? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

Current Path : /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/vc/

Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/vc/vc-dispatcher.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:08:56 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/vc/vc-dispatcher.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\307&\210\300\314\302\315\304\313\306\307&\210\300\316\302\317\304\313\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable vc-logentry-check-hook nil "Normal hook run by `vc-finish-logentry'.\nUse this to impose your own rules on the entry in addition to any the\ndispatcher client mode imposes itself." :type hook :group vc vc-delete-logbuf-window t "If non-nil, delete the log buffer and window after each logical action.\nIf nil, bury that buffer instead.\nThis is most useful if you have multiple windows on a frame and would like to\npreserve the setting." boolean vc-command-messages "If non-nil, display run messages from back-end commands." vc-suppress-confirm "If non-nil, treat user as expert; suppress yes-no prompts on some things."] 8)
(defvar vc-log-operation nil)
(defvar vc-log-after-operation-hook nil)
(defvar vc-parent-buffer nil)
(put 'vc-parent-buffer 'permanent-local t)
(defvar vc-parent-buffer-name nil)
(put 'vc-parent-buffer-name 'permanent-local t)
#@174 An alternative output filter for async process P.
One difference with the default filter is that this inserts S after markers.
Another is that undo information is not kept.
(defalias 'vc-process-filter #[(p s) "\305!\306	!\205\"r	q\210\212\307\211\310!b\210\fc\210\310!`\311\223,)\207" [p buffer inhibit-read-only buffer-undo-list s process-buffer buffer-live-p t process-mark nil] 3 (#$ . 1604)])
#@64 Prepare BUF for executing a slave command and make it current.
(defalias 'vc-setup-buffer #[(buf) "p\306!q\210\307 \210\310\304!\210\n\310\305!\210\311\312\n!P	\313\211
\314 ,\207" [default-directory olddir camefrom buf vc-parent-buffer vc-parent-buffer-name get-buffer-create kill-all-local-variables make-local-variable " from " buffer-name t erase-buffer inhibit-read-only buffer-undo-list] 3 (#$ . 2015)])
(defalias 'vc-process-sentinel #[(p s) "\306\307\"\310!\311	!\205\214\n\203\n\"\210r	q\210\312!\211\313=?\205+\314\315\f\")\316\212\317!b\210\306\320\"\321\320\316#\210\316\211\203`@\322!\210A\211\204M,\205\213\323p\324\"\211\204vb\202\212\325!r\326\216\327@\330\"\210b+)**\207" [p buf previous s status mode-line-process process-get vc-previous-sentinel process-buffer buffer-live-p process-status exit format " (%s)" nil process-mark vc-sentinel-commands process-put vc-exec-after get-buffer-window 0 internal--before-with-selected-window ((internal--after-with-selected-window save-selected-window--state)) select-window norecord vc-sentinel-movepoint cmds cmd --dolist-tail-- win save-selected-window--state] 5])
(defalias 'vc-set-mode-line-busy-indicator #[nil "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307%P\211\207" [mode-line-process " " propertize "[waiting...]" face mode-line-emphasis help-echo "A command is in progress in this buffer"] 7])
#@153 Eval CODE when the current buffer's process is done.
If the current buffer has no process, just evaluate CODE.
Else, add CODE to the process' sentinel.
(defalias 'vc-exec-after #[(code) "\303p!\211\203\304!\305=\203\203\306!\210\307	!\210\202T\304!\310=\203P\311 \210\312!\211\313=\204:\314\315\n#\210\316\313\"\210)\314\317\320\321\317\"	C\"#\210\202T\322\323!\210)\324\207" [proc code previous get-buffer-process process-status exit accept-process-output eval run vc-set-mode-line-busy-indicator process-sentinel vc-process-sentinel process-put vc-previous-sentinel set-process-sentinel vc-sentinel-commands append process-get error "Unexpected process state" nil] 8 (#$ . 3435)])
#@177 Hook run at the end of `vc-do-command'.
Each function is called inside the buffer in which the command was run
and is passed 3 arguments: the COMMAND, the FILES and the FLAGS.
(defvar vc-post-command-functions nil (#$ . 4146))
#@70 Smash a FILELIST into a file list string suitable for info messages.
(defalias 'vc-delistify #[(filelist) "\204\301\207\302\303\304#\207" [filelist "." mapconcat identity " "] 4 (#$ . 4379)])
#@861 Execute a slave command, notifying user and checking for errors.
Output from COMMAND goes to BUFFER, or the current buffer if
BUFFER is t.  If the destination buffer is not already current,
set it up properly and erase it.  The command is considered
successful if its exit status does not exceed OKSTATUS (if
OKSTATUS is nil, that means to ignore error status, if it is
`async', that means not to wait for termination of the
subprocess; if it is t it means to ignore all execution errors).
FILE-OR-LIST is the name of a working file; it may be a list of
files or be nil (to execute commands that don't expect a file
name or set of files).  If an optional list of FLAGS is present,
that is inserted into the command line before the filename.
Return the return value of the slave command in the synchronous
case, and the process object in the asynchronous case.
(defalias 'vc-do-command #[(buffer okstatus command file-or-list &rest flags) "\306\307<\203\202
C\"\n\310\311O\312\230\203\n\313\310O\202 \n\314\315\306\316\"!\314\315	!\260r
!\210\322p!\211,\203Y\323,!\210)\324\311\"\317\313-./	\203p/	\244/\3250B\317102\326=\203\264\3113\327\330\np\n/%)45\203\230\331\332\f\"\210\3334\334\"\2104-5\203\260\335\331\336\337\fDE!\210)\2025\203\276\331\340\f\"\210\3176\327\341\n\311\317\311/&-)2\317=\204-\250\203\3502\2032-W\203\320p!\313H\342=\204\374\343p!\210eb\210\344 \210\345\346\f-\250\203
\347\350-\"\202-#\2105\203\331\351\f-#\210*\335\352\353\337\nD\337D\337D\257!\210-.\207" [file-or-list files command flags full-command buffer mapcar #[(f) "\301\302!!\207" [f file-relative-name expand-file-name] 3] -1 nil "\n" 0 " " vc-delistify #[(s) "G\301V\203\302\303O\304P\207\207" [s 20 0 2 "..."] 3] t buffer-name vc-setup-buffer get-buffer-process delete-process remq "LC_MESSAGES=C" async apply start-file-process message "Running %s in background..." set-process-filter vc-process-filter vc-exec-after "Running %s in background... done" quote "Running %s in foreground..." process-file 32 pop-to-buffer shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer error "Running %s...FAILED (%s)" format "status %d" "Running %s...OK = %d" run-hook-with-args 'vc-post-command-functions oldproc status inhibit-read-only squeezed process-environment w32-quote-process-args okstatus process-connection-type proc vc-command-messages buffer-undo-list] 8 (#$ . 4582)])
#@278 Run COMMAND asynchronously with ARGS, displaying the result.
Send the output to BUFFER, which should be a buffer or the name
of a buffer, which is created.
ROOT should be the directory in which the command should be run.
Display the buffer in some window, but don't select it.
(defalias 'vc-do-async-command #[(buffer root command &rest args) "\306\307\211\310
q\210db\210`e=\204+\314c\210`\315\261\210\307\211\203R@\316\261\210A\211\204>*\317c\210	\320\321\306\322\307&\210*\323
,\207" [default-directory dir inhibit-read-only window new-window-start buffer t nil get-buffer-create get-buffer-process error "Another VC action on %s is running" "\f\n" "Running \"" " " "\"...\n" apply vc-do-command async display-buffer set-window-start root command args arg --dolist-tail--] 8 (#$ . 7057)])
#@87 Setup `compilation-mode' after with the appropriate `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.
(defalias 'vc-compilation-mode #[(backend) "\303\301\"\304	!\205
	J\305 \210\306\302!\210\n\211*\207" [backend error-regexp-alist compilation-error-regexp-alist vc-make-backend-sym boundp compilation-mode make-local-variable] 3 (#$ . 7951)])
#@346 Set a `vc-exec-after' action appropriate to the current buffer.
This action will update the current buffer after the current
asynchronous VC command has completed.  PROCESS-BUFFER is the
buffer for the asynchronous VC process.

If the current buffer is a VC Dir buffer, call `vc-dir-refresh'.
If the current buffer is a Dired buffer, revert it.
(defalias 'vc-set-async-update #[(process-buffer) "p\303!\304\305!\203 r\nq\210\306\307\310D\311\312BBE!)\202=\304\313!\205=r\nq\210\306\314\310D\315\303D	E\311\316BBF!)*\207" [buf tick process-buffer buffer-modified-tick derived-mode-p vc-dir-mode vc-exec-after if buffer-live-p with-current-buffer ((vc-dir-refresh)) dired-mode and = ((revert-buffer))] 7 (#$ . 8291)])
#@158 Save a bit of the text around POSN in the current buffer.
Used to help us find the corresponding position again later
if markers are destroyed or corrupted.
(defalias 'vc-position-context #[(posn) "\301 d\302\\^{E\207" [posn buffer-size 100] 6 (#$ . 9025)])
#@95 Return the position of CONTEXT in the current buffer.
If CONTEXT cannot be found, return nil.
(defalias 'vc-find-position-by-context #[(context) "\3038\211\304\232\203d\202@\212A@\305 Z\211\306W\203\n[@b\210\307	\310\311#\204;\312`\n	G#b\210\307	\310\311#\205?`	GZ*)\207" [context context-string diff 2 "" buffer-size 0 search-forward nil t -] 5 (#$ . 9292)])
#@50 Return t if POSN matches CONTEXT, nil otherwise.
(defalias 'vc-context-matches-p #[(posn context) "\3058\211G\n\\\211\306 TV?\205	\f{\230+\207" [context context-string len posn end 2 buffer-size] 4 (#$ . 9671)])
Used by `vc-restore-buffer-context' to later restore the context.
(defalias 'vc-buffer-context #[nil "\303`!\304\305 !p=\205\303\305 !\306\211	\306E+\207" [mark-active mark-context point-context vc-position-context marker-buffer mark-marker nil] 4 (#$ . 9898)])
#@118 Restore point/mark, and reparse any affected compilation buffers.
CONTEXT is that which `vc-buffer-context' returns.
(defalias 'vc-restore-buffer-context #[(context) "@A@\306`\n\"\204\307\n!\211\203b\210)\f\2057	\2057\306\310 	\"?\2057\307	!\211\2056\311
!)*\207" [context mark-context point-context new-point mark-active new-mark vc-context-matches-p vc-find-position-by-context mark set-mark] 4 (#$ . 10224)])
#@254 Revert buffer, keeping point and mark where user expects them.
Try to be clever in the face of changes due to expanded version-control
key words.  This is important for typeahead to work as expected.
ARG and NO-CONFIRM are passed on to `revert-buffer'.
(defalias 'vc-revert-buffer-internal #[(&optional arg no-confirm) "~\210\303 \212\304	\n\305#\210)\306!)\207" [context arg no-confirm vc-buffer-context revert-buffer t vc-restore-buffer-context] 4 (#$ . 10658) "P"])
(defvar vc-mode-line-hook nil)
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local vc-mode-line-hook put permanent-local t] 4)
#@379 If FILE is in the current buffer, either revert or unvisit it.
The choice between revert (to see expanded keywords) and unvisit
depends on KEEP.  NOQUERY if non-nil inhibits confirmation for
reverting.  NOQUERY should be t *only* if it is known the only
difference between the buffer and the file is due to
modifications by the dispatcher client code, rather than user
(defalias 'vc-resynch-window #[(file &optional keep noquery reset-vc-info) "	\230\205O\n\203L\306	!\205O\203\307	!\210\310\311\f\"\210
\203G\312	!\2036\203G\313\314 \210)\202G\204G\315N\316=\204G\317 \210\320\321\"\207\322p!\207" [buffer-file-name file keep reset-vc-info noquery view-read-only file-exists-p vc-file-clearprops vc-revert-buffer-internal t file-writable-p nil view-mode-exit mode-class special view-mode-enter run-hook-with-args vc-mode-line-hook kill-buffer view-mode view-old-buffer-read-only major-mode] 3 (#$ . 11287)])
#@51 Resync all buffers that visit files in DIRECTORY.
(defalias 'vc-resynch-buffers-in-directory #[(directory &optional keep noquery reset-vc-info) "\306 \307\211\2051	@\310!\211\203(\311\n\"\203(rq\210\312\n\f
$\210))	A\211\204	\307*\207" [buffer --dolist-tail-- fname directory keep noquery buffer-list nil buffer-file-name string-prefix-p vc-resynch-buffer reset-vc-info] 6 (#$ . 12233)])
#@51 If FILE is currently visited, resynch its buffer.
(defalias 'vc-resynch-buffer #[(file &optional keep noquery reset-vc-info) "	\230\203\306	\n\f$\210\2025\307	!\203 \310	\n\f$\210\2025\311	!\211\2034r
q\210\306	\n\f$\210))\205=\312	!\207" [buffer-file-name file keep noquery reset-vc-info buffer vc-resynch-window file-directory-p vc-resynch-buffers-in-directory get-file-buffer vc-dir-resynch-file vc-dir-buffers] 6 (#$ . 12641)])
#@132 Make sure the current buffer and its working file are in sync.
NOT-URGENT means it is ok to continue if the user says not to save.
(defalias 'vc-buffer-sync #[(&optional not-urgent) "\302 \205\204\303\304\305\306 \"!\203\307 \207	?\205\310\311!\207" [vc-suppress-confirm not-urgent buffer-modified-p y-or-n-p format "Buffer %s modified; save it? " buffer-name save-buffer error "Aborted"] 4 (#$ . 13094)])
#@36 Set up `log-edit' for use on FILE.
(defalias 'vc-log-edit #[(fileset mode backend) "\306\301\"\307\310\311\312\313\311\314\315\316\nDEF\317\320B\321\nBF\311\f%\210\322\311!\210\311\211\207" [vc-parent-buffer default-directory fileset backend mode buffer-file-name buffer-local-value log-edit vc-finish-logentry nil log-edit-listfun lambda mapcar 'file-relative-name quote (log-edit-diff-function . vc-diff) log-edit-vc-backend vc-log-fileset set-buffer-modified-p] 10 (#$ . 13515)])
#@753 Accept a comment for an operation on FILES.
If COMMENT is nil, pop up a LOGBUF buffer, emit MSG, and set the
action on close to ACTION.  If COMMENT is a string and
INITIAL-CONTENTS is non-nil, then COMMENT is used as the initial
contents of the log entry buffer.  If COMMENT is a string and
INITIAL-CONTENTS is nil, do action immediately as if the user had
entered COMMENT.  If COMMENT is t, also do action immediately with an
empty comment.  Remember the file's buffer in `vc-parent-buffer'
(current one if no file).  Puts the log-entry buffer in major-mode
MODE, defaulting to `log-edit-mode' if MODE is nil.
AFTER-HOOK specifies the local value for `vc-log-after-operation-hook'.
BACKEND, if non-nil, specifies a VC backend for the Log Edit buffer.
(defalias 'vc-start-logentry #[(files comment initial-contents msg logbuf mode action &optional after-hook backend) "\306 \203	p\202\203G\307\232\203\310@!\202p\n\203-\204-\311\f!q\210\2023\312\311\f!!\210\313\305!\210	\313\314!\210\315\316
!P\f\317#\210\313\320!\210\203Y\n\203l\321 \210\n;\203l\nc\210\n\203t\203|\322\323\"\202\201\324\n\325=!)\207" [files parent comment initial-contents logbuf vc-parent-buffer vc-dispatcher-browsing 1 get-file-buffer get-buffer-create pop-to-buffer make-local-variable vc-parent-buffer-name " from " buffer-name vc-log-edit vc-log-after-operation-hook erase-buffer message "%s  Type C-c C-c when done" vc-finish-logentry t mode backend after-hook action vc-log-operation msg] 4 (#$ . 14009)])
#@230 Complete the operation implied by the current log entry.
Use the contents of the current buffer as a check-in or registration
comment.  If the optional arg NOCOMMENT is non-nil, then don't check
the buffer contents as a comment.
(defalias 'vc-finish-logentry #[(&optional nocomment) "\204\306\307!\210r	q\210\310 \204\311 \210)\n\204\312\313!\210p\n\314 \f\315	!\210\212\"\210)\203V\203O\316\317\320 #\210\202V\316\321\322#\210\203a\323\324\"\210\310 \203i\325 \210\306
\326\"-\207" [nocomment vc-parent-buffer vc-log-operation vc-log-fileset vc-log-after-operation-hook after-hook run-hooks vc-logentry-check-hook vc-dispatcher-browsing vc-buffer-sync error "No log operation is pending" buffer-string pop-to-buffer quit-windows-on t selected-frame nil 0 mapc #[(file) "\302	\303#\207" [file vc-keep-workfiles vc-resynch-buffer t] 4] vc-dir-move-to-goal-column vc-finish-logentry-hook log-entry log-fileset log-operation logbuf vc-delete-logbuf-window] 5 (#$ . 15543) nil])
#@39 Are we in a directory browser buffer?
(defalias 'vc-dispatcher-browsing #[nil "\300\301!\207" [derived-mode-p vc-dir-mode] 2 (#$ . 16565)])
(provide 'vc-dispatcher)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net