? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

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Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/tmm.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:32 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/tmm.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [require electric custom-declare-group tmm nil "Text mode access to menu-bar." :prefix "tmm-" :group menu] 8)
(defvar tmm-old-mb-map nil)
(defvar tmm-c-prompt nil)
#@252 Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'.
X-POSITION, if non-nil, specifies a horizontal position within the menu bar;
we make that menu bar item (the one at that position) the default choice.
(defalias 'tmm-menubar #[(&optional x-position) "\306\307!\210\310\311!\312\n\211\203(@\211	\236\313\314
C\"*A\211\204)\203\240	\315\312\211\211\211\203\234X\203\234@\211:\203\223
@-\325	\312#*\207" [menu-bar-item menu-bar menu-bar-final-items list item this-one run-hooks menu-bar-update-hook tmm-get-keybind [menu-bar] nil append delq 0 2 plist-get 4 :visible eval + 1 tmm-prompt x-position visible name column tail] 6 (#$ . 776) nil])
#@225 Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
This command is used when you click the mouse in the menubar
on a console which has no window system but does have a mouse.
See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'.
(defalias 'tmm-menubar-mouse #[(event) "\302\303!\304	8)@!\207" [event position tmm-menubar event-start 2] 3 (#$ . 1663) "e"])
#@200 String to insert between shortcut and menu item.
If nil, there will be no shortcuts.  It should not consist only of spaces,
or else the correct item might not be found in the `*Completions*' buffer.
(custom-declare-variable 'tmm-mid-prompt "==>" '(#$ . 2023) :type 'string :group 'tmm)
#@34 A place to store minibuffer map.
(defvar tmm-mb-map nil (#$ . 2315))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\315\316\304\317\306\307&\210\320\321\322\323\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable tmm-completion-prompt "Press PageUp key to reach this buffer from the minibuffer.\nAlternatively, you can use Up/Down keys (or your History keys) to change\nthe item in the minibuffer, and press RET when you are done, or press the\nmarked letters to pick up your choice.  Type C-g or ESC ESC ESC to cancel.\n" "Help text to insert on the top of the completion buffer.\nTo save space, you can set this to nil,\nin which case the standard introduction text is deleted too." :type (choice string (const nil)) :group tmm tmm-shortcut-style '(downcase upcase) "What letters to use as menu shortcuts.\nMust be either one of the symbols `downcase' or `upcase',\nor else a list of the two in the order you prefer." (choice (const downcase) (const upcase) (repeat (choice (const downcase) (const upcase)))) tmm-shortcut-words 2 "How many successive words to try for shortcuts, nil means all.\nIf you use only one of `downcase' or `upcase' for `tmm-shortcut-style',\nspecify nil for this variable." (choice integer (const nil)) custom-declare-face tmm-inactive ((t :inherit shadow)) "Face used for inactive menu items."] 8)
#@546 Text-mode emulation of calling the bindings in keymap.
Creates a text-mode menu of possible choices.  You can access the elements
in the menu in two ways:
   *)  via history mechanism from minibuffer;
   *)  Or via completion-buffer that is automatically shown.
The last alternative is currently a hack, you cannot use mouse reliably.

MENU is like the MENU argument to `x-popup-menu': either a
keymap or an alist of alists.
DEFAULT-ITEM, if non-nil, specifies an initial default choice.
Its value should be an event that has a binding in MENU.
(defalias 'tmm-prompt #[(menu &optional in-popup default-item) "\306\307\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\310!?234(567\311\312!\210	\2042\313\314\"\210\202\223\3078\2119\203\2229@\2118;\203M87\202\2118<\203\\\3158	\"\210\202\211\3168!\203\2118G\317:;:;W\203\210\315:8:HB	\"\210:T\211:\202m*9A\2119\204<*	\203\2476G\320U\203\2476@A\202\2756\204\260\321\322!\2106\203~\317<=\203\303\3236!6>\203\307?\211@\203@@\242>=\204@@:\203@@A\242;\204@@A\242\324=\203\325\326@@\233\327\"\211?\203\330?!\203<T<@A\211@\204\322*\331\332=!PA\333\334\307\335\3366\"\"!()(G4\337(\211\211\211$(\3404\320<#(82>\203W<68@\202{\307B\341B\342\216\343\344B\"\210\3457\346P6\307\347\307\3504\351_<ZB&*5)\35256\"A\211\204\244\35325\"\203\24452G\307O5\35256\"A\n\204\2755\203\275\35456\"5\35256\"A\n@\nAC\203\314\n\202	\203\327\355\n\347\"\202\310\n!\203\361\n9\203\346\356\n!\307\357\360\217\210\355\n!\202\n\205\203D\361\n!\202\n.\f\207" [menu not-menu choice chosen-string tmm-short-cuts tmm-old-mb-map "Menu bar" nil keymapp run-hooks activate-menubar-hook map-keymap #[(k v) "\302	B!\207" [k v tmm-get-keymap] 3] tmm-get-keymap vectorp 0 1 error "Empty menu reached" tmm-add-shortcuts menu-item plist-get 4 :visible eval "^." regexp-quote reverse delq mapcar #[(elt) "\302	@\"\205\n	@\207" [prompt elt string-match] 3] append - #[nil "\301\302\"\210\303 \207" [#1=#:setup-hook remove-hook minibuffer-setup-hook tmm-add-prompt] 3] ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [#1# remove-hook minibuffer-setup-hook] 3)) add-hook minibuffer-setup-hook completing-read " (up/down to change, PgUp to menu): " t history 2 assoc string-prefix-p try-completion tmm-prompt indirect-function (byte-code "\300\301!\207" [require mouse] 2) ((error)) call-interactively tmm-c-prompt tmm-table-undef history-len out tmm-km-list gl-str elt --dolist-tail-- i --dotimes-limit-- index-of-default tmm-mid-prompt default-item visible tail prompt #1# in-popup last-command-event] 14 (#$ . 3687)])
#@215 Add shortcuts to cars of elements of the list.
Takes a list of lists with a string as car, returns list with
shortcuts added to these cars.
Stores a list of all the shortcuts in the free variable `tmm-short-cuts'.
(defalias 'tmm-add-shortcuts #[(list) "\302\303\304\305	!\")\207" [tmm-next-shortcut-digit list 48 mapcar tmm-add-one-shortcut reverse] 4 (#$ . 6349)])
(defalias 'tmm-add-one-shortcut #[(elt) "\211AA)\306=\203\307\310\nG\311\"@QAB\207@\312\313\"\314\211\315\316\317\215\210\2038B\203F\320!\nP\202L\310\nGT\321\"PA-B\207" [elt x tmm-mid-prompt str paren pos ignore " " make-string 45 string-match "(" 0 nil done (byte-code "\203\n	W\203g\306\307\n#\211\203g\f\203\fV\204g\310U\204-\nSH\311U\204^
C\211\203]@\nH!\211>\204T\312\313\"\210A\211\204>)	T\310\225\202\314X\203\210T>\204g\312\313\"\210\202g\315\211\207" [tmm-shortcut-words word str pos paren tmm-shortcut-style string-match "\\w+" 0 46 throw done 57 nil shortcut-style char tmm-short-cuts tmm-next-shortcut-digit] 5) char-to-string 32 word char tmm-short-cuts] 5])
(put 'tmm-add-one-shortcut 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
(defalias 'tmm-define-keys #[(minibuffer) "\306 \307\310\"\210	\311\211\203<@\f<\203#\312\313\n!\314#\210\2025\312\313\n\227!\314#\210\312\313\n\226!\314#\210A\211\204*
\203_\312\315\316#\210\312\317\316#\210\312\320\316#\210\312\321\322#\210\312\323\324#\210\325 \326\327\325 \"!\210)\207" [map tmm-short-cuts c --dolist-tail-- tmm-shortcut-style minibuffer make-sparse-keymap suppress-keymap t nil define-key char-to-string tmm-shortcut [pageup] tmm-goto-completions [prior] "v" "" next-history-element "" previous-history-element current-local-map use-local-map append] 6])
(defalias 'tmm-completion-delete-prompt #[nil "rq\210eb\210`\301\302!|)\207" [standard-output search-forward "Possible completions are:\n"] 3])
#@58 Remove the mouse-face property from inactive menu items.
(defalias 'tmm-remove-inactive-mouse-face #[nil "\304\305\306G\307\"P\310\212eb\210m\2041\311`\312\"\313\n!\203+\314`	\315#\210\316`	\317#\210	b\210\202)\320\310!+\207" [tmm-mid-prompt next inactive-string inhibit-read-only t " " make-string 45 nil next-single-char-property-change mouse-face looking-at remove-text-properties (mouse-face) add-text-properties (face tmm-inactive) set-buffer-modified-p] 5 (#$ . 8319)])
(defalias 'tmm-add-prompt #[nil "\204\304\305!\210\306\307!\n\204\310\311\312\313#\210\314\216\315 \210)r\316q\210\317 \210\n\2030\307eb\210\nc\210))c\207" [tmm-c-prompt tmm-old-mb-map tmm-completion-prompt inhibit-read-only error "No active menu entries" tmm-define-keys t add-hook completion-setup-hook tmm-completion-delete-prompt append ((byte-code "\300\301\302\"\207" [remove-hook completion-setup-hook tmm-completion-delete-prompt] 3)) minibuffer-completion-help "*Completions*" tmm-remove-inactive-mouse-face] 4])
#@42 Choose the shortcut that the user typed.
(defalias 'tmm-shortcut #[nil "\3069\203
\n!\n\f>\205h\307 \310\232\203+eb\210\311\312\313\n!
Q!\210\314 \202h\315 d|\210\306\211\203b@\211@\316
P\230\203Y@A\211\204;*	c\210\317 *\207" [last-command-event s c tmm-shortcut-style tmm-short-cuts tmm-mid-prompt nil buffer-name "*Completions*" re-search-forward "\\(^\\|[ 	]\\)" char-to-string choose-completion minibuffer-prompt-end 0 exit-minibuffer tmm-km-list elt --dolist-tail--] 5 (#$ . 9341) nil])
#@33 Jump to the completions buffer.
(defalias 'tmm-goto-completions #[nil "\302 \211d{d|\210)\303\304!\210\305	!\210\306	!\207" [prompt-end tmm-c-prompt minibuffer-prompt-end switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Completions*" search-forward search-backward] 3 (#$ . 9885) nil])
#@382 Prepend (DOCSTRING EVENT BINDING) to free variable `tmm-km-list'.
The values are deduced from the argument ELT, that should be an
element of keymap, an `x-popup-menu' argument, or an element of
`x-popup-menu' argument (when IN-X-MENU is not-nil).
This function adds the element only if it is not already present.
It uses the free variable `tmm-table-undef' to keep undefined keys.
(defalias 'tmm-get-keymap #[(elt &optional in-x-menu) "\306\211\211\211\211\211@ !A\211\307=\203&	\306B\"B\211\"\202\310	\"\"\204\301<\203@\311!\204K@\312=\202H9\203Q\313!\203Q!\202\243<\203f\311\243!\204s\243@\312=\202p\2439\203\204\313\243!\203\204A!@;\203@ \202\243\243<\203\234\311\243\243!\204\253\243\243@\312=\202\250\243\2439\203\301\313\243\243!\203\301\211#AA)!@;\203@ \202\242\314=\203\243\243\243\211\242:\203\326
\243\3158!\316A@! \317
\322\"\211\203\316\n!\203!\202\323!\202\243\243\243<\2039\311\243\243\243!\204J\243\243\243@\312=\202G\243\243\2439\203a\313\243\243\243!\203a\211#AA)A!@;\203@ \202	;\203	 \306$\204v\242;\203z\202}\324B!!\323=\204\301 \203\301\325!\306\326#\211%\203\300\327%!%\330\331 \315\245\332Z^& \333\315\334&\335 !\335%!#]\336\"%Q ))!\203\320!;\203\320! !\203\363!9\203\363!\337N\203\363\316!\337N!\203\360!\202\361\323!!\205 \205\310 '\"\206 	!BB'B\211'.\207" [elt event enable visible filter plist nil undefined assoc keymapp lambda fboundp menu-item 2 eval plist-get :filter :visible :enable ignore keymap where-is-internal t key-description 30 window-width 10 make-string - string-width 32 menu-enable str km tmm-table-undef x in-x-menu binding colwidth tmm-km-list] 9 (#$ . 10164)])
#@299 Return the current binding of KEYSEQ, merging prefix definitions.
If KEYSEQ is a prefix key that has local and global bindings,
we merge them into a single keymap which shows the proper order of the menu.
However, for the menu bar itself, the value does not take account
of `menu-bar-final-items'.
(defalias 'tmm-get-keybind #[(keyseq) "\306\211\211\211\211\307
!A!\n\306\211\203e@\211A\306\211\203[@\317\242\"A\211\204F*A\211\2046*	A\306\211\203\206@\317\242\"A\211\204q*\320B\211	\nBB\211\306\211\203\333@\2119\203\261\310!\203\261K\203\322\310!\203\322\310!\203\315\315A!\244\202\321\315!A\211\204\233*-\207" [globalbind localbind minorbind bind allbind keyseq nil key-binding keymapp mapcar cdr minor-mode-key-binding local-key-binding copy-sequence global-key-binding assq-delete-all keymap minor --dolist-tail-- item in] 6 (#$ . 12021)])
(provide 'tmm)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net