Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/textmodes/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/textmodes/sgml-mode.elc |
;ELC ;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:11:50 2024 ;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/textmodes/sgml-mode.el ;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file contains utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so cannot be loaded into Emacs 22 or earlier. (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (< (aref emacs-version (1- (length emacs-version))) ?A) (string-lessp emacs-version "23") (error "`%s' was compiled for Emacs 23 or later" #$)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\311\312\313\314\315\306\301&\210\310\316\317\320\314\321\306\301&\210\322\316\323\324#\210\325\326\316\"\210\310\327\302\330\306\301\314\331&\207" [custom-declare-group sgml nil "SGML editing mode." :link (custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces) :group languages custom-declare-variable sgml-basic-offset 2 "Specifies the basic indentation level for `sgml-indent-line'." :type integer sgml-transformation-function 'identity "Default value for `skeleton-transformation-function' in SGML mode." function put variable-interactive "aTransformation function: " defvaralias sgml-transformation sgml-mode-hook "Hook run by command `sgml-mode'.\n`text-mode-hook' is run first." hook] 8) #@627 List of characters that have a special meaning for SGML mode. This list is used when first loading the `sgml-mode' library. The supported characters and potential disadvantages are: ?\" Makes " in text start a string. ?' Makes ' in text start a string. ?- Makes -- in text start a comment. When only one of ?\" or ?' are included, "'" or '"', as can be found in DTDs, start a string. To partially avoid this problem this also makes these self insert as named entities depending on `sgml-quick-keys'. Including ?- has the problem of affecting dashes that have nothing to do with comments, so we normally turn it off. (defvar sgml-specials '(34) (#$ . 1324)) #@137 Use <, >, &, /, SPC and `sgml-specials' keys "electrically" when non-nil. This takes effect when first loading the `sgml-mode' library. (defvar sgml-quick-keys nil (#$ . 1998)) #@50 Keymap for SGML mode. See also `sgml-specials'. (defvar sgml-mode-map (byte-code "\305 \306\307!\310 \311\312#\210\310 \313\314#\210\310 \315\316#\210\310 \317\320#\210\310 \321\322#\210\310 \323\324#\210\310 \325\324#\210\310 \326\327#\210\310 \330\327#\210\310 \331\332#\210\310 \333\332#\210\310 \334\335#\210\310 \336\337#\210\310 \340\337#\210\310 \341\320#\210\310 \342\337#\210\310 \343\344#\210\310 \345\346#\210\n\203\247 \310 \347\316#\210\310 \350\320#\210\310 \351\352#\210\310 \353\354#\210\355>\203\233 \310 \356\357#\210\360>\203\247 \310 \361\357#\210\362 A@\fT\211\363W\203\276 \f\364I\210\202\255 *\310 \365\307B#\210\310\366\367#\210\310\370\371#\210\310\372\373#\210\310\374\375#\210\310\376\377#\210\310\201@ \201A #\210\310\201B \201C #\210\310\201D \201E #\210\310\201F \201G #\210 *\207" [menu-map map sgml-quick-keys sgml-specials c make-keymap make-sparse-keymap "SGML" define-key " " sgml-tags-invisible "/" sgml-slash "" sgml-name-char "" sgml-tag "" sgml-attributes "" sgml-skip-tag-backward [3 left] "" sgml-skip-tag-forward [3 right] "" sgml-delete-tag "" "?" sgml-tag-help "]" sgml-close-tag "/" "" "" "8" sgml-name-8bit-mode "" sgml-validate "&" "<" " " sgml-auto-attributes ">" sgml-maybe-end-tag 34 "\"" sgml-name-self 39 "'" 127 256 sgml-maybe-name-self [menu-bar sgml] [sgml-validate] ("Validate" . sgml-validate) [sgml-name-8bit-mode] ("Toggle 8 Bit Insertion" . sgml-name-8bit-mode) [sgml-tags-invisible] ("Toggle Tag Visibility" . sgml-tags-invisible) [sgml-tag-help] ("Describe Tag" . sgml-tag-help) [sgml-delete-tag] ("Delete Tag" . sgml-delete-tag) [sgml-skip-tag-forward] ("Forward Tag" . sgml-skip-tag-forward) [sgml-skip-tag-backward] ("Backward Tag" . sgml-skip-tag-backward) [sgml-attributes] ("Insert Attributes" . sgml-attributes) [sgml-tag] ("Insert Tag" . sgml-tag)] 5) (#$ . 2181)) (defalias 'sgml-make-syntax-table #[(specials) "\303!\304\305\306 #\210\304\307\310 #\210\304\311\312 #\210\304\313\312 #\210\304\314\312 #\210\315\n>\203. \304\315\316 #\210\317\n>\203: \304\317\320 #\210\321\n>\203F \304\321\322 #\210 )\207" [text-mode-syntax-table table specials make-syntax-table modify-syntax-entry 60 "(>" 62 ")<" 58 "_" 95 46 45 "_ 1234" 34 "\"\"" 39 "\"'"] 4]) #@60 Syntax table used in SGML mode. See also `sgml-specials'. (defvar sgml-mode-syntax-table (sgml-make-syntax-table sgml-specials) (#$ . 4454)) #@39 Syntax table used to parse SGML tags. (defconst sgml-tag-syntax-table (byte-code "\304!\305\306\211\203 @\307\n\310 #\210A\211\204\f *\311>\204) \307\311\312 #\210 )\207" [sgml-specials table char --dolist-tail-- sgml-make-syntax-table (40 41 123 125 91 93 36 37 38 42 43 47) nil modify-syntax-entry "." 39 "w"] 5) (#$ . 4602)) #@62 When non-nil, insert non-ASCII characters as named entities. (custom-declare-variable 'sgml-name-8bit-mode nil '(#$ . 4946) :type 'boolean :group 'sgml) #@57 Vector of symbolic character names without `&' and `;'. (defvar sgml-char-names [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil "nbsp" "excl" "quot" "num" "dollar" "percnt" "amp" "apos" "lpar" "rpar" "ast" "plus" "comma" "hyphen" "period" "sol" nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil "colon" "semi" "lt" "eq" "gt" "quest" "commat" nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil "lsqb" nil "rsqb" "uarr" "lowbar" "lsquo" nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil "lcub" "verbar" "rcub" "tilde" nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil "nbsp" "iexcl" "cent" "pound" "curren" "yen" "brvbar" "sect" "uml" "copy" "ordf" "laquo" "not" "shy" "reg" "macr" "ring" "plusmn" "sup2" "sup3" "acute" "micro" "para" "middot" "cedil" "sup1" "ordm" "raquo" "frac14" "frac12" "frac34" "iquest" "Agrave" "Aacute" "Acirc" "Atilde" "Auml" "Aring" "AElig" "Ccedil" "Egrave" "Eacute" "Ecirc" "Euml" "Igrave" "Iacute" "Icirc" "Iuml" "ETH" "Ntilde" "Ograve" "Oacute" "Ocirc" "Otilde" "Ouml" nil "Oslash" "Ugrave" "Uacute" "Ucirc" "Uuml" "Yacute" "THORN" "szlig" "agrave" "aacute" "acirc" "atilde" "auml" "aring" "aelig" "ccedil" "egrave" "eacute" "ecirc" "euml" "igrave" "iacute" "icirc" "iuml" "eth" "ntilde" "ograve" "oacute" "ocirc" "otilde" "ouml" "divide" "oslash" "ugrave" "uacute" "ucirc" "uuml" "yacute" "thorn" "yuml"] (#$ . 5105)) (put 'sgml-table 'char-table-extra-slots 0) #@116 A table for mapping non-ASCII characters into SGML entity names. Currently, only Latin-1 characters are supported. (defvar sgml-char-names-table (byte-code "\304\305!\306\307 \310W\203% H\211\203 \n\311\312 \"I\210 T\211\202 \n+\207" [elt i table sgml-char-names make-char-table sgml-table 32 nil 128 make-char latin-iso8859-1] 5) (#$ . 6764)) #@133 The command to validate an SGML document. The file name of current buffer file name will be appended to this, separated by a space. (custom-declare-variable 'sgml-validate-command "nsgmls -s" '(#$ . 7125) :type 'string :version "21.1" :group 'sgml) #@51 The command last used to validate in this buffer. (defvar sgml-saved-validate-command nil (#$ . 7380)) #@65 If non-nil, is the maximum distance to search for matching `/'. (custom-declare-variable 'sgml-slash-distance 1000 '(#$ . 7489) :type '(choice (const nil) integer) :group 'sgml) (defconst sgml-namespace-re "[_[:alpha:]][-_.[:alnum:]]*") (defconst sgml-name-re "[_:[:alpha:]][-_.:[:alnum:]]*") (defconst sgml-tag-name-re (concat "<\\([!/?]?" sgml-name-re "\\)")) (defconst sgml-attrs-re "\\(?:[^\"'/><]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'\\)*") #@99 Regular expression that matches a non-empty start tag. Any terminating `>' or `/' is not matched. (defconst sgml-start-tag-regex (concat "<" sgml-name-re sgml-attrs-re) (#$ . 7926)) (custom-declare-face 'sgml-namespace '((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))) "`sgml-mode' face used to highlight the namespace part of identifiers." :group 'sgml) (defvar sgml-namespace-face 'sgml-namespace) (defconst sgml-font-lock-keywords-1 (byte-code "\302\303Q\304B\305 \306\307\260\310B\311 \306\312\260\313B\314\315Q\316BF\207" [sgml-name-re sgml-namespace-re "<\\([!?]" "\\)" (1 font-lock-keyword-face) "</?\\(" "\\)\\(?::\\(" "\\)\\)?" ((1 (if (match-end 2) sgml-namespace-face font-lock-function-name-face)) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)) "\\(?:^\\|[ ]\\)\\(" "\\)\\)?=[\"']" ((1 (if (match-end 2) sgml-namespace-face font-lock-variable-name-face)) (2 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t)) "[&%]" ";?" font-lock-variable-name-face] 7)) (defconst sgml-font-lock-keywords-2 (append sgml-font-lock-keywords-1 '((eval cons (concat "<" (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car sgml-tag-face-alist) t) "\\([ ][^>]*\\)?>\\([^<]+\\)</\\1>") '(3 (cdr (assoc-string (match-string 1) sgml-tag-face-alist t)) prepend))))) #@68 Rules for highlighting SGML code. See also `sgml-tag-face-alist'. (defvar sgml-font-lock-keywords sgml-font-lock-keywords-1 (#$ . 9135)) #@37 Syntactic keywords for `sgml-mode'. (defconst sgml-syntax-propertize-function #[(start end) "b\210` W\205m \306\307 \310#\205m \311\224\203\"