Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/tutorial.elc |
;ELC ;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:32 2024 ;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/tutorial.el ;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307%\207" [require help-mode custom-declare-face tutorial-warning-face ((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)) "Face used to highlight warnings in the tutorial." :group help] 6) #@38 Point before display of key changes. (defvar tutorial--point-before-chkeys 0 (#$ . 773)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'tutorial--point-before-chkeys) #@37 Point after display of key changes. (defvar tutorial--point-after-chkeys 0 (#$ . 928)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'tutorial--point-after-chkeys) #@20 Tutorial language. (defvar tutorial--lang nil (#$ . 1080)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'tutorial--lang) #@934 Give more information about a changed key binding. This is used in `help-with-tutorial'. The information includes the key sequence that no longer has a default binding, the default binding and the current binding. It also tells in what keymap the new binding has been done and how to access the function in the default binding from the keyboard. For `cua-mode' key bindings that try to combine CUA key bindings with default Emacs bindings information about this is shown. VALUE should have either of these formats: (cua-mode) (current-binding KEY-FUN DEF-FUN KEY WHERE) Where KEY is a key sequence whose standard binding has been changed KEY-FUN is the actual binding for KEY DEF-FUN is the standard binding of KEY WHERE is a text describing the key sequences to which DEF-FUN is bound now (or, if it is remapped, a key sequence for the function it is remapped to) (defalias 'tutorial--describe-nonstandard-key #[(value) "r\306\307 !q\210p\310 \210 \311\211\312\211\3129\313 \210\314\315!\210+\211:;\316\317<D\320\321!\"\210r\307 q\210\322\323\261\210\3129<@\324=\203L \325c\210\202<@\326=\203<A@\327<8\330<8\331<8\311\332 \311=>?@ABC>\203\241 >@D\333DA\312#E>A>EC=\203\235 D?\311>*\202v ?\203\252 \334\335!\210\336\337A!\340\261\210\341\342B\"c\210\343\344C\203\311 \341\345C\"\202\312 \346\261\210\347c\210=\203\340 \350\351\341\342=\"\352\261\210@\353\230\203\373 \354B!\204\355\341\342B\"\356\261\210\202\357\360\361\362@\"\203 \353\202\n\363@\364\341\342B\"\365\261\210.\366e`\"\210)\367 )\370:!\210+\207" [default-directory #1=#:old-dir buffer-read-only buffer-file-name buffer-undo-list inhibit-modification-hooks get-buffer-create help-buffer kill-all-local-variables nil t erase-buffer run-hooks temp-buffer-setup-hook help-setup-xref tutorial--describe-nonstandard-key called-interactively-p interactive "Your Emacs customizations override the default binding for this key:" "\n\n" cua-mode "CUA mode is enabled.\n\nWhen CUA mode is enabled, you can use C-z, C-x, C-c, and C-v to\nundo, cut, copy, and paste in addition to the normal Emacs\nbindings. The C-x and C-c keys only do cut and copy when the\nregion is active, so in most cases, they do not conflict with the\nnormal function of these prefix keys.\n\nIf you really need to perform a command which starts with one of\nthe prefix keys even when the region is active, you have three\noptions:\n- press the prefix key twice very quickly (within 0.2 seconds),\n- press the prefix key and the following key within 0.2 seconds, or\n- use the SHIFT key with the prefix key, i.e. C-S-x or C-S-c." current-binding 2 3 4 current-active-maps lookup-key mapatoms #[(s) "?\205# \303 !\205# \304 J!\205# \302=?\205# \n J=\205# \211\207" [mapsym s map boundp keymapp] 2] "The default Emacs binding for the key " key-description " is the command `" format "%s" "'. " "However, your customizations have " "rebound it to the command `%s'" "unbound it" "." " (For the more advanced user:" " This binding is in the keymap `" "'.)" "" keymapp "\n\nYou can use M-x " " RET instead." "\n\nWith your current key bindings" " you can use " string-match "^the .*menus?$" "the key" " to get the function `" "'." fill-region help-print-return-message internal-temp-output-buffer-show inhibit-read-only #2=#:buf standard-output value mapsym maps map where key db cb m mb] 9 (#$ . 1191)]) #@219 Sort predicate for use with `tutorial--default-keys'. This is a predicate function to `sort'. The sorting is for presentation purpose only and is done on the key sequence. LEFT and RIGHT are the elements to compare. (defalias 'tutorial--sort-keys #[(left right) "\306\211A@)\307\"\306\n\211A@)\307\" \2037 \2037 <\2037 <\2037 @@\232\2037 AA\202 @@\211\203V \f\203V <\203V \f<\203V \310 \f\"\202\215 \311 !\203h \311\f!\203h \fV\202\215 \311 !\203r \312\202\215 \311\f!\203| \307\202\215 9\205\215 \f9\205\215 \313\f!\313 !\231,\207" [left x right y cy cx append nil tutorial--sort-keys wholenump t symbol-name] 5 (#$ . 4669)]) #@58 Default Emacs key bindings that the tutorial depends on. (defconst tutorial--default-keys (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357\360\361\362\363\364\365\366\367\370\371B\2577\372 \373\"*\207" [suspend-emacs default-keys suspend-frame (ESC-prefix [27]) (Control-X-prefix [24]) (mode-specific-command-prefix [3]) (save-buffers-kill-terminal [24 3]) (scroll-up-command [22]) (scroll-down-command [134217846]) (recenter-top-bottom [12]) (forward-char [6]) (backward-char [2]) (forward-word [134217830]) (backward-word [134217826]) (next-line [14]) (previous-line [16]) (move-beginning-of-line [1]) (move-end-of-line [5]) (backward-sentence [134217825]) (forward-sentence [134217829]) (newline " ") (beginning-of-buffer [134217788]) (end-of-buffer [134217790]) (universal-argument [21]) (keyboard-quit [7]) (downcase-region [24 12]) (delete-other-windows [24 49]) (delete-backward-char "") (delete-char [4]) (backward-kill-word [134217855]) (kill-word [134217828]) (kill-line [11]) (kill-sentence [134217835]) (set-mark-command [0]) (set-mark-command [67108896]) (kill-region [23]) (yank [25]) (yank-pop [134217849]) (undo [24 117]) (find-file [24 6]) (save-buffer [24 19]) (list-buffers [24 2]) (switch-to-buffer [24 98]) (save-some-buffers [24 115]) (execute-extended-command [134217848]) (describe-mode [8 109]) (set-fill-column [24 102]) (fill-paragraph [134217841]) (isearch-forward [19]) (isearch-backward [18]) (split-window-below [24 50]) (scroll-other-window [134217750]) (other-window [24 111]) (find-file-other-window [24 52 6]) (keyboard-escape-quit [27 27 27]) (describe-key-briefly [8 99]) (describe-key [8 107]) ([26]) sort tutorial--sort-keys] 56) (#$ . 5326)) #@40 Give detailed help about changed keys. (defalias 'tutorial--detailed-help #[(button) "r\306\307 !q\210p\310 \210 \311\211\312\211\3128\313 \210\314\315!\210+\2119:\316\317;D\320\321!\"\210r\307 q\210\322;\323\"\322;\324\"rq\210\212eb\210\325<!*\211=\203!\326c\210\327>\330>\331\332\333$c\210)=\311?\211@\203 @@\211?A@A?@B\334?8C\335?8D\336?8E\337A!F\340B!Grq\210\341B!)H\311IAH=\204G\230\203\312 \342\343GG\344\345G%\210\346G\347\261\210\350j\210\351C\352A\353\354\355\312&\210\356j\210D<\203\355 \357D\330\360D\361\230\203\376 \330\362C\"\202 D\"c\210\351E@\353\363\352EA\355\312&\210\364c\210. @A\211@\204s *\365c\210\366 ,\3679!\210+\207" [default-directory #1=#:old-dir buffer-read-only buffer-file-name buffer-undo-list inhibit-modification-hooks get-buffer-create help-buffer kill-all-local-variables nil t erase-buffer run-hooks temp-buffer-setup-hook help-setup-xref tutorial--detailed-help called-interactively-p interactive button-get tutorial-buffer explain-key-desc tutorial--find-changed-keys "The following key bindings used in the tutorial have been changed\nfrom the Emacs default:\n\n" " %-14s %-27s %-16s\n" format "Standard Key" "Command" "In Your Emacs" 2 3 4 command-remapping key-description key-binding put-text-property 0 face tutorial-warning-face " " " " 18 insert-button value action #[(button) "\301\302\303\"!\207" [button describe-function button-get value] 4 nil nil] follow-link 45 "list" " %-16s " "" "M-x %s" #[(b) "\302\301\"\303 !)\207" [b value button-get tutorial--describe-nonstandard-key] 3 nil nil] "\n" "\nIt is OK to change key bindings, but changed bindings do not\ncorrespond to what the tutorial says.\n\n" help-print-return-message internal-temp-output-buffer-show inhibit-read-only #2=#:buf standard-output button tutorial--default-keys changed-keys frm tk --dolist-tail-- def-fun key def-fun-txt where remark rem-fun key-txt key-fun tot-len] 9 (#$ . 7166)]) #@1068 Find the key bindings used in the tutorial that have changed. Return a list with elements of the form '(KEY DEF-FUN DEF-FUN-TXT WHERE REMARK QUIET) where KEY is a key sequence whose standard binding has been changed DEF-FUN is the standard binding of KEY DEF-FUN-TXT is a short descriptive text for DEF-FUN WHERE is a text describing the key sequences to which DEF-FUN is bound now (or, if it is remapped, a key sequence for the function it is remapped to) REMARK is a list with info about rebinding. It has either of these formats: (TEXT cua-mode) (TEXT current-binding KEY-FUN DEF-FUN KEY WHERE) Here TEXT is a link text to show to the user. The rest of the list is used to show information when the user clicks the link. KEY-FUN is the actual binding for KEY. QUIET is t if this changed keybinding should be handled quietly. This is used by `tutorial--display-changes'. (defalias 'tutorial--find-changed-keys #[(default-keys) "\306\211\307\310!r\nq\210\311\216\312 \210\306\211\203\316 @\211A@>\f@?\313\314?\"@\315?!A?\316=\203A \317B\320\"\202T ?\321=\203P \317B\322\"\202T \323>!C\324A\203a A\202c ?!D\306ED\203\306 D@E\325E!D\326DGW\203\311 D\327\330GO\330\230\203\311 \331E!\203\300 E\332\234\211E\203\300 \333E\317B\334\"\"\211FA@)\211E\203\300 E;\203\300 \313\335E\"\202\301 \336D\202\311 \337D\306C?=\204\305C\203\342 C\315?!=\204\305%\203\n>\340\232\203\365 C\341=\204>\342\232\203\nC\343=\203\n\344\345D\202\265%\203X?\316=\203$C\346\232\203$\347\211@\204N?\350=\2039C\351\232\2039\352\211@\204N?\321=\203XC\353\232\203X\354\211@\203X\355\345D\356D\202\265\357\360!\203\207\357\361!\203\2071\362=\203\207?\363=\203yC\364=\204\305?\365=\203\207C\366=\204\305G\203\250>\367\232\203\232C\370\232\204\305>\371\232\203\250C\372\232\204\305\373\374C?>D\257\375\301>?@D\306\257\"\210. A\211\204 - *\207" [remark changed-keys #1=#:temp-buffer default-keys kdf --dolist-tail-- nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" ((byte-code "\301!\203\n \302!\210\301\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2)) fundamental-mode format "%s" command-remapping ESC-prefix lookup-key [27] Control-X-prefix [24] key-binding where-is-internal key-description 10 0 "<menu-bar>" vectorp 1 assoc [menu-bar] "the `%s' menu" "the menus" "" [22] cua-paste [26] undo "cua-mode, more info" cua-mode (keymap (118 . cua-repeat-replace-region)) "\"ESC prefix\"" mode-specific-command-prefix (keymap (timeout . copy-region-as-kill)) "\"C-c prefix\"" (keymap (timeout . kill-region)) "\"C-x prefix\"" "cua-mode replacement" "Same key" boundp viper-mode-string viper-current-state vi-state isearch-forward viper-isearch-forward isearch-backward viper-isearch-backward [C-delete] kill-word [C-backspace] backward-kill-word "more info" current-binding add-to-list key def-fun def-fun-txt rem-fun global-map key-fun where cwhere x normal-erase-is-backspace] 9 (#$ . 9162)]) (defalias 'tutorial--key-description #[(key) "\302!\211\303\230\203 \304\202# \305\230\203 \306\202# \307\230\203\"