Current Path : /home1/savoy/sportsmeet.net/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Aggregator/ |
Linux gator3171.hostgator.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64 |
Current File : /home1/savoy/sportsmeet.net/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Aggregator/Page.php |
<?php // Don't load directly defined( 'WPINC' ) or die; class Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Page { /** * Static Singleton Holder * * @var self|null */ private static $instance; /** * The page slug * @var string */ public static $slug = 'aggregator'; /** * Stores the Registered ID from `add_submenu_page` * * @var string */ public $ID; /** * Stores the Tabs Manager class * * @var null|Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Tabs */ public $tabs; /** * Static Singleton Factory Method * * @return self */ public static function instance() { if ( ! self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * A private method to prevent it to be created twice. * It will add the methods and setup any dependencies */ private function __construct() { $plugin = Tribe__Events__Main::instance(); add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'register_menu_item' ] ); add_action( 'current_screen', [ $this, 'action_request' ] ); add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'init' ] ); // check if the license is valid each time the page is accessed add_action( 'tribe_aggregator_page_request', [ $this, 'check_for_license_updates' ] ); // filter the plupload default settings to remove mime type restrictions add_filter( 'plupload_default_settings', [ $this, 'filter_plupload_default_settings' ] ); // Setup Tabs Instance $this->tabs = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Tabs::instance(); tribe_notice( 'tribe-aggregator-legacy-import-plugins-active', [ $this, 'notice_legacy_plugins', ], 'type=warning' ); } public function init() { $plugin = Tribe__Events__Main::instance(); $localize_data_callback = static function() { $localize_data = [ 'csv_column_mapping' => [ 'events' => get_option( 'tribe_events_import_column_mapping_events', [] ), 'organizer' => get_option( 'tribe_events_import_column_mapping_organizers', [] ), 'venue' => get_option( 'tribe_events_import_column_mapping_venues', [] ), ], 'l10n' => [ 'all_day' => __( 'All Day', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'am' => _x( 'AM', 'Meridian: am', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'pm' => _x( 'PM', 'Meridian: pm', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'preview_timeout' => __( 'The preview is taking longer than expected. Please try again in a moment.', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'preview_fetch_error_prefix' => __( 'There was an error fetching the results from your import:', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'preview_fetch_warning_prefix' => __( 'A warning was generated while fetching the results from your import:', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'import_all' => __( 'Import All (%d)', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'import_all_no_number' => __( 'Import All', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'import_checked' => __( 'Import Checked (%d)', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'create_schedule' => __( 'Save Scheduled Import', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'edit_save' => __( 'Save Changes', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'events_required_for_manual_submit' => __( 'Your import must include at least one event', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'no_results' => __( 'Your preview doesn\'t have any records to import.', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'verify_schedule_delete' => __( 'Removing this scheduled import will stop automatic imports from the source. No events will be deleted.', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'view_filters' => __( 'View Filters', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'hide_filters' => __( 'Hide Filters', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'preview_polling' => [ __( 'Please wait while your preview is fetched.', 'the-events-calendar' ), __( 'Please continue to wait while your preview is generated.', 'the-events-calendar' ), __( 'If all goes according to plan, you will have your preview in a few moments.', 'the-events-calendar' ), __( 'Your preview is taking a bit longer than expected, but it <i>is</i> still being generated.', 'the-events-calendar' ), ], 'debug' => defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && true === WP_DEBUG, ], 'default_settings' => tribe( 'events-aggregator.settings' )->get_all_default_settings(), 'source_origin_regexp' => tribe( 'events-aggregator.settings' )->get_source_origin_regexp(), ]; /** * Filters the CSV column mapping output * * @param array $mapping Mapping data indexed by CSV import type */ $localize_data['csv_column_mapping'] = apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_csv_column_mapping', $localize_data['csv_column_mapping'] ); /** * filters the whole array that will be localized for event aggregator. * * @param array $localize_data */ $localize_data = apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_localized_data', $localize_data ); return $localize_data; }; // Load these on all the pages tribe_assets( $plugin, [ [ 'tribe-ea-fields', 'aggregator-fields.js', [ 'jquery', 'tribe-datatables', 'underscore', 'tribe-bumpdown', 'tribe-dependency', 'tribe-events-admin', 'tribe-events-bootstrap-datepicker', 'tribe-dropdowns', ], ], ], 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ 'conditionals' => [ [ $this, 'is_screen' ], ], 'localize' => (object) [ 'name' => 'tribe_aggregator', 'data' => $localize_data_callback, ], ] ); tribe_asset( $plugin, 'tribe-ea-styles', 'aggregator-page.css', [ 'datatables-css' ], 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ 'conditionals' => [ 'operator' => 'OR', [ $this, 'is_screen' ], [ $this, 'aggregator_should_load_scripts' ], ], ] ); tribe_asset( $plugin, 'tribe-ea-notice', 'aggregator-notice.js', [ 'jquery' ], 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ 'conditionals' => [ 'operator' => 'OR', [ $this, 'is_screen' ], [ $this, 'aggregator_should_load_scripts' ], ] ] ); } /** * Filter the plupload media settings to remove mime_type restrictions * * Even though .ics is in the default extension list for supported mime types, * Safari ignores that fact. Let's not restrict the extensions (much like the * Dashboard's Add New Media page) * * @param array $settings Plupload settings * * @return array */ public function filter_plupload_default_settings( $settings ) { if ( ! $this->is_screen() ) { return $settings; } if ( isset( $settings['filters']['mime_types'] ) ) { $extensions = [ 'csv', // comma-separated values 'xls', // Excel 97- Excel 2003 Workbook 'xlsx', // Excel Workbook ]; if ( tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' )->is_service_active() ) { $extensions[] = 'ics'; } $settings['filters']['mime_types'] = [ [ 'extensions' => implode( ',', $extensions ), ], ]; } return $settings; } /** * Hooked to `current_screen` allow tabs and other parts of the plugin to hook to aggregator before rendering any headers * * @param WP_Screen $screen Variable from `current_screen` * * @return bool */ public function action_request( $screen ) { if ( ! $this->is_screen() ) { return false; } /** * Fires an Action to allow Form actions to be hooked to */ return do_action( 'tribe_aggregator_page_request' ); } /** * Basically an edited version of is_screen(), below, * that allows for loading on all non-post edit admin pages. * * @since * * @return boolean */ public function aggregator_should_load_scripts() { global $current_screen; // Doing AJAX? bail. if ( tribe( 'context' )->doing_ajax() ) { return false; } if ( ! ( $current_screen instanceof WP_Screen ) ) { return false; } // Don't load on post edit screens - can conflict with other datepickers. if ( $current_screen->base === 'post' || $current_screen->base === 'post-new') { return false; } /** * Allows for selective disabling of script loading. * * @since * * @param boolean $should_load Whether the scripts should load. Default true if we got here */ return apply_filters( 'aggregator_should_load_scripts', true ); } /** * Checks if we are on the correct screen. * * @return boolean */ public function is_screen() { global $current_screen; // Not in the admin we don't even care if ( ! is_admin() ) { return false; } // Doing AJAX? bail. if ( tribe( 'context' )->doing_ajax() ) { return false; } if ( ! ( $current_screen instanceof WP_Screen ) ) { return false; } return ! empty( $this->ID ) && $current_screen->id === $this->ID; } /** * Checks if the license is still valid once the aggregator page * is accessed. * * @since 4.6.19 * * @return void */ public function check_for_license_updates() { $aggregator = tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' ); $aggregator->pue_checker->check_for_updates(); } /** * Returns the main admin settings URL. * * @param array|string $args Query String or Array with the arguments * @param boolean $relative Return a relative URL or absolute * * @return string */ public function get_url( $args = [], $relative = false ) { $defaults = [ 'page' => self::$slug, 'post_type' => Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE, ]; // Allow the link to be "changed" on the fly $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); // Base relative URL $url = 'edit.php'; // Keep the URL as a Relative one if ( ! $relative ) { $url = admin_url( $url ); } // Add the Arguments $url = add_query_arg( $args, $url ); /** * Allow users to filter the Admin Page URL * * @param string $url * @param array $args */ $url = apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_admin_page', $url, $args ); return $url; } /** * Gets the Menu label for the Aggregator * * @return string */ public function get_menu_label() { return __( 'Import', 'the-events-calendar' ); } /** * Gets the Page title for the Aggregator * * @return string */ public function get_page_title() { return __( 'Events Import', 'the-events-calendar' ); } /** * Register the Sub Menu item for this page * * @return string Page ID on WordPress */ public function register_menu_item() { $cpt = get_post_type_object( Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE ); $this->ID = add_submenu_page( $this->get_url( [ 'page' => null ], true ), esc_html( $this->get_page_title() ), esc_html( $this->get_menu_label() ), $cpt->cap->publish_posts, self::$slug, [ $this, 'render' ] ); return $this->ID; } /** * A very simple method to include a Aggregator Template, allowing filtering and additions using hooks. * * @param string $name Which file we are talking about including- * @param array $data Any context data you need to expose to this file. * @param boolean $echo If we should also print the Template. * * @return string Final Content HTML */ public function template( $name, $data = [], $echo = true ) { // Clean this Variable $name = array_map( 'sanitize_title_with_dashes', (array) explode( '/', $name ) ); $file = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->plugin_path; $file .= 'src/admin-views/aggregator/' . implode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $name ) . '.php'; /** * A more Specific Filter that will include the template name * * @since 4.3 * * @param string $file Complete path to include the PHP File. * @param array $name Template name. * @param array $data The Data that will be used on this template. * * @return string $file Complete path to include the PHP File */ $file = apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_template_file', $file, $name, $data ); if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { return false; } ob_start(); /** * Fires an Action before including the template file * * @param string $file Complete path to include the PHP File * @param string $name Template name * @param array $data The Data that will be used on this template */ do_action( 'tribe_aggregator_template_before_include', $file, $name, $data ); // Make any provided variables available in the template's symbol table if ( is_array( $data ) ) { extract( $data ); } include $file; /** * Fires an Action After including the template file * * @param string $file Complete path to include the PHP File * @param string $name Template name * @param array $data The Data that will be used on this template */ do_action( 'tribe_aggregator_template_after_include', $file, $name, $data ); $html = ob_get_clean(); /** * Allow users to filter the final HTML * * @param string $html The final HTML * @param string $file Complete path to include the PHP File * @param string $name Template name * @param array $data The Data that will be used on this template */ $html = apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_template_html', $html, $file, $name, $data ); if ( $echo ) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * A simple shortcut to render the Template for the page * * @return string */ public function render() { return $this->template( 'page' ); } public function notice_legacy_plugins() { if ( ! Tribe__Admin__Helpers::instance()->is_screen() ) { return false; } $aggregator = tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' ); if ( ! $aggregator->is_service_active() ) { return false; } $ical_active = $aggregator->is_legacy_ical_active(); $facebook_active = $aggregator->is_legacy_facebook_active(); if ( ! $ical_active && ! $facebook_active ) { return false; } $active = []; if ( $facebook_active ) { $active[] = '<b>' . esc_html__( 'Facebook Events', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</b>'; } if ( $ical_active ) { $active[] = '<b>' . esc_html__( 'iCal Importer', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</b>'; } ob_start(); ?> <p> <?php printf( esc_html( _n( 'It looks like you are using our legacy plugin, %1$s, along with our new Event Aggregator service. Event Aggregator includes all the features of the legacy plugin plus enhanced functionality. For best results, please deactivate %1$s.', 'It looks like you are using our legacy plugins, %1$s and %2$s, along with our new Event Aggregator service. Event Aggregator includes all the features of the legacy plugins plus enhanced functionality. For best results, please deactivate %1$s and %2$s.', count( $active ), 'the-events-calendar' ) ), $active[0], isset( $active[1] ) ? $active[1] : '' ); ?> </p> <p> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Manage Active Plugins', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?></a> </p> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); return Tribe__Admin__Notices::instance()->render( 'tribe-aggregator-legacy-import-plugins-active', $html ); } }