tagged files") [separator-tag-search] [repeat-search-back] (menu-item "Repeat Backwards" nonincremental-repeat-search-backward :enable (or (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'string) search-ring) (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'regexp) regexp-search-ring)) :help "Repeat last search backwards") [repeat-search-fwd] (menu-item "Repeat Forward" nonincremental-repeat-search-forward :enable (or (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'string) search-ring) (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'regexp) regexp-search-ring)) :help "Repeat last search forward") [separator-repeat-search] [re-search-backward] (menu-item "Regexp Backwards..." nonincremental-re-search-backward :help "Search backwards for a regular expression") [re-search-forward] (menu-item "Regexp Forward..." nonincremental-re-search-forward :help "Search forward for a regular expression") [search-backward] (menu-item "String Backwards..." nonincremental-search-backward :help "Search backwards for a string") [search-forward] (menu-item "String Forward..." nonincremental-search-forward :help "Search forward for a string")] 6))
(defvar menu-bar-replace-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311	#\210\304\312\313#\210\304\314\315#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "Replace" bindings--define-key [tags-repl-continue] (menu-item "Continue Replace" tags-loop-continue :help "Continue last tags replace operation") [tags-repl] (menu-item "Replace in Tagged Files..." tags-query-replace :help "Interactively replace a regexp in all tagged files") [separator-replace-tags] [query-replace-regexp] (menu-item "Replace Regexp..." query-replace-regexp :enable (not buffer-read-only) :help "Replace regular expression interactively, ask about each occurrence") [query-replace] (menu-item "Replace String..." query-replace :enable (not buffer-read-only) :help "Replace string interactively, ask about each occurrence")] 4))
(defvar menu-bar-goto-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306#\210\304\307	#\210\304\310\311#\210\304\312\313#\210\304\314\315#\210\304\316\317#\210\304\320\321#\210\304\322	#\210\304\323\324#\210\304\325\326#\210\304\327\330#\210\304\331\332#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "Go To" bindings--define-key [set-tags-name] (menu-item "Set Tags File Name..." visit-tags-table :help "Tell Tags commands which tag table file to use") [separator-tag-file] [apropos-tags] (menu-item "Tags Apropos..." tags-apropos :help "Find function/variables whose names match regexp") [next-tag-otherw] (menu-item "Next Tag in Other Window" menu-bar-next-tag-other-window :enable (and (boundp 'tags-location-ring) (not (ring-empty-p tags-location-ring))) :help "Find next function/variable matching last tag name in another window") [next-tag] (menu-item "Find Next Tag" menu-bar-next-tag :enable (and (boundp 'tags-location-ring) (not (ring-empty-p tags-location-ring))) :help "Find next function/variable matching last tag name") [find-tag-otherw] (menu-item "Find Tag in Other Window..." find-tag-other-window :help "Find function/variable definition in another window") [find-tag] (menu-item "Find Tag..." find-tag :help "Find definition of function or variable") [separator-tags] [end-of-buf] (menu-item "Goto End of Buffer" end-of-buffer) [beg-of-buf] (menu-item "Goto Beginning of Buffer" beginning-of-buffer) [go-to-pos] (menu-item "Goto Buffer Position..." goto-char :help "Read a number N and go to buffer position N") [go-to-line] (menu-item "Goto Line..." goto-line :help "Read a line number and go to that line")] 4))
(defvar yank-menu (byte-code "\300\301!\302B\207" [purecopy "Select Yank" nil] 2))
(byte-code "\300\301BM\207" [yank-menu keymap] 3)
(defvar menu-bar-edit-menu (byte-code "\305\306!\307\310\311#\210\312\313!\203\307\314\315#\210\307\316\317#\210\307\320	#\210\307\321\322#\210\307\323\324\325\nE#\210\307\326\324\327E#\210\307\330\324\331\fE#\210\307\332	#\210\307\333\334#\210\307\335\336#\210\307\312\313!\203a\337\202b\340\324\312\313!\203m\341\202n\342\343BB#\210\307\344\345#\210\307\346\324\347\312\313!\203\210\350\202\211\351\352\353\354\355\356\312\313!\203\230\357\202\231\360\257	#\210\307\361\362#\210\312\313!\203\257\307\363	#\210\307\364\365#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator menu-bar-goto-menu menu-bar-replace-menu menu-bar-search-menu make-sparse-keymap "Edit" bindings--define-key [props] (menu-item "Text Properties" facemenu-menu) featurep ns [spell] (menu-item "Spell" ispell-menu-map) [fill] (menu-item "Fill" fill-region :enable (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Fill text in region to fit between left and right margin") [separator-bookmark] [bookmark] (menu-item "Bookmarks" menu-bar-bookmark-map) [goto] menu-item "Go To" [replace] "Replace" [search] "Search" [separator-search] [mark-whole-buffer] (menu-item "Select All" mark-whole-buffer :help "Mark the whole buffer for a subsequent cut/copy") [clear] (menu-item "Clear" delete-region :enable (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Delete the text in region between mark and current position") [select-paste] [paste-from-menu] "Select and Paste" "Paste from Kill Menu" (yank-menu :enable (and (cdr yank-menu) (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Choose a string from the kill ring and paste it") [paste] (menu-item "Paste" yank :enable (and (or (and (fboundp 'x-selection-exists-p) (x-selection-exists-p 'CLIPBOARD)) (if (featurep 'ns) (cdr yank-menu) kill-ring)) (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Paste (yank) text most recently cut/copied") [copy] "Copy" ns-copy-including-secondary kill-ring-save :enable mark-active :help "Copy text in region between mark and current position" :keys "\\[ns-copy-including-secondary]" "\\[kill-ring-save]" [cut] (menu-item "Cut" kill-region :enable (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Cut (kill) text in region between mark and current position") [separator-undo] [undo] (menu-item "Undo" undo :enable (and (not buffer-read-only) (not (eq t buffer-undo-list)) (if (eq last-command 'undo) (listp pending-undo-list) (consp buffer-undo-list))) :help "Undo last operation")] 13))
#@56 Find the next definition of the tag already specified.
(defalias 'menu-bar-next-tag-other-window #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [find-tag-other-window nil t] 3 (#$ . 15984) nil])
#@56 Find the next definition of the tag already specified.
(defalias 'menu-bar-next-tag #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [find-tag nil t] 3 (#$ . 16165) nil])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\210\306\307\310\311#\210\306\312\310\313#\210\306\314\310\315#\207" [defalias menu-bar-kill-ring-save kill-ring-save nil make-obsolete "24.1" put clipboard-kill-region menu-enable (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only)) clipboard-kill-ring-save mark-active clipboard-yank (and (or (not (fboundp 'x-selection-exists-p)) (x-selection-exists-p) (x-selection-exists-p 'CLIPBOARD)) (not buffer-read-only))] 4)
#@68 Insert the clipboard contents, or the last stretch of killed text.
(defalias 'clipboard-yank #[nil "\301\302 )\207" [x-select-enable-clipboard t yank] 1 (#$ . 16777) "*"])
#@56 Copy region to kill ring, and save in the X clipboard.
(defalias 'clipboard-kill-ring-save #[(beg end) "\303\304	\n\")\207" [x-select-enable-clipboard beg end t kill-ring-save] 3 (#$ . 16956) "r"])
#@50 Kill the region, and save it in the X clipboard.
(defalias 'clipboard-kill-region #[(beg end) "\303\304	\n\")\207" [x-select-enable-clipboard beg end t kill-region] 3 (#$ . 17161) "r"])
#@114 Make CUT, PASTE and COPY (keys and menu bar items) use the clipboard.
Do the same for the keys of the same name.
(defalias 'menu-bar-enable-clipboard #[nil "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\303#\210\301\311\305#\210\301\312\307#\207" [global-map define-key [f20] clipboard-kill-region [f16] clipboard-kill-ring-save [f18] clipboard-yank [cut] [copy] [paste]] 4 (#$ . 17355) nil])
(defvar menu-bar-custom-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210\304\313	#\210\304\314\315#\210\304\316\317#\210\304\320\321#\210\304\322	#\210\304\323\324#\210\304\325\326#\210\304\327	#\210\304\330\331#\210\304\332\333#\210\304\334\335#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "Customize" bindings--define-key [customize-apropos-faces] (menu-item "Faces Matching..." customize-apropos-faces :help "Browse faces matching a regexp or word list") [customize-apropos-options] (menu-item "Options Matching..." customize-apropos-options :help "Browse options matching a regexp or word list") [customize-apropos] (menu-item "All Settings Matching..." customize-apropos :help "Browse customizable settings matching a regexp or word list") [separator-1] [customize-group] (menu-item "Specific Group..." customize-group :help "Customize settings of specific group") [customize-face] (menu-item "Specific Face..." customize-face :help "Customize attributes of specific face") [customize-option] (menu-item "Specific Option..." customize-option :help "Customize value of specific option") [separator-2] [customize-changed-options] (menu-item "New Options..." customize-changed-options :help "Options added or changed in recent Emacs versions") [customize-saved] (menu-item "Saved Options" customize-saved :help "Customize previously saved options") [separator-3] [customize-browse] (menu-item "Browse Customization Groups" customize-browse :help "Browse all customization groups") [customize] (menu-item "Top-level Customization Group" customize :help "The master group called `Emacs'") [customize-themes] (menu-item "Custom Themes" customize-themes :help "Choose a pre-defined customization theme")] 4))
#@223 Make a menu-item for a global minor mode toggle.
FNAME is the minor mode's name (variable and function).
DOC is the text to use for the menu entry.
HELP is the text to use for the tooltip.
PROPS are additional properties.
(defalias 'menu-bar-make-mm-toggle '(macro . #[(fname doc help &optional props) "\304\305	\306\n\307\310\311\312\313\304	DD\314\304	DDFF\"BBBD\207" [doc fname props help quote menu-item append :help :button :toggle and default-boundp default-value] 15 (#$ . 19537)]))
(defalias 'menu-bar-make-toggle '(macro . #[(name variable doc message help &rest body) "\306\307\310\311	\312\313O\227	\313\314O\315R\316\317\n\203\306\nB\202N\306\320\321DD\322\323\324\325\321D\326BB\327BBD\325\324\325\321D\330BB\331BBDD\332\323\321D\333\332\325\321DEDFEE\304\f\334BB\304\f\335BBF\317\336\337\321DDE\257\321\340
\341	\342\343\344\345\321DD\346\321DDF\257DE\207" [name help body variable message doc progn defun (&optional interactively) "Toggle whether to " 0 1 nil ".\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." (interactive "p") if custom-load-symbol quote let set or get ('custom-set) ('set-default) ('custom-get) ('default-value) funcall not ("enabled globally") ("disabled globally") interactively customize-mark-as-set menu-item :help :button :toggle and default-boundp default-value] 19]))
#@54 Interactively select a font and make it the default.
(defalias 'menu-set-font #[nil "\300\301\302!\203\f\302 \202\303 \304\305#\207" [set-frame-font fboundp x-select-font mouse-select-font nil t] 4 (#$ . 20933) nil])
#@57 Save current values of Options menu items using Custom.
(defalias 'menu-bar-options-save #[nil "\303\304\303\211\203\n@\305	!\203\306\nA\211\204\n*\307\303\211\203=\n@\211\310N\2036\305	!\2036\306\nA\211\204%*\311\312N\203T\313\311\314\311\312N#\210\313\311\312\303#\210\306\205Z\315 )\207" [need-save elt --dolist-tail-- nil (line-number-mode column-number-mode size-indication-mode cua-mode show-paren-mode transient-mark-mode blink-cursor-mode display-time-mode display-battery-mode menu-bar-mode tool-bar-mode) customize-mark-to-save t (scroll-bar-mode debug-on-quit debug-on-error tooltip-mode save-place uniquify-buffer-name-style fringe-mode indicate-empty-lines indicate-buffer-boundaries case-fold-search font-use-system-font current-language-environment default-input-method text-mode-hook tool-bar-position) customized-value default customized-face put saved-face custom-save-all] 6 (#$ . 21159) nil])
#@61 Show customization buffer for `indicate-buffer-boundaries'.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-customize #[nil "\300\301!\207" [customize-variable indicate-buffer-boundaries] 2 (#$ . 22102) nil])
#@73 Display top and bottom indicators in opposite fringes, arrows in right.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-mixed #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable indicate-buffer-boundaries ((t . right) (top . left))] 3 (#$ . 22309) nil])
#@56 Display top and bottom indicators in opposite fringes.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-box #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable indicate-buffer-boundaries ((top . left) (bottom . right))] 3 (#$ . 22560) nil])
#@59 Display buffer boundaries and arrows in the right fringe.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-right #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable indicate-buffer-boundaries right] 3 (#$ . 22797) nil])
#@58 Display buffer boundaries and arrows in the left fringe.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-left #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable indicate-buffer-boundaries left] 3 (#$ . 23013) nil])
#@48 Do not display any buffer boundary indicators.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-none #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable indicate-buffer-boundaries nil] 3 (#$ . 23226) nil])
(defvar menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-menu (byte-code "\301\302!\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\311#\210\303\312\313#\210\303\314\315#\210\303\316\317#\210)\207" [menu make-sparse-keymap "Buffer boundaries" bindings--define-key [customize] (menu-item "Other (Customize)" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-customize :help "Additional choices available through Custom buffer" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio not (member indicate-buffer-boundaries '(nil left right ((top . left) (bottom . right)) ((t . right) (top . left)))))) [mixed] (menu-item "Opposite, Arrows Right" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-mixed :help "Show top/bottom indicators in opposite fringes, arrows in right" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal indicate-buffer-boundaries '((t . right) (top . left)))) [box] (menu-item "Opposite, No Arrows" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-box :help "Show top/bottom indicators in opposite fringes, no arrows" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal indicate-buffer-boundaries '((top . left) (bottom . right)))) [right] (menu-item "In Right Fringe" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-right :help "Show buffer boundaries and arrows in right fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq indicate-buffer-boundaries 'right)) [left] (menu-item "In Left Fringe" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-left :help "Show buffer boundaries and arrows in left fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)) [none] (menu-item "No Indicators" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-none :help "Hide all buffer boundary indicators and arrows" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq indicate-buffer-boundaries nil))] 4))
#@46 Show customization buffer for `fringe-mode'.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize #[nil "\300\301!\207" [customize-variable fringe-mode] 2 (#$ . 25121) nil])
#@67 Reset the fringe mode: display fringes on both sides of a window.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-reset #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable fringe-mode nil] 3 (#$ . 25299) nil])
#@51 Display fringes only on the right of each window.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-right #[nil "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\"\207" [require fringe customize-set-variable fringe-mode (0)] 3 (#$ . 25517) nil])
#@50 Display fringes only on the left of each window.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-left #[nil "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\"\207" [require fringe customize-set-variable fringe-mode (nil . 0)] 3 (#$ . 25747) nil])
#@32 Do not display window fringes.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-disable #[nil "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\"\207" [require fringe customize-set-variable fringe-mode 0] 3 (#$ . 25981) nil])
(defvar menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306\307	\310BBB#\210\304\311\312\313\314\"\210\315#\210\304\316\317#\210\304\320\321#\210\304\322\323#\210\304\324\325#\210\304\326\327#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-menu make-sparse-keymap "Fringe" bindings--define-key [showhide-fringe-ind] menu-item "Buffer Boundaries" (:visible (display-graphic-p) :help "Indicate buffer boundaries in fringe") [indicate-empty-lines] defalias toggle-indicate-empty-lines #[(&optional interactively) "\303\304!\210\304\305N\206\306\304\307N\206\310\211\304\304!?\"*\203'\311\312\313\"\210\202,\311\312\314\"\210\n\2053\315\304!\207" [get set interactively custom-load-symbol indicate-empty-lines custom-set set-default custom-get default-value message "Indicating of empty lines %s" "enabled globally" "disabled globally" customize-mark-as-set] 5 "Toggle whether to indicate trailing empty lines in fringe, globally.\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." "p"] (menu-item "Empty Line Indicators" toggle-indicate-empty-lines :help "Indicate trailing empty lines in fringe, globally" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'indicate-empty-lines) (default-value 'indicate-empty-lines))) [customize] (menu-item "Customize Fringe" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize :help "Detailed customization of fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p)) [default] (menu-item "Default" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-reset :help "Default width fringe on both left and right side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq fringe-mode nil)) [right] (menu-item "On the Right" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-right :help "Fringe only on the right side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal fringe-mode '(0))) [left] (menu-item "On the Left" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-left :help "Fringe only on the left side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal fringe-mode '(nil . 0))) [none] (menu-item "None" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-disable :help "Turn off fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq fringe-mode 0))] 7))
#@50 Display scroll bars on the right of each window.
(defalias 'menu-bar-right-scroll-bar #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable scroll-bar-mode right] 3 (#$ . 28382) nil])
#@49 Display scroll bars on the left of each window.
(defalias 'menu-bar-left-scroll-bar #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable scroll-bar-mode left] 3 (#$ . 28569) nil])
#@23 Turn off scroll bars.
(defalias 'menu-bar-no-scroll-bar #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable scroll-bar-mode nil] 3 (#$ . 28753) nil])
(defvar menu-bar-showhide-scroll-bar-menu (byte-code "\301\302!\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\311#\210)\207" [menu make-sparse-keymap "Scroll-bar" bindings--define-key [right] (menu-item "On the Right" menu-bar-right-scroll-bar :help "Scroll-bar on the right side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq (cdr (assq 'vertical-scroll-bars (frame-parameters))) 'right)) [left] (menu-item "On the Left" menu-bar-left-scroll-bar :help "Scroll-bar on the left side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq (cdr (assq 'vertical-scroll-bars (frame-parameters))) 'left)) [none] (menu-item "None" menu-bar-no-scroll-bar :help "Turn off scroll-bar" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq (cdr (assq 'vertical-scroll-bars (frame-parameters))) nil))] 4))
#@54 Return the frame suitable for updating the menu bar.
(defalias 'menu-bar-frame-for-menubar #[nil "\301!\203\n\206\f\302 \207" [menu-updating-frame framep selected-frame] 2 (#$ . 29693)])
#@46 Return non-nil iff VAL is a positive number.
(defalias 'menu-bar-positive-p #[(val) "\247\205\301V\207" [val 0] 2 (#$ . 29890)])
(defalias 'menu-bar-set-tool-bar-position #[(position) "\301\302\303\"\210\301\304\"\207" [position customize-set-variable tool-bar-mode t tool-bar-position] 3])
#@27 Do not display tool bars.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-disable #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [customize-set-variable tool-bar-mode nil] 3 (#$ . 30192) nil])
#@37 Display tool bars on the left side.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-left #[nil "\300\301!\207" [menu-bar-set-tool-bar-position left] 2 (#$ . 30376) nil])
#@38 Display tool bars on the right side.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-right #[nil "\300\301!\207" [menu-bar-set-tool-bar-position right] 2 (#$ . 30564) nil])
#@36 Display tool bars on the top side.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-top #[nil "\300\301!\207" [menu-bar-set-tool-bar-position top] 2 (#$ . 30755) nil])
#@39 Display tool bars on the bottom side.
(defalias 'menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-bottom #[nil "\300\301!\207" [menu-bar-set-tool-bar-position bottom] 2 (#$ . 30940) nil])
(byte-code "\301\302!\203-\303\304\305!\306\307\310#\210\306\311\312#\210\306\313\314#\210\306\315\316#\210\306\317\320#\210)!\210\301\207" [menu featurep move-toolbar (lambda (#1=#:def-tmp-var) (defvar menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu #1#)) make-sparse-keymap "Tool-bar" bindings--define-key [showhide-tool-bar-left] (menu-item "On the Left" menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-left :help "Tool-bar at the left side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio and tool-bar-mode (eq (frame-parameter (menu-bar-frame-for-menubar) 'tool-bar-position) 'left))) [showhide-tool-bar-right] (menu-item "On the Right" menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-right :help "Tool-bar at the right side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio and tool-bar-mode (eq (frame-parameter (menu-bar-frame-for-menubar) 'tool-bar-position) 'right))) [showhide-tool-bar-bottom] (menu-item "On the Bottom" menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-bottom :help "Tool-bar at the bottom" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio and tool-bar-mode (eq (frame-parameter (menu-bar-frame-for-menubar) 'tool-bar-position) 'bottom))) [showhide-tool-bar-top] (menu-item "On the Top" menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-top :help "Tool-bar at the top" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio and tool-bar-mode (eq (frame-parameter (menu-bar-frame-for-menubar) 'tool-bar-position) 'top))) [showhide-tool-bar-none] (menu-item "None" menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-disable :help "Turn tool-bar off" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq tool-bar-mode nil))] 5)
(defvar menu-bar-showhide-menu (byte-code "\305\306!\307\310\311#\210\307\312\313#\210\307\314\315#\210\307\316	#\210\307\317\320#\210\307\321\322#\210\307\323	#\210\307\324\325#\210\307\326\327\330\n\331BBB#\210\307\332\327\333\334BBB#\210\307\335\336#\210\307\337\340#\210\341\304!\203s\342\f!\203s\307\343\327\344\f\345BBB#\210\202y\307\346\347#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu menu-bar-showhide-scroll-bar-menu menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu make-sparse-keymap "Show/Hide" bindings--define-key [column-number-mode] (menu-item "Column Numbers" column-number-mode :help "Show the current column number in the mode line" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'column-number-mode) (default-value 'column-number-mode))) [line-number-mode] (menu-item "Line Numbers" line-number-mode :help "Show the current line number in the mode line" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'line-number-mode) (default-value 'line-number-mode))) [size-indication-mode] (menu-item "Size Indication" size-indication-mode :help "Show the size of the buffer in the mode line" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'size-indication-mode) (default-value 'size-indication-mode))) [linecolumn-separator] [showhide-battery] (menu-item "Battery Status" display-battery-mode :help "Display battery status information in mode line" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'display-battery-mode) (default-value 'display-battery-mode))) [showhide-date-time] (menu-item "Time, Load and Mail" display-time-mode :help "Display time, system load averages and mail status in mode line" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'display-time-mode) (default-value 'display-time-mode))) [datetime-separator] [showhide-speedbar] (menu-item "Speedbar" speedbar-frame-mode :help "Display a Speedbar quick-navigation frame" :button (:toggle and (boundp 'speedbar-frame) (frame-live-p (symbol-value 'speedbar-frame)) (frame-visible-p (symbol-value 'speedbar-frame)))) [showhide-fringe] menu-item "Fringe" (:visible (display-graphic-p)) [showhide-scroll-bar] "Scroll-bar" (:visible (display-graphic-p)) [showhide-tooltip-mode] (menu-item "Tooltips" tooltip-mode :help "Turn tooltips on/off" :visible (and (display-graphic-p) (fboundp 'x-show-tip)) :button (:toggle . tooltip-mode)) [menu-bar-mode] (menu-item "Menu-bar" toggle-menu-bar-mode-from-frame :help "Turn menu-bar on/off" :button (:toggle menu-bar-positive-p (frame-parameter (menu-bar-frame-for-menubar) 'menu-bar-lines))) boundp keymapp [showhide-tool-bar] "Tool-bar" (:visible (display-graphic-p)) [showhide-tool-bar] (menu-item "Tool-bar" toggle-tool-bar-mode-from-frame :help "Turn tool-bar on/off" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:toggle menu-bar-positive-p (frame-parameter (menu-bar-frame-for-menubar) 'tool-bar-lines)))] 7))
(defalias 'menu-bar-text-mode-auto-fill #[nil "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [toggle-text-mode-auto-fill customize-mark-as-set text-mode-hook] 2 nil nil])
(defvar menu-bar-line-wrapping-menu (byte-code "\301\302!\303\304\305\306\307\310BBB#\210\303\311\305\312\313\314BBB#\210\303\315\305\316\317\320BBB#\210)\207" [menu make-sparse-keymap "Line Wrapping" bindings--define-key [word-wrap] menu-item "Word Wrap (Visual Line mode)" #[nil "\204\300\301!\210\302\303!\207" [visual-line-mode 1 message "Visual-Line mode enabled"] 2 nil nil] (:help "Wrap long lines at word boundaries" :button (:radio and (null truncate-lines) (not (truncated-partial-width-window-p)) word-wrap) :visible (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p)) [truncate] "Truncate Long Lines" #[nil "\203\300\302!\210\303\304\305!\207" [visual-line-mode word-wrap 0 nil toggle-truncate-lines 1] 2 nil nil] (:help "Truncate long lines at window edge" :button (:radio or truncate-lines (truncated-partial-width-window-p)) :visible (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) :enable (not (truncated-partial-width-window-p))) [window-wrap] "Wrap at Window Edge" #[nil "\203\300\303!\210\304\n\205\305\306!\207" [visual-line-mode word-wrap truncate-lines 0 nil toggle-truncate-lines -1] 2 nil nil] (:help "Wrap long lines at window edge" :button (:radio and (null truncate-lines) (not (truncated-partial-width-window-p)) (not word-wrap)) :visible (menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p) :enable (not (truncated-partial-width-window-p)))] 7))
(defvar menu-bar-options-menu (byte-code "\306\307!\310\311\312\313	E#\210\310\314\315#\210\310\316\317#\210\310\320\n#\210\310\321\322#\210\323\324!\2036\310\325\326\327\330\"\210\331#\210\310\332\312\333E#\210\310\334\n#\210\310\335\312\336\fE#\210\310\337\n#\210\310\340\326\341\342\"\210\343#\210\310\344\326\345\346\"\210\347#\210\310\350\n#\210\310\351\352#\210\310\353\n#\210\310\354\326\355\356\"\210\357#\210\310\360\326\361\362\"\210\363#\210\310\364\n#\210\310\365\366#\210\310\367\370#\210\310\371\326\372\373\"\210\374#\210\310\375\376#\210\310\377\312\201@
E#\210\310\201A\n#\210\310\201B\201C#\210\310\201D\201E#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-custom-menu menu-bar-separator menu-bar-showhide-menu mule-menu-keymap menu-bar-line-wrapping-menu make-sparse-keymap "Options" bindings--define-key [customize] menu-item "Customize Emacs" [package] (menu-item "Manage Emacs Packages" package-list-packages :help "Install or uninstall additional Emacs packages") [save] (menu-item "Save Options" menu-bar-options-save :help "Save options set from the menu above") [custom-separator] [menu-set-font] (menu-item "Set Default Font..." menu-set-font :visible (display-multi-font-p) :help "Select a default font") featurep system-font-setting [menu-system-font] defalias toggle-use-system-font #[#1=(&optional interactively) "\303\304!\210\304\305N\206\306\304\307N\206\310\211\304\304!?\"*\203'\311\312\313\"\210\202,\311\312\314\"\210\n\2053\315\304!\207" [get set interactively custom-load-symbol font-use-system-font custom-set set-default custom-get default-value message "Use system font: %s" #2="enabled globally" #3="disabled globally" customize-mark-as-set] 5 "Toggle whether to use the monospaced font defined by the system.\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." #4="p"] (menu-item "Use System Font" toggle-use-system-font :help "Use the monospaced font defined by the system" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'font-use-system-font) (default-value 'font-use-system-font))) [showhide] "Show/Hide" [showhide-separator] [mule] "Multilingual Environment" [mule-separator] [debug-on-quit] toggle-debug-on-quit #[#1# "\303\304!\210\304\305N\206\306\304\307N\206\310\211\304\304!?\"*\203'\311\312\313\"\210\202,\311\312\314\"\210\n\2053\315\304!\207" [get set interactively custom-load-symbol debug-on-quit custom-set set-default custom-get default-value message "Debug on Quit %s" #2# #3# customize-mark-as-set] 5 "Toggle whether to enter Lisp debugger when C-g is pressed.\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." #4#] (menu-item "Enter Debugger on Quit/C-g" toggle-debug-on-quit :help "Enter Lisp debugger when C-g is pressed" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'debug-on-quit) (default-value 'debug-on-quit))) [debug-on-error] toggle-debug-on-error #[#1# "\303\304!\210\304\305N\206\306\304\307N\206\310\211\304\304!?\"*\203'\311\312\313\"\210\202,\311\312\314\"\210\n\2053\315\304!\207" [get set interactively custom-load-symbol debug-on-error custom-set set-default custom-get default-value message "Debug on Error %s" #2# #3# customize-mark-as-set] 5 "Toggle whether to enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled.\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." #4#] (menu-item "Enter Debugger on Error" toggle-debug-on-error :help "Enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'debug-on-error) (default-value 'debug-on-error))) [debugger-separator] [blink-cursor-mode] (menu-item "Blink Cursor" blink-cursor-mode :help "Whether the cursor blinks (Blink Cursor mode)" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'blink-cursor-mode) (default-value 'blink-cursor-mode))) [cursor-separator] [save-place] toggle-save-place-globally #[#1# "\301\302!\210\303\304\211J?\"\203\305\306\307\"\210\202\305\306\310\"\210\205!\311\304!\207" [interactively require saveplace set-default save-place message "Saving place in files %s" #2# #3# customize-mark-as-set] 3 "Toggle whether to visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs.\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." #4#] (menu-item "Save Place in Files between Sessions" toggle-save-place-globally :help "Visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'save-place) (default-value 'save-place))) [uniquify] toggle-uniquify-buffer-names #[#1# "\302\303!\210?\205\n\304\211\203\305\306\307\"\210\202\305\306\310\"\210	\205#\311\300!\207" [uniquify-buffer-name-style interactively require uniquify forward message "Directory name in buffer names (uniquify) %s" #2# #3# customize-mark-as-set] 3 "Toggle whether to uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names.\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." #4#] (menu-item "Use Directory Names in Buffer Names" toggle-uniquify-buffer-names :help "Uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'uniquify-buffer-name-style) (default-value 'uniquify-buffer-name-style))) [edit-options-separator] [cua-mode] (menu-item "Use CUA Keys (Cut/Paste with C-x/C-c/C-v)" cua-mode :visible (or (not (boundp 'cua-enable-cua-keys)) cua-enable-cua-keys) :help "Use C-z/C-x/C-c/C-v keys for undo/cut/copy/paste" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'cua-mode) (default-value 'cua-mode))) [cua-emulation-mode] (menu-item "Shift movement mark region (CUA)" cua-mode :visible (and (boundp 'cua-enable-cua-keys) (not cua-enable-cua-keys)) :help "Use shifted movement keys to set and extend the region" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'cua-mode) (default-value 'cua-mode))) [case-fold-search] toggle-case-fold-search #[#1# "\303\304!\210\304\305N\206\306\304\307N\206\310\211\304\304!?\"*\203'\311\312\313\"\210\202,\311\312\314\"\210\n\2053\315\304!\207" [get set interactively custom-load-symbol case-fold-search custom-set set-default custom-get default-value message "Case-Insensitive Search %s" #2# #3# customize-mark-as-set] 5 "Toggle whether to ignore letter-case in search commands.\nIn an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving\nby \"Save Options\" in Custom buffers." #4#] (menu-item "Ignore Case for Search" toggle-case-fold-search :help "Ignore letter-case in search commands" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'case-fold-search) (default-value 'case-fold-search))) [auto-fill-mode] (menu-item "Auto Fill in Text Modes" menu-bar-text-mode-auto-fill :help "Automatically fill text while typing (Auto Fill mode)" :button (:toggle if (listp text-mode-hook) (member 'turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook) (eq 'turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook))) [line-wrapping] "Line Wrapping in This Buffer" [highlight-separator] [highlight-paren-mode] (menu-item "Highlight Matching Parentheses" show-paren-mode :help "Highlight matching/mismatched parentheses at cursor (Show Paren mode)" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'show-paren-mode) (default-value 'show-paren-mode))) [transient-mark-mode] (menu-item "Highlight Active Region" transient-mark-mode :enable (not cua-mode) :help "Make text in active region stand out in color (Transient Mark mode)" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'transient-mark-mode) (default-value 'transient-mark-mode)))] 6))
(defalias 'send-mail-item-name #[nil "\303	\236\211\203\nA\202 \304	!\305\306\n\"\203 \307\310\n\"\n*\207" [known-send-mail-commands mail-user-agent name ((sendmail-user-agent . "sendmail") (mh-e-user-agent . "MH") (message-user-agent . "Gnus Message") (gnus-user-agent . "Gnus")) symbol-name string-match "\\(.+\\)-user-agent" match-string 1] 4])
(defalias 'read-mail-item-name #[nil "\303	\236\211\203\nA\202\304	!*\207" [known-rmail-commands read-mail-command known ((rmail . "RMAIL") (mh-rmail . "MH") (gnus . "Gnus")) symbol-name] 3])
(defvar menu-bar-games-menu (byte-code "\301\302!\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\311#\210\303\312\313#\210\303\314\315#\210\303\316\317#\210\303\320\321#\210\303\322\323#\210\303\324\325#\210\303\326\327#\210\303\330\331#\210\303\332\333#\210\303\334\335#\210\303\336\337#\210)\207" [menu make-sparse-keymap "Games" bindings--define-key [zone] (menu-item "Zone Out" zone :help "Play tricks with Emacs display when Emacs is idle") [tetris] (menu-item "Tetris" tetris :help "Falling blocks game") [solitaire] (menu-item "Solitaire" solitaire :help "Get rid of all the stones") [snake] (menu-item "Snake" snake :help "Move snake around avoiding collisions") [pong] (menu-item "Pong" pong :help "Bounce the ball to your opponent") [mult] (menu-item "Multiplication Puzzle" mpuz :help "Exercise brain with multiplication") [life] (menu-item "Life" life :help "Watch how John Conway's cellular automaton evolves") [land] (menu-item "Landmark" landmark :help "Watch a neural-network robot learn landmarks") [hanoi] (menu-item "Towers of Hanoi" hanoi :help "Watch Towers-of-Hanoi puzzle solved by Emacs") [gomoku] (menu-item "Gomoku" gomoku :help "Mark 5 contiguous squares (like tic-tac-toe)") [bubbles] (menu-item "Bubbles" bubbles :help "Remove all bubbles using the fewest moves") [black-box] (menu-item "Blackbox" blackbox :help "Find balls in a black box by shooting rays") [adventure] (menu-item "Adventure" dunnet :help "Dunnet, a text Adventure game for Emacs") [5x5] (menu-item "5x5" 5x5 :help "Fill in all the squares on a 5x5 board")] 4))
(defvar menu-bar-encryption-decryption-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210\304\313\314#\210\304\315\316#\210\304\317	#\210\304\320\321#\210\304\322\323#\210\304\324\325#\210\304\326\327#\210\304\330	#\210\304\331\332#\210\304\333\334#\210\304\335\336#\210\304\337\340#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "Encryption/Decryption" bindings--define-key [insert-keys] (menu-item "Insert Keys" epa-insert-keys :help "Insert public keys after the current point") [export-keys] (menu-item "Export Keys" epa-export-keys :help "Export public keys to a file") [import-keys-region] (menu-item "Import Keys from Region" epa-import-keys-region :help "Import public keys from the current region") [import-keys] (menu-item "Import Keys from File..." epa-import-keys :help "Import public keys from a file") [list-keys] (menu-item "List Keys" epa-list-keys :help "Browse your public keyring") [separator-keys] [sign-region] (menu-item "Sign Region" epa-sign-region :help "Create digital signature of the current region") [verify-region] (menu-item "Verify Region" epa-verify-region :help "Verify digital signature of the current region") [encrypt-region] (menu-item "Encrypt Region" epa-encrypt-region :help "Encrypt the current region") [decrypt-region] (menu-item "Decrypt Region" epa-decrypt-region :help "Decrypt the current region") [separator-file] [sign-file] (menu-item "Sign File..." epa-sign-file :help "Create digital signature of a file") [verify-file] (menu-item "Verify File..." epa-verify-file :help "Verify digital signature of a file") [encrypt-file] (menu-item "Encrypt File..." epa-encrypt-file :help "Encrypt a file") [decrypt-file] (menu-item "Decrypt File..." epa-decrypt-file :help "Decrypt a file")] 4))
#@38 Read mail using `read-mail-command'.
(defalias 'menu-bar-read-mail #[nil "\301!\207" [read-mail-command call-interactively] 2 (#$ . 48507) nil])
(defvar menu-bar-tools-menu (byte-code "\304\305!\306\307\310\311	E#\210\306\312\n#\210\306\313\310\314E#\210\306\315\n#\210\306\316\317#\210\306\320\321#\210\306\322\323#\210\306\324\n#\210\306\325\326#\210\306\327\330#\210\306\331\332#\210\306\333\334#\210\306\335\n#\210\306\336\337#\210\306\340\n#\210\306\341\342#\210\306\343\344#\210\306\345\346#\210\306\347\n#\210\306\350\351#\210\306\352\n#\210\306\353\354#\210\306\355\356#\210\306\357\360#\210\306\361\362#\210\306\363\364#\210\306\365\366#\210\306\367\370#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-games-menu menu-bar-separator menu-bar-encryption-decryption-menu make-sparse-keymap "Tools" bindings--define-key [games] menu-item "Games" [separator-games] [encryption-decryption] "Encryption/Decryption" [separator-encryption-decryption] [simple-calculator] (menu-item "Simple Calculator" calculator :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in quick calculator") [calc] (menu-item "Programmable Calculator" calc :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in full scientific calculator") [calendar] (menu-item "Calendar" calendar :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in calendar") [separator-net] [directory-search] (menu-item "Directory Search" eudc-tools-menu) [compose-mail] (menu-item (format "Send Mail (with %s)" (send-mail-item-name)) compose-mail :visible (and mail-user-agent (not (eq mail-user-agent 'ignore))) :help "Send a mail message") [rmail] (menu-item (format "Read Mail (with %s)" (read-mail-item-name)) menu-bar-read-mail :visible (and read-mail-command (not (eq read-mail-command 'ignore))) :help "Read your mail and reply to it") [gnus] (menu-item "Read Net News (Gnus)" gnus :help "Read network news groups") [separator-vc] [vc] nil [separator-compare] [epatch] (menu-item "Apply Patch" menu-bar-epatch-menu) [ediff-merge] (menu-item "Merge" menu-bar-ediff-merge-menu) [compare] (menu-item "Compare (Ediff)" menu-bar-ediff-menu) [separator-spell] [spell] (menu-item "Spell Checking" ispell-menu-map) [separator-prog] [semantic] (menu-item "Source Code Parsers (Semantic)" semantic-mode :help "Toggle automatic parsing in source code buffers (Semantic mode)" :button (:toggle bound-and-true-p semantic-mode)) [ede] (menu-item "Project support (EDE)" global-ede-mode :help "Toggle the Emacs Development Environment (Global EDE mode)" :button (:toggle bound-and-true-p global-ede-mode)) [gdb] (menu-item "Debugger (GDB)..." gdb :help "Debug a program from within Emacs with GDB") [shell-on-region] (menu-item "Shell Command on Region..." shell-command-on-region :enable mark-active :help "Pass marked region to a shell command") [shell] (menu-item "Shell Command..." shell-command :help "Invoke a shell command and catch its output") [compile] (menu-item "Compile..." compile :help "Invoke compiler or Make, view compilation errors") [grep] (menu-item "Search Files (Grep)..." grep :help "Search files for strings or regexps (with Grep)")] 6))
(defvar menu-bar-describe-menu (byte-code "\303\304!\305\306\307#\210\305\310\311#\210\305\312\313#\210\305\314\315#\210\305\316\317\320	E#\210\305\321\n#\210\305\322\323#\210\305\324\325#\210\305\326\327#\210\305\330\331#\210\305\332\333#\210\305\334\335#\210\305\336\337#\210\305\340\341#\210)\207" [menu describe-language-environment-map menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "Describe" bindings--define-key [mule-diag] (menu-item "Show All of Mule Status" mule-diag :visible (default-value 'enable-multibyte-characters) :help "Display multilingual environment settings") [describe-coding-system-briefly] (menu-item "Describe Coding System (Briefly)" describe-current-coding-system-briefly :visible (default-value 'enable-multibyte-characters)) [describe-coding-system] (menu-item "Describe Coding System..." describe-coding-system :visible (default-value 'enable-multibyte-characters)) [describe-input-method] (menu-item "Describe Input Method..." describe-input-method :visible (default-value 'enable-multibyte-characters) :help "Keyboard layout for specific input method") [describe-language-environment] menu-item "Describe Language Environment" [separator-desc-mule] [list-keybindings] (menu-item "List Key Bindings" describe-bindings :help "Display all current key bindings (keyboard shortcuts)") [describe-current-display-table] (menu-item "Describe Display Table" describe-current-display-table :help "Describe the current display table") [describe-package] (menu-item "Describe Package..." describe-package :help "Display documentation of a Lisp package") [describe-face] (menu-item "Describe Face..." describe-face :help "Display the properties of a face") [describe-variable] (menu-item "Describe Variable..." describe-variable :help "Display documentation of variable/option") [describe-function] (menu-item "Describe Function..." describe-function :help "Display documentation of function/command") [describe-key-1] (menu-item "Describe Key or Mouse Operation..." describe-key :help "Display documentation of command bound to a key, a click, or a menu-item") [describe-mode] (menu-item "Describe Buffer Modes" describe-mode :help "Describe this buffer's major and minor mode")] 6))
#@55 Display the Emacs Lisp Reference manual in Info mode.
(defalias 'menu-bar-read-lispref #[nil "\300\301!\207" [info "elisp"] 2 (#$ . 53781) nil])
#@66 Display the Introduction to Emacs Lisp Programming in Info mode.
(defalias 'menu-bar-read-lispintro #[nil "\300\301!\207" [info "eintr"] 2 (#$ . 53932) nil])
#@61 Display the Glossary node of the Emacs manual in Info mode.
(defalias 'search-emacs-glossary #[nil "\300\301!\207" [info "(emacs)Glossary"] 2 (#$ . 54096) nil])
#@56 Look up TOPIC in the indices of the Emacs User Manual.
(defalias 'emacs-index-search #[(topic) "\301\302!\210\303!\207" [topic info "emacs" Info-index] 2 (#$ . 54263) "sSubject to look up: "])
#@66 Look up TOPIC in the indices of the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
(defalias 'elisp-index-search #[(topic) "\301\302!\210\303!\207" [topic info "elisp" Info-index] 2 (#$ . 54463) "sSubject to look up: "])
(defvar menu-bar-search-documentation-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210\304\313\314#\210\304\315\316#\210\304\317	#\210\304\320\321#\210\304\322\323#\210\304\324\325#\210\304\326\327#\210\304\330\331#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "Search Documentation" bindings--define-key [search-documentation-strings] (menu-item "Search Documentation Strings..." apropos-documentation :help "Find functions and variables whose doc strings match a regexp") [find-any-object-by-name] (menu-item "Find Any Object by Name..." apropos :help "Find symbols of any kind whose names match a regexp") [find-option-by-value] (menu-item "Find Options by Value..." apropos-value :help "Find variables whose values match a regexp") [find-options-by-name] (menu-item "Find Options by Name..." apropos-variable :help "Find variables whose names match a regexp") [find-commands-by-name] (menu-item "Find Commands by Name..." apropos-command :help "Find commands whose names match a regexp") [sep1] [lookup-command-in-manual] (menu-item "Look Up Command in User Manual..." Info-goto-emacs-command-node :help "Display manual section that describes a command") [lookup-key-in-manual] (menu-item "Look Up Key in User Manual..." Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node :help "Display manual section that describes a key") [lookup-subject-in-elisp-manual] (menu-item "Look Up Subject in ELisp Manual..." elisp-index-search :help "Find description of a subject in Emacs Lisp manual") [lookup-subject-in-emacs-manual] (menu-item "Look Up Subject in User Manual..." emacs-index-search :help "Find description of a subject in Emacs User manual") [emacs-terminology] (menu-item "Emacs Terminology" search-emacs-glossary :help "Display the Glossary section of the Emacs manual")] 4))
(defvar menu-bar-manuals-menu (byte-code "\302\303!\304\305\306#\210\304\307	#\210\304\310\311#\210\304\312\313#\210\304\314\315#\210\304\316\317#\210\304\320\321#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator make-sparse-keymap "More Manuals" bindings--define-key [man] (menu-item "Read Man Page..." manual-entry :help "Man-page docs for external commands and libraries") [sep2] [order-emacs-manuals] (menu-item "Ordering Manuals" view-order-manuals :help "How to order manuals from the Free Software Foundation") [lookup-subject-in-all-manuals] (menu-item "Lookup Subject in all Manuals..." info-apropos :help "Find description of a subject in all installed manuals") [other-manuals] (menu-item "All Other Manuals (Info)" Info-directory :help "Read any of the installed manuals") [emacs-lisp-reference] (menu-item "Emacs Lisp Reference" menu-bar-read-lispref :help "Read the Emacs Lisp Reference manual") [emacs-lisp-intro] (menu-item "Introduction to Emacs Lisp" menu-bar-read-lispintro :help "Read the Introduction to Emacs Lisp Programming")] 4))
#@66 Display help about some additional packages available for Emacs.
(defalias 'menu-bar-help-extra-packages #[nil "\302\303\304\305	\"!\210\306\307!)\207" [enable-local-variables data-directory nil view-file expand-file-name "MORE.STUFF" goto-address-mode 1] 4 (#$ . 57540) nil])
#@61 Use the Emacs tutorial, specifying which language you want.
(defalias 'help-with-tutorial-spec-language #[nil "\300\301!\207" [help-with-tutorial t] 2 (#$ . 57824) nil])
(defvar menu-bar-help-menu (byte-code "\306\307!\310\311\312#\210\310\313\314#\210\310\315	#\210\310\316\317#\210\310\320\321#\210\310\322\323#\210\310\324	#\210\310\325\326#\210\310\327\330#\210\310\331\332\333\nE#\210\310\334\335#\210\310\336\332\337E#\210\310\340\332\341\fE#\210\310\342	#\210\310\343\344#\210\310\345\346#\210\310\347\350#\210\310\351\352#\210\310\353\354#\210\310\355\356#\210\310\357\360#\210\310\361\362#\210\363\364!\203\243
\365=\204\243\310\366\367#\210)\207" [menu menu-bar-separator menu-bar-manuals-menu menu-bar-describe-menu menu-bar-search-documentation-menu system-type make-sparse-keymap "Help" bindings--define-key [about-gnu-project] (menu-item "About GNU" describe-gnu-project :help "About the GNU System, GNU Project, and GNU/Linux") [about-emacs] (menu-item "About Emacs" about-emacs :help "Display version number, copyright info, and basic help") [sep4] [describe-no-warranty] (menu-item "(Non)Warranty" describe-no-warranty :help "Explain that Emacs has NO WARRANTY") [describe-copying] (menu-item "Copying Conditions" describe-copying :help "Show the Emacs license (GPL)") [getting-new-versions] (menu-item "Getting New Versions" describe-distribution :help "How to get the latest version of Emacs") [sep2] [external-packages] (menu-item "Finding Extra Packages" menu-bar-help-extra-packages :help "Lisp packages distributed separately for use in Emacs") [find-emacs-packages] (menu-item "Search Built-in Packages" finder-by-keyword :help "Find built-in packages and features by keyword") [more-manuals] menu-item "More Manuals" [emacs-manual] (menu-item "Read the Emacs Manual" info-emacs-manual :help "Full documentation of Emacs features") [describe] "Describe" [search-documentation] "Search Documentation" [sep1] [emacs-psychotherapist] (menu-item "Emacs Psychotherapist" doctor :help "Our doctor will help you feel better") [send-emacs-bug-report] (menu-item "Send Bug Report..." report-emacs-bug :help "Send e-mail to Emacs maintainers") [emacs-manual-bug] (menu-item "How to Report a Bug" info-emacs-bug :help "Read about how to report an Emacs bug") [emacs-known-problems] (menu-item "Emacs Known Problems" view-emacs-problems :help "Read about known problems with Emacs") [emacs-news] (menu-item "Emacs News" view-emacs-news :help "New features of this version") [emacs-faq] (menu-item "Emacs FAQ" view-emacs-FAQ :help "Frequently asked (and answered) questions about Emacs") [emacs-tutorial-language-specific] (menu-item "Emacs Tutorial (choose language)..." help-with-tutorial-spec-language :help "Learn how to use Emacs (choose a language)") [emacs-tutorial] (menu-item "Emacs Tutorial" help-with-tutorial :help "Learn how to use Emacs") featurep ns darwin [info-panel] (menu-item "About Emacs..." ns-do-emacs-info-panel)] 6))
(byte-code "\306\307\310	B#\210\306\311\312\nB#\210\306\313\314B#\210\306\315\316\fB#\210\306\317\320
B#\210\321\322!\203A\323=\204A\306\324\325B#\210\202L\326\327\330\331!B#\210\306\207" [global-map menu-bar-tools-menu global-buffers-menu-map menu-bar-options-menu menu-bar-edit-menu menu-bar-file-menu bindings--define-key [menu-bar tools] "Tools" [menu-bar buffer] "Buffers" [menu-bar options] "Options" [menu-bar edit] "Edit" [menu-bar file] "File" featurep ns darwin [menu-bar help-menu] "Info" define-key-after [menu-bar help-menu] purecopy "Help" system-type menu-bar-help-menu] 5)
#@120 Return non-nil if the menu frame is alive and visible.
The menu frame is the frame for which we are updating the menu.
(defalias 'menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p #[nil "\206\302 \303	!\205\304	!)\207" [menu-updating-frame menu-frame selected-frame frame-live-p frame-visible-p] 2 (#$ . 61418)])
#@183 Return non-nil if selected window of the menu frame is not a minibuf window.

See the documentation of `menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p'
for the definition of the menu frame.
(defalias 'menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p #[nil "\206\302 \303\304	!!)?\207" [menu-updating-frame menu-frame selected-frame window-minibuffer-p frame-selected-window] 3 (#$ . 61733)])
#@113 Kill the current buffer.
When called in the minibuffer, get out of the minibuffer
using `abort-recursive-edit'.
(defalias 'kill-this-buffer #[nil "\300 ?\206\301 \203\302p!\207\303 \207" [menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p kill-buffer abort-recursive-edit] 2 (#$ . 62112) nil])
#@71 Return non-nil if the `kill-this-buffer' menu item should be enabled.
(defalias 'kill-this-buffer-enabled-p #[nil "\301 ?\206\f\302\303\304\215)\207" [found-1 menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p nil found-2 (byte-code "\306 \307\211\2057	@\310\311!\307\312\313\f\n#,\204/\204*\312\202/\314\315\312\"\210	A\211\204	\307*\207" [buffer --dolist-tail-- start string regexp inhibit-changing-match-data buffer-list nil "^ " buffer-name t string-match throw found-2 found-1] 5)] 2 (#$ . 62437)])
(put 'dired 'menu-enable '(menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p))
#@69 Return non-nil if `delete-frame' should be enabled in the menu bar.
(defalias 'delete-frame-enabled-p #[nil "\302 \303\211\203\304	@!\203T	A\211\204	\305V*\207" [count frames frame-list 0 frame-visible-p 1] 3 (#$ . 63012)])
#@45 Maximum length to display in the yank-menu.
(custom-declare-variable 'yank-menu-length 20 '(#$ . 63253) :type 'integer :group 'menu)
(defalias 'menu-bar-update-yank-menu #[(string old) "A@	G\nX\203	\202	\306\n\307\245O\310	\n\307\245[\311OQ\312\313\"\203*\314P
\f@\230\203H\f	\240\210\fA\240\210\202S	\315BBAB\241\210*AGV\205c\233\311\241\207" [yank-menu string yank-menu-length menu-string front old 0 2 "..." nil string-match "\\`-+\\'" " " menu-bar-select-yank kill-ring-max] 6])
(put 'menu-bar-select-yank 'apropos-inhibit t)
#@134 Insert the stretch of previously-killed text selected from menu.
The menu shows all the killed text sequences stored in `kill-ring'.
(defalias 'menu-bar-select-yank #[nil "\301`!\210c\207" [last-command-event push-mark] 2 (#$ . 63832) "*"])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\304\323\306\307&\210\300\324\325\326\317\327\321\322\304\330\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable buffers-menu-max-size 10 "Maximum number of entries which may appear on the Buffers menu.\nIf this is 10, then only the ten most-recently-selected buffers are shown.\nIf this is nil, then all buffers are shown.\nA large number or nil slows down menu responsiveness." :type (choice integer (const :tag "All" nil)) :group menu buffers-menu-buffer-name-length 30 "Maximum length of the buffer name on the Buffers menu.\nIf this is a number, then buffer names are truncated to this length.\nIf this is nil, then buffer names are shown in full.\nA large number or nil makes the menu too wide." (choice integer (const :tag "Full length" nil)) buffers-menu-show-directories 'unless-uniquify "If non-nil, show directories in the Buffers menu for buffers that have them.\nThe special value `unless-uniquify' means that directories will be shown\nunless `uniquify-buffer-name-style' is non-nil (in which case, buffer\nnames should include enough of a buffer's directory to distinguish it\nfrom other buffers).\n\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect until next time the\nBuffers menu is regenerated." :set #[(symbol value) "	L\210\302\303!\207" [symbol value menu-bar-update-buffers t] 2] :initialize custom-initialize-default (choice (const :tag "Never" nil) (const :tag "Unless uniquify is enabled" unless-uniquify) (const :tag "Always" t)) buffers-menu-show-status t "If non-nil, show modified/read-only status of buffers in the Buffers menu.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect until next time the\nBuffers menu is regenerated." #[(symbol value) "	L\210\302\303!\207" [symbol value menu-bar-update-buffers t] 2] boolean] 12)
#@71 String to display in buffer listings for buffers not visiting a file.
(defvar list-buffers-directory nil (#$ . 65956))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'list-buffers-directory)
(defalias 'menu-bar-select-buffer #[nil "\301!\207" [last-command-event switch-to-buffer] 2 nil nil])
(defalias 'menu-bar-select-frame #[(frame) "\301!\210\302!\210\303!\207" [frame make-frame-visible raise-frame select-frame] 2])
(defalias 'menu-bar-update-buffers-1 #[(elt) "@\n\306=\203\307\303!\203?\202\n\205\"\310	!\206\"\311\312	\"\211\203+\313\f!\f\203=\fG\314V\203=\315\f\316\317OP
\203z\320	!\203K\321\202L\322\311\323	\"\203W\324\202X\322\f\203m\325\326A\f%\202v\325\327A$*\202\211\f\203\207\325\330A\f#\202\211A	*B\207" [elt buf buffers-menu-show-directories uniquify-buffer-name-style file buffers-menu-show-status unless-uniquify boundp buffer-file-name buffer-local-value list-buffers-directory file-name-directory 20 "..." -17 nil buffer-modified-p "*" "" buffer-read-only "%" format "%s  %s%s  --  %s" "%s  %s%s" "%s  --  %s" ro mod] 7])
(defvar menu-bar-buffers-menu-command-entries nil)
#@127 Function to select the buffer chosen from the `Buffers' menu-bar menu.
It must accept a buffer as its only required argument.
(defvar menu-bar-select-buffer-function 'switch-to-buffer (#$ . 67088))
(defalias 'menu-bar-update-buffers #[(&optional force) "\306\307 \310\"\205_\204\311 \205_\312 \313 \314\f\250\2031\f\315V\2031G\fV\2031\f\233\314\241\210\314\3143\2114\203\2114@3\3163!\211\317H\320=\204\32135\250\203xG5V\203x\3175\322\245O\3235\322\245[\314OQ\202zB!
\3148\2114\203\3124@86S6768@\314\211BD\325\314\326\327\3308AEF\244I\2104A\2114\204\237*7+C\nA\203)\324\nG\314\"9\331\3329DB:\3176\n\314;\2114\2034@;96\333;\334\"\314\211BD\325\314\335\336;DF\244I\2106T64A\2114\204\361*	\337\302\340\341:FD\244+<\204S\342\343\340\344\343\345\346\257\347\340\350\347\345\351\257\352\340\353\354\345\355\257\356\340\357\360\345\361\257\257<	<\244=\362	B\241+\207" [force buffers-menu frames buffers buffers-menu-max-size alist lookup-key current-global-map [menu-bar buffer] frame-or-buffer-changed-p buffer-list frame-list nil 1 buffer-name 0 32 menu-bar-update-buffers-1 2 "..." make-vector lambda (interactive) funcall menu-bar-select-buffer-function keymap "Select Frame" frame-parameter name (interactive) menu-bar-select-frame (frames-separator "--") menu-item "Frames" (command-separator "--") next-buffer "Next Buffer" :help "Switch to the \"next\" buffer in a cyclic order" previous-buffer "Previous Buffer" "Switch to the \"previous\" buffer in a cyclic order" select-named-buffer "Select Named Buffer..." switch-to-buffer "Prompt for a buffer name, and select that buffer in the current window" list-all-buffers "List All Buffers" list-buffers "Pop up a window listing all Emacs buffers" "Select Buffer" buf --dolist-tail-- buffers-menu-buffer-name-length i buffers-vec pair frames-vec frames-menu frame menu-bar-buffers-menu-command-entries global-buffers-menu-map] 11])
(byte-code "\304\305\306\"\210\306 \210	D\307\211\203&@\310\n\311\312\313\312!B#\210A\211\204*	\310\n\314\315#\210\310\n\316\317#\210\310\n\320\321#\210)\310\n\322\323#\210\310\n\324\325#\210\310\n\326\327#\210\310\n\330\331#\210\310\n\332\333#\210\310\n\334\335#\210)\307\207" [minibuffer-local-map minibuffer-local-completion-map map --dolist-tail-- add-hook menu-bar-update-hook menu-bar-update-buffers nil bindings--define-key [menu-bar minibuf] "Minibuf" make-sparse-keymap [menu-bar minibuf 63] (menu-item "List Completions" minibuffer-completion-help :help "Display all possible completions") [menu-bar minibuf space] (menu-item "Complete Word" minibuffer-complete-word :help "Complete at most one word") [menu-bar minibuf tab] (menu-item "Complete" minibuffer-complete :help "Complete as far as possible") [menu-bar minibuf quit] (menu-item "Quit" abort-recursive-edit :help "Abort input and exit minibuffer") [menu-bar minibuf return] (menu-item "Enter" exit-minibuffer :key-sequence "
" :help "Terminate input and exit minibuffer") [menu-bar minibuf isearch-forward] (menu-item "Isearch History Forward" isearch-forward :help "Incrementally search minibuffer history forward") [menu-bar minibuf isearch-backward] (menu-item "Isearch History Backward" isearch-backward :help "Incrementally search minibuffer history backward") [menu-bar minibuf next] (menu-item "Next History Item" next-history-element :help "Put next minibuffer history element in the minibuffer") [menu-bar minibuf previous] (menu-item "Previous History Item" previous-history-element :help "Put previous minibuffer history element in the minibuffer")] 7)
#@312 Toggle display of a menu bar on each frame (Menu Bar mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Menu Bar mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise.  If called from Lisp, enable
Menu Bar mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This command applies to all frames that exist and frames to be
created in the future.
(defalias 'menu-bar-mode #[(&optional arg) "\306 	\307=\203\n?\202\310	!\311V\211\203\312\202\311\313 \314\211\2037
A\211\204'*\316\236\203J\316B\317\316\"B)\320\321!\203\\\n\204\\\322\311\314\323\324$\210\325\326\n\203f\327\202g\330\"\210\320\331!\203\214\332\302!\210\306 \203\306 \232\203\214\323\333\n\203\211\334\202\212\335\"\210)\336 \210\n\207" [#1=#:last-message arg menu-bar-mode val frame --dolist-tail-- current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 1 frame-list nil set-frame-parameter menu-bar-lines assq-delete-all called-interactively-p interactive run-with-idle-timer message "Menu-bar mode disabled.  Use M-x menu-bar-mode to make the menu bar appear." run-hooks menu-bar-mode-hook menu-bar-mode-on-hook menu-bar-mode-off-hook any customize-mark-as-set "Menu-Bar mode %sabled" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update default-frame-alist] 6 (#$ . 70749) (list (or current-prefix-arg 'toggle))])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\300!\205\n\303\211%\210\305\302\306\307#\207" [menu-bar-mode-map add-minor-mode menu-bar-mode nil boundp put standard-value (t)] 6)
#@112 Toggle menu bar on or off, based on the status of the current frame.
See `menu-bar-mode' for more information.
(defalias 'toggle-menu-bar-mode-from-frame #[(&optional arg) "\301=\203\302\303\304\305 \306\"!\203\307\202\310!\207\302!\207" [arg toggle menu-bar-mode menu-bar-positive-p frame-parameter menu-bar-frame-for-menubar menu-bar-lines 0 1] 5 (#$ . 72190) (list (or current-prefix-arg 'toggle))])
#@313 Start key navigation of the menu bar in FRAME.

This function decides which method to use to access the menu
depending on FRAME's terminal device.  On X displays, it calls
`x-menu-bar-open'; on Windows, `w32-menu-bar-open' otherwise it
calls `tmm-menubar'.

If FRAME is nil or not given, use the selected frame.
(defalias 'menu-bar-open #[(&optional frame) "\304\206\305 !\211\306=\203\307!\2025	\310=\203!\311!\2025\305 p\312\216\313\206/\305 \314\"\210\315 +)\207" [frame type #1=#:old-buffer #2=#:old-frame framep selected-frame x x-menu-bar-open w32 w32-menu-bar-open ((byte-code "\302!\203\303\304\"\210\305	!\203	q\210\302\207" [#2# #1# frame-live-p select-frame norecord buffer-live-p] 3)) select-frame norecord tmm-menubar] 4 (#$ . 72608) nil])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304!\207" [global-set-key [f10] menu-bar-open provide menu-bar] 3)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net