Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/org/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/org/org-archive.elc |
;ELC ;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:48 2024 ;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/org/org-archive.el ;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\210\302\312\313\314\306\307\315\316\310\317& \210\302\320\321\322\306\307\310\323&\210\302\324\313\325\306\307\310\326&\210\302\327\330\331\306\307\310\317&\210\302\332\333\334\306\307\315\316\310\335& \210\302\336\337\340\306\307\310\341&\207" [require org custom-declare-variable org-archive-default-command 'org-archive-subtree "The default archiving command." :group org-archive :type (choice (const org-archive-subtree) (const org-archive-to-archive-sibling) (const org-archive-set-tag)) org-archive-reversed-order nil "Non-nil means make the tree first child under the archive heading, not last." :version "24.1" boolean org-archive-sibling-heading "Archive" "Name of the local archive sibling that is used to archive entries locally.\nLocally means: in the tree, under a sibling.\nSee `org-archive-to-archive-sibling' for more information." string org-archive-mark-done "Non-nil means mark entries as DONE when they are moved to the archive file.\nThis can be a string to set the keyword to use. When t, Org-mode will\nuse the first keyword in its list that means done." (choice (const :tag "No" nil) (const :tag "Yes" t) (string :tag "Use this keyword")) org-archive-stamp-time t "Non-nil means add a time stamp to entries moved to an archive file.\nThis variable is obsolete and has no effect anymore, instead add or remove\n`time' from the variable `org-archive-save-context-info'." org-archive-subtree-add-inherited-tags 'infile "Non-nil means append inherited tags when archiving a subtree." (choice (const :tag "Never" nil) (const :tag "When archiving a subtree to the same file" infile) (const :tag "Always" t)) org-archive-save-context-info '(time file olpath category todo itags) "Parts of context info that should be stored as properties when archiving.\nWhen a subtree is moved to an archive file, it loses information given by\ncontext, like inherited tags, the category, and possibly also the TODO\nstate (depending on the variable `org-archive-mark-done').\nThis variable can be a list of any of the following symbols:\n\ntime The time of archiving.\nfile The file where the entry originates.\nltags The local tags, in the headline of the subtree.\nitags The tags the subtree inherits from further up the hierarchy.\ntodo The pre-archive TODO state.\ncategory The category, taken from file name or #+CATEGORY lines.\nolpath The outline path to the item. These are all headlines above\n the current item, separated by /, like a file path.\n\nFor each symbol present in the list, a property will be created in\nthe archived entry, with a prefix \"ARCHIVE_\", to remember this\ninformation." (set :greedy t (const :tag "Time" time) (const :tag "File" file) (const :tag "Category" category) (const :tag "TODO state" todo) (const :tag "Priority" priority) (const :tag "Inherited tags" itags) (const :tag "Outline path" olpath) (const :tag "Local tags" ltags))] 10) #@47 Get the archive location applicable at point. (defalias 'org-get-local-archive-location #[nil "\303\304\212\214~\210\305\304\306\307#\211\203 \310\311\"\203 \2024 \312 \304\313#\204- \314 \304\313#\2033 \315\316!\2024 \n,\207" [prop re org-archive-location "^#\\+ARCHIVE:[ ]+\\(\\S-.*\\S-\\)[ ]*$" nil org-entry-get "ARCHIVE" inherit string-match "\\S-" re-search-backward t re-search-forward match-string 1] 5 (#$ . 3549)]) #@130 Splice the archive files into the list of files. This implies visiting all these files and finding out what the archive file is. (defalias 'org-add-archive-files #[(files) "\301\302\303\304\305\"\"!\207" [files org-uniquify apply append mapcar #[(f) "\301!\205 r\302!q\210\303 )B\207" [f file-exists-p org-get-agenda-file-buffer org-all-archive-files] 2]] 6 (#$ . 3990)]) #@61 Get a list of all archive files used in the current buffer. (defalias 'org-all-archive-files #[nil "\304\211\212\214eb\210\305\306\304\307#\2036 \310\311\304\312\n\"*!\211\203 G\313V\203 \314 !\203 \315\300 \"\210\202 *\237\310 \211\203S G\313V\203S \314 !\203S \315\300 \"\210*\207" [files file string num nil re-search-forward "^\\(#\\+\\|[ ]*:\\)ARCHIVE:[ ]+\\(.*\\)" t org-extract-archive-file 2 match-string-no-properties 0 file-exists-p add-to-list] 5 (#$ . 4373)]) #@128 Extract and expand the file name from archive LOCATION. if LOCATION is not given, the value of `org-archive-location' is used. (defalias 'org-extract-archive-file #[(&optional location) "\206 \302\303\"\205( \304\224\304\225U\203 \305\306 !\207\307\310\311\304\"\312\305\306 !!\"!\207" [location org-archive-location string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" 1 buffer-file-name buffer-base-buffer expand-file-name format match-string file-name-nondirectory] 6 (#$ . 4870)]) #@115 Extract the heading from archive LOCATION. if LOCATION is not given, the value of `org-archive-location' is used. (defalias 'org-extract-archive-heading #[(&optional location) "\206 \302\303\"\205 \304\305\306\"\307\310\311 !!\"\207" [location org-archive-location string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" format match-string 2 file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name buffer-base-buffer] 5 (#$ . 5350)]) #@565 Move the current subtree to the archive. The archive can be a certain top-level heading in the current file, or in a different file. The tree will be moved to that location, the subtree heading be marked DONE, and the current time will be added. When called with prefix argument FIND-DONE, find whole trees without any open TODO items and archive them (after getting confirmation from the user). If the cursor is not at a headline when this command is called, try all level 1 trees. If the cursor is on a headline, only try the direct children of this heading. (defalias 'org-archive-subtree #[(&optional find-done) "\306 \2035 \2035 \307=\203 \310\202 \311\312\313\314\315\316\nDE \312\317\206( `\320\")\2052 \321\312\322\"$*\207\n\203? \323 \210\202\256\f @AB\fCp\324\325\326 !\206V \327\330!!\331\332\333 \334#\335DA\336\337O\340 \"\312\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^Z\341 N\342N!M\343N!LW\324M\206\306 \344!\232HM\204\323 \327\345!\210MG\346V\203\365 \347M!?I\350M!\211G\206\360 \351M!K\202\370 pKK\204\327\352M\"\210\353\354L\"\203'\355\354\356L#\211LG\357VE\360\361\312\362\322#\206$U!FLG\346V\203>\353\363L\"\203>\346\225J\202D\312L\346J\212\364\322!\210\365\312\366\"T\367\f!\205X\370\371!S\372\357\225\203f\370\357!\202g\344!R\373 Q\374Q\375 \"P\375 O\331\332Q\376#Q\331\332P\376#P\312_\377\336\312\322#\210)Kq\210\201m \201n !\204\261\322\211`a\201o \201n !\210*I\203\306db\210\201p \201q \325X!\"c\210F\203\337\201r \201s !\210\201t F!\210\201u \210Z^]\\[Z\201v \201C p\"\203\373C\202\375YCBA@eb\210\201w \210L\203\235F\203E\203\235\201x \201y \201z L!\201{ Q\312\322#\203<\346\225b\210\202_db\210n\204H\201| c\210F\203Q\344\202T\201| L\201| \261\210\346\210\201} \210b\203u\364\322!\210\201~ \210\202y\321\322!\210\201 \312x\210\367\201\200 !\203\252\201\201 F\203\225\201| \202\230\201\202 !\210\202\252db\210F\204\252\201| c\210\201\203 \201\204 JL\205\270\336\"!\210P\203\334c\201\205 =\203\316H\204\325c\322=\203\334\201\206 O!\210d\203\f\367\f!\203\f\371\225\203\365\370\371!A\235\204\f\312\211ef\201\207 dA\235\206A@!\210*g\203_g\312\211\211hijkk\211Ak@\211j\203^jJ\211h\203h;\203\353\201\210 h\"\203\201\211 \201\212 j!\226Pi\201\213 `ih#\210\202,~\210XK=\204n\201\214 \210.\312_\201\215 \210)\201\216 \201\217 !\203\210\201\220 \210\312l\201\221 \201\222 XK=\203\242\201\223 LP\202\252\201\224 \324M!P\"\210.\201\225 \210\367\201\226 !\205\300\201\227 \336!\207" [org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region cl find-done pos org-todo-line-regexp org-todo-keywords-1 org-region-active-p start-level region-start-level region nil org-map-entries progn (setq org-map-continue-from (progn (org-back-to-heading) (point))) org-archive-subtree get-char-property invisible org-end-of-subtree t org-archive-all-done abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name buffer-base-buffer error "No file associated to buffer" mapconcat identity org-get-outline-path "/" format-time-string 1 -1 current-time org-get-local-archive-location org-extract-archive-file org-extract-archive-heading "" "Invalid `org-archive-location'" 0 file-exists-p find-buffer-visiting find-file-noselect "Cannot access file \"%s\"" string-match "\\`datetree/" replace-regexp-in-string "***" 3 org-date-to-gregorian org-entry-get "CLOSED" "^\\*+" org-back-to-heading org-get-category force-refresh looking-at match-string 2 org-get-priority org-get-tags org-delete-all org-get-tags-at " " org-copy-subtree org-todo-kwd-alist org-done-keywords org-todo-regexp org-odd-levels-only org-time-stamp-formats datetree-subheading-p datetree-date visiting infile-p newfile-p level buffer heading afile location atags itags ltags priority todo category time olpath file this-buffer tr-org-odd-levels-only tr-org-todo-line-regexp tr-org-todo-regexp tr-org-done-keywords tr-org-todo-kwd-alist tr-org-todo-keywords-1 this-command org-inhibit-startup org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file org-archive-reversed-order org-archive-subtree-add-inherited-tags org-archive-mark-done org-todo-log-states org-log-done org-archive-save-context-info v n e l org-markers-to-move derived-mode-p org-mode call-interactively format "\nArchived entries from file %s\n\n" require org-datetree org-datetree-find-date-create org-narrow-to-subtree local-variable-p show-all re-search-forward "^" regexp-quote "[ ]*\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)?[ ]*\\($\\| \\)" "\n" show-subtree outline-next-heading " \n" "[ \n]*" replace-match "\n\n" org-paste-subtree org-get-valid-level infile org-set-tags-to org-todo "\\S-" "ARCHIVE_" symbol-name org-entry-put save-buffer org-cut-subtree featurep org-inlinetask org-inlinetask-remove-END-maybe message "Subtree archived %s" "under heading: " "in file: " org-reveal "^[ ]*$" outline-next-visible-heading] 28 (#$ . 5761) "P"]) #@278 Archive the current heading by moving it under the archive sibling. The archive sibling is a sibling of the heading with the heading name `org-archive-sibling-heading' and an `org-archive-tag' tag. If this sibling does not exist, it will be created at the end of the subtree. (defalias 'org-archive-to-archive-sibling #[nil "\306 \203, \203, \307=\205 \310\311\312\313 \311\314\n\206 `\315\")\205) \316\311\317\"$*\207\214~\210\311\211\211\211\2114\320\317!\210\3215!\210\322\323!6 `\311\324\325\217\210`4 \204` \311\326\327\217\210`4b\210\330\331\332\f!\3337\3348\335\260 \317#\204\223 b\210n\204\202 \336 \210\f7\337\261\210\340\323!\210\3418\342\"\210\340\343!\2109\203\242 \344 \210\202\247 \316\317\211\"\210\212\nb\210::\345 \210*\346\347\343\"!\210\350\351\352;A\343\353O\354 \"\"\210\355\343\317\"\210\356 \210\357\360!\210\nb\210.\361 \210\321\362!\205\345 \363\343!\207" [org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region cl pos level leader e org-region-active-p start-level region nil org-map-entries (progn (setq org-map-continue-from (progn (org-back-to-heading) (if (looking-at (concat "^.*:" org-archive-tag ":.*$")) (org-end-of-subtree t) (point)))) (when (org-at-heading-p) (org-archive-to-archive-sibling))) get-char-property invisible org-end-of-subtree t org-back-to-heading looking-at match-string 0 (outline-up-heading 1 t) ((error (byte-code "deb\207" [e] 1))) (byte-code "\300\301\211\"\207" [org-end-of-subtree t] 3) ((error (byte-code "db\207" [] 1))) re-search-forward "^" regexp-quote "[ ]*" "[ ]*:" ":" newline "\n" beginning-of-line org-toggle-tag on 1 outline-next-heading org-cut-subtree org-paste-subtree org-get-valid-level org-set-property "ARCHIVE_TIME" format-time-string -1 current-time outline-up-heading hide-subtree org-cycle-show-empty-lines folded org-reveal "^[ ]*$" outline-next-visible-heading b org-outline-regexp outline-level org-archive-sibling-heading org-archive-tag org-archive-reversed-order this-command org-time-stamp-formats] 8 (#$ . 10753) nil]) #@248 Archive sublevels of the current tree without open TODO items. If the cursor is not on a headline, try all level 1 trees. If it is on a headline, try all direct children. When TAG is non-nil, don't move trees, but mark them with the ARCHIVE tag. (defalias 'org-archive-all-done #[(&optional tag) "\306\307 \310Q\311 \311 \n\203 \312\202 \313\306\211\314!\"#$%&\315 \203W \316\317\320\321\314\225\314\224\322#'\203= \323\202>