Current Path : /home1/savoy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Views/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : /home1/savoy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Views/AdminNotices.php |
<?php namespace Duplicator\Views; use Closure; use DUP_Server; use Duplicator\Core\MigrationMng; use Duplicator\Utils\LinkManager; use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapUtil; use Duplicator\Core\Controllers\ControllersManager; use Duplicator\Utils\Autoloader; use Exception; /** * Admin Notices */ class AdminNotices { const OPTION_KEY_MIGRATION_SUCCESS_NOTICE = 'duplicator_migration_success'; const OPTION_KEY_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS_AFTER_INSTALL = 'duplicator_activate_plugins_after_installation'; //TEMPLATE VALUE: This is a just a simple example for setting up quick notices const OPTION_KEY_NEW_NOTICE_TEMPLATE = 'duplicator_new_template_notice'; const OPTION_KEY_IS_ENABLE_NOTICE_DISMISSED = 'duplicator_is_enable_notice_dismissed'; const OPTION_KEY_IS_MU_NOTICE_DISMISSED = 'duplicator_is_mu_notice_dismissed'; const GEN_INFO_NOTICE = 0; const GEN_SUCCESS_NOTICE = 1; const GEN_WARNING_NOTICE = 2; const GEN_ERROR_NOTICE = 3; /** * init notice actions * * @return void */ public static function init() { add_action('admin_init', array(__CLASS__, 'adminInit')); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(__CLASS__, 'unhookThirdPartyNotices'), 99999, 1); } /** * init notice actions * * @return void */ public static function adminInit() { $notices = array(); if (is_multisite()) { $noCapabilitiesNotice = is_super_admin() && !current_user_can('export'); } else { $noCapabilitiesNotice = in_array('administrator', $GLOBALS['current_user']->roles) && !current_user_can('export'); } if ($noCapabilitiesNotice) { $notices[] = array(__CLASS__, 'showNoExportCapabilityNotice'); } if (is_multisite()) { $displayNotices = is_super_admin() && current_user_can('export'); } else { $displayNotices = current_user_can('export'); } if ($displayNotices) { $notices[] = array(__CLASS__, 'clearInstallerFilesAction'); // BEFORE MIGRATION SUCCESS NOTICE $notices[] = array(__CLASS__, 'migrationSuccessNotice'); $notices[] = array(__CLASS__, 'installAutoDeactivatePlugins'); } $action = is_multisite() ? 'network_admin_notices' : 'admin_notices'; foreach ($notices as $notice) { add_action($action, $notice); } } /** * Remove all notices coming from other plugins * * @param string $hook Hook string * * @return void */ public static function unhookThirdPartyNotices($hook) { if (!ControllersManager::isDuplicatorPage()) { return; } global $wp_filter; $filterHooks = array('user_admin_notices', 'admin_notices', 'all_admin_notices', 'network_admin_notices'); foreach ($filterHooks as $filterHook) { if (empty($wp_filter[$filterHook]->callbacks) || !is_array($wp_filter[$filterHook]->callbacks)) { continue; } foreach ($wp_filter[$filterHook]->callbacks as $priority => $hooks) { foreach ($hooks as $name => $arr) { if (is_object($arr['function']) && $arr['function'] instanceof Closure) { unset($wp_filter[$filterHook]->callbacks[$priority][$name]); continue; } if ( !empty($arr['function'][0]) && is_object($arr['function'][0]) && strpos(get_class($arr['function'][0]), Autoloader::ROOT_NAMESPACE) === 0 ) { continue; } if (!empty($name) && strpos($name, Autoloader::ROOT_NAMESPACE) !== 0) { unset($wp_filter[$filterHook]->callbacks[$priority][$name]); } } } } } /** * Clear installer file action * * @return void */ public static function clearInstallerFilesAction() { if (!\DUP_CTRL_Tools::isDiagnosticPage() || get_option(self::OPTION_KEY_MIGRATION_SUCCESS_NOTICE) == true) { return; } if (SnapUtil::filterInputRequest('action', FILTER_DEFAULT) === 'installer') { if (! wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'duplicator_cleanup_page')) { echo '<p>' . __('Security issue', 'duplicator') . '</p>'; exit; // Get out of here bad nounce! } ?> <div id="message" class="notice notice-success"> <?php require DUPLICATOR_LITE_PATH . '/views/parts/migration-clean-installation-files.php'; ?> </div> <?php } } /** * Shows a display message in the wp-admin if any reserved files are found * * @return void */ public static function migrationSuccessNotice() { if (get_option(self::OPTION_KEY_MIGRATION_SUCCESS_NOTICE) != true) { return; } if (\DUP_CTRL_Tools::isDiagnosticPage()) { require DUPLICATOR_LITE_PATH . '/views/parts/migration-message.php'; } else { require DUPLICATOR_LITE_PATH . '/views/parts/migration-almost-complete.php'; } } /** * Shows a display message in the wp-admin if any reserved files are found * * @return string Html formatted text notice warnings */ public static function showReservedFilesNotice() { //Show only on Duplicator pages and Dashboard when plugin is active $dup_active = is_plugin_active('duplicator/duplicator.php'); $dup_perm = current_user_can('manage_options'); if (!$dup_active || !$dup_perm) { return; } $screen = get_current_screen(); if (!isset($screen)) { return; } $is_installer_cleanup_req = ($screen->id == 'duplicator_page_duplicator-tools' && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'installer'); if (DUP_Server::hasInstallerFiles() && !$is_installer_cleanup_req) { MigrationMng::renameInstallersPhpFiles(); $on_active_tab = isset($_GET['section']) ? $_GET['section'] : ''; echo '<div class="dup-updated notice notice-success dup-global-error-reserved-files" id="message"><p>'; //Safe Mode Notice $safe_html = ''; if (get_option("duplicator_exe_safe_mode", 0) > 0) { $safe_msg1 = __('Safe Mode:', 'duplicator'); $safe_msg2 = __('During the install safe mode was enabled deactivating all plugins.<br/> Please be sure to ', 'duplicator'); $safe_msg3 = __('re-activate the plugins', 'duplicator'); $safe_html = "<div class='notice-safemode'><b>{$safe_msg1}</b><br/>{$safe_msg2} <a href='plugins.php'>{$safe_msg3}</a>!</div><br/>"; } //On Tools > Cleanup Page if ($screen->id == 'duplicator_page_duplicator-tools' && ($on_active_tab == "info" || $on_active_tab == '')) { $title = __('This site has been successfully migrated!', 'duplicator'); $msg1 = __('Final step(s):', 'duplicator'); $msg2 = __('This message will be removed after all installer files are removed. Installer files must be removed to maintain a secure site. ' . 'Click the link above or button below to remove all installer files and complete the migration.', 'duplicator'); echo "<b class='pass-msg'><i class='fa fa-check-circle'></i> " . esc_html($title) . "</b> <br/> {$safe_html} <b>" . esc_html($msg1) . "</b> <br/>"; printf( "1. <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='jQuery(\"#dup-remove-installer-files-btn\").click()'>%s</a><br/>", esc_html__('Remove Installation Files Now!', 'duplicator') ); printf( "2. <a href='https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/duplicator/reviews/?filter=5' target='wporg'>%s</a> <br/> ", esc_html__('Optionally, Review Duplicator at WordPress.org...', 'duplicator') ); echo "<div class='pass-msg'>" . esc_html($msg2) . "</div>"; //All other Pages } else { $title = __('Migration Almost Complete!', 'duplicator'); $msg = __( 'Reserved Duplicator installation files have been detected in the root directory. Please delete these installation files to ' . 'avoid security issues. <br/> Go to: Duplicator > Tools > General > Information > Utils and click the "Remove Installation Files" button', 'duplicator' ); $nonce = wp_create_nonce('duplicator_cleanup_page'); $url = self_admin_url('admin.php?page=duplicator-tools&tab=diagnostics§ion=info&_wpnonce=' . $nonce); echo "<b>{$title}</b><br/> {$safe_html} {$msg}"; @printf("<br/><a href='{$url}'>%s</a>", __('Take me there now!', 'duplicator')); } echo "</p></div>"; } } /** * Shows a message for redirecting a page * * @param string $location The location to redirect to * * @return never */ public static function redirect($location) { echo '<div class="dup-redirect"><i class="fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin fa-fw"></i>'; esc_html__('Redirecting Please Wait...', 'duplicator'); echo '</div>'; echo "<script>window.location = '{$location}';</script>"; die(esc_html__('Invalid token permissions to perform this request.', 'duplicator')); } /** * Shows install deactivated function * * @return void */ public static function installAutoDeactivatePlugins() { $reactivatePluginsAfterInstallation = get_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS_AFTER_INSTALL, false); $pluginsToActive = get_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS_AFTER_INSTALL, false); if (!is_array($pluginsToActive) || empty($pluginsToActive)) { return false; } $shouldBeActivated = array(); $allPlugins = get_plugins(); foreach ($pluginsToActive as $index => $pluginSlug) { if (!isset($allPlugins[$pluginSlug])) { unset($pluginsToActive[$index]); continue; } $isActive = is_plugin_active($pluginSlug); if (!$isActive && isset($allPlugins[$pluginSlug])) { $shouldBeActivated[$pluginSlug] = $allPlugins[$pluginSlug]['Name']; } else { unset($pluginsToActive[$index]); } } if (empty($shouldBeActivated)) { delete_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS_AFTER_INSTALL); return; } else { update_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS_AFTER_INSTALL, $pluginsToActive); } $activatePluginsAnchors = array(); foreach ($shouldBeActivated as $slug => $title) { $activateURL = wp_nonce_url(admin_url('plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $slug), 'activate-plugin_' . $slug); $anchorTitle = sprintf(esc_html__('Activate %s', 'duplicator'), $title); $activatePluginsAnchors[] = '<a href="' . $activateURL . '" title="' . esc_attr($anchorTitle) . '">' . $title . '</a>'; } ?> <div class="update-nag duplicator-plugin-activation-admin-notice notice notice-warning duplicator-admin-notice is-dismissible" data-to-dismiss="<?php echo esc_attr(self::OPTION_KEY_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS_AFTER_INSTALL); ?>" > <p> <?php echo "<b>" . esc_html__("Warning!", "duplicator") . "</b> " . esc_html__("Migration Almost Complete!", "duplicator") . " <br/>"; echo esc_html__( "Plugin(s) listed here have been deactivated during installation to help prevent issues. Please activate them to finish this migration: ", "duplicator" ) . "<br/>"; echo implode(' ,', $activatePluginsAnchors); ?> </p> </div> <?php } /** * Shows feedback notices after certain no. of packages successfully created. * * @return void */ public static function showFeedBackNotice() { $notice_id = 'rate_us_feedback'; if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { return; } $notices = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), DUPLICATOR_ADMIN_NOTICES_USER_META_KEY, true); if (empty($notices)) { $notices = array(); } $duplicator_pages = array( 'toplevel_page_duplicator', 'duplicator_page_duplicator-tools', 'duplicator_page_duplicator-settings', 'duplicator_page_duplicator-gopro', ); if (!in_array(get_current_screen()->id, $duplicator_pages) || (isset($notices[$notice_id]) && 'true' === $notices[$notice_id])) { return; } // not using DUP_Util::getTablePrefix() in place of $tablePrefix because AdminNotices included initially (Duplicator\Lite\Requirement // is depended on the AdminNotices) $tablePrefix = (is_multisite() && is_plugin_active_for_network('duplicator/duplicator.php')) ? $GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix : $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix; $packagesCount = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_var('SELECT count(id) FROM ' . $tablePrefix . 'duplicator_packages WHERE status=100'); if ($packagesCount < DUPLICATOR_FEEDBACK_NOTICE_SHOW_AFTER_NO_PACKAGE) { return; } $notices[$notice_id] = 'false'; update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), DUPLICATOR_ADMIN_NOTICES_USER_META_KEY, $notices); $dismiss_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg(array( 'action' => 'duplicator_set_admin_notice_viewed', 'notice_id' => esc_attr($notice_id), ), admin_url('admin-post.php')), 'duplicator_set_admin_notice_viewed', 'nonce' ); ?> <div class="notice updated duplicator-message duplicator-message-dismissed" data-notice_id="<?php echo esc_attr($notice_id); ?>"> <div class="duplicator-message-inner"> <div class="duplicator-message-icon"> <img src="<?php echo esc_url(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_URL . "assets/img/logo.png"); ?>" style="text-align:top; margin:0; height:60px; width:60px;" alt="Duplicator"> </div> <div class="duplicator-message-content"> <p> <strong> <?php echo __('Congrats!', 'duplicator'); ?> </strong> <?php printf( esc_html__( 'You created over %d backups with Duplicator. Great job! If you can spare a minute, please help us by leaving a five star review on WordPress.org.', 'duplicator' ), DUPLICATOR_FEEDBACK_NOTICE_SHOW_AFTER_NO_PACKAGE ); ?> </p> <p class="duplicator-message-actions"> <a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/duplicator/reviews/?filter=5/#new-post" target="_blank" class="button button-primary duplicator-notice-rate-now" > <?php esc_html_e("Sure! I'd love to help", 'duplicator'); ?> </a> <a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw($dismiss_url); ?>" class="button duplicator-notice-dismiss"> <?php esc_html_e('Hide Notification', 'duplicator'); ?> </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <?php } /** * Shows a display message in the wp-admin if the logged in user role has not export capability * * @return void */ public static function showNoExportCapabilityNotice() { if (is_admin() && in_array('administrator', $GLOBALS['current_user']->roles) && !current_user_can('export')) { $faqUrl = esc_url(LinkManager::getDocUrl( 'how-to-resolve-duplicator-plugin-user-interface-ui-issues', 'admin_notice', 'duplicator menu missing' )); $errorMessage = __( '<strong>Duplicator</strong><hr> Your logged-in user role does not have export capability so you don\'t have access to Duplicator functionality.', 'duplicator' ) . "<br>" . sprintf( _x( '<strong>RECOMMENDATION:</strong> Add export capability to your role. See FAQ: ' . '%1$sWhy is the Duplicator/Packages menu missing from my admin menu?%2$s', '%1$s and %2$s are <a> tags', 'duplicator' ), '<a target="_blank" href="' . $faqUrl . '">', '</a>' ); self::displayGeneralAdminNotice($errorMessage, self::GEN_ERROR_NOTICE, true); } } /** * display genral admin notice by printing it * * @param string $htmlMsg html code to be printed * @param integer $noticeType constant value of SELF::GEN_ * @param boolean $isDismissible whether the notice is dismissable or not. Default is true * @param array|string $extraClasses add more classes to the notice div * * @return void */ public static function displayGeneralAdminNotice($htmlMsg, $noticeType, $isDismissible = true, $extraClasses = array()) { if (empty($extraClasses)) { $classes = array(); } elseif (is_array($extraClasses)) { $classes = $extraClasses; } else { $classes = array($extraClasses); } $classes[] = 'notice'; switch ($noticeType) { case self::GEN_INFO_NOTICE: $classes[] = 'notice-info'; break; case self::GEN_SUCCESS_NOTICE: $classes[] = 'notice-success'; break; case self::GEN_WARNING_NOTICE: $classes[] = 'notice-warning'; break; case self::GEN_ERROR_NOTICE: $classes[] = 'notice-error'; break; default: throw new Exception('Invalid Admin notice type!'); } if ($isDismissible) { $classes[] = 'is-dismissible'; } $classesStr = implode(' ', $classes); ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($classesStr); ?>"> <p> <?php if (self::GEN_ERROR_NOTICE == $noticeType) { ?> <i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'></i> <?php } ?> <?php echo $htmlMsg; ?> </p> </div> <?php } }