? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/tooltip.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:12:51 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/tooltip.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\306\310\306\311\306\312\313\314\315\316&\210\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\306\303\327\330&\207" [require syntax custom-declare-group tooltip nil "Customization group for the `tooltip' package." :group help gud mouse tools :version "21.1" :tag "Tool Tips" custom-declare-variable tooltip-mode t "Non-nil if Tooltip mode is enabled.\nSee the command `tooltip-mode' for a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `tooltip-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-delay :type boolean] 16)
#@436 Toggle Tooltip mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Tooltip mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise.  If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

When this global minor mode is enabled, Emacs displays help
text (e.g. for buttons and menu items that you put the mouse on)
in a pop-up window.

When Tooltip mode is disabled, Emacs displays help text in the
echo area, instead of making a pop-up window.
(defalias 'tooltip-mode #[(&optional arg) "\305 	\306=\203\n?\202\307	!\310V\211\203\"\311\312!\204\"\313\314!\210\n\2033\315\316\317\"\210\315\320\321\"\210\202G\322\303!\203=\204B\323\316\317\"\210\323\320\321\"\210\n\203O\324\202P\325\326\327\n\203[\330\202\\\331\"\210\332\333!\203\201\334\302!\210\305 \203t\305 \232\203\201\335\336\n\203~\337\202\340\"\210)\341 \210\n\207" [#1=#:last-message arg tooltip-mode gud-tooltip-mode show-help-function current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 fboundp x-show-tip error "Sorry, tooltips are not yet available on this system" add-hook pre-command-hook tooltip-hide tooltip-functions tooltip-help-tips boundp remove-hook tooltip-show-help tooltip-show-help-non-mode run-hooks tooltip-mode-hook tooltip-mode-on-hook tooltip-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any customize-mark-as-set message "Tooltip mode %sabled" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update] 4 (#$ . 1242) (list (or current-prefix-arg 'toggle))])
(byte-code "\303\304\305\306\300!\205\n\305\211%\210\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316&\210\307\317\320\321\313\314\315\316&\210\307\322\323\324\313\314\315\316&\210\307\325\326\327\313\314\315\316&\210\307\330\331\332\313\333\315\316&\210\307\334\335\336\313\333\315\316&\210\307\337\340\341\313\342\315\316&\210\343\316\344\345\315\316\315\346&\210\307\347\305\350\313\351\315\316&\210\352\347\353\354#\210\355\356\357\305#\210\360\305\211\203\243\n@\356	N\203\234\357	N\204\234\361\357	\356	N#\210\nA\211\204\205*\352\356\357\362#\207" [tooltip-mode-map prop --dolist-tail-- add-minor-mode tooltip-mode nil boundp custom-declare-variable tooltip-delay 0.7 "Seconds to wait before displaying a tooltip the first time." :type number :group tooltip tooltip-short-delay 0.1 "Seconds to wait between subsequent tooltips on different items." tooltip-recent-seconds 1 "Display tooltips if changing tip items within this many seconds.\nDo so after `tooltip-short-delay'." tooltip-hide-delay 10 "Hide tooltips automatically after this many seconds." tooltip-x-offset 5 "X offset, in pixels, for the display of tooltips.\nThe offset is the distance between the X position of the mouse and\nthe left border of the tooltip window.  It must be chosen so that the\ntooltip window doesn't contain the mouse when it pops up, or it may\ninterfere with clicking where you wish.\n\nIf `tooltip-frame-parameters' includes the `left' parameter,\nthe value of `tooltip-x-offset' is ignored." integer tooltip-y-offset 20 "Y offset, in pixels, for the display of tooltips.\nThe offset is the distance between the Y position of the mouse and\nthe top border of the tooltip window.  It must be chosen so that the\ntooltip window doesn't contain the mouse when it pops up, or it may\ninterfere with clicking where you wish.\n\nIf `tooltip-frame-parameters' includes the `top' parameter,\nthe value of `tooltip-y-offset' is ignored." tooltip-frame-parameters '((name . "tooltip") (internal-border-width . 2) (border-width . 1)) "Frame parameters used for tooltips.\n\nIf `left' or `top' parameters are included, they specify the absolute\nposition to pop up the tooltip.\n\nNote that font and color parameters are ignored, and the attributes\nof the `tooltip' face are used instead." sexp custom-declare-face ((((class color)) :background "lightyellow" :foreground "black" :inherit variable-pitch) (t :inherit variable-pitch)) "Face for tooltips." basic-faces tooltip-use-echo-area "Use the echo area instead of tooltip frames for help and GUD tooltips.\nThis variable is obsolete; instead of setting it to t, disable\n`tooltip-mode' (which has a similar effect)." boolean make-obsolete-variable "disable Tooltip mode instead" "24.1" defvaralias tooltip-hook tooltip-functions (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put "23.1"] 9)
#@255 Functions to call to display tooltips.
Each function is called with one argument EVENT which is a copy
of the last mouse movement event that occurred.  If one of these
functions displays the tooltip, it should return non-nil and the
rest are not called.
(defvar tooltip-functions nil (#$ . 5488))
#@56 The id of the timeout started when Emacs becomes idle.
(defvar tooltip-timeout-id nil (#$ . 5791))
#@45 A copy of the last mouse motion event seen.
(defvar tooltip-last-mouse-motion-event nil (#$ . 5896))
#@40 Time when the last tooltip was hidden.
(defvar tooltip-hide-time nil (#$ . 6003))
#@116 Return the buffer over which event EVENT occurred.
This might return nil if the event did not occur over a buffer.
(defalias 'tooltip-event-buffer #[(event) "\303!\211@)\211\205\304\n!)\207" [event position window event-end window-buffer] 3 (#$ . 6092)])
#@51 Return the delay in seconds for the next tooltip.
(defalias 'tooltip-delay #[nil "\203\304 Z	W\203\n\207\207" [tooltip-hide-time tooltip-recent-seconds tooltip-short-delay tooltip-delay float-time] 2 (#$ . 6358)])
#@30 Disable the tooltip timeout.
(defalias 'tooltip-cancel-delayed-tip #[nil "\205\301!\210\302\211\207" [tooltip-timeout-id disable-timeout nil] 2 (#$ . 6585)])
#@60 Add a one-shot timeout to call function `tooltip-timeout'.
(defalias 'tooltip-start-delayed-tip #[nil "\301\302 \303\304#\211\207" [tooltip-timeout-id add-timeout tooltip-delay tooltip-timeout nil] 4 (#$ . 6754)])
#@64 Function called when timer with id `tooltip-timeout-id' fires.
(defalias 'tooltip-timeout #[(_object) "\301\302\"\207" [tooltip-last-mouse-motion-event run-hook-with-args-until-success tooltip-functions] 3 (#$ . 6975)])
#@177 Change the value of KEY in alist ALIST to VALUE.
If there's no association for KEY in ALIST, add one, otherwise
change the existing association.  Value is the resulting alist.
(defalias 'tooltip-set-param #[(alist key value) "	\236\211:\203\n\241\210\202B	B	)\207" [key alist param value] 3 (#$ . 7203)])
#@448 Show a tooltip window displaying TEXT.

Text larger than `x-max-tooltip-size' is clipped.

If the alist in `tooltip-frame-parameters' includes `left' and `top'
parameters, they determine the x and y position where the tooltip
is displayed.  Otherwise, the tooltip pops at offsets specified by
`tooltip-x-offset' and `tooltip-y-offset' from the current mouse

Optional second arg USE-ECHO-AREA non-nil means to show tooltip
in echo area.
(defalias 'tooltip-show #[(text &optional use-echo-area) "\203\302	!\207\303\304\305\217\207" [use-echo-area text tooltip-show-help-non-mode error (byte-code "\306!\307\310\311\"\307\310\312\"\n;\203\313\314\n#\313\315\n#	;\203*\313\316	#\317\320\f\321\310#\322 
&+\207" [tooltip-frame-parameters bg fg params text tooltip-hide-delay copy-sequence face-attribute tooltip :foreground :background tooltip-set-param foreground-color border-color background-color x-show-tip propertize face selected-frame tooltip-x-offset tooltip-y-offset] 7) ((error (byte-code "\302\303\"\210\304\305!\210\302\306	\"\207" [error text message "Error while displaying tooltip: %s" sit-for 1 "%s"] 3)))] 3 (#$ . 7525)])
#@76 Hide a tooltip, if one is displayed.
Value is non-nil if tooltip was open.
(defalias 'tooltip-hide #[(&optional _ignored-arg) "\301 \210\302 \205\f\303 \211\207" [tooltip-hide-time tooltip-cancel-delayed-tip x-hide-tip float-time] 2 (#$ . 8700)])
#@150 Extract the identifier at POINT, if any.
Value is nil if no identifier exists at point.  Identifier extraction
is based on the current syntax table.
(defalias 'tooltip-identifier-from-point #[(point) "\212b\210\303\304!\210`\305 \306\307!\206\310\n8\206\311\n8?\205-\312\304!\210`	V\205-	`{+\207" [point start pstate skip-syntax-backward "w_" syntax-ppss looking-at "[0-9]" 3 4 skip-syntax-forward] 2 (#$ . 8956)])
#@65 Value is non-nil if the region should override command actions.
(defalias 'tooltip-region-active-p '(macro . #[nil "\300\207" [(use-region-p)] 1 (#$ . 9386)]))
#@207 Return an expression that should be printed for EVENT.
If a region is active and the mouse is inside the region, print
the region.  Otherwise, figure out the identifier around the point
where the mouse is.
(defalias 'tooltip-expr-to-print #[(event) "r\303!q\210\304!\305	8\206!	A@:\203	A@@\202!	A@)\306 \203>\307 \nX\205A\n\310 X\205A\307 \310 {\202A\311\n!*\207" [event position point tooltip-event-buffer event-end 5 use-region-p region-beginning region-end tooltip-identifier-from-point] 2 (#$ . 9553)])
#@157 Return regexp matching the prompt of PROCESS at the end of a string.
The prompt is taken from the value of `comint-prompt-regexp' in
the buffer of PROCESS.
(defalias 'tooltip-process-prompt-regexp #[(process) "r\303!q\210	)\304\n\305H\306U\203\n\307\310O\202\311\312Q)\207" [process comint-prompt-regexp prompt-regexp process-buffer "\n*" 0 94 1 nil "\\*" "$"] 4 (#$ . 10079)])
#@65 Return OUTPUT with any prompt of PROCESS stripped from its end.
(defalias 'tooltip-strip-prompt #[(process output) "\303 \304\216\305\306	!\n\"\203\n\307\211\224O\202\n*\207" [save-match-data-internal process output match-data ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) string-match tooltip-process-prompt-regexp 0] 3 (#$ . 10469)])
#@128 The last help message received via `show-help-function'.
This is used by `tooltip-show-help' and
(defvar tooltip-help-message nil (#$ . 10857))
#@40 The previous content of the echo area.
(defvar tooltip-previous-message nil (#$ . 11037))
#@135 Function installed as `show-help-function' when Tooltip mode is off.
It is also called if Tooltip mode is on, for text-only displays.
(defalias 'tooltip-show-help-non-mode #[(help) "\306 ?\205P?\205P	;\203<\307\310\311	#\n\2040	\312 \230\2040;\203-\312 \230\2040\312 	\313\314\315\316	\"*\207\n;\203M\314\315\316\n\"\210\314\211)\207\315\314!\207" [cursor-in-echo-area help tooltip-previous-message tooltip-help-message message-log-max message-truncate-lines window-minibuffer-p replace-regexp-in-string "\n" ", " current-message t nil message "%s"] 4 (#$ . 11134)])
#@115 Function installed as `show-help-function'.
MSG is either a help string to display, or nil to cancel the display.
(defalias 'tooltip-show-help #[(msg) "\303 \203\n\n\204\304 \202	\n\232\206\304 \210\305 )\207\306\n!\207" [tooltip-help-message previous-help msg display-graphic-p tooltip-hide tooltip-start-delayed-tip tooltip-show-help-non-mode] 2 (#$ . 11726)])
#@208 Hook function to display a help tooltip.
This is installed on the hook `tooltip-functions', which
is run when the timer with id `tooltip-timeout-id' fires.
Value is non-nil if this function handled the tip.
(defalias 'tooltip-help-tips #[(_event) ";\205\302	\"\210\303\207" [tooltip-help-message tooltip-use-echo-area tooltip-show t] 3 (#$ . 12107)])
(provide 'tooltip)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net