Current Path : /home1/savoy/sportsmeet.net/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Aggregator/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : /home1/savoy/sportsmeet.net/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Aggregator/Cron.php |
<?php // Don't load directly defined( 'WPINC' ) or die; use Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records as Records; // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnquotedComplexPlaceholder,WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared class Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Cron { /** * Action where the cron will run, on schedule * @var string */ public static $action = 'tribe_aggregator_cron'; /** * Action where the cron will run, if enqueued manually * @var string */ public static $single_action = 'tribe_aggregator_single_cron'; /** * Limit of Requests to our servers * @var int */ private $limit = 25; /** * A Boolean holding if this Cron is Running * @var boolean */ private $is_running = false; /** * Static Singleton Holder * * @var self */ private static $instance; /** * Static Singleton Factory Method * * @return self */ public static function instance() { if ( ! self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * Setup all the hooks and filters * * @return void */ private function __construct() { // Register the base cron schedule add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'action_register_cron' ] ); // Register the Required Cron Schedules add_filter( 'cron_schedules', [ $this, 'filter_add_cron_schedules' ] ); // Check for imports on cron action add_action( self::$action, [ $this, 'run' ] ); add_action( self::$single_action, [ $this, 'run' ] ); // Decreases limit after each Request, runs late for security add_filter( 'pre_http_request', [ $this, 'filter_check_http_limit' ], 25, 3 ); // Add the Actual Process to run on the Action add_action( 'tribe_aggregator_cron_run', [ $this, 'verify_child_record_creation' ], 5 ); add_action( 'tribe_aggregator_cron_run', [ $this, 'verify_fetching_from_service' ], 15 ); add_action( 'tribe_aggregator_cron_run', [ $this, 'start_batch_pushing_records' ], 20 ); add_action( 'tribe_aggregator_cron_run', [ $this, 'purge_expired_records' ], 25 ); } /** * Frequencies in which a Scheduled import can Happen * * @param array $search Search on existing schedules with `array_intersect_assoc` * * @return array|stdClass */ public function get_frequency( $search = [] ) { $search = wp_parse_args( $search, [] ); /** * Allow developers to filter to add or remove schedules * @param array $schedules */ $found = $schedules = apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_record_frequency', [ (object) [ 'id' => 'on_demand', 'interval' => false, 'text' => esc_html_x( 'On Demand', 'aggregator schedule frequency', 'the-events-calendar' ), ], (object) [ 'id' => 'every30mins', 'interval' => MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 30, 'text' => esc_html_x( 'Every 30 Minutes', 'aggregator schedule frequency', 'the-events-calendar' ), ], (object) [ 'id' => 'hourly', 'interval' => HOUR_IN_SECONDS, 'text' => esc_html_x( 'Hourly', 'aggregator schedule frequency', 'the-events-calendar' ), ], (object) [ 'id' => 'daily', 'interval' => DAY_IN_SECONDS, 'text' => esc_html_x( 'Daily', 'aggregator schedule frequency', 'the-events-calendar' ), ], (object) [ 'id' => 'weekly', 'interval' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS, 'text' => esc_html_x( 'Weekly', 'aggregator schedule frequency', 'the-events-calendar' ), ], (object) [ 'id' => 'monthly', 'interval' => DAY_IN_SECONDS * 30, 'text' => esc_html_x( 'Monthly', 'aggregator schedule frequency', 'the-events-calendar' ), ], ] ); if ( ! empty( $search ) ) { $found = []; foreach ( $schedules as $i => $schedule ) { // Check if the search matches this schedule $intersect = array_intersect_assoc( $search, (array) $schedule ); // Modify the found array if something was discovered if ( ! empty( $intersect ) ) { $found[] = $schedule; } } } // If there is only return the only one return count( $found ) === 1 ? reset( $found ) : $found; } /** * Register the base frequency on WP cron system * * @return void */ public function action_register_cron() { // if the service isn't active, don't do anything if ( ! tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { return; } // If we have an cron scheduled we bail if ( wp_next_scheduled( self::$action ) ) { return; } // Fetch the initial Date and Hour $date = date( 'Y-m-d H' ); // Based on the Minutes construct a wp_cron $minutes = (int) date( 'i' ); // Get minutes / 15 with no remainder. $minutes = intdiv( $minutes, 15 ) * 15; // Format it & insert into date string. Add 0 seconds. $date .= sprintf( ':%02d', $minutes ) . ':00'; // Fetch the last half hour as a timestamp $start_timestamp = strtotime( $date ); // randomize the time by plus/minus 0-5 minutes $random_minutes = ( mt_rand( -5, 5 ) * 60 ); $start_timestamp += $random_minutes; $current_time = time(); // if the start timestamp is older than RIGHT NOW, set it for 5 minutes from now. if ( $current_time > $start_timestamp ) { $start_timestamp = $current_time + absint( $random_minutes ); } // Now add an action once every fifteen minutes. wp_schedule_event( $start_timestamp, 'tribe-every15mins', self::$action ); } /** * Adds the Frequency to WP cron schedules * Instead of having cron be scheduled to specific times, we will check every 30 minutes * to make sure we can insert without having to expire cache. * * @param array $schedules Current list of schedules. * * @return array Modified list of schedules. */ public function filter_add_cron_schedules( $schedules = [] ) { // Ensure schedules is an array. $schedules = is_array( $schedules ) ? $schedules : []; // Adds the Min frequency to WordPress cron schedules $schedules['tribe-every15mins'] = [ 'interval' => MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 15, 'display' => esc_html_x( 'Every 15 minutes', 'aggregator schedule frequency', 'the-events-calendar' ), ]; return $schedules; } /** * Allows us to Prevent too many of our Requests to be fired at on single Cron Job * * @param boolean $run Shouldn't trigger the call * @param array $request The Request that was made * @param string $url To which URL * * @return boolean|array|object */ public function filter_check_http_limit( $run = false, $request = null, $url = null ) { // We bail if it's not a CRON job if ( ! defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) || ! DOING_CRON ) { return $run; } // If someone changed this already we bail, it's not going to be fired if ( false !== $run ) { return $run; } // Bail if it wasn't done inside of the Actual Cron task if ( true !== $this->is_running ) { return $run; } $service = tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' ); // If the Domain is not we just keep the same answer if ( 0 !== strpos( $url, $service->api()->domain ) ) { return $run; } // If we already reached 0 we throw an error if ( $this->limit <= 0 ) { // Schedule a Cron Event to happen ASAP, and flag it for searching and we need to make it unique // By default WordPress won't allow more than one Action to happen twice in 10 minutes wp_schedule_single_event( time(), self::$single_action ); return tribe_error( 'core:aggregator:http_request-limit', [ 'request' => $request, 'url' => $url ] ); } // Lower the Limit $this->limit--; // Return false to make the Actual Request Run return $run; } /** * A Wrapper method to run the Cron Tasks here * * @return void */ public function run() { // if the service isn't active, don't do anything if ( ! tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { return; } // if the service has been disabled by the user don't do anything if ( true === tribe_get_option( 'tribe_aggregator_disable', false ) ) { return; } // Flag that we are running the Task $this->is_running = true; /** * Have a hook be Fired, to allow Priorities to be changed and other methods to be hooked */ do_action( 'tribe_aggregator_cron_run' ); // Flag that we stopped running the Cron Task $this->is_running = false; } /** * Checks if any Child Record needs to be created, this will run on the Cron every 15m * * @since 4.3 * @return void */ public function verify_child_record_creation() { // if the service isn't active, don't do anything if ( ! tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { return; } $records = Records::instance(); $service = tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' ); $query = $records->query( [ 'post_status' => Records::$status->schedule, 'posts_per_page' => -1, ] ); if ( ! $query->have_posts() ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( 'No Records Scheduled, skipped creating children', 'EA Cron' ); return; } foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { $record = Records::instance()->get_by_post_id( $post ); if ( tribe_is_error( $record ) ) { continue; } if ( $record instanceof Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Unsupported ) { /** * This means the record post exists but the origin is not currently supported. * To avoid re-looping on this let's trash this post and continue. */ $record->delete(); continue; } if ( ! $record->is_schedule_time() ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) skipped, not scheduled time', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } if ( $record->get_child_record_by_status( 'pending', -1, [ 'after' => time() - 4 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ] ) ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) skipped, has pending child(ren)', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } // if there are no remaining imports for today, log that and skip if ( $service->is_over_limit( true ) ) { $import_limit = $service->get_limit( 'import' ); $service_template = $service->get_service_message( 'error:usage-limit-exceeded', [ $import_limit ] ); tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( $service_template . ' (%1$d)', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); $record->update_meta( 'last_import_status', 'error:usage-limit-exceeded' ); continue; } // Creating the child records based on this Parent $child = $record->create_child_record(); tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Creating child record %d for %d', $child->id, $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $child ) ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record %d was created as a child of %d', $child->id, $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); // Creates on the Service a Queue to Fetch the events $response = $child->queue_import(); tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Queueing import on EA Service for %d (child of %d)', $child->id, $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); if ( ! empty( $response->status ) ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( '%s — %s (%s)', $response->status, $response->message, $response->data->import_id ), 'EA Cron' ); $record->update_meta( 'last_import_status', 'success:queued' ); $this->maybe_process_immediately( $child ); } elseif ( is_numeric( $response ) ) { // it's the post ID of a rescheduled record tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'rescheduled — %s', $response ), 'EA Cron' ); $record->update_meta( 'last_import_status', 'queued' ); } else { $message = ''; if ( is_string( $response ) ) { $message = $response; } elseif ( is_object( $response ) || is_array( $response ) ) { $message = json_encode( $response ); } tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( 'Could not create Queue on Service, message is ' . $message, 'EA Cron' ); $record->update_meta( 'last_import_status', 'error:import-failed' ); } } else { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( $child->get_error_message(), 'EA Cron' ); $record->update_meta( 'last_import_status', 'error:import-failed' ); } } } /** * Start the processing of the scheduled imports created with batch pushing the cron job would select and start * the beginning of the batch delivery. * * @since 5.3.0 */ public function start_batch_pushing_records() { if ( ! tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { return; } $records = Records::instance(); $query = $this->get_batch_pushing_records(); if ( ! $query->have_posts() ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( 'No Pending Batch to be started', 'EA Cron' ); return; } tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( "Found {$query->found_posts} records", 'EA Cron' ); $cleaner = new Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Cleaner(); foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { $record = $records->get_by_post_id( $post ); if ( null === $record || tribe_is_error( $record ) ) { continue; } // Just double Check for CSV. if ( 'csv' === $record->origin ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) skipped, has CSV origin', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } $cleaner->set_stall_limit( HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 22 )->set_time_to_live( HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 23 ); $cleaner->remove_duplicate_pending_records_for( $record ); $failed = $cleaner->maybe_fail_stalled_record( $record ); if ( $failed ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Stalled record (%d) was skipped', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } $record->process_posts( [], true ); } } /** * Get the first set of pending schedule records to be processed for batch pushing. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @return WP_Query The result of the Query. */ private function get_batch_pushing_records() { return Records::instance()->query( [ 'post_status' => Records::$status->pending, 'posts_per_page' => 250, 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => [ 'origin-not-csv' => [ 'key' => '_tribe_aggregator_origin', 'value' => 'csv', 'compare' => '!=', ], 'batch-push-support-specified' => [ 'key' => '_tribe_aggregator_allow_batch_push', 'value' => true, 'compare' => '=', ], 'batch-not-queued' => [ 'key' => '_tribe_aggregator_batch_started', 'value' => 'bug #23268', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS', ], ], 'after' => '-4 hours', ] ); } /** * Checks if any record data needs to be fetched from the service, this will run on the Cron every 15m * * @since 4.3 * @return void */ public function verify_fetching_from_service() { // if the service isn't active, don't do anything if ( ! tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { return; } $records = Records::instance(); $query = $records->query( [ 'post_status' => Records::$status->pending, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => [ 'origin-not-csv' => [ 'key' => '_tribe_aggregator_origin', 'value' => 'csv', 'compare' => '!=', ], [ 'relation' => 'OR', // If not specified then assume batch push is not supported. 'no-batch-push-support-specified' => [ 'key' => '_tribe_aggregator_allow_batch_push', 'value' => 'bug #23268', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS', ], // If specified, and not `1`, then batch push is not supported. 'explicit-no-batch-push-support' => [ 'key' => '_tribe_aggregator_allow_batch_push', 'value' => '1', 'compare' => '!=', ], ], ], 'after' => '-4 hours', ] ); if ( ! $query->have_posts() ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( 'No Records Pending, skipped Fetching from service', 'EA Cron' ); return; } $count = count( $query->posts ); tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( "Found {$count} records", 'EA Cron' ); $cleaner = new Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Cleaner(); foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { $record = $records->get_by_post_id( $post ); if ( $record === null || tribe_is_error( $record ) ) { continue; } // Just double Check for CSV if ( 'csv' === $record->origin ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) skipped, has CSV origin', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } $cleaner->remove_duplicate_pending_records_for( $record ); $failed = $cleaner->maybe_fail_stalled_record( $record ); if ( $failed ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Stalled record (%d) was skipped', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } // Open a Queue to try to process the posts $queue = $record->process_posts(); if ( ! is_wp_error( $queue ) ) { /** @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Interface $queue */ tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) has processed queue ', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); if ( $queue instanceof Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Interface ) { $activity = $queue->activity()->get(); } else { // if fetching or on error $activity = $queue->get(); } foreach ( $activity as $key => $actions ) { foreach ( $actions as $action => $ids ) { if ( empty( $ids ) ) { continue; } tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( "\t" . '%s — %s: %s', $key, $action, implode( ', ', $ids ) ), 'EA Cron' ); } } } else { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) — %s', $record->id, $queue->get_error_message() ), 'EA Cron' ); } } } /** * @since 4.3.2 * @return void */ public function purge_expired_records() { global $wpdb; $records = Records::instance(); $statuses = Records::$status; $deletable_statuses = [ $statuses->pending, $statuses->success, $statuses->failed, $statuses->draft, ]; $date_threshold = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - $records->get_retention() ); // Check the constant to see if we should purge records using direct queries or not. $direct_deletion = defined( 'TEC_EVENT_AGGREGATOR_RECORDS_PURGE_DIRECT_DELETION' ) && TEC_EVENT_AGGREGATOR_RECORDS_PURGE_DIRECT_DELETION; /** * Filters whether to use direct deletion of Event Aggregator records during cleanup or not. * * Note the filtered value will override the value defined by the * `TEC_EVENT_AGGREGATOR_RECORDS_PURGE_DIRECT_DELETION` constant. * * @since 6.0.9 * * @param bool $direct_deletion Whether to use direct deletion of Event Aggregator records during cleanup or not. */ $direct_deletion = apply_filters( 'tec_event_aggregator_direct_record_deletion', $direct_deletion ); if ( $direct_deletion ) { $this->purge_expired_records_directly( $deletable_statuses, $date_threshold ); return; } $sql = " SELECT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} JOIN {$wpdb->posts} ON ID = post_id AND post_status = %s WHERE meta_key = %s "; // let's make sure we don't purge the most recent record for each import $records_to_retain = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $statuses->schedule, Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Abstract::$meta_key_prefix . 'recent_child' ) ); $args = [ 'post_status' => $deletable_statuses, 'date_query' => [ [ 'before' => $date_threshold, 'column' => 'post_date_gmt', ], ], 'order' => 'ASC', 'posts_per_page' => 100, ]; if ( $records_to_retain ) { $args['post__not_in'] = $records_to_retain; } $query = $records->query( $args ); if ( ! $query->have_posts() ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( 'No Records over retention limit, skipped pruning expired', 'EA Cron' ); return; } foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { $record = Records::instance()->get_by_post_id( $post ); if ( tribe_is_error( $record ) ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) skipped, original post non-existent', $post->ID ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } if ( ! $record->has_passed_retention_time() ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) skipped, not past retention time', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); continue; } $has_post = false; $deleted = false; // Creating the child records based on this Parent if ( ! empty( $record->id ) ) { $has_post = true; $deleted = wp_delete_post( $record->id, true ); } if ( $has_post ) { if ( $deleted ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) was pruned', $deleted->ID ), 'EA Cron' ); } else { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) was not pruned', $deleted ), 'EA Cron' ); } } else { tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Record (%d) did not have a `$record->id` so it did not require pruning', $deleted ), 'EA Cron' ); } } } /** * Tries to fetch the data for the scheduled import and immediately process it. * * @since 4.6.16 * * @param Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Abstract $record */ protected function maybe_process_immediately( Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Abstract $record ) { $import_data = $record->prep_import_data(); if ( empty( $import_data ) || $import_data instanceof WP_Error || ! is_array( $import_data ) ) { return; } tribe( 'logger' )->log_debug( sprintf( 'Import %s data available: processing immediately', $record->id ), 'EA Cron' ); $record->process_posts( $import_data, true ); } /** * Deletes expired records from the database using direct queries, bypassing the filters and actions associated * with WordPress posts functions. * * @since 6.0.9 * * @param array<string> $deletable_statuses The statuses to use to fetch the records that should be purged. * @param string $date_threshold The date threshold to use to determine if a record should be purged or not. * * @return int The number of records purged. */ private function purge_expired_records_directly( array $deletable_statuses, string $date_threshold ): int { global $wpdb; $deletable_statuses_interval = $wpdb->prepare( implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $deletable_statuses ), '%s' ) ), ...$deletable_statuses ); /* * Calculate how many of the post ID with the most digits would fit in the current database * `max_allowed_packet` value with some margin. */ $max_allowed_packet = (int) ( $wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT @@max_allowed_packet' ) ); if ( $max_allowed_packet > 1000 ) { // Fetch the ID with the most digits from the wp_posts table, aka the ID of the last post. $post_id = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1" ); $strlen = strlen( $post_id ) || 1; $dynamic_batch_size = (int) floor( ( $max_allowed_packet - 1000 ) / $strlen ); } // Set a default batch size of 100. $batch_size = empty( $dynamic_batch_size ) ? 100 : $dynamic_batch_size; // Set a maximum batch size of 50000. $batch_size = min( $batch_size, 50000 ); /** * Filters the number of records to be deleted in a single query when purging Event Aggregator records * using the direct deletion method. * * @since 6.0.9 * * @param int $batch_size The number of records to be deleted in a single query. Calculated from the current * `max_allowed_packet` value set in the database. */ $batch_size = apply_filters( 'tec_event_aggregator_direct_record_deletion_batch_size', $batch_size ); /* * Get the IDs to flush the cache for a number of IDs at a time, with a reasonable chance of not running * into the `max_allowed_packet` limit. * Do this before the records are deleted from the database. */ $records_post_ids = (array) $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT ID FROM %1$s WHERE post_type = "%2$s" AND post_status IN ( ' . $deletable_statuses_interval . ' ) AND post_date_gmt < "%3$s" ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT %4$d', $wpdb->posts, Records::$post_type, $date_threshold, $batch_size ) ); foreach ( $records_post_ids as $post_id ) { clean_post_cache( $post_id ); } // ORDER BY ID DESC is important here to make sure the run will insist on the same set of records. // Use a sub-query to avoid running into the max_allowed_packet limit. if ( $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( 'DELETE FROM %1$s WHERE comment_post_ID IN ( SELECT ID FROM %2$s WHERE post_type = "%3$s" AND post_status in ( ' . $deletable_statuses_interval . ' ) AND post_date_gmt < "%4$s" ORDER BY ID DESC ) LIMIT %5$d', $wpdb->comments, $wpdb->posts, Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::$post_type, $date_threshold, $batch_size ) ) === false ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_error( 'Failed to delete expired records comments using direct delete: ' . $wpdb->last_error, 'EA Cron' ); } codecept_debug( $wpdb->prepare( 'DELETE FROM %1$s WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT ID FROM %2$s WHERE post_type = "%3$s" AND post_status in ( ' . $deletable_statuses_interval . ' ) AND post_date_gmt < "%4$s" ORDER BY ID DESC ) LIMIT %5$d', $wpdb->postmeta, $wpdb->posts, Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::$post_type, $date_threshold, $batch_size ) ); // Use a sub-query to avoid running into the max_allowed_packet limit. if ( $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( 'DELETE FROM %1$s WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT ID FROM %2$s WHERE post_type = "%3$s" AND post_status in ( ' . $deletable_statuses_interval . ' ) AND post_date_gmt < "%4$s" ORDER BY ID DESC ) LIMIT %5$d', $wpdb->postmeta, $wpdb->posts, Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::$post_type, $date_threshold, $batch_size ) ) === false ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_error( 'Failed to delete expired records postmeta using direct delete: ' . $wpdb->last_error, 'EA Cron' ); } $deleted = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( 'DELETE FROM %1$s WHERE post_type = "%2$s" AND post_status in ( ' . $deletable_statuses_interval . ' ) AND post_date_gmt < "%3$s" ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT %4$d', $wpdb->posts, Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::$post_type, $date_threshold, $batch_size ) ); if ( $deleted === false ) { tribe( 'logger' )->log_error( 'Failed to delete expired records using direct delete: ' . $wpdb->last_error, 'EA Cron' ); } return $deleted; } }