? Fallagassrini

Fallagassrini Bypass Shell

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Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
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Current File : //usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/view.elc

;;; Compiled by mockbuild@buildfarm06-new.corp.cloudlinux.com on Fri Oct 11 10:06:33 2024
;;; from file /builddir/build/BUILD/emacs-24.3/lisp/view.el
;;; in Emacs version 24.3.1
;;; with all optimizations.

;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.

;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.


(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\304\306\307\310&	\210\311\312\313\314\315\316\307\301&\210\311\317\302\320\315\321\307\301&\210\311\322\302\323\315\321\307\301&\210\311\324\325\326\315\321\307\301\327\330&	\210\311\331\302\332\315\321\307\301&\210\311\333\302\334\315\321\307\301\327\335&	\207" [custom-declare-group view nil "Peruse file or buffer without editing." :link (function-link view-mode) (custom-manual "(emacs)Misc File Ops") :group wp custom-declare-variable view-highlight-face 'highlight "The face used for highlighting the match found by View mode search." :type face view-scroll-auto-exit "Non-nil means scrolling past the end of buffer exits View mode.\nA value of nil means attempting to scroll past the end of the buffer,\nonly rings the bell and gives a message on how to leave." boolean view-try-extend-at-buffer-end "Non-nil means try to load more of file when reaching end of buffer.\nThis variable is mainly intended to be temporarily set to non-nil by\nthe F command in view-mode, but you can set it to t if you want the action\nfor all scroll commands in view mode." view-remove-frame-by-deleting t "Determine how View mode removes a frame no longer needed.\nIf nil, make an icon of the frame.  If non-nil, delete the frame." :version "23.1" view-exits-all-viewing-windows "Non-nil means restore all windows used to view buffer.\nCommands that restore windows when finished viewing a buffer,\napply to all windows that display the buffer and have restore\ninformation.  If `view-exits-all-viewing-windows' is nil, only\nthe selected window is considered for restoring." view-inhibit-help-message "Non-nil inhibits the help message shown upon entering View mode." "22.1"] 10)
#@148 Non-nil if View mode is enabled.
Don't change this variable directly, you must change it by one of the
functions that enable or disable view mode.
(defvar view-mode nil (#$ . 2259))
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local view-mode custom-declare-variable view-mode-hook nil "Normal hook run when starting to view a buffer or file." :type hook :group view] 8)
(defvar view-old-buffer-read-only nil)
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [make-variable-buffer-local view-old-buffer-read-only view-old-Helper-return-blurb] 2)
#@97 Default number of lines to scroll by View page commands.
If nil that means use the window size.
(defvar view-page-size nil (#$ . 2844))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'view-page-size)
#@107 Default number of lines to scroll by View half page commands.
If nil that means use half the window size.
(defvar view-half-page-size nil (#$ . 3032))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'view-half-page-size)
(defvar view-last-regexp nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'view-last-regexp)
#@361 What to do with used windows and where to go when finished viewing buffer.
This is local in each buffer being viewed.
It is added to by `view-mode-enter' when starting to view a buffer and
subtracted from by `view-mode-exit' when finished viewing the buffer.

See RETURN-TO-ALIST argument of function `view-mode-exit' for the format of
(defvar view-return-to-alist nil (#$ . 3317))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301!\210\305\301\306\307#\207" [make-obsolete-variable view-return-to-alist "this variable is no more used." "24.1" make-variable-buffer-local put permanent-local t] 4)
#@287 If non-nil, a function with one argument (a buffer) called when finished viewing.
Commands like \[view-file] and \[view-file-other-window] may
set this to bury or kill the viewed buffer.
Observe that the buffer viewed might not appear in any window at
the time this function is called.
(defvar view-exit-action nil (#$ . 3937))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'view-exit-action)
#@240 If non-nil, View mode "exit" commands don't actually disable View mode.
Instead, these commands just switch buffers or windows.
This is set in certain buffers by specialized features such as help commands
that use View mode automatically.
(defvar view-no-disable-on-exit nil (#$ . 4319))
#@114 Overlay used to display where a search operation found its match.
This is local in each buffer, once it is used.
(defvar view-overlay nil (#$ . 4614))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'view-overlay)
(defvar view-mode-map (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\310#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\314#\210\302\315\316#\210\302\317\320#\210\302\321\322#\210\302\323\324#\210\302\325\326#\210\302\327\330#\210\302\331\332#\210\302\333\334#\210\302\335\336#\210\302\337\340#\210\302\341\342#\210\302\343\344#\210\302\345\346#\210\302\347\350#\210\302\351\352#\210\302\353\354#\210\302\355\356#\210\302\357\360#\210\302\361\360#\210\302\362\363#\210\302\364\365#\210\302\366\367#\210\302\370\371#\210\302\372\373#\210\302\374\375#\210\302\376\377#\210\302\201@\201A#\210\302\201B\201C#\210\302\201D\201E#\210\302\201F\201G#\210\302\201H\201G#\210\302\201I\201G#\210\302\201J\201G#\210\302\201K\201G#\210\302\201L\201G#\210\302\201M\201G#\210\302\201N\201G#\210\302\201O\201G#\210\302\201P\201G#\210\302\201Q\201R#\210\302\201S\201R#\210\302\201T\201R#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap define-key "C" View-kill-and-leave "c" View-leave "Q" View-quit-all "E" View-exit-and-edit "e" View-exit "q" View-quit "p" View-search-last-regexp-backward "n" View-search-last-regexp-forward "\\" View-search-regexp-backward "/" View-search-regexp-forward "r" isearch-backward "s" isearch-forward "m" point-to-register "'" register-to-point "x" exchange-point-and-mark "@" View-back-to-mark "." set-mark-command "%" View-goto-percent "g" View-goto-line "=" what-line "F" View-revert-buffer-scroll-page-forward "y" View-scroll-line-backward "\n" View-scroll-line-forward "
" "u" View-scroll-half-page-backward "d" View-scroll-half-page-forward "z" View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size "w" View-scroll-page-backward-set-page-size "" View-scroll-page-backward " " View-scroll-page-forward "o" View-scroll-to-buffer-end ">" end-of-buffer "<" beginning-of-buffer "-" negative-argument "9" digit-argument "8" "7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2" "1" "0" "H" describe-mode "?" "h"] 4))
#@65 Like `kill-buffer', but does nothing if the buffer is modified.
(defalias 'kill-buffer-if-not-modified #[(buf) "\301!\211\205\302!?\205\303!)\207" [buf get-buffer buffer-modified-p kill-buffer] 3 (#$ . 6765)])
#@401 View FILE in View mode, returning to previous buffer when done.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead, a
special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation) are defined for
moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.
(defalias 'view-file #[(file) "\303!\204\304\305\"\210\306!\307!\310	\n?\205\311\"*\207" [file buffer had-a-buf file-exists-p error "%s does not exist" get-file-buffer find-file-noselect view-buffer kill-buffer-if-not-modified] 3 (#$ . 6990) "fView file: "])
#@515 View FILE in View mode in another window.
When done, return that window to its previous buffer, and kill the
buffer visiting FILE if unmodified and if it wasn't visited before.

Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead,
a special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation)
are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.
(defalias 'view-file-other-window #[(file) "\303!\204\304\305\"\210\306!\307!\310	\311\n?\205\312#*\207" [file buf-to-view had-a-buf file-exists-p error "%s does not exist" get-file-buffer find-file-noselect view-buffer-other-window nil kill-buffer-if-not-modified] 4 (#$ . 7666) "fIn other window view file: "])
#@532 View FILE in View mode in another frame.
When done, kill the buffer visiting FILE if unmodified and if it wasn't
visited before; also, maybe delete other frame and/or return to previous

Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead,
a special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation)
are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.
(defalias 'view-file-other-frame #[(file) "\303!\204\304\305\"\210\306!\307!\310	\311\n?\205\312#*\207" [file buf-to-view had-a-buf file-exists-p error "%s does not exist" get-file-buffer find-file-noselect view-buffer-other-frame nil kill-buffer-if-not-modified] 4 (#$ . 8510) "fIn other frame view file: "])
#@1015 View BUFFER in View mode, returning to previous buffer when done.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead, a
special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation) are defined for
moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION is either nil or a function with buffer as
argument.  This function is called when finished viewing buffer.  Use
this argument instead of explicitly setting `view-exit-action'.

Do not set EXIT-ACTION to `kill-buffer' when BUFFER visits a
file: Users may suspend viewing in order to modify the buffer.
Exiting View mode will then discard the user's edits.  Setting
EXIT-ACTION to `kill-buffer-if-not-modified' avoids this.

This function does not enable View mode if the buffer's major-mode
has a `special' mode-class, because such modes usually have their
own View-like bindings.
(defalias 'view-buffer #[(buffer &optional exit-action) "\303!\210	\304N\305=\203\306\307!\207\310\311\n\"\207" [buffer major-mode exit-action switch-to-buffer mode-class special message "Not using View mode because the major mode is special" view-mode-enter nil] 3 (#$ . 9369) "bView buffer: "])
#@789 View BUFFER in View mode in another window.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available;
instead, a special set of commands (mostly letters and
punctuation) are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Optional argument NOT-RETURN is ignored.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION is either nil or a function with buffer as
argument.  This function is called when finished viewing buffer.  Use
this argument instead of explicitly setting `view-exit-action'.

This function does not enable View mode if the buffer's major-mode
has a `special' mode-class, because such modes usually have their
own View-like bindings.
(defalias 'view-buffer-other-window #[(buffer &optional not-return exit-action) "\304\305	\304\"\210)\n\306N\307=\203\310\311!\207\312\313\"\207" [pop-up-windows buffer major-mode exit-action t pop-to-buffer mode-class special message "Not using View mode because the major mode is special" view-mode-enter nil] 3 (#$ . 10690) "bIn other window view buffer:\nP"])
#@788 View BUFFER in View mode in another frame.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available;
instead, a special set of commands (mostly letters and
punctuation) are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Optional argument NOT-RETURN is ignored.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION is either nil or a function with buffer as
argument.  This function is called when finished viewing buffer.  Use
this argument instead of explicitly setting `view-exit-action'.

This function does not enable View mode if the buffer's major-mode
has a `special' mode-class, because such modes usually have their
own View-like bindings.
(defalias 'view-buffer-other-frame #[(buffer &optional not-return exit-action) "\304\305	\304\"\210)\n\306N\307=\203\310\311!\207\312\313\"\207" [pop-up-frames buffer major-mode exit-action t pop-to-buffer mode-class special message "Not using View mode because the major mode is special" view-mode-enter nil] 3 (#$ . 11853) "bView buffer in other frame: \nP"])
#@87 Non-nil if View mode is enabled.
Use the command `view-mode' to change this variable.
(defvar view-mode nil (#$ . 13012))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'view-mode)
#@4732 Toggle View mode, a minor mode for viewing text but not editing it.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable View mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise.  If called from Lisp, enable View mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

When View mode is enabled, commands that do not change the buffer
contents are available as usual.  Kill commands insert text in
kill buffers but do not delete.  Most other commands beep and
tell the user that the buffer is read-only.


The following additional commands are provided.  Most commands
take prefix arguments.  Page commands default to "page size"
lines which is almost a whole window, or number of lines set by
\[View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size] or \[View-scroll-page-backward-set-page-size].
Half page commands default to and set "half page size" lines
which initially is half a window full.  Search commands default
to a repeat count of one.

H, h, ?	 This message.
Digits	provide prefix arguments.
\[negative-argument]	negative prefix argument.
\[beginning-of-buffer]	move to the beginning of buffer.
>	move to the end of buffer.
\[View-scroll-to-buffer-end]	scroll so that buffer end is at last line of window.
SPC	scroll forward "page size" lines.
	  With prefix scroll forward prefix lines.
DEL	scroll backward "page size" lines.
	  With prefix scroll backward prefix lines.
\[View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size]	like  \[View-scroll-page-forward]  but with prefix sets "page size" to prefix.
\[View-scroll-page-backward-set-page-size]	like  \[View-scroll-page-backward]  but with prefix sets "page size" to prefix.
\[View-scroll-half-page-forward]	scroll forward "half page size" lines.  With prefix, sets
	  "half page size" to prefix lines and scrolls forward that much.
\[View-scroll-half-page-backward]	scroll backward "half page size" lines.  With prefix, sets
	  "half page size" to prefix lines and scrolls backward that much.
RET, LFD  scroll forward one line.  With prefix scroll forward prefix line(s).
y	scroll backward one line.  With prefix scroll backward prefix line(s).
\[View-revert-buffer-scroll-page-forward]	revert-buffer if necessary and scroll forward.
	  Use this to view a changing file.
\[what-line]	prints the current line number.
\[View-goto-percent]	goes prefix argument (default 100) percent into buffer.
\[View-goto-line]	goes to line given by prefix argument (default first line).
.	set the mark.
x	exchanges point and mark.
\[View-back-to-mark]	return to mark and pops mark ring.
	  Mark ring is pushed at start of every successful search and when
	  jump to line occurs.  The mark is set on jump to buffer start or end.
\[point-to-register]	save current position in character register.
'	go to position saved in character register.
s	do forward incremental search.
r	do reverse incremental search.
\[View-search-regexp-forward]	searches forward for regular expression, starting after current page.
	  ! and @ have a special meaning at the beginning of the regexp.
	  ! means search for a line with no match for regexp.  @ means start
	  search at beginning (end for backward search) of buffer.
\	searches backward for regular expression, starting before current page.
\[View-search-last-regexp-forward]	searches forward for last regular expression.
p	searches backward for last regular expression.
\[View-quit]	quit View mode, restoring this window and buffer to previous state.
	  \[View-quit] is the normal way to leave view mode.
\[View-exit]	exit View mode but stay in current buffer.  Use this if you started
	  viewing a buffer (file) and find out you want to edit it.
	  This command restores the previous read-only status of the buffer.
\[View-exit-and-edit]	exit View mode, and make the current buffer editable
	  even if it was not editable before entry to View mode.
\[View-quit-all]	quit View mode, restoring all windows to previous state.
\[View-leave]	quit View mode and maybe switch buffers, but don't kill this buffer.
\[View-kill-and-leave]	quit View mode, kill current buffer and go back to other buffer.

The effect of \[View-leave], \[View-quit] and \[View-kill-and-leave] depends on how view-mode was entered.  If it was
entered by view-file, view-file-other-window, view-file-other-frame, or
\[dired-view-file] (\[view-file], \[view-file-other-window],
\[view-file-other-frame], or the Dired mode v command),
then \[View-quit] will try to kill the current buffer.
If view-mode was entered from another buffer, by \[view-buffer],
\[view-buffer-other-window], \[view-buffer-other frame], \[view-file],
\[view-file-other-window], or \[view-file-other-frame],
then \[View-leave], \[View-quit] and \[View-kill-and-leave] will return to that buffer.

Entry to view-mode runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.
(defalias 'view-mode #[(&optional arg) "\303 	\304=\203\n?\202\305	!\306V\211\203\307 \210\202!\310 \210\311\312\n\203+\313\202,\314\"\210\315\316!\203M\303 \203@\303 \232\203M\317\320\n\203J\321\202K\322\"\210)\323 \210\n\207" [#1=#:last-message arg view-mode current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 view-mode-enable view-mode-disable run-hooks view-mode-hook view-mode-on-hook view-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "View mode %sabled" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update] 4 (#$ . 13182) (list (or current-prefix-arg 'toggle))])
(byte-code "\301\302\303\304\211%\207" [view-mode-map add-minor-mode view-mode " View" nil] 6)
#@20 Turn on View mode.
(defalias 'view-mode-enable #[nil "\306\307\310\311\312$\210\312\311\211\312\313\305!\2032\313\305!\205
\314\315\316 \203.\317\316 !\2020\320 \"\321 \210\322\323!\207" [view-mode view-page-size view-half-page-size buffer-read-only view-old-buffer-read-only Helper-return-blurb add-hook change-major-mode-hook view-mode-disable nil t boundp format "continue viewing %s" buffer-file-name file-name-nondirectory buffer-name force-mode-line-update run-hooks view-mode-hook view-old-Helper-return-blurb] 6 (#$ . 18582)])
#@21 Turn off View mode.
(defalias 'view-mode-disable #[nil "\306\307\310\311#\210\203\312!\210\313 \210\314\315!\203\316\315!\210\317\320\303!\203%\n\f\205,
\211\207" [view-overlay view-mode view-old-Helper-return-blurb Helper-return-blurb buffer-read-only view-old-buffer-read-only remove-hook change-major-mode-hook view-mode-disable t delete-overlay force-mode-line-update local-variable-p view-read-only kill-local-variable nil boundp] 4 (#$ . 19137)])
#@458 Update `view-return-to-alist' of buffer BUFFER.
Remove from `view-return-to-alist' all entries referencing dead
windows.  Optional argument ITEM non-nil means add ITEM to
`view-return-to-alist' after purging.  For a description of items
that can be added see the RETURN-TO-ALIST argument of the
function `view-mode-exit'.  If `view-return-to-alist' contains an
entry for the selected window, purge that entry from
`view-return-to-alist' before adding ITEM.
(defalias 'view-return-to-alist-update #[(buffer &optional item) "rq\210	\203N	\306\211\306\n\203M\n@\211@\307\f!\203D\n\203,\f\310 =\2042\311\f!\204D
\nA\241\210\202F	A\202F\nA\211\204,\n\205Y\n	B\211)\207" [buffer view-return-to-alist list entry entry-window last nil windowp selected-window window-live-p item] 3 (#$ . 19608)])
(make-obsolete 'view-return-to-alist-update "this function has no effect." "24.1")
#@581 Enter View mode and set up exit from view mode depending on optional arguments.
Optional argument QUIT-RESTORE if non-nil must specify a valid
entry for quitting and restoring any window showing the current
buffer.  This entry replaces any parameter installed by
`display-buffer' and is used by `view-mode-exit'.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION, if non-nil, must specify a
function that takes a buffer as argument.  This function will be
called by `view-mode-exit'.

For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This function runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.
(defalias 'view-mode-enter #[(&optional quit-restore exit-action) "\203!\306\307\211\310#\307\211\203 \n@\311	\300#\210\nA\211\204*\203'
?\205>\312 \210\313 \210?\205>\314\315\316\317!\"\207" [quit-restore window --dolist-tail-- exit-action view-exit-action view-mode get-buffer-window-list nil t set-window-parameter view-mode-enable force-mode-line-update message "%s" substitute-command-keys "View mode: type \\[help-command] for help, \\[describe-mode] for commands, \\[View-quit] to quit." view-inhibit-help-message] 5 (#$ . 20519)])
#@718 Exit View mode in various ways.
If all arguments are nil, remove the current buffer from the
selected window using the `quit-restore' information associated
with the selected window.  If optional argument ALL-WINDOWS or
`view-exits-all-viewing-windows' are non-nil, remove the current
buffer from all windows showing it.

Optional argument EXIT-ONLY non-nil means just exit `view-mode'
(unless `view-no-disable-on-exit' is non-nil) but do not change
the associations of any windows with the current buffer.

EXIT-ACTION, if non-nil, must specify a function that is called
with the current buffer as argument and is called after disabling
`view-mode' and removing any associations of windows with the
current buffer. 
(defalias 'view-mode-exit #[(&optional exit-only exit-action all-windows) "\205U\306 \n\204\307 \210?\205T\f\204
\203>\310 \311\f\211
\204&*\202H\306 p=\203H\312 \210\203R	!\210\313 )\207" [view-mode buffer view-no-disable-on-exit exit-only all-windows view-exits-all-viewing-windows window-buffer view-mode-disable get-buffer-window-list nil quit-window force-mode-line-update window --dolist-tail-- exit-action] 4 (#$ . 21663)])
#@44 Exit View mode but stay in current buffer.
(defalias 'View-exit #[nil "\300\301!\207" [view-mode-exit t] 2 (#$ . 22875) nil])
#@54 Exit View mode and make the current buffer editable.
(defalias 'View-exit-and-edit #[nil "\302\211\303\304!*\207" [view-no-disable-on-exit view-old-buffer-read-only nil view-mode-exit t] 2 (#$ . 23007) nil])
#@70 Quit View mode and maybe switch buffers, but don't kill this buffer.
(defalias 'View-leave #[nil "\300 \207" [view-mode-exit] 1 (#$ . 23223) nil])
#@183 Quit View mode, trying to restore window and buffer to previous state.
Maybe kill this buffer.  Try to restore selected window to previous state
and go to previous buffer or window.
(defalias 'View-quit #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [view-exit-action view-mode-exit nil] 3 (#$ . 23377) nil])
#@199 Quit View mode, trying to restore windows and buffers to previous state.
Maybe kill current buffer.  Try to restore all windows viewing buffer to
previous state and go to previous buffer or window.
(defalias 'View-quit-all #[nil "\301\302\303#\207" [view-exit-action view-mode-exit nil t] 4 (#$ . 23670) nil])
#@68 Quit View mode, kill current buffer and return to previous buffer.
(defalias 'View-kill-and-leave #[nil "\301\302\206\303\304#\207" [view-exit-action view-mode-exit nil kill-buffer t] 4 (#$ . 23987) nil])
(defalias 'view-window-size #[nil "\301\302!\211\203A@T\202\303 S)\207" [h window-line-height -1 window-height] 3])
(defalias 'view-recenter #[nil "\300\301!\207" [recenter (1)] 2])
(defalias 'view-page-size-default #[(lines) "\205\302\303!\211!?\205\304!\304\305 	Z!X\205\304!\207" [lines next-screen-context-lines zerop prefix-numeric-value abs view-window-size] 4])
(defalias 'view-set-half-page-size-default #[(lines) "\204
	\206#\302 \303\245\207\304\305!\211!\203\302 \303\245\202!\306!\211\207" [lines view-half-page-size view-window-size 2 zerop prefix-numeric-value view-page-size-default] 3])
#@138 Move to end (or prefix PERCENT) of buffer in View mode.
Display is centered at point.
Also set the mark at the position where point was.
(defalias 'View-goto-percent #[(&optional percent) "\301 \210\203e\302\303deZ\304\305\306\307!^]#!\\\202db\210\310 \207" [percent push-mark floor * 0.01 0 100 prefix-numeric-value view-recenter] 9 (#$ . 24832) "P"])
#@131 Move to first (or prefix LINE) line in View mode.
Display is centered at LINE.
Also set the mark at the position where point was.
(defalias 'View-goto-line #[(&optional line) "\301 \210eb\210Sy\210\302 \207" [line push-mark view-recenter] 1 (#$ . 25198) "p"])
#@199 Return to last mark set in View mode, else beginning of file.
Display that line at the center of the window.
This command pops the mark ring, so that successive
invocations return to earlier marks.
(defalias 'View-back-to-mark #[(&optional _ignore) "\300\301!\206eb\210\302 \210\303 \207" [mark t pop-mark view-recenter] 2 (#$ . 25466) nil])
(defalias 'view-scroll-lines #[(lines backward default maxdefault) "\203\305\306!\211!\203	\203 \307W\203 \n?[\2031\2031\310 V\2031\311\n\2039\312!\207\313 \203K\f\203E\314 \207\315 \210\316 \207\317!\210\313 \205V\316 \207" [lines default backward maxdefault view-scroll-auto-exit zerop prefix-numeric-value 0 view-window-size nil scroll-down view-really-at-end View-quit ding view-end-message scroll-up] 3])
(defalias 'view-really-at-end #[nil "\304d!\205Pp\305 \306 ?\206O?\206O\307\n!\206O\310!?\206O\311\n!\203F\312!\313\314\315	\230\203=\316\202@\317	P#!?\206O\320\321\211\211#\210\304d!+\207" [file bufname buf view-try-extend-at-buffer-end pos-visible-in-window-p buffer-name buffer-file-name verify-visited-file-modtime file-exists-p buffer-modified-p file-name-nondirectory yes-or-no-p format "File %s changed on disk.  Discard your edits%s? " "" " in " revert-buffer t] 6])
(defalias 'view-end-message #[nil "db\210\301\302\303\"\203\304\305\306\203\307\202\310!\"\207\304\311!\207" [view-scroll-auto-exit window-parameter nil quit-restore message "End of buffer.  Type %s to quit viewing." substitute-command-keys "\\[View-scroll-page-forward]" "\\[View-quit]" "End of buffer"] 4])
#@74 Scroll backward or forward so that buffer end is at last line of window.
(defalias 'View-scroll-to-buffer-end #[nil "\301d!\205`db\210\302\303!\210\205b)\207" [p pos-visible-in-window-p recenter -1] 2 (#$ . 27064) nil])
#@357 Scroll "page size" or prefix LINES lines forward in View mode.
Exit if end of text is visible and `view-scroll-auto-exit' is non-nil.
"page size" is whole window full, or number of lines set by
\[View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size] or
If LINES is more than a window-full, only the last window-full is shown.
(defalias 'View-scroll-page-forward #[(&optional lines) "\302\303\304	!\303$\207" [lines view-page-size view-scroll-lines nil view-page-size-default] 5 (#$ . 27298) "P"])
#@102 Scroll "page size" or prefix LINES lines backward in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-page-forward'.
(defalias 'View-scroll-page-backward #[(&optional lines) "\302\303\304	!\305$\207" [lines view-page-size view-scroll-lines t view-page-size-default nil] 5 (#$ . 27833) "P"])
#@435 Scroll forward LINES lines in View mode, setting the "page size".
This is the number of lines which \[View-scroll-page-forward] and
\[View-scroll-page-backward] scroll by default.
If LINES is omitted or = 0, sets "page size" to window height and
scrolls forward that much, otherwise scrolls forward LINES lines and sets
"page size" to the minimum of window height and the absolute value of LINES.
See also `View-scroll-page-forward'.
(defalias 'View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size #[(&optional lines) "\302\303\304!\211\303$\207" [lines view-page-size view-scroll-lines nil view-page-size-default] 5 (#$ . 28116) "P"])
#@126 Scroll backward prefix LINES lines in View mode, setting the "page size".
See also `View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size'.
(defalias 'View-scroll-page-backward-set-page-size #[(&optional lines) "\302\303\304!\211\305$\207" [lines view-page-size view-scroll-lines t view-page-size-default nil] 5 (#$ . 28748) "P"])
#@176 Scroll forward one line (or prefix LINES lines) in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-page-forward', but note that scrolling is limited
to minimum of LINES and one window-full.
(defalias 'View-scroll-line-forward #[(&optional lines) "\301\302\303\304$\207" [lines view-scroll-lines nil 1 t] 5 (#$ . 29074) "P"])
#@101 Scroll backward one line (or prefix LINES lines) in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-line-forward'.
(defalias 'View-scroll-line-backward #[(&optional lines) "\301\302\303\302$\207" [lines view-scroll-lines t 1] 5 (#$ . 29392) "P"])
#@241 Scroll forward a "half page" (or prefix LINES) lines in View mode.
If LINES is not omitted, the "half page size" is set to the minimum of
window height and the absolute value of LINES.
LINES=0 resets "half page size" to half window height.
(defalias 'View-scroll-half-page-forward #[(&optional lines) "\301\302\303!\304$\207" [lines view-scroll-lines nil view-set-half-page-size-default t] 5 (#$ . 29632) "P"])
#@111 Scroll backward a "half page" (or prefix LINES) lines in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-half-page-forward'.
(defalias 'View-scroll-half-page-backward #[(&optional lines) "\301\302\303!\302$\207" [lines view-scroll-lines t view-set-half-page-size-default] 5 (#$ . 30052) "P"])
#@519 Scroll forward, reverting buffer if needed, in View mode.
If buffer has not been changed and the corresponding file is newer, first
revert the buffer, then scroll.
This command is useful if you are viewing a changing file.

The prefix argument LINES says how many lines to scroll.
If you don't specify a prefix argument, it uses the number of lines set by
\[View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size] or
If LINES is more than a window-full, only the last window-full is shown.
(defalias 'View-revert-buffer-scroll-page-forward #[(&optional lines) "\304\305\306\n\304\307!\304$*\207" [view-try-extend-at-buffer-end view-scroll-auto-exit lines view-page-size nil t view-scroll-lines view-page-size-default] 5 (#$ . 30339) "P"])
#@733 Search forward for first (or prefix Nth) occurrence of REGEXP in View mode.

Displays line found at center of window.  Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

Characters @ and ! are special at the beginning of REGEXP.  They modify
the search rather than become part of the pattern searched for.
@ means search all the buffer i.e. start search at the beginning of buffer.
! means search for a line that contains no match for the pattern.
If REGEXP is empty or only consist of these control characters, then
an earlier remembered REGEXP is used, otherwise REGEXP is remembered
for use by later search commands.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used
for highlighting the match that is found.
(defalias 'View-search-regexp-forward #[(n regexp) "\302	\"\207" [n regexp view-search] 3 (#$ . 31116) "p\nsSearch forward (regexp): "])
#@728 Search backward for first (or prefix Nth) occurrence of REGEXP in View mode.

Displays line found at center of window.  Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

Characters @ and ! are special at the beginning of REGEXP.  They modify
the search rather than become part of the pattern searched for.
@ means search all the buffer i.e. start search at the end of buffer.
! means search for a line that contains no match for the pattern.
If REGEXP is empty or only consist of these control characters, then
an earlier remembered REGEXP is used, otherwise REGEXP is remembered
for use by later search commands.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used
for highlighting the match that is found.
(defalias 'View-search-regexp-backward #[(n regexp) "\302[	\"\207" [n regexp view-search] 3 (#$ . 31993) "p\nsSearch backward (regexp): "])
#@284 Search forward for first (or prefix Nth) instance of last regexp in View mode.
Displays line found at center of window.  Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used
for highlighting the match that is found.
(defalias 'View-search-last-regexp-forward #[(n) "\301\302\"\207" [n view-search nil] 3 (#$ . 32868) "p"])
#@285 Search backward for first (or prefix Nth) instance of last regexp in View mode.
Displays line found at center of window.  Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used
for highlighting the match that is found.
(defalias 'View-search-last-regexp-backward #[(n) "\301[\302\"\207" [n view-search nil] 3 (#$ . 33266) "p"])
(defalias 'view-search #[(times regexp) "\306\211\211\211\f\203R\fG\307V\203R\310\f!\311>\203D\f\307\312O\313\235\203-\314\211\312\2028\310\f!\315=\211?\316\f\306O\211G\307V\203R\n\203M\fC\202N\f\202z
\n\203z\fC\202z\317\320!\210\212	\203\220\"\307W\203\212d\202\213eb\210\202\237\321\"\307W\203\234\307\202\235\322!\210\n\203\253\323\"\f\"\202\262\324\f\306\314\"$\203\267`)\203\353\325 \210b\210#\203\323\326#\307\224\307\225#\210\202\333\327\307\224\307\225\"#\330#\331$#\210\332 \210\333 \202\376\334\335\"\n\203\367\336\202\370\337\f$\210\340\341!,\207" [ln end no where regexp view-last-regexp nil 0 string-to-char (33 64) 2 ("!@" "@!") t 64 1 error "No previous View-mode search" move-to-window-line -1 view-search-no-match-lines re-search-forward push-mark move-overlay make-overlay overlay-put face beginning-of-line view-recenter message "Can't find occurrence %d of %s%s" "no " "" sit-for 4 times view-overlay view-highlight-face] 6])
#@188 Search for the TIMESth occurrence of a line with no match for REGEXP.
If such a line is found, return non-nil and set the match-data to that line.
If TIMES is negative, search backwards.
(defalias 'view-search-no-match-lines #[(times regexp) "\303Y\203\n\304\202[\305\303V\2036\306	y!\2036m\203&\305\211\202\307\n\310 \311#\204S\211\202)\306!\205@\312\313!\207" [times step regexp 0 1 -1 zerop re-search-forward line-end-position t looking-at ".*"] 5 (#$ . 34708)])
(provide 'view)

bypass 1.0, Devloped By El Moujahidin (the source has been moved and devloped)
Email: contact@elmoujehidin.net