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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/tree-widget.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:32 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/tree-widget.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\210\312\313\314\315\316\317\310\303&\207" [require wid-edit custom-declare-group tree-widget nil "Customization support for the Tree Widget library." :version "22.1" :group widgets custom-declare-variable tree-widget-image-enable (if (fboundp 'display-images-p) (display-images-p)) "Non-nil means that tree-widget will try to use images." :type boolean] 8)
#@475 List of locations in which to search for the themes sub-directory.
Each element is an expression that will be recursively evaluated until
it returns a single directory or a list of directories.
The default is to search in the `load-path' first, then in the
"images" sub directory in the data directory, then in the data
The data directory is the value of the variable `data-directory' on
Emacs, and what `(locate-data-directory "tree-widget")' returns on
(defvar tree-widget-themes-load-path '(load-path (let ((dir (if (fboundp 'locate-data-directory) (locate-data-directory "tree-widget") data-directory))) (and dir (list dir (expand-file-name "images" dir))))) (#$ . 973))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\315\316\304\317\306\307&\210\300\320\311\321\304\317\306\307&\210\300\322\323\324\306\307\304\325&\210\326\327\330\"\210\331\327\332\333#\210\326\334\335\"\210\331\334\332\333#\210\326\336\337\"\210\331\336\332\333#\207" [custom-declare-variable tree-widget-themes-directory "tree-widget" "Name of the directory in which to look for an image theme.\nWhen nil use the directory where the tree-widget library is located.\nWhen it is a relative name, search in all occurrences of that sub\ndirectory in the path specified by `tree-widget-themes-load-path'.\nThe default is to use the \"tree-widget\" relative name." :type (choice (const :tag "Default" "tree-widget") (const :tag "Where is this library" nil) (directory :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")) :group tree-widget tree-widget-theme nil "Name of the theme in which to look for images.\nThis is a sub directory of the themes directory specified by the\n`tree-widget-themes-directory' option.\nThe default theme is \"default\".  When an image is not found in a\ntheme, it is searched in its parent theme.\n\nA complete theme must at least contain images with these file names\nwith a supported extension (see also `tree-widget-image-formats'):\n\n\"guide\"\n  A vertical guide line.\n\"no-guide\"\n  An invisible vertical guide line.\n\"end-guide\"\n  End of a vertical guide line.\n\"handle\"\n  Horizontal guide line that joins the vertical guide line to an icon.\n\"no-handle\"\n  An invisible handle.\n\nPlus images whose name is given by the :glyph-name property of the\nicon widgets used to draw the tree.  By default these images are used:\n\n\"open\"\n  Icon associated to an expanded tree.\n\"close\"\n  Icon associated to a collapsed tree.\n\"empty\"\n  Icon associated to an expanded tree with no child.\n\"leaf\"\n  Icon associated to a leaf node." (choice (const :tag "Default" nil) (string :tag "Name")) tree-widget-image-properties-emacs '(:ascent center :mask (heuristic t)) "Default properties of Emacs images." plist tree-widget-image-properties-xemacs "Default properties of XEmacs images." tree-widget-space-width 0.5 "Amount of space between an icon image and a node widget.\nMust be a valid space :width display property." sexp defalias tree-widget-use-image-p #[nil "\205\n	\205\n\302 \207" [tree-widget-image-enable widget-image-enable display-images-p] 1 "Return non-nil if image support is currently enabled."] put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand tree-widget-create-image #[(type file &optional props) "\303\304	\305\nBBB\"\207" [file type props apply create-image nil] 6 "Create an image of type TYPE from FILE, and return it.\nGive the image the specified properties PROPS."] tree-widget-image-formats #[nil "\301\302\303\304\"\"\207" [widget-image-conversion delq nil mapcar #[(fmt) "\301@!\205\207" [fmt image-type-available-p] 2]] 5 "Return the alist of image formats/file name extensions.\nSee also the option `widget-image-conversion'."]] 8)
(defvar tree-widget--theme nil)
#@62 Return the current theme name, or nil if no theme is active.
(defalias 'tree-widget-theme-name #[nil "\205\301H@\207" [tree-widget--theme 0] 2 (#$ . 4741)])
(put 'tree-widget-theme-name 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@101 Set to NAME the parent theme of the current theme.
The default parent theme is the "default" theme.
(defalias 'tree-widget-set-parent-theme #[(name) "	\302H\235?\205	\302\303	\302HC\"I\210\304\305\215\207" [name tree-widget--theme 0 append found (byte-code "\303 \304\211\205*	@\305\n\"\306!\203\"\307\310\311\305\312\"\313\"\"\210	A\211\204	\304*\207" [dir --dolist-tail-- name tree-widget-themes-path nil expand-file-name file-accessible-directory-p throw found load "tree-widget-theme-setup" t] 7)] 5 (#$ . 4983)])
(put 'tree-widget-set-parent-theme 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@656 In the current buffer, set the theme to use for images.
The current buffer must be where the tree widget is drawn.
Optional argument NAME is the name of the theme to use.  It defaults
to the value of the variable `tree-widget-theme'.
Does nothing if NAME is already the current theme.

If there is a "tree-widget-theme-setup" library in the theme
directory, load it to setup a parent theme or the images properties.
Typically it should contain something like this:

  (tree-widget-set-parent-theme "my-parent-theme")
   (if (featurep 'xemacs)
       '(:ascent center)
     '(:ascent center :mask (heuristic t))
(defalias 'tree-widget-set-theme #[(&optional name) "\204\n	\206	\303\n\205\n\304H@\230?\205V\305\302!\210\306\307\310\"\211\n\304H\235?\205:\n\304\311\n\304HC\"I\210\312\313\215)\210\303\211\n\304H\235?\205U\n\304\311\n\304HC\"I\210\312\313\215)\207" [name tree-widget-theme tree-widget--theme "default" 0 make-local-variable make-vector 4 nil append found (byte-code "\303 \304\211\205*	@\305\n\"\306!\203\"\307\310\311\305\312\"\313\"\"\210	A\211\204	\304*\207" [dir --dolist-tail-- name tree-widget-themes-path nil expand-file-name file-accessible-directory-p throw found load "tree-widget-theme-setup" t] 7)] 6 (#$ . 5603)])
#@140 Locate all occurrences of the sub-directory NAME in PATH.
Return a list of absolute directory names in reverse order, or nil if
not found.
(defalias 'tree-widget--locate-sub-directory #[(name path &optional found) "\301\302\303\217\210\207" [found err (byte-code "\305\211\203A\n@\306	!\211;\203&\307\310	\"\211!\203:	\fB\202:	\203:\311	:\2046	C\2027	\f#\nA\211\204*\305\207" [path elt --dolist-tail-- name found nil eval file-accessible-directory-p expand-file-name tree-widget--locate-sub-directory] 5) ((error (byte-code "\301\302\303!\"\207" [err message "In tree-widget--locate-sub-directory: %s" error-message-string] 4)))] 3 (#$ . 6922)])
#@201 Return the path where to search for a theme.
It is specified in variable `tree-widget-themes-directory'.
Return a list of absolute directory names, or nil when no directory
has been found accessible.
(defalias 'tree-widget-themes-path #[nil "\304H\211\305=\203\306\202h	\206h\n\2048\307\310!\211\205h\311	!\312	!\205*	C\304	\2062\305I\210	\202h\313\n!\203X\314\n!\312	!\205J	C\304	\206R\305I\210	\202h\315\n\"\237\304	\206e\305I\210	)\207" [tree-widget--theme path tree-widget-themes-directory tree-widget-themes-load-path 1 void nil locate-library "tree-widget" file-name-directory file-accessible-directory-p file-name-absolute-p expand-file-name tree-widget--locate-sub-directory] 4 (#$ . 7597)])
(defconst tree-widget--cursors '(("guide" . arrow) ("no-guide" . arrow) ("end-guide" . arrow) ("handle" . arrow) ("no-handle" . arrow)))
#@123 In current theme, set images properties to PROPS.
Does nothing if images properties have already been set for that
(defalias 'tree-widget-set-image-properties #[(props) "\302H\206\n\302	I\207" [tree-widget--theme props 2] 3 (#$ . 8467)])
(put 'tree-widget-set-image-properties 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@226 Return the properties of image NAME in current theme.
Default global properties are provided for respectively Emacs and
XEmacs in the variables `tree-widget-image-properties-emacs', and
(defalias 'tree-widget-image-properties #[(name) "\305\306	\"A\206\n\307\n\f\310H\206\f\310I)BB\207" [name tree-widget--cursors tree-widget-image-properties-emacs props tree-widget--theme :pointer assoc hand 2] 5 (#$ . 8806)])
(put 'tree-widget-image-properties 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@236 Look up in current theme for an image with NAME.
Search first in current theme, then in parent themes (see also the
function `tree-widget-set-parent-theme').
Return the first image found having a supported format, or nil if not
(defalias 'tree-widget-lookup-image #[(name) "\301\302\303\215)\207" [file nil found (byte-code "\306 \307\211\203\255	@\n\310H\307\211\203\245	@\311\307\312\313\f\"\"\307\211\203\235	@\211A\307\211\203\225	@\314P\"\315!\203\216\316!\203\216\317\320
@\321\322\"A\206f\323\n\324H\206u\n\324I*BB\325\326\307BBB\"+\"\210	A\211\2044*	A\211\204'*	A\211\204*	A\211\204	*\307\207" [default-directory --dolist-tail-- tree-widget--theme dir widget-image-conversion fmt tree-widget-themes-path nil 0 delq mapcar #[(fmt) "\301@!\205\207" [fmt image-type-available-p] 2] expand-file-name file-readable-p file-regular-p throw found :pointer assoc hand 2 apply create-image ext name file tree-widget--cursors tree-widget-image-properties-emacs props type] 10)] 2 (#$ . 9351)])
#@132 Find the image with NAME in current theme.
NAME is an image file name sans extension.
Return the image found, or nil if not found.
(defalias 'tree-widget-find-image #[(name) "\205@	\205@\306 \205@\307\n\205\n\310H@!\210\311\n\312H\"\211\203(\fA\202?\313!\211\fB\n\211\f\312
\f\312HBI\210*)\207" [tree-widget-image-enable widget-image-enable tree-widget--theme name image #1=#:v display-images-p tree-widget-set-theme 0 assoc 3 tree-widget-lookup-image #2=#:v] 7 (#$ . 10431)])
#@103 Move to the position clicked on, and if it is a button, invoke it.
EVENT is the mouse event received.
(defalias 'tree-widget-button-click #[(event) "\302!\210\303!\304	\305\"\205\306!)\207" [event pos mouse-set-point widget-event-point get-char-property button widget-button-click] 3 (#$ . 10931) "e"])
#@74 Keymap used inside node buttons.
Handle mouse button 1 click on buttons.
(defvar tree-widget-button-keymap (byte-code "\303 \304\301!\203\305	\"\210\306\307\310#\210\202\"\305\n\"\210\306\311\310#\210)\207" [km widget-button-keymap widget-keymap make-sparse-keymap boundp set-keymap-parent define-key [button1] tree-widget-button-click [down-mouse-1]] 4) (#$ . 11246))
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316&\210\301\317\302\320\321\322\323\324&\210\301\325\302\326\321\327\323\330&\210\301\331\302\332\321\333\323\334&\210\301\335\302\336\321\337\323\340\341\342&	\210\301\343\344\345\321\346\305\347&\210\301\350\344\351\321\352\305\347&\210\301\353\344\354\321\355\305\347&\210\301\356\344\357\321\360\305\347&\210\301\361\344\362\321\363\305\347&\210\301\364\342\365\305\366\367\370\371\372\373\374\375\376\313\377\315\201@\201A\201B\201C\317\201D\331\201E\325\201F\335\201G\343\201H\350\201I\353\201J\356\201K\361&%\207" [tree-widget-button-keymap define-widget tree-widget-icon push-button "Basic widget other tree-widget icons are derived from." :format "%[%t%]" :button-keymap :keymap :create tree-widget-icon-create :action tree-widget-icon-action :help-echo tree-widget-icon-help-echo tree-widget-open-icon "Icon for an expanded tree-widget node." :tag "[-]" :glyph-name "open" tree-widget-empty-icon "Icon for an expanded tree-widget node with no child." "[X]" "empty" tree-widget-close-icon "Icon for a collapsed tree-widget node." "[+]" "close" tree-widget-leaf-icon "Icon for a tree-widget leaf node." "" "leaf" :button-face default tree-widget-guide item "Vertical guide line." " |" "%t" tree-widget-end-guide "End of a vertical guide line." " `" tree-widget-no-guide "Invisible vertical guide line." "  " tree-widget-handle "Horizontal guide line that joins a vertical guide line to a node." "-" tree-widget-no-handle "Invisible handle." " " tree-widget "Tree widget." "%v" :convert-widget tree-widget-convert-widget :value-get widget-value-value-get :value-delete widget-children-value-delete :value-create tree-widget-value-create tree-widget-action tree-widget-help-echo :expander-p tree-widget-expander-p :open-icon :close-icon :empty-icon :leaf-icon :guide :end-guide :no-guide :handle :no-handle] 38)
#@44 Return non-nil if WIDGET is a tree-widget.
(defalias 'tree-widget-p #[(widget) "\211@)\211\203	\302=\204	\303N\211@)\211\204\n	)\302=\207" [widget type tree-widget widget-type] 3 (#$ . 13537)])
#@183 Return WIDGET's :node child widget.
If not found, setup an `item' widget as default.
Signal an error if the :node widget is a tree-widget.
WIDGET is, or derives from, a tree-widget.
(defalias 'tree-widget-node #[(widget) "\302\303\"\211\203\304	!\203-\305\306	\"\210\202-\307\310\302\310\"\206%\311\312!!E\313\303	#\210	)\207" [widget node widget-get :node tree-widget-p error "Invalid tree-widget :node %S" item :tag widget-princ-to-string widget-value widget-put] 6 (#$ . 13748)])
#@57 Save in ARG the WIDGET's properties specified by :keep.
(defalias 'tree-widget-keep #[(arg widget) "\304\305\"\306\211\205\n@\307	\304	\"#\210\nA\211\204\306*\207" [widget prop --dolist-tail-- arg widget-get :keep nil widget-put] 7 (#$ . 14248)])
#@294 Save WIDGET children values.
WIDGET is, or derives from, a tree-widget.
Children properties and values are saved in ARGS if non-nil, else in
WIDGET's :args property value.  Properties and values of the
WIDGET's :node sub-widget are saved in NODE if non-nil, else in
WIDGET's :node sub-widget.
(defalias 'tree-widget-children-value-save #[(widget &optional args node) "\206\306	\307\"\n\206\306	\310\"B\306	\311\"\312\211\n\205\203
A\313!\203s\314\f\310\306\310\"#\210\314\f\307\306\307\"#\210\314\f\315\306\315\"#\210\306\315\"\203\314\f\316\317!#\210\320\f\"\210\321\306\f\310\"\306\f\307\"#\210\202\314\f\316\317!#\210\320\f\"\210\202,\207" [node widget args child arg children widget-get :node :args :children nil tree-widget-p widget-put :open :value widget-value tree-widget-keep tree-widget-children-value-save] 6 (#$ . 14513)])
#@529 Hooks run before to create a tree-widget icon.
Each function is passed the icon widget not yet created.
The value of the icon widget :node property is a tree :node widget or
a leaf node widget, not yet created.
This hook can be used to dynamically change properties of the icon and
associated node widgets.  For example, to dynamically change the look
and feel of the tree-widget by changing the values of the :tag
and :glyph-name properties of the icon widget.
This hook should be local in the buffer setup to display widgets.
(defvar tree-widget-before-create-icon-functions nil (#$ . 15404))
#@25 Create the ICON widget.
(defalias 'tree-widget-icon-create #[(icon) "\302\303\"\210\304\305\306\307\310\"!#\210\307\305\"\203*\307\311\"\206\312\312\232\203*\304\311\313#\210\314!\210\315\316\317\"\210\320`S`\321\322\323	E$\207" [icon tree-widget-space-width run-hook-with-args tree-widget-before-create-icon-functions widget-put :tag-glyph tree-widget-find-image widget-get :glyph-name :tag "" " " widget-default-create insert-char 32 1 put-text-property display space :width] 7 (#$ . 16005)])
#@42 Convert :args as widget types in WIDGET.
(defalias 'tree-widget-convert-widget #[(widget) "\302\303\304\305\306\303\"\"#\210)\302	\307\306	\307\"\206\306	\310\"#\210	)\207" [widget tree widget-put :args mapcar widget-convert widget-get :expander :dynargs] 8 (#$ . 16517)])
#@30 Create the TREE tree-widget.
(defalias 'tree-widget-value-create #[(tree) "\306!\307\310\"\307\311\"\f\205
\205\312 \2110\313\21112\2032\307\314\"\2042\315\316\"\210\307\317\"\203\236\307\320\"\307\321\"\307\322\"\307\323\"\307\324\"\307\325\"\326\327!\326\330!\326\331!\326\332!\326\333!3456789:;<=\307\334\"\203\224\335\336\"\203\224\337\340\335\334\"\"=\341\320=#\210\341\342\340	!#\210\343\307=\203\251\344\202\252\345\"\342\307\342\"$2B2\346\307\342\"\"1B1\3412@\3421@#\210=\203\231=@=A=\203\343\315\316\"\210\347\n!\313>\211?\203#?@>\343>\203<\202;\350>\203
7\2026$\210\3438\3503$\210?A\211?\204\357*\343=\2030<\2022:\350=\203=7\202?5$\210\3439\3504$\210\351	!\203e\343	\310=\205Z\352\nB$1B1\202\314\343\307\353\"\342\340	\310=\205u\352\nB#\211\354\352&2B2\346	\"1B1\3412@\3421@#\210\202\314.\202\315\341\342\340	!#\210\343\307\355\"\342\307\342\"$2B2\346\307\342\"\"1B1\3412@\3421@#\210\341\3561\237#\210\341\3572#.\207" [tree node flags indent tree-widget-image-enable widget-image-enable tree-widget-node widget-get :tree-widget--guide-flags :indent display-images-p nil :parent insert-char 32 :open :args :guide :no-guide :end-guide :handle :no-handle tree-widget-find-image "guide" "no-guide" "end-guide" "handle" "no-handle" :expander widget-apply :expander-p mapcar widget-convert widget-put :node widget-create-child-and-convert :open-icon :empty-icon widget-create-child reverse :tag-glyph tree-widget-p t :leaf-icon :tree-widget--leaf-flag :close-icon :children :buttons widget-glyph-enable children buttons nohandli handli endguidi noguidi guidi nohandle handle endguide noguide guide args f --dolist-tail--] 13 (#$ . 16804)])
#@105 Return non-nil if ICON is a leaf node icon.
That is, if its :node property value is a leaf node widget.
(defalias 'tree-widget-leaf-node-icon-p #[(icon) "\301\302\"\207" [icon widget-get :tree-widget--leaf-flag] 3 (#$ . 18604)])
(put 'tree-widget-leaf-node-icon-p 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@185 Handle the ICON widget :action.
If ICON :node is a leaf node it handles the :action.  The tree-widget
parent of ICON handles the :action otherwise.
Pass the received EVENT to :action.
(defalias 'tree-widget-icon-action #[(icon &optional event) "\303\211\303\304\")\203\305\202\306\"\307	\310\n#)\207" [icon node event widget-get :tree-widget--leaf-flag :node :parent widget-apply :action] 5 (#$ . 18921)])
#@160 Return the help-echo string of ICON.
If ICON :node is a leaf node it handles the :help-echo.  The tree-widget
parent of ICON handles the :help-echo otherwise.
(defalias 'tree-widget-icon-help-echo #[(icon) "\303\211\303\304\")\203\305\202\306\"\303	\307\"\310\n!\203$\n	!\202%\n*\207" [icon node help-echo widget-get :tree-widget--leaf-flag :node :parent :help-echo functionp] 5 (#$ . 19342)])
#@247 Hooks run after toggling a tree-widget expansion.
Each function is passed a tree-widget.  If the value of the :open
property is non-nil the tree has been expanded, else collapsed.
This hook should be local in the buffer setup to display widgets.
(defvar tree-widget-after-toggle-functions nil (#$ . 19754))
#@123 Handle the :action of the TREE tree-widget.
That is, toggle expansion of the TREE tree-widget.
Ignore the EVENT argument.
(defalias 'tree-widget-action #[(tree &optional _event) "\302\303\"?\211\204\304!\210\305\303	#\210\306	\"\210\307\310\")\207" [tree open widget-get :open tree-widget-children-value-save widget-put widget-value-set run-hook-with-args tree-widget-after-toggle-functions] 5 (#$ . 20068)])
#@54 Return the help-echo string of the TREE tree-widget.
(defalias 'tree-widget-help-echo #[(tree) "\301\302\"\203	\303\207\304\207" [tree widget-get :open "Collapse node" "Expand node"] 3 (#$ . 20491)])
#@99 Return non-nil if the TREE tree-widget :expander has to be called.
That is, if TREE :args is nil.
(defalias 'tree-widget-expander-p #[(tree) "\301\302\"?\207" [tree widget-get :args] 3 (#$ . 20699)])
(provide 'tree-widget)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net